SharePoint Power Hour Episode 102: Data View Web Parts

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your videos delete but whatever hello everyone welcome welcome to SharePoint power our this is our weekly show that we do every Wednesday at 11:00 central I'm Laura Rogers and this is our team of SharePoint consulting consultants from Rackspace hosting if you've never been to power our before power hour is all about what you can do in SharePoint and office 365 without necessarily doing any programming or doing any hardcore server admin we this is our hundred and second episode we've got a lot of episodes here on our YouTube channel SharePoint are ax and they just they're all recorded we do in live so that we can you know have more interaction with you guys but there are a whole plethora of them out there now and the gist is so today we usually just do kind of whatever demos we feel like doing and just talk about something in SharePoint today I'm going to do data view webparts we'll go ahead and a little bit of information especially if you've never been to one of these we've got where it streams live in YouTube and in a Google hangout and if you're watching it in YouTube you and you want to participate in the QA you can click the little yellow button on the YouTube to take you over to the Google hangout version in the Google hangout there is going to be a little icon with some squares at the top right and by default it will show you what's called the showcase app over on the right which has got links that we share with you if you click the little icon with the squares that will let you flip over to the QA app and the Q&A app is where you can ask us questions as we go so we encourage you to participate in chime in and ask questions I'll let everybody introduce themselves and then I'll be back to me and I'll be doing the demo today and kind of give you a little background on that and while everybody is introducing themselves I'll be finishing up what I was going to demo so Corey then come in then Ryan then tinier than Tavis all right so like my lower third says I'm Corey Evans I do SharePoint out-of-the-box workflows and all sorts of things programming is not necessary my thing though I have been playing with PowerShell lately and that's fun I've been doing SharePoint for about 10 years now and you know grew up through the versions starting in 2003 yeah and good morning my name is Kevin Hughes I'm based out of Kansas City and I'm the SharePoint architect here on Laura's team my duties are why didn't and pretty much whatever is necessary to get the job done but mostly making sure that the needs of our clients are met and working with the rest of our team to make that happen hi everybody I am Ryan Keller I am based out of Northern Colorado and have been working with SharePoint for about eight years now six of those years have been doing SharePoint consulting and about four those have been been doing SharePoint branding almost exclusively so I'm the branding guy on the team so I make SharePoint look a little bit different I'm Tonya Kaiser and I'm based at Rackspace headquarters in San Antonio Texas so I've been working a SharePoint for three years or so and for the last year I've been the manager for our internal SharePoint environments here at Rackspace so everything from legacy SharePoint migrations to the typical end-user support items I get to see all of it hey I'm Tavis level and I'm based out of Cincinnati Ohio and I am to be a developer on the team I've been working with business intelligence it's about 2005 and in different areas things like reporting services performers point PowerPivot Excel services those types of things alrighty thanks guys HECO does it go on it's gone all right I turned it on in my other computer so now you see two of me that's so that's just so that when I'm doing my demo on dataview webparts in a few minutes that i can demo it and share my screen and still be sharing my video so see real quick there's kind of a delay on one of me alright um background here dataview webparts i back like in 2008 or so i started i was digging into dataview webparts and the company I used to work for this is back in SharePoint 2007 and I was figuring out like just custom business solutions and customizing lists and customizing forms as dataview webparts using sharepoint designer and it did a whole bunch of little videos like that back in the day a little just showing how to do different types of things in data view webparts and there's actually a link on my blog on the right that says data view web part videos or something those are all very old they're mostly done in 2000 and sharepoint 2007 a lot of concepts still exist though and throughout through 2010 it just interface had a few different little places that you had to get to things but the concepts were still there and then in 2020 sharepoint designer 2013 came out they remove the design view from sharepoint designer so that made it a lot more difficult to do data view web part because now when you go in there to try and customize a list or do something like you used to be able to do it basically is just a it's just code you're just looking at code and it's much harder to kind of figure out what's where and how to get around and and there's still a couple of things though now client-side rendering is the new thing and i talked about j/s link in another sharepoint power our j/s link is a way that you can another way that you can do things like conditional formatting and display things certain way in forms which involves javascript and that's something else that we've touched on is another way to do kind of things that were used to be doing as dataview webparts but um there's also they're also just a couple of little things in there that you want to be able to do real quick that is not necessarily just conditional formatting so like for example sometimes you want might want to go add a parameter to a certain ListView and SharePoint or you might want to go you know add a hyperlink to a column that you want to be you know a button or something you know a little bit more custom like that that you can do as client-side rendering rendering with J's link but they're also still a couple of ways that you can do this stuff using SharePoint designer so I'm going to show you how to kind of fumble your way blindly through the fly blind