Filipina Quit Her $100 a Month Job to Take Back Her Freedom!

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well boys and girls here we are we are in the thick of it today let me tell you we are deep in the province we are on the island of latay we're in the northern part of the island just to the west of tabon City up in the hills I think it's called alang Gang let me double check that let's look at the map and uh we're here today to meet a Philippine YouTube vlogger who I think at the moment has around 5,000 subscribers she's a very very sweet girl and um she's indicative of what is all over the Philippines guys if you are in your Western Country if you're in the United States if you're in Europe and you're coming across women that do not treat you well that uh have a lot of qualifiers in order for you to date them and they make you feel terrible uh I know how I felt after my divorce and uh how I felt dating a lot of women in the United States and it seemed like they had a lot of qualifications for me in order to date them but it wasn't really reciprocated on the other way around so today we're going to spend time with someone who is a extremely sweet young lady and uh get to know her and what her life is like and this is this is a story that's told all over the this country this is not just Anna's story but um you'll you'll find women like this all over the country so let's go SI Anna what's up my man shy how's it going guys all right let's go find Anna let's see where she is at I see you how do I get over there go around all right let's go around here little uh I'm not sure what that's for defun sorry sorry wow hi Anna hello how are you good good to see you yeah what do we got going on here I'm cooking breakfast some eggs yeah dble egg very nice very nice what's up what are you what are you uh what are you using here bacon some bacon yeah so you have gas yeah I have gas how much is one of these gas do you know um 1,000 1,000 uh 200 mhm how' you how'd you sleep last night good excited to Vlog yeah yeah I it's good yeah pretty good yeah no frog no frogs where are the frogs I don't know sometimes there's there's frogs around here no frogs right [Music] now Anna tell everyone how old you are 34 34 years young what what year was that born in what year 1989 1989 the year the Berlin Wall fell down I remember that I was 9 years old what's up big man what's what's your name what's your name what's your name Anthony Anthony cool my nephew and how old are you Anthony 10 you're 10 right on man big guy well look at this look at what Anna has made for me this morning scramble egg some scrambled eggs some ham some bacon she knows I need some cold water yeah put your water because okay we don't want you to get sick here with our wh water so let's go here yeah very very hospitable is Anna so this is a very typical living here she has her house right here right next to her sister's family I always find it really interesting how they always clear like all the leaves away from everywhere kind of make it a nice nice area all right so something I've always wondered Anna is how do you know what chicken is who you have all these chickens like running around yeah how do you know what chicken is yours which chicken is your neighbor's oh we know how do you know because uh our chicken didn't go to other house right they the chicken knows to stay here yeah they just stay here where we are oh where where their boss is you know living like like us we will stay here so that chicken was will also stay here H so they don't they cuz I see over over there they have uh chicken oh that's not our chicken it's their chicken yeah but how do you know I mean the chicken could come here just it really surprises me that uh you can keep track of what chickens are whose because we know we know color how big it is like that so every chicken looks the same to me unless it's a rooster yeah for us we know how to you know to look which our chicken and which which is not like that how many chickens do you think you have um how 23 20 you know exactly 23 wow okay done two chickens all right so we're heading inside Anna's house you're going to give us give us the grand tour we saw it a little bit with the with the breakfast but uh so you have a fridge yeah have a fridge what's your electricity bill every month um sometimes it's 300 to 500 plus okay so like yeah 7 to 10 Us doll and you have all kinds of little gadgets and cooking stuff and then you do some baking in here right yeah I do baking that's why what I sell at the market so you you what what do you sell cupcakes cupcakes what kind of cupcakes it's a banana cupcakes like that but do you have an oven steamer I I use steamer steamer yes okay so let's head into your bedroom how many men have been in here it's not just for me the wow this is where I sleep you can sleep in that little area yeah no way just a tiny one I have my fun here oh yes very important you're using that with me yesterday dinner so this is my room and what is this over here you have a so this is my this is what I use for my live stream it's a ring light so I put my phone there and I just sit down here and talk like that so