Her Mom Stole Half Of Her Money | Financial Audit

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hi my name is Ruby Elian I am 23 years old and I am from San Marcos Texas and do you live here now in Austin I do not but I am looking to relocate once my lease is up oh so San Marcos are you at Texas State University oh I um I live with all the college students but no it was just cheap living over there so okay what do you do for a living I am a medical esthetician at a spa in Kyle what do you bring in on a yearly basis on yearly also make sure that you're subscribed as one of the first 50 000 subscribers here will win a thousand dollars not quite sure probably a little bit under 30k oh under 30k a little bit well um I don't okay I don't really have like the whole set number I don't think of things in that grand but like I make around like wait is it hourly 2K a month it is I go based off commission tips and hourly so there's three different okay forgive my ignorance apparently I just don't know what this position does what what do you do okay so do you know what an esthetician is I guess not oh okay well to give up ballpark we basically we deal with skin um waxing all the good stuff there um tinting whatnot but when you're a medical esthetician it kind of jumps a little bit further to doing like resurfacing treatment like medical grade peels things of that nature to like really alter the texture of the face we do body treatments as well um you get into blades so you could make my my face look pretty yeah essentially I could change whatever you want about your face pretty much oh interesting okay so yeah a little bit more well-off than just a regular esthetician but not quite like a nurse practitioner or anything like that so thirty thousand dollars a year or less than what's your hourly wage hourly is 29 29 how many hours a week do you order give or take it depends on appointment basis but usually I'll work around 30 something hours it's a full-time job but it's not quite the full-time hours very hard to kind of explain so it's set up in a way that I am working as many hours as I would like to work uh-huh when I have appointments when I don't have appointments obviously I'm not being paid um I'm not being paid to just sit there essentially the way other jobs might be uh well if you worked for 30 hours a week every single week for the 52 weeks it's not consistent well then what is it on average because that would be 45 000 a year give or take it's a give or take like recently but you think it's August 17th I would imagine it's like around 2K a month like but then you said there's commission too so you're working even less hours if there's Commission on top of that and that's only equaling less than thirty thousand dollars for sales which are usually will round out to about 200 300 extra dollars on the two pictures when I say I'm so like not money Savvy I'm very not money Savvy um but yeah so like in August September we kind of just went through like a lull period where we were not getting very much hours at all we were coming and doing trainings just to kind of get the time by but recently like in this last month with the holidays everything's picking back up so I can expect to see a much higher paycheck than I was okay so it ebb and flows yeah 30 a year yeah I would imagine I have not quite been in my job for a full year oh really oh yes well it's actually coming up in December what were you doing before because that number scares me before I was just going to school I was not employed at all okay and did you graduate yes okay where'd you go uh Ogle San Antonio all right what was your degree in it was a trade school so I got my Aesthetics license okay and that goes directly into this is there something else you can be doing that makes more money because this is so little for the era even though I know San Marcos is cheaper but still I mean for what I feel very comfortable and what really honestly I don't have very much my rent payments about 600-ish car payments 300 something car payment we'll have to get into that that was one of the things I meant to send but I could not for the life of me USAA would not ah give it up so how would you describe your financial situation then overall for where I'm at I feel really comfortable with it I never feel like I'm struggling per se to like get food or basic necessities I have like extra money to buy clothes or different things that I like um I just feel like I could be doing better in the sense like I live currently with like four other girls in like a house I would like to have my own space being doing my own thing as this is my career so I would like to so this is the career you want to stick with pretty much yeah besides entertainment and does it show up it does if as long as you have client retention so commission is what we're talking about commission or based on the So based on the type of treatment that I do so like given like a brow wax won't pay as much as doing like a medical grade peel that a medical grade appeals commission could be about 40 60 whereas a brow wax will be like five dollars so depending on which treatments I'm doing and how much of them I'm doing okay that also influences how much money I'm making what about your financial future you feel you're prepared for that you think about it I okay in terms of like retirement and whatnot no I don't know anything about like Investments uh 401ks all of that goodness um I'm not quite sure if I'm really covered per se in my job with that um of