Hiding $30,000 Of Horrendous Debt From Her Fiance | Financial Audit

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my name is Sarah Elizabeth horn I'm from Louisville Kentucky and this is my financial audit and how old are you 36. oh okay nice what do you do in as you taught me how to say before Louisville Kentucky yeah um I work for a company uh we work for Vine notifications which is victim notifications stands for victim information notifications every day okay yeah and actually cover the state of Texas it's like fraud no uh actually for like uh victims of violent crime oh wow yeah but what's your position so I'm the customer relationship manager oh do you lead a team no just uh me and my like associate specialist and we manage like um the relationships here and in a handful of other states we work with um program managers and victim Advocates and we're with law enforcement so you travel a lot yeah yes and no about uh 40 of the time and I know it's coming down here yeah to me that's awesome I travel zero percent of the time zone yeah so what do you make a year in this position yeah so my take home is a little less than 5 000 a week a week oh oh God no no like uh a month sorry I was very excited for a second I was like no rolling in it no no so um actually was laid off twice last year oh jeez I'm sorry okay no it's okay um so twice in a year okay twice so I have some ups and downs and so some credit card time so I did not make really good financial decisions so that's why we're here that's kind of why we're here I know I see your face what were the positions you were laid off from so sales like a sales position and then you got laid off twice from two different companies so one was like a technology company yeah um loved it worked in Access Control for a long time and again it was like with law enforcement did you do well in that position uh probably not which is why I was the first round of layoffs yeah yeah and then the second one was with the real estate company um yeah real estate technology company and then the market started swaying down and did you do well in that company I did I launched a product in Kentucky with them and then like the week I launched the product is the week they laid me off so but I loved it worked really well and then yeah which the founders of the company actually helped me uh find this position which was nice and then I love it that's nice the company I'm with now they're fantastic all right so I did not have a chance to view any of your finances before this and we were sending it as we're sitting here so a lot of this is gonna this is all fresh yeah how would you describe your financial situation from your perspective though before I go into it it's not great it's not I'm not gonna make a place why'd you not get it or why did you get into a not good place because the layoffs or um I think some of it I um I thought I could I would just rely on the credit cards and I wasn't making lifestyle changes I was living off of some of the severance pay and then finding um finding like I worked part-time at Target or a full day actually full-time at like Target in Costco to and then still interviewing constantly going to networking events and then um I was on the breadwinner in my in my household and so we didn't we can't change my lease like we couldn't get out of it um I still have my car payment I'm paying a lot of the bills and so what what is the household yeah just me and my fiance oh okay yeah we actually I was supposed to get married last February and or actually this February so we actually um delayed the wedding oh and the week because of the monies yeah so we decided to delay the wedding we delayed a lot of the stuff and which is fine I mean we're gonna get married eventually so we did delay a lot of that stuff and pushed it away we lost deposits on a couple different things which it's I mean it's not cancer sorry but it sucks because I know wedding deposits sometimes they're like 50 down for some things like venues and stuff yeah I mean it was just like it was less than like maybe a few hundred it also sucks a lot of people are looking forward to weddings but okay that's fine yeah yeah I appreciate the way you're looking at it yeah like but I think I kind of put us in a worse position okay like well if there's anything you shouldn't delay it's hitting that subscribe button yeah subscribe now so okay well I I have this I I but I don't know what it is it's just like account activity I don't know for account this is the first thing you sent that's my bank checking yeah checking we're looking at checking okay so this goes from okay we had a starting balance of 631 bucks okay sure any amounts of 304 dollars so we cut it in half yeah what were we doing here why are people paying for this Experian credit report thing because you're the second person now yeah what does that paint why not use Credit Karma it's free or chase or anything there's credit reports everywhere what is this doing Experian credit report for 20 bucks recurring oh and then I'll just cancel it I don't I guess not do you remember signing up for it uh yeah okay I definitely would not do that okay uh Lyft and Wendy's at McDonald's and apple bills and apple bills so we're trying to get out of debt yeah we're going to McDonald's and having Apple bills and Wendy's right so some of the apples left I have canceled but I need to be good for that yeah audible I do love audible I think that's physical health mental health reading and stuff like that as long as you're