She Stole Her Man From Her Friend And Now She Thinks He's Cheating (Triple Episode) | Couples Court

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this is couples court with the cutlers this is the case of Robinson versus Sanford you all have been together for 2 years you're engaged and Miss Robinson you've opened this case specifically because you believe your fiance is sleeping with his ex is that correct yes your honor I believe he's still sleeping with his at he sees her behind my back uh they just communicate all the time and I just don't see no reason for it I think I'm enough woman for three women so I think he have a reason to talk to any woman it just a her it's multiple women every time we get into he's always in a different woman faes they always around so I just want to get to the bottom of before we get married I just came accept and we're not the wedding office he's cheating so you done yeah and what did she say cuz she more than no she three women yeah he can't handle this right he don't need nothing else I I don't like it and if you find out that he's cheating with his ex then what oh it's over it's history cuz I believe that's where his heart is anyway all right Mr Mr sford she didn't put it all out there are you sleeping with your ex no me and my me and my ex got a mutual agreement but I love my wife my woman I call her my wife but she's my fiance but I'm in love with this woman and this what I'm here to prove today I don't want my ex but Mr Sanford Miss Robinson said something very key it was one sentence she went through it real fast but I caught it she said I believe his heart is still with the ex that's important because the heart that at the center of the relationship that's what it is the heart so is your heart with your ex no I have love for her but I can't be dogging her out and I don't want her run around here dogging me out at the same time we can't have our kids seeing seeing us arguing and stuff 24/7 but why we can't come together and talk about this you think what's going on more arue with me and go see your baby mama so you think it's more than just keeping a a relationship with the kids you think it's more than that I don't I think that he still love got love for her because of the history and the kids and I think she just got love for him too cuz she know she you know she messed up I think he's still in love you can't love two people at one time all right Mr Sanford you said you're not in love with your ex right Miss Robinson has used this phrase twice now she says she believes your heart is with her so it must be something that you're doing that's causing her to believe that your heart is with her when they these two contact each other Facebook and stuff then when they get into it then when they get into it they want to bring me in it and this why she feel like that cuz I tell her don't come to me with it don't tell me about it or nothing but you understand she believes it's not just you just have this relationship to co-parent she believes it's you're still having sex with her no I'm not we don't hang out or nothing like that you're saying none of that is going on go over there sheid yeah she do braid my hair you go over there and U sit between this girl leg or in between her her hands and get your hair braided and you did not pack her I don't she's mentioning him on Facebook um I'm like who is that he was like oh that's Whitley and uh she's clining on me because I did not pay her his hair you you probably can't tell her from looking at me but I know a thing or two About Hair Braiding when you get your hair braided you typically sit on the floor somebody sits in a chair and you are I guess technically between their legs legs that's what I'm thinking you know he's getting his hair that's how people get their hair braided right yeah I sit in a chair wait a minute hold up y'all I got to get some information from him how you know how you know about here bra I've never seen you with braids look I've been to the movies I read books I read magazines I got friends I got people I know things you know things I know things so you just know this I know this okay we we get the uh the hair braid but this ain't going to call all this that we watching it's got to be more to it than this another example right talk to me we um had to evacuate from North Carolina because of the hurricane okay uh we W up he W up getting in a hotel for two weeks I only stay there a week he put me out he put you out he he put me out you not going to argue and yell with me and cause a scene in the hotel cuz you going to get both of us put out so you leave M but when we got back together I got through his phone again is mess this for um from Whitley saying what what number is it what you ain't got a phone sign phone number what number what number is she talking about you think she wouldn't stay with him that week yeah so you think they were laid up together in that hotel I surely do all right Mr Sam not true well I mean what was this argument do you think he just made this argument up so cuz I wanted some eggs I was hungry well you know I like eat you know beloved there's her side the fiance side and the ex's side and she is here Rob on her in [Music] all right