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if you watched my first anti MLM video you know I was all in in 2013 I joined my very first company thinking I would be promoting a health check and some workouts and helping myself and others get healthy and it was great the first two years of being in a multi-level marketing company was fun because I hadn't yet got to peek behind the curtain of the 1% I was in just deep enough to earn money help others and attend weekly conference calls and fancy events what I didn't realize in those first two years is that I along with other distributors were being inundated with toxic positivity I thought I was doing good work I thought I was keeping a healthy mindset I thought I was helping others I thought I was creating the life of my dreams slowly but surely I was being heard mentally and emotionally by falling for the trap of toxic positivity something the MLM industry loves to promote to keep you stuck in a cycle of guilt shame fear of missing out fear of stains stuck or fear of losing money to keep you in their vicious game as long as they can to profit off you after all and MLM companies best customers are its distributors have you ever wondered why you're bombarded with massive amounts of information once you join an MLM company it's a form of thought programming designed to indoctrinate you into their belief system and set the company up as the answer to all your problems in doing so this glorifies the company and makes it so if you don't succeed and 99% do not then only you are to blame in an MLM company you cannot question anything if you do you're told to stop being negative if you aren't selling enough you're constantly gas-lit through uplines self-help books and company CEOs who tell you you just aren't working hard enough this is why many men and women walk away from the MLM industry feeling like a all of their former selves and why license therapy professionals call multi-level marketing companies commercial cults after being in the top 1% of 3 different companies over five years my self-esteem was shattered as was my illusion of their dream I saw the lie for what it was and walked away from everything it took me almost two years to speak out but in an effort to undo all the damage I did now I share my truth if it saves one person it will have been worth it welcome back to my channel today I'm going to be sharing with you some secrets that I probably shouldn't be sharing about what emmalin's do to get somebody in - to recruit them to sell their products and some of these are super shape they're all super shady things super super shady and some of them were even part of the reason why like when I was thinking about leaving Hamelin like I was it was just another affirmative thing though I gotta get out of here because this is just getting shittier and shittier and shittier I can't believe I'm about to tell this one this one's a little bit awkward but in an MLM usually it's women who join multi-level marketing companies a lot of the time the husbands don't love the wife being a part of the MLM this is common knowledge throughout an MLM like when I was in an MLM it was very common for somebody to on my team to be like my husband doesn't like that I'm spending all this time doing this business I was not with my current husband now at the time thank God but I was I remember like ex-boyfriends of mine being mad about the time I would spend in an MLM and so there's one MLM that I was a part of the last one and I was so shocked because they preached from like the CEO down I've heard them on stages at events they say if your husband isn't happy with your business just remember that men need three things food sex and money if you don't have the money roll it into your business yet give them food or sex yeah I know I know like everyone in the audience would be CEOs right hand person said that everyone's like oh my gosh I can't believe a setback but like looking back I'm like oh my gosh so basically they're teaching women in exam alums how to get your husband to shut up when he's mad that you're spending money charging the credit card for more product in my very first MLM I learned about something called forming so it's fo RM form and form is how you are supposed to basically get people onto your team so everybody knows that if you get a friend request from somebody in an MLM like if they're obviously in an MLM and they're constantly posting about their MLM and you don't know them and they friend request you I mean come on we pretty much know why their friend requesting that's right they want us to buy their product they want us to join their team so they earn more money now what you might not know is that a lot of MLM errs are taught to use form form stands for let's see if I can get this right we got looking at my notes family occupation Recreation message I shouldn't be happy about that but so in an MLM we teach people to form people so let's say Suzy friend requests you my husband's probably listening to this from the other room like they are crazy like I'm so good I wasn't around with using an MLM because this is crazy so for mean if Suzy shoots you a friend request and Suzy wants to get you onto her MLM tee but Susie doesn't want to make it super obvious that she wants to get you onto her team she's going to form you so what she's going to do is she is first going to get you to speak about your family this is so bad she's our gonna breastfeed you to