SHE LOST $40,000 IN AMWAY & DATED HER TEAMMATE | Shocking Anti-MLM Interview with Amway Jane Doe

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[Music] amway calls themselves the world's largest direct selling company and sells a variety of products from perfume to cbd oil to cookware disinfectant hair care and more amway was created in 1959 in michigan by two men named rich devos and j von andel if rich devos sounds familiar it's because rich devos had a son named dick and he married a woman named betsy yes that betsy who was the secretary of education under the trump administration the battle over funding for the special olympics education secretary betsy devos taking heat on capitol hill again today for cutting the games from her budget thank you madam secretary for joining us to discuss the department of education's 2020 budget proposal thank you for this opportunity to testify i look forward to your questions calm down uh your proposal also calls for major cuts including this must be a typo uh almost 18 million dollars in federal funding for the special olympics yes that's correct really wow you're going to hell unlike most multi-level marketing companies with their promotional videos everywhere and pretend influencers who smile happily for the cameras as they curate manufactured authenticity on their social media amway is not a very flashy or in your face mlm online in fact i almost never heard of amway during my five and a half years in the mlm industry nor did i ever talk with any amway reps online it's as if amway is one big family that eerily keeps to themselves but offline i did run into an amway distributor an encounter i completely forgot about until after conducting this interview it was in 2017 and while shopping for groceries i was approached by a nice looking man in casual business attire who appeared to be in his late 20s i was in the vegetable aisle and we struck up a conversation after he asked my advice on a recipe he nonchalantly began telling me how he and his girlfriend recently moved to the area from out of state so they could be closer to his mentor and business partner i couldn't believe how friendly and articulate he was and my boyfriend at the time also struck up a conversation with him it wasn't until several minutes later when i asked him hey wait you've mentioned mentor and business partner several times now are you in network marketing he paused and then said yes and i replied oh me too i do it full time now and have been in it for x amount of years what company are you in his face fell a bit as he realized he was not going to be able to recruit me and then he said i'm with amway not long after he wrapped up the conversation and walked out of the store i don't remember if he bought anything or not i was astounded after our conversation and wondered what recruiting tactics amway was teaching their teams because whatever it was it was working that guy was able to approach me and be so relatable and so likable he never once came off as a slimy salesman but after conducting this interview with a woman we'll call the amway jane doe i now understand as their training regimen is rigorous and in my opinion brutal what you are about to hear is the most shocking interview i have done to date and it's one i will never forget you might hear some things in this interview you don't agree with but i ask that you remain kind or at least neutral to our amway jane doe below in the comments because she was extremely brave to come forward and share the appalling behavior she witnessed behind the scenes our amway jane doe decided she was done and no longer wanted to be the good girl who stayed quiet this is her story as told to me i'm like literally having goosebumps and my heart is beating because i'm like so nervous and i cannot believe i'm talking to you because my boyfriend actually when i started watching your videos he's like you're not gonna do one of those videos are you and i was like i don't know maybe why do you care you know what i mean so yeah here i am being rebellious not the good girl well i love it i love it i love that you're here your email struck me as oh my gosh like one of the craziest anti-mlm horror stories i think i've ever heard and i was floored tell us first before we go into like all the shocking points that you mentioned in your email uh because you've been through a lot you said you were with amway for four years so tell me how you got started in it like what made you decide to join and what were you doing at the time before you joined yeah and actually before i answer your question that's okay i want to say that there are more stories like that but as you said since it is so predatory and controlling people are afraid to say anything you know so i've actually there's one percenters in a business are coming out and speaking out against it as well um yeah it's it's getting crazy well um how i started i was actually in college freshman in college new to america um i moved here when i was only 15 years old new to america excited to pursue my dream and become the boss babe you know what i mean so um i actually my parents told me i should be a lawyer because i am trilingual i'm very upfront in your face and i'm not afraid to you know tell you how it is and they're like you know what you should be a lawyer and that's what i started doing i started studying business and my goal was to go into business law constitutional law combine them all together and make a lot of money and so what happened was um i saw a lot of people on campus just like hanging out in a weird way you know it's like a vibe but something is off i can see your friends but you're not you're like you're following one guy you know and that's ended up being my upline um and then this one guy um started talking to me and i was actually researching mlms because i thought this is how you could make money so i was researching mlms and i actually signed up for one i know i'm like sucker for these things i guess i used to be there yeah i mean you were in like five or whatever four i don't know yeah anyways i tried to take a shortcut and get into it and at the same time he approached me so um started talking to me about my purse and he said that his girlfriend was looking for one then i found out he doesn't have a girlfriend so it was just a technique to like just get me to talk to him you know um and yeah and end up talking he's like so what do you do and i at the time was working full-time chick-fil-a i was um i was interning at a law firm my schedule was packed you know and he said so what are you gonna do like how are you gonna get out of the race i didn't think there was a race i thought i was just doing the right thing but you know how that is like you start thinking like oh my god i'm doing something wrong and so i agreed to meet with him um and then i didn't sign up on the spot but he followed me to my car so i got my mace i know and i still cannot forget that because this is just and it's just ridiculous he followed me to my car and like talked me into it like i just like you know what screw it i just got my tax returns you know i'll sign up and i signed up buy my car you know and that's how it all started you know it started like kind of there in the parking lot with your so he kind of like re he really pressured you into it yeah because i did ask him like how much money do you make is it legit you know um and he said it's not about how much it makes so much how long my trip will make you know what i mean there's so much potential and i was i was a sucker for that you know i had this american dream and um yeah that's how it all started i was 19 naive came home told my parents my parents freaked out because my dad was one percenter at one point he was making like 150 grand um in amway my dad freaked out he's like you can't do that you just cannot do it you know and yeah story goes along i mean so okay we need to back up a little bit and i completely understand that what you talk about with that american