in SharePoint designer to be able to to do these things so one example that I'm going to use is passing a parameter to a list that means that you might have a I don't know a list of items in SharePoint and you want to be able to quickly send someone to that same list with just you know that's just filtered down by a certain value well you could create views so we can always just create views in our SharePoint list that have you know you can go create if you had like a list of company policies or something and each the policy had a department name you could go in and create a view with a filter for department name equals i.t and then another view of the filter for department name equals HR and you could manually go through and create a bunch of filtered views but then if you have to use this concept called a parameter you could just send that parameter just the name of whatever the department is to like one view and then just it would just instantaneously filter it by that word and that way like think about going forward if you needed to modify our view or add columns to it or something although still like 20 different and modify 20 different separate filtered views you could pass a parameter to one magical view and we passed we do parameters a lot with when we're doing any kind of dashboards and things like that when I went over my HR onboarding process concept that I did like six seven power hours on I talked about how you could pass a parameter to a dashboard page and then use the query string filter web part to pass parameters so putting a parameter directly in a list though is just another way to accomplish that and especially for people who might not have the enterprise version of SharePoint you might not have the set of filter webparts that come with the enterprise version of SharePoint so you you don't have the ability to use the query string filter web part to pass a parameter or a filter to things on a page so I'll go ahead and a couple of examples I have today is a list of travel requests and a list of travel types so I'm going to use that as an example of a way that you can pass parameters and just kind of think you know think out of the box think of you know let's remind expand to different scenarios where you might you know want to be able to do something similar to that so I just want to use some lists that I have on my site that are super simple just custom lists and not have anything crazy with all you know different types of Lists lists templates and all different kinds of types of complicated columns so it's going to try to use just something fairly simple just so nothing that other stuff gets in the way alright so as I was let me go ahead and share my screen let's see tada and make it so that you all let me know I guess if somebody says something in the QA don't really necessarily be able to see it okay I'm gonna close what I had open in short designer and go to my site okay and then I can share it all right I got to change my my resolution right I noticed in Windows 10 that they changed the hole but this isn't Windows 10 but I noticed by the way that they changed the whole concept of resolution it doesn't even like it looks completely different now and it's just like basically a button that says bigger or smaller I guess I kind of dumbed it down because people didn't know what resolution was or something all right so there's that that's the Bing image of the day and see there we go all right so y'all can see that dear and I'll go ahead and pull out my site got it y'all can see my site and you can see me all right now um I'm gonna go ahead and put on my screen share so it stays on that okay because when I talk I don't want it to flip over to the other me down there okay travel request site I had this corporate travel site and I have tribal requests and I have trip types so one thing that I want to do is you can see I started playing around and testing this I have a few different trip types so the trip type I'm in my travel request is a right now is a drop-down box and it's basically a lookup field over to my trip types separate lists now I think I was talking about showing you this when I show you this as a demo trying to simplify it and make it not complicated and not involve all kinds of crazy different field types so what I want to do is not use a lookup field in this demo so that you can see just how this functions and then if we wanted to use different types of fields it's gonna get more tricky and it's going to get more complicated but I want to show you this actually working so what I'm going to do is first of all show you sort of what the result is going to look like the result is going to be I want to let someone pick a trip type and when they pick a trip type say I want to create a new trip from this trip type and have a button that they can click and then would take them to the trip type form to fill out a new trip to go on a new trip and it would automatically have the trip type filled in so hopefully you guys can see think of some examples that you might have that where you would need to pass a parameter like that like think about having like information about a project at the top of the screen as a web part and then have another web part at the bottom that's like add a new project charter information about this project and it would just pass the information about whatever that new item is having to do with that project so that when the person goes to fill out the other form they're not having to fill out the project again so like if you start from the project and you go to create a new charter information that would pass the project names that make sense so kind of think about things like that this is a very common thing that it seems like that people want like to be able to do I actually wrote a blog post it is see right here pass the default value from a webpart page to a new item and I've got several other blog posts that are similar I have several blog posts about query strings as well so we'll go ahead and put that in the showcase two time real quick all right so kind of want to show you this so I can show you this is something I did in 2010 so I'm really kind of showing you now is just the way to do it in 2013 so I think I just shared it in the showcase okay so the first thing that I'm going to do is create a parameter that does a query string to just