how are you um I could be better all right would you please State your full name for the record my name is Whitley Denise Williams all right Miss Williams you don't look happy I'm very angry all right what is the nature of your relationship with Mr Sanford me and Mr Sanford start talking to each other back in 20 2004 and uh we was together for 10 years and um in the process I was later on introduced to miss Doris as a family friend how did you find out that they were together well when Mr Sanford first came back to the town we're in he hit me up okay when he hit me up he told me he had just left a relationship and that he wasn't going with anybody I asked him which was true several days later I see that Doris name pops up on messenger and it's calling him while he's visiting with me he told me he don't go with her then I look on my messenger and I receive a message from her telling me basically don't mess with him if I mess with him she going to tell the dude I'm going with no and I have evidence of it so you were in a relationship first I was with when I while you were still in a relationship with Mr Sanford you were also friends with her yes I would bring my kids by she would help me watch them if I needed to make a run yes we were friends for real all right well let's look at this okay I just want to make sure we had that that correct it says is you still talking to Lee if you are you better stop why you didn't keep him when you had him stay away from Lee we together now and you be disrespectful you all ain't got blank to talk about Point Blank period you didn't want him when you had him so this is a message you received from Miss Robinson mhm and is this how you found out that they were together yep because Mr Sanford deny he still denies it to me deny it to me do you understand that they're engaged to be married I had no idea to I just found out 10 minutes ago this a sad yes ma'am now you just stood here and said you trying to have this good relationship with her and about the kids she said y'all best friends right and you don't tell your best friend the mother of your three kids hey by the way I'm getting married to this other woman no cuz cuz I did when I tell her that when I tell her that that same kind of message you just seen on that screen that's what I'm going have to deal with for about two weeks straight okay hold on hold on do you believe that he wants you back yes I do for numerous reasons okay tell I was going to say tell me why because every time we together he always bring up the fact he miss me he say he love me and I don't think he just mean I love you as a person I think deep down he's still in love with me and he long story short told me the last time we talked the only reason why he's talking to Doris is the fact that I'm getting engaged otherwise if I was still single he would still want to be with me have you all been having sex over this last two years me and Mr s has said sex once and this is before I knew anything about Doris so once you found out about her you I was done it was over with because of the Betrayal I found out from Mr sord 6 months after I had our last child that Doris was asking him to take her bra off for her that she was asking him to wash her back that she was walking around naked all this stuff I found out 6 months after I had our last child so that's what made the relationship between Miss daughter that is a lot you all have been together for two years right yeah correct yeah all right and you're saying within the last two years you and Mrs Sanford have been intimate together once one time right one time before we got serious before I knew I sweep how long ago was that second day after he got in town maybe so how how long a year ago two year and a half ago this is this is the first time I ever heard that and I think that she just on some get back stuff too because we all was friends okay uh do you think he's cheating yes I do for a lot of reasons okay tell me about that well the last time I also talked to Mr s while I was braiding his hair he mentioned me a conversation that him Doris and another female that he says is his homeg girl had what happened what he told me was he was sitting there with the homeg girl and Doris CAU when Doris called he intentionally told the girl to answer the phone he let both of them basically go back and forth over him and when they got done he said I don't go with you I don't go with you so I don't understand why y'all arguing over me that's a lie that's a lie that's a lie a lie M Robinson did you know about this home girl yeah I knew about the girl we had got into it or whatever so we separated he was at his dad house and I'm at home a day before his birthday you know we wound up getting together whatever one night we did our thing or whatever so when he fell asleep I took a picture of him naked I thought go through his phone I took a picture of him naked and sent it to her from my phone send it to who to that girl the home girl his friend okay why huh I was just being petty and out of anger just being petty and what did you say when you sent this I said I'm s having sex with him okay you submitted this to the court I like that but you know okay you submitted that text that you took a