She'd Rather Eat Out Than Get Out Of Debt | Financial Audit

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hi my name is Mel I'm from San Antonio I'm 22 years old and this is financial audit but we do for a living in San Antonio right now two things but three things okay so first I'm a student I'm in grad school second I work remote for the Ford Motor Company on their talent acquisition team as a social media Co-op so only 20 hours there and then I also work at HEB as a personal shopper and then I also do like cross-functional and I work like 25 26 hours over there like every week okay so what are you bringing in from each position um around 300 a week from HEB and then around 850 to 900 um twice a month with Ford okay sorry that was a lot that was a lot is that those are our pre-taxes uh after tax after tax for both those yeah okay so 1700 from Ford and it was 300 a week yeah it depends on how many hours I work but that's usually how much should I bring back a week they pay me weekly about an extra thirteen hundred yeah a month yeah okay so 22 did you just get out of college did you not go to college what was that situation it did so I got my undergrad uh last May in what in marketing and now you're bringing home take home three thousand dollars a month yeah is what's in your account you're seeing yes okay so 22 3 000 hours a month or 36 000 a year post tax and contributions and everything like that deductions all that good stuff yeah you know not terrible for right after graduation but how do you feel I feel like I could do better and I haven't started in a 401k or anything like that any reason why no I just haven't I know that's as well but you just haven't because I guess okay one of my jobs offers it I just need to sign up I just haven't signed up for it so and they match I I've just been lazy why is this fourth position on a full-time position for you um you know what that's a good question I started uh almost four yeah four months ago so I think it's just like a trial because there's another girl that's full time now and she started as a co-op so I think it's just trying to see how it goes um but I have it as a part-time because I wasn't sure how demanding grad school would be but now I feel like I can handle a full-time job now oh okay yeah so I wanted uh I guess the flexibility to cut back hours if I had to so I have for sure like forward pays my bills so I'm trying to go into a career position right now I mean it's in my field what would grad school be for eign books a month I'm curious what's the tuition um um 12 000 a year thirteen thousand so why aren't you cash flowing up wouldn't you really paying for it yeah yeah I don't want to feel the pain of it right now what I don't want to feel the pain I mean there's no interest on my loans what is you don't want to feel the pain but you're just like delaying like an ultra large tumor that has to get removed eventually instead of just dealing with it now true it was letting it grow yeah and nothing's gonna be forgiven okay well if I work for the government okay well I'm looking at that what the 10-year forgiveness program and even then I've seen like sketchy records or like success rates and stuff because you got to be absolutely perfect and then apply for it you can't accidentally you know like forget to make a payment is that what you're saying yeah like all you do is one little mess up oh in that 10 years yeah between nine and a half years yeah and then whoops because I changed checking accounts and something either way okay well good point um so I just pulled out my last loan so I'm planning to be done by next May so I don't have to pull out anything okay well what upsets me okay give yourself a score zero out of ten where do you think you are financially I feel like I'm a five okay so what upsets me is why are we taking out student loan debt when you could be cash flowing this and it's in San Antonio so it's a relatively cheaper city as far as cities go yeah and the tuition you could cash flow you could have rent you could do things we'd be living you know certainly not luxurious but you could cash flow and then a lot of the things that I went through here kind of upset me that you're taking out student loans and then doing the things that you're doing um so why do we so we have a like alone here yeah of two thousand dollars I don't even know what this is and what's this for what is this it was a uh for credit card consolidation okay okay so I got a credit card at 19 18 and I want I needed a a Macbook okay I didn't need a Macbook I needed a computer for school and I got like their card there was no interest on it and I was just doing minimum payments this was before I knew about credit cards and stuff this was before I was just paying the minimum and then I realized the year was gonna the two-year Mark was gonna come up and they started charging interest and then I started using the credit card and it was just too much so I just used that loan to pay off all my credit cards okay yeah because the yeah you better paid off these when did you do this I did that like two a year and a half ago two years ago oh yeah I can see how it was tempting at that time because if you're interested in or not we could have just paid this off yeah in fact I see no reason why you're not paying this off because it's at over 10 interest 90 a month it's really no reason for this to exist yeah a little confused there's no reason for this to exist and there's no reason for you to be taking off student loans okay sure now okay here's something you pay off your credit cards now yeah now I do kind of kind of well we'll get to one of them but oh okay yeah yeah but what's stupid is you're