Let's talk about McCarthy vs McConnell....

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well howdy there internet people it's Bubba young so today we are going to talk about some uh surprising developments within the Republican party and the Dynamics that are shaping up between the house and the senate for 2022. uh about two weeks ago we talked about how McCarthy in his quest to become Speaker of the House has basically given up all of the power that comes with that position in order to get the votes to become speaker he put himself in a position where he's not leading he's so beholden to so many different factions within the Republican party that he's really just kind of turned into the Aaron boy for Republicans with strong social media presences so because of that McCarthy has uh come out against working out an end of the year deal for the budget with the Democratic party he doesn't want to do that and took a swing at McConnell in the Senate the Republican leader in the Senate um McConnell is McConnell I've said repeatedly on this channel you may not like him but don't underestimate him he is a very very Savvy person he understands foreign policy a little bit he knows that the United States and the assistance that they that the U.S has provided to Ukraine has put Russia on the ropes it is important to McConnell to keep Russia on the ropes therefore he's going to want to get a spending package through that includes more assistance for Ukraine I don't think McConnell is going to want to give that up so you now have a fight Brewing between the Republican leader in the house and the Republican leader in the Senate you have to choose between McCarthy and McConnell it's like Freddy versus Jason I mean who do you really root for there um this Dynamic will probably continue for quite some time because the the reality is that McCarthy is beholden to a bunch of people who see themselves as hard-line Republicans as they as they cater to a very a very vocal but small base on social media because McCarthy is beholden to those people he is going to adopt a lot of those positions McConnell is is he does not care about those games McConnell has been up there forever um so he he's not going to it is unlikely that he gives a social media presence any thought whatsoever that's not what he cares about he cares about power and just uh some free political advice for McCarthy if you're in a situation where you are just making all kinds of deals to get the votes to become speaker I'm going to suggest that picking a fight with Mitch McConnell is probably not a good idea uh I have a feeling that McConnell will come out and say something very personable he will come out and say hey you know I've always liked I've always liked young macarthy he's a good man and then quietly work to destroy anyway it's just a thought y'all have a good day
Channel: Beau of the Fifth Column
Views: 119,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iFSq77qnLO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 18sec (258 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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