JUST IN: White House Pulls David Chipman’s ATF Nomination In Win For GOP, Gun Groups

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the last speaker before me i think is senator cruz unless someone else is seeking recognition senator cruz thank you mr chairman you know it's interesting to hear our democratic colleagues uh seeing boogeymen under every rock and there is the frightful specter of the nra on one side there's the frightful specter of the koch brothers on the other side they're charts of dark money with red string and and all sorts of perceived connections um there is a simpler explanation which is that the american people actually value our right to keep and bear arms you want to know who the members on this side are listening to it's not some interest group it's the hundreds of millions of americans who want their constitutional rights protected who want to be able to defend their families and who don't want to see the government taking away their right to defend their home their lives and their family that's something our democratic friends don't seem to understand this is not about a checkbook in washington d.c this is about millions of constituents at home i promise you when john corner and i go home it's not the nra we're worried about it's texans looking at us saying don't you let them take our guns and there are folks in every state here who feel that way you know it was striking during the campaign in august 2019 joe biden was asked about people who think that that a biden administration quote means they're going to come from my gun for my guns and biden replies bingo you're right if you have an assault weapon the fact of the matter is they should be illegal period so we can thank president biden for letting the cat out of the bag he's made clear his agenda and let's use the exact words they're going to come for my guns bingo that's what joe biden promised america he wanted to do and in this case with mr chipman this is the manifestation of the promise we're going to come for your guns mr chipman is a gun control zealot he spent the last six years of his life working for one of the leading gun control organizations and he came before this committee and his testimony was remarkable he testified that he thought senator feinstein's legislation on assault weapons didn't go nearly far enough now senator feinstein and i disagree on that legislation disagree strongly her sentiments are heartfelt they're genuine but mr chipman said senator feinstein didn't go nearly far enough she sought to ban some 2000 different models of rifles but he said it didn't go nearly far enough because he'd go after every single weapon people own right now that he wouldn't just focus on the new sales he was interested in whatever guns you have at your home right now to defend your family and to be clear senator feinstein's legislation wasn't just filed it wasn't just considered in this committee it was voted on in the senate floor in the year 2013 2013 i just arrived at the senate i was a brand new freshman had been here about as long as senator padilla senator ossoff it's the harry reid senate so i was in the minority there was a substantial majority of democrats in the senate senator feinstein's bill to ban so-called assault rep weapons voted on on the senate floor received 40 yes votes and 60 no votes in a democratic senate among the senators voting no were senator bennett senator heinrich senator manchin senator tester senator udall and senator warner all democrats voted no and mr chipman says that that bill that in a harry reid democratic senate could muster only 40 votes it didn't go far enough we need to be even more aggressive going after your guns now i recognize in extreme left partisan environments that sounds like a terrific idea i recognize that they're democrats who've run for office promising that we need judges and justices on the supreme court who will vote to overturn the heller decision and to in effect repeal the individual right to keep and bear arms but that's not the view of the american people and it's not some mysterious lobby in town it is hundreds of millions of americans that value their freedom their constitutional rights and i got to tell you this past year there were a whole lot of americans who hadn't actually thought a lot about the second amendment until suddenly we had riots in american cities all across the country until suddenly we had police cars being firebombed and shops being looted and people being murdered on the street in city after city after city and we saw local democratic politicians turn a blind eye to the violence one democratic politicians described weeks and weeks of rioting and burning and violence described it as it's the summer of love well i think actually elected officials have a responsibility to keep their citizens safe i think writing off rioting and criminal violence as the summer of love is incredibly cynical in a dereliction of duty but you know what in a lot of those blue blue states in a lot of those blue blue cities in blue blue states there were a whole lot of folks that suddenly went to a gun store and said you know what if there's going to be a riot outside my house i want to be able to defend myself as someone starts coming in the door coming in the window seeking to do harm for my family and by the way when you have democrats proposing abolishing the police and not just proposing and implementing it in cities like minneapolis and cities like portland and cities like new york city and cities tragically like austin texas slashing the budgets for police and seeing crimes skyrocket and then scratching their heads going gosh why would crime skyrocket we just slash the budgets for the police you can understand why people say if you're going to take away the police officers for god's sakes don't take away my ability to defend my family i think mr chipman is a nominee who is far out of the mainstream if his position is what he told this committee that he thinks we should go much further than senator feinstein's legislation which commanded only 40 votes in a democratic majority senate that does not reflect where the american people are and this nomination is a chance for