Shape Up Your Design With Creative Fabrica's New Shapecloud Feature!

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hey everybody y'all hear your sponsor hey everybody how are you y'all heard him down there doing the most hey Kelly a hey my creative blessings let me change my name to I'mma have the longest username in the history of usernames it's going to be long hey Victoria's Creations hey Sharon and Nina's Stitch and styles and lato and Tama and Delle and Daisy and Princess and J Miss JB and Marilyn and Patrice and Sheila and a Wanda and ab and Valencia hey everybody so hopefully y'all had a chance to see the go and um I'm going hey Tracy I'm so happy Tracy it's for you hey Greg hey Louise hey Jennifer never heard of it I Jennifer we gonna blame Terrell I never heard of it either until he was like what is creative Fabrica studio and I was like let me show you let me go look because I don't know hey from Australia hey Dorene and Tammy and hey everybody hey Marshall so this is the goal and um y'all I've been playing around with it a lot a lot lot lot lot lot because you know like the possibility ities really I think crafter say all the time like the possibilities are endless like okay down there getting on my nerves Chris down there getting on my nerves down there getting on my nerves that's where he is yeah I can't wait to share I can't it's a lot okay but let me give you my disclaimer if uh this is your first time joining anybody's live um normally Terrell this is your fault we blame you Terell this is Terell y'all let me that's Terrell we blame Terell who do we blame Terell let's say it together [Music] Terell hey from wi Garten he does need his space he needs a farm or to live somewhere in Sunny South Florida hey Miss Victoria we blame Terell okay that's who we blame Terrell okay okay so back to um my disclaimer so when people are alive um doing like a live crafting tutorial and when I say people I mean me I am people um it's interactive and it's not so structured okay it's not like we start we do the craf and we go it's not that okay so if that's not what you're looking for like that ain't it like I just want to see the crowd get to the end and go what I need you to do right now is go ahead and like the video go ahead and do that go ahead and do that like the video and then wait for me to make like a just a tutorial okay because some people love lives and some people prefer a recorded tutorial a recorded tutorial is structure you're going to get straight to the point you're going to get to the end it might be 15 minutes live crafting event is and I and it's an event honey okay it's an event we are having a what event tap your neighbor and say Event Event okay just want you to know that Jen me too thank you Lita I love you too okay first time being able to attend a live okay Jay Smith you got one more time to say check that out and then you're gonna be in timeout because we're not doing it okay we're not doing self-promotion people don't like that people do not like that okay so there's your warning J Smith okay all right okay we ready y'all ready I have a special guest do y'all want to see my special guest do you want to see my special guest do you want to wait hold let me get my Breer because that makes the best microphone hold on do you want to see my special [Music] guest and it's not Milo okay all right let me let me give my special guest we have to mute you for one second you gonna be shocked [Music] m okay are we here that's my special [Music] guest can y'all hear me look look what he's wearing look can y'all [Music] see so he's wearing the design can y'all see that y'all see it can you see the design he's wearing it on a hoodie thank you Husband thank you Terell say save him Bae he's a guy see hey Kathy so if you saw the thumbnail you saw that um I made the heart and I had like our names in it and I had different colors and I had everything that I guess symbolizes our marriage so I had my name his name matrimony uh love commitment blessed um I don't remember what the word were and when he saw it he was like I really like that he said and I would love for you to make one for me but now he's making me sweat cuz I'm hot um but he was like I just want it small like just right on my like above my heart because that symbolizes love and so I was like okay I can do that and so I did and all I did was because you can download the design any way you want and um I just download loaded it and I made it like small like this see that can you see it hopefully y'all can see it so it's like all the words so it's like um right here it says Peter and danda but in some places it says danda and Peter because sometimes my name needs to be first first his name don't always have to be first thank you and so this is just um Caeser easy color DTV because with this you don't need a you don't have to have a sublimation printer right you can just you can just use a reg your regular inkjet printer so that's what I used to make this was Caesar easy color DTV this stuff right here okay so so I'm going to make one for myself but I'm going make mine big because I need to make a statement okay it's got to be a statement that's it okay so y'all ready we good everybody got the goal all right and you know that sometimes we laugh sometimes we do sometimes I almost broke out into a song but I don't need to do it yeah because Jen with that you don't have to have a