yeah this my what is what do you like to talk about on your Channel about anything yeah just mix and you just got monetized yeah I just got monetized that's really exciting so yeah you get you get ads now awesome yeah I had ads already so then skip the don't skip the ads don't skip the ads Ranna yeah don't skip the ads everybody all right so you need some to oh I have one in the car I'll get it okay cool you know I always need this sweat towel let's let's uh let's check can we look at the bathroom everyone wants to you know I have not clean it you haven't cleaned it all right the big the big reveal the big reveal oh my goodness wow this is where all the cleaning happens oh I got your your Indies a little bit sorry about that only only 10,000 people will see your underwear so not a big deal hey you invite a YouTuber in your home you're going to get embarrassed so it is what it is all right we're going to head to the market here and uh we're going to check out some stuff that normally buy and ask Anna some more questions about her life thanks you for for breakfast thank you you for showing me around and then we're going to head to your little farm after that and we're going to have a surprise for your dad he's he's been waiting all day for us I'm sure all right let's [Music] go all right a Philippine Market we go what's that sure what [Music] up I have some cash hello hello what do we got here how are you good wow and she buys I like it how is it how much was it 10 P each honey [Music] nice so Anna let's get something for your parents what was they want like a snack or something oh it's okay or some food or or is there anything they'd like like is there any Bakery [Music] Goods okay maybe the answer is no I'm just gonna buy a banana for my banana cup okay let's do [Music] it wow look at that is that a is that from Columbia what is it salt oh salt oh okay very nice Sal man [Music] [Music] how much was it 60 Pizza this is your friend yes yeah what is your name Lisa po Lisa Lisa Lisa what are you selling you understood what I said vegetables sir vegetables yes how is business good don't worry nobody watches this you you nobody nobody will see you 8 kilo B I love lying to people it's like my favorite thing to do this is where I bought my vegetabl yeah girl from this girl she's where do you get your where where do the vegetables come from where do the vegetables come from they just uh get it to some Farmers Farmers here in in late in alang where are we alang alang alang baby okay nice to meet you s thank you see guys just millions millions [Music] banana banana all right we are going where where no Western man should go the dried fish the dried fish area all right let's go take me there [Music] [Applause] [Music] how these get consumed I have no idea dried fish is brutal are you going to get some Anna no you don't like dried fish I like I like dried fish but we we still have dried fish there yeah what is it's all A4 kilo is that the why says one4 it's 50 for 1 14 50 pesos 1 14 yeah 200 yeah so it's it's 50 per qu kilo yeah 1 1450 pil 140 l l means only only 50 [Music] 50 okay maybe someone who speaks uh local language will think that's funny I've learned a few words I'm I'm progressing this these people are my customer for my C oh yeah this is where you sell your cupcakes so how much Anna how much will when you sell your cupcakes how much will you get like 200 500 1,000 I sell it for 5 P so if I sell 100 pieces I I'm going to have 500 okay so you try to make 500 Four 100 pieces of so how much does it cost your ingredient ingredients like 200 no it's it's lower than that lower than that okay we're not giving away Trade Secrets here we do not want anyone following Anna's uh C cupcake business so but it sounds like she has a 500% markup do you eat shrimp shrimp no I don't I'm I'm a terrible uh I have not acquiesced to J mango JN mango it's a RP what is it New Harvest it's a Mingo ancient Mingo you want do you need any 25 P 1 [Music] Kil so is this a cross between two things is it is it is a mango and something else yeah this one is different it's a bit crispy oh crispy mango okay somebody somebody explain to me thank you here welome all right all right I think we're uh We've definitely seen the market now we're going to get ready to go see Anna's parents and uh bring them a special special surprise we're going to get her dad on the horse get him on the horse this afternoon see how he rides hello how are you hello I'm f all right here's where the fun begins guys buying a bunch of beer it's like old times [Music] all right let's get this man on the horse red horse 76 hey I'm going to hand these to you you're going to put them in there one two three [Laughter] six oh that's all they have seven let's get them some uh get them some Mah there we go some dry super dry there we go and uh you know maybe maybe a couple Apple beers getk yeah let's get him drunk and then um get get uh we'll get something for me get uh these aren't too bad lemon ones you you want anything you want anything to drink water water just water grab a water we'll go back here and ow last night I was here this thing was full to the top [Music] okay