senate democrats to decide i assume the membership of this committee that every democrat in this committee is going to vote for mr chipman this tends to be a committee on both sides of the aisle that attracts some of the members who are more comfortable with taking clear positions but there are at least some democrats in the conference who when they go home to their home states they tell their constituents they support the second amendment some ways i'm grateful to president biden for making this nomination because it's a clarifying moment every one of those democrats who goes home and tells their constituents no no i believe in the second amendment no no i don't believe in confiscation no no i won't ban guns no no we shouldn't do that well we got a nominee who supports confiscation who wants to ban guns who wants a registry and who is was appointed to carry out joe biden's promise bingo were coming after your guns so now it's a chance for each of the 50 democrats to decide where do you stand thank you senator cruz senator cotton has asked for recognition yeah i'll keep this brief um i mean i think in some ways david senator blumenthal cornyn and kennedy are in the wings thank you very much mr chairman i wanted to say that i appreciated senator feinstein raising the issue of violent crime i thought that that was an important point to make and i appreciated her comment that the streets teach you a lot and i think this is an important context for today's vote and indeed the issues that are facing the committee as a former head prosecutor my state former attorney general of my state i agree with that comment that the streets teach you a lot i think that's absolutely right and what the streets are teaching us now is that we are in the midst of a massive violent crime wave in this country a massive violent crime wave in this country homicides are up over 30 percent in our major cities over the last year that includes in my state i have police officers when i go home to my state who beg me for help and i mean beg me for help whether it's big cities or missouri's a diverse state we've got we've got big cities we've got small towns we've got rural areas and wherever i go police officers come to me and they say we are desperate for help we are out manned we are outgunned we are overwhelmed we can't recruit people our morale is collapsing we feel we have no support it is a simple reality and the american people are feeling it the people in my state are feeling it they are they're afraid to go out at night they're afraid to go out on the streets they're afraid to drop their children off at school i mean this is not the united states of america that we should have this is a pressing issue that is affecting every single american and yes every cop in america and i hope mr chairman i raise this because i hope this committee will cert soon turn to this issue this issue of violent crime in our country and do something about it and do something to support the men and women in blue who are out there on the line and i have to say that in this context when mr chipman says things like with regard to the secret service i asked him about this when he was sitting right over there he said in 2012 that there meaning the secret service use of guns shooting guns is not necessary interesting idea he goes on then to say we need to think of strategies like that of just covering and evacuating in our schools now he denied that he said that when he was in front of us i don't know why because it's on the record we gave it to him as a qfr i mean you can go read the transcript yourself my point is this i don't think that our schools should be less safe i can't vote for someone who says we ought to make schools in this country less safe in the midst of a crime epidemic i don't know what i would tell the parents in my state and when i look at mr chipman's agenda which is to take away second amendment rights from law-abiding citizens while violent criminals are loose on our streets i just i just have to say mr chairman i disrespectfully disagree that that's the right agenda for us to have at this time so i will i will not be supporting mr chipman and i hope that the committee will soon turn its attention to the the epidemic of violent crime in our country i hope we can find some solutions that we can agree on and i'd respectfully submit this is a question for another time i respectfully submit that increasing officer pay and increasing the number of officers on the street is something where we might start but for those reasons i'll be opposing mr chapman thank you mr chairman thanks senator hawley uh we have three senators seeking recognition and i will close the debate at that point we'll have a vote on mr shipman uh at that moment senator blumenthal's next clinton has asked for recognition yeah i'll keep this brief um i mean i think in some ways david chipman for president biden is a perfectly suitable nominee because the biden harris administration has already marked itself out as the most anti-gun and pro-crime administration in american history president biden gave a speech yesterday afternoon that was supposed to be about how to stop a crime wave that is crashing across this country with a murder rate that's increased in the single biggest jump on record over the last year and what did he do he basically threw in the towel he said yeah you know i know that murders and violent crime went up a lot last year and they went up a lot in the first few months of this year but well crime goes up in the summer months too so it's going to get even worse over the next three months so i hope you don't get killed walking the streets of your community and then what did he talk about did he talk about imposing tough sentences on people who commit crimes do you talk about adding more cops to the streets and quit attacking cops no he talked about gun control about harassing law-abiding gun owners and gun stores focusing on a kind of rifle that is less commonly used in murders in america than blunt objects like hammers and bats and frying pans and your bare fists the vast majority of murders and crimes in this country are committed by pistols which would be almost totally unaffected