taking out student loans how much are you taking out a semester are you taking it all out or are you catching on any of it no okay well this past this coming semester I took out 20 000. what was the annual tuition it was 10 something well um with books and all that uh books were at did not double it I went through college I did the books they did not take it from attendance okay for a semester it should have been five right if you said it was ten something for an annual tuition like 12. okay but how do we get to 20 for a semester well no no for two for a whole year okay okay so how do we get to 20 again did you borrow for your like I borrowed for the whole year next year but I get it but how do we go from 12 to 20 though oh oh and yes I do know books cost money and if that was which again cash flow but if you could it's uh because I'm taking four grad classes next semester and then three of them are in the evening and I'm worried that I won't get enough hours or my schedule will fit me to get enough hours at egb you know what I'm saying because I work evening what's that the excuse for what are you trying to excuse with that oh in case I need to pull up need money to like pay bills okay I see what you're saying there but that will not excuse the next thing we're going into oh okay but before we do that you also have no excuse to not hit the Subscribe button because you should subscribe and we're so close to 500 000 subscribers but okay so we're doing we're not we're not paying for uh school right now and cash flow and we're borrowing because you know we might need money okay we might need money as she goes and spends 500 on both immediately this makes no sense you're getting coffee getting Burgers we're getting uh some crap from the gas station because that was not enough money for gas in the invented family and Starbucks in canva and some scorpion place and another restaurant in Lyft rides in midnight indoordash and social spa and Discovery Plus in Chick-fil-A and Alta and First Watch and Disney Plus yeah so we can't pay for school because we and we need to set money aside just in case we don't have another job yet your money you're going and spending dumb both money stupid money oh I go out once a week it's a week that is not once a week I don't know what you consider going out guess what there's like four weeks in a month how many things did I just name off what I didn't realize how bad it was do you budget I try okay so you don't budge no not really I just pay off my card and I make sure I have no okay my way of budgeting there is no excuse anymore again this is why I was immediately upset with you taking out student loans if we're doing this on a monthly weekly daily basis why are you taking out debt you know that translates to you taking out debt so you can continue to spend this or else this money you'd be living on you know packed lunches every single day and you'd be paying for school and living in a meh you know uh studio apartment yeah what's your logic here what's happening I don't even know honestly uh I just okay my way of budgeting is I have two savings three savings accounts one of them is for my rent utilities I have another one for like I know monthly okay monthly expenses and then I have a money Plus account that actually like I don't touch the money I try not to okay so out of your three savings accounts one is for savings yeah the other two how much is in that money Plus account like six thousand eight hundred six thousand eight hundred yes okay so if you already have like a baseline emergency fund saved up why the are you not just paying for school dude you make the money to do it if you were in a situation where you weren't making the money to do it we can have that conversation but you are and you're choosing for it to go to Bulls [Music] we have a checking account let's see what you do in your checking account okay let's do an apple cash 101 dollars who knows where that went and Cherry Technologies you go to well you know now that you said you work at HEB I'm no longer thinking these HEB things are all groceries anymore I think you're picking up some crap there too picking up some like drinks and stuff because you go to 18 every second of your life yeah I get like water when yeah I get like electrolyte water breaks happening stuff on here paying towards cards Nordstrom 75 you need to get 75 on Nordstrom when we're taking out loans for school that was from my mom that was Mother's Day I used my Nordstrom card be like hey Mom for Mother's Day I'm like going to school in cash flowing it and then I'm gonna have an awesome life so you don't have to take care of me happy Mother's Day I'm trying to live life over here yeah you needed to go hundred ten dollars nails I paid for my mom too well I paid for her and me but it was her birthday it was her birthday it was my birthday too you know it's birthdays happy birthday stop having student loans what you get cash app and a lot who's sending you money cash app oh that's HEB I have my ATB direct deposit to my cash app so it gets to me faster Apple cash is always going out oh because I used to use Zell but that's for like utilities and stuff with my because I I live with my boyfriend and we like split rent and utilities okay yeah and Alta I don't know what is this thing what is this mobile xfr Mobile Transfer is that what it is okay yeah that makes sense to where I don't know where that's going it might be from my savings it's one of my savings accounts scrub-a-doo car necessary when you're not when you can't even pay for school come on oh it just transfers back and forth transfers back and forth and application transfers and transfers and transfers this is an absolute