course that's definitely something I would like to know a little bit more about okay well we might talk about that are you paid bi-weekly semi monthly what is it um bi-weekly okay because there were three paychecks in this one so this is just one of those rare times where there's three paychecks within 30 days I would I guess yeah which happens a couple times a year okay so so yeah I mean I get paid you know every other Friday let's see 6 30. is the pay here we go that's a Friday so that's scary low I think 6 30. yeah 6 30 was the pay oh sorry that nope I was actually no I was looking at the wrong thing I apologize uh pay 8.93 8 and 90. and yes those were very low those were definitely the struggle gaps especially so that includes commission that's not just base yeah in these past few months it was definitely a little struggle and I went on a trip so that also put a dent right in what was going on but before that I was making a lot more there was one that was a little higher at 9 35. a little higher okay what was what was it looking at like when it was a little higher uh uh average like 1200. okay so we'll say you make like a thousand on average can we say that yeah yeah that'd be twenty six thousand dollars a year a little bit under that no no no I mean yeah when I originally said that's only a little bit under 30. 2000 is that are you W2 or contract W-2 okay so taxes are automatically being taken beforehand yes yes good so you are living on post taxes 2 166 000 a month is that low I don't if you lived in this city yes oh yes I know I can't afford it is okay but you live with a lot of people because your rent is 28 of your take home it's under 30. I'm cool with that it's almost at that cusp but you're also sacrificing because you're living with a lot of people if you've got your own place I don't think you could be afford your own place with this and your car is 14 almost 15 percent of your take home on a monthly basis that kind of sucks fifteen percent of your money automatically goes away to paying for a car [Music] so we'll definitely talk about those but let's go through your checking account so good news started with 2541 and you actually ended with a higher three thousand seven hundred six dollars three thousand one hundred eighty four came in 2024 out where do you think your money goes definitely to food uh I I would say I'm pretty good with groceries like I don't let things waste I use everything up but going out and eating and just going and doing stuff yep and gas especially lots of gas uh yes putting miles on this code why why so much gas um while I live right smack dab in the middle of San Marcos my work is in Kyle a lot of the acting I do is up in Austin my boyfriend is in San Antonio and my family's in New Braunfels so I'm going all over this little this little road okay yeah oh that is a lot of driving but let's look here so yes there was a lot of gas here I didn't even mark them but just all these blue X's are like whoa what's going on here so first of all you're doing some do you have any PayPal debt do you have like PayPal credit card or something like that nope I have zero credit card debt there were some PayPal transfers that's probably paying through some things PayPal moves maybe the payment system that was being used packs on that's gas so you immediately start with gas but then you do Amazon and take five and the PayPal PayPal lots of pirate ship postage that's throughout a United Express Bruno store squash squash store Bliss Boulder Colorado that must have been your traveling McDonald's and there's an after pay we'll talk about that I'm curious ATM withdraw 63 bucks I have no idea where that was spent crystals Summit specialty shop which was 1088 and then Pueblo marked for 58 that was an ATM withdrawal again we have no idea where that went and there was transferred alone this must be the car loan 357. so that wasn't 300 flies 357. dollars and going to Subway pirate ship postage again McDonald's Dutch Bros and uh they're after pay cash app and out 239 dollars simple bills I have no idea what that was but that was 40.88 and then pirate ship postage again why so many pirate ship postage I have a depop store okay um does that make money a little bit it's not been so great because I haven't been on top of it but I think I've made over I mean 500 until off of just doing that but of course that has been 500 over what time period I would not be able to answer quite a bit like I said I've been very on and off with it if I'm consistent then yeah it makes money if not then it's dead and we have the afterpay what is that that was probably just some online clothes I bought and just decided to do after pay do you finance a lot of things like that uh no because I don't quite buy a lot of clothes online I hate that process I'd rather buy them in store way more because I can see if they fit her well even if you buy online like why are you financing because I just don't like seeing the number drop in my bank account you still have to pay it I know but it's over like little smaller I don't know it's just not as like a shock is it interest free or are they charging interest uh interest-free okay so interest-free unless you miss a payment do you ever Miss payments or anything I set them up to be automatic okay any recurring yeah what is the sample bills Corp for 40. those are my utilities okay that's fine and you cash afft out 239 dollars it's a lot of money that was uh receiving it was a debit not a credit that left oh yeah I added that that was