dream because that is a lot of people's dream when they come to this country my husband came to the states from argentina when he was like 16 years old um it's a rude awakening we have a lot of problems here that we need to change for a developed country for sure um what was it before we jump into your family and you're doing it what was it exactly about that guy who got you to sign up who literally followed you to their car which would make any woman uneasy what do you feel it was about him that made you a little bit more um i guess open to suggestibility because i know when i was in a lot of the times they would have we would have tactics that we would use where like you don't talk about your vision as much you ask them about theirs you get them to talk about their dreams and their goals and to dream bigger and like plant that seed so what was about that made you open to talk to him like that honestly i hate to say it but i thought he was cute honestly i thought he was cute and and for a while he made me believe that he liked me too you know and then yeah that's the only thing reason like i thought he was charming he was very good looking um yeah that's pretty much it i like that you're honest about it because i think that i i tell my husband too all the time i'm like my guard now since leaving the mlm world is so uh but there are still times i catch myself being too trusting with certain things and i have to be like oh oh no no no like not everybody's your friend not everybody has good intentions don't just not question people and their intentions you know just because they look friendly or they look cute like that's i mean that's why you have all these influencers i hate that word on social media selling these mlms and they look gorgeous they look handsome like i mean it's definitely a recruiting tactic so i mean i hate to say this but sex sells you know absolutely yeah absolutely um tell me about and i'm just gonna call you jane doe and i'm gonna say your name yes please we're keeping you as our amway jane doe um you mentioned that you something happened with your family uh yeah okay you said your dad was a six figure earner tell me what happened there so my dad was a six figure earner back in the 90s um and he's outlined what so my dad used to live in tennessee and his plan used to live in mississippi um and you know they grew really fast my dad my dad was a salesman his whole life and still is actually um he grew like a team of 300 people really fast in like six months which is insane you know i mean um but then he went to see his upline and his upline lived in like like terrible place like it was disgusting he said there is motivational books everywhere like you know how people stack their products and where people stack books no no offense but that's how it is you know um a ton of books the place was messy and then he was like well you're on stage looking like a hot shot and then i come to your house and your house looks like [ __ ] and then he started kind of observing it more he told me that he saw how people are being pressured and how things are just like it's like false authenticity it's very forced you know you just do whatever you have to do to make an extra buck or sign up another person um and that's what he started that was his main thing so that's and after making a lot of money they paid like i mean to give some credit where it's due like he paid off his house they were debt free in their 20s like my mom retired retired you know how they like to say that a lot whatever um and had my brother and all of that stuff so there were money but at what cost you know right and it's that's interesting that you say that he was he was earning that much money they paid up all that debt he was in longer than i was yet he still left and that i think is one of the biggest things that from my videos that i've realized when people comment um on my channel they'll say things like why would you walk away if you were making that type of money and it's because even at that type of money you realize some things are not worth it and they are it's extremely stressful and extremely uh toxic and it seems like he realized like a contradiction with his upline from what he was saying and then how he actually lived um so how how long ago did you get out a year about a year ago i get kicked out technically i would have i would have been still in you know and i'm grateful that everything went the way that it did i mean i told you what i what i did i'm not a saint you know i made mistakes but um after being put on a trial of ethical trial if you will i'm like i'm not gonna drop any bombs until you ask me for the video's sake but at the end of it i just got kicked out and that was a year ago in april okay we have for my viewers who are like what's going on like all over the place like i trust me we're going to get to every little thing there's a lot to talk about so before we go into that and being put on trial correct me if i'm wrong you were a 1099 contract worker correct yeah okay okay now did something happen with your family when you told them you were you joined amway what happened yeah so my family not only was in my one point but they're really religious now cult religious like it's weird like women are not allowed to wear pants that kind of stuff it's it's weird so there's another time it's all at the same time it's happening i'm growing up i'm in america i had you know relations with a guy for the first time and i was feeling so guilty came to my dad and like dad this would happen i feel guilty can we talk about it he freaked out start following me everywhere controlling me like your work where are you at why are you at this somebody's house are you with your boyfriend's house are you at amway's people whatever then i came home one night after an amway meeting which you know they last till like 11 12 1 a.m and i was 19 i came home and my dad was like you need to leave you have to get out you cannot live here anymore if you're going to continue doing this he said that emily ruined me ruined everything and now i'm having sex and that's like the worst thing you can do as a christian is to have sex before you get married but that's another topic but that was part of it as well so they kicked me out you know i had no money seriously um you know i literally i don't know how much that i have maybe five hundred dollars in my in my name and my car that i still owed money to for um so i went to my friend's house and she let me stay in her house for 250 a month and i slept on up for war for like a year and a half was she no okay she was not but she would buy products for me just to kind of help me out because she knew me and she you know she still actually buys products not from my boyfriend she just i don't know she really likes him i guess whatever but yeah so you're okay do you think that because i grew up in a family i grew up in a very extremely religious strict family we were not allowed to have cable we were not allowed on tv we were considered non-denominational christian with our church um yeah i went to a private pentecostal school for a few years as a kid and women were not allowed to wear pants we had to wear skirts uh we could wear like shorts under our skirts of course but it was ridiculous i remember my first day walking into that school i was like eight years old and i had on a bunch of lipstick because i'm like a drag queen you know i love makeup we were only like 10 minutes into starting the day and they're like um honey come here you're gonna have to wipe that so i'm like this this is wretch who is she to tell me to take off my makeup but it's crazy like it's very you're right like it's cult like it's very strict women are not looked at as equal do you feel that your father was more upset about the sex before marriage which is completely not wrong or yeah do you feel that it was more about amway or a mix with him it was more that i did something he didn't approve of um so he told me no to amway at first he's like no