Mass yeah it's a lot of transformation Starbucks yeah we need to be doing that again the HEB dollar two dollars this is all stacking up it's constant constant constant um so this goes up yeah so bounce only 102 in your checking account um and we need to be spending that money like that is that what we need to be doing I mean I try to leave myself with at least 150 a week that's my budget a week on just like groceries and gas you were spending well more than that with both the accounts we looked at combined already yeah and we have more accounts to go you spell went well beyond that all right all right imprint an HEB card you get five percent cash back okay I pay it off then yeah you do 20 yeah but then you favored Subway it's the most expensive way to get the food I know I try not to I've never had the worst collection of ingredients ever put in my mouth and then you favored it which is kind of like doordash but only in Texas and it's like a stupid expensive version so again we're doing twenty dollars towards I know Subway of all places I was lazy and yeah yeah lazy and lazy with your taste buds yeah and you couldn't again you're doing that but we're deciding to take out student loans for school this is one thing but out of everything that we've talked about it just continues to stack up to like like once every other day not once a week by the way like once every other day in terms of different purchases not necessarily all going out to eat but once every day in terms of stuff that is both that you did not need to have okay Barclays I don't I don't use it anymore yeah that's the one yeah that's the one that paid off yeah with that loan well he had a previous balance he did something and then you paid it off oh I don't know what it was yeah and then again why are we doing this bull this is stupid why do we do this if the synchrony card for American Eagle we have a 29 late fee why are we getting Starbucks why are we doing this bull why are we doing this bull if we have a late fee because we're not making a payment I forgot I rarely use it on auto I forgot that but I forgot about that I forgot I rarely use that card what's the point of even having credit cards if we're someone who gets late fees that's not my usual I'm usually on top of it I rarely use that card well guess what you also succumbed to 30 interest on it yeah I got that a long time ago what the car yeah the car just stop yeah why even put money on it if you're not gonna if you're not gonna pay it off again that makes you not a credit card person in that instance then Ikea so we zero percent finances from Ikea furniture yeah I'm trying to pay it off originally what did you get furniture for the apartment have you ever looked at Facebook Marketplace it's fantastic I did find one thing 37 minimum monthly payment zero percent interest for now okay not need to be doing this this is like the last thing we needed to be doing is new furniture and Ikea can be relatively affordable that's the last thing you needed to be doing yeah Bobby I paid 200 a month but I split that my boy I pay 100 and my boyfriend pays the other hundred so it's not all me so student loans I see between eight loans 36 386. yes so that's before I put out the recent twenty thousand so twenty thousand is the max that's all I'm gonna pull out I did not want to are those federals too yes so you took it from because you decided you wanted her both and just spend on whatever we only have view into one month but because you wanted to Bull you decided to take your loans from 50 36 000 to 56 000. what a choice to make what is this government job that you want to do what is this thing that you want to do it's consider okay so I'm looking at like any job I get like I'll be fine I get a full-time job I'm looking at student loans as like a car payment like there's no interest it's a good car payment it's a nice car what car payments don't have interest no I'm just saying like I have a car right now it's a good car it'll probably last me a while so I don't have to worry about that so I'm just looking at like my student loans as a car payment you know like I'll pay them in the future not right now and it's not too much money what what the what are you talking about and how in what worlds fifty thousand dollars not that much money it is a lot of money where do you come from is your family rich or something no then where in the world is fifty six thousand dollars not a lot of money well I look at it as a car it's a nice car I don't get this analogy that that's how I look at it I still don't get it yeah that's the way I look at it well okay but it's something that you know comes back to me in the future it's an investment okay now we could talk about it being an investment there are investments in towards in terms of spending money on the degree now you're taking out leverage to get the degree you're taking on Leverage for the degree and yes technically some degrees and you're getting an MBA that is a good map what did you get in your undergrad again marketing okay so I think in general sure maybe especially if it was more like around thirty thousand dollars but again you're actively choosing this is money that could have been going to it even if you just borrowed half let's just say for an example you borrowed half you're you're choosing to have gratification now so that you could kick the can down the road instead of just being a responsible adult and taking care of yourself so the this analogy you're using it doesn't justify these excuses that you're trying to have uh-huh feel the impact now I rarely feel the impact later but it's going to be a bigger impact yes it's going to be interesting even if it's only like five