by some of the democrats proposals so think about what joe biden wants to do he wants to ignore the gun crimes that are happening in cities across america while he takes away the rifle you have in your home to protect yourself from those very criminals so again it shouldn't be surprising that he's nominated a man like david chipman an anti-gun in his hearing i asked him very simply what is an assault weapon and he couldn't define it because it's a made-up fictitious term crafted by a bunch of liberal pollsters and lawyers and politicians in washington to describe a kind of weapon based on mere cosmetic features go into a gun store look at the labels in the aisles you can find an aisle for shotguns you can find one for pistols you can find one for rifles you won't find one for assault weapons because it is a fake made up term now when i pressed him he finally acknowledged that he would call a assault weapon let me be precise here any semi-auto automatic weapon larger than a 22 caliber with a detachable magazine that is almost every modern sporting rifle in america that is one of the most radical proposals that we've ever heard in congress and again it would do almost nothing to affect the gun crimes that are happening in this country right now now joe biden and kamala harris and all the democrats in the senate can talk about why we have this crime wave oh it's the pandemic people are isolated they're unemployed woe is us what are we going to do well guess what the pandemic is basically over and crime is still going up other countries face this pandemic as well they didn't have such a large increase in crime let me tell you why we have a large increase in crime one we are letting violent serious repeat felons out of prison as this congress did with the first step act we are refusing to send them to prison in the first place as radical prosecutors like cheza boudine in san francisco refuse to even do their job and three we are harassing the police for doing their jobs and we are slashing their budgets that's why we have a crime wave in america until we stop it that crime wave will continue thank you senator cotton a lot has been said about what joe biden believes let me read from a statement yesterday i hope all of you have it fact sheet provided by the administration addressing the issues of crime and how to deal with them let me read the opening paragraph page the strategy will use the rescue plan the american rescue plan which we know full well on the democratic side the american rescue plans historic funding levels and clear guidance to help state local territorial and tribal governments get the money they need to put more police officers on the beat with the resources training and accountability they need to engage in effective community policing in addition to supporting proven community violence intervention programs summer employment opportunities and other investments we know will reduce crime page after page page five provide law enforcement the tools and resources they need to tackle gun violence does that sound like joe biden's throwing in the towel in law enforcement no not to me it sounds like he's making an investment in law enforcement which we all at least i applaud and i think is absolutely essential you see i represent the city of chicago and i'm proud to do it but we are facing a wave of gun violence and death unheard of uh and we're not the only place and it isn't just because it's a blue mayor in a blue city in a blue state it's happening in the downstate red counties and communities as well mr president last week i came down to the floor to discuss how the defund the police movement has contributed to the surging crime that we see around the country and as i noted the democrat party bears a substantial degree of responsibility for the situation we find ourselves in because this is a party that either actively contributed to defund the police rhetoric or implicitly endorsed it largely by staying silent now however democrats have come to realize that attacking the police and the sharp spike in crime could hurt their electoral chances next year and so the president and other democrat leaders have all of a sudden announced their concern about rising crime rates but as i said last week they're still trying to have their cake and eat it too because missing from their messaging is any real condemnation of defund the police rhetoric and the toll it's taken on our cities and police departments and their plans for confronting the surge in crime are long on punishing gun dealers and gun manufacturers and short on going after those actually committing crimes it's typical of democrats for whom fighting crime seems to involve controlling guns specifically guns owned by law-abiding gun owners more than it involves controlling criminals what democrats should be doing is training their attention on violent offenders traffickers and gangs in illegal straw purchases not finding ways to saddle law-abiding gun owners with burdensome new regulations because because it is not law abiding gun owners who are responsible for most of the gun crimes in this country the majority of gun crimes mr president are committed by individuals who obtained their guns illegally illegally which is why fighting this crime should involve improving enforcement of our laws and increasing prosecution of those who violate them not creating new laws that will only serve to further burden the constitutionally guaranteed second amendment rights of law abiding individuals unfortunately mr president as i said democrats are following their usual playback playbook during their this recent crime surge which they seem to see is a convenient excuse for pushing some of their gun control priorities the president recently delivered remarks on crime and the first priority that he discussed at length was going after federally licensed firearm dealers that's right firearm dealers mr president while we can all agree that firearms dealers who violate the law should be punished the rogue gun dealers that the president refers to are only responsible for a tiny fraction of the guns being used in crimes going after gun dealers is one of your top law enforcement priorities are