not going crazy with it I think it's okay in this kind of situation uh but McDonald's definitely not okay in this kind of situation credit fresh yeah and then yeah we're paying lots of cards and because you just have cards on cards on cards it's cards I don't even know how much is on each Cardinal we'll see First Savings 30 bucks of savings first it's a credit card I know savings is not a word for that I know it's bad oh gosh okay and as we go through here Apple bills Apple bills venue now 18 bucks you even knows where that went Nails and Spa I don't think is exactly what we should be doing when we're trying to pay off mountains of debt which I'm assuming are mountains because I have mountains of statements and Papa John's we don't need to be getting that pbj's dog bar I love treating my dog we don't need to be doing that when we're going out we're trying to get out of debt yeah I see your payroll okay so I think yeah what you're saying just about lines up they have Meyer uh the grocery store in Kentucky wow it's right across good for you Meyer you've made it far from Michigan I love you miss you hmm Target you never know Target's always a little dangerous yeah because it reimbursed so it is so that is actually from work I need to get that reimbursed okay cool if reimbursed protection took a lift here are they all reimbursed uh those pasty ones were uh I need to get those reimbursed okay yeah I think yeah your thing is Apple Bill and then like pizza and McDonald's and horror storm probably don't need to be going there to get our clothes when we're trying to go on a diet Seafood coffee yeah this is long this is goes on liquor store I mean don't need to be that one liquor store so I uh picked up a gift for a co-worker you don't need to do that I know I'm really bad at that yeah I'm going out a lot but then you also just have lots of payments just payments everywhere and coffee and Starbucks and you do go to the grocery store quite a bit this is so much happening to your checking account so so much happening and you got down to 33 a balance of 33 bucks at some point at one point here and I assume a lot there's a lot of automatic things that happen yeah yeah so that's dangerous sometimes people don't have that and it makes it less dangerous but dangerous in your situation if I went out 20 bucks or even I'm not even reading everything off because it's just so long it's just go forever we keep going to this dog bar and it says well spending spending spending spending there's I think gosh yeah and then we're not money and another Apple thing apple apple this is forever dude and the Experian credit thing it was twice in one month really yeah so this is just brutal you're just there's just so much money leaving doesn't it doesn't make sense okay so that's your checking account though let's see what this is are the rest just debts yeah was there anything good no do you have any savings no you don't have any savings you don't have an emerge anything let's start okay yeah okay tipped I guess we're getting right into that pretty much immediately yep she's okay so maxed out Capital One yep luckily the balance isn't the High Roads you'd probably be going even higher about 876.15 yikes okay yeah fees I know or fees probably carrying a balanced in the month well that's interest you're you're definitely losing interest you're losing let's see here we have your minimum monthly payment actually isn't crazy but that's actually probably a bad thing yeah 32 bucks a month the interest 2170 I don't know media people are like oh that's actually not insane but this is one statement we have quite a few to go through yeah oh man these what are the fees you you've had a fee charged eight bucks and the interest rate is basically 30 I don't know what the fees are is there a fee to half this card I'm not sure I I don't have this card I don't know uh uh I don't know okay but okay so that's one card let's see here we have a One Main Financial that's a for my Buick it's my car oh right here so let's see car we have 12 ounce of yeah yeah that's a big one yeah eighteen thousand 535 and 33 cents jeez well that's a thick monthly payment too of 576 dollars 15 cents oh man okay yeah yeah what is interested in this you know I think it's like 27. 20. I think it's pretty high no yeah oh it is 19.9 interest whoa once you get into this uh so beginning of coved I was laid off and the company I worked for actually was provided a car and so when I went and got it the car what did you not refinances throughout covert one interest rates were at zero that actually is refinanced that's what was it what was it I don't remember oh come on I I can look I can look it up you it's a wait when did when did you get this though how many years ago so it would have been 20 21. so this is a five-year loan yeah okay so this minimum monthly payment on a five-year loan for a what what what even is the car it's a Buick Encore year uh 2016. how many miles uh it had uh nine thousand miles on it when I got it nine thousand oh man okay that is bad that is bad but let's just keep looking we gotta know what your life is like credit limit is seven okay I'm not gonna get mad with it but okay we have a credit one with a balance of 573.87 with interest no oh the minimum monthly payment of 30 bucks and interest charge of 13.64. oh man you made a hundred dollar payment yeah that's better than the monthly payment but it's still going to take I mean this is yeah you've lost 41 bucks in interest this year and then on the other card you lost even