Overwhelm in homemaking, self-care as moms, our family of entrepreneurs, and more!

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do you compare yourself to the successes of each other how do you not feel intimidated by the successes of siblings in feel inspired rather than pressured to live up to them I definitely don't I feel I feel lazy around you I don't know how you do all that I'm not planning on doing any of that except you totally do here I got you on a now you're podcasting whether you want to or not like yeah I'll step back I don't care no I think we all just kind of have our own things going on you know like we all have even though we're doing similar things it's still different my name is Lisa mother of eight and creator of the blog and YouTube channel farmhouse on Boon join me as I share with you my love for creating a handmade home from scratch cooking and a little mom and entrepreneur Life along the [Music] way all right Victor is joining me on the podcast today along with two of my sister so you might know Laura from our early house I've had her on the podcast twice now I think so and then my youngest sister Andrea so we are missing one sister she's the one that sells meat so this is Andrea she has a YouTube channel called our sorry our sweet sunny days she just had a name change so I'm still trying to remember it so I put out a Q&A and I asked for guests that you all wanted on here and I got asked repeatedly for my sisters so I don't have one of my sisters here today but I did drag these two into it so if you don't yet follow them head on over to our oily house and our sweet sunny days they share similar content only Andrea has a very much of a younger generation flare to hers so if you like a lot more color um maybe I don't know talk about your channel meals for two because she has more it's more like younger mom new mom new mom homem that would good yes color with lot with color a very beautiful mid-century home that's where we are which is where we are so you can catch a slight glimpse of Andrea's mid-century home if you're watching this on YouTube of course if you're listening on Apple or Spotify you're not but I took questions for the sisters so I thought it'd be fun to not just do a Q&A on my own but a Q&A with my sisters so let's see what you all have to ask and we we're just going to chat for probably about 30 minutes and then we got to be places so what do you think was helpful growing up that made you all so hardworking and creative how did your parents raise such entrepreneurs I have talked about this bit on here because I did my entrepreneurial journey and uh my parents are entrepreneurs what what do you guys think I was I was going to say that like just monkey see monkey do right and they're both very very hardworking people like more so than they don't sit still yeah not at all so our parents are currently retired but like a lot of retired people they have probably much more going on in retirement than they did before yeah they're busier than me yeah yeah yeah me too they're busy so I think there's just a an energy that is somewhat genetic going on I definitely say genetic not even just with our parents like with the whole family very gentic yes for sure and as far as creative I always feel like everybody's creative you know I think it's everybody is creative and so I think just your willingness to try things like Andrea is talking about in here like trying to convince her husband to get vintage uh double oven she's got a vintage on the channel soon so so maybe when you have just The Bravery to try such things it comes off as creative well I do think we get that from Dad okay do you feel that way yeah dad tries all kinds of stuff yeah no he did like I mean like who else had an elk business yes so yeah we grew up on an elk Farm that's pretty who does that yeah yeah yeah so instead of raising cattle which we had that as well and chickens and pigs he went for Elk he decided that we should have our whole property Fen like a lot of at one time like a whole business yeah so that's that's a whole weird thing at a time or something maybe people don't know about is that's czy back in the 9s there was a market for Elk because you know why you know people always ask that they always ask like what was it for like selling for the meat they they bought and sold but we didn't we didn't eat our own because they were worth more than that would have but why I don't know either it was kind of dad I was too young yeah well I know that there was that velvet yeah the I know some people use that for medicine or something yeah they had velvet pills and so that but the the thing about it oh yeah they did we had them oh yeah Dad took velvet pills I did too I remember taking them see they were eight I was eight when they sold it okay and I was 19 I taking velvet pills uhuh wild I don't okay I don't know if that was enough to sustain the elk Market but it did drop just as drastically as so it was like wild and then it it it dropped by like divided by 10 basically I you know in my kid brain I had the amount I knew the amounts Dad could sell a female calf for a male calf or so a bull calf and then um a full grown so you call that an elk cow and a bull I knew these numbers it was a lot like I literally have it in my brain to like the exact amounts and by the time Dad sold it all out um it was literally 1/10 yeah and the numbers would probably shock you but I don't want to say just in case I'm like mixing things up but yeah it was a lot so anyways interesting that to say dad tries weird things that's what gives you the next question that's what gives you the idea that you can get a vintage double oven I mean you might you might not if you're if your husband you know voice a reason yeah the voice a reason but if you do I would say that there's whenever you