send it to a list of stuff um so let's see I'm going to think of I'm going to use just some again something simple I'm going to use just the destination field because I know that's just a plain old text field it's just a word right so maybe I want to say look at filter it by all the times that people went to Austin so I'm going to put several different item like a couple of different items in here that have Austin as the destination okay so what I'm going to do is create a parameter that I can send quickly to this to this list that will automatically show me whatever word I'm sending in the parameter all right now the trick here is that if I go and try and open up this view and SharePoint designer it's not going to give me the ability to add a parameter to it or anything resembling that so if I go let me show you what that would look like if I go to travel requests and I go to kind of show you the experience of what you might have seen before when you might have tried this already so I'm opening up just a view in 2013 in SharePoint designer and you can see this is very ugly right and if I try to go in here it's like it hardly gives me any information I don't have any information about a date of your web part or the ability to do anything with a parameter right it's kind of kind of messy all right so what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a new view I'm gonna call it old school and what I'm going to do here is go to this style and just change it to a basic table basically something other than default okay so I'll just do a basic table and there there are a few negative things to that of course when I change the style to something other than the default I lose the ability to flip between views here like all that stuff that was at the top of my view like remember this all this stuff right here we talked about this actually in a Power Hour before but all this stuff up here the ability to go between views the ability to find an item when I when I create that old-school view you lose that that whole thing so I usually just create this old-school view and I need to do something very specific with it like pass a parameter again you'll notice it'll look very different or if I want to just use a view like this maybe in a web part instead like instead of in the list itself it'll look very different when I open it up in SharePoint designer so I'll go ahead and refresh that and let's see nabil says slightly off-topic would it be possible to use a parameter or the picture slideshow web part to drive the view that the web part shows I wouldn't use the picture slideshow web part for that I would use the new content search web part and use some of the new picture stuff in it and then read the blog post I wrote on how to pass a query string to the content search web part tip of the day yeah what is taking so long this is sure this is office 365 so it stored of course it's taken forever right whenever I'm doing the demo ok any day now so I'm refreshing it because when I make the changes in SharePoint in the browser and I already have SharePoint designer open SharePoint designer doesn't necessarily know that you know what I added or changed so I usually have to go in here and refresh it so that it will recognize that but when I go to I can get lists and libraries to go ahead and load good lord it will give me a whole different interface so the trick here is that anything that for your view settings that is not the default view that's going to be just what I call the old-school view and it's gonna look completely different when you open it up in SharePoint designer did you all know this this is huge of course SharePoint 2013 has been out for a couple of years now and it's one of those things that I just didn't really delve into before so I didn't realize it alright notice this look at this up here this is huge this is the the data view web part little tool pane and ribbon stuff that I'm used to seeing in previous versions of SharePoint and it's just because I'm using a different type of view I can do several things in here like I can do settings that I can also do in the browser like the paging and like adding or moving columns I can also do those in the browser if I want to do filtering by more than two things though I can do that here so when you're in the browser in your and you're trying to like no it's not the filter it's the sorting and grouping the filter lets you do quite a few in the browser but the sorting and grouping it's pretty limited in the browser and it lets you add multiple levels of sorting and grouping in here so it's just another one of the things that you have in this interface you also have folder scope is like whether you want it to like if you're in a library it has a bunch of folders or something whether you want to show all the files and just not show the folders all right so what I'm going to do though is I'm going to go to parameters and I'm going to add a parameter and I'm going to call it destination Nation parameter and do destination alright so now I have created a parameter but once I create a parameter I need to I need the list to be filtered by that parameter right so just creating the parameters not going to do anything magical so then I got to go to filtering here and say make it I have to kind of match up the actual field I want to be filtered to you know talk be talking to the parameter here description contains no not description sorry destination click the wrong destination equals and then this is where it's actually going to have my destination parameter right here okay so I'll go ahead and save that and go back to my travel request list and I'll refresh this and it's going to look the same it's not gonna look the same because it's filtering now that I can do like question mark a destination equals Austin and now whoa yay go flap it's uh it's showing me a quick filtered list of items you know that are Austin destination is Austin now where this link would come from and I've had you know a lot of different sort of custom business solutions that we've done this in many different ways you guys are in the room you guys can shout it out to think of different ways that we've done this in the past but one of them would be to create a custom hyperlink on like if you have like a list of cities or something like that that's just another list in SharePoint and make