Sharpe Gets Promoted To Major | Sharpe

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but why should do it I'll warn you about juco duel it on his torn between his country and his wife he would not betray France but he fears do Co may attack ad reduce without regard to his wife's safety we think juco was scouting not for an attack but for an invasion an invasion they could send a strong force to take a traverse as if they were merely dealing with the deserters but I think they mean to hold on to a dradis and use it as a funnel to pour their army into Portugal yes but if the French attacked the eve the deserters will will kill the hostages youko doesn't give a damn about the hostages we need to take a dradis before he does but if we send in a strong force the deserters will kill your wife oh I'm sorry sir Augustus it's not your fault but human nature being what it is and not what the week's think it is you must expect to shoulder some of the blame for this back in London you know the kind of thing they'll say how did that damned fellow farthing day I'll allow his wife to be kidnapped in the first place that kind of thing you you follow me don't you sir what are you suggesting no sharp is the one with the suggestion he has put forward a rescue plan that is foolhardy and certainly not for the faint-hearted but it might do but how do we know the women are in the convent Colonel d'hubert ons wife is English when asked how she was she replied withering in my bloom lost in solitary gloom it's from a poem by Alexander Pope called Eloise and Abelard now warm in love now with ring in thy bloom lost in a conference solitaire glue the Shepherd's told me the convent means the upper balcony it's where the nuns used to sleep now if we can hold the balcony well armed and with plenty of ammunition we can secure the women's safety until a crack company arrives and of course you will be following close behind with the main rescue party sir Augustus yes well naturally I shall be leading the regimental rescue I don't see a role for you sharp a detachment cannot be led by a captain it must have a major in command rules may I have your word that you will support fully the major in command of the detachment absolutely sir major now and read that letter from the Prince Regent in respect of captain sharp Prince Regent it seems sharp has friends at court to Colonel there in London not in Lisbon seems the Prince Regent read all about sharp taking that Eagle at elevator and has followed his career since read it down George the third by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King defender of the faith etc it's such a to our trusty and well-beloved Richard Sharpe Esquire greeting we do by these presents constitutes and appoint you to be major in our army now in Portugal and Spain and congratulations major sharp and of course is major you may now commander detachment all in order now can well of course it's not my place to question the judgment of the Prince Regent all I do know is that the major here who is in charge of a complex and combined operation cannot rise to the purchase of a watch you may borrow mine sir see you return it my lord if your excuse me why do you think you can slip into a drought us without challenge I mean to go in on Christmas Eve sir Capital idea they'll be dead drunk about that crack company sir 60th rifles they'll be here by sunset under a captain Fredrickson will to raise it commandant a merino be riding with his as far as the river sir no major known is sending her Northwest discard the frontier for the French best you say farewell to her now major sharp dismiss fairly dangerous business you
Channel: Sharpe
Views: 1,641,146
Rating: 4.9178638 out of 5
Keywords: sharpe tv show, sharpe's eagle (tv episode), sharpe, sharpe full episode, sean bean fight, sharpe sean bean, period drama, sharpe hd, sharpe's rifles (tv episode), sharpe (fictional character), ITV, sharpe's war, Napoleonic War, British Army, sharpe's rifles, sharpe (tv program), sean bean, sharpe's
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 45sec (285 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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