try things you end up coming up with new ideas therefore lots of creative ideas and of course Andrea loves to sew and create laara does creativity in a different way she likes to cook and experiment in the kitchen that's true yeah I consider myself creative but I guess I know but you are everybody is creative to some extent okay yeah growing up how did your parents establish a strong and commitment to family so I feel like we are all very close I you know in my adult life my best friends are my sisters do you feel like Mom and Dad did something or is it just how it is I don't know well I mean we had like we did everything together growing up I mean you know we ate meals as a family every night that we were home we had dinner together as a family we did lots of vacations together childhood memories I'm picturing it like everyone kind of together and they always had a healthy marriage which just has to help that's true like they were never miserable parents to be around and they still very much enjoy each other mom and dad really like being together they just drove to Colorado and back in a vehicle yeah and it took the long way they took the long way they deliberately took the long way yeah yeah why the scenic ground on the way to Colorado from dad always does a Senor crowd and Mom still make sure I'm sure a lot of these people know we talk about all the time on my all of us but like every single Sunday has us out for dinner and Cooks like this big meal every Sunday so no one wants to miss it because mom's making a big meal for us so like everyone gathers at least once a week for that there so in our adult lives that is very much a factor yes and she's been doing that since I mean Ruth was born so how old were you then like you were even in your kid life I me you were still living I remember for a while and are only 12 years apart but I remember for a while Mom would have to sometimes go go to soccer yeah cuz I was still but we would still go but Mom would be away with doing soccer games because I was only 12 yeah know so I couldn't to take you I remember going up there and then they had to leave and come back but anyways yes the we always did vacations nothing like you know elaborate we went to the lake every every summer and we went to the mountains to ski we drove out to Colorado every winter that's still a long-standing tradition that we still take part in y y yep freshly on your mind just did it and also you know every family like when you're kids we fight like I I always try to remember that with my kids whenever they have little you know things that come up like like I fought with Lara we fought a lot I me we yeah we were we like wrestled each other like it's it's all yeah you and Ashley fought because you know we're there's six years between Laura and the next one down which is in between them I'm the oldest and so I didn't fight with Andrea obviously and I didn't fight with Ashley right but Laura and I fought and then the little girls fought and so I do want to say like it wasn't like oh we just have always gotten along perfect like you know little kids fight but also I don't know just don't let it know there's never been any like deep fights no just kind of sibling yeah I went the remote you ate the last bowl of cereal stupid stupid okay let's see here I don't know if we want to get into the why do you choose have a large family question because I know Andrew you don't have a large family yet because you're no she just starting out starting out who knows I always large family Lara's yeah okay so why do Lara why do you choose to have a large family because I always I always wanted a large family like when I was a kid yeah it's like 10 kids yep I have 10 kids 20 old twins yeah we asked Lara's daughter how many kids she wanted and she said 20 all twins so if people think that she hates her large family life being the oldest daughter loves it not true yeah Lara has always always loved baby since we were little kids she was you know taking the little cousins around and I can't say I was ever I'm not a natural baby person you like your own babies yeah I like my own I like your babies I love all your babies I I'm not against babies but it doesn't come as naturally to me as it does and always has to you MH but I mean once I got into just family life you know all things home it just I loved every part of it so fun and that's how you're feeling right now is you're new to all this yeah this is a new phase of life and you're really taking like in your home and being a mom it's the best yeah I like people don't tell you that while you're pregnant with your first they tell you about how bad it's going to be yes but I feel like this has been like the best six months of my life yeah and there was challenging parts right away postpartum and you know all of that good stuff yes which I think there's some questions about that oh yeah okay we can get to those but as far as like you and like now having this home as your domain caring for it planning recipes decorating it caring for your daughter you know a lot of fun yeah there's a lot that's the thing there's so much with it that it's not like you're just doing one thing there's a lot like it's not boring there's a lot no there's a lot not boring okay Laura theory about why you have so many boys in a row I think we covered this last time but that was like two or three boys ago yeah two or three boys ago our theory was wrong yeah I know how much want to get into that well just cuz we were talking about last time I permanent food we had a theory we had a theory that when we first both got married we both had daughters and at that time I didn't know a lot about laa didn't know a lot about like fermenting your milk and having sauerkraut and so we started to come up with a theory that when you consume certain foods your body is