it so that when you click that city it takes you to this particular view or have a dashboard that's got multiple other things related to Austin where destination equals Austin is passing that information till several different lists all on that same web part page can't think of some other than want to just mention anybody well I use it from an interactive map where the interactive map will you know have I'm Pro lately we're going to state these destination in the math we can click on first in URL yeah I need to demoed that in the last power hour right or one or two power hours ago some of that no you did I have no memory of such thing okay your demo dear little your map but it was it was related to something different but okay um I'm going to show what that could look like so I'll go ahead and create at a nap I'm going to create a custom list real quick and I'm going to call it locations and of course you could have like in state and all these different things I'm just going to make it super simple and I'm just gonna put a word in there so I'll just put Austin and of course I could have gone into datasheet view I'll just put a couple more in there real quick just for fine that's good random list of cities okay so then you would want to if you wanted you know you can have off the column here that would just have a hyperlink in it that would take you to that custom dashboard or custom view you could have you could do something really fancy you could have another way would be to have a custom action here that would take you to a certain view that pass as a parameter we did a whole power hour on custom actions but there's there's a limitation with pushes of custom actions because you can only use like a certain little set of parameters that it gives you and not just kind of any word that you want to so that's kind of nice thing about having this this query string concept and just creating a hyperlink from it is that you're not as limited with as you are with the custom actions what were some of the things quarry that you can do with custom actions like you can send the item ID yes you can sit in the item ID I had pulled up yeah he did it's okay you just shattered out you find it um so what I'm gonna do in this list real quick is I'm gonna create a new column and I'm going to call it link I'm gonna custom link or whatever whatever you want to call it button I don't know and then I'm gonna make it a hyperlink so first of all I'm just gonna manually put a link in here so I have that custom view that I created over in my trip my travel site where did it go oh it's not in my travel request is not in my recent anymore so what I'm going to do real quick is edit links take travel request and drag it over here hit save that's a quick way of adding it to the quick launch go to travel requests and I just need the link to that view see right here so I'm going to take that and copy it and then I'm going to go over to my locations list and just manually I'm just going to manually add a link for now just to show you the concept question mark destination equals Austin and that's very ugly so hold on let me and you can add so you can put list ID in there as a parameter you can put the site URL source URL different things like that okay so in this one I just want to be the word I want it to be the name of the thing and that what like the title that isn't one of the options that you can do in the custom action so here's what I did I just manually created a hyperlink and watch this I'll click it and look at that it takes me to this filtered list of of items that are for Austin so hopefully I'll get the gist now I could create a workflow that creates a hyperlink automatically when I create a new location that would just say you know it just would put the name of you know the title of whatever the item is as part of that that URL right here I think I actually created that wrote a whole blog post about how to how to configure a hyperlink through a workflow how to make it a look look a certain way there's certain there are certain little things that I want to show in this demo but I don't want to go off on too many tangents so the concept here is that you could have a hyperlink and you could make it so that the workflow generates the hyperlink and if I don't want my users to interact with that hyperlink I could hide that field from the forum so they're going to see it in the view and they're going to be able to click on it but they're not going to be able to like fill it out when they're filling out the form so I can do that by turning on content types and just going to that whatever that content type is in here go to custom link and hide it we did a whole bunch of this type of stuff with content types in my HR onboarding set of videos as well so now when someone goes to add a location to this list they're just typing the name of the location and then the workflow could generate the hyperlink another thing that you can do would be to create a like a date of your wet part of this list and make it so the hyperlink is just something that is displayed in the date of your web part based on a field in here but is not necessarily a hyperlink itself isn't necessarily a field I might be able to get into that in this demo we'll see if we have time at the end Laura I put that blog post in the chat window for you to put in the showcase ok cuz I can't oh I did put one of them in there this is a different one that's the workflow create hyperlink okay cool alright there it is okay so now it's in the showcase okay so what I'm gonna do next is I showed you how to go open up create a list using a certain style and then open up that in SharePoint designer and just quickly add a parameter to it the next thing I'm going to show you is the ability to create a custom form and be able to pass a parameter to it now I did write a blog post about that and that's the first one that I did that first link that I posted Josh says any plans to do a project online episode I don't personally know anything about project online but maybe if any of you guys do you can I don't we don't really deal with project very often but it's a good idea we'll keep it in mind all right next thing I do is create a custom form so as in the new form so that I can pass a parameter to it now what I'm going to do is I'll create a custom page first I'm just going to create