speak about your family by commenting on your post asking you questions about your family and then she's going to get you to talk about your occupation right so she's going to comment on your post asking you certain things about what you love about what you do what your occupation is then she's going to talk with you about recreation and recreation bean what do you like to do for a hobby and once she gets all those key points down to where she knows about your family Susie knows about your occupation Susie knows about what you like to do for fun then Susie's going to message you because that will have been enough time because you're not really supposed to do it all at once oh that's way too obvious I think a lot of bugs do it now wait like all at once it was supposed to be done so once she's formed you she messages you and that's when you know you'll have warmed up to her because she would have talked to you about your family she would talk to you about your occupation she wouldn't talk to you what you like to do for fun without ever bringing up her MLM so maybe she does have a genuine interest in you right for me for him that's what animal lovers are taught on how to recruit people to their team so Vicky another tactic that I saw MLM reps Juhi was right when I was exiting the industry so a lot of times in an MLM you you guys I'm sorry if I keep smiling like I'm not like happy about this I'm happy that I know of this belt I'm laughing because it's like you might have to laugh or cry because it's so crazy it's just a stupid like I can't believe I'm looking back now I'm like oh my gosh this is all so embarrassing and I usually teach some of these things to my team however this next one I'm gonna tell me about I didn't see this one start to happen until I was like exiting and there's a thing that happens when you decide to leave in MLM it's very rare that somebody just decides to up and quit and they quit that day it usually is like a slow death it is a long process when somebody gets out of an MLM and that's because these are commercial cults it's like you have a ton of friends in the MLM on your team you are taught you are indoctrinated that this MLM is your path to financial freedom and that if you give up you failed if you leave the MLM you're a failure and everyone's going to know that you just didn't try hard enough in your business you didn't work hard enough so I would just want to make that clear because a lot of people just think like why don't these people just quit well it's not that easy it might look that easy but it's actually a lot more difficult my last year I was in an m/l I was in the MLM industry for about five and a half almost six years and I remember that last year I was phasing out I started seeing this new tactic and I was like this is so shady not that like the other ones weren't but I was just like oh my gosh so I noticed because there was a huge exodus from the last MLM I was in where a lot of distributors left and went to another MLM and the person who was their upline like they took a bunch of their team which is illegal and can be considered poaching but that's for another video I don't care at this point who takes who where just get out so a lot of the new distributors went to this team right and so your goal is to recruit a lot of other people and to make people think that the product is amazing or that your team is amazing and they do this through FOMO fo mo fear of missing out now that's not the tactic that's just the strategy that a lot of people in sales use MLM love to over and use it but what I noticed is that somebody in her new LEM would post their product but they never show the label so they would just like say he was like a weight loss burner that was a liquid in form I'm thinking of a certain company and they would dump some of some of the liquid on a spoon and they would be like this thing has helped trim my waist and I love it it gives me so much energy so then all the reps from that persons team not even like under her just all on the same team as her they flood to her post and they're like oh my gosh I want to try it they're commenting like hey please message me I want to know more Oh tell me more like I literally saw a friend of mine who had left the MLM that I was a part of she went to another MLM I didn't care I was like so got love for you girl that's fine and she this girl who was posting this like oh this thing's helped me lose weight that was her distributor that person had signed up under her and my friend was commenting on her post pretending to be a possible customer like acting like she didn't know her and acting like she wanted to try this product when she already had the product at home and used it regularly and I just remember getting so upset and I thought this is so tacky and this is so wrong like I understand when you know if you post something and nobody comments on it or likes it especially when you're trying to sell a product or maybe like an art piece that you made like yeah it can be really awkward and uncomfortable but to me that took it to a whole nother level it was so wrong and disturbing and it was just another thing another drop in the bucket of why I was like I have to get out of this industry because somehow all these MLM babes are just like normalizing this type of behavior and thinking it's okay as long as they get sales because then if they get a sale then that person could possibly doing their team and they'll be on a path