SHE SAID YES! Metal Detecting HUGE Double Chimney Brick House! Found SILVER, Old Coins & Relics!

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so was it just me or did these powerlines literally grow through that tree and they trimmed around it I have never seen anything like that that is crazy rat ladies and gentlemen I'm about to get my game on I just got a permission here that was built sometime around World War two now I know that doesn't seem really old but I had success at a place I metal detected here sometime late last year would have been about a year ago and it was actually on the same day that I found my last Morgan dollar now I didn't find the Morgan dollar in this neighborhood but that was the same day I hunted in this area before I went over to that place so we're gonna bust out the detector it's been a while since I've had a good looking permission I think we're gonna pull some stuff out stand by so after digging a big chunk of aluminum here's the first coin of the day figured I'd show it just to get on the board 1976 copper penny first coin and I'm pretty sure there's gonna be more here well there's definitely some fill dirt in this lawn you can see this massive old tree and how there's dirt mounted up around it they've done work around here over the years by the road but anyway I'm closer to the house and here's another coin under this root here I'm not sure if you can see it a little bit of a glare there but it's tucked right down under the root looks like a penny not sure if it's gonna be old or not but it was under that root no I could tell from the back it's just a memorial all right we'll keep out it well it seems like up near the house it may not be filled dirt I just took a modern done a minute ago and right here solid eighty signal about three to four inches down on the soft soil when I pop my plug it flew off you can see right there it's a penny but this one is a wheat cent oh it's actually looks pretty clean on the other side here too yeah it is a not sure if you're gonna be able to see it on there there you go 1942 seems like this soil is gonna preserve the old coins fairly well looks a lot better than the ones I normally dig so we're on the board with an oldie sweet that means there's got to be at least one more here somewhere okay so it's very slim on targets here and just when I thought I wasn't going to pull anything else out anyhow just found a zinc pen in a second ago by the tree and this weird piece of brass but anyway I've got a signal around 79 when about two three inches down and I got a little bobcat what looks to be a block this down here little Cub Scout pin I found one of these several years ago that's pretty neat it's old as well that will clean up pretty good you can see it's this Bobcat and then Cub Scouts sweet so there's the pin after a bit of cleaning it says Bobcat Cub Scouts BSA which is Boy Scouts of America and I found this exact same pin maybe about three years ago around an old school so very happy to have that on to the next well I am glad I kept at this I didn't think this was gonna be silver I had a good signal here I end up being down about four inches chopped through this partially dead root and pulled this rock out of the hole and down under there if you can see it right there it's a silver rim definitely it's like it's going to be a silver Roosevelt on I'm just gonna do I don't want to rub it too much but uh looks like it's gonna be 1951 sweet 51 Denver awesome been a little while since I found the silver coin it's good to be back into the door knocking I'm gonna hunt this place a little harder in case there's some deep ones I missed after better clean up there she is 1951 Denver 90% silver Roosevelt I'm okay I'm not gonna lie I'm very excited right now I almost didn't even lock on to this signal it was a faint nickel signal and I thought it might just be shallow trash thought it could be a deep nickel I got about four inches down and I flicked a silver coin out of the side wall here so this could be an old coin spill unless this just rang in really crappy it is a silver Mercury dime that looks pretty warm down let's try to block the Sun there looks like it's pretty stained on the front to 1940-something even if that was warrant it waiting up rang up way too low though so I'm gonna set this off to the side we're gonna check see if there's another signal in the hole there is I knew it had to be a coin spill there's got to be a nickel in here somewhere okay let's go in behind it here just a little bit I'm gonna widen this so we don't scratch it it's something good I try to pull this up here a little bit all right there is Oh what is that huh I guess that's why the signal is so crappy it's not even a token it's just an iron washer it looks like that is crazy right down underneath that merc an iron washer that would definitely make the signal go haywire let's check it again though all right well I expected a beaver tail which is the end of the old pull tab or a nickel and I didn't get that at all I got it I got an iron washer silver dime we'll take that definitely didn't expect that so that was definitely an interesting hole and I wonder if they were actually dropped at the same time maybe these were both in somebody's pocket back around World War two it's kind of hard to say but the Mercury dime is pretty stained I'm not sure if that's from the type of soil there but the Rosie wasn't stained but it's a 1944 Mercury dime and