a page and my pages just my site pages library now I'll show you one that I already created and then I'll create one from scratch so this is going to be my custom form page I just created like half an hour ago before it was doing this demo and it's like question mark trip program equals conference and it's C and it's passing from whatever's in the query string up here it's passing it to this trip type field so that's this is the result of the thing I'm going to show you how to do with this custom form all right so custom forms concept we can do them with we can customize forms with InfoPath but we can still kind of also customize them in SharePoint designer if you know how to kind of finagle your way around that big mess of looking at a code code and flying blind alright so I'll create a new page you can always just go to a site pages library in a team site and just create a new web part page that way custom form to this would be like you call it new form or new trip or something like that ok and then once I've created it I'm just going to exit out of that mode and I'm going to go ahead and go over here to SharePoint designer and open it up there and hit edit file and this is where it gets ugly okay so this is just a blank web part page in SharePoint designer and these are my web part zones so just real quick little primer on wet part zones I want to show you what they are see up here header left middle right footer those are called web part zones so that's what you can see in here see the names of them like that I'm gonna put my I want to put my webpart in the header one I guess so I can just put my cursor in between these little zone template things it's pretty much the only place that lets you put your cursor because everything else is yellow and it doesn't let you click in there so I just hit enter a couple times now watch this see if I go to the insert tab why this stuff is grayed out but watch if I just hit the Save button all of a sudden this stuff lights up so that's another like real important tidbit is that if you go in here and you're not able to click buttons a lot of times just hitting the Save button like the buttons up just weird little nuance there so new item form custom list form and this is where I want to pick which list in my site I want to create a custom form for so like travel requests and I only have one content type but theoretically you can have a different form for each different cut if you had multiple content types this is going to be a new item form and I'm sure whatever I'll show it the standard toolbar and then it puts all this stuff in here and now here's my form all this garbled e I now want to be able to pass a parameter to it so just like I did in that other web part I created a parameter so I'll just create a parameter here call it destination Ram and then I'll say destination like that they add the part oops I didn't put it I didn't make it a query string that's important so the part that I put in right here the word is going to be the part like question mark destination equals so this is the word that it will expect for me to be using in my URL and I'm sending that parameter okay and then I could put a default by if I wanted to all right so now I have a parameter now I need to pass the parameter to the destination field so the destination field is really originally when I created this list it was the title field so in here it just says title like that's that's the word that I'm going to see in here whatever the name of a field is when you first create it that's what it's going to show when you're dealing with date of your webparts how do you know that like how do I know later on maybe somebody else created this list and I have no way of knowing what what they did you know what they called the fields originally I can go to my list settings and oops that's really zoomed in alright and I can see destination see when I hover over it you see at the very bottom of the screen it's got this field equals titled so any anything that I hover over in here and I see field equals in the URL that's what it was originally called when when the column was created that's why I tried it when I create columns I try to create them with nice me names not using a bunch of weird characters because I've ever have to deal with it in a dataview web part then it's easier to deal with and it doesn't have like all this big ugly stuff like that with a space alright I've got my title field and I want to pass the parameter to it so what I'm going to do is look at my blog post that I wrote on how to do that when I wrote it in 2010 and here's the field so this is the title field and I'm going to change this part to now the way I did it when I wrote this blog post in 2010 was really easy I went to the insert tab and I chose a text box like this when you do that in 2013 nothing happens at least I wasn't able to make anything happen so I'm going to manually type this stuff in here so instead of SharePoint form field it's going to be a SP spots and then run at equal server and let's see field name equals title and then I have to add in here text equals so this is going to be the default value hex is the default value so text equals and I wanted the default value to be whatever parameter I'm passing to it right so I go into a dollar sign and then my nation per round so whatever I named the parameter is what I have to type here so this is important actually did this wrong when I was practicing this in the you know demo a few minutes just a few minutes ago right before this I wrote like had destination per M was the name of the parameter and then destination I wrote the wrong one in here so let me see I'll just save this and show you what I'm talking about because this will give you a big giant a webpart error when you try and view your page like that okay so I've got parameters C destination per Ram is what I called it and the query string variable is just the word destination so you have to put the actual name of the parameter in here okay makes sense now let's see if this actually custom form to get rid of all this stuff here just want to refresh this page I'm just gonna refresh it with no sending no parameter to it look how cool that is a custom form alright and it's pretty kind of ugly but watch this and see okay golf clap let's see Oh al says my company doesn't use publishing sites as a