picture of and it says I'm blanketing and the other woman responds I don't give a blank grow the blank up you big sloppy blank I have blanked him too just blanked him before you start blowing him up M robbert said me and dude supposed to be in a whole relationship and she responds girl stop he don't want you so this is The Interchange after you sent the naked picture of Mrs sford M Mr sford you got women all over the place that's what I'm saying but I just met the girl I helped the girl get a car off the road did you tell your fiance hey I you won't believe what happened today I saw this lady she having car problems I helped her did you tell her that no I I didn't did you say I'm going to visit my home girl no not before I went okay I think we've heard enough I know I have tell me what we got we have Miss Robinson believes that her fiance say is still in love with his ex and believes his heart is with her that's the word she used she also believes Mrs Sanford is having a sexual relationship with his ex and then the final thing is there's some other woman out here and she's saying to you in text messages she's having sex with it and for all these reasons you believe that Mr sord is cheating all he can say is I'm not in it I don't want to be in it and Miss Robinson you have said if it comes out that Mr sford is in fact cheating you you are done us off what what we going to get married for okay cuz it going to be cheating the whole time all right Mr Cutler and this time the court will call former military interrogator Lena Cisco and certified polygraph examiner Tommy Platt to determine is he cheating please them [Applause] in Miss Cisco Mr Platt good day how are you all good we've got a lot going on here we need your help Miss Cisco you are a former military interrogator correct yes your honor you conducted interrogation in this case correct I did your honor okay what did you determine about Mr Sanford's dealings with the person that Miss Robinson sent a naked picture to so when I asked Mr Sanford about this person who he refers to as his homeg girl he he only admitted that she was trying to seduce him so when they were together she would wear skimpy clothes and she would rub up on him and rub her booty on him I asked him multiple times if he had sexual intercourse with this woman and he said no both times the first time he told me no however he leaked duper's Delight right after he said it so that's that little smile that comes across the face which is an indicator of deception so I don't believe he's being 100% honest with me and there is something there that he is hiding his mouth is saying one thing his body saying something else exactly all right now Mr plat you conducted a polygraph examination of Mr Sanford correct yes sir you ask Mr sanfred have you had sexual intercourse with the woman to whom Miss Robinson sent the naked picture of you what was his response to that question your honor he stated no what did the polygraph determined the polygraph determined that he was being deceptive Mr Sanford this home girl how many times have you been with her I never slept with her I never did nothing with that girl the issue is and this isn't and this is I'm directing to you the lie detector says he was deceptive that he in fact had sexual intercourse with this home girl what are you thinking I'm looking at your face I can't read it I know it's anything but happy what are you think yeah I'm very upset I'm very angry I'm just like we we're definitely not getting married so that's married is out no okay so Mr Sanford I mean sounds like neither one of you is ready to get married she's not ready to get married because of your behavior and you definitely not ready to get married because of your behavior so you need to figure out what you want to do do you want to be a man that someone wants to marry do you want to be that man if you don't that's fine if you want to go out and play the field if you want to help every damsel and distress that you meet on the side of the road and their car that's fine if you want to do that but just be upfront about it and tell Miss Robinson that's what you want to do you all have been together for 13 years you're engaged to be married you got five kids together but whether there's a wedding down the line all depends on what happens here today is that right Miss MC yes it is your honor tell us why you've initiated this case your honor I believe this man right here is cheating on me and being together for 13 years five kids later you know uh my family's at stake and I'm too old for it I got to move on or something and if you find out he's cheating what does that mean I find out he's cheating I am packing his stuff and dropping it to his house she's she wait a minute she ain't giving up her place he's not leaving he's leaving she's kicking him out yeah so he's gone he is out he's got to go it's my house and the kids right all right Mr toer she's saying you getting ready to get the boot if she finds out you're cheating your honor I'm not cheating on her I love her I wouldn't risk my family or my relationship over another woman I've been with her too long Mr to you say you love her I do I want I I I want to prove my inocence today so we can get married