to financial freedom and that way they're helping them and so so lying is okay it's complete cognitive dissonance and I just was so turned off by so that's a big thing so if you ever see an MLM hun who is just like this product Rox it's amazing and you see the comment and it's all like people being like oh I want to know more tell me more message me oh I want it I want how many more do you have left keep in mind a lot of those people are probably from that person's team it sucks in multi-level marketing companies they have something called the Millionaire's Club and I was never a part of the Millionaire's Club the most I ever earned was like the very beginning of six figures which is still insane and that was before like the company started like go down and lost a ton of income which happens in a lot of MLM companies they implode on themselves right so it's never just like this perfect gradual raise of income anyway lost in thought so there is a Millionaire's Club and when somebody gets into the Millionaire's Club they love to post about it and they love to say like I'm in a million Millionaire's Club I started from nothing I was dirt and now look at me like you know that's pretty much how it is and here's the thing though they use a million millionaires club I can't talk today they used the millionaires club as a recruiting tactic to join their team because wow it's like Suzy Q who pulled herself up from nothing by the bootstraps I mean like that's what got me into an MLM because I was so in awe of my first upline and how she was able to go from a broke bartender with tons of medical debt something I had to now being a millionaire but what they don't tell you is that being in the Millionaire's Club does not mean you have a million in the bank it just means that in the entirety of the time you've been in an MLM you've earned a million dollars so it could have taken you five years to earn a million dollars through that MLM but that puts you then five years later in the Millionaire's Club so you see what I'm saying it's not a million in the bank it's just what you've earned over the course of that time you've been in the company and they don't like to say that they just like to say I got into the Millionaire's Club I can't believe it I never thought I could be a millionaire I'm so grateful to my company for giving me this opportunity I'm so blessed hashtag blessed like and people will do that too with the six-figures club they'll say I'm I have made six figures with this company I feel so blessed and what they mean is that they didn't necessarily earn six figures in that year or that last year but they earned it over their time span of being with the company so there's a new tactic I've noticed also this is when I like leading the MLM industry and afterwards a lot of MLM reps are asking people to be product testers or influencers for their [ __ ] and it's really like it's they're selling it to people in a way where it's like if you want to be a product tester for this product which is amazing you'll get 25% off and if you don't like it it's okay you don't have to share we have a money Dave 30-day money-back guarantee but if you love it hey you got a discount for it so would you like to be a product tester for me what that means is they're gonna sign you up and then you're gonna get a twenty five percent discount which all the distributors get so you're not really a product tester like they're not asking you to sample a product or I'm asking you to sign up and join your team and here's another crazy thing that people don't realize the Demel EPS if you sign up with somebody and like you don't even realize you're signing up they're just like using that oh you're gonna get the discount don't worry this is just to get the discount you don't have to work in or anything like that you're you're a product tester what they don't tell you is that when you sign up under someone in an MLM if you're like oh whoa like I don't think this is for me or maybe you realize that your upline isn't doing crap to help you and you want another upline well you can't quit and then go join that person over there because they look like they might help you in your business you would actually have to quit the company and you can't sign up for six months under somebody else that's how it works I have I've been in several MLS I was in the top 1% of three different MLM and in all their policies and procedures that's always how it is if you quit you have to wait six months to sign up under somebody so not that I'm encouraging anybody to do a business like stay away from these MLM but it's just it's just more of the deception that people use and they're recruiting tactic tactics and that the MLM push most MLM companies seem to have been in lawsuits usually if you search a company and you can't find them like a lawsuit that they've been a part of it's because they're too new and you gotta wait awhile but a lot of times you will see MLM reps post on and Facebook or Instagram their product and they'll be like oh my god this saved my life I did it y'all it was embarrassing so be like this is amazing but they're not showing you like the name of the products like the bag or the bottle be slightly turned just to where you're like what company is that what is that obviously that's done so you will have to ask them what that is because if you ask them hey like what is that or can you tell me more then they've ensnared you and they're going to