posh little wiki page as well this is a web part page this is not a publishing site I recommittal with wiki pages I just absolutely cannot stand wiki pages I like webpart pages instead so I recommend creating a web part page yeah so if you you can actually just create a whole document library and just have webpart pages in it if you wanted to ow when you create a new document library click the advanced button for the template selection instead of using like Microsoft Word just choose a webpart page and that way you could have a whole library where you could just create webpart pages for purposes like this like dashboards or you could just go to the existing site pages library and do the new drop-down and it will give you a webpart page alright so that's how I can pass a parameter to a form pretty cool all right okay now what I'm going to do is maybe I can put them together so let's let's look at a couple other things that we can do here in the date of your web part potentially you still you have some of this stuff like you have this inline editing concept now inline editing is not going to work very well for just a single item inline editing something that used to be in SharePoint 2010 that you could turn on just in the regular view settings in the browser but then that doesn't exist anymore in 2013 in your view settings I actually want to show you in another way that you can do inline editing in SharePoint 2013 so I'm going to go ahead and take when I take this form first of all and I'm going to export this webpart off to a file alright and then it's gonna have me save this dot web part I think I can do this from the browser too I can go to the top right corner of that web part and hit export but I'm just gonna save this to my desktop web part and I'm gonna call it custom and now I can take that and put it somewhere else in SharePoint so let's go to my so I created it on a web part page so that's another good use for webpart pages as you can create it there and then you know implement it somewhere else I can create another web part page and put that like that view that I created for travel requests that has just the old-school view I can put that on a webpart page and also that form let me do that real quick so I'll just create a new web part page I'm going to take this form though and show you the other way that I can export a web part like that you can't do this export thing on regular 2013 views that aren't this like this old-school view so I just showed you how to export a web part from within SharePoint designer and I show and I'm showing you how to export a web part from within just the browser in order to go it didn't like prompt me to save it or anything that's not normal oh there it goes save as and put that on my desktop - okay now I've exported these two web parts now I'll create a nice neat another what I love webpart pages and I'll just call it like a dashboard or something test dashboard and I'll put it in my site pages so whenever you create a web part page it lets you put it in whatever library you want - okay add a web part and I'm going to go import one of those web parts I created and then I put on my desktop our request is the list upload and then I got a add hit add web part again and add it to the page and let's see what that looks like alright so there's my I'm not passing a parameter yet right then I'll add another web part and I'm going to upload the other one custom travel and that's my form and then I'll show you that in the line editing thing which one was it and you know what I'm going to do is sometimes if you just refresh these then it'll clear out that little upload thing to refresh my page there we go upload custom travel that way I'm gonna know I have the right one and I don't have two things in there with to it with the same name okay now I just got a drag that one up above the other one okay if you can't drag web parts you can go into the settings like if it's taking up too much space and you can't like see to be able to move them up and down you can change the zone index and it will move it up and down for you another little tidbit not rearranging webparts okay now I've got the list and the forum let's try passing a parameter to it to dashboard question mark destination equals and magic happens let's see hey look at that okay so now it's showing me the travel requests related to Austin and it's also giving me the ability to quickly create a travel request that has the destination of Austin now I can also go and I show it in my blog post that you can go hide like if you don't want them to see that like in a redundant way like you don't want them to have to see Austin in that box when you're passing the parameter then you can go hide it saying visit you can do this style visibility equals hidden because you don't want to delete the whole field because then you wouldn't be able to pass the parameter to it but that's another thing that you can do to hide it from the forum so they wouldn't see this part makes sense any questions I'll let you guys type your questions and I'm going to go on to the whole inline editing thing see if I can remember how to do this okay I'm going to create another new page in my pages site pages also any questions about how you would pass the parameter as well okay a part page and this is going to be test inline editing this one that this is the one the part that I have the least polish out of all this so bear with me here okay site pages and I have to refresh that no don't make me refresh it okay that that wasn't too painful okay and at the file and go mm-hmm it's a certain way that you have to insert your list in here so I'm going to try to insert my try as the keyword here I'm going to try to insert my travel request list in here as with the inline editing which means that you would be able to have you know all of your rows of data and you would be able to control which feels some someone could like it's kind of like datasheet view but you have tighter control over what fields on people are going to be able to edit there okay yeah that's the pain of refreshing apparently office 365 is it takes five minutes does anybody have any examples or uses or questions about inline editing or like you used to use it for something and then it disappeared or maybe people didn't like it in 2010 that's why they removed it or maybe they couldn't