um paying off the whole of the trip to Colorado so pretty much all of that that you mentioned like ATM pueblum are all that was just gift shops and different little hop around things in Colorado okay well good news again you ended with more money than came in so that is a positive we can go off of that and then as we create your financial picture we can figure that out now this Colorado trip what was the trip for just fun it was my boyfriend's mother's birthday and she wanted to go to Colorado and as a side thing she invited me and a couple of our friends and we all went up there for about a week now you also have savings bummer of a savings for a few reasons well the happy part I'm happy with the 3500 is that 47 that's in there happy with that I guess it's a good it's a good start it's not a fully fudged emergency fund or anything like that but it's a good start what I don't like no money was added yeah it's been a while since I've done anything with the savings and what I actually don't like is you're gaining like nine cents like I would rather this be in a high yield where you're getting like three percent now the interest yeah yeah so I don't know who what is the interest on this like pretty much nothing right so uh I would move that to a high yield I definitely would I just don't understand any of it or like where you'd even get that oh okay well you just Google high yield savings and okay but I mean I can send a couple links your way as well three thousand five hundred forty seven dollars what's the intention behind this ah so before I went to school and I'm just being a beverage cart girl which was stupid money for an 18 year old to be having so my dad thought it was wise to just take a big chunk of everything I was making and putting it into a savings account and that's essentially where that is but of course once he stopped doing that purposely I kind of just fell off oh why so how long has it been like this a few years oh wow it's definitely a state of that number for a few years why haven't you been trying to grow it I'm glad it hasn't decreased but [Music] I just I felt like my money is like small as is in the checking account and I don't feel like I need like I don't know saying it out loud now sounds stupid but I just don't feel like I feel like I need every all the dollars that I have in the checking account to go towards things rather than go towards what things like um my car payment rent payment just like in case something were to happen I feel like that's almost like oh well my money's there like I can I can have it right there so you're talking about an emergency fund yeah so risky thing about that when emergency fund is in your spending pile emergency funds tend to get spent yeah so they should be somewhere where you're not touching very separate and then yes it might take a day to transfer maybe two days depending on the account but you I mean you do you definitely always want to have a little bit of fluff in the checking account I do agree with that but this just sitting over here like this I don't think you need more than two thousand dollars in your checking account and you have three thousand seven hundred six dollars in there I mean maybe three thousand if that makes you feel more comfortable but I don't think you need more than that so the intention behind this 3547 is what just in case just because it's there and I haven't I mean I don't feel a need to spend it and I think the reason why it's so like awkward for me to have that low of an amount of money in my chicken like I get I like stressed when I see the money in the checking account go down so like when it was at that 2000s that was stressing me out because at one point right before I actually like moved out and had all these expenditures it was sitting at like 15K 16 so like that's really a small number compared to what I was looking at so I don't know it does it stresses me out but it wasn't realistic money to be having in the checking account in the first place sure now before oh yeah your annual percentage yield is point zero one percent let's get that to three percent big difference yeah okay so do you have any before we get into the debts any money anywhere else technically and you wouldn't really call that but I do trust I do have 3 000 something dollars that owes me because of some stuff my mom did what'd she do so I had like around three thousand I think it was 600-ish but I spent like the 600 to get new tires on another car um of cash kind of laying around my room back when I was like 18 19 and she got upset because I wouldn't put it in the bank so she took it all without uh letting me know three thousand dollars yeah she took three thousand dollars in cash and she's not paid it back does she know she owes this yes but I can't really go to her I have to go to my dad why because she's kind of problematic and she don't want to give it back um that's kind of gross yeah no I know I know but we can't get rid of your mom but my dad is a lot more why hasn't he then they're not they don't have the greatest um spending habits they or my dad tries to buy things to make her happy okay so they literally stole money from you yeah to be clear no I I recognize that that is what happened but I mean I can't like call the police on them like half of well um I I okay I don't want to ruin a relationship with your family I've been there yeah I'm already in the the healing broad it's it is a done can't get rid of them well if Teresa how's your relationship with them it's good um