SHE WAS SACRIFICED!! || Frozen II Theory

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[Music] what happened to the spirits what's in the forest now only at Holland knows at Holland no one can get in and no one has since come out what were they doing in the dark sea the forest could wake again and we must be prepared for whatever danger it may bring hi guys welcome back I just want to take a moment to say Thank you so freaking much for your support your love you make my whole week so much better that is why I'm going to give out wonderful shout outs to wonderful people that I love and adore uh firstly Austin Austin SLE Austin Sizzle Austin stizzle how do you know how do you know I'm a Scorpio my birthday is coming up actually which is October 23rd I'm excited not really I don't really care about my birthday but how do you know I'm astonished suspensa Hugh nx9 BC Katie to 309 user c u4 d S3 R L9 n Ariel Ariel an Cole Molina Kami 9706 abigael bordo 2084 Lio Ang mailla 959 Amar Abdula 84 Sterling Rodriguez 9362 splendous dude CAD Dak 6685 oh my God I am so sorry for butchering literally every single name I am so sorry I'm sorry I'm just so sorry and you've never told us this before I'm actually really excited about this video because I'm talking about Frozen 2 and I haven't talked about Frozen in such a long time aduna Mom got sacrific wait what up NOP Elsa's mom aduna got sacrificed by the gods she got murdered killed she got murdered her death was no accident it was purposeful we got to do a whole lot of recap because it's quite honestly a lot and if you don't want to watch my other videos I don't blame you because I don't want to watch my other videos although my very last video on Frozen maybe watch that one because it'll be kind of confusing if you don't but if you really don't want to watch it cuz it's you know I'm going to recap a little bit for you so in Frozen 2 we are shown this text and it's in an unknown language deciphering the text was very complicated but I soon began to realize it was a story the story of the beginning of time the story of how the Earth came to be we see this Divine being of some sort and for a long time I was confused as what this Divine being was who he could be what it was doing but it seemed seem like this being right here gave life to the Earth but it's emerging from the water water already is in existence before anything else remind you of someone until the mother Island emerged that's right teiti teiti is a Divine being a goddess who emerged from the waters Whenever there was a nothing she was responsible for creating life so I believe tafiti has a whole lot to do with the story of Frozen soon after atahalen is created and atahalen is created so that dead Spirits can have somewhere to be when they die but not only that it's not only a resting place for the dead Spirits it's also a place where new spirits come to be as we see Elsa do although the movie leads us on to believe that there are only four spirits and then the fifth spirit being Elsa the only human spirit that is not entirely true there are more Spirits out there it's not not just these five the north alra people are really based on the Sami people Sami people are very real people and they have very real beliefs as well and one of their beliefs is that they believe that everything on Earth has a spirit everything in nature has a spirit we've also talked about how Elsa is the fifth Spirit currently but there have been other fifth Spirit but there have been other fifth Spirits before Elsa I theorize that aduna could have been a fifth Spirit prior to Elsa if you don't believe that there have been other fifth spirits in the past here's some proof soon after the movie was released there was a short that came after Frozen 2o it's basically the side of the north aldra their side of the story and in that short film they say that the spirits vanished due to the fact that the fit Spirit lost its prythm but at the time of the spirits Vanishing well Elsa's father was just a kid Elsa's mother was just a kid they hadn't met yet they actually meet right when the spirits vanished and um Elsa was not born yet so how could the fifth Spirit lose its Rhythm and that be the cause of the spirits Vanishing there had to be another fifth Spirit prior to Elsa in the movie honey Marin also states that some heard the fifth Spirit call out during the time that the spirits vanished again Elsa at that time was not born yet and in my most recent Frozen 2 Theory video I said that teiti the Divine being is the one who appointed aduna to be the fifth Spirit but that's not entirely true I mean I changed my mind since then but I'll get into it I also stated that aduna can't fully pass away until Elsa goes to a Holland and converts into the fifth Spirit she can't lay peacefully she can't rest until the fifth spirit is appointed to someone else we know that Elsa converted into the fifth spirit and was not the fifth Spirit prior because she quite literally transformed into it right in front of our eyes and she is much stronger than before before she couldn't even cross the ocean now she's able to stop a whole wave like a whole massive tsunami let's talk about olland olland might be Loosely based on the belief of something called Bola Bola Bola I'm not sure how to pronounce it according to Wikipedia Bola can be thought of as purely an abstract place a literary trobe standing as source of evil a forboding horrible forever cold land in the far north so POA which inspired aah Holland is this cold dark horrible place which honestly yeah ot to Holland seems to be that way I mean look at the song that the mom's saying in the beginning of the