She Has The Best Hot Tuna in The Philippines

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this tired weary traveler you want fish what should I have H for me I recommend you to have the mahi mahi mahi mahi this afternoon we're on the northernmost tip of Locos Norte Philippines the northernmost section of the country wow this area is just insane it's like a UB kind of reminds me of a boot in uh Indonesia but here we are on the Northern tip of the Philippines just the tip very iconic little town hi probably scared that little kid wow look at these houses you know I I really believe that the storms just don't hit this area as bad in uh where I live in southern late and where I see in Samar a lot of the times you see a lot of patchwork on the houses because the typhoons come and they blow everything over and I mean look at the roofs here they're they're all monolithic in structure you don't you don't see all the patchwork that you typically see like in southern late or in the Samar area man this is absolutely gorgeous wow you know really with the with the windmills it it really gives it such Ambiance such a nice aesthetic touch to the surroundings gorgeous I wonder when the harvesting time is here it's probably pretty soon what gear am I in number two this thing is really pey in the first and second gears let's just enjoy the scenery here a little bit banana trees man I'm lucky I'm a very blessed individual to be able to see all of this I I haven't seen a foreigner here not one not one not one Foreigner and I've been here like 3 days wow so we're headed north just winding through this these rice fields and uh there's a resort up there that I thought was pretty interesting at least on the reviews it's a wind surfing Resort on the very North northern part kind of away from any other hotels but it seems to have a lot of reviews it isn't very cheap we're going to find [Music] out let's stop here let's see what's going on put the bike in the shade calaim food house looks pretty clean looks beautiful hello [Music] how are [Music] [Music] you good night have the chips the the Nova chips how much for everything here no 50 is okay yeah thank you no no no thank you yeah thank you oh I have hit beon Canton spaghetti very nice let's get the view of this place wow amazing well not a lot of people to interact with but is gorgeous so I don't know what it is about the ilanos or Loos Norte but typically this would be made out of a bamboo but it's all hardwood here the woodwork and the craftsmanship here just is unmatched anywhere I've seen the Philippines and so we continue the journey I left it on what a genius ah here we are king fisher since 2011 hello H how are you can I go for lunch yes sir yes all right my friend thank [Music] you this to be kind of tricky in a car I would think this is it right here maybe there's a far up here how you doing hey how's it going good let's see what he wants do you have lunch hi Hi how are you how are you good good oh look at this guy hey how's it going buddy and what's his name um smokey smokey yes oh I'm sorry come here Smokey he's very friendly Smokey the dog yeah yeah he's a dog fish actually how you doing Chris nice to meet you hi come here are you the owner or no I just run the kitchen okay she's the admin she's the one that runs the resort oh very nice to meet you too uh can I eat yeah sure is that okay of course what should I eat should I eat here with you or should I eat so there's all right so there's the beach bar which is up there which sits over the beach it's a beautiful day today you might want to sit there okay you can order from there they have they have so the food here so the restaurant here so we have and we can serve it up there we have Smoked Meats we have good sandwiches we have fish and chips etc etc okay you have a menu yeah yeah sure all [Music] right now you out on a ride solo yeah yeah okay so the walkie-talkie is not connected to anybody else right now no it's connected to me oh it's for your phone there you go yeah the brewery is actually run by a friend of ours who's a brewer there's a brewery over there dude they've got like eight beers on top of really good beer uh and then so the restaurant we just I just took over the restaurant I have another restaurant in paai I don't know where that is uh south of L it's right it's about 20 minutes from the airport just south to L yeah overlooking the paai church which is a UNESCO world heritage site so we came up uh the owner asked me to take over the kitchen of the main the main restaurant here so we took over December 1st okay the beach bar is run by a it's it's run by another woman who has a restaurant in lagona laga south of south of Manila yeah so they're different different sounds complicated it's all right it's easy enough yeah the only it's a pain in the ass with the resort for the guest because the Billings are all separate but it's okay but it's a okay it's okay yes so we have uh we have Smoked Meats and sandwiches and stuff actually the here the main menu is there these are the main menus what do