look at that all right guys it's time to guess how much the beer is what what do get water I have some I'm good sir good morning on my his wallet is full oh I open my you know my savings account yeah I open it because I went to to have my check out so I open my savings at house yeah so now you're rolling yeah nice 97 2 is that it 972 oh sir this oh one more one more sir and then the 179 old sir 179 long like up car sir no you do you all right all right we're at quality bread to buy some uh snacks for her dad quality bread is a company owned by one of my friends which is cool to eat bread what's that he loves to eat bread what is what is that called uh mushroom mushroom mushroom bread that's a lot of mushroom bread because see he likes it hi don't be shy hi hey you told me only 100 200 oh my gosh now it's okay okay I used my ah I understand I understand I gave her 100 for the bread and she I thought it was going to cost more than that she's always trying to put her money out there for me very generous for someone who worked what were you getting paid as a as a as a yaya as a As a caretaker how much I paid how much were you getting paid 6,000 6,000 pesos a you're very generous for someone because that's how the Filipino paid here yeah salary all right you want to hold that or we can put that inside how much more can fit in the motorbike one more I can hold it I just put it here oh yeah all right off we go to the farm we're doing this the traditional way how to bring how to bring beer to a remote Filipino father 101 is he going to be happy Anna yes heink the man loves to drink so let's put him on the horse I'm carrying all the horses right now just loaded up on my back guys I'll take it there what I won't do for a Filipino father in need got to get him the horse they have this nice bamboo bridge I did that yesterday but uh it was a little flimsy I I want to see the structural CS before I get back on that thing all right my man oh nice hello hello all right Dad where you at where's where's our where's our guy at there he is I brought you some horse got to get down to the bottom of that thing come eat all right let's go he can't even carry all the red horse it's too much for the man up bunch of rice land here Farms Anna your dad is the caretaker of this land right your parents yeah do you know how many how many square meters of Farmland it is I don't know how how many square met Papa H three 3,000 or three hectar three hectar okay the man is a caretaker of three hectors he has lots of responsibility but he has no red horse so we are we are solving that problem today Hannah grab your dad a brew get the man get the man started get him on the horse get him on the horse come on guys come on it might it might only be 9:30 in the morning but let's go let's uh you know oh God no one is a quitter here except except except me I'm your uh I'm your red horse quitter I think we smashed the can a little bit here Anna go for the sand Mig Apple I'm gonna be offended you can't you can't refuse you do one yeah yeah or there's there's an assah dry in there as well here you go Anna you can't you can't refuse the uh generosity of your guest Philippine rule Philippine rule you need to get you need to get the s Mega Apple going and then we'll we'll talk a little bit more about your life and uh if you end up in tears it's all right I am completely destroyed you think that having lived here in the Philippines for 5 years I would be more acclimated I am not I failed many things in life and acclamation is definitely one of them what is your biggest failure in life Hannah failure failure yeah what do you think is one of the things that you've maybe when I was when I went to Manila because when I came here I don't have I don't I never say my grandma at all oh because of your grandma Yeah because I live my I live with my grandma before before I lived Manila and then when I came here back I no longer see my grandma she's gone yeah so that's my failure it's I just imagine her face because I don't see any pictures or you know because that time we don't have electricity we don't have that time we also don't have a cell phone like that I learned my Gadget like this on when I was in my 20s already so we don't have I don't have really way to communicate or yeah you know we don't have so I just imagine my grandma her face like that yeah so that's my fa I haven't seen her she was she was she sick and you didn't have the money to go back and see her yeah that time I was in Manila working as a house Helper and then he just told me that um they just called me that my grandma is died and I cannot go here because um I don't have money so yeah it's my biggest sometimes I cried if I think about it but you know I have a similar experience I think hello hi it's my nie hi say hi oops what are you doing my sister-in-law and it's my brother youngest brother youngest brother yeah so yeah that's my in life I miss my my grandma I didn't see here anymore well what could be you know in the west we think about our accomplishments we missed this promotion we didn't have we sold this uh asset that we had we didn't realize the gain we could have you know we had this