more than that and this is yeah that just was just going to continue to stack what is this thing do you have two cards through Credit One three why why why possibly why I don't know I'm a good reason I don't have a good reason I'm sorry why'd you do that why were you taking this out I would just open open open what was happening I think it was like the last really nine months I think right around January like I was like oh I'm starting the new job I'll be able to like pay it off and I just made really poor decision yeah yeah this one's maxed out yeah 30 minute monthly payment on this one as well yeah losing 10 bucks four cents interest but they all start to add up is the issue 30 interest about the other ones pretty much the same yeah oh man okay no purchases are you purchasing on a car that's my because I think I made all the payments and then what do you mean you made all the payments you paid a hundred dollars and I ate 25 fee what was the fee is there a fee to own this card what did you do yeah it's an annual fee annual fee on this card what are the benefits you're getting they better I don't have a good answer okay Starbucks and doordash it wasn't even anything good it was just bull oh I was I was oh I had a little bit of just happiness there for a bit because I wasn't seeing new charges but out of all the cars to spend on it was the one with the least amount of Gap okay who are you a Spire okay ass fire so you were just like opening a new thing every day I think the snowball method is definitely going to be the one that works best for you which is what most people are on the show because of the variety of the debt some people yeah not but for you yes because it's just a bunch of low credit cards but they're all adding up yeah the minimum monthly payment here 35 47 cents and the balance is 378 with the interest being lost of 10 47 the radon this must be whoo oh yeah it's over 30 percent yeah oh okay verb yep I haven't seen a verb and I'm like very long time oh gosh these are also close to being maxed out this one is the biggest credit card so far 1267.37 with a minimum monthly payment of fifty one dollars these are probably adding up yeah yeah 51 bucks with credit being lost of thirty dollars for the eight cents yikes why were you purchasing why on a card why are you not why are you not using your debit how long we've been in communication via email to get John here uh like three weeks so this was likely within that why are you doing that if you you clearly have watched my show it's not overly complicated stuff why are you doing this if you've like the knowledge has come to you right I need to know why so we can get over whatever psychological barrier that is this is or else we're not going to make any progress no you're right I don't like I think it's I was making the payments on the credit card and it was it's like Grocery and then bringing Starbucks to the office for some people and it's I don't have a good reason well grocery it was coffee it was Bourbon City it was Eagle thing and Lee Moon that was so that was I committed to somebody's birthday and I I know I submitted to four drink before get a little tipsy I know yeah fees fees why don't you have all these cards of fees and they're probably giving you no benefit there's no there is some oh great they're just like predatory cards aren't they I have no idea what this is this did not show I'm sorry but we'll keep going through it's okay and we'll see what we were missing Prosper gosh all these have such names like they're such a benefit this is a credit card one thousand this one's the biggest now 1463 you are hurting my soul but your soul probably hurts so yeah I'm not gonna I know in fact just I'm not gonna punch you for it maybe a couple verbal punches but yeah everyone needs a wake-up call here and there 48 down minimum monthly payment with a 33.68 Interest being charged I know why Etsy LTX something avatars Starbucks facetune monthly so that I don't even know what that was all that on there and I don't even know dispute it yeah dispute it I will so credit cards companies money yeah so dispute it I think it was like on my oh almost 32 inch or something I know I think it was something on my um Apple pay like that's the car connecting my Apple pay yeah and it's so it's just welcome to Undisputed are you anything you do not recognize always because I was trying to figure out like I don't even know [Music] because I don't have Facebook on my phone or like Instagram so I don't even know what it's an Instagram thing right you're gonna allow me to use that you know 36 year olds in the more death than anyone ever should be I know title that I love I I figured you would so sorry no it's fine I mean I'd rather do that if this is your turn around it is worth it yeah no same like Plus thank you for being here because other people are probably in your situation who are watching hopefully they relate to it and they can no because I was watching it I was like there was there's a moment that I was like how do they do that and then I was like oh no that's me I go I'll go like you have 40 available on your pedal I know it's even closer it keeps getting even closer and closer to max out with a 59. 