sublimation printer you can just use your regular inkjet printer hey darling delanda Patrice that's me okay y'all ready bigger is better yes okay y ready thank you Renee I appreciate that y'all my song hasn't been feeling good hopefully he go get something to eat though thought he was coming out of his room okay on a mug you can really put it on anything yeah but I'm not in the choir Patrice that's not my Ministry that is not my Ministry so now let me say this y'all about creative Fabrica because there let me because I want to say this before we get in get started with everything thank you Angela with creative Fabrica um yearly all access subscription it really says what it is right yearly you pay one time for the whole year right so last year when I um upgraded my subscription to the yearly all access before I did that I was paying a monthly fee so every month on the same day of the month let's just say for example was I don't know October 5th or you know then November 5th and December 5th and January 5th every month they would take their money out of my account well when I upgraded my account last year to the yearly all access subscription my my account was charged one time and it was $596 okay it's linked below the video EJ's daughter it's I Pro it's linked below the video but it's called Caesar easy color DTV now this pack is not linked below the video because this is 50 sheets I got this from heat transfer Warehouse you might not want to buy 50 sheets you might just want to buy 10 sheets and you can get those from Amazon okay okay so thank you for you can I know CJ spice so like when I looked at it this year or let me can I just be honest I know sometimes I'm too honest sometimes I'm too honest you want to see it again see that this is a 50 pack hey Miss Williams so this is a 50 pack you probably don't need a 50 pack I mean but you do what you do you might want a 100 pack or 300 pack and they don't even make it okay let me tell you about my honesty sometimes I I I'm too honest with I know that but gotta be who you are to thine own self be what true okay when I saw the email from creative Fabrica about their uh Black Friday deal I just ignored it like I ignored a lot of other Black Friday deals I'm not even going to lie I'm not I was just like H whatever and um then I saw it again and I was like $47 but I paid $59 so then I was like let me just look at it and it was like oh you can renew for $47 I'm like well let me go ahead and do it because yeah that's a good deal I'm Gonna Save money instead of paying 59 I'm gonna pay 47 and my subscription was set to renew this year anyway so I was like okay I'll do it and so then when I noticed that I shared it with my Facebook group that the price had they were offering this like amazing Black Friday deal and they had put put the information out before Friday so it was not Black Friday it was black Thursday or whatever day blue Thursday orange whatever day you want to call it right so I was like man this is really a good deal then Terrell wherever Terrell is wherever ter Terell is Terell Terell right there on the screen that's Terell with the T we're gonna say hey to Terell Terell said well what is creative Fabrica Studio but once again I had not paid attention to everything I I just saw 47 that thing could have said you get 47 donkeys and baby I would have had 47 of them do you understand me I wasn't paying attention to what the 4 7 was I just saw 47 and I knew it was less than 59 but Terell read it y'all hear him Terell took the time to read it so good for you Terell go start for Terell okay he is doing the most okay just want you to know that so then he said what created fabric student I'm like I don't know let me go check so I went to go look at it again look at my email and see what I had actually paid for and I was like oh my gosh it came with all this stuff let me see what this stuff is because I had already shared the link I had already shared the link I had already said this is the this is the price it went down I never looked at what was included with the link I'm just telling you and then I started looking at like oh my gosh your St is good so not only did the price go down but they added more stuff creative Fabrica y'all better be giving sharing is caring creative Fabrica thank you yeah so I was very happy about that let me um I might have to get him because he is doing the what most he is doing the most one second y'all he is and honey that's that's how my singing well my singing used to sound like that but my singing is so much better now it is like so so good I'm not even going to lie but if you are interested in um if you are interested in renewing I be that'll be great if you use my link uh let me make sure I Shar it in the chat again okay so there's that all right so we good now oh Lord so the only thing I haven't decided is if I want to do one year or two but for right now I just did one Darlene you did too okay good we I'm not what Michael jckson say You are not alone I thought just had a scrunchy I am here with you you don't know how to use a new stuff okay Terell you g to put that K in there with it all right why with me you want to do it I want to do it all right so this is the goal right and let's get into um looking at it okay oh you were excited G if you did it twice okay we good all right I'm going to go to the computer and pull it up so I can show you but I might have [Music] to get with your friend your sponsor because he is doing the what most okay hey Erica okay share screen creative Fabrica let's see how let me make it bigger let me hide that comment so if you go to the creative Fabrica website let me make this let me make it bigger full screen okay so if you go to their website right now like even though I've already upgraded one time they still have this banner up here to ask me if I want to like add more but I don't not at this moment so I've already upgraded for one one additional year um and I I haven't decided if I want to do it again so what you have to do I'm looking over here what you have to do when you go to the creative Fabrica website is you are going to go to this option right here for tools right and if you haven't decided yet like if you're like I'm not sure if I want to do it like I'm not sure if it's worth it please trust and believe it's worth it it's worth $47 because really you're paying $3.99 a month and you're not having to worry about it coming out of your account every single month because there might be a month where you don't have 3.99 right like do I want to buy eggs or do I want to have creative Fabrica you don't want to have to make that decision okay you want to just have it right now okay so right here we're going to go to tools and I'm going to this thing right here called font I mean shape Cloud it is more than worth it that's true okay go to shape cloud and you'll see it it's going to come up with an automatic like a default design that looks like this okay this y'all let me go get him let me stop sharing for one second and go get him cuz he doing the what most he gonna be right here on this door okay let me get him for one second I'mma let him say hi to y'all and he gonna be right there on the thing he is doing the the most Talk Amongst yourselves about life say hi to the people go ahead say hi you making all that noise and now you got nothing to say Lizzie say hi Darlene say hi Renee say hi donzelle everybody say hi cuz you were doing the most now you don't look away don't look away you over there trying to act brand new that was not acceptable that was not acceptable Patrice made you a gift you over here acting like that you're acting like that nobody likes that H Roxy was going to be your girlfriend now she might change her mind she don't want no boyfriend that's always crying she does not want a boyfriend who's always crying all right let's go back ham Mercy ham Mercy I mean really okay so we are on the site or what I did to get here was I went to the menu at the top and I went to tools and I looked for shaped cloud y'all got that part go to the main page go to tools and go to shape Cloud poor Milo poor me yes y'all come on like the video now okay all right so now once you're in here what I started doing was first I paid attention to what was up here like where I'm hovering with my mouse and so you can see the first word these this these numbers right here one two three four five that's the order of the way it was typed in so if I delete all of the things that are there unless you type the word Christmas that's what's going to be in the center okay so the first word obviously every time you open it up it's GNA look just like this and the first word is always going to be creative so if I'm let's just say I delete this first word like's if I just click on this X and then I click update changes look at what it looks like first I haven't updated yet but Watch What Happens you see how Fabrica is the center now you see how the word Fabrica is the center I'm going to assume okay so same thing that now the word Fabrica is first and if I delete the word Fabrica and I click update changes then design is going to be in the center every time you make a change over here you just click update over here okay so let's just say I wanted to add a new word let's say I wanted to add danda which I mean why wouldn't I right and if I did that if I added my name and I click this little like a play button my name is there and it's fourth so my name is not going to be very big because it was like the fourth word right and then if I click update changes then you'll see that they're going to add my name but it's small you see my name okay it's in there but it's small now if I wanted my name to be big what I would have to do is delete this this other stuff like I would have to delete design I have to delete crafters and I'd have to even delete shap cloud and let's say I wanted to add new words but I still want my name to be like the center right and so if I'm thinking of ways to describe myself I might say I'm a shopper um I'm retired I'm a mom I'm a wife um I'm a sister daughter right so I'm just giving you some examples and then if I click update changes my name is going to be big and everything else is going to flow around it okay how y'all feeling so far you know I have to check that I'm not sure little Kiki well I think it's new but somebody said they somebody say it's been here but I didn't see it okay y'all understand that so far so the word that you want to be the center of attention that's the word you type first okay the word that you want to stand out the most is the word you type first okay all right so now let's just say I didn't want my name to be in this shape right because who wants their name to just be in a silhouette like I don't that's not what I want so what I started doing next