figure it out get it figure out how to make it work with HTML I'm not sure okay we keep trying here click on something else and click back and maybe it'll come back um so what I've done already is I showed you how just a regular view a 2013 just lister library view when you open it up in SharePoint designer it's very limited as to what you can do can't really do anything to in SharePoint designer but then if you create like this old-school view not using the default style then you can do a little bit more with it so now I'm going to show you yet another way like even more old-school old old-school way that you can insert a list on here and then it's very ugly it's not very ugly but it's it looks different it doesn't have the pretty polished look that some of the newer stuff has all right insert seat remember we're going to hit the Save button to make it give me some stuff here date of U and then I'm gonna do let me think I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do a I'm gonna try this I don't remember if this was the right way to do it though to source details yeah I know that wasn't it I have to go into test inline editing and it file in Advanced Mode and then here's my webpart zone okay so to figure out the right place to put my cursor have to put it inside of a here and see if it gives me what I need here yes I want to break it away from the site definition see it looks like I'm getting more here oh come on good work so this should give me a list of all my lists and libraries right here and that is what is going to give me the ability to do like this whole different way of doing a date of you I tried the other day to go in here like I created data sources and I was trying to do figure out a way to do like in 2010 and like the older versions of SharePoint I was showing how to you can create data sources off of Web Services and then create a data view web part off of a web service and be able to show that in there but for some reason it doesn't really work like that and it doesn't let you do that anymore I couldn't get it to work Oh another thing that's real important that I wanted to point out I wrote a whole blog post about it about the hack so once 23 point 2013 came out in SharePoint designer 2013 I wrote a blog post about this hack that you can still open and do dataview webparts in SharePoint 2013 using SharePoint designer 2010 and then they came out with a fix later like a just sort of Windows Update that breaks that so and then when you try to open up a 2013 page in SharePoint designer 2010 it doesn't work anymore the hack to that is basically you have to uninstall and reinstall SharePoint designer 2010 and then it will let you open up and do dataview webparts in SharePoint 2013 and you can actually see what you're doing but then the next day the next time your computer gets updates it will break again and you have to uninstall SharePoint designer 2010 and reinstall it again so that's what I've done in like one or two cases where I absolutely needed to like somebody you know the customer was using SharePoint 2010 and upgraded and I need to go and make a couple of tweaks to a dataview what a part or something like that that's what I've done in the past um Laura I put the link that Anna was asking for in the chat window okay let's see um old-school dataview oh I did a Power Hour on dataview webparts no wait this is this is today's I was gonna say I didn't do a Power Hour on comdata V webparts yet alright um okay so what I'm gonna do is insert my list now that it actually will let me do it I think this is the right no it's not see certain things don't light up in here but it might just because I don't mind my cursor in the right place but I don't think it is say it's like this very weird sort of like it's buried in there and once you get to it you'll see inline editing in here it's it'll actually show in the ribbon um hold on me I was just gonna flip over to the zine tab real quick if you guys are on SharePoint 2010 though and you wanted to do inline editing there's I just want to kind of point out real quick if you're doing this and you can actually see what you're doing and you you can go to this little data view preview thing and when you have inline editing turned on it will have actual options here to edit what the different inline editing screens look like like when you're editing an item versus displaying an item and stuff like that it'll have those as options so then you can actually see what that edit in line item page will look like and go and go modify it this is another thing you can do like the no matching items template you know how when a list or library has that little like if you have nothing showing in your web part or on your view it says there are no items in this view you get a little message that this little no matching items template is how you can go modify what that message says - so you can go to that template and then I do that so me hit undo real quick and um try this other way help them see here my here's my travel request right here so when I went to insert my data in here it gave me now it's got my current datasource travel request so here's what I'm going to do I'm going to put my cursor back where I had it I'm gonna put my cursor over here okay see in the datasource details I'm gonna pick my destination um my trip start trip in requester and setting up requester trip type status I'll do that insert selected fields as okay here it is so I have multiple item view right here or I have multiple multiple item form multiple item form is going to be if I want everything to automatically be in line editing so I'll show you what that looks like I'll do multiple item form and then I'll do one where and I'll just preview it for you real quick and then show the other one so hits a see there's inline editing now and oh gosh no it doesn't like that I did I promise I've got mr. work before um so didn't I did um multiple item view so I hit undo so let's do that again let's see I'll just do destination make sure it works see and insert see this looks more like what we've dealt with like back in the days of SharePoint 2007 this is like a whole different code set here I'll save that like I said this part is the most the least polished out of this whole demo that I was going to do um yeah that didn't work oh crap I think it has to do with the page too like the