Alessia Cara's Natural Curls Hair Tutorial | How I Do | Harper's BAZAAR

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- Hi guys. I'm Alessia Cara, and this is my mom, and we are gonna be showing you how to do my curly hair look that you guys see me rock pretty much every single day of my life. She taught me how to do it growing up, so I thought it was only right for her to demonstrate it to us how it's done, and so I hope you enjoy it. (soft music plays) First of all, my mom is here because she is a hair dresser. I grew up with her testing out different hairstyles on me all the time. I was her guinea pig for many years. But she's the one who really taught me how to take care of my hair, and how to work with my curls, 'cause I have curly, very frizzy hair that tends to have a mind of its own, and it was always hard for me to tame it, and to give it that nice, ringlet-y look, and it wasn't until she really started teaching me that I figured out the right way to do it. Even now when she's not with me, I still have trouble some days. It kinda does whatever it wants, but here we are. I thought, "Who better to show you guys than her?" So right now, my hair is wet. I just washed it. So this look is usually best with first day hair, even second day hair. But the dirtier your hair gets, the harder it is to make it fluffy. So it's half combed, so I'll comb this side. We wanna de-tangle it first, 'cause you don't wanna ever have tangly curls. It's kinda a disaster, so make sure that it's combed through when it's wet. Don't comb it when it's dry, 'cause that's just gonna frizz it up. What I like to do if it's already started getting dry is we wet it with a spray bottle, or just dunk your head in the sink or something. So we're gonna do that right now. (soft music plays) Yeah, so right now we're just using water. (laughs) No particular product. You can use sea salt spray, mom? - [Mom] Yeah. It's very important though that your hair is really wet. Otherwise, you won't go curling. This type of hair anyway. - You wanna sit, mom? Just 'cause they can't see you. - They can see me. Okay. Okay, so this is called InnerSense, and it's specific for curly hair. It's really, really good. It has a nice, strong hold, and it gives a nice definition to the hair, and then usually put a little bit of this at the roots. This is also from InnerSense, and this gives a little bit of lift. So this is not too flat at the roots. The best way to do is right is to bring it away from your head. - I usually put my head back. If I'm doing it by myself, I'll put my head back as far as I can. If my mom's doing it, I'll lie back in a chair, or in bed even. I'm just like... Lay all the way back. - Make sure it's nice and wet. This is the mousse. This goes just at the root. - Dry shampoo is really helpful, especially when I'm touring and just coming off of stage. I'm all sweaty and stuff, and if I don't have time to wash my hair, I'll just dry shampoo it, or I just learned to do different hairstyles. So I do my classic bun. I'll put it in a clip, a ponytail. But I guess when you're trying to preserve the curls as much as possible, dry shampoo is really helpful, and it tends to do the trick. It never looks quite as nice as day one or two, but it works if you need it to. Or sometimes, I'll go in with a curling iron. A little thin curling iron, and fix some parts that are frizzed, too. Oh, do you wanna show them this part? - Then what I do, especially the top, usually the top is the part that goes frizzy. So you just do like that, and you just curl it a little bit. Create some curls. It dries in a nice shape, instead of going all crazy. - What's something I never do? - Condition, condition, condition. Deep conditioners. She never does it. - I do it. - Well, you don't have the time though. - I know. It's hard. I don't have the time to do, like, hair treatments all the time. Yeah, but she always says deep condition, especially for curls. Dry curls are the worst, so you always wanna condition as much as possible. Do treatments or some sort of heat protectant. But I don't do that. (laughs) Oh, another thing though, is doing this. Like, for curly hair. Going in when it's wet and twirling it at the roots and stuff, especially around the front, 'cause that just makes everything more defined. That's another thing. - That's very important to do, especially people that tend to have this part of their hair really frizzy. This really helps. (soft music plays) - There was one time I cut my bangs off with a nail clipper when I was, like... How old was I? Four? - About four. - Four. 'Cause I was like, "Oh, I don't bangs anymore," and my mom was like, "Well, when you don't want bangs, you need to let them grow out," and I was like if you just cut them off, then you don't have bangs. (laughs) So I took it upon myself. - Like this. - Yeah, I took it upon myself to cut my bangs off, and it was horrible. I don't even think... - We don't have any pictures. - We don't have any photos. You probably don't want a memory of that. But yeah. That happened. (laughs) - When it was growing out, it was the worst. She had this little fuzz standing straight out like this. (Alessia laughs) - Yeah, it was insane. - Now we're gonna diffuse it like this first, and then she's gonna go upside down. She's gonna shake it. Very important. When you have curly hair. When you scrunch it, you do very gently. We tend to do this, but when you do this, you disturb the curls, so you don't have a nice, defined curl. You have more of a messy curl. So it's very important when you do it that you do it very gentle without touching and disturbing the curls. 