no mint mark on the back but still a very nice coin you can see this side is a lot more desirable a little bit worn but beautiful coin and I'm happy to squeak that out with that a washer in the hole you'll have to mine my mess of a car right now I found this in the parking lot a couple days ago at a grocery store it's just junk though I think I'm gonna get another permission this place was small there wasn't a lot of targets so thankfully some of them were good I hunted it for about an hour and I worked it back and forth and back and forth and there's just no more signals and it's all fill in the front there was like huge pieces of aluminum like almost a foot deep anyhow just the usual trash from that yard not too much but some aluminum one older bottle top a couple old style pull tabs like this and that silver signal that silver I found in with the iron washer sounded a faint signal like one of these beaver tails normally if you don't know what a beaver tail is if you don't metal detect that's what it is the end of a pull-tab the old ones that call beaver tails but just some odd bits only one piece of brass in there not a lot of brass and copper but then for the coins just some clad coins in this bag here maybe only about eight of them not many at all just uh I think they're all pennies except for one dime and then the good stuff here two silver dimes a wheat penny and that a Cub Scout pin not too shabby so I think I'm going to stop somewhere take a little break here's the restroom and maybe do another door knock just wanted to give you all quick view here of the type of neighborhood I'm hunting all of these houses were built around World War two old company houses kind of built in a circle on this street always good places to find old silver coins and rings and world war two related stuff I founded two houses in this neighborhood so far and found silver at both found a market one and then the last one we just hunted today got a mark and a Rosie a couple other odds and ends not too bad take a look at the house I'm hunting right now very excited to be on this property and to get permission from the lady that lives here I talked with her for a good 20 minutes or so and I'm not sure how how old the house is she thinks about a hundred years it may not be quite 1800s but it has a lot of history with it it's an old house that a judge had built and it's probably the best looking lawn and the town that I'm in now take a look at the size of some of these trees here so the house doesn't have to be old for there to be good stuff here there was a lot of civil war activity in this area and you just never know but anyway the second signal I dug here in the front it's one of the oldest style pull-tabs you can find they made these in the early 60s like 1962 to 1964 so that's a good sign let's keep hunting so only about 10 seconds after that pull-tab i got a high quarter signal i thought maybe it was just gonna be a clad quarter but it seems like it's down more than an inch here and in an old house like this the good stuff can be at any depth so just in case it's something good I'm gonna finish it live here hopefully that's not it no it's like a just a piece of coal oh here it is what is that oh it's a huge old piece of brass wonder that ring up so good that's definitely old though and somebody had hunted this place before a signal that large and heavy brass wouldn't have been passed up so I think we're in business let's keep going so I got a really good signal right here now this yard is loaded with the old-style pull tabs from the 60s to the 80s that's actually a really good sign right here I got a signal balance in between 85 to 90 which is kind of like a silver dime really clear signal and showing a little bit of depth to probably four inches so we're gonna dig it live see if it's an old silver dime [Music] John's really soft here [Music] there it is I can see it in the bottom of the bowl it's definitely still her right there silver Roosevelt dime 1952 haha sweet what a great first point I'm just hunting this little patch in between the wraparound driveway and got me a silver dime in between all the mold pull tabs nice I'm sure there's more to come stay tuned the funny thing about finding this 1952 silver Roosevelt dime is it's the only coin I found in the center of that wrap around a circle driveway so for the only coin that was in there that's a pretty good one and there's no mint mark on that one so I got a blasting signal here in the side yard under all the leaves and I thought it was just gonna be junk but it looks like I got a nice old buckle kind of looks like an old sash buckle but it doesn't seem very ornate that is cool that's got to be turn-of-the-century right there release my guests off the top my head looks to be from around that period could be older but I could definitely be sometime around the early 1900s what a sweet find right there now clean her up later all right I'm digging everything anything that has a solid sound to it been loading up on the old style pull tabs but anyhow I had a blasting huge 90 signal here but I've learned from past experience if you think it could be something bold and awesome do it or do it or at least finish it live once you open your plug because that is the signal similar to this which was my Morgan dollar last year just a huge signal probably brass or aluminum but it's deep and this signal about blue my ears out all right what do you got there just