and move on with our future right and so you're not cheating with anybody no I'm not she's it's all in her head it is she just maybe being home with the kids a lot and just got a lot of time to think but I'm not cheating on her how aren't you cheating because we don't have no more sex when I was pregnant all the other times with the four kids we had lots of sex we had a healthy relationship now I don't even get none it's like vom like that that's not so true that's not true at all she said you're not having sex at all are you having sex with somebody what about last night oh you're only kissing my just to say just to have one more time cuz you know know once we get this result you're out I'm not going nowhere cuz I ain't do nothing wrong I'm going prove the ominent today okay so Mr mcy is there anybody in particular that you're worried about yes uh he takes his girl to work she wasn't supposed to be in my car he never called to ask permission about her being in my car and I does he need permission to give a coworker a ride to work exact a female it would be nice I mean people people give people rides to work all the time right yeah but where's the Harmon at M Mr mcroy people give co-workers rides to work all the time right but when it comes to a female thing it's different Miss Cutler wouldn't you agree well I you know I the preference would be oh boy I eyeball I want to hear this come on all right the preference would be that you would tell me Mr Cutler hey I'm giving so or so a ride but I'm not sure that if you didn't I would be be upset about it now if it was a daily kind of thing he was giving a ride every day every day I might be like okay when she going to get her car fixed or when she going get when she going to get that bus pass so she can go on coworkers ride together I mean is a as a car saing me the seat I'm sorry to interrupt but the seat was laid back so what were they doing in the seat oh it's not just a ride it's a ride that she's worried about is she getting a ride or is he getting a ride not even true that's not true neither she blows everything out of proportion so you didn't want the drama yeah I me there was no sexual act or nothing involved it's just if I tell her something she makes a big deal out of nothing okay so why was the seat laidback because I mean to be honest I leave my house at like 4:50 in the morning so she sleeps on the ride the ride to work it's a 45 minute ride from why do you let her sleep in our car we're riding to work what am I going to do so you can't sleep on catching a ride Mr Cory so I mean so he's got to have rules now for his coworker that you you can ride but you can't go to sleep you can't let the 30° angle only are are you that strict yeah she yeah been all my question is have you found anything that makes you think that Mr toer is is cheating yes I have cuz tell about I did some investigation in that car I went in there I was digging out everything I went to the back seat started digging inside the back seat and you know what I pull up I have no idea a thumb that damn didn't belong to me I'm big girl they were skinny girl and they look crusty I have the evidence right here oh that was you submitted that to the car yes I did and look at that that looks nasty this was in your back seat yes tuck under it was tucked inside the seat in the back Mr toer uh those don't look like they belong to you whose are they I never seen him before no never seen honestly honestly you're honor I never seen him before like I said it's her car she got girlfriends in the car and that's they have their own car why do I have to pick my friend up Miss mcroy is there any other reason that you believe Mr toer might be cheating yes there is tell me about this may I um cross exam I have evidence all right you cross to the monitor go ahead yes where is it okay anybody so what they recognize the picture so what is this we're looking at all right this is a sec um um a sexting or something on a dating site and I went through his phone and this is exactly what I found okay that's like a a profile yes he speaks English yes he does says he's interested in threesom that do happen between us so I don't know what thre sus he's having discret relationships oral sex Friends with Benefits those are things he's interested in yeah and that not happening with me so who is it happening with Mr to it I mean that's your picture right there and only that it says 30 he is 33 right now so how long have you been cheating on me so we've got a three-year-old profile that's been up with your sign and things you're interested in and you are engaged to miss MCC with five kids no you're honor that ain't even how it happened I had a friend of mine staying with me and he and he sits up like all through the night he uses my phone cuz like he's down on his luck and he took my picture and he made that he made that dating site he so he wait a minute not only that he got hits from it he actually got hits from it had girls calling my phone and com so wait a minute you're telling me your friend friend use your photo to catch the women he catfished them until he got them to the house yeah but that's a lie because there's more to this okay but that that's your story that your friend