after I played around with the words I looked at the shapes that they had available that's just how they did it to make it fit but if I didn't like it like that you know I could add another word and then just try to take it out like let's just say I added my name with a lowercase D right so let's just say I typed in danda because if you type type your letters or your words all lowercase then it's going to show up all lowercase but because I did a capital D it made me have a capital D okay so let's just say I type my name with a lowercase D and I click play and then I click update because every time you make a change over here you have to click update okay so it's going to add that lowercase D and it's in there but it's small it's hard to see it but it's in there okay and if I didn't like that big old danda like that like remember the word like if I delete the first word then the second word is going to become the main word I don't know why it's vertical they wanted it to still stand out okay now did you understand what I just said that if I delete the first word like the way I have danda if I delete that then the word Shopper is going to become the main word because whatever is first is the main thing what somebody say keep the main thing the main thing that's what Denzel said okay so if I delete this and I you know go to update changes then Shopper is going to become the center of attention okay see now they made shop or big they want you to be able to really understand it okay all right so now we understand the word part okay we understand the word part which shape would you use if you want to make a baby onesie let's we're going to look at that all right so now let's that right here they have some shapes that are already here and U let me stop sharing for one second they have some shapes that are already there that um I don't love them I didn't look at them and say you know what I love these I didn't okay I just wanted to put that out there okay we're going back in I just wanted to say that I wanted you to see I wanted you to see me when I say okay because I did not okay we going back in going I wanted you to know that all right okay so now they have some shapes let's look under miscellaneous they have a the the the um silhouette they have a star they have a house a sun there's like a medical a shoe music notes a boot a a flip-flop a key all all stuff nothing nothing that I would use use nothing no I would not use I would not I I would not use any of those I did not look at those and say you know what let me use this this boot this this rain boot I don't want to okay so but they also have other ones they have something for animals so they have a butterfly they have a turtle an elephant you know elephant when I think of animals that's the first thing I think of elephant okay no not really okay they have a um what's that an octopus or is that an octopus I don't know I don't know what that is they even have a kangaroo okay all right so then then they have let's see what they have for babies and kids they have a stroller and a a a bottle and some little feet and a duck and a little teddy bear okay and then let's see what else for basic shapes guess what they have all those shapes but they don't even have a they don't even have a heart okay there a jellyfish oh okay that's what that was see I don't know because I I W the only way I'mma ever see a jellyfish is on TV okay that's the only way that's is I'm going see it on the TV okay all right then you can go back to miscellaneous you got nature let's see what this is let's let's click update I'm not really sure what let's see what this is I don't know I don't know okay so they have this and then if you scroll down they have wedding here's wedding they have a um this this is wedding oh they have a bride and groom let's CL let's click that and they have a a wine glass and a gift box that's the bride and groom I the Sunbirds that's what that was oh okay and they have uh a cake n you still it's no heart oh they do have a heart that's not true they have this heart let's click that heart and see okay they have that I'm going to show you all right so then we understand the shapes so we've looked at the words we've looked at the shapes they have available you can look at the different fonts they have right because they have like let's just say I don't want this Pacifico font let's say I want this one called uh shella I think it's called shella one let's click update and see how that one looks yes Tracy I will so there's a different font and that one is very easy to read isn't that nice right I wouldn't use those words with that heart but I think it still looks nice okay so then if you scroll down you can select your color so like if you didn't like that blue you know like if you want it red right you can click update and it'll change it to red okay there it is we good so far than we good so far okay perfect Colleen said we're good okay so now we understand the words we understand the shapes we understand the font now I'm going to go back up here and I'm going to go to upload shape because I didn't see a shape that I loved right I didn't see one that I was like yes that is the one I didn't right so what you can do is Click right here on upload shape and you can click to select a shape so let's just say you haven't started here yet let me stop sharing for one second okay okay 47 47 donkeys honey not even