Sharpe Is Summoned To Duke Of Wellington's House | Sharpe

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[Music] Colonel Richard Sharpe later the South Essex so Samuel Rawlinson President of the Board of Control I'm told you have a talent for bruising a better sharp serving the man I've come to see under certain Irish sergeants of my acquaintance are and have Nonsuch now returned to Wellington who shall I dig that bug around myself split split this way what's this nonsense I hear you turn sorts to plowshares and become a farmer in France I showing a few giris suits you this life well nobody's trying to shoot me to live long day so I suits me I imagine the recent strictures placed upon you by the lake corn bill must prove inconvenient and I imagine your lordship didn't bring all this way to discuss the price of grain there is a young Tiger loose in India sharp a Murata princeling with a heart for rebellion and it tastes her English blood I thought we put into any threat from the Marathas no three sir had we all divided rule simple enough policy but one that I served as well while the Maratha princes fight and squabble amongst themselves the company prospers should they unite behind a common leader however who is a candy rao the Raja of Faragher I should hardly call him common Rawlinson since he came to power attacks on our forts and hill stations have increased tenfold and with each success more Pindari bandits come to his side how come this man has succeeded when many others have failed though Candiru ascended his Father's throne last summer he's not yet in his majority it seems the late Rogers favorite concubine is ruling as regent a woman yes sir oh we had one acting under advice and guidance of a renegade East India Company officer our intelligence officer in Agra recruited a horse mass to supply the company with mounts to discover the Renegades identity alas nothing's been seen or heard a fella this past six months we need someone who knows the country to determine what's become of him and if the worst has befallen to see his mission through you want me to go back to India this uprising must be stopped sharp by whatever means one resourceful man may achieve what an army cannot your grace my soldiering days came to an end on the ridge of montsant y'all I'm grateful of the opinion in which you hold me but a man's luck only holds so long damn it sharp the rat is in the bottle no one else will do india's of any tinderbox that waits upon the merest spark should candy rouse resistance through successful our days as the dominant power in that country would be numbered that may be so my lord but what happens in India is the business of men of influence and great import and none of a farmer I regret I must respectfully decline that is your last word I'm sorry I kind of prevail upon you to change your mind colonel mrs. Harper my apologies for having kept you waiting Ramon Richard thank God an acquaintance of yours shop a good friend mrs. Harper's husband is the Irish sergeant of whom I spoke what you doing here les is Patrick with you alas sharp mrs. Harper's husband is also our missing agent you're Patrick's only hope I will find him won't you you you
Channel: Sharpe
Views: 463,781
Rating: 4.9471912 out of 5
Keywords: Sharpe TV Show, Sharpe’s War, Period Drama, Sean Bean, Sean Bean Sharpe, Sharpe HD, Sharpe Full Episode, Sharpe’s Rifles, Sharpe’s Eagle, Sharpe’s Company, Sharpe’s Enemy, Sharpe’s Honour, Sharpe’s Gold, Sharpe’s Battle, Sharpe’s Sword, Sharpe’s Regiment, Sharpe’s Siege, Sharpe’s Mission, Sharpe’s Revenge, Sharpe’s Justice, Sharpe’s Waterloo, Sharpe’s Challenge, Sharpe’s Peril, duke of wellington, india, Sharpe india
Id: iS8klEkqNIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 18sec (258 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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