either more alkaline or more acidic which is true like scien and then um and and not that we have a large enough sample size to say like oh but now we know it's not true because yeah no we we don't know but but we continue to have boys yeah boys so anyways matter what they're still common but you eat some fermented I mean not that like you have one girl whoop you do it's not like I don't eat near as much as you guys but yeah I do eat I do eat some and you had a girl so therefore no that's how scientific studies are done it's not a large scale it's just the theory but yes for those who new to the podcast I know we had a a woman basically accuse Us on YouTube of like what are you guys doing doing something like yes we are going and like having medical things I don't know but um never heard of that I mean it'd be nice to have another girl it's not you know we're not doing anything but Laura and I for those of you who are new to this podcast um if you're new to my channel and Lara's between the two of us we've now had 12 boys in a row so I've had six in a row and she's currently six in a row so there is something weird crazy I still can't believe I'm like six I have six points oh good it's so weird taking a break to tell you about today's episode sponsor tupes and Co I love my tupes and Co organic skin care I love that in the products there are no questionable ingredients that I wouldn't want to make its way into my skin which is the body's largest organ I'm very picky about skincare products because mostly for the ingredients that could be in them and affect my health I take care to you know make food from scratch to Source great ingredients and then to put something on my skin that would completely negate that is not something that I want to do but I also don't want to sacrifice quality in the past I've even tried making my own skincare products but as I get older I am definitely noticing the need for high quality skincare products I want them to be clean but I also want them to really work and lately I have been absolutely loving the toner and the glow serum I put on the toner first well first I wash with the SE Buckthorn cleansing oil then I put on the toner then I put on the oil and I have been noticing just so much more hydration in my skin that's my Skin's biggest problem and as I age it's even worse you can see all of the wrinkles and the lines whenever I'm not hydrated and I really am loving the tubes and Co products for that I also love the makeup I'm still getting better at figuring out concealer but today I tried the concealer I tried the eyeshadow the foundation the lip gloss the eyebrow pencil I just love it from my entire look is all tupes and Co and those of you who are really great at makeup might be like oh well you didn't do that great of a job but I have to say that I'm getting better at it and the products they are quality I can tell you that I want to figure out how to do the the highlighter and the bronzer but I'm still getting there I've tried it and then I've sort of failed so I'm going to keep learning that but can't recommend tupes and Co their clean beauty products enough they are offering you 15% off your order with the code F o15 so that stands for farmhouse on Boon but fob 15 over at tupes and co.com it'll also be linked down in the show notes or the description box below again thank you so much to tupes and Co for sponsoring this episode okay we've got a few questions on have you come across any great advice for raising girls they enter pre-teen teen years and I'm not there yet I'm there two teenage girls my daughter's 11 is that considered pre-teen that's considered Preen oh my goodness wow yeah so Caroline is pre-teen I need the tips then cuz I mean so and it also say you tell us It also says like I don't advice on sister bonding so my two girls really they're 2 years apart and they are teenagers now they remind me so much of and Laura Laura and I are two years apart and our personalities is you and Johanna is me always everything our personalities are very different and My Girls personalities are very different I mean they just are so different so they just remind me so much of that because they want to do everything together they fight they do fight I mean they get under each other's skin big time but I know they'll I'm like positive they'll be best friends when they're adults they'll P it out yeah so I don't I don't really know if I have any AD ice but I I will make well they're just they're just always together you know everything that they do is together like they they come as a pair which I feel like was the same whenever we were kids even whenever you were older and I went with you to all of your things like I came with you it was Lisa and you have to have my sister here the same with Ruth and Johanna uhhuh yep pretty much they do everything together how about raising boys we have tips on that I don't know if I really what do we know I don't really have tips I guess I just we know a lot about this I actually had a lady on the podcast recently her like expertise cuz she has adult boys five of them so check out that episode if back yeah that's what I I want to watch that it was I don't really have tips they're just boys are so different from I only have one girl but having all sisters growing up and then you having girls they're just it's funny to see the difference it is and then because Laura and I have sons all the same ages because we've had 12 in under 11 years well no it'll be 11 in under years whenever this yeah they all you know they see each other and they they they boy it up yeah they do like it's just so funny like the second they get together it's like immediately wrestling they're on the floor fighting and I mean not like fighting in like a we're mad we hate you like do and not all boys but this is definitely how a lot