I'm actually going over there tonight to celebrate my birthday whatnot um but yeah that is definitely a thorn because it keeps being like Oh yeah we'll get to it we'll get to it we'll get to it and then because you could always take him to court but I don't but I'm gonna go that far I don't want to ruin the relationship like if the relationship was already strained because uh who steals from their kids oh yeah if we were already on the fritz I would be like yo all right this conversation uh actually needs to happen though because I could double your savings don't talk we might not talk about give me the three thousand dollars and a full package may be a payment plan or something like that something like 500 a month for six months like does that seem reasonable you think that's something they could do I think so they're just they're really hard to manage because they're also trying to move right now and it's like but again stolen money exactly and do they acknowledge that they owe this my dad does yes my mom anytime I bring it up she gets very upset upset how so just she has the notion of like hold it and it's generational it's just passed down but she's got the whole um 40 44. so she's just Gen X I mean oh yeah but you know how they can be but now she just she has that because I had to live with him for a little bit uh when I came back from San Antonio because I couldn't afford my apartment I was living in I had to move back in with them and she holds it over my head like oh we did so much like where's all the like money and groceries that you ate and like okay was there an agreed upon thing moving in that you would be paying or three thousand dollars would go towards that no okay exactly I mean that's what I've tried to say but it's just better to deal with my dad than it is because she's literally so unreasonable sometimes and I did pay groceries that's toxic oh yeah I know it I know it but I need to have a conversation with your dad as soon as possible because one you don't make that much money two we will talk about where what we want to do with this money and that will be a part of it so a payment plan could help that'd be that'd be good I mean at a minimum that payment plan would take care of your car payment and a little more for you know six months that'd be fantastic whatever's reasonable that doesn't strain the relationship that gets you the money back maybe even 250 for a year I don't want to search it that long but yeah whatever their situation is without straining the relationship you know if that's what it takes where it doesn't hurt as much doesn't make them feel like they're bleeding or something like that and that might be a path now you know do you have any other thoughts on that um no it's just a matter of me like really putting my foot down and being like no this needs to happen like right now are you gonna put your foot down kind of person are you confrontational no I am not um but I have been getting better at it it's just a process I have always had a lot of anxiety growing up so yeah that's definitely a hurdle I have to like especially when it comes to my parents who are both very headstrong and stubborn in nature okay uh do you have Credit Karma should you download it okay is that like all righty hey not too bad 23 year old uh 738 credit score very good did you know I knew that it was high because I was freaking out about how low my interest rate was when I got my car oh that's good to know we'll talk about that in a second payment history 100 good credit card usage zero do you have a credit card I do I just don't use it I would like to get one uh with Rewards or some kind of cashback because the one I was using was just to build credit City double cash that's what I like it was two percent on everything so and I you you should be able to qualify for this the only thing that's really hurting you back holding you back is your credit age is really low and then you just don't have a diversity of credit accounts you have just kind of low credit accounts but that's low impact and then you know media Impact Credit age for sure but everything that's the most important you're doing very well on so very good now you do have three hard inquiries so what have you applied for Mercedes-Benz Auto Finance well that should count only once because it's not in the same category and then JCPenney is that your credit card nope that might have been a time that I stupidly just applied for the rewards card and then I never used the actual card oh well that is a card I would you might want to make sure that doesn't close go like use it once every like quarter I have no idea where I would guess I would have to like order a new card I don't even remember getting a card yeah well let's see if it's open it is so I would just go like if you need to re-up your socks just like go to JCPenney swap it like I'm serious like just so it doesn't close okay is there a way to like manually like everyone's happy close the account or huh is there a way to like get rid of the card or yeah that will hurt your credit score if you care about that okay so I mean if you care about your credit score then uh that's what I would do if you really don't care then yeah you can just close it okay that's fine before I knew anything about credit cards or anything like that I before I knew anything about personal finance we're talking like a decade ago I uh wasn't some pretty bad credit card debt but once I finally cleaned it up which you know I worked very hard to do and that was good I was like you know um I'm just gonna close this credit card because I'm never going to use it again because it's not the credit cards that I like it doesn't give me good rewards so stupid I didn't know anything about that because I cared about my credit score still do and yeah I heard my credit score pretty roughly yeah so that was a bummer but you do have a car loan this car loan has 13 000. 