sometimes a relationship didn't uh turn out the way we wanted but everything is very individualistic here what Anna's saying you know her biggest failure is not being together with her family you know when her grandmother passed and uh I definitely identify that I think the two things that I miss most in the world myself are both of my grandmothers uh I have a very I miss them very very much they were big supporters in my life as well so I I I definitely understand youna I had a very similar I um I was there when my one of my grandmothers died and I was not there when one of my other ones died I was about 15 minutes too late the only one who are not here when my my grandmother was died yeah everyone was here except me so that's was makes me really sad and because I was not here when she's gone you know yeah so if I could you know go back time you know I know it's impossible well you still have a lot of family all around you what's so funny Anna I think I think the horse or not the horse this uh I think the San Miguel apple is starting is starting to get to you are you getting a little Head Rush when was the last time you had a beer I think it's two months ago two months yeah because I didn't drink since I was taking medicine for you okay yeah yeah but I'm done with it so now you're good to go no no UTI so isn't it hard being alone for how many years you been alone it's not hard being alone it's actually it's a freedom you like your freedom yeah it's I like my freedom you can go whatever you want and no one will uh you know where are you going know besid I'm not really alone because my neighbor is my sister yeah so yeah it's it's good you know it's not really um like everybody said you're not alone I mean you're you're lonely you're alone you're you don't have partner but it's actually a fun that's what I had said you you have your freedom you know sometimes the loneliest people have somebody yeah so I enjoy being like I do my stuff like doing a video you know and sometimes if I feel like I am lonely or sad I I just read a book yeah and then I just go out going to the town and I'm okay like that and spend with this sometimes they are at this is my nie [Laughter] everybody she wants to make herself known she wants to be on the video yes this is my niece everyone mistaken this is my daughter no this is my niece everybody yeah she's a cute one so would you date a local guy would you have a relationship with with a Filipino guy no not interested no really wow I'm not interested Foreigner Hunter it's hard to foreigner hunt from The Province you never know you never know hopefully hopefully 10 or 20,000 guys will see this video and think think Anna's wonderful at least watch your videos give you some nice comments talked a little bit about that yeah this is Anna she's uh how when did you leave your job as a caretaker in Manila how long ago already because I was too young with that so I think it's already 20 years no no no no when did you leave your when did you leave Manila your job leave when did you come back here how long ago to the province I don't exactly remember already because it's been so long two years 10 years two months which 10 years 10 years oh you've been in the province for for 10 years living like this I thought you just recently came back from I was working in a city oh you're working in the city what was your job there oh okay oh okay so you I didn't understand I was working as helper there at the city while I am studying and then because of the pandemic I decided to quit a job also and then decided to leave here in the farm yeah so and then because of the pandemic as well I learned to bake you know because we are uh what do you call it after pandemic they they just uh lack at home so I just watch some cooking videos on YouTube so I learned on piing from watching YouTube so that's what I did I treat my job as a Helper and then came here at the farm and I decided to bake and sell it at the market for for a living that's and the baker yes I'm a baker and a farmer I I love cooking I love cooking and baking and do farming helping my parents yeah that's what I do here in the farm well you have a very peaceful life and uh I think all the men are out enjoying the horse we have a that's that's a rooster is what I know showing me showing me its ass right now but um yeah beautiful area around here and very simple living this is the this is the new house new house is being built here all right does red does red horse help your dad work faster speeds up the work my man nice all right well thanks for everything Anna thank you pleasure to see you here yeah it's great it great to be here thank you so everybody hello hello bye whoa who oh no he had one too many red horse I am drunking broke the pipe and with that we are we say goodbye to this video
Channel: Tim K
Views: 42,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filipina, expat, travel, living abroad, couple, american, red horse, filipino market, market, farming
Id: o9oNqNLDz-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 45sec (2325 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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