percent I only have one load I mean one loan with interest on it it's for like three percent for now for now for now yeah but at the end of August these are gonna have interest all of them well I'm not gonna have to pay them well not yet once you graduate well because I wanna I'm thinking about a PhD but I don't have to pay for that I don't have to pay they pay me to go to school but are you gonna be one of those people that then because they pay you to go to school but it's not that much you're gonna take out loans no no they pay for everything okay well again you will still have to pay for this at some point there will be interest on this oh yes I'm just hoping that I'll have a full-time job but are you gonna go to the first paid PhD for those tend to not have the return on investment no so I could teach too so I could teach and have a full-time job teaching handful what like be a professor at a like University and then also have a full-time job what so you're gonna work like what 60 80 hours a week that's what you want to do I don't mind it you've never done it no but I have professors that do it like they they were they are professors and they also have like a full-time job outside of their current job like there's a lot of professors that do it you don't even know what you want to do for a career outside of that because you're just like I just want a job what do you want to do I really want to go into like consumer research I like yeah that that's why I feel like the PHD would help because it's research so being like a market researcher doing like consumer analytics and stuff like that you're 100 doing the PhD I'm pretty sure because it's only 66 more credits so when would you be done in total 2026 2027 so I wasn't sure about it but then I saw it was only 66 credits after your MBA so I was like why why not and then well so you could actually start go making money and like live your life but yeah yeah because this doesn't have the return on investment monetarily typically but if what you wanted to do if you have that passion for teaching not necessarily against it as long as you are not taking out debt to do it yeah no I don't want to do any more debt like that's my Max if I'm not getting paid to to go to school then I'm not going to do it but most phds pay you if you go full time what is this car you have it's a F-150 year 2018. okay you're so small for a second but that's very Texan of you I know yeah there's no debt on it my parents pay for it okay and it's in their name yeah okay and they pay the insurance for now it's interesting yeah and you're on your parents health insurance as well yes it ends at 26. yep yeah which is a ways away um any other debts no so that's why I want to take advantage of this time and like have a budget do not even taking advantage of time you decided to take out debt you should you're right you should be taking advantage of this time yeah in Stack Up less debt yeah okay so you um your boyfriend what does he do he is a manager on Lackland Air Force Base for like the videography and photography okay yeah yeah so he makes money and he's done in school are you guys one is your obsession well because he got his degree in like photography like a fine arts and photography but he wants to go back for cloud computing so he's going to do that it's time to get certification he should get certified you know he told me that too but I don't know yeah anything Tech I would do like course careers or any other uh those are the ones that I work with but or any other uh thing as well if they want something out of what they offer okay but because again of my friend group the person who makes the most amount of money in my front group is someone who just has a certification okay in the tech field versus going and spending so much money and time in a four-year degree doesn't make sense yeah he could just go get this in six months he should 100 do that either way this isn't about him I'm just trying to figure out your living situation okay got it what's your portion of rent uh I pay 600. what about utilities and all that Goods uh about a hundred including the internet yes okay gas how much money are you spending gas in that big truck for no reason [Laughter] probably 40 a week so do you not drive much no my work is and I work remote and then the HEB is like 10 minutes away so 173 a month do you guys uh have like a group grocery bill no I pay for math huh I pay for my own groceries okay and he pays for his own groceries and then you guys cook supper yeah well because I'm I'm on a I'm okay so I have a trainer a personal trainer and she gives me a meal plan so I stick to that meal plan he doesn't like any oatmeal plant so okay yeah can you do your meal plan for 300 a month yeah yeah okay I think so you guys split like toilet paper spending and all that stuff yeah we do okay then I'm Gonna Give You fifty dollars for that 300 for groceries and that's right yes Miss uh Beauty and all that stuff you have fifty dollars a month fifty dollars a month that's for nails you have fifty dollars a month for all that crap okay because guess what you know what's more important than that right now yeah you getting out of your bowls and taking care of I'll give you a hundred okay thank you it's a toilet paper Nails whatever you need it's all done at home you're not paying other people come on come on okay we're done yeah no more okay okay any other monthly expenses you can think of car insurance that's taken care of from the family health insurance provides or like therapies or anything what do we have okay so I have 180 for the personal trainer a month and then eighty dollars for class pass what's that it's like a so basically you