you can do it and i was like you can tell me no you know and i did it and he's like well you need to get the hell out of here because you're not submitting to me and i'm your father so and i mean from my perspective i know i do not have children but if i i could see how your father knowing what he knew about the industry would be very worried about you getting involved and his deliveries might have been off um i'm not here to malign your father but uh dude what what were you hearing like were you talking with your new upline and your team about how your family didn't want you to be in it and what was their response oh my god their response wasn't i mean thinking back they always used my um what do you call it like that word through through hard times whatever when you go through hard times they used it as like well great you have motivation to build it you know you need to push harder nobody offered me hey do you need a place to stay hey are you okay like i've never been asked that all i've been told like you're great you're ass kicker you can do this you have a great personal story now your dad kicked you out yes you're gonna build it you're gonna build it big you know and because i'm like i have balls and i'm like in your face they knew that i'm gonna do something with it and i did eventually but yeah it all went later and i'm sorry if i'm cussing too much i'm really sorry i hope that's okay um yeah i try not to cut cuz i'll have to edit it out it takes me longer but sorry off camera i cuz all the time i'll watch myself better okay so tell me about um and i agree with you like i found that in the mlm industry the support you get is very superficial and it's always just glossed over with like oh you can do it or like you you'll turn this hard time your test into a testimony and you can use it for your story that'll help you succeed and it's just like um tell me about you mentioned that you lost over 40 000 now i am not judging you at all i just want to know how we got to this point what happened yeah that that literally made me cringe so bad right now i am afraid to share it honestly because i know i know it's embarrassing i know i know the shame you feel when you walk away i i was you know i drove a mercedes um that i bought after i hit six figures i bought it myself and then guess what after i left the industry i couldn't afford to fix it when the engine went out and i was like upside down it was mortifying and now i happily drive a toyota and i love it but you know yeah you get that shame i get that it's like oh wow what did i do what did i get myself into uh yeah so i um i started finally taking care of my finances and looking back on what happened and i went through everything and i was all in you know i actually didn't tell you but i quit school for it i'm i'm like i don't have time for school i don't want to be a lawyer i'm going to be successful and my distributor you know and so i started working at like a retail stores and whatever and all the money i made went back to it it went back on and surprisingly most of it didn't go on products that's the crazy thing it went on driving places it went on hotels it went on conferences and went on books and went on cds it went on me giving stuff to people like we would put people through the process to make sure that they qualify to be a part of our team and i would give them a book to read that they have to read it it's uh by robert kiyosaki business of 21st century i don't know if you've heard of it um i've lost oh yeah yes yeah he's a smart dude he knew the network marketing people are gonna buy it like stupid so he was smart you know he did what he did whatever but i would give it out i would give like a bundle of 200 basically worth of stuff to people that were kind of sort of interested and i would lose it you know and you were taught to do that by your upline or who yeah that's what they did they actually um they had tool tables at the end of every meeting you can go and buy the tools and i don't know if you know but i just recently found out they get commission on that they get commission on tools and all the cds and all of that i've heard that amway does this i've spoken with scott um and somebody else on there i was on their podcast uh buildings building fortunes radio if you're watching hi i was on their podcast they were in amway and they talked about the tools and how it's like a scam inside of a scam because you have i guess if you have a lot of distributors who are trying to be these mentors and these coaching gurus and sell you their tools so is can anybody make the tools or does the do the tools specifically come from amway corporate it was from bww that that the company within so it's like education system so i recently found out after listening to a podcast by a one percenter in amway he said he found out that they make a huge cut out of all of those audios all of those things and the subscription just to listen to one audio a week was 200 a month what no i'm telling you it was 200 a month then you have a book of the month then you have extra tools you buy extra books extra tools to put people through the process if you will um and there's so many times of like hey can we do it like can we have a pdf it's free i can literally download it and they're like no you can't you can do that you know and you're like let me just go over to canva and make my own pdf hello what yeah so they had a book too that they would have you buy as well and how much oh yeah they sell that for well that was like a 20 bucks 20 bucks a month on on the book but the thing is you can go online and see it for 10. so it's obvious if somebody's getting commission oh okay you know what i mean the person you're upline who is was selling it to you but if they're the tools are from amway corporate the upline was selling it to you and he would get a commission from amway for selling is that correct not amway but bww it's education system within amway so kinda sorta they're all connected they're all connected so yeah and what i've noticed and i just clicked while i was there um so when we do those big conferences harahura stuff they send us all to the tool room and it's full of books full of audios full of cds and they're like you need to buy this stuff because it's like nowhere else can you buy it for this price and i was like okay yeah i want to build my business i'm going to get it but then i realized how they get commission is that they ask for my ibo number which is independent business owner number and when they do that they know whose upline that is so my upline would get commission does that make sense yeah that's shady so i was like why do you ask me for my ibu number when i'm buying a book books and i'll spend like hundreds and hundreds of dollars every time so yeah it's more even it's more education driven than anything that's where they make most of their money and even if they're um their success stories like in the videos it says not all the money is made from amway corporation this is the shadiest [ __ ] i've ever heard what is happening like i don't even know this is crazy so this explains how amway has been able to stay in business as long as they have because i i remember when they did like this quick start they they had a parent company or something or developed a company and they called it quickstart yeah and i remember like my parents friends were trying to get my parents in and they were like no but i remember they ordered a bunch of product and i just remember thinking like this is nothing special in my opinion this is nothing special this product is not great it's like random stuff you could just buy from like walmart or target there was really no niche with their product no specialty and i just was like how have they been one of like the og mlms like mary kay that have been around forever um and now this makes sense because they're selling they're selling the dream lifestyle through enlightenment basically basically it's sad and then what another wake-up call