monkeys donkeys um let's just say you know you haven't gotten into that yet or you are getting ready to start it and you already have an idea in mind my advice is to download a shape like go to creative Fabrica because you have the membership and finding SVG that you love so when I made this heart I went and found a heart that I loved a heart SVG you can't hear did the sound go out you can here okay so refresh Karen okay you can no you can't okay so what I had to do was download a shape first from creative Fabrica and then I used it in there I uploaded it in there because I didn't see a heart that I loved and I knew I wanted to use this okay now pay attention to the heart that you upload because you don't want an outline you want a full a full heart you don't want an empty heart you want a full heart okay okay we good okay so I'm going back in all right so I'm going to do that now another idea I had I shared these just two examples with my Facebook Facebook group earlier um I did like a if you were making a gift for a teacher right and you wanted to do something where you know you wanted to describe the attributes of that teacher or the characteristics of that teacher or the characteristics of teachers in general right you could say they're what they're nurturing they're caring they're loving they Inspire the kids um whatever words you wanted to use and what I did was I just went to creative Fabrica and I downloaded just a monogram Apple so that what I could do was add the characteristics and still leave space to add the teacher's name so the the whatever I put it on could be personalized okay you felt that Darlene right in the heart okay you understand what I'm saying so I'm gonna show you what I mean by that let me see if I can show you what I mean by that so let me go back to I'm going show you what I mean you can't he okay okay so let's say I go to do a search for let's say I just do a search for butterflies okay let me share my screen so y'all can see what I'm doing share right so I'm looking right here and I'm looking really for svgs because I don't need a PNG you actually can't upload a PNG you have to have an SVG okay your son my gamer needs a PlayStation controller I'm sure you can find that marshelle just by going to Google and doing uh Playstation clip art okay you could do a search for a Playstation clip art normally if I'm trying to find something that's not that I know is not going to be like in Creative Fabrica or somewhere like that you can do a Google Search and look for images so you would do your you know change your search to images and you will be looking for clip art and most of the time that stuff doesn't have a license okay all right so you know I'm looking for butterflies and I would not be looking at any of this stuff right here and I might even I search to just look for svgs right so I want to say like a butterfly SVG and I would just hit enter I wouldn't click on any of these I would just click on the enter option on my keyboard okay and then I would kind of look through these and see which one I like now I would like this one because I can see these butterflies are filled in y'all understand what I'm saying like I can look and I can see that this will be good now something like this would not be good because the words would not fill in on the these these that I'm hovering over you understand what I'm saying y'all understand what I'm saying right right here that I would not use these because the words wouldn't fill in you need a full image okay EJ's daughter said yes one person says yes and to me that's what everybody say yes okay so I mean I will use that or I might even use you know some of these I might use some of these and I might even choose something like this because I know in the middle I could you know personalize this if I wanted to or I might look for a butterfly monogram or something like that but you want to have a full image when you're doing this okay so let me see I will probably go ahead and get this one I'm going to go back to shape Cloud but let me stop sharing for one second how y'all feeling okay okay so I'm going to click download I I feel like I need to share this part does everyone in here know how to download does everyone in here and does everyone in here know how to download like do you know where your downloads go okay so like right here my downloads because I'm using a Windows based operating system it's up here right if I click this folder or this little arrow I have to double click on this and then I have to like oh there's a lot of files in there right so then hope I know y'all might not be able to see it but I would have to click extract all and what I do I danda what I do is I click browse this is what I do when I'm here when I'm alone in my room sometimes I stare at the wall that right when I'm here by myself right L J already told you okay I'll click browse and then I go to my creative Fabrica files folder because I have a folder that's just called creative Fabrica files that's what I do okay and then what I do from there is I create a folder in my creative Fabrica folder that has the same name as the file I'm downloading so how this one says butterfly SVG I just I name my folder that butterfly SVG butterfly whatever they call it that's what I call it silhouette whatever they call it that's what I call it and I just click select folder and then I click extract so then when the folder