set this up he did I didn't know nothing about it until she found it and brought it to my attention what about the call when you got a call from somebody saying I saw your profile I'm interested in a through z what did you say eventually but they was happening at night time so I didn't know about it and he's sitting on my phone from like 12: to 3 that's why would you but Mr toer if he was going to use your picture why wouldn't he use his name and his contact information I don't know cuz I know that's how it looks he's good he's good at talking so once he gets him on the phone and talking to him he's good he's just a slick talker that's how he is but miss mcroy you don't believe this is just that you don't believe this story at all that it that it's friends tell me why okay sex in the park we have done that sex with toys we have done that sex in the police station we have done that and nobody knows anything about that that is something that's discreet with us sex in a police station parking lot yes well doesn't anybody have adventurous sex not in the police station parking lot that's not how it happened it it didn't happen like that okay but it did happen in a parking lot I'm not mad at you I'm not I'm not I'm not mad at you I'm just It's Curious hey I'm a guy sometimes when you want it you want it in we places so here's the question and this is probably your question if this is your friend's uh profile how did he know that you had sex in the police station parking lot when you're that's how I'm [Applause] feeling we're guys so weal was bragging and I was trying to be macho so I was telling them that stuff it don't make it looked good I had sex and oh you're you're adventurous you know you high all around right yeah exactly all right wait a minute used it Ron have you ever caught somebody in the police station parking lot it's been caught yes we we need to get out boy Mr Cutler we we got to step our game up and of course if you've had sex in the police station parking lot you do dirty talk there's no doubt to do that I agree I do dirty talk because I love him and that's what he wants so I give him what he wants you know but the thing is you found it you step back to the podium thank you you found his dating profile and it has his name his picture and all the things he likes to do and you're trying to figure out why in the world does he have a dating profile when he's engaged to you exactly yes 13-year relationship with five kids five kids engaged to be married all on the line right now all on the line well this court has done a full and a complete investigation at this time the court will call forensic cyber expert Gus diatris and certified polygraph examiner Tommy Platt to determine is he cheating please esort their name gentlemen better not be lying Mr toer are you nervous you look nervous I got nothing High I got nothing to worry about mcoy are you nervous yes and no I'm nervous for the fact that I might lose my family but that's real talk at the end of the day you know I got to move on with my life you ready and you need to know one way or the other yes and I see the emotion in your face and in your eyes you're you're you're concerned this is real yeah this all on the line I love this man I'm about to prove to on a menist right now gentlemen good day how are you good dayon it's good to see both of you good to see y all Mr Demus let me start with you what did you do to investigate this case I conducted a full forensic examination on Mr tozer's phone did you find anything of note in Mr toa's phone I did miss McCoy's concern was of an online sex profile of Mr toer that she found on Mr tozer's phone I can clarify this Mr toer said he did not create this profile in fact he created the profile and he's paid for it oh are you serious how long has he been using this profile cuz that's been a question she had as well Mr toer has been using this profile for months and it's still active are you serious Mr toer your honor the truth about it is I did make the profile but my why I I made this thing up but I only went on it and just to be honest to look at the pictures I never fully texted anybody my friend really did use it that's the truth about that to be honest why you want to look at other females when you have me I don't know some guys do sometimes it just happens I guess I don't know what else you want me to tell you truthful all right well uh Mr Platt you performed a polygraph examination of Mr toer is that correct yes ma'am and you asked him a few questions let's go through those yes ma'am all right you asked Mr toer did you have physical sexual contact with the woman Miss mcroy found out you were secretly driving to work what was his response your honor he stated no what did the lie detector determine the lie detector determined that he was telling the truth this one you also asked Mr toer were the women's underwear Miss mcroy found in your car from a woman you had physical sexual contact with what was his response he stated no what did the lie detector determine the lie detector determined that he was being truthful told you I got nothing to Li about I wouldn't risk my relationship and my family over a woman you said you would not risk your relation my relationship