your subscription gives you a certain amount of credits and you get to like drop into like Fitness classes oh you spent a lot on Fitness yeah but depending where the budget is I'm definitely good with that and we certainly I'm okay with gyms and all that stuff just depending with where we are okay our budget will look and then debt minimum monthly payments right now is 126 18. it'll be above a thousand dollars with your student loans okay code a little bit close to a thousand but for now 126. it'd be about 8.50 let your students cooking a month for sure love no it'll be about 700 a month okay when you're student loans okay 650 to 700 I'm guessing Okay got it now again you did all this well having going out to eat almost 500 worth of times 500 yeah having the extra bills of which you know where are they going 267 dollars gas 128 so that actually fits with kind of what we were thinking subscriptions hundred seven dollars of stuff we're cutting those you don't do them boyfriend can take care of them you do not do them anymore uh I forgot one day what that the Cherry payment it's only for a couple more months it's 76.79 what is this for um okay so I got lip injections in February and I just didn't want to pay it all and then there was no interest on it so I'm just doing it monthly I know I use I used to you I used to use clarinet a lot um that's it I think yeah six hours for how long oh I think for a couple more months like four more months [Music] three or four we'll call it the unbalance yes that sounds about right [Music] so your debt is now 202 dollars you have a good starter emergency fund okay all right well it's needed for you to survive 1 735 and no you don't need to be doing the uh Apple cash hundred dollars North 775 Alta 65 Nails 110 Buffalo Exchange 142. uh Zamora 180. oh that was the personal training I thought so for a second so I looked at you immediately and then other Nails 97 we don't need to be doing that on a monthly basis okay I usually don't do that usually just 90. [Music] just past month was my birthday so it's needed to survive on a monthly basis and you have three thousand dollars there's no reason why again some of the money shouldn't be going to school there's no reason why you didn't have the the that you had to take out the twenty thousand dollars maybe you had to take out a little maybe half but not that twenty thousand dollars no reason why the Cherry shouldn't have been paid off no reason that the council uh consolidation loan shouldn't have been paid off and the uh Ikea shouldn't be just gone either because why just Finance ourselves forever because you need to get in a situation where you might not be working as much yeah we don't want minimum monthly payments now yeah what do we do congratulations fantastic proud of you happy for you you're putting two thousand dollars from the six thousand three hundred dollars and leaving it in there you're taking out um using it towards the loan 4 300 you're taking out of your savings yes four thousand three hundred congratulations and you're paying off two thousand dollars in the consolidation five hundred forty six dollars of the Ikea in 304 dollars in the Cherry what do we say take out four thousand three hundred I mean you probably don't have to take that entire out what you have to take out uh so what you can leave in is three thousand three hundred seventy nine dollars and then take out the remainder and pay those off and then you'll keep in there three thousand whatever whatever that was again okay the rest go to paying off the debt and we don't have to worry about that and that also minimizes 200 202 dollars of minimum monthly payments which would be nice when your income situation is questionable and then from there you only follow this budget you only follow this budget it's not a question until you get to at least ten thousand dollars ten thousand hours yep ten thousand hours is saved up and then from there that's your emergency fund throughout the remainder of your Masters in the and then your PhD everything else that is coming in that isn't going to what is needed to survive which will be about 1500 at that point following this budget all throughout your PhD your boyfriend getting paid to go out to eat your boyfriend can pay for whatever whatever this is what it is this is what it is I just feel bad because he has way more debt than me well he can take care of his own situation tell him to come on the show and we'll talk about that but I can only talk about you yeah either way you're not paying for crap he probably shouldn't yeah but you are definitely not paying for crap okay what I will do after you get ten thousand dollars you can set a hundred dollars aside on a monthly basis for fun so you can go spend 25 a week on Starbucks or whatever though but that is it everything else the other about a thousand a thousand four hundred dollars you're going to start putting towards the student loans you have ten thousand dollars saved up 100 goes to fun here's your budget outside of that that we already laid on the screen and we talked about here then a thousand four hundred dollars is going to put towards the student loans it's on a monthly basis [Music] that's going to be sixteen thousand eight hundred dollars meaning your student loans where you could pay them even though you're in school yeah oh you're uh 2027 you said is when you'd be done yeah and how long would it take to get to uh so the first year you'll get to ten thousand dollars so from now so that's 2024 meaning so 2024 2025 2026 2027 so four years of of 16 800 should go to your student loans so like don't even think about a house many times dude come on I just hate paying rent I'd rather like