movie I mean this lullabi is quite jarring and they always are I mean we talked about COC melon but that's another video why do lullab always have to have some terrible warning in them aduna states that her mother used to sing this song to her about a place named aah holic my mother would sing a song about a special river called atahalen what does aduna mother know about atahalen so aduna is not the first fifth spirit I think being the fifth Spirit might be generational could be inherited by the first born child of whoever has it so aduna her firstborn child was Elsa Elsa became the fifth Spirit maybe aduna was the firstborn child or the only child of her parent parents and her mother might have been the fifth Spirit perhaps aduna Mother which by the way her mother was murdered in a massacre along with her father and the rest of her tribe and she was the only survivor of the whole Massacre and she was later adopted by Elena but maybe adona's mother knew something was up and knew maybe her time was coming to an end and she needed to prepare her child to become the next fifth spirit so she would sing her this song and basically a guide as to how to go to atah Holland and become the fifth Spirit every single prior fifth Spirit had to take the same journey to become the fifth Spirit which was follow the voice go to otah Holland and convert into the fit Spirit adona's mother tried to instill that into aduna however her mother died much too soon and aduna did not really know how to navigate through this and so so even though aduna would hear the voice she wouldn't follow it plus she was a child like much younger than Elsa was when she turned into the fifth spirit so it's kind of hard to just you know Venture off on your own as a child to follow some voice right instead of venturing off to find and follow this voice she just had the melody stuck in her head she would sing it and the day of the spirits Vanishing she sung it and that's why people believe they heard the fifth Spirit but really it was ad Duna and unfortunately that day she decided to leave the forest meaning that the forest had no more fifth Spirit she was gone she wasn't even able to turn into the fifth Spirit she had the potential to but since she left she never did which means the fifth Spirit fell out of Ballance bance the spirits vanished the harmony was lost dive down deep into her sound but not too far or you'll be drowned when aduna and her husband the king ventured off to find a Holland to find answers as to why their daughter may have had this power maybe she ventured off a little too far and she was quite literally drowned now why am I talking about aduna here well because I think I may have found a new spirit to put into our Elemental chart here remember that thing yeah we were talking about that and here's fire water Earth Wind and Elsa's right in the middle we discovered that teiti was in this chart as well the sun and the moon was there as well and then we have the reindeer Spirit however I need to readjust some things because I said that maybe the spiritual world are these diamonds right here and the physical Spirits are going to be right here well what is more spiritual than a literal god or goddess so teiti is actually going to be in these diamonds right here and not on this diamond I'm not sure what goes there yet first I discovered a goddess that the Sami people believe in called ranaa Rona is the goddess of spring and fertility and and if that does not sound like teiti I don't know what does and there's one other God that I found that Sami people actually believe in called the God of Thunder his name is heral heres heres heres again I'm terrible at pronunciation he is the god of the sky thunder lightning the rainbow weather oceans lakes and rules over human life health and well-being get this he also has the ability to punish hurtful demons or evil spirits he can destroy them with his lightning shoots them with his bow and dashes their brains out with a hammer that is absolutely terrifying but what I found interesting is that he is able to control the oceans and maybe he was punishing Duna for leaving the forest and trying to come back shamefully I mean un shamefully selfishly it wasn't her turn to go to OT Holland it was Elsa's maybe she had to be punished she had to be sacrificed so that they can finally have their fifth spirit so the God of Thunder quite literally drowned her which caused Elsa to go on this adventure to find who she really was to go to otah Holland and convert into the fifth Spirit what the forest really needed which is why El Ela had to stay in the forest who is this God of Thunder in the destiny sense well I did a little bit of research and you may disagree with me maybe you think the God of Thunder matches someone else better maybe I'll do a little bit more research on it I may do another video on it but as of right now I think and I feel like the God of Thunder matches King Triton the best cuz King Triton is able to manipulate aspects of the weather and he is the king of the ocean he can manipulate the ocean the waves the way the Water Works and the weather I don't know I just feel like he matches it the best maybe you disagree with me let me know what you think I have other ideas for other Frozen videos as well so if you want that let me know comment down gods and goddesses for a chance to get a shout out in the next video thank you all so much for your support I love you all very dearly goodbye
Channel: Random Critique
Views: 24,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 13pEfun_vB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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