for me was uh one of my uh top presenters uplines was on stage talking and he shows our this check of 2800 from amway and he has like 100 people in their team and like 2800 are you kidding i'm like thinking say hello you're saying you have this oldest lifestyle and you have twenty eight hundred dollars a month from what hello what's like no i remember i felt so bad for even thinking that i was like oh my god i'm there to find my upline oh my god oh my god oh my god you know i freaked out but at the same time wake up you know like you know what i mean so yeah and the most money is not made through you it's through the education system okay so 40 000 is a lot and you were in four years let's go through a list just off the top of your head of what you would spend money on every month for amway so we said and i'm not doubting you at all i believe you no that's fine i want to like see realize everything that's going on so you would spend money on the tools so audiobooks and pdfs and then you would give prospects not even new recruits but prospects you would spend about 200 on them okay and go on what else oh my god um i can just tell you by i would the way i would budget it is by week i'm like okay this is how much i need to spend per week for my business because it's my business so uh every week i would buy like about a hundred dollars worth of books or whatever so that i can put people through the process then i would obviously drive two meetings i would have like five face-to-face meetings with different prospects a week that was my standards i was working hard um then i give them all these audios and stuff then plus subscriptions subscriptions are 200 per month alone just for the audios that's that uh hotels and conferences the hotel would cost like 200 per conference and 265 per um just being in the thing in the conference you know what i mean so all of that up as well we had to pay for a meeting to go into the hotel we would pay for those meetings um what else but and then oh the another thing i would give a lot of samples out because i was selling products as well so i would spend honestly so my volume every month um for just myself outside of my team was about 700 worth of products every month that i would either sell or buy it so that i can give it to other people so it all added up you know what i mean gosh right wow i'm honestly surprised it wasn't even more than 40 000 after hearing that that is just oh my gosh i had to sell a lot of product to kind of like keep myself afloat because i didn't have anything until i started working for corporate and i'll have a good job great career whatever um yeah i i was eating family literally just the bars and shakes and that's all i did so you're not talking about corporate like amway corporate you're talking about like a different job job american job yeah like no i would never oh my god [Laughter] holy cow bless your heart um that's absolutely ridiculous did you ever reach out to your upline and were you like um hey i have i'm this much in debt did you were you in debt like were you putting on credit cards or were you able to use some of your profit to buy it so both i actually right now i'm paying off i'm i'm probably gonna pay it off by next year but you know next year but all together was about 12 grand that i i was in bed for at the end of it i'm like okay i need to get it together and but yeah i was putting it on a credit card and i was selling it you know and like with them they would glorify so much of what i did you know what i mean they're like oh my god you have 700 worth of volume this is amazing can you share with other people how you did it so after all of that i would be glorified for my work ethic and how much i invest and after that like i was embarrassed even saying that like uh actually like it's scary like but i'm struggling here you know um so i showed them one time like hey this is my credit card and it has 11 grand on it like i need help and they just like chewed me out for it you know and i'm like every time i would bring something up like this it would always be like well we don't teach that well we don't well i'm thinking like yeah you don't teach that but how do you not ask someone who works in retail like how how the hell are they doing all these meetings and how the hell are they you know can afford anything like what do you think you know don't act so surprised that someone who's so committed and being praised for it is doing that you know so i got chewed out for it and they're like you need to stop spending but the thing is like once the first of the month would come around and i need to place my order that was not in the question nobody asked me how i'm gonna get it you know nobody has that so yeah it's very they have to cover their side they're behind you know they have to cover it so they have to tell you like oh we never told you that so if i ever go after them they would be like well we never told her that you know what i mean so legally i can't do anything or even just ethically whatever i did what i did but i think you have to be very nice to think that they didn't know any of that you know what i mean of course um because they have their own income disclaimers or excuse me income disclosure statements that they can read uh that tell them annually how much people are losing and yeah i was chuckling to myself when you said that like you were glorified and getting all this recognition like struggling to stay afloat because i remember that like i remember people getting so much recognition all the time and they're like this is great but i'm not making any money and it's yeah and i didn't realize until i got out that that is a huge tactic that mlms love to use because they know that people aren't recognized often at their jobs um yeah a lot of us here are not happy with our jobs anyway in the us and we're put under you know extreme conditions and just to get some recognition just to be praised for something is like huge it really feeds into that dopamine fix in your brain and it lights up and makes you want to do it again but then you at the end of the day you know you can't pay your bills with recognition posts and applause you can do that yeah yeah i'm getting like kind of emotional but it's as you said it's helpful to share it because i never never spoke out like this before you know what i mean and i was so loyal i would be the person who would you know place their product order before paying my rent you know like i was that person and i felt so guilty because there's people in my team that would like obviously come and go and there's one time one person wanted to quit and we had six month money back guarantee and she was a college student and she's like hey i can do this and and i was like hey that's totally fine because i knew like that's fine um and i messaged my appointment hey can i message her and say hey you should probably return your product so she can get her money back and they're like no do not do that you know so they say that they put people before profit but that is such bull that's not true yeah you know yeah not at all and um what you were saying with how they would tell you you know you need to stop spending but then urge everyone in the team and urge you to buy more for these incentives whether it was a rank advancement or challenge or whatever it was it i found that too that it was always um what was said was not done everything was one giant contradiction and they would tell people to set boundaries um for their home and their personal life but then if somebody just gave birth and they're still like in their hospital gown you know one hour later and they post a picture of themselves saying they just recruited a new person they're like yes good job you're amazing and it's like hello what about boundaries like why are you applauding this type of behavior and that was the only type of behavior of the pretty much work till you die mentality like you can sleep when you're dead like you're doing this for financial