or my family over for a woman another woman it ain't worth it to me all right then why can't you ever prove that that's what I'm here doing now you asked Mr toer were you using the internet sex profile on your phone to have physical sexual contact with women other than Miss mcro what was his response to that question your honor he stated no what did the lie detector determine the lie detector determined that he was being truthful but that he claimed he made the account to look at nude women I just told y all that I told you I got on the house I should have been honest but you should have been honest yeah I should have been honest I'm I agree 13 10 year relationship on the line we have one more question you ready yes you asked Mr toer since the start of your relationship with Miss mcroy have you had sexual intercourse with any other women what was his response to that question your honor he stated yes he confessed what are you serious I was when we first got together like in no no no no how long ago are we talking Mr toer 13 12 years 12 years ago when you all first started 12 years when we first got in a relationship I was pregnant no when we first got in a relationship to be honest with her I never had a woman that cared about me the way she did like I just thought she was you know with me to have a place to stay and stuff so I didn't take it serious in first year but after that I've been faithful ever since Mr to I'm looking at you I see that the the tears welling up in your eyes I mean what does that represent I don't want to lose my family you love this woman I want to be with her the rest of my life that's all I didn't tell her because I knew I would have lost and never had a chance to make it right you know I tell you like it is I would tell you you need to run I find myself hesitant because you all have a lot of years and you have a whole family and and here's the thing love and I guess this is the important part we need to tell them is if you can survive it that's where you really become strong because you [Applause] [Music] know you all have been married a year and a half is that correct yes ma'am met on Facebook yes but you're already here in our courtroom tell me what why you have brought your wife to our court I believe my wife is cheating on me because of my old ways or whatever me being an EXO I'm like that's something I would do on me how like how she react how she does everything it's like how the old me would have been doing things like when I was sneaking doing things behind other females back or whatever you know the deal because you used to be the deal yes yes ma'am so you ran the women yeah I really didn't care about no femal feelings or none of that it's like when I I I honestly changed my ways completely when I met this young lady I I mean this is the first female that I have ever been with that I have never cheated on in life wow so you met her and you hung up your player shoes basically it's ma'am all right so what kind of game did you bring to that the player said I'm I'm out I showed him something different did she did that all right so you all meet on Facebook how did you go from just on online to actual meeting our first day was very interesting like I say I was a thot I had two Facebook accounts at the time both of them with my with my government name marus Rodriguez Cortez Jackson I know that is a but on this page I had I was in a relationship with one girl and on this page I was in a relationship with another girl oo but we had me and her had just started talking so she was my real life girlfriend all right our first date we're we're gassing up getting ready to go to the movies or whatever and I see one of my Facebook girlfriends so I introduced them like want to introduce me to a Facebook girlfriend I introduced them like Alicia this is my Facebook girlfriend Facebook girlfriend this is my real life girlfriend so you just cuz that's how that's how the thought proud of it was it wasn't that I was proud of it or whatever because a Facebook girlfriend that was nothing I mean that's why I introduced her as my real life girlfriend this was the first person that I was feeling how did you tame this player there women out there who need to know what you [Applause] did well I got him to going out on dates he was buying gifts just because gifts like I could be at work he will bring flowers cards everything at some point if I want to go hang out he would stay in the house with my son to keep the and it like it was everything all right so woman to woman you held the goodies didn't you yeah there you go let me just say that louder so the world can hear you held the goodies yeah and when you held the goodies he was chasing you yeah all right there's a lesson ladies there's a lesson lesson the lesson love the fell want to know too what's the L excuse me the men want to Chase and they don't want you to just give in they want to chase you a little bit women give in too soon it's just what your mama taught you hold up make them wait for it make them earn it Excuse excuse me can I say something all right of course even after the fact that she held the goodies when I got the goodies that that still continue it wasn't just her it was in me you what I