Sharing a Couples Hammock (Amok Draumr Double)

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Aaron and I right here in the bush doing something a little different we car camping we never car Camp anymore but we've got a new Sleep System to try the amok drummer double it's a hammock for couples or two people anyway and we're interested to see if it's as good as the regular single person drum which we love it's our favorite way to sleep out here or if it's absolutely crazy find out here caning oh yeah beautiful jackpine Aaron just zipped up a bunch of jackpine with our little battery part chainsaw going to have an amazing night here great food got some beers yeah car camping has its its advantages that's for sure be nice oh the uh strap's a little different oh it's probably just heavier Duty yeah cuz we got two chunks in the hammock so my end has to go a little higher because I weigh more mhm I think we need a little more angle do we have the same distance look at that all right so now here's the trick about this thing I I would have never thought they could pull this off I never thought this would work can we balance is it weird we have to get in at the same time what if one of us gets out I don't think we have to get in okay well we just got in pretty aggressively you kind of like threw yourself in I don't know what you're talking about and it's sit yourself up amazingly comfortable as usual it's so comfy so mine end's a little higher so we'll bring mine down I think we overcompensated for my weight this one actually is easier to get in and out of than the single it's less tippy and awkward interesting I wouldn't call the other one tippy and awkward except for your first like night or two yeah yeah yeah the first night or two we spent in a drum we were not sure it was for us yeah it takes a little while just to find like once you find where the center is yeah it's easy just keep your butt in the middle and you won't you can't like fall backwards or anything no it's not awkward once you're in them and once you know how to use them but learning to get in and out just takes a minute where I find this one a little bit easier interesting first try yeah I think they said it has more stability with two pads more rigidity yeah yeah that does make sense John was a little bit higher than me so I'm just going to let out a little bit of slack here try and find that balance even it up all try it again and we'll get in separately this time see if that works okay easy peasy it's fine oh yeah that feels better eh yeah I think I'm still too high yeah well it's slanting this way right I don't know mine I feel even yeah okay I'm I'm not I'm SL so maybe a little fine tuning it normally takes a little fine tuning as well mhm just to get a perfect flat lay but for the extra 2 minutes it takes for the most comfortable sleep that we've ever had it's so worth it what a view oh this is amazing hold my hand yeah we can uh almost cuddle spoon now people don't think our marriage is in shambles we're married now so we're allowed to share a hammock before marriage we had to have separate under separate roofs it was only proper let's say you're turning over in the night can you turn over it shakes me a little but it it's gentle it's like being just rocked lightly so I don't know we'll see we'll see how much it disturbs sleep I toss and turn a fair bit Yeah I sleep pretty deeply yeah yeah for her it's no problem for me getting woken up is a problem so we'll see we'll see it is nice can we can we spoon yeah we can oh that's nice nice for the record this is not sponsored by a muuk although they did send us the hammock we have no sponsors deliberately so however I I'll give them an endorsement which is that the regular drum is our favorite way to camp out here hands down so Jerry sold out on this though we haven't even slept in it yet so we'll see how functional it is but I have quite a bit of confidence just in in the company itself they're they're really cool oh that smells good right yeah all right we got some quesadillas tonight with heno onion spinach and refried beans and lots of cheese yeah and some salsa and sour um coconut sour cream on the side mhm little Bish yeah can't wait lady in the trampet M mhm oh yeah little B of the good stuff in there this is camping that's a good know car camping yeah oh that's heav that's that's good living we're pretty bushwacked so we're settling in we've got a little squabble between us do you wet your toothbrush before you brush your teeth Aaron insists that that's important I use a dry brush with toothpaste anyway we're so comfortable we settled in so we can enjoy the view before it gets dark perfect sight for our first double hammock we both get a great view this is unreal Beaver swimming bot mhm lovely well it supposed to get down to freezing last night and at least got there water bottle half Frozen and with the wind this morning man it was nippy this feels amazing well how was your first night in a couple's hammock Splendid yeah I enjoyed it very much good comfortable in there alone what's that you're comfortable in there alone while I'm not in it yeah yeah still works you got up at one point to do a little filming and I didn't even notice you were gone until I rolled over to say this morning we've got hash browns and onion and some eggs some cheese tomato little leftover salsa from last night delicious breakfast we just going to enjoy one more hang in the hammock before we start to pack up slowly yeah wonderful overnighter yeah [Music] ah so this hammock is really the same as the single drummer you know it's got the chair mode where you pull up the straps and then you get a back rest and if you pull these straps on the sides then it allows the pad to flex here and then you can put your feet down too I never use that I like my feet up yeah me too but I love the back rest mhm but some of the difference is it's got a second Ridge line here which holds up the middle it would say way too much without that so that's really smart that's really it like there's not much different this normally buckles into the side of the single but now it slides along the ridg line which is nice cuz then you can share this it's extra storage for whatever water bottles or there's the usual water bottle holders yep cell phone Pockets you can stuff things into the the corners although we have the bug mesh in there which we obviously don't need right now didn't even set up the tarp last night uses the same tarps the single I was just a little slanted last night so I guess we didn't tweak it fine-tune it perfectly but there's so many ways you can adjust it yeah kind of like the same as a single drummer just getting used to I think how to tweak it and what works a little bit of learning curve but little learning I was comfortable I felt great um I don't think you woke me up much like I might have been sleeping lightly and you Shuffle but it didn't disturb me a ton yeah that's one thing I'm a lighter sleeper so I woke up a bit more easily but it's so comfortable that I fell back to sleep pretty easily yeah yeah and then John got out at one point to film and I didn't even notice he was gone yeah so yeah in terms of just one person being in here mhm still usable now the question is would we bring this on a a longer trip I I don't know like we both work from home we're home together all the time when we're on a trip we're in the canoe together all the time we eat out of the same pans y sharing the same can I think it's healthy for us to have a little personal space on a longer trip however this would be nice for a shorter like two or three night trip yeah yeah absolutely we're saying maybe in quo going in for a couple nights really nice some other ones on Superior yeah the long trp sometimes it's nice we like having the space in The Hammocks yeah but sometimes we struggle to find two really good spots for the hammock or one is definitely better than the other that's true always pros and cons with every shelter and yeah this is no different but definitely not a ridiculous concept like it's it works if you're looking to share a hammock with someone this this is it it's pretty cool yeah [Music]
Channel: Lost Lakes
Views: 48,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost lakes, camping, fishing, ontario, canada, bushcraft, backcountry angling ontario, winter, wilderness, solo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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