30 Cent minimal monthly payment the balance is a thousand nine hundred fifty nine 54 cents out of 2 000 and the interest being charged is forty dollars and eleven cents this is getting worse and worse and worse vomit is creeping up and up and up yeah ready to just die okay so and it happened like I've only had I've only had two credit ones what's your other Credit One uh and then also what else did we miss because there was one that showed up weird remember and now we can look at this apple card decline decline decline decline because you're over the spending limit I know yeah I'm sorry we couldn't get a physical statement for that we were just pulling up even more stuff yeah yeah so it's probably not on screen with this one but yeah [Music] Pinterest and this is Apple we have a thousand dollars of it on it why are you still swiping on something that's getting declined yeah it's automated it's automatic payment Burgers twenty dollars if that's I need to get reimburses for work I was traveling for work was your minimum monthly payment on this uh like 85 dollars that's what I was paying for it yeah jeez okay thank you and then you have another Credit One this is It's get this is getting big yeah you have the most amount of different deaths and I think we've had on the show I think you may have broken that record yeah congratulations I think yeah it's not a point of pride no yeah 32 minimum monthly payment 908 own on it with no interest it's interest-free for now yeah for how long um that was a foreign yeah wait no total interest in 2023 for no interest wait what was I seeing oh there it is interest charge sorry 21.70 plus fees because every single card here has a fee that you have instead of that Apple card oh my goodness now you can pull up that other card that we just couldn't look at because it was signing something weird do you remember oh yeah take a look at that you don't feel sorry for me I mean I did it for you I did it to myself so I mean yeah I mean I mess up oh man it's a good responsibility that's good but yeah yep it was so recent and you haven't stopped since we're watching this show I know so I have I'm very scared oh oh I know you saw the available credit card he thought it was only a hundred so is this a different Capital One one we already saw yes this oh same balance is the one oh okay okay sorry what was the one you were sending that we just couldn't see uh [Music] uh oh you are credit card company's best friend yeah 543.87 cents of death so this isn't a reason but my dog got sick and so he was going to need emergency surgery so I kind of went crazy and wanted to make sure I had available credit and so I applied for a bunch of stuff and then I just kept it and then I did not make this is why we have emergency funds this is why we don't have debt in the first place but I did get insurance but then I I was still not working full-time at the time it's not it's not an excuse I made poor decisions 13. 64 cents in interest charged with yeah minimum 30. yep what's this personal loan it's just a line of credit I've had for a long time how much twenty one hundred thousand twenty one no 2100 interest I can pull it up really fast pull it up oh gosh I'm getting hungry and I've done nothing but these last 40 minutes of done just writing down different dads [Music] don't I know okay I'm sorry for you do you know do you I would guess it's I've had to guess it's probably 20 it's probably something twenty percent it's really something ridiculous yeah it's what's the minimal monthly payment I pay um 150. every two weeks every two weeks yeah yeah is that the minimum monthly oh so that's it there's no more debt right tell me about your fiance's financial situation not in detail but it's he's gone as insane as you have not that I know of no he has like um small student loan and he has about a thousand dollar credit card um how long have you all been fianceed uh will be a year this um so you've you've done almost all this while being fiance what are his thoughts on this I'd be freaking out personally yeah uh I don't think he knows no why you guys aren't transparent about fighting even though you're about to get married and let's not talk about money we do I think I pay almost all the bills no offense but you're the one paying all the time I know no it's fair um kind of how it's always been what are the conversations you all have about money sorry I'm doing math well no you're fine it's a lot of um I've just usually I've always made more of the money so yeah your income's fine but yeah how much does he think exists what what does he know versus what does he not know maybe a few credit cards yeah does he know they're maxed out no does he watch my show he does because we watched it together oh you're in trouble I know we're going to talk about it when I get home tell me why you have not talked about it yet I don't think I until recently when I was like making all the payments and I paid more than the minimum um well usually and then I was like oh like I'm can't put anything in savings like we haven't been able to do anything pretty much whenever um I was laid off like we did we blew through savings we haven't had savings which is also why we didn't have the wedding and then it was like well probably we're like gonna have to delay the wedding again like there's there's nothing so does he have savings um no like it's which is also why it's just frightening because he so he was out of work because he blew his Achilles in September so we actually started back at work uh three weeks ago what does he do for work he works for a specialty uh hospital bed company so um he was on disability for a while but we got really lucky he had really good benefits so he had a really good surgeon so he had a really good recovery that's good yeah we got really really fortunate and you guys do not know how