wanted to do she had a hook in yeah she just like but you were out there I mean I mean yeah I mean you were delicious you were out there I like you delicious and this woman comes by and says no you got to earn my respect you got to earn me I mean I let her know how I was I let her know my past I mean it wasn't no secrets I told her about me doing this and that to this female that female whatever and it's like it was the fact that she was okay with it it's just the fact that she was okay with the fact that that was the past and so you did a complete turnaround yes sir and you said this is the first woman that you've never cheated on never cheated on I've been tempted but Temptation youve been married what 20 20 years 28 years we've been mared plus years you you know temptation is a mug but temptation is out there it take a strong person to fight that Temptation and you fought it and I feel like I'm cheated on cuz I can I fought it and I'm still fighting it till this day all right but now you're worried that the game is being played on you yes sir all right now what are the warning signs the warning signs all right like how secretive she is with her phone me seeing her texting all day I'm looking at your phone ain't nothing there and like okay random numbers will pop up I don't know who that is or that ain't nothing it's nobody and I'm like okay if there nobody then who is it or whatever one time um this random number that came up I asked her about the number she didn't know who it was at that time so few months go by the number show back up I type the number in Facebook the name pops up okay she said oh that's her ex-boyfriend but at first you ain't know who this was I mean this person texting you behind my back you got to text and erase everything that you talk about it's something more than just how you doing and all that right Miss right he says he knows the cheating Playbook and you running it I'm not yeah I did I was texting him but it wasn't nothing we were just catching up old times and everything but it wasn't nothing like we was trying to get back together or anything this shouldn't be present past future or nothing he shouldn't come up Point Blank period okay so let me ask you something this is an ex-boyfriend yes and you're having continuing conversation with him texting yes ma'am do you call him yes does he call you yes does he text you back yes okay I'm a married woman mhm you a married woman yes ma'am that's not how you should be dealing with men that's not in the the marriage Playbook we we chill all that night at 2:00 in the morning she tell me me and my cousin about to go to the club at first I was like why couldn't I go then I said okay whatever I'm just going I'm going to do that all right I'm going to let you go you go with your cousin I rolled off but I come back her cousin's pulling off she's not in the car this being my wife I'm suspicious plus I called her I constantly call no answer couple hours later she text me ask me where I'm at now it's 2:00 when got ripped when she left me these booty call hours like what's up with this why you couldn't answer the phone when I called you cuz I was loud music everything loud mus everything all right Miss right at 2 a.m. when you go into the club you told him you were go with your cousin did you go to the club with your cousin yes all right how did you end up not with your cousin I was with my cousin he saw your cousin drive off without you yeah I was with well I was with my cousin and I got dropped off with my friend with a friend a friend she said girlfriend I got dropped off with my girlfriend that was in town so you're not buying this I mean I know I'm I know the GU in okay so she left with her friend okay a couple hours later she she text me asked me where I'm at I called her no answer you can't answer the phone when you with your friend I call back no answer okay she text me say come let me in the house if you left with your friend common sense it's 5:00 in the morning it's 5 by now your friend would sit in this car in front of your house make sure you sit here so you can get in the house so you believe she a man drove up and she couldn't have you come out I honestly do and you believe that she was at the club with somebody other than her friend I I don't even believe she was at the club I went to the club you went to the club and I wasted some money that I could have kept in My Pocket if she would have answered the phone and been honest Miss Right were you you with a man or were you with your friends my friend okay but I can't even believe that you looking out to the side like I'm going to ask you again you're here to tell the truth were you with a man or a woman a [Music] man you were with a man yes was this an exboyfriend no why did you tell your husband who you were with I just didn't want him to know where I was so here's the deal was this a man you've been intimate with no ever no what what you got to hide I don't got to hide nothing you clearly do if you didn't tell him hey my friend is in town I'm going to the club with him I got to say my Mr Cutler can I do that can I go to the club with my friend your female friend sure no no no you know just a friend he's a guy he says he's just a friend he