of that's how our that's how our oh I guess we're 11 and we don't have 12 yet but soon to be 12 with that's all of ours are even even my baby like I'm not kidding Jacob was doing that to Clara in Colorado immediately like on top of her and she was crying I'm like dude you can't do this you're just one how do you already know to wrestle uhhuh it's just natural it's pretty funny it was really funny okay what are your favorite things about being a mother we're going to come to the perspective from somebody who's been a mother for a decade and someone or over a decade and someone who's been a mother for not long six months now yes favorite thing Laura loves being a mom she my dad calls her professional mom cuz she it's what would you do to earn that I forget someone something you she she no you earn that title before that okay did I put someone asleep or something I don't know I did something I mean Dad wasn't kidding he was like she's a professional Mom I don't feel like it was a joke it was like he really felt like you know what at that gig she keep this up so I don't know I would say like my favorite thing is like just packing them up and going somewhere for like the whole day like going to depending on the season like going to the pumpkin patch go to the pool I always go to the park and just having like a full day of like being out with the kids I just love that I I actually do too and for some people that sounds really stressful but like LA and I get together like we took all of our let's see 14 kids to the zoo yeah and you were there too you there too we all do we have 15 kids and it's just that's just like to me like the whole day and like I love it yeah packing lunch and we're eaing food while we're out and out for the whole day and I don't know those are there's so much Freedom there like it's like you don't get to do that if you're not a stay-at-home mom m so fun doing stuff like that really fun and then like holidays with kids it's just so fun I can't wait that's so you know she know how excited they get about just you know the little things yes yes my new mom perspective is much tackier it's so fun to meet your like a human yeah I mean it's you know so fun your husband I've never like had a human like you know every second of every day yeah you know what I mean I only see them from like my nieces and nephews and so I'm like a you change a lot it's like really a lot of fun yes yes do you have a routine for self-care or just fit it in where you can what would you all say about that motherhood is busy hom making is busy I don't know what's considered self-care but there's definitely a time in every day where I have I mean not myself but with Nathan you know my husband and I at the end of the day when the kids are in bed where we like watch a show and eat ice cream and I think that counts you know like that he massages my feet like that's myself scared it's like something I look forward to like oh yeah at the end of the day get time but there's not really like a set schedule or anything and I'm thinking like selfcare I'm thinking of like pampering and like skin care doing my nails something wanted to do that during that time you could this is just what you enjoy you know I like having some downtime at the end of the day yeah and even with a large family a lot of kids we still get that every day there's still a time when everybody is asleep and we're up for a couple hours after the last I know yours is different you have kid now kids go to bed by 8ish and we usually stay up till 10: so there's a couple hours in the evening where it's still just like you know that could totally be alone time or husband wife time uhhuh yeah yes how about you do you feel like once you had a baby that there wasn't time in the day to like do things that you maybe did for yourself before you had the baby no I feel that way I don't I think I think you're alone in that not really I don't I actually literally me and Joey just talked about yesterday we were like why does it feel like we have more time now it's just cuz maybe you're more home centered think about you don't you don't probably travel as much as you used to no I don't know yeah like run out to go out to dinner like you're you're in home more because of her and so and I think you just have to value your time a little more and so like when she's asleep I get to do like a lot of things like cuz you know it's like when she's asleep that's like you know that's my one kid's asleep you know what's funny is you said this before you had her and I was like that's a bad plan and here it's working out what you were like I think I'll get more done yeah she said that because you're like because I think I'll whenever you feel like you have to fit it in around a certain and I was like that's how it's going to work out but it really is working out that way I feel like I get way more done okay like significantly more because you have a really set schedule and whenever she sleep when the kids are sleeping it's like you have this little window of time so you have to like bust but also you get it like every day so it's not like before where your life is just kind of like you can do whatever you want having that structure yeah you have a lot of structure maybe you know naps and bedtimes gives you more like you know what to expect yeah I feel like no I feel like I'm like that question I'm like I don't know how to relate to that because I'm like my whole day feels that way m is like when I'm just holding her and that's cute I'm like you're cute uhuh and you have a good baby yeah I do she she's a good she's a really good baby as far as me I mean I'll sit in the bathtub a lot of times cuz my kids do stay like the older kids stay up later but when the little kids are in bed and the big kids don't really need me I'll sit in the bathtub I don't know