we have from the specials I don't have any steak here I can make everything else you have any fish type type of yeah so we have a nice mahi mahi steak served with how much is that was it 525 550 550 oh yeah what what do you think I should 52 what do you think this tired weary traveler you want fish what should I have H for me I recommend you to have the mahi mahi mahi mahi mahi mahi or the fish and chips the fish and the fish and chips are made with Mahi Mahi as well one is one is uh cooked on a griddle and the other one is deep fried with the beer batter and well I a true Glutton so can I have both yeah oh all right and then what about uh what about shakes uh so the shakes we can order up there I don't have any shakes here okay yeah we will cuz we're fixing the sinks yes sir so they have like mango shakes mango banana shakes banana shakes yeah um yeah it's in here that's in this menu here so where are you from well I I live in southern L okay oh nice so you're you've been how long have you been in the Philippines five years okay years years he still a relative newcomer I'm a newcomer wow how long have you been here since bir I'm trying to ask how old she is without asking yeah she's 20 she's 29 29 just kidding I've been here since 1997 so I've got a couple of years on you is there a surup here uh all right so this is a really really amazing kite surfing and wind surfing spot okay but the surfing sucks especially today cuz if you looked it's not even a wave yeah it's dead um well it's nice for standal paddle you can do some there standal paddle you could do kayaking but there's a surf spot in Balo which is Blue Lagoon yeah yeah I came from there I'm actually but there's no there's there's no surf now is there no there's no waves yeah and there's no wind there's no wind and there's no wav so everybody who's here for water sports is kind of out of Lucky yeah yeah this starting but I tomorrow I think this weekend the wind's coming yeah starting tomorrow there's going to be wind Friday Saturday Sunday are looking beautiful we have a lot of skers as of now you surf I try I was in uh Hawaii last week okay surfing on the North Shore ni here I am in the North Shore of the looking like a complete goon wearing this driving around you know and then the little cafe Razer the classic 250 there you go well let's um so one mahi and one fishing chips perfect oh here it is the kite boarding all right who's good at fball so we don't have a ball that's the most Philippines thing I've heard today it's the most it's the most uh ilocano thing ever because the problem yeah we can no they have a they have a a ping pong ball which apparently is not really the same thing just think one perfect well I look forward to the food yeah so where are you from [Applause] originally when the wind is on here yeah you got to come back when the wind is on are you in do you kite surf at all have you ever watch kite surfing no no I just I've surfed so this weekend starting tomorrow if you're in the area come I mean there's some there's some really good kite Surfers around yeah and it's so this is right now it's super flat yeah so where that seagrass is on the outside you see where the little waves are there Brak that's where the reef is nice so inside is flat water and the wind here generally when there's wind it's usually side Shore which means it just goes straight down the side which is perfect for K surfing and wind surfing well and you'll get three four meter waves here and up the biggest we've had was seven and a half nice that's a big wave 7 and2 m yeah oh yeah that's about 25 ft 24 ft big it was to the top of that thing um he wants to shake this is this is the beach bar ramy's Beach Bar hello can I get a mango shake yeah sure you know the plumber around here I don't need that many I just need one Carpenters aren't any good maybe you have any shitty plumers so that's where the magic happens with the uh kites but not today not today only mango shakes tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow this is Rex he's the resident kite Destructor hey Rex how's it going man I'm Tim I'm Rex what can you tell me about your place um it's beautiful yeah that's normal good job windy beautiful and windy yeah beautiful wind except today today is just beautiful except today cuz today is just flat but normally we have a strong wind here and it's good perfect for doing some cutting wind surfing and we have also like big waves here perfect yeah you want to learn and we can all right well you know I'm a do you have a a kite that can float me I think so yeah I'm kind of a big I'm kind of a big dude you're not that much bigger than I am they've got big kites big kites for you so it's all good nice and when the wind's on you don't need a big kite right it's not about the size it's how you use it there buddy well I I know that uh problem very well you want to eat here sure why not yeah let check this sing out what do we have here are mahi mahi oh fantastic s miglio sauce okay and then your potato the fish and chips ah good I hope they Smokey go away