is being created is going everything is going to be there okay okay that's what I do every single time that way my files are always organized and I'm never trying to remember where did I get it from did I get it from design bundles did I get it from you know where did it where did it come from and I don't really buy a lot of stuff from Etsy that's just my personal preference if you buy a lot of stuff from Etsy what I would probably do is create folders based on the name of the store right so if you're buying stuff from Patrice and you buying it from Etsy you would name it craftable things if you're buying it from Maryland I would call it my making with Maryland file like that's what I would do now I don't buy a lot of stuff from SCB because it's it's Hit or Miss that's just my personal opinion all right so then I will come over here and I will see like see how I have a preview so I can decide which one of these butter FES I want so this is butterfly one um let's see butterfly two I don't like that one let's see butterfly three oh I don't like that one either let's see this one I guess I might have to go butterfly what I guess I'll go with that one I don't love it I don't really love that one oh I definitely don't love that one we'll go butterfly one all right so I'm going back back to my creative fabric I'm going back to my shape Cloud so I'm going to click right here right I'm going to click select the file oh let me click cancel see right here where it says allowed formats SVG it tells you right so I'm going to click file and I'm going to go to my what creative Fabrica files folder and what was that called Butterfly and I'm going to click on that butterfly one okay and it brought it in how did I set up the preview that's how it just is on my computer so Lita that's a great question because when I'm doing a preview I typically look for um the PNG or the PDF and it'll show me a preview good kalissa okay all right y'all good so now let's just say I love this right let's just say this is the one right I this is the one but these are not the words I want so I would you know I would really start to delete these but I'm also going to be thinking about what word do I want to be the main word what word is going to be the center of Attraction on my butterfly right together we can break production I think we're good I appreciate you but we I think we good okay I don't want to I don't want to be forceful okay okay all right so let's just say I don't want these right I don't want those words let me stop sharing for a second because I want to make sure y'all sometimes I just want you to hear me and understand what I'm saying when I look at those words right remember the first thing I said when we were looking at the words what was the first thing y'all make y'all didn't say my hair was sticking up thank you Lita what did I say about the words what did I say about the words what did I say about the words what did I say about the word the order matters that's exactly right Marilyn the first word is the center that's right that's exactly what I said so if I'm getting ready to change the words I really need to be thinking about what word do I want to stand out because the word I type first is going to be big and the word I type last is going to it's going to be there a lot but it's going to be so little that you can't see it I think that's why Peter was willing to wear that heart because my name is so little you can't even see it like where is it where does it say [Music] danda come on to him I'm on to him Peter I'm on to you buddy okay so what word comes to mind when you think about a butterfly what's the first word that comes to your mind yes what's the first word oh Chris Chris I could just see you embroidering that right now oh graceful y'all are great whatever word y'all let me get back over there to the screen let me get back over there to the screen myo don't be acting like that didn't sound good you better stop it okay so I'm going to type free and because Chris said free I'm going to type that in all caps I think that's going to be beautiful so I'm G to turn on my caps lock and type free right I'm going to do that and I'm going to delete this other stuff right and then Marilyn said graceful but I'm turning off my caps lock for graceful okay so I like graceful give me some more words what' y'all give me colorful uplifting oh these are good y'all are so good at this already oh my goodness uplifting y'all should have saw my little when I was starting to same like he was I saw a little jelty in his eyes okay what else changed okay I like that evolve oh y'all are so really really good evolve life beautiful okay let's just stop at beautiful okay so now we have our words we have our shape I'm not changing anything right here let's say we don't want to that that font let's say we want to look at some other fonts this one is called dancing script let's see if we like that let's see if we like dancing script oh transform is good too I can still add that Amanda see you can change it to that you see how they have free and it's big in the middle see how pretty that is let's look at some other fonts though they have this one called cookie let's see how that looks I don't like that one I don't really like that one that much let's see so they don't have a lot of fonts but guess what you can also add additional fonts right here where it says select your font you can