I think people because you know you show 20 minutes of your life and it's literally like footage taken throughout a week people are like okay so you're up moving around doing stuff all the time that's what I saw I saw that in 20 minutes yeah you know like such a small part of our actual yeah and I'm you know like Lara jokes that sometimes she's going to put her camera on and just sit there on her couch like this because people always ask her if she rest yeah do you want to watch me rest that'd be an easy video to make all right this is what I do at night time eating my ice cream and like yes but yeah up during the day you know making food there is that time every day but then there's also time where you know the child needs to be held or you know lots of lots of variables but yeah I feel like you can still they're still downtime yeah even when you're cooking from scratch like how you cook three meals a day from scratch how much time do you feel like you're spending in your kitchen I don't know an hourish for each meal you think like for for like clean up like preparing and cleaning back up right like an hour it's like 3 hours yeah so that leaves a lot of time and then then you homeschool so a lot of times people you don't homeschool they want to know like how yeah you fitting that in too yeah but like in a lot of it too like you just revolve your day around like in the kitchen it's not like I'm standing there over like cooking all day there's like things you know you you do something then you run outside to do something else and you run back in to like stir something do their school at the kitchen table right most yeah so you're it's kind of like yeah it's kind of all happening at once right okay yeah it's not like it's three dedicated hours of like standing over the stove and nothing else is happening and when that time I'm also doing laundry and you know other things are happening okay so tips for first baby and labor best ways to prepare for newborn and postpartum period I don't know if you've shared a whole lot about your birth story on your channel you to share a whole lot but like I shared a little bit on mine I was cuz I was with her for her whole labor and yeah delivery and things went basically she went from wanting like starting off her home birth and ending in the hospital with the C-section so things definitely turn turn yeah it wasn't right no it was a it was a great birth yeah everything turned out great at the end but a lot of ups and downs I guess the thing is is sometimes you can do everything right and still end up in a situation where there's emergencies and we're thankful for modern medicine right I do have a tip if that happens I will say whenever you are in the process go as far as you can so that you don't regret it later like I don't have any doubt in my mind that I needed a C-section no part of me that's like well maybe if we wouldn't have done this or that or the other thing they did everything we did everything and so I can walk away from that and not being like I should have change that have a little long right the beginning we wouldn't have known we wouldn't have known yeah and so I feel like even though like obviously now after it was so long and so just not good it's the obvious answer is like would you go back and get a C-section right away I don't think I would cuz I think then I would be now here like doubt or I could have I could have like I could have had a home birth and I didn't and so I'm really glad we we like I can walk away being like that was just that was just one where we had to do it yep glad that there's modern medicine now but you still went through a lot of natural labor like a lot as Laura also knows so how did you prepare to cope with that we all three prepared the same way one two three Bradley method yeah and Ander was you did great at it she got up to it's the move 8 cm for not moving it's the move not to move um without I mean minimal pain I would say for your first time you did really really well and not just and not just getting to an 8 cmet and then me like all right C-section like being at an 8 centimeter for 24 hours yeah is what happened to her and so she was at very strong labor for very long time and you handled each contraction really well using the Bradley method so that is absolutely Lis and I canot preach the broley meth it's it's the way to go yep we've used it with all of our all of our natural births M yes and I won't even drive her a water birth next time yeah and I would say each one like because because I've gotten better at the Bradley method each birth has gotten better because I've learned to relax even more so look it up any any deeper yeah and also some people get you know are like well isn't that husband coach and I thought you said that you don't really like your H it is husband coach but I just do we do it differently yeah I mean you had more not really husband coached but me coached yeah but and feel like in the beginning my first couple I needed you like my first my first Max and will I definitely wanted you there to like kind of how you were like wait one's coming help me you know like relax but then the last couple I was able to do very much on my own and so just using the principles of relaxing yes which sounds so easy easy until you're so it's something you have to practice too that's another huge tip is not to just think like oh it's I'll figure it out when I'm I'll just start relaxing you need to you need to practice practice practice practice from like I don't know 20 week 20 week or whatever okay I can't remember every night before bed yeah okay tips on how to keep up with the demands of the household SL family during the third trimester of pregnancy Laura you're not quite there but almost you've been there six other times you were just there I mon ago personally for me that