some assuming you rent right one time we had a nice savings like two really how much we had about um five six thousand dollars saved up and then where'd it go laid off and then um you didn't replenish do you think you've gotten into more habits of things by chance yeah like just poor Habits Like just not changing lifestyle also just are you living above your means even if you didn't have that for sure and it's just hard to have that I think it's Pride like not wanting him to have to change his lifestyle because I can't keep up with it so I can see your words he works really hard and I don't want to have to make him do that and so he has a really likely well you're about to work your off if you have any potential for future stability with money yeah you have thirty thousand dollars of debt a bad debt none of it could be considered good debt right thirty thousand hours of bad debt you have minimum monthly payments in order to not go you know not miss any payments of one thousand three hundred eight dollars but not only that you are losing 450 dollars a month in interest right now interest what do those numbers do they surprise you no did you know this I don't think I knew it outright but like I had kind of an idea this means of your take-home pay the interest and the minimum monthly payments together are 35 of your take-home pay that's insane yeah that's insane I'm sorry this is gonna this is going to be so hard so so hard are you willing to actually do what's necessary yeah actually and you haven't so far these last couple of months even though you've heard the Spiel before what's going to change between now now and you know a few weeks ago I think it's like the last month it's been a realization of like I'm making the payments and it's just I'm not making a dent and it's it's really been like the last six months of it just really rolling up and but but you haven't done anything to address full recognizing it so what's going to change apps off my phone and what apps like the the doordash and the instacart and things like that I mean that's okay what you're having the conversation and being transparent with money yeah and you got to do that with the fiance yeah so what's your rent or your portion of the rent so it's uh 1600 a month is all you yeah uh because he's not been working full time so coach yeah utilities um about 200. it's not including internet as well I know it's about 70 bucks so that's gas electric and internet 200. 200 and then um internet's about 70. it's 270 okay yeah car insurance car insurance 140. how much in gas so my commute's really short so probably like um 60 70 dollars 70 bucks health insurance pulled from your paycheck before you get it yeah so I'm actually on his health insurance because do you pay anything for it I don't he's covers the health insurance minimum monthly payments for debt you rent your utilities car insurance your gas Insurance anything else you have to take care of on a monthly basis that you can think of right now besides the BS subscriptions which are all cans right now once you're okay with your cell phone um I can actually you don't know it's ATC I think it's like 180 so that phone is financed yeah [Music] and then I'm going I think I just paid it off I think it was just paid off so it's yourself on Bell now like 80. I think it's like 120. geez you're not even in service here okay who goes through shops I do so you grocery shop for both of you what does he bring home on a monthly basis right now like 3 000 a month okay do you are your I mean you're not married so it's not legal so we can't I don't think we should crap okay well he needs to contribute okay so I don't want you to have like fully combined finances but if you were the only one doing groceries you need to contribute to the grocery pool yeah we can I mean so previously we had like a joint so we had a joint checking account and we were doing that when we had like a smaller apartment and we had like where he was so but he just started back to work like three weeks ago so he'll be able to like start contributing like a few hundred dollars to rent so he could start doing like 500 to rent soon oh soon okay so like this yeah like this next month he could add like 500 to rent well I also because that's gonna make a difference yeah groceries you are going to do 300 he can contribute an additional 300 but you are doing a Max 300 okay honestly you can just go get married you don't need to do a whole thing yeah uh and then I'm Gonna Give You t total paper money and anything that's necessary for the house yeah of a hundred he can do 100 as well yeah but your portion is a hundred okay cool so in order for you to survive right now your minimum existence just from you is three thousand nine hundred nine dollars which is upsetting me because that's almost that's basically eighty percent eighty percent of your money is gone you have a thousand dollars left over a thousand okay this is gonna be so hard to make progress on on just a thousand dollars yeah this is gonna take for this is going to take I mean if you were able to put a thousand dollars towards a thousand dollars a month not taking into account any interest would take 30 months probably gonna be like more like 35 40 months with interest yeah so there's some some things have to change it might be you are working on the weekends it might be he is contributing to this if he's which I don't know before marriage maybe we tighten the Tie the Knot like just at the courthouse have a ceremony later yeah he contributes