actual page that I'm on let me try that real quick I've got like three minutes left what the heck why not okay go to site pages I'll do a new page just an aspx page like that and um yes I want to open an advanced mode yes I want to insert a webpart zone got to have a webpart zone those are important web part here's the beginning of my web part zone and insert date of you know I'm gonna go over here destination just I'm probably confusing the hell out of everybody and save and hit f12 to try and do that in the browser no it doesn't I put it in the wrong place like this webpart manager is supposed to be first and I inserted it in the wrong place see so you don't know enough about code so this webpart manager has to be there first it looks like this webpart zone doesn't have like an end to it is that I imagine think now here line 20 is your end so that needs to be under the web part manager thing now the web part manager should be should be able to just and wherever it says the web part zone can only exist in our page will contain must be placed before any web part zones but when it generated it it didn't put it before exam you should be able to just move that up above that's stupid why wouldn't it just put it in the right place okay thanks Ryan a lot of times that Auto inserting code is inserted wherever your cursor is on the page but not all it oh okay that's why I like design view a lot yeah Oh Anna Anna what and Lovelace wants to know if you could at some point in the future do a version of this where you're doing aggregation of into this kind of data view from multiple libraries or lists use the content search web part I'm serious like don't try and do this cuz just use the content search web part in 2013 because there's no reason to go through all this pain okay here this is very ugly this has no master page I just created a blank SPX pahc so this is very ugly but it shows me my fields at least all right so what I would do with this is I would take like I could take this webpart and I can turn on inline editing I've got it's time to stop so I could say like show edit item links and then when I turn on inline editing see I can go to this edit template and that will give me the code for what it looks like when I'm editing a row so and I can also just probably insert the master page to ask attach the master page to it right Ryan so it will look prettier yeah all right well we're gonna wrap it up okay next week Kevin you give a little brief synopsis of what you're doing next week while I keep playing with this next week we're going to be talking about having the ability to implement global navigation across my collections via managed navigation managed metadata navigation okay cool yeah it doesn't want to attach my master page so let me just show you real quick what inline editing looks like and see it's got the little remember this from previous versions so the trick though with the inline editing is that I can edit something and I can type you know if I can change what the value is in these fields but with the little edit template thing in here in SharePoint designer I had the ability to edit actually what fields are editable and stuff when they are editing them inline like I didn't know that probably doesn't make sense but if I take this webpart and just export it out then when I go put the web part on some other page in SharePoint it it will look normal it will look pretty like it won't have that big ugly white thing I don't think I really have time to do that but I can try real quick go to my site pages and just go here and see if it lets me insert that wet part that I just created I think that's kind of what I did in my web part hack web part did it be web part hack thing what blog post said I wrote when 2013 first came out I wrote about how and you know how it looks really ugly when you're doing it like that and how to attach the master page and how to export the web part and stuff like that so let's try that now it's not gonna look perfect see it's not going to look like an actual like a regular view that you're used to but at least they're your fields and there's your little inline editing so now I can go edit this row real quickly yay finally golfclap so that's in line editing and that's how you do it it's just it uses the very very not the old-school 2010 but the old-school like 2007 type of web part where you have to like dig through here and hack into it and figure out a way to let you insert it so that it actually will have some of those options that you don't have the end with the other ones all right let me answer a couple of questions real quick if you guys have to go to meetings or something feel free to leave but um Carlos says can you use the no items template to show nothing if the list is empty yes or you can make it so show something like a specific message of yours that you wanted to say it's just harder because you're in code view doing it and says could you do it dataview or whatever you to use showing to libraries and one view yes but I would not do that I would use the content search web part and just put the URLs just put both URLs in the content search web part then go look at that on Power Hour I did on how to make a content search web part look more like you know like a library or something and we just display template but dataview webparts merging to libraries is possible but it's a huge pain and I really don't recommend it yeah so yeah that is a very common thing that people want to do though is display multiple libraries in in one web part that makes sense hopefully yeah I think I did a one of my old dataview webpart videos on how to do like on how to put together multiple data sources in one I just don't number off the top of my head which one it was but Wow still 24 viewers that's awesome and we went over so thanks everybody for coming next week I'm going to be in the MVP summit in Seattle you know Redmond and Microsoft and Kevin's gonna be doing his Power Hour then so I won't be here I'm gonna miss it but you guys have fun without me and thanks everybody for coming
Channel: SharePoint at Rackspace
Views: 21,085
Rating: 4.5333333 out of 5
Keywords: HOA
Id: ze5xIVd3q_I
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Length: 64min 15sec (3855 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2015
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