would be more like how do you keep up with it in the first trimester because I think we all agree like we have pretty smooth scaling pregnancies yeah if I had to say which one was harder to get stuff done it would definitely be the first trimester with the absolutely for me for me for me too I don't have really too much um complaints about the third but first trimester I have very low like motivation low energy you know first trimester I think it's just um you you do what you can just the bare minimum the bare minimum and you eat what you can like all Health goes out the window I know it's like the time now you're like growing a baby and you want to like eat all these healthy foods but if you can't even eat you if you if all you can eat is a Pop-Tart you eat a Pop-Tart and to if you want juice every day like I I don't know any other way to do it except after the first trimester you know like pregnancy on like well I'm craving this like I feel like you only get that pass in the first yeah yeah that's just my personal belief that's how it's been for me I and sometimes first goes well into the second depending on yeah sometimes like into like my lat sickness morning sickness like was like 16 weeks yeah but cuz sometimes that definitely goes into the second but once the morning sickness is over I'm I'm back to feeling completely normal just having a a bump nothing and by the end like I'll be sore at the end of the day like my physically like my body feels tired but like I can still pretty much get the same amount of stuff done it's just at the end of the day when I sit down it's like whoa yeah you can power through being sore I I can but yeah like the morning sickness the fatigue I just like have no motivation you don't want to do anything yes agree yep so if you feel like that in the third then probably the same that we feel in the first just do what you it'll be over with soon yeah it'll be over with soon do what you can and if you have to like like buy convenience food and not cook then go for it that's what I say like you know just you have to get through it the best that you can yeah survive all right taking a quick break from this episode to tell you about my brand new course simple sourdough this one has been a long time coming I have shared about souro over on my blog and my YouTube channel forever but I finally compiled all of the information that you need to be successful with sourdough uh the starter making your first ever loaves of bread using the discard so many things in my course simple sourdough you can find it at bit. l/ Farmhouse sourdo course that's all one word bit. y/ Farmhouse souro course the coolest thing about the new simple souro course is that there's a corresponding private Facebook group that is for students only I'm really excited that that'll be a place where when you have specific questions there will be other students in there souro enthusiasts and we can all learn from each other this is usually such a valuable asset because a lot of times you'll have a specific question that you don't want to filter back through the course for it's all there but sometimes you just want other people who are on the same Journey as you and I'm really excited to provide that course which just the lifetime membership comes with the purchase of the simple souro course again you can find that at bit.ly Farmhouse sourdough course okay ways you run your home similar or different do you cook similarly or are you all more random and cleaning routines versus more scheduled okay we all cook pretty similar right and as far as the schedules I think we all I'm totally in the camp of like just clean when you see it I don't really feel like it saves me any time by making some kind of arbitrary schedule yeah personally do you do a that's too much for me um cuz I as a as a new mom with with only one and two kids I had a schedule like laundry on Tuesday clean yeah oh yeah like Mondays Mondays I did all the bathrooms Tuesday did didn't you do that I did it first I had it on my refrigerator I it didn't I don't feel like it helped but at the time I think it was just wrapping my brain around like okay I'm in charge of this house what I have to get done it felt very like a big deal like how am I going to do this and then now you know 16 years later as a homemaker and homeowner I'm just kind of like eh you know like I keep it clean but just as I go it doesn't have to I don't have to dust on Tuesday know if it was if it was like because of that it didn't save me time or if it's because now there's not really time to have a schedule like all right today's B it's just like if I'm in the bathroom and I see like pee on the floor from the boys laund like you know I just grab a towel and wipe it up and yeah and when the laundry is full I run it CU I don't have like as much time to put into that and thought and yeah so I don't know if it was that or if it really is just more efficient to like obviously you see something out you put it away I don't know if either one's you know either way you're doing the job just when you get it done so like do you have a cleaning day okay I don't think so you as clean as you go I mean your house is very clean if I notice the house being dirty I will I do work through it room by room like I don't I like whenever I can get like one room done and then that room like deep cleaning like going around the base door no like just like when stuff a lot of stuff is out like that I don't like that and so I'll just be like okay the kitchen like all are done everything's done and then like I like when I can at least have one space that's like looking good yes I I typically like the kitchen needs to be yeah like I'm okay if the kids rooms are a little bit messed up yeah but I need like my kitchen and then if I'm if I'm feeling you know a little over stimulated