a huge hunk of copper huge copper shard but anyway the fact that there signals like this hit this here I like it it probably wasn't detected in the pastor if it was not very well because that is a good talk so I'm now looking around the opposite side yard and all the dirt seems original over here there's less leaves and seems like less groundwork and right here about two inches down I officially marked my territory because I got me a 59 memorial that's the second coin off this property only two inches deep there nice rich original soil to officially mark my spot we're not going to pee in the hole cuz I'm on somebody else's permission but I will hawk a loogie in there all right all marks now - it's funny after I say original soil I run into a patch that looks like it's dozed around but anyway I was digging this big deep signal it's like silver-plated but I'm pretty sure it's just copper beneath it I'm not sure what that came off of that was about 9 inches down while I was digging the hole got a piece of old pottery which is a great sign got a little bit of color on the side there it doesn't look too incredibly old could be early 1900s I'm not really sure but uh doesn't need fine down there in that hole so working up toward the front again at the base of this massive old tree you can see there has been a lot of landscaping and ground work done here over the years a lot of different soil conditions and a lot of ground work around the trees but anyway let's check out and see what this signal is you can see some kind of edge there I'm not sure if this is an old button or if this is gonna be a piece of junk or what I really have no idea oh it looks like it's a rings ring of some sort oh yeah this is an old brass ring I don't know that one that's smaller that could actually be horse tack related I'm not certain it looks old though it's not like one of those modern copper washer type things gave off a good signal that's for sure okay about 30 seconds ago I got a copper penny that was whacked by the mower but anyhow got a very silver dime sounding signal here could just be a modern dime but it's spiking up to 87 88 which is what we want normally the pennies and dimes stay 82 to 85 usually around 84 so we're gonna do this live about 4 inches like the left first when I dug - yeah do it live nice rich soil right here [Applause] still need to put new batteries in this pinpointer it's not reading very well I think the battery's low check the plug yeah it's probably only about three inches so Rock some dirt off here you should be able to read it now there we go Oh bummer on that one that got me have my sensitivity up high boy did that steel bottle cap ringing clear oh well keep going well I thought this signal is gonna be trash just a shallow big target got me a toy car that's not a very old one I wouldn't be surprised if that's from the 90s but uh yep we're finding stuff right on well that's definitely a first for me moving on I'm right in front of this little divot here that looks like a tree may have been pulled out of right off to the side of it perfect eighty eight eighty seven signal perfect this one can't be a bottle cap that's got to be a silver dime or something like that something good all very soft here oh yeah not this far out right there I can fill the soil changing on this side of the hole but on that side it still seems original all right see what you got here oh and by the way that last thing I dug that big thing it rang up real good because it's got like brass rivets running through it that's why it rang up a lot better even though it's just a big hunk of iron oh boy hammers nine I've got to change my battery come on I got to do this before it runs out yeah straight in the bottom of the plug oh it's a coin it's not silver though Memorial penny better than nothing I didn't start this one live but I'm going to finish it live as soon as that truck goes by because it was one of them same bouncing between penny and dime signals and it's down under these roots and I'm already late about three and a half inches down [Music] alright it definitely broke the roots there hopefully it's an old coin under all this here oh I think I saw something there yeah I did it's a penny but it's come on be a wheaty it's gotta be oh yeah it's got to be bring up high so I don't think it'll be an Indian Head there's Lincoln on there that's definitely an old greenie we're gonna call that one yep I can see the one-cent coming through first wheat penny on the property nice I don't know how well that's gonna show up but I spit on it it's a 1916 so sweet a hundred and two years on that one nice old coin try to wait until 2019 to dig it but it would have been 103 years old I came back into that patch where I had first found that 1959 penny and I'm about a yard away from that spot and I got a deep 80 down the bottom my plug probably an old penny oh no it looks like it looks like silver it rang up 80 oh that's definitely silver dude please be a barber dime this is probably gonna be worn it's a Mercury dime man that rang up so low I think it's 1919 man is it slick you can see a little imprint there about three to four inches down in my plug not very deep this is perfect soil we've had a ton of rain all right this will go nicely with that 19:16 wheat yeah pretty sure that's 1919 awesome very pleased with that I'm gonna grid off this area where all this original soil is here it's got to be more hiding down there so check out