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hey guys i'm genuinely so so excited for this video a lot of you have asked me for a quarterly video quite a few times now and i think it's time it's been a while since my last one and i recently just watched coraline and something stood out to me that has never really stood out to me before and i can't believe like how i've never seen this but i want to talk about it and i want to know your opinions as well so without further ado let's just get into the video so the first thing i'd like to point out is this smaller conversation that coraline has between her and her mother coraline exclaims how she wants things growing when her friends come to visit and then she asked isn't that why we moved here and then the mother says something like that but then we had the accident it wasn't my fault you hit that truck i never said it was so this little small little conversation gives us so many details about why they moved there coraline believes it to be something relating to gardening and that seems to be the case because her mother says something like that so that forces me to believe that they moved to oregon for some kind of job opportunity and i think that is proved later on in the movie you sure you won't come don't fret charlie they'll love the new catalog at least they'll love my chapters but in this small little conversation we also know that they got into some sort of car accident and the mother kind of places the blame on coraline so we know that something relating to the car accident coraline had something to do with it maybe later on shortly after that small little conversation the mother brings attention to a gift yb left for coraline so the mother made sure that this gift got to coraline and that alone isn't weird or suspicious but just keep that in mind so after this conversation coraline goes to her father into his office and the father pays little to no attention to coraline really oh you know this house is 150 years old instead he kind of tells her to go away and go discover what's in the house since it is 150 years old so she does this and in the process she finds a little door that we now know is the portal to the other mother's dimension but this would have never happened if the father just paid a little bit of attention to coraline so of course she's found the door and she wants to know what's behind it so she asks her mother to open this door and her mother goes into the drawer full of keys full of keys and she picks out the exact key that it is on the first try so she knew exactly what key opened this door which already seems a bit suspicious don't you think so she opens the door and she keeps it open she doesn't lock it and that's when you know coraline later on discovers the other world and she has a little adventure in the other world and then comes back to the main world and you know what i found that is really bizarre is that whenever this whole adventure happens in the other world the next day we don't see this happen but the other mother comes to a conclusion to the idea that she now has to go back get the key and lock the door and she explains it through this oh i found some rat crap and i thought you'd feel safer the dreams aren't dangerous but we also know that she put the key really high up high enough so that coraline couldn't reach it why is this why would she do that no truly not just some dumb explanation truly why would she do this now after coraline has managed to get the key and unlock it and go into the other world while her mother was gone while her father was gone as well notice how the other mother the bell dam doesn't let coraline go home after this and the movie makes it seem as if it's because coraline had said no to the button eyes but i think it's for a different reason or for both reasons now these are just simple observations that i've came across but let's get into the actual theory now so we know that they got into a car crash right before this trip to oregon and there's a one question that everybody's had about the bell dam ever since the movie's release can the bell dam tell the future this question is brought up because the bell dam creates the coraline doll right before the movie's events it's at night and then the next day it's morning and that's whenever they're moving in and the beldam already knows what coraline looks like so can she tell the future a little me that's weird what if she can look at the present in other places what if it's not necessarily that she can tell the future but more like she's been planning it before they even moved what if she caused them to move let me explain perhaps this car crash was not caused by coral line but it was in fact caused by the beldam in some way i think the belgium is kind of trapped in her own world so she can't really escape but you know who can her minions she creates these things and she sends them out into the world like the rats for example the cat can also travel in and out of the dimension and the dolls travel as well and i think she is able to create these different types of human characters that we have not yet seen in the movie not really but really we have already you know how the beldum takes the eyes away from the children and in my other videos i've explained that she's taken the eyes out to reach their souls well that stands true but what if she doesn't waste these eyes and she uses them for her creations perhaps the bell dam was in search for a kid who was very adventurous with a big soul and found coraline she found that she was an only child and very miserable so that was her next victim so what did she do she caused the car crash to happen made it look accidental the parents coraline's real parents passed away and got her creations to replace her parents and the reason they don't have button eyes is because she uses the eyes of the dead children so the other parents not her biological parents decided to move to oregon because there was a job opportunity in oregon so they moved very very far away into the pink palace right where the bell dam was and the good thing about this move is that coraline was now very very far away from her own family so if there was any trouble and coraline needed help her family wouldn't really be around certainly not her parents they don't pay attention to her if the real charlie jones wants his pages edited he better wrap them up asap so there's a question you may be asking if the parents are actually the bell dam's minions why don't they help her at the end of the movie well as we know from the other yb and the other father these characters have their own opinions feelings and emotions they may regret their decision and this is why the other mother does not let coraline back into her world because she knew that her own minions betrayed her if she let coraline back out the other parents would not let coraline back into her own dimension and may i remind you that the belgium actually captures the parents of coraline and during this capture i believe that the beldam fixed the parents fix them in a way that they'd now obey the bell dam so now at the end of the movie the other parents are now trying to find a way to get yb and coraline together to trap them both and trap them in the other world this is also why the dead children tell coraline that she's still in terrible danger you're in terrible danger and this would explain everything that we know about the parents why they blame the car accident on coraline why they don't pay attention to her why the mom doesn't lock the door on purpose and why the mom made sure coraline got the doll so what do you think do you honestly believe that coraline's parents aren't actually her parents that they actually died in the car crash i don't know i really want to know your opinions and your theories so let me know comment down comment them down below and consider subscribing to my channel consider liking the video and commenting or sharing or whatever you want to do to help me and support me in this channel and my journey on youtube and i don't know so thank you uh and uh so
Channel: A Random Critique
Views: 1,143,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GqGShhF66ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 16 2022
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