like the living room too like the areas that I could see you know need to be perfect that's how I feel too yep yep also with like meal planning I know you said as a new cook you have to plan more than I I do I have to plan more one cuz I'm not nearly as experienced and so like you have to follow the recipe kind I don't follow it exactly get getting better at veering off but like I definitely if I saw like a head of cauliflower in my fridge I wouldn't like know what to do with ITP of deal and we have to we have to plan because we can't buy like we can't buy carrots cauliflower and celery all in the same week it'll some of it'll go bad oh right definit you only have two 10 or and so like we have to be really careful about what we lay out and like what we get cuz like if we get more than like one fruit it goes bad okay like one bag of fruit that's something I Haven thought about in like 15 years yeah and I think another reason why we all cook very similar is because we all get our meat from our other sister that's not here and so we get all the different cuts it's not like we're going to the store and buying like 10 pounds of ground beef we buy half of a steer at a time and so you end up having the soup bones you have the the roast the steaks the you know all the different cuts and so you have to and I don't think like everybody cooks with all different more you like come with a meal plan go to the store get the cuts of meat you need for the meal plan as opposed to this is what I have how do I prepare this right like whenever we're starting to like run low in the Freez you prob like okay I have a brisket stew meat and soup bones that have to be used up and so you kind of cook off of what we have and we always have all the similar types of cuts yes so we cook pretty similarly I and definitely that's from our mom yeah 100% when grew up like my mom never bought meat from the grocery store ever no always got me from the fair from Dad's hunting always been in B mhm yes and I know they're going to ask so new Harford farmco decom that's our sister yep and she does ship she does ship I get chicken from her too like pretty regularly has chicken pork and beef yeah so yeah I guess you tend to come up with like I feel like Laura and I sometimes do more like meat vegetable you very Basics and you tend to come up with some more like f reci yes funner I think that's just cuz we're pickier well I and maybe because you're you're cooking for a smaller crew so you could you can make your like I would differ just cooking for me and Luke yes I do like nights we put the kids to bed and we do like an inh home date night I don't make what I would make for the family like garlic herb butter rib right but whenever you're cooking for a bigger family it's so easy just to throw like you know do stew or a whole chicken or like a big thing roast with potatoes and car so that's just because of where you are like of life so okay cuz I've been thinking because we're just like extremely picky but we're not though not it's just if you have the choice you know if I had I would rather all the stuff than you're making I just if I had made cuz you guys make so many pizzas and pum pizzas I would have to make like 10 pizzas right to feed my family L's family also eats more than mine so FYI I have the bigger family but Lara's family eats way more I'm like you 10 pizz we can't finish four my I boys that like have it's like a running J J our they're like oh the ashers are if the ashers are coming yeah we have to throw more how many they're coming versus if like my mom on Sundays will text and see who's coming and if there's certain members on my family come to go put out two extra pounds that's so funny oh man okay we probably only can take like two more cuz Laura and I have to get our kids from somewhere yeah more kids do you compare yourself to the successes of each other how do you not feel intimidated by the successes of siblings in feel inspired rather than pressured to live up to them I don't really feel like yeah I definitely don't I feel I feel lazy around you I don't know how you do all that I'm not planning on doing any of that except you totally do but not to not here I got you on a now you're podcasting whether you I'll step back I don't care I don't think I I don't I think actually would say the same I don't think any of us compare I think we all just kind of have our own things going on you know like we all have even though we're doing similar things it's still different and I'm not I find it more enaging we all come in at different stages and so I know not to compare myself to you because you've been doing it longer and then same with you like I've been doing it longer than you and Ashley has a business in a completely different way and so I also it's just so fun yeah to run ideas off each other it's really fun yeah we were're able to be like okay what do you think about this picture for this and you know what do you think about this name or whatever or this idea and it's so it's if you guys you know if you weren't doing that we wouldn't be able to run all those ideas and it's just fun maybe that's something to do with Mom and Dad too Mom and Dad never ever act like they compare us they just get really excited for all of us that's true and I wonder if maybe that the people that would ask that question May maybe us parents that there's like a golden child or something like that which like that's very far from our brains yeah that's true that's true okay let's see here how do you how do you stay cheerful not overwhelmed in your home so like there's a couple in that kind of go along with that like being overwhelmed there being a lot going on because you mentioned you know there's a lot to do in your home how do you keep that fun as opposed to overwhelm overwhelming by all of that are there times when