add fonts that you love that you have you like some of us have favorite fonts like I love the font called chocolate and I love a font that's called Joseph sopia so if they don't have it I can always add it and I'm G I'll show you that in a minute but let's kind of look at these other ones okay rebirth oh y'all got some good ones so let's say let's say we want to go with this because I think this is pretty I think you can see it I think it really stands out but let's just say you didn't want it to just be red right because red is like uh you know but I don't want my whole design to be red right you can go right here to schema and then you can look at your options and you can decide what colors you want your designed to be this one is called Circus 3 and you can click update changes and then you can see what that looks like so you see that I think you have to use a shape so you see that and if you didn't like the colors like you could change it like you could look at the different options now I did not notice a way to change the um the the color options so it's kind of like you have to stick with what they give what they offer you there but all of these are nice that's pretty right woo that's kind of too Orange right so let's just say I wanted to add what was the word Amanda had a good word what was that word Amanda [Music] transform somebody else said rebirth so if I wanted to add that it's not too late and rebirth right and I can click update changes that would be nice as wall art yes okay so it's going to add those in and there it is look how pretty this is isn't this it's just I just love it so much I love it so much now I don't know about this pair of lemon Fizz but let's see how it looks woo they still pretty though okay so now let's just say you didn't like any of these fonts right and you just they just none of these you know like n this ain't it right you would have to know where your font is saved or you could download the font like right away but you would have to know where it is in order to upload it so if I click upload and I have to click select file I would have to go back to my creator Fabrica files and what folder would I go to I would go to my fonts my fonts are saved in if I got it from creative Fabrica it's in my creative Fabrica files folder and within that is in my fonts folder okay so my fonts are right here here is blessa I love that one but I also love this one called ardilla and I'm going to click on the open type but you can click on whatever you know floats your boat right and then let's see update changes and let's see how it looks now if you don't already know what oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no let's check boho that wasn't it y'all uh uh that was not it no no no no no okay let's see what boho is looking like and I have to change the colors because that was not it if you are just joining please remember to like the video that is awesome you might have to close out of the chat oh I love it oh my gosh oh my gosh I love this I love this I love this oh my goodness I might have to just make this y'all I didn't even think I I I oh my goodness I think this is gorgeous just I I so now let me tell you what I would do I I think this is very pretty is it it almost knocked me off my feet because I hadn't played around with these color combinations and I definitely had not played around with adding that font that font is called boho b o ho o and I got that from creative Fabrica now let me just tell you y'all know when I love something you know when I love something I really love it right you know like you know you already know like I'm gonna say I love it right like o I love it I love this a lot I love the color combination I love the font I love everything about it if if I really you know wanted to go forward with this I can click download design right and I can save it as a PNG as an SVG as a PDF or I can just save it as everything right I can just download all of the options and then I could take this to cricet design space and I could put it on what I want to put it on right so you have options right here but let me say this let me click I'm going to close I'm not going to download it yet if you're not sure about it right like if you think oh man maybe I have too many words I'm not sure about those colors or I'm not sure about the font and I want to check other color combinations what I suggest you do is make a note of what you have here like all of these words that you added like take a picture do a screenshot you know write down your colors write down your font you already know what shape it is but you would that's what I would do oh this might be hard to bling this might be a little bit hard to bling but I don't know I'm not the queen that Roslin okay okay so that's what I would do in case you wanted to come back to it and you didn't want to have to start again and like what did I say what were the words like I don't remember because once you click out of here is it's not going to save it here you have to save it somewhere else you have to use their color combinations je uh Gina I haven't seen an option to add color cuz I would have added my um my hex Co color my hex colors from my um from my logo but I didn't see that as an option okay so let's just see let's see what stone Beach looks like I have not seen an option to um add other colors you Pro this would be hard I think this will be hard to