go away yeah and he's eating hey hey come here come here very nice this is really excellent I'm good glad you like it yeah this is fantastic so my son is the chef now so he he took over my range I started the restaurant while he was still in school and he came up a year ago and I'm now relegated to The Pit Master those are pretty good too right did they cook them okay yeah it's cooked really well I mean not well as in well done but right it's it's really soft and tender and yeah they're both Mahi Mah yeah wonderful good I'm glad that they did a good job so I ended up up here instead so I've been told there's a brewery here look at that wow where did my uh Brewery friend go probably run back and open see if the door this is Jake this is Jake the puffball I was talking about hello Jake he's a Siberian Corgi not too hot for old Jake yeah it's pretty warm so these are the motorcycles for rent oh really yeah oh cool very nice hey you know that so this a brewery yeah what no power open power with the Brey very nice we have the in the oh that's your menu but the beer is still cold if you you got a motorcycle never mind don't don't very nice and you are you Brewing right now in the tanks I don't know what any of this stuff is guys but I'm sure you'll know when was the last batch of Brew last when was the last um batch of Brew you made last week I think last week how often do you make do you make it what how often every week every couple days every two times a month two times a month yeah that's my boss and I the doing the Brew oh cool um when do you think you'll open tonight tonight I need you too yeah for a while she'll be right back you're popular not really okay so is it for yeah just want to see this is our Cita room okay this is our Cita room yeah come in just okay oh we don't have electricity oh no yeah because of the brown out brown out yeah okay so this is our it's queen siiz bed and it has a separate shower room and comfort room and how much is this this one is 4,500 B per night yep here's the shower room oh okay yeah little dark and what's this it's a toilet it's a toilet y very nice we also have a CA with Loft I'll show you okay and here's our Cita with Loft so it has a loft upstairs yeah there's a bed upstairs it's a queen siiz bed also it's good for four packs and separate shower room and comfort room as well very nice yeah we also have here I'll show you our Premier room Premier room [Applause] yes these are our deluxx faitas okay so it cost 6,000 pesos per night with complimentary breakfast very nice yes oh here's here's someone stuff yep oh he's a ker a ker is that what you call him yep are you a ker no I can't even swim you're you're a Filipino and you can't swim you grew up around the ocean no no yep so this is our so yeah oh wow yeah this one cost uh 12,000 per night 12,000 for night it's locked oh it's locked yeah it is locked yeah and during fix season it cost 10,000 per night during what peak season oh peak season yeah but we're currently on High season so it's uh 12,000 so this is the toilet and this is the shower room wow it's big and it has a jacuzzi and has its own food there cool right yeah it's nice very nice thank [Applause] [Music] you hello how are you right there registration [Music] okay oh jeez come on there we go oh hello [Music] registration oh here let's see [Music] here how much 200 200 oh my God 200 wow you have change it's the great uh 200 all right one dude all right my own personal tour guide you're you're my tour guide or you you oh this is your motorbike follow you all right what is your name Alan Alan he he want you to race with you he wants to like to race with you he wants to ride with me race oh race oh yeah who who would win he would win or me you are you a tour guide yeah you're better looking than him though how come you didn't come with me no oh he's the he's the one okay he's the one I don't get to choose my tour guide why not yeah all right I get the dude enjo oh hold on [Music] all right old Allen wants the race he's getting off to a good start I'm falling falling behind I had a shifting issues so no chance to choose my own tour guide you know it's like uh if I'm getting a [Music] massage there's no way I'm getting the dude you know but um apparently when you're going to the waterfall you have no choice uh you have to choose the one that chooses you which I I never really believed in that concept uh I was kind of a make it happen on your own type of guy but some people take a more lazy Fair approach to life and uh looks like it's me and Alan until the wheels fall off wow there it is all right nice yeah time to go swimming huh with a few of my closest friends very nice
Channel: Tim K
Views: 239,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filipina, expat, travel, living abroad, american, pagudpud, kingfisher resort, kiteboarding, fresh food, organic food, luxury resort, ilocos norte
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 15sec (1695 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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