run to message you which is what they're told to do they want to create curiosity that is what we taught the reason that they don't want to show you the brand name is not just for creating curiosity it's because they don't want you to Google the company because all MLMs usually like 99% of the time have horrible reviews I'm gonna say 99.9% of the time if you google a company and it's an MLM they're going to have crap reviews on the BBB and everywhere horrible reviews on YouTube there will be like scam videos about it and we were told to hide the name of the company to hide the name of the product that way people couldn't search it and say buy it on Amazon because guess what MLM companies a lot of them do compete against their distributors and sell on Amazon they do and so you're also taught to not show it because they don't want people to see all the negative things and we're told the reason that is is because people who didn't work their business hard enough and our bidder left negative reviews so if you left an MLM because you didn't make money you're one of those evil people leaving a horrible review shame on you like I should go leave tons of reviews for all the companies I left because they're awful well that's why I started this channel actually but yeah so that's why because like they know the reviews are terrible and that's like another thing I want to point out about MLM cuz I noticed for my first anti MLM video that I made where I came a bit out of the anti MLM closet I was like horrible like that was such a hard video for me to make and several people commented below and they asked the question well why don't people just up and leave we're like why don't people just like Google the products and see the crap reviews about them we'll read the reviews about the company and realize how crappy it is and then and not join or just leave and what I wanted to be like to say all those common tours is like hey any type of excuse or negative thing you have to tell a friend why not to join the company or why not to use the product that MLM already has all of those bullet points covered like they're going to be like so-and-so is going to say this about your company so you need to be prepared here's what we say back to that they have a reply a response to anything negative and this is a form of indoctrination so that way when a person's family member or friend does say something bad about their company or product they can instantly just rattle off like a robot what their upline or the company told them to say that's that's really what it is like I said look the negative reviews we were told those were the bitter people who failed who didn't work their business their vision wasn't big enough it's sick y'all I'm so proud of everyone who's walked away from an MLM you're amazing I'm proud of you and last but not least any person who watches your stories or likes your post or comments on your post that distributor is then supposed to go message you let's say Susie Q joins an MLM and she's getting trained by her upline and a company what they always say is anybody who watches your stories is a hue or lengths of post or comments on a post you message that so it goes back to forming if you remember about form family occupation recreation message that's what they're going to do to you if you literally look at their story like a comment or comment that's what they're supposed to do not saying that all do that it just to me I remember things like that is so desperate why would I I think I tried it like one time so I was like okay this is what they're teaching I guess I should try it so that way if I teach it to my people on my team like at least you know I'm being an example and I'm I'm doing what I'm saying you know it's supposed to be done and it felt so awful like I think I remember it telling my team leader like y'all you don't need to message somebody if they like suppose like it just felt really something like to comment or whatever and I was like hey how are you doing like thanks for the support on my post like that's what MLM reps are taught to say it's like thanks for the square on my post and then they're supposed to going to about your family or about your occupation or a recreation or something they might even be like I saw that post about your purse can you tell me what branded is like I remember that being a big thing once like some girl recruited somebody to join her team just because she messaged her and was like oh my gosh I saw that that purse you posted it's so pretty can you tell me what brand that is and her goal with doing that was not really because she cared about the purse like you know it's cute but her goal was to get a conversation started because an MLM person knows that they can get you in a conversation then they have more chances of forming you and they have more chances of recruiting you I'm glad to be gone I'm glad to be out of it I should have been telling you all these secrets but it feels good to be on the other side and yeah if you are thinking about getting into an MLM know that at least one of these things will probably be pushed down your throat on what to do I would say the most shocking for me it was like the husband one because now being out of it like I'm just I'm really my eyes have really been open and hindsight right everything one you can look back at hindsight is 20/20 and I'm just like oh man like they really knew how to basically calm down the spouse so that they