to this but either way this situation even with the snowball method is going to take forever it's gonna take multiple years yeah so you need more income or you need to get a cheaper rent or he covers half rent half of utilities anything we can make where the amount of money you have is more uh well either way at the end of the month the amount of money you have is more whichever way that comes from you know in terms of bringing in or outflow you just need more if you get have two thousand dollars together you know you could do this in like a year and a half yeah um but I think having something on the weekend cut into like my fun time it will yeah but the fun time for the rest of your life is going to be so much more time if you because right now technically you can't even spend money on fun because these are all maxed out you're spending more than you make it it doesn't yeah it doesn't make sense right now you're you're required to survive is 80 but what you're spending is likely 125 of your income under 30 150 of your income yeah oh I think I'm just spending what I used to make you used to make more yeah oh I think I just never changed my no you have to you have to address um and I think my expenses got more with a new apartment and I just never change and honestly one thing I would like before you do this is I think you might be forced to save up like four thousand dollars yeah before you can even start this debt because that's what needed for you to even survive yeah so he if you guys just need to because I don't think he should technically contribute to it on illegally speaking and stuff until you guys are married and stuff like that I'm not fair it's not but once you guys are married then it's just like okay we are combined yeah essentially we're a combined household then he should because you guys are able to get get retirement and stuff much quicker as a household yeah as a couple legally speaking yeah a couple who wants that not aside so I just go to the courthouse do it and then just tackle this together that's another that's another you do that you move into a cheaper place next time police is up you also increase your income you can get this taken care of if you don't do any of those things I'm not going to go through the whole process so this is what it looks like on month one month two month three because this is just Insanity all this what it comes down to is reducing the outflow increasing the inflow and then maybe tying the knot and attacking it together but right now this is dire I am actually scared for you and I don't have optimism the optimism that I sometimes try to have him I not feel like it sometimes but I at least like okay I see a path I'm not seeing a path right now yeah and that's up to you to change different things to make a path but right now this is just dire end of the world chaos yeah yeah what are you gonna do you know yourself what are you actually going to do yeah um I mean I've been just making the payments and then making poor poor spending habits and I think it's just having a real Frank conversation with him and trying to keep back yeah if not tonight when I get back to the hotel yeah yeah that's true it might be a better in person yeah this because this is gonna I think this might be I don't want a nuclear bomb yeah okay we're about to be completely combined and I'm bringing in 450 of interest on a monthly basis yeah so you clearly need to get on a budget I recommend it to most anyone in your situation there's also the debit card Fizz that I partner with it's good that helps spending on certain categories and you clearly need help spending on certain categories and if you build out your budget in a certain way you will that helps you track it you just you need to use any budgeting app Rocket money mint I don't care Dave Ramsey's app I don't care maybe I should make my own everyone has one yeah you need the budget you need to increase your income you need to decrease your outflow you need to tie the knot and you need to have an open Frank conversation with him and then figure out what your game plan is going forward but right now this is bad and you will never be able to retire you'll die in debt with this okay unless something changes any final thoughts thank you appreciate it for Sarah that's one of the most dire situations we've seen on this show it's going to be so hard to get out and she needs to follow at least one of the three you know progress points that I gave her to get out of the situation but for now Hammer Financial score is zero out of ten it is rough and good luck with that uh conversation with the fiance Sarah I'm sure that's gonna be fun check out all the things in the description like the resources below and don't forget to follow my Instagram and Twitter thanks
Channel: Caleb Hammer
Views: 520,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crypto, graham stephan, meet kevin, make money online, biaheza, shiba inu, how to make money, finance, financial education, inflation, personal finance, day trading, ryan pineda, compound interest, student loan forgiveness, mark tilbury, dave ramsey, the dave ramsey show, financial independence, budget, elena taber, ramsey, biggerpockets, the plain bagel, how to invest in real estate, budgeting, budget money debt cash, real estate investing, dave ramsey show, dave ramsey live
Id: imOEs3Qner4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 50sec (2330 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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