freedom that was you know spend all your money because it's short-term sacrifice for a long-term gain that was what was rewarded and pushed constantly no matter what they said so okay we need to talk about um i have a huge pr first off for everybody who is watching we're not here to judge okay people make mistakes i think my whole channel is like hey i screwed up royally and now i'm like trying to make amends um so i just want to clarify that like i don't condone cheating in any way whatsoever but we need to talk about this because this comes into i feel like emily really overstepped their bounds here is from what i got from your email okay so you were dating somebody in amway and it seemed like he cheated on you you ended up cheating on him okay sometimes relationships things don't go well okay well what was amway telling you guys about your relationship and talk to me about that and how you end up getting kicked out because this is where i'm like whoa they completely overstepped their bounds as a 1099 contract worker and i'm a little upset oh i didn't even know there was a boundary in 1099 but whatever um okay so it's very complicated story but i will do my best to make it you know okay so when i started i was 19 small cute little girl coming in the team russian accent everything and there's this guy apparently after a while i found out he was preying on everyone he was any pretty girl was his girlfriend at least at one point so i did not so they in the team they have a rule that you're not allowed to date within the organization that's not a lot period like you canceled date so that's the team or amway corporation it's the team nothing with amway corporation okay so your upline was overstepping tonight okay go on yeah sorry i hope yeah anyways um i found out that later after we started dating like six months in i'm like wait hold on we're not allowed to date you know and then i was i was so devastated you know i was like oh my god like i am a bad person i'm dating someone and it was like on hush hush on dl um but there's more tea for that i'm telling you like my upline actually is married to someone he dated an organization for 10 years so hypocrisy alert right there you know what i mean it makes no sense okay anyways but i saw them be together and i was like you know what it could work out you know like if we're serious and we show them we're serious together it'll be fine so this guy ended up i found out that he was he was flirting with everyone and i felt very uncomfortable like what the hell like why are you doing this so and he was one of the leaders and people like loved them the girls loved them he was charming he was very manipulative and he would flirt with everybody but he would ignore me i'm like wait i'm your girlfriend like how are you like talking to all these people and ignoring me i'm like in the corner over there so it was ex insane relationship after two and a half years we broke up but there's there's another story i meet one of my uplines fiances and she's that's the funny thing she is from another organization too so two of my uplines are married to someone within the organization and they're preaching not to do that so that's like okay so i'm i saw her at the mall and she told me that the guy i dated for two and a half years had three other girlfriends at the same time and she knew it all along yeah that i was dating at the time i'm dating another guy so there's another guy okay so there's two guys you have to think about two guys so i i see red i freak out because in the middle of all of it uh after me and that guy broke up i started dating another guy the one that i'm with right now and him and i were friends the whole time he's a genuine great guy still believes in him he still believes that he can change lives and he really thinks that this is it and he's really genuine guy you know i don't support it but i love him so but as i said in my email i went through a very hard depression where i almost committed like committed suicide you know like and because of that depression and of everything what happened i was i was super overweight like like i was i'm not saying being overweight is bad but for me how i felt i didn't feel good at all about myself so i called up my ex and we cheated on my current boyfriend you know what i mean does that make sense so wait you found out that you were you left your ex and you got with this new guy and then the you found out that your ex cheated on you with three people and so you called him up and and cheated on your new guy is that correct no i'm so sorry so i found out afterwards afterwards i cheated with him on my boyfriend i found out afterwards i'm so sorry you were still with him when you found out that you were still with the guy number one i was with my current boyfriend when i found out yeah okay are you there hold on okay we're talking about boyfriend number one is we'll call flipper number one the first guy who cheated on you with like three other amway chicks yes so boyfriend number two is your current boyfriend yes and he's a saint so boyfriend okay so when you say you were you with boyfriend number one at the time that you found out who cheated on you no and that's what i'm sorry that's where i screwed up okay so you know how you like combine the whole story in your brain okay so the timeline and that's perfect for you to like edit it so it makes sense okay the timeline i dated num boyfriend number one for two and a half years okay everything was fine but i saw he was weird with other women so we cut it off okay because i didn't feel secure and we always would get together at night you know what that means right like there's no relationship i felt very insecure very upset very depressed throughout the whole relationship i knew something was off and there was one girl that i absolutely hated in the team and i didn't know why i'm like why do i hate you so much but i i just couldn't stand her and my uplines were like why are you beefing with her i'm like i don't know just just banner you know so after after like a year i started dating my boy my current boyfriend boyfriend number two okay in the beginning of my relationship with boyfriend number two i um already started getting depressed i already started you know getting through all the stuff being depressed and thinking about suicide and all of that stuff i've um i cheated on my number two with number one because i thought this was over my life was over so i made that mistake and my boyfriend knows it now you know we're working through it you know and so it's it's been a it's not that i will own up to it because if somebody hears the story and knows that i am here that it's me i want them to know that that i'm not just painting them as a bad guy i'm a bad guy too i did something wrong and i own up to it and me and my boyfriend now are working through it so um after a year after a year um i'm at the mall and i see my upline's fiance and she her and i started talking i thought she was my friend she was like well you've heard that your boyfriend number one is currently dating that chick that you hated all the time and i was like huh interesting how long have they been together and she's like oh probably three years i'm like oh three years interesting and i was like okay because she knew i was with him too at the time when i was i was like huh interesting and then she said that's what makes me so angry she said he was actually dating x y and z at the same time i'm like i when i heard that i saw red i saw red honestly i lost my mind because i was thinking while i was in this relationship with boyfriend number one i thought it was crazy you know and then women intuition never lies i mean you know i wasn't crazy oh yeah cheaters will come up here they'll make you feel crazy yeah yeah so um i saw red i freaked out came to my current boyfriend i was like can you believe this guy and blah blah blah and that's already after i cheated on him with him and he didn't know yet he didn't know yet okay so what happened