457 dollars remaining you paid off 32 percent of the loan now so this is a three-year loan how long is this loan how long have you been doing it uh uh a few months what did you put a lot down I did I put like 5 000 down and then later on I put another 5 000 towards it oh that that must have been what I did it why'd you put that other 5000 towards it because I thought you know the faster you paid off the better heck yeah I mean yeah it is a 60 month term okay so that kind of sucks I wish it was three years but I mean the payment history that you've been doing on it good you just put an extra five towards it great because it was pretty much twenty thousand dollars and you brought it down to thirteen thousand five hundred so good stuff there what I'm curious about is what is this interest rate oh it was three point something three point something that's good enough but it's below four percent so this is interesting okay this is your only debt you don't you don't have student loans I paid um my school off in full I had lots of savings from my first job how much did you have saved up and then your cash flowed um like I said I had pretty much 30 30k school was yeah like 13k and the cars went on various living a lot of it went when I was when I don't know my apartment was really expensive um and I sat on it a little bit too long but you killed that so really what we have here are a couple things that I would want to turn around one you have a hard Dot it's a question of card debt because the interest rate is so low I don't know the worth of the car what is the car actually it's a 2020 Ford Fusion 2024 Ford Fusion oh 2020. yeah like basic package or what did you upgrade anything no the car well I wouldn't really call those upgrades it was um it was a used car on a Mercedes lot and we were just like yeah yeah I'm seeing 2020 Ford Fusions right around twenty thousand dollars right now so good you're certainly not underwater we're good there cool even KBB which is kind of undervently in cars right now has it at twenty thousand dollars so good good good car prices are coming down but good I'm glad so okay that's one thing second thing your emergency fund isn't really an emergency fund we would want to have that we'd want to clean that up we'd want to figure that out number three parents owe you money we want to clean that up four you don't have any retirement we'd want to clean that up so those are my main things here so let's talk about them well number one the car mathematically speaking I do non-official Financial advice mathematically speaking instead of emotions there's a few things that are interesting with cars they do go down in value I don't like taking leverage on assets that go down in value but this interest rate is low you have Equity into the car that with your big 5000 chunk you've put towards it down and then five thousand towards the loan I think you'll continue to remain some equity in case things get bad I mean you could sell it if necessary and insurance would give a decent payout that would be good for you to pay off the car and then still have money left over I think I would not official Financial advice if I were in your shoes only pay the middle monthly payment until it's paid off that's what see and then that tripped me up so bad because that's what my dad said to do he was like don't like put don't try and spin it off as much as you possibly can like put the lowest in and I was like I've literally never heard that you can if you want to though you can if you want to it's certainly not not even close to a bad thing if you do pay it off quicker in fact since the loan is five years maybe I would figure out how much it costs on a monthly basis to pay it off in three years so that might be something worth doing that might be a good middle ground so you do pay it off quicker but you're not like aggressively going crazy to do it okay gotcha so yeah that that that might be a good middle ground yeah it's still it's still a very complicated one one reason why I don't like people taking out debt for car is let's say they have ten thousand hours right and they can put two thousand dollars towards the down payment of a car and then borrow the other eight thousand dollars and then at like a four percent interest and then they can invest the other eight thousand dollars uh I forgot how much I said put down did I say put down two yeah okay so they confess the other eight thousand dollars in like the S P 500 it'll gain like 10 a year on average that obviously makes more mathematical sense but oftentimes humans when we go and finance a car and we only have ten thousand dollars we and we were to buy it in cash we'd get a ten thousand dollar car but if we're gonna put money down and then borrow some maybe we'll just borrow to get a slightly more expensive car because that's not money really coming out of our pocket right now so we'll put two thousand dollars down on a fifteen thousand dollar car so it leads people to get a more expensive car so that's why I don't like it in general because there's some psychology to play but since you're already in this and where