not going to do much to stem the illegal flow of weapons or their use in crimes enforcement dollars and enforcement personnel are not endless mr president and you can waste a lot of money and a lot of man-hours conducting checks of law-abiding gun dealers while criminals continue to use their illegally obtained weapons unchecked mr president nowhere are president biden's priorities more clear than in his choice of nominee to lead the atf which is the bureau of alcohol tobacco firearms and explosives david shipman would come to the atf directly from an organization where he has spent the past five years as a gun control advocate he's well known for his at times extreme views on gun control and restricting the second amendment including his support for banning probably the most popular rifle in the united states he supports a so-called assault weapons ban which usually refers to banning certain guns for their accessories and their appearance of lethality but alarmingly he could not give a clear representation of how he would define such a policy in his confirmation hearing equally as troubling as mr chipman's clear disdain for gun owners he claimed that most individuals with concealed carry permits are either untrained or irresponsible during the pandemic he mocked law abiding gun owners and condescendingly said that first time gun owners should put their guns away in their cabinets behind the beef jerky behind the beef jerky that they presumably been saving for the apocalypse and only take out the weapons if quote the zombies start to appear end quote mr president i appreciate mr chipman's long service as an atf special agent but i have serious concerns that as the head of the atf he would spend more time going after law abiding gun owners than actual criminals the fact that he spent years as a gun control advocate gives us pretty strong indication of what his priorities are likely to be if he ends up heading this bureau although mr chipman couldn't make new gun laws as head of the atf he would certainly i should say he could certainly have a hand in writing a whole lot of new regulations regulations that could end up substantially burdening americans second amendment rights atf has already gotten underway with the biden gun control agenda with proposed rules against firearm parts kits often used by hobbyists and widely used stabilizing braces often referred to as pistol braces first designed to help a disabled veteran safely fire a weapon these regulations would turn millions of legal gun owners into potential criminals and david chipman would be in charge of seeing them through moreover his demeaning attitude toward gun owners should also disqualify him from the atf position an individual who regards law-abiding gun-owning americans as a bunch of untrained and irresponsible doomsday preppers waiting for the zombie apocalypse has no business no business leading a gun enforcement agency mr president the president the vice president and mr chipman may not like it but the plain language of the bill of rights clearly guarantees the right of law-abiding americans owned firearms and that right like every other right guaranteed by our constitution must be respected and protected and those who exercise their second amendment rights deserve to be respected as well i do not believe we can rely on mr chipman to respect our second amendment rights or the americans who exercise them which is why i cannot vote to confirm him as director of the atf and i encourage supporters of the second amendment on both sides of the aisle to oppose his nomination law-abiding gun-owning americans deserve better than mr chipman to head the atf mr president i yield the floor objection thank you madam president i come to the floor at this point madam president to oppose the nomination of david chipman as director of the bureau of alcohol tobacco and firearms david chipman is an anti-gun extremist who would politicize one of the world's greatest law enforcement agencies the atf if confirmed he would be the most radically anti-gun director in the atf history david chipman's views are completely out of touch with those of the american people he opposed the supreme court case that struck down washington dc's ban on handguns the heller case he was party to a legal brief in the case which said the second amendment he said only protects militias he supports bringing back the 1994 assault weapons ban which president biden often brags that he wrote congress let that ban expire because there was never any proof that it brought down crime during his hearing with the judiciary committee senator cotton specifically asked mr chipman to define what an assault weapon is mr chipman said an assault weapon would be whatever congress defines it as senator cotton went on to ask mr chipman for his own definition of an assault weapon he said any sort of any semi-automatic rifle capable of accepting a detachable magazine above a-22 well as senator cotton rightly pointed out this would ban most sporting rifles in america if david shipman made other gun made our gun laws most sporting rifles would be banned states could ban handguns private gun sales would be illegal these views are completely out of touch with the views of more than a hundred million americans who are law abiding gun owners worst of all david chipman does not have the character and integrity to lead the atf he has repeatedly mocked gun owners and impugned people's motives for owning a gun david chipman said gun ownership is a way you can get patriotic without having to serve in the military he said i'd compare gun ownership to the same reason americans might want a muscle car this is not why people buy guns the american people buy guns to protect themselves to keep their families safe the american people are buying guns by the millions right now because they're afraid of democrats gun control policies and they're afraid of crime in democrat cities last year democrats cut one billion dollars in police funding across america and as a result we saw the largest increase in murder in 60 years in response the american people bought more than 20 million guns including 8 million guns by first time gun owners first time gun