was um when quarantine started me and my current boyfriend were spending a lot of time at my place and him and i were in separate teams so i was applying to one people he was applying to other people we weren't in the same tree if you will you're current number two number two yes so i was in the meeting with my upline and my upline heard him in my room so he was like okay i know somebody's there and i know who that is so they called my boyfriend number two and they're like turn your camera around and he's like why it's like you're with her aren't you and and then he's like yeah we are together so they caught us you know it was a big deal they caught us and adults like there's nothing to catch but we broke the rule whatever so we're on camera my upline is freaking out saying oh i thought you were my friends you did this to me and i'm thinking the whole time like what do you mean we did this to you the only thing we did were like we lied but we're adults like give me a break we wanted to be together yes we lied we broke the rule what what do you expect when you put a hundred people good looking people in their 20s single in one room and they have no lives outside of this organization what do you expect and you and your brother both are dating and married to someone outside like in the organization like what kind of example are you showing and why are you upset this i hope everybody recognizes this is cult 101 like right here trying to control your love life trying to control who you interact with trying to only have you working on their business having convincing you to to leave school to do it full-time because it'll be better for you this is this is the most team drama i have ever heard about and oh my gosh this is crazy as a 1099 contractor worker they cannot tell you anything like that they cannot set any rules for you when it comes to your business whatsoever other than what's in amway's policies and procedures that's it yeah all you're allowed you have to agree to for that like that is so illegal for them to be like you can't date that's crazy yeah i've been a 1099 contractor my whole life um other than like a few jobs i had in between but yeah as a hair stylist and then as in an mlm like that's crazy to me that they tried to put those rules on you um so i'm glad you and your current boyfriend were able to get through that and work on it we're actually about to celebrate our second year anniversary in april which is awesome so we got through it we're good we're happy together the only thing that's in the middle of us is mlm but we agreed not to speak of it you know we just agreed this is a topic we don't talk about i am very independent i do whatever i want i have my own money like i spend a lot on stuff travel do whatever and he has these meetings so you know we're needing a middle somewhere um so okay tell me about you you got kicked out of amway you said because of the relationship go tell me about that this is mind-boggling to me yeah so technically it wasn't amway it was the team i was part of you know what i mean so emily did not send me a termination letter it was not that so just you know technically and legally i have to probably say that so when they found out that um him and i were together i blurred out something crazy i said you know what the reason i didn't say we were together because i was together with this other guy and i found out that this guy was cheating on me with other chicks and i said the reason why i didn't want to say anything because i didn't want to screw your team up you know i i honestly did not want to shake the waters i was like i am good with just like leaving alone building my business quotes on quotes whatever and be free you know what i forgive the guy i mean i hate him but whatever and i blurted out and they're like you did what i said everything so that's where it's just drama drama drama like i'm like get a life can we just like just get our own lives like why are you so excited about my life anyways um yeah um they had a meeting with all of their appliances and like what are we gonna do so they're like we have to hear the story so guess what they called the guy in my boyfriend number one he had to tell everything to all the alpines about what happened and his girlfriend that he was cheating with on me she broke up with him and then they called me in to tell my story and like they found out i was cheating and technicality of it if anybody asks they'll be like she was not kicked out she was she was cheating on her boyfriend and we decided we don't want her on our team anymore but that's not what happened they just they that's it it was over no matter like okay whether i'm with my boyfriend or not or whatever how many people were in this room that you had to like how many people were on this jury this illegal jury that you had to go in front of and stand and tell your story to about your relationship it was five five people five of my uplines yep and then then after that my female upline called me up and said hey can you meet with even higher appliance and share your story i'm like i'm not doing that that's embarrassing why would i do that why would i like first of all i thought this was going to be like it's going to be my secret until i die or maybe eventually i'll say something like honestly why am i supposed to share my dirty laundry with all of you like to make you guys feel better about your lives are you kidding me like yeah so i said no so i put my foot down i'm like i'm not doing that wow wow so that is it i would i would think that's a type of psychological abuse because you know i don't condone cheating you no longer condone cheating i believe that but to bring you in like that and you're not even an employee in the us you're a 1099 contract worker you're not entitled to give them anything whatsoever at all like not your upline nobody nobody on your team nothing like literally the only thing you're supposed to give to anybody is to follow the policies and procedures right way so that is some type of ridiculous manipulation that is literally cult like that sounds like scientology like how they the people in their sea organization they don't allow them to date or like marry around or have kids like it's crazy holy crap so so they said to you we don't want you on the team anymore but then they let him stay so they let my boyfriend stay but what about the other boyfriend number one no they they they kiss him out too so well yeah what did they say to me where you were like okay i guess i'll quit or like how did that come down what what happened so the way they made it sound like basically well i want to acknowledge something that they never even acknowledged the fact that i almost killed myself that i was depressed you know like nobody i was like gone for 30 hours nobody heard from me i'm not that kind of person i text you i call you we're in touch i was gone for 30 hours where was i you know nobody asked that nobody concerned about it you know and i have a very traumatic childhood and my very traumatic i was adopted so there's a reason for it like where there's abuse alcohol all of that stuff it was bad and you know what my upline told me you're an adult now it's time to get over it and then he said you know what you need to mentally heal and you need to mentally like get strong and he's the person who's and he's the person who's coming from very privileged family very privileged household he had no struggles in his life never right it's yeah there's that toxic positivity and i'm sorry you went through that you didn't deserve any of that you mentioned you had it you weren't around for 30 hours and they didn't contact you so you had to like stay in contact with them like all the time like check in yeah what happened like well they call it like applying communication has to be on point basically if you reach out to your upline you don't you don't even have to expect them to get back to you because they tell them they tell you oh we're so busy whatever they came back