it is where it is mathematically speaking maybe just figure out what it costs to pay it off in three years and do that that's what I would personally do it is not advise it's what I would do gotcha or in your shoes now we already talked about the parent thing so just get that money get that money the other thing we talked uh that your emergency funds pretty low and then the investing so how do we combat this one you get the three thousand dollars so that relies on that with where your rent is with where your car payment is I think we get you to ten thousand dollars you get ten thousand dollars you already have six thousand five hundred dollars because you will get that three thousand dollars back not a choice you need to get that back six thousand five hundred dollars you put it into some high yield savings you never touch it unless an emergency happens then you keep a Fluff in your checking account like two thousand three thousand dollars if you want to but anything above that you know it goes into savings well it goes to you know whatever our goals are at that time right now we are trying to build this to an emergency fund and we need to have an emergency fund what I would do because you don't bring in that much money basically two thousand dollars a month it's kind of scary for me with six thousand dollars going to rent 357 going to cars I would create like a 300 grocery budget and I would make your boyfriend pay for fun for a couple months and really try to throw like a thousand dollars at this to get it to ten thousand in like three and a half months I really would it would be a sacrifice of you know maybe work more side hustles as much as possible and bring in some extra money because you can't really you can't start your financial future until you have an emergency fund that is the base level that is necessary so it's considered an emergency that you don't have this so I would cut back on the fun budget out what you're allowed to spend on groceries and gas and then you obviously you're renting car payments already budgeted out and then utilities then what do you have remaining from those Necessities order to survive you should take all that money and put it towards your emergency fund and just cut back on the fund for now and if you do your boyfriend's paying for it your family's paying for it that's fine just for a few months it's worth it I promise because once you have that 10 000 hours in emergency fund then boom you're allowed to have fun again you budget it out you say this is how much I'm allowed to spend on a monthly basis on fun and then you have that fun because we are gonna need you to start investing about I'm thinking of your pre-tax income oh we can think of your post tax actually on a monthly basis a minimum 430 dollars a month needs to start going towards different investment things likely Maxine Archer Roth IRA every year and then after that into like a brokerage or something like that well we want to start getting this started because right now you're you're not falling behind for people your age but right now for when you're retired these are the absolute best years yeah so we can't do that until you have an emergency fund so the quicker you're having your merch system the quicker you can start doing this and I think with where you spent your money including on fun and trips right now I think you could put that percentage just about it's 20 of your post tax is how I did the math by the way I think you're gonna do that 433 towards Investments on a monthly basis and that's that'll be that'll be a good starting point then I think you'll be good the question just becomes do you get the three thousand dollars from your parents because that immediately gets you closer to the ten thousand dollars do you sacrifice having fun for a few months so you can get your emergency funded as quick as possible and then after that do you then divvy up your budget in a correct way to put this minimum 20 of your post taxed towards investing well if I had the option I would definitely like to get the 3000 up front it's a long time coming I don't know if they like spend that money or what the heck they're doing with it but it needs to be coughed up because the ultimatum was like if you move out that's when the money like we know you need to pay for it but then they've come up with other people so that needs to come uh 430 that doesn't seem like a like a loss like a huge number that seems totally reasonable what about the emergency fund sacrificing for a few months to get that uh I mean I'm already pretty like okay so before this little interview I was like determined I'm like reading all the financial books and trying to like figure things out I'm like determined to get into like real estate investing so this is what I need to do to set like the foundation for that in the future then yeah I mean it's just the steps I need to take yeah it seems reasonable emergency fund is the basic Foundation is the concrete slab before you start building a house you can't do anything until you have that yeah so that's why it's considered an emergency where you need to sacrifice in order to get it you don't need to sacrifice like crazy in order to start saving up for a home and to start investing you budget out you know the accurate percentage to do that but when you don't have an emergency fund you freak out and you you say okay I cut back on everything on that's not necessary for me to survive in order to get that then once you have it you're good but I think you