yes no no I get you I get you but are you guys going to be settled in San Antonio are you staying there forever I think for now what's for now I mean it's home this is not a good job over there and like I know it I know the area once you know what you're going to be we can talk about that okay okay so I'd get in contact with your student loan provider the student loans that you've taken out whatever is above four percent that's what we're paying down whatever is beneath four percent you can wait until those kick in and pay minimum three payments until they're paid off and then everything on top once those above four percents are paid off sure start throwing that towards a home fund and you can start saving up for a down payment through what you should be able to save up until you're done with PhD and everything if the income stays the same will the income stay the same I'm hoping to go up oh okay well if it just stays the same you should have 67 200 plus the ten thousand dollars you saved up but that's wait that's saved up from this budget that is what would be saved not necessarily saved up but put towards the student loans and and say so that's either way that's your extra money by the end of PhD if income stays the same does not decrease um that's what should be put towards anything after the ten thousand hours of saved up and these credit cards are paid off okay so some of that will go towards anything above four percent on the student loans and then some of it can go towards the saving up for the home purchase well this is what I would do so let's do it again you have the budget now what you do from here is you pull money from your savings and you pay off consolidation the Ikea and the Cherry everything that's left in there you go aggressive aggressive following my budget until you have 10 000 hours saved up total in your emergency fund then you can have 100 hours a month for fun 25 a week and what you're doing from there is you're aggressively everything outside of that pain down uh the student loans that will be five percent or higher four percent or higher and you're going to contact them and see what they will because it's going to mark them at zero percent on the website so you want to get some insight into that awesome now once you're done it's not really zero percent not really zero percent if it's seven percent zero percent forever zero percent because you're in school still and because it's still paused yeah no it's gonna it's gonna range from likely three to six percent so you're doing the ones that are above four percent okay and then I did have a question well okay let me get through the plan first okay okay so you've done that you've you've passed ten thousand dollars you've paid off your credit cards and you've uh paid off any student loans that will be above four percent from there you can follow the 50 30 20 rule 50 on needs 30 on fun if you want and 20 on investing I don't want everything to go towards the home I want you to minimum starting a year from now minimum be maxing out your Roth IRA is 6 500 a year you need to be doing that because you're in your early 20s and we want to take advantage of that snowball that is compound growth going into the rest of your life okay so and then yes anything you can save outside of that uh anything you can say about the side of that to get towards the down payment of a house yeah I do that and you said you have an employer match as well I would take that because that's a hundred percent return on your money there's no reason not to take that so you should start taking that now yeah yeah what was your question uh close where does that fall in the budget you already have clothes yeah I do but you're fine yeah sometimes I just want to buy one thing yeah sometimes you want to if your wants I don't give again once you get to the point where I said 50 30 20. you can spend 30 on want put that in your clothes you don't get to do that until now the budget I laid out here rent utilities gas groceries toll paper money trainer cross pass and I'm giving you that stuff I'm allowing you to do that congratulations into that middle monthly payments nothing to spend outside of that that's your budget there's nothing else not a single penny unless an emergency pops up but that goes from your emergency fund anyway okay so no I don't give if you want to buy something for clothes okay I don't care if you want to get lip injections you're not doing it it's not happening you're getting your life in order and you're going to live the most amazing life ever you're gonna I think out of many people who've been here you're in the position where you're going to be wealthy in your 30s I'm hoping it's going to be incredible but that's if you follow this and stop going down this path of stupid stop taking out student loans okay we want to have the both right now because we want to buy clothes and get lip injections no I don't give it you're taking care of your life so you can live an amazing life later okay deal deal lip injections it's like a once a year thing it makes me feel better I don't care you will feel better not having debt bad debt yeah stop okay have all the lip injections get weekly injections for all I care once this is taken care of definitely not I don't care you can do whatever you want but you're not doing it now okay it all this is the budget if you're gonna have this then no oh I'm not gonna do high fast okay that's just like a once a year thing that I think of just stop and your dude your Situation's in a good spot because you're paying off this debt immediately and then saving up the fully funded emergence fund within a year a year is nothing okay yeah just do it okay but after