in three days that's acceptable if they text you you'll have to reply right away you know and if you don't it's like oh what are you doing where are you at who you're with you know what i mean like one time i told them oh i'm going to the bar with my girlfriend's like oh you're going to the bar okay so they labeled me as an alcoholic of the team like seriously i'm not kidding and then one time they came over and they saw like a bottle of vodka like just for you know how you put it out and it's there whatever my upline my girl laughs line looked at it it's like you know like oh yeah like everything we said about her is true she's an alcoholic you know like it yeah it's so anyways nobody reached out to me nothing my phone was silent nobody cared i literally took a ton of thinking i'm not gonna wake up and i woke up in 30 hours and i'm sure there's a plan whatever but yeah it was unnoticed and i said and i told them i told one of my appliances that i trusted and that's you know i was like this is what happened and he made me tell my whole story to him and honestly i didn't feel comfortable but he said the only way you'll move on if you tell everything to me so i told them everything about sexual abuse about physical abuse of my childhood then i feel like this is so inappropriate now i think it's inappropriate i'm like who are you you're not my therapist and you said you have to open up he's like you're a rock and it'll tell me i'm too nice or i'm too mean and i was so confused the whole time like wait hold on who am i supposed to be am i too nice or what to mean like can i be myself and they're like your current self is too negative and you're just me in person because i have an rbf and i have like i share my thoughts like how dare i you know what i mean resting trace is that what you're talking about rbf yeah yeah that's fine i have one too uh yeah no women should not be told to smile or just look positive for any reason i hate that but that's you went through so much emotional and psychological abuse honestly and i hope that you're able to if you haven't already find a good therapist who's qualifying and maybe trauma or something because what you went through it sounds like with your childhood but then what the mlm put you through your team i mean that was so wrong on the highest level literally that is the most cult thing i have heard coming from the mlm industry and i had seen some things so how did it go with are you talking again to your family um you know what how did you kind of wrap up like tell me about when you decided to quit how things went there or i guess when you were forced to quit yeah well my family really liked my boyfriend number two like they loved them they loved them like more than me so since we started dating uh my boyfriend kind of put me back in my family he's like you need to be with your family you know you need to because i was so against them i'm like they're against me they don't support my business they don't support me they don't want me to be happy or whatever which i was miserable and so i started recovering my relationship with them like two years ago um but when i quit i mean my mom told me my mom and i are very close and she told me in the beginning what she felt about it but she said i'm gonna just tell you once and i want you to try it by yourself you know maybe you will succeed and make millions of dollars or maybe you'll just lose a lot of money and it's rather be oh well versus what if you know um yeah so my relationship is fine right now you know they're they're don't say anything about it they know that my boyfriend is in it and we all just love him for who he is and i am showing him these videos that i've seen from you and from other people and it's like you have to take a look at this you know this is and once you're in it it's hard for you to even open up your mind into something else so i understand where he's coming from him and i have like long-term plans of getting married and having kids and i said well if you're not making money by the time we have kids then you'll have to leave right now he's breaking even he has a good team like but if he doesn't make money that he promises he will then you have no excuse you have to take care of your kids first and your wife potentially yeah um this is so interesting so he was there the whole time that you decided to leave or well no when you were forced to leave and you were put through all that emotional and psychological abuse and had to retell your story he was there and did he stick up for you to the team or what did he say well that's that's very interesting because he he said that he sees in me more than they do and that i'm bigger than all of this and you know things happen for a reason with her and you know yes she cheated but we went through a lot of stuff with the cheating but he did tell them that like i was going through a very hard time in my life and we just started dating that was like in the beginning of it you know other than that he didn't say he never said anything to protect i didn't not feel protected honestly and i told them several times you never stood up for me and he says i did stand up for you because i said all these things about you i'm like yeah but what about everything else you know how he is just gotta love the guy but he's just so up their butt you know uplands can do never they can never do wrong they can never drown when we went on vacation for my birthday last year he was on the phone with them the whole time you know and they're blamed him for focusing on his personal life versus you know his business when he was on vacation with me for three days oh my god like forbid you know what i mean wow so sorry you went through that because i mean you should have been stuck up for especially if it was somebody you know who you're with who claims to love you you should have been they should have had your back um and i think that you know they're not in their right mind at the same time it doesn't excuse their behaviors right like in an mlm we were victims but we were also perpetrators because we recruited people but that i mean they literally took it so many steps above and that makes me really sad um for you because you were treated so wrong and it sounds like you were literally totally alone with that yeah and i don't want to i'm sorry go ahead i said i don't want to look like a victim here you know i don't want to be like poor me and be upset um because i did the wrong things as well but like it does i my point of this whole interview because i was debating it for so long i've been watching you for almost a year you know and i'm like i need to talk to her something like literally last night i fell asleep to one of your videos like seriously it just like just assures me that everything i'm doing is right you know what i mean because my mind goes back and forth and yeah the reason for this interview is just for me to share that story and share that even if you screwed up what they're doing is not right they know what they're doing it's never like oh we didn't know you know they know exactly what they're doing and i feel like especially with amway people are afraid to step out and say something because of the control that there is and that's why i didn't see any videos of amy like i didn't see anybody speak out i saw some like little tiny like 50 views videos i'm like what's going on people need to speak up because i know there's more that's why it's always interested in me and why i'm kind of i i don't hold any mlm in um good regard i've always looked down i look down and all in the lives but amway is one of the ones that i'm just like really i i felt like for a long time that there was a lot of um not great things happening and your story really confirms that i think that you know it's okay to come out of it and say you know i'm not playing a victim i am picking myself up and i am moving on with my life and making things happen but at the same time language is important and i think it's okay to