the mercury done cleaned up very very warm but it is definitely a 1919 as you can see down there definitely seen its fair share of action and if there was a mint mark down there we're never gonna know it's completely wiped almost all the lettering is gone on the reverse but I like these old slick slick marks they have a lot of character and surprisingly for as much wear that's on that coin there is next to no scratches on it that's pretty awesome definitely in the right patch here just a yard away from that 1919 Mercury dime only two and a half inches down kind of sideways in my plug now this is just a 1960s penny but you can see it's green and it's high relief so it's well it could be a 59 but it's from 59 to 1968 but these are a natural 2 to 5 inch depth and they're all coming out looking like they've been down there a while it's a good spot right here I'm actually right next to an old bowling alley I'll show you here not super old they probably didn't build that bowling alley till like the 1960s or something but could be some change over here from that - who knows swinging around where a massive tree was probably tore out this really takes up a large area just about two feet off the edge of it pulled out an old crusty wheat penny definitely won't be able to see the date on that one until I get it cleaned up later but it's a wheaty well this big old tree here that was tore up must have been the hangout that we D was right there had another signal right beside it it's another crusty old wheat penny sweet breaking in the Wheaties so that penny spill ended up being much older than I expected you can see in 1916 on that one which is very corroded and a 1919 that fared a bit better so if I would have waited about a month to find these that coin would have been a hundred years old right there that's pretty cool we'll definitely take that I got a faint low signal here and this was pretty funny i rescanned my whole hand my plug and I couldn't find the signal that's because it just fell off of my shovel right there you can see the imprint of where I scooped in but it's an old nickel and I don't think it's a war nickel but that that's got to be one of the earlier Jefferson's 1940s or 1950s I would hope there could even be late 1930s looks like 1940 on the button right there so yep that's an old one yep I think it's 1940 on the button could be a 46 but I think it's 1940 suh-weet so I started looking up here by what looks to be probably like an old koi pond or something like that or at least some type of Falcon was here but anyhow there's another one on the other side of these bushes and I started working up around here and believe it or not it seems like some of the soil well care isn't disturbed I've got a faint signal down there a few inches lower signal and we got a nickel and it's a buffalo nickel wow that's super cool to find that right up here by this old koi pond that's really neat alright I'm gonna keep working the perimeter around this thing this is the type of spot where people hung out so the buffalo nickel is a little bit corroded but it still got a good bit of detail left on there and you can see it does still have a date it is a 1935 now if I rub it this pretty hard with a wet cloth I should be able to get the rest of that dirty looking surface of the coin off that's actually the original surface that's left on there which is kind of why you see the variations in color and sometimes in the old nickels you can actually wipe that off and it'd all be kind of like an even red color but sometimes some of it stays on sometimes it all just rub off but I just kind of apply moderate pressure in a rub it with a cloth it's good on the nickels I don't recommend doing that on silver or most other coins but for nickels actually a decent scrub with a brush and I wiping it down you kind of get the best results doing it that way I don't use any solutions just water and you know like a cloth something like that and a toothbrush obviously to get the caked dirt off originally but there you go 19:35 buffalo nickel no mint mark I'm now in the backyard this is a beautiful place worked around the old fountains the koi pond whatever they were back here got a memorial penny from the 70s back in there and I haven't even touched any of this back here yet there's just so much property I'm sure there's a lot more relics buried down here definitely not a place you can hunt out one day or even a month for that matter we'll keep searching got about an hour before dark here so after my circle around the whole property and scouting out the back I didn't find much other than that buffalo nickel and one memorial and then quite a few trash bits I did get one this one old cap in the back close to the neighbors fence one of the national distillers caps I like finding those but anyway back here around that tree where I found the two wheat pennies earlier on the other side there and I got a nickel in the hole that was down about three inches it's a Jefferson but it looks like another old one doesn't appear to be a silver a silver war nickels but let me clean it up and see if we can see that I got it cleaned up a little bit it definitely is an old one 1949 so doing pretty good on the old nickels now digging all them faint signals a lot of pull tabs here no idea what this is but it rang up like that nickel was only about two feet away that metal stuff on the back that gave off the signal it's like some sort of cap or something