says he's just a friend wait I mean would you be comfortable with that if it's somebody I know if it's a friend that I know of you let me go to the club what him at two yeah not at 2: in the morning I I'm not sure nothing's open at 2 o'clock in the morning except what ain't supposed to be open all right now miss Wright the evidence is mounting up you got these Facebook messages text messages you're lying about going to the club you're lying about being with your your cousin you're not cheating on Mr Jackson no I'm not you're not sleeping with other men no I'm not this is all in his head a all in his head so these are just accusations yes well to better understand what it's like to be accused of being a cheater we have a Friend of the Court here Miss Lisa Woo a former Housewife of Atlanta Ry would you please escort our next witness in yes [Music] Sean [Music] hello how are you are you great it's good to see you good to see you miss woo it's been publicized that you were accused of cheating mhm how did that feel you feel like you can't move you can't do anything you know and a lot of the times it's because you're projecting that on the person because you said you were thought right so you've been thating in the wilderness like you been you know you've been just doing your thing right so sometimes it comes from a place of being paranoid but also you're making her feel uncomfortable that she has to hide certain things but I want to say this to you what you've been doing in a marriage is totally inappropriate like you're feeding his insecurities like totally you're feeding them and I honestly feel like it's just karma coming back to bite me in my tail so my question is have you actually ever cheated no I was married twice but never cheated but you know their behavior was like I might I just really love this man and I you know but he always constantly was like you're cheating you know I I if I didn't pick up the phone on the first ring crazy stuff looking at messages I I took a live detector test pass it so you underwent a polygraph examination absolutely I knew that I was innocent so I was like okay let's do it well we've done a full investigation also and our private investigator is here with results Ron please escort Mr Patrick coffee into the courtroom yes [Applause] Mr Coffee how are you I'm doing great good tell us what you've done to investigate today's case a member of our team conducted a full forensic analysis of Miss Wright's phone so what did you find on the day in question when Miss Wright disappeared we recovered her phone lck as you can see she missed a total of 64 calls that day from her husband 64 calls in one day from her husband yes sir and this is the night you were she was with a guy other than her husband that is the day in question your honor yes how Miss Wright do you have your husband call you 64 times and not pick up the phone and you're with another man I don't know what were you doing with this other man that you had your husband call you s 64 times sitting up just talking well that must have been some conversation Mr Jackson you're shaking your head have you ever ignored phone calls when you someing my phone on airplane mod if I'm with another woman I mean I'm not going to even get them calls all right if you found out your wife was with another man having sex then then what I mean we got married for a reason but at the same time I'm nobody fool I love her with all my heart I'm in love with her but I'm not F to sit up and be stupid all right well she submitted to a polygraph test and we're going to find out what happened now you're looking awfully worried this man loves you he has turned his life around for you and if you've got something you've done the only way you might have a chance if you loving to continue this is to tell the truth right now do you have something you need to say to your husband well no because I like I said I was with him but then nothing happened so the only thing and you sticking to the story as bad as it looks is that y'all just sat around and talked and caught up that's it all right we're going to go to the results Mr Coffee you you asked Miss Wright since being married to Mr Jackson have you had sexual contact with any man other than Mr Jackson what was her response she said no what did the polygraph determine the polygraph determined that she was being [Music] truthful is loosen up all right you came here for answers well I knew wasn't doing nothing I told him that I was just talking that's it all right I mean but what you talking about that you can't talk about with me I mean why let me jump in and ride with y'all you can't you could have okay Miss right I am so glad that you were telling the truth about those things I really am but I got to tell you you going to have to make some changes that
Channel: Couples Court
Views: 94,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, couples court full episode, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 1, season 1 full episodes, cheating, polygraph test, lie detector test
Id: Oe4IkGHzids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 11sec (2771 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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