wouldn't you know care like I had women tell me like I charge things to a credit card and my husband didn't know and then I left them alone I had to tell them and it cost so much strife in our marriage and like that's heartbreaking and I wish I could say what she's like doing that charging things to a credit card without your spouse knowing like that's not that's not something they teach it in MLM but you know it might not be said out loud like go get it forever a lot of them do say it it might not be likes it out loud but it's definitely implied and I'll tell you why it's implied because if somebody goes in a team group and they're like okay I can't believe I did this they're like typing out this post right they're like oh man I can't believe I did this I don't have the money for it but I'm using the law of attraction and I am going to log this into my life I'm going to make this happen I'm going to have some vision and I put my starter kit on a credit card and I'm so nervous cuz we don't have the money to do it but I'm going to believe that I'm going to succeed in this business so I did it and they post that in the group everybody and their mother and that group is gonna be like yeah you go girl that's awesome like I did the same thing like you've got this yeah I do to cheer you on nobody is a voice of reason who's like hmm maybe you should have put that on a credit card like did you talk to your spouse do they know that you're charging things to a credit card or did you do it in secret like nobody's a voice of reason everyone's like yeah just believe just be a product of the product work hard and believe in yourself because if you believe strong where nothing bad can happen you won't bail the only way to fail is if you quit but if you do fail remember that that's on you not the MLM because nothing they can do can never be wrong so if you fail hunty that's on you it's just stupid like I'm so happy to be on the other side y'all so I hope that you found this video helpful or insightful and now you know some of the recruiting tactics that they are taught to use and I will think I noticed that with forming the family occupation recreation message a lot of them are doing it like so fast like or some of them don't even do it at all now like they don't wait to form people they're just like hey your timeline looks amazing like you look like you would be a great influencer for this product I have and I'm an influencer no you're not calm down I hate that word anyway but a lot of time like people will message me that and I'm like you didn't look at my timeline where you encode that I'm anti MLM what are you talking about but that's the rat race within an MLM like nothing's ever enough you have to keep going going going going when you message somebody you have to get on to the next person like don't waste time time is the number one thing about an MLM like they always say in an MLM speed our success loves speed that's what they always say in an MLM success loves speed so whatever you do you've got a run full throttle and get people to join your team and sell all these products and it's just like this frenzy like I feel like I'm getting anxiety talking about it right now anyone who's been even like remotely into an MLM like you know that frenzy or it's just like breather but you know if somebody's messaging you at 11:00 p.m. wanting to join your team girl you better take up that eye mask and get to work right because you could lose them you don't wanna lose them because then you won't have a chance to help that person and if you don't use to help that person then you're gonna lose money and it could have been your number one dream person and I'm going off on a tangent but like this is another thing that MLM love to preach is that is it number one like dream team person like you just keep going on to the next when somebody fails and they quit your team or whatever you just keep going you keep looking for your dream team and you keep trying to find that number one dream team person who's going to just take your business to the next level that's what we were always told it's like look for that one person who's just there's gonna be one person who crushes this business they're gonna be so amazing that it's going to blow up your business and you're just gonna see all this residual income coming in you're gonna you're gonna be made you're gonna be set and looking back now I'm like that's so messed out like why would you depend on one person would why would you think that there would be one person who could just like make your business amazing that's not even logical and second like it's not you know they doesn't make a lot of sense at all and it's silly but like that's part of the carrot that they dangle in front of you to keep you to like keep going like oh okay like gotta keep going guys keep going gotta stay positive like they love their toxic positivity so hmm I'm gonna stop talking now I hope you like this video if you want to subscribe don't forget subscribe and thanks for watching I'll see you in the next video
Views: 88,794
Rating: 4.9287066 out of 5
Keywords: mlm, antimlm, antimlm horror story, beachbody, arbonne, senegence, younique, colorstreet, pruvit, ketones, kiki chanel, cruel world happy mind, cbd oil, mary kay, lularoe
Id: p5wdFluEuoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 9sec (1749 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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