'Cause once you did it like this, there's no way it's gonna go back to a nice, defined curl. Okay, basically that's it. So see you in a little bit. - Yes. (soft music plays) - Now, after her hair is a little bit, almost semi dry, she's gonna flip her head over, and that's when we're gonna start to create some volume in the hair. - Ooh. (beep) All right, going down. (soft music plays) - Let's see if that's dry. I think it's getting there. - So we're almost there. That's what it looks like. It's, like, three quarters of the way. Almost done. But my hair takes long to dry for some reason, so we'll keep drying it. (laughs) We'll finally come back to you. Thank God for the fast forward. (soft music plays) - [Mom] As long as it's enough to show them. - Yeah. - Okay, so now it's dry. Now you can shake it. - So you can shake it when it's dry. - Once it's dry, once the curl is there, you can do whatever you want. - I always wanted to dye my hair blonde, or a really crazy color like pink. The whole thing, a platinum pink or... I don't know, something like that. Or cutting it super, super short. I feel like the shortest it's even been is right here. I would like to maybe one day just do a pixie cut of some sort or something, but I don't know if I could ever. And then hairstyles I wish I never tried. I always had her. - [Mom] The bangs. You did the bangs. I didn't like them, but you liked the bangs. - Yeah, I cut bangs one time. My mom didn't like them 'cause I didn't take care of them, and I didn't style them, so it just ended up being a bush here 'cause I didn't do it properly. But I would like to try them again, now that I feel like I've learned a little bit more about hair. - This is probably the everyday look. What you'd do every day. Wash it, style it, and that's it. - Yeah, so this would be everyday. Even when I do my everyday, it doesn't look as good as this. I wish I had her all the time. (laughs) Yeah, so I guess we could show you what we do if you want a step a little bit, with spray and a curling iron, if you want an even more defined sort of thing, curl. Yeah. - So you should get little pieces, and you see here. Little pieces. - Sorry. - Like that. Hold it for a few minutes. Just go like that, and then you do a couple of this everywhere. Let it cool off. Again, never touch it when it's hot, 'cause you will disturb the natural curl. - The top of my hair is not as curly as the bottom, so I find myself having to fix a couple at the very, very top for some reason. Is that usual or not really? - It's just because you do have fine hair, so you don't have the body. You have a lot of hair, but you have fine hair. So it tends to be kinda flat to your head, and then curly the rest. - Yeah, like under here... - So it's supposed to be for people for curly hair. We have that problem. - Yeah, it goes so curly at the bottom, and then just the first layer up here is just frizzy all the time. I liked having blondish hair for a second in my last year of high school. That was really fun because... I don't know. It just looked really cool. I had an ombre-ish, almost like my mom's hair color now, which was really fun. I don't know if I would do it again, 'cause I don't wanna damage it. I had purple highlights for a second. That was fun. - The blue. You had the blue for the Juno's. - Oh yeah, I had blue for the Juno's. Yeah, that was fun, too. Little highlights. I mean, even just these last videos that we did. The Sweet Dream video, I had this huge bee hive on my head, which was fun to do. I had a lot of fun hairstyles and wigs and stuff for that. I always used to have this... Not argument with my mom, but every time she would do my hair as a kid. Even now, I'm always like, "I hate when my curls look too perfect." - Yeah, she doesn't like perfect curls. (Alessia laughs) - I always used to ask her to separate them. Well, you always separated them anyway. - Yeah. - But I mean, if it was up to me, I'd just mess it up all the time. But she gets so mad if I mess my hair up. (laughs) - Well if it's curly, it's supposed to be curly. (Alessia laughs) If it's frizzy, then you do a frizzy look. This here, it's from Unite, and it's... Can you see? And it's max hold. - It's very strong. (laughs) The smell. I know. - And then after I do it, she puts her hands in there, and fixes it up. - Yeah, this is my step. - All the time, yeah. - That's what she does after. - I always do that. If I could only have one hair product, I'd probably pick either my diffuser. That's not a product, but the diffuser alone is so helpful for curly hair. So I would either take that, or the InnerSense gel. Where is it? The big... This one. I feel like it just... It smells so good, and it makes my hair really nice and shiny. So I'd probably pick that one. What about you? What would you say? - Yeah, probably. The gel. Always the gel, yeah. - We have the exact same hair type right now. Yeah. (both laugh) - There, that's it. - There you go. - Yeah. - Here it is, guys. The curly... I don't know what to call it. My curly hair. - The curly do. - Do. Done by my mama. Try it out. (laughs) (soft music plays)
Channel: Harper's BAZAAR
Views: 134,697
Rating: 4.9762859 out of 5
Keywords: Harper's BAZAAR, Bazaar, Skincare, Fashion, alessia cara, alessia cara hair, alessia cara scars to your beautiful, alessia cara hair tutorial, alessia cara hairstyle, alessia cara curls, alessia cara hair routine, alessia cara harpers bazaar, harper's bazaar how i do, harper's bazaar hair tutorial, alessia cara how i do, alessia cara natural curls, alessia cara hair type, natural curls hair tutorial, natural curls hair routine, harper's bazaar hair, how i do hair tutorial
Id: QVljgtNMzuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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