owners because they realize they weren't able to be protected when those are trying to defund the police gun ownership is still going up because democrats are still defunding police and democrat cities are in chaos we don't need an atf director who mocks nearly half of the country recently we found out another serious concern about mr chipman's character according to media reports multiple atf agents say david chitman was accused of making racist comments about african americans i won't repeat them here the comments are of great concern according to the report the racist comments were reported to the equal employment opportunity commission and a complaint was filed against him republicans on the senate judiciary committee have called for another hearing in light of this new information that has come out i commend my colleagues for their due diligence yet i don't think another hearing is necessary what is necessary is for president biden to withdraw this nomination plenty of qualified democrats out there who could be nominated to do this job the men and women of the atf deserve a leader with integrity and with respect for the second amendment to our constitution more than 100 million legal gun owners in this country deserve it too thank you madam president and i yield the floor i tell my colleagues here why i'm going to vote against three nominees and for two nominees i'd like to discuss another person that's still before the committee that we haven't taken action on and that is mr chipman and i'm going to comment on that because there's been some recent press reports about his nomination and about the individual and i think everybody understands that there's a big gulf between what republicans think about uh mr chipman versus what democrats think about him my colleagues and i have sent chairman durbin two letters requesting that he be brought back before the committee for further questioning as we noted in our most recent letter it seems every day there's new information concerning how on fit this individual for to be head of atf yesterday we learned that chipman failed to disclose a tv hit that he did with a chinese government station now imagine if a trump nominee had gone on the program called russia today to criticize obama policies that is what this nominee and his interview was like the video is on the internet for anyone to see in it he simply nods along as chinese propagandists paint the united states as a violent war zone his position in the video his positions don't seem all that different from what he says often but it's one thing to criticize the laws and cultures of your country to a domestic political audience it's another thing entirely to do so in the sore service to foreign antagonists a country that puts uyghurs in concentration camps a country that executes people to harvest their organs and sell them the chinese communist party isn't interested in reforming america's gun laws it's interested in weakening its primary global competitor by sowing political discords this should be obvious and yet apparently it wasn't obvious to chipman he needs to address this and perhaps he would have last time had he not left the appearance of the uh the in this video off his questionnaire just last week we also saw corroboration of allegations that mr chipman had made racially insensitive comments while in detroit the chairman shot the messenger as it were by dismissing the corroboration as having come from pro-second amendment websites but in fact is that there are numerous agents current and former on and off the record who attest to these allegations as well as problems with chapman's time in detroit so to be very clear we didn't call for further committee action until these rumors were corroborated by independent reporting now that we have that corroboration we should hear from chipman about his time in detroit and the chairman should help us get the secret documents we need from the justice department to see what really happened at the time period in question sunshine is the best disinfectant after all as i've said many times my constituents are very concerned about mr chapman and it is a sentiment that i also share but these corroboration allegations and his chinese propaganda video go beyond mr chipman's policy views to character effectiveness and judgment if the administration is going to insist on this nominee to lead atf i think the committee needs at a minimum to ask him more questions now turning to today's nominees and as i start out mr chairman judicial cannons aside or not i will be voting for myrna perez while she seems very sincere in her progressive views i think she's pretty clearly the most outspoken liberal judicial nominee we've seen in this administration and of course that's saying something senator schumer spoke of how she will forcefully advocate for righteousness of her causes to other judges on the second circuit that doesn't sound like the role of a judge to me that should be disqualifying chairman durman said her article published the night before her hearing slamming voting integrity legislation was the sort of thing he could say in the speech on the senate floor as senator cotton observed that doesn't make the point my friend the chairman intended to make she's not running for partisan political positions the fact is that ms perez did nearly 20 events or articles on highly controversial questions of law and policy while being vetted by the justice department for this position she's even attacked an amicus brief by committee republicans weeks before she knew her nomination would be in front of us did she not care at least trying to look impartial did she just assume she could count to 51 without us was she so passionate she couldn't help but speak her political mind to me there is no explanation for the truly brazen behavior that uh doesn't reflect poorly on miss perez's judgment and caused me to question her protestations that she'd put all this aside as a judge she couldn't stop being an advocate up through the day before her nomination hearing i'll also be voting against judge miriam and miss cobb while they are qualified i appreciated how forthright they were in answering my questions their