can have it in a few months if you put your foot down please put your please have this conversation this week I really would yeah I need to yeah I just it shocks me because I've always heard the emergency savings number is being so low compared to like what you're saying now with 10K like that's never been you've heard lower than that I've heard well I mean not that I've delved too too much into money or whatever like my dad had me on Dave Ramsey growing up that's about it but I've always heard the emergency it's like a little like 500 it's like not very big numbers at all oh our boy Dave does not say that he says three to six months three months would be lower than this I think now that we live in a world where you know pandemics can happen let's just do sex yeah be a little more safe so especially since you're a commission based I think that six months is safer than three uh but no he definitely does not say his law I don't know if he said that someone else said that and I'm just like stuck with it but yeah no we definitely don't want to do that let's get six months and I think 10 000 will be comfortable for you you'll build that up further as your rent or mortgage happens is your monthly required expenses increase just with life then you you know emergency fund goes to 15 to 20 to 25. so but for now I think 10 is healthy okay what are you actually going to do well since I'm going to my parents today I'll probably after we're all fun and like things could potentially blow up and not be fun anymore I'll have the conversation with him if he's there uh and I'd really like to like set a budget because I was like going to at the start of December really start like tracking and micromanaging every little thing I spend money on to see where exactly like what's going into groceries what's going into Fun dumb stuff was going to gas to like really be able to separate everything and see okay where do I need to cut back on um but I think once I do that I'll definitely be able to figure out where that 433 needs to really come from yeah because I mean me personally I can sit here and be like I don't feel like I spend that much on like fun extra stuff but I mean it adds up it's okay in hindsight to say okay this is where I spent my money on but going forward what we want to do is on a monthly basis set out what is allowed to be sent of each category and fun is not a category until you have an emergency fund but yes I think the 433 just because there was a lot of fun in this 30-day statement but still ending with a thousand dollars more that you started with you should be able to find that 400 and it's funny this is the one that we're right because I've literally not even been on a trip I can't remember the last trip trip like I went on and it just happens that this is the one that it falls on and it ended up being fine now you did get lucky because it was one of the rare months where you got three paychecks yeah that's not every month so cool any final thoughts no this has been insightful I feel like I've stressed you out though with my my numbers trust me this was not stress me out no you're doing you're doing pretty well you're doing pretty well yeah things to clean up but doing pretty well perfect for Ruby's Hammer Financial score again like I said at the end she's actually doing quite well especially for 23 years old just some things to clean up it's not her fault that her parents have stolen from her and might be her fault that she hasn't put her foot down a little more but obviously relationships especially family relationships are very complicated sounds pretty toxic she knows at least best how to navigate it based on her parents Finance uh personalities but will she actually do it I hope she does I'm not going to ding any points for that because again it was stolen money literally stolen I will have the ding uh the car debt for the financial score I will have to I will have to ding not having an emergency fund and I will have to ding not having retirement started but obviously her age and just whether or not someone has retirement started is definitely dependent on the person at 23 years old but I will have to uh doing a couple things off that but very [Music] if she just kind of buckles down and figures some things out so I'll give her a hammer Financial score of 7 out of 10 get that emergency fund up start investing and clean up that car mess Maybe by making payments in three years if you want to pay it off even earlier even better and then that'll get you to a 10 out of 10. make sure you share this video with someone who you think might enjoy it as it really does help this channel grow and follow me on Twitter and Instagram as well where you can see some behind the scenes stuff subscribe and stick around for more thanks
Channel: Caleb Hammer
Views: 271,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 16 going on 17 sound of music, Mark Tilbury, american debt, beat the bush, biaheza, bigger pockets, biggerpockets, bill burr carrot top, caleb, caleb bugs, car debt, china fake market, creator fund, credit card debt, dave ramsey, debt, financial education, graham stephan, how to invest in real estate, investment property, meet kevin, mr brightside cover, my financial friend, personal finance, rental property, ryan pineda, shorts, the rich dad channel, youtube income
Id: f3VItMp6qHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 58sec (2398 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2022
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