it does I think it's just perspective and like you know in each situation like all right this can be really stressful or it doesn't you can make it do you ever feel overwhelmed Laura I don't feel like you do no I yes I feel overwhelmed but a lot of times all like step back like this doesn't matter it's fine literally I'll get this cleaned up tonight yeah exactly those kind of things like all a sudden you look around like oh my gosh my house or like just recently when we got back from vacation we just got back from Colorado and we got home at 1:00 in the morning morning and all of our suitcases you know we had like wet snow year in the suitcases and I had a lot of catching up to do from missing a whole week of being gone with like YouTube videosu and then also like there was some of my kids didn't go and say my husband I couldn't wait for them to wake up to see them and I was like oh and sleep and I yeah like all these things and I'm like but it actually doesn't matter and like in like 3 days it's all going to be normal again yeah and yeah and it's only been what what is like two days it been two or three days did we go home Monday night late so Tuesday so this is day three and I feels like I've already been home for long three weeks I'm totally caught up the snow stuff is clean and put away the suitcases to return to the people we borrowed them from like okay I think you have perspective Andre how does that not happen to you I feel like I get overwhelmed just as much as well maybe not just as much as anyone else but like I feel like sometimes you do I do I do also think the way you think about it makes a big difference it was very overwhelming at first like because I was not used to getting interrupted and now you do get no you do get interrupted with a kid like you know they just need a nurse or do something yes and I feel like be like it did take a little bit of me being like being a mom is the number one job and so just like the time that I get to do the other stuff is like great that's great rather than like being a mom is this annoying side thing and I have to do this you know what I mean like kind of Shifting to like no this is the most important thing right and there's enough time in your day to care for those basic things like if you have your priorities in line and you're not trying to add on yeah I think that helps and it just takes a while when you're not used to getting interrupted because I was not used to like you know of course I was didn't have any kids I didn't get interrupted ever like and it's worth noting though that you still find things worth doing I get asked that a lot too like well you know how do you do this when you get interrupted I'm like I still just do it like it just means it's going to take longer like it's still worth doing like it's still worth you you're all excited right now learning to sew yeah so doing it's still like you're getting interruped making the bread or cooking what El you going to yeah I mean you know like if you're a new mom with one kid kind of like they sleep a lot that's true babies do that's the magical thing El and when you're home all day I always say this too like you know whenever you spend all your time at home this is all that we do yeah and so you have a lot more time trying run to you know like if you have a a outside of the home and you're spending like hours and commuting and like I don't know like this this our home and our families is what we do yeah and so if you're at a different starting point which sometimes you know you're asking that question from a different starting point that maybe you know in what your situation it is really overwhelming you know so but from your what you're doing you've have it set up to where it's kind of a gentle schedule so yeah yeah just don't take maybe don't take on as much like like you're saying like just some stuff just like you get in your head that it really matters and then it doesn't Okay so lately you've added YouTube how has that affected it or are you any more overwhelmed or is it more just like a nice creative outlet for you I feel like I was getting bored so it's honestly like a really creative outlet but then there's also like there is the pressure of like getting home from Colorado and being like I got to do something this week yeah something yeah like I mean I can't just record me doing nothing like I kind of have to do something project pain cabinet like paint a cabinet and so I'm like okay well that's that is like a thing that I wouldn't have done before but well as long as you two can just keep it where like if something goes off the rails it's not like the end of the world if you don't you know yeah yeah I definitely have to find myself like with YouTube like I definitely will like be like this room needs to be clean like no it doesn't there's other things like it's not that big of a deal like things like that for sure yep okay well we got a lot more questions and we could sit here but we can't so we could but we can't we got to be on the in 2 minutes yes like we have to leave no no later yep okay well thank you so much for listening to this episode of the simple Farmhouse Life podcast again if you aren't already following Laura at our oily house check her out she shares homemaking she has a you know large family as well and then Andrea over at our sweet sunny days she you're going to love her home you're going to love her food so go on and check that out as well all right thanks for listening I'll see you in the next [Music] episode
Channel: Simple Farmhouse Life
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Keywords: simplefarmhouselife
Id: _HbcYrrf1k0
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Length: 46min 50sec (2810 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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