Sharpe's Rifles part 1

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I sure Oh salut 39 well honey oh good morning sir okay Yoda Wesley nice down uneventful I I better late than never Hogan what's your name shop sergeant 2nd battalion 95th rifles sir I'm much obliged to you you did me a damn good turn now i'm going to do you a damn bad one i'm giving you a field Commission sharp from this moment on your left tenant in the 95th major Hogan meet mr. sharp congratulations capital choice sir the Met I saw my locked Hogan says I that fellow don't see much but he's a natural-born officer of course you know Sir Arthur Hill need a mentor Hogan you keep your hands off him Hogan is an officer on on my staff your colonel will be informed her request that light duties that his wound be healed good day to you both my duty sir like Judas it is absolutely see here sharp light you he's been staying at headquarters and main snubbed by snobs how would you like me to find you something else as long as it's safe sir that's my boy Oh so the bankers won't budge brain answer Arthur will need to find Rothschild I'd like to suggest we add that cut a sharp to done a search party I make a man an officer today and you want me to send him into the mountains tomorrow have you no heart Hogan no sharp when is somebody to come and done it's sharpshooters and sharp will be much happier up in the mountains than open the Bears you know the problem that's Arthur not one of us lawford let me see him let them in shop lieutenant sharp so where did you get the uniform sharp major Hogan sir what's that sharp two shillings sir the King's shilling sharp our last chillin London's late the Army's broke and we all the lads two months wages next week it'll be three bad for the morale hmm the more of our Spanish irregular support will melt away without cash what do you do on your shot a [ __ ] shot do without sir you borrow or Richard from a bank our banker is nathan rothschild of London Nathan's brother James on the banking service from Vienna to Lisbon under bonis nose 10 weeks ago James set out from Vienna with the bag draft he was to travel across France across the Pyrenees and into Spain and make a rendezvous at a place called Casa Antigua James Rothschild never turned up but don't don't tell me James is a banker travelling across a country at war James is no clerk he's done this before we know he got safely to Tara Castro and from there headed south and is somewhere in these mountains so we're gonna send out a search party led by done it major donít it means going 100 miles into occupied French territory care to come along sharp but good tomorrow I go on ahead alone the tracks less attention also gives me a chance to make contact with my Spanish agents who are out searching to a small special force of rifles attached the doníts force will travel a day behind in case I need help that's where you come in Richard I want you to command the sharpshooter's Sir Arthur the menu will be commanding must know nothing of this mission in case of capture that is a secret shared between you and your superior officers major done it and captain Murray whatever happens one of you must get through to cousin antigua you'll find them can't about three miles north of here they like to live rough
Channel: Northern Wolf
Views: 1,032,546
Rating: 4.8526201 out of 5
Keywords: Sharpe's, rifles, part, 1, sean, bean, Shinigami, tiger, 99
Id: vOAWSU5_4t4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2007
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