10 Shark Diving Gone Wrong

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if you've watched our videos you know that we are a bit obsessed with underwater creatures and of course we do have a lot of respect for the one that's perhaps one of the most dangerous of them all the shark there are different types of shark some are slightly friendly and some others just want to eat and while shark attacks are nothing like what we see in jaws or any other movies there are still encounters that could either harm us or become a major threat to our lives now if you go diving with the proper gear then you're more likely to have a safe close encounter with these creatures but even that is not 100 safe there have been incidents in which diving near the creatures led to scary encounters today we're going to be looking at 10 shark diving moments that went wrong we'll have a look at some cool footage of people who had very close and scary encounters with sharks i'm sure the people weren't expecting this but i'm also sure that they're glad that they had a camera to record it and share their story with the world with all that said and done let's begin shall we number 10 a group experience coming face to face with sharks can be scary so why not do it with your friends at least you won't be alone if anything crazy happens the first shark diving experience for today starts with a group in port lincoln australia they were happily enjoying their surroundings when all of a sudden an aggressive shark showed up to eat the bait the shark is going so fast that it bumps against the cage from the perspective of one of the people you can see that the shark is coming directly towards them however when you look at it from a different angle you can tell that the shard just wanted to get the bait and go back to whatever it is that sharks do underwater this was definitely unexpected as the divers weren't supposed to get this close to the shark but that's why those cages are so complex and well designed to make sure that sharks don't cross the barrier and harm the people inside number nine a smart shark the next video starts with a shark expert diving into the water inside a cage that is built with bars on every side except for one that site is covered in flexi glass at first the diver spawns a shark that looks shy but as the diver starts to show his vulnerable human nature an 18 foot long shark shows up and starts to prey on him the shark doesn't just go for the diver and said the bee starts to chew on one of the two floats that keeps the cage balanced while the diver is safe inside the cage there is a big risk that things will get complicated if the shark punctures both floats and sends the cage to the bottom of the ocean luckily the diver managed to go back to the surface unharmed but this experience gave them a great example of what sharks are capable of they're not just wild beasts they actually have a strategy to accomplish whatever it is that they want number eight paddling away the next video is not necessarily a diving experience but the guy in the video had to go underwater to spot the big danger that was swimming around him the video starts with a guy going off on a peaceful and relaxing stand-up paddling session however suddenly he falls off his board and immediately gets his camera to show us what's underwater it's a massive shark that could easily take this guy down at any time just watching the video can make you anxious and i can totally imagine what this guy felt luckily the shark didn't seem interested in attacking the guy so he was able to get back on his board and paddle away i think one of the scariest things about this video is the fact that the guy is by himself that he's a bit far from the shore he obviously made it out fine but i'm sure we'll be thinking about this the next time he goes in the open water without any company number 7 the ghost cage the next video starts with a guy going inside a ghost cage which is a cage that's transparent so it gives him the illusion of being invisible the scary thing about this video starts when the diver notices five sharks swimming in circles around him they all seem eager to get closer to him and one of them actually pushes itself toward the cage almost making his way inside the lucky diver was quick to push the shark out and then the guy went up to the surface it was a very thrilling and very scary experience and the diver says that he saw all kinds of sharks down there most of the encounters were more intense than he anticipated all it takes is to be in the right spot at the right time for these kinds of things to happen number six cliff jumping what can go wrong after jumping off a cliff a lot of things actually you could injury yourself end up in the hospital and in the worst case scenario well we're a pg channel i'm not going there but cliff jumping is actually pretty fun especially if you do it in places that have been specially designed for that however not many people would anticipate what happened to the person in this video as soon as he jumped he came face to face with a massive shark it was as if the shark was just waiting for food to fall right in front of its face even though the shark doesn't seem quite interested in this person you can see that the guy is pretty anxious about this encounter he's moving his hands and feet in a desperate attempt to get away from it and it feels as if it's going to take forever to get this shark off his back at the end of the video the guy manages to go back to shore he seems relieved and shocked because honestly no one goes cliff jumping and hopes to meet a shark right away number five spear fishing with a shark spear fishing is one of the oldest methods that people have used to get food some of you might consider it a bit