that year I can't after a year you can fit it into your wants okay cool but do not go over that you're in your minimum accidental Roth IRA and then you want to save up as much money as you want so you can get that house because you want to get the house I do want to get the house so prioritize things be an adult grow up man I'm trying okay yeah what do you think what will you actually do I want to put yourself in your realistic shoes what will you actually do I'm confident that I'll follow the budget I'm pretty disciplined I'm a disciplined person for the most part I think I am okay I work hard okay I just needed a plan I needed guidance because I was going off of me admit had my budget way higher so I needed that I needed discipline so I think I will be able to follow it lip injections I don't know no because if you don't cut cut the things when's your next injection needed not till March next year you should be fine you should have your fully funded emergency fund by then okay if you actually follow this plan okay March of this year okay if you're not good by then then something went wrong and you emergencies are okay okay those I can respect well absolutely but it makes no sense for you to be sitting on 6 300 when you're losing 10 on two thousand dollars for the consolidation that's stupid that's stupid I don't know take care of that I mean just take care of these tests okay did you have a chance to be a multi-multi multi-millionaire if you start maxing out your Roth IRA next year and we're looking towards this home purchase you're going to be fantastic but not if we're just prioritizing and I want to get a piece of clothes yeah I don't care if you want to get a piece of clothing I don't give a take care of yourself be an adult yeah I will give me more thoughts what do you think um no I think I'll follow it I think it's a good budget it doesn't I don't know the the class pass and the gym membership I was scared those had to go so I'm happy they're there um food I think I can make it work I don't know I feel like I can feel if you if you can't make the food work you have to cut from your nails um you have to cut from your nails or get rid of class pass something like that you have to maneuver some of those things around if you cannot get your food under 300 if it's always under 400 then you have to get rid of cast uh class pass and uh 80 hours of toilet paper nails and whatever one last thing we're moving to a different apartment so my rent's gonna go up by like 100. that's it okay then you just have to calculate on that budget it's just going to extend you know an extra thousand two hundred it's gonna extend uh how long that takes for the emergency fund okay that is what it is you already signed right don't do it if you haven't already signed there's no reason to yeah and it's not what's wrong with the price it's not it's like what's right it's a thousand two hundred The Other Place what's the rent gonna go up to oh we're going to a thousand three hundred and what oh what is it right now the place you're at right now what would your rent go to from 600 to what oh it would go up to 700 no it wouldn't yeah it's going up by 100. so either way it's going to put 500 yeah either way it's good okay you can move you can move yeah and put that in a budget and that's fine yeah that's fine you can afford it we just want more and more money to go towards uh uh saving up the fully funded emergency fund and then throwing down on that anything about four percent okay put that okay I think I do it I could do it anything else any more surprises trying to think no okay we'll follow up in here then and that should that you should start you should be contributing to a Roth IRA and you should be all the debt should be gone you should have a fully funded emergency fund and you should start attacking student loans good yeah that sounds good for Mel I think she can really have an amazing she really buckles down and takes care of this what's worrying me is she's just kind of half-assing things you know spending all that money when a lot of it could have been just going to funding school so hammer Financial score right now spending within a budget I mean because she's spending money that should be going to school I have no choice but to give it to zero out of ten and that it's not the worst debts we've ever seen by far three out of ten retirement there's nothing yet zero out of ten emergency fund sure a lot of what she saved up right now is gonna go to paying off a lot of the debts but she has a strong start there six out of ten real estate she'll get there but you know only 22 right now it's reasonable that that is a zero out of ten Aggregates total Hammer Financial score two out of ten if you want a free five dollars sign up for acorns using the link in the description below you get a free five dollars I get a free five dollars we all win it's great and don't forget to follow my Instagram and Twitter thanks
Channel: Caleb Hammer
Views: 459,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crypto, graham stephan, meet kevin, make money online, biaheza, shiba inu, how to make money, finance, financial education, inflation, personal finance, day trading, ryan pineda, compound interest, student loan forgiveness, mark tilbury, dave ramsey, the dave ramsey show, financial independence, budget, elena taber, ramsey, biggerpockets, the plain bagel, how to invest in real estate, budgeting, budget money debt cash, real estate investing, dave ramsey show, dave ramsey live
Id: oreSXinrrxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 54sec (2574 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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