say i was a victim of this and two wrongs don't make a right like you know they should never have just because you did something wrong doesn't mean that they should have came at you like that um with that psychological and emotional abuse i mean that's absolutely insane to me everything you went through on top of losing forty thousand dollars yeah i could have had a house dude i'm looking at houses now i'm like damn it i could have got a house you know these people oh my god so what um what is tell me about your life now are you how are you picking up the pieces because i think that a lot of people like you watch anti-mlm content um but they're still having to convince themselves like i'm making the right choice by leaving and i know i had to convince myself of that for a long time because in the back of my head i was like am i making the right choice like could i find like a good mlm and make money in it and help people and like because i've been so indoctrinated to believe that network marketing was the way so i think it's it's great that you're picking up the pieces how are you picking up those pieces now how are you moving on with your life yeah so i did go through therapy like ifs therapy i don't know if you're familiar with ifs um it's internal family systems so i'm not a good person of like just talking my feelings but ifs is semi hype hypno therapy hypnotherapy so you go inside and you like talk to your heart and you talk to your laughing parts so it's different parts of you so that's very healing to me and i spoke to my heart and i spoke to my gut of when it says like you needed to leave and i and i ignored it it's it's weird but it's therapy so i went through a very i'm not really very extensive thank you very extensive therapy i'm still going through it um obviously i'm focusing on my career i'm working for a tech company i'm doing really really well for myself i'm about to move to my own place i live with a roommate now but i've got a i got a condo in a skyrise and it's so exciting you know i'm just actually finally doing something i love i actually am taking dance classes and pull classes yeah i know i'm actually doing stuff i really love you know and i i'm having girl time and i'm doing all these things that i didn't do for four years you know i lost my semi-adulthood in the beginning when you have fun you know i'm supposed to be serious now an adult but i'm doing all of it now because i missed it you know so just taking care of myself and focusing on getting healthier and just getting more sleep and relaxing for the first time i mean i work probably like 17 hours a day or 18 hours altogether you know with working amway so yeah i hope that answers it i think that's fantastic i think that those little things really add up i think therapy is a big thing i think everybody if they can afford to should be in it after leaving an mlm because you don't realize all these tactics that have been used on you and they stay with you they stay in your mindset that's why they're called commercial cults all these things stay in your mindset and swirl around and it's it's hard to decipher what you know is real and what you were taught to believe by somebody who didn't have your best interest in heart and i think those little things you said like taking dance classes or you know going getting rest like i mean for me it was sitting my butt down on the couch and watching hours of tv because i didn't watch tv for almost six years you know and i was like i'm gonna catch up on all these awesome shows and and it's those little things that just help you feel normal again that make a really big difference i want to tell you like thank you so much for reaching out and coming on to share your story because i think you'll speak to a lot of people um and i think that you know when people leave an mlm they're not proud of what they did in an mlm and that can keep them from speaking out and i think that you were brave to share the problems that you and your current partner had and that was that's not easy to share at all but you know you can own up where you're wrong and i think that's really important um and to share that because it really your what your mlm did your team is they took your wrong and then they tried to pin that against you even though you were already like i know i screwed up i know i messed up i know i made a mistake i'm i'm human they illegally use that against you to force you to quit your business and even though it was probably a blessing in disguise because now you're out of it it was so wrong how it all went about and like you should have never worked through that well i really really appreciate that this is my sort of therapy yes are you in any anti-mlm groups or anything like that online yeah on facebook and there's like sounds like mlm but okay it's so funny like they put the funniest stuff over there um yeah all of them it's it's so funny it's so refreshing you know what i mean it's so nice i really liked monica hayward's group shout out to monica yeah monica has a great group that was the group that really encouraged me to speak out because i don't know if i would have had the guts to speak out originally yeah what would you tell somebody who is leaving an mlm or wants to leave an mlm but they're worried about all the time and money they've invested um you know what would you say to them and like how is your life different now and better yeah i would tell them that they're brave enough to even think of leaving you know because being wrapped up in an mlm obviously it is a cold and it's so hard to leave it you know so i'm i'll say like trust your gut you know if it feels wrong most likely it is wrong you know and just don't let anybody else perceive you not to do what you have to do if you have to slam a door on your alpine do it whatever if they cross the boundary call it out that's what i was afraid of doing i would i would never speak back to my upline i'd be so scared you know speak up you know say that doesn't feel right that's wrong you know and my life is so much better right now honestly i'm still having that post-dramatic traumatic whatever the word is you know you always think like what are they thinking of me now like what what if they see this video and you know why this is great i hope they see this video i pray to god they see this video and send it to me as like hey is that you jane though whatever you try and bring my personal life into business honey you gonna learn like i'm not even playing they cross so many boundaries sis like you need to put them a cease and desist yeah i would just say just leave don't think about it just go just go and return your products don't be afraid of them being like don't return your products one thing i regret of not doing i have so much stuff that i could have returned and gotten my money back and i chose not to i just used it you know i could have gotten my money back like thousands of dollars like i have this stupid water filter it was a thousand dollar filter and i'm like it's just like a regular filter what the heck i wish i could have returned it but i can't because six months is over you know or like luxury creams i could have like gotten like at least 2500 out of everything you know so don't be afraid to return your stuff don't be afraid to stand up to your upline and just you know that's it get out of the boat get out just get out get the hell out call us we'll gang itchy like seriously yeah there's a life there's a lifeboat in the anti-mlm community we'll pick you up yes oh my goodness well thank you so much for being here i appreciate it [Music] you
Views: 39,213
Rating: 4.8211498 out of 5
Keywords: amway, amway tools scam, betsy devos, randy rainbow, antimlm, multilevel marketing, network marketing, kiki chanel, cruel world happy mind, beachbody, mary kay, lularoe
Id: 3kqFe2Wb6TQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 34sec (4354 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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