not sure without to come off of but CW it's from the Civil War now I wish no idea okay two feet the other direction from where I found that nickel right here somewhere solid coin signal could just be an old penny but could also be a silver dime we're gonna try this one life running out of daylight here I'll probably be out of here in about half an hour seems like this section of the yard is where most of the old coins are place the concentration of them anyway the only other old coins and the other parts of the property was that buffalo nickel I found over by that pond the 1916 wheat was in the side yard and then the first rosy I found was in the front the rest of the old coins have been over here right down at it I'm gonna have to do one little plop under the side there now we're basically touching it so there it is yeah you got to be kidding me it's just a memorial cent oh well can't win them all well it's really slowed down and finding good coin signals but anyway I got a super super good signal here we're gonna check it out live I'm out here closer to the road now I haven't dug any old coins down this far yet so I'm not sure but it's a solid 90 now of course that could be a modern quarter but it's reading depth with depth also just a little concerned because it's by this tree where there's a lot of dirt mounted up from landscaping over the years probably that could definitely be a silver quarter though cloud ones only ring up dead 89 perfect sound reading about three to four inches also so let's do this live can you believe it this year I have not dug a silver Washington Quarter I haven't dug many big silver this year big silver as I should say I dug two silver halves and I think three Standing Liberty quarters I don't think I have any barber quarters this year I think that one permission where I got that barbers goal was the end of last year I'm gonna run running into problems with these roots here this is not gonna be a pretty plug can't find a way to get underneath it and off this we're gonna have to do it shallow and then dig down to it that's a big root right there yeah this ain't gonna look good so we're just gonna have to take this top layer off and go from there see these big roots so let's uh get an idea exactly where this signal is I think it's gonna be back a little bit further I'll repair that very nice well we may be able to get down in there and get it cuz I think it's up on this side the hand shovel would be handy right about now oh no we're almost right down at it it is a modern quarter oh god it's a coin but a little bit of a bummer I was hoping for a silver one I'll take it though maybe I won't get my silver George Washington quarter this year oh well doing awesome today though very cool so I'm over here by the center and something Crazy's going on right here I'm gonna try to get this signal out just in case it's a cache but this rock right here you can well I can try it you can see when I pry it with a shovel it's really large it goes the whole way back way back to about here and right underneath it right here there's this big signal under there it's even reading through the rock but it gets louder as I get my pin pointer under it so I'm going to try to pry this rock up without pulling it out and see if I can shovel that target out that's down there so we've got tilling underneath that massive rock I pried it up and that's what was underneath it oh well can't win them all but that was fun who knows that could have been a jar coins under there alrighty so we're going to do a brief recap of all the better finds of today's hunt obviously I'm not going to be showing the modern coins or the small pile of trash that I dug let's go ahead and dig right in we got that awesome Bobcat Cub Scouts BSA pen 1942 wheat penny 1951 silver Roosevelt dime and then that spill with that washer and a 1944 Merc that was the best finds from the first permission and then moving over to the house that was a little bit older I did pretty well three wheat pennies you saw the spill was 1916 and 1919 and the other individual wheat penny I'd dug was also in 1916 so the three wheat pennies from that yard were right around that hundred-year-old mark which is awesome and of course I couldn't get out there without of there without a 1959 penny I ended up with a couple old nickels you got a 1940 plane and this one I showed reverse side first because it has a deeper mark and it is a 1949 I got that 1935 buffalo nickel which I got to clean up a little bit more yet and dejavu like the first permission I got a rosianna Merc and I did the same thing at the last one but ended up with a 1919 Mercury dime and in 1952 silver Roosevelt dime as well as that nice old buckle which potentially could be from the 1800s I'm not certain but even if it is that would assume late 1800s it's not like an early colonial stout one but anyhow it was a pretty good hunt I thank you all for watching it I hope you enjoyed the video take care happy treasure hunting we'll see you soon Shh
Channel: Treasure Quest - JD & Company Chronicles
Views: 17,926
Rating: 4.8428807 out of 5
Keywords: Metal Detecting, She Said Yes, Silver, Detecting, Brick House, Found Silver, Silver Found, Old Coins, Coins, Silver Coins, Huge House, JD's Variety Channel
Id: z7Otc_McFj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 59sec (2159 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 29 2018
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