too aggressive as it involves using a spear but that's all people had back in the day to get food from the sea nowadays there are more sophisticated ways to fish but spears are however this video shows that poking a shark with a spear is not necessarily a good idea even if you're in danger instead of swimming away the shark bit the person's leg and kept bugging him for a while until the guy was finally able to swim back to the surface and the shark swam away the fisherman claims that he had never seen anything like this in the past luckily the shark wasn't that big otherwise that bite would have been a bit more painful number four the biggest shark i wouldn't say the next diving experience is considered one that went wrong if anything it was one of the most awesome moments in the history of diving but that wouldn't be the case for those who have zero diving experience in 2013 michael meyer went gage diving around guadalupe island mexico and during his underwater journey he came face to face with a beast that's considered to be the largest one ever caught on camera he guessed the shark was about 7 meters long and even though the animal was calm its curious personality is more than enough to make anyone nervous it's not an experience that i'd recommend to the faint of heart but it's definitely the ultimate dream for anyone who loves sharks and wants to have a close encounter with them number three out of nowhere holidays near the ocean are great opportunities to explore the underwater world even a bit of snorkeling can be enough to see a lot of exotic fish and other creatures that you don't normally see and if you can scuba dive then you're in for a whole nother world of creatures that not many of us are lucky to see on a regular basis however exploring the depths of the ocean can have consequences that will scar you for life such as the case of the next video this guy was exploring the depths of the ocean trying to get a hold of some fish when suddenly out of nowhere a big shark showed up and attacked it was shocking and unexpected but the worst part is that the shark was very angry and didn't seem interested in leaving the guy alone even though the diver had a spear the shark was not intimidated by it instead it kept looking for ways to get back at the guy i almost want to say that this shark was serious about protecting the underwater ecosystem because he just wasn't happy with this intruder now it's time for today's best pick [Music] however nothing we've seen so far is as crazy as the thing i'm showing you in this picture it's a shark that got inside one of those cages this doesn't happen often but it happened to someone and it's perhaps one of the scariest diving experiences ever with that said let's move on to number two a rare event this diving experience started when a guy went inside the diving cage while some people were feeding a group of sharks with a rope and big chunks of tuna suddenly one of the sharks lunged and bit something so aggressively that it went temporarily blind this caused the shark to hit the cage and eventually broke it since the shark had lost its sense of direction the animal wasn't able to swim backwards instead it just kept going forward until it broke the rails of the cage there was only one diver inside but he immediately swam to the bottom of the cage and went out through that part it was a good thing then that he had a lot of experiences with sharks as there were two of them down there but he stayed calm until the other shark was out of the cage the diver was finally able to swim back up to the surface without any injuries the people in charge of the trip admitted that the experience was very unique they had never seen a shark do this before and they certainly didn't expect a shark to break a cage like that one before we move on do me a favor my analytics show that only about 15 of you watching are actually subscribed come on guys what's up with that can you guys please hit the subscribe button you guys watch my videos every day anyway so you might as well subscribe and keep up to date with every video we put out number one blindly into the cage and at the top of the list we have another shark that went blindly into the cage however this one is perhaps the most aggressive one it all happened when a group of south african shark experts were watching sharks and feeding bait to one of them unfortunately while doing so they accidentally hit the side of the shark and it blindly lunged towards the cage the shark pretty much forced its way inside the cage and made the divers escape there was not enough space for them to share it with a shark as big as this one andre hartman one of the men behind this event says that he had never experienced something like this during his 25 years of working with sharks i guess there always is a first time for everything though would you ever go diving with sharks or maybe you've done it already how was it let us know in the comment section down below with all that said and done that's our video for the day folks and i will see you all next time later everybody
Channel: Top 5 Best
Views: 2,610,003
Rating: 4.762114 out of 5
Keywords: Top, Best, education, Shark, diving, gone, wrong, tourism, wildlife, ocean, attack, boat, scuba, cage, diver, water, escape, predator, accident, tourist, underwater, travelling, fishing, swimming, holidays, animal, traveler, shark diving, shark attack, scuba instructor, shark diving cage, near death experience, ming chan, katie yonker, jeff kerr, andy casagrande, roger gray, spencer reilly, tiffany reilly, john petty, markus groh, great white shark, shark accident, animal attack, predator attack
Id: 0TQYp8SrplQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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