background in liberal politics and advocacy are simply too much i will also be voting against matt olson like many of president biden's justice department nominees mr olsen had an admirable career as a non-political public servant until president trump took office then it's like the switch got flipped and he suddenly was full-blown partisan a member of the resistance i'm skeptical that return to power that switch will get flipped back lastly i will be supporting judges pan and williams as i said at her herring i remember judge pan from her previous nomination i think her time as a prosecutor and a judge make her well qualified for this position she doesn't have an activist reputation judge williams very similar her work as a magistrate doesn't appear activists like many of the others we've seen in the committee this year and are time defending municipalities and police departments give her good diversity of perspective thank you very much thank you senator grassley and thank you for the french lesson this morning we appreciate that very much mr church in terms of priorities the nomination of david chipman raises very serious concerns very serious concerns because his record is that of someone with an extreme gun control agenda indeed he argued that senate democrats proposals to ban guns don't go nearly far enough that he wants to go much further than for example senator feinstein's bill he's entitled to those views but those views are out of step with the mainstream of america since his hearing even more disturbing information has come to light in particular two different sets of allegations one an article from the reload july 28 2021 entitled atf agents corroborate existence of racial complaint against biden director nominee fear reprisals and hit to agency effectiveness and the article says multiple atf sources back up the existence of a complaint alleging president biden's nominee to lately the atf david chipman made racist comments during his previous state at the agency the article goes on to quote one of those atf agents quote he made some comments that he was surprised by the number of african-americans who have made it onto a specific promotional list so his insinuation was that they had to have cheated which is kind of despicable the article further quotes an atf agent as saying quote he left detroit because of that he did not leave detroit on the best of terms his reputation was that he was not nice to people these are troubling allegations and yet the chairman of this committee has said it's not worth the committee's time to have a hearing and to let mr chipman answer these allegations apparently senate democrats do not care if he made racist comments in his role in office as a supervisor they do not care if he created a racially discriminatory and hostile environment by making racist comments now he may have a defense on this but if he does we don't know it because this committee can't be bothered to have a hearing and ask him so what this committee is saying is that allegations of racism if you're a partisan democrat no problem at all not even worth asking about secondly another story that is broken this is from a story in fox news on august 5th 2021 entitled biden atf nominee chipman failed to disclose chinese state tv hit used as propaganda by the communist state and it explains that quote president biden's nominee to head the bureau of alcohol tobacco firearms and explosives failed to disclose to the senate a media appearance on chinese state tv which may have been used as propaganda by the communist state to cover up a mass stabbing of children now the chairman defended that as saying well other people have gone on state tv perhaps did mr chipman know that he was going on a communist propaganda show did he know that it would be used as propaganda to tear down america did he know that it would be used as propaganda to cover up the atrocities in communist china we don't know we don't know because this committee hasn't had the chance to answer them and what the committee leadership is saying is they don't care doesn't matter truth doesn't matter we got a partisan agenda to do don't bother us with actually doing our jobs and so i would ask unanimous consent that both of these articles be entered into the record without objection and it's not enough that joe biden is inviting ms-13 across the border illegally to move in next door they want to disarm law-abiding americans that's not i mean law-abiding americans who exercise their second amendment rights make themselves safer they make their families safer they make their communities safer and they make our country stronger we should be encouraging responsible gun ownership not demonizing it have you seen this guy david chipman who biden has nominated to lead the bureau of alcohol tobacco and firearms i mean first of all alcohol tobacco and firearms shouldn't even be a bureau it should be a chain of convenience stores that we all enjoy we don't need a bunch of government bureaucrats telling us what shall not be infringed means in our constitutional rights and in the bill of rights but this guy that they've hired is a radical michael bloomberg anti-gun lobbyist he would ban one of america's most beautiful firearms the ar-15 i mean there are so many americans who use and enjoy an ar-15 pretty good for hunting hogs in the american south i don't know if you guys do that up here but also essential to preserving the liberty of a free state every republican has voted against david chipman's confirmation in committee and he will be coming to the floor he needs every democrat senator's vote and as of right now he doesn't have them there are three key votes angus king of alaska john tester of montana and of course joe manchin of west virginia now people like guns in alaska and montana and west virginia and they need to let their senators know [Applause]
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 2,389,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: David Chipman, ATF, President Biden
Id: e73_ycokJbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 27sec (2667 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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