etch because of how small this is I think the easiest and this is just this is my my where's my shirt where in my opinion the easiest way to use this is to sublimate okay you probably could bling the outline yeah you probably could do that see I don't like this as much I don't like those colors as much this color is called this color combination is called fedra but like if you you know I thought about like doing the a you know a state like you could do the state of Texas right and think of all the things that represent Texas right look oh I don't like the color combination either the way they use that I'm not really feeling it Milo we not doing uh fake barking we're not doing it we're not doing fake barking we're not we don't like it we don't like fake barking okay we're not doing that okay oh Karen I was in it I was in this thing okay so I really like that first one and I'm going to go back to that and I'm going to it was called peir lemon Fizz I think and I'm going to uh download that and then I'm going to show you how I did that one for uh oh I like that's kind of pretty um how I did the one for Peter and I um if I made a mistake and clicked out of here this will be gone and I would have to start over I would use this on a white shirt you could put this on a bag you could put this I mean this is just so pretty so I'm going to click download design and I actually just want this as a PNG I don't want the whole thing right and then I'm just going to um close that I'm going to go right here to my downloads downloads and it's right there and I still have to save it where I look oh my God I could put this on a black shirt if I was using the Caesar easy color DT TV or I could put it on a white shirt if I wanted to use just regular sublimation you don't see that Boho on Creative Fabrica deina you don't you didn't hear the fake barking he like it was just fake it was it wasn't even real okay look how pretty that is OMG yeah got to be more careful all right so now I think so too I might have to see that maybe put on a black bag so now let's just say I was ready to you know make one the way I made it with Peter and I right so I will be thinking what's the main word I have not tried that but I'm sure people have I just haven't is there a breast cancer ribbon no but you could download one Amanda okay all right so if I'm thinking of you know one for Peter and I right I would the the center word to me is going to be love it also might even be happiness it might be um I'll get emotional y'all cuz and I'm trying not to but I won't I'm not I'm not I'm not going to get emotional I'm not let just going to type love and I'm going to type it with a capital l okay and I'm going to go ahead and add it and then I'm just going to start deleting this other stuff because I have my first word already and my first word is going to be love and I want it to have uh a capital l okay all right and then I want um Peter and danda and I'm going to hit enter and I also want danda and Peter now the further down you go with the um with your words like the order of the smaller it is I'll find it in one second deina okay so um marriage commitment um blessed um happiness I think that's enough okay and I'm going to change the shape I'm going to go to my hearts um I think I just still have that saved in my downloads let me show you something I'm glad we're we're here because I think I want to look at number four okay let me click that hold on I might have to change that font because boho doesn't offer um that symbol hold on let's try this and let's change this to let's see update see that's what an outline looks like you see that so you don't want I mean you might let me let me take that back you might want yours like this they do have all of the words except the words on the side um you know upright but I don't want mine like that I want mine to be filled in okay but that's a matter of what personal preference so I'm going to change that shape because that's not the shape I want hopefully it'll let me oh gosh it might not let me let me see no I'm gonna have to start again because I'm just gonna click on anything for now hey Lucille try to word Freedom why would I add that oh it's not letting me even oh think I'm G have to start over think I'm have to start over because it wouldn't let me change my feeling for me to let me uh close that out and then start again just close out that whole page and start again because it wouldn't let me um change the shape so let me upload that shape first the heart um and I chose heart one okay let me go back and present and share Tire screen here Hide there there okay so this is I that I downloaded and if y'all interested in this exact heart this this heart that I'm using right here actually came with six different options and one of them was an outline so you might not I mean this is like if I go to my downloads it was it was like heart number one or something like that okay so um let me just go back and let me start adding my words I said I want my main word to be love and I'm going to start to delete all this other stuff so that love is the main word and I'll add in those words again Peter and danda um Dand and Peter um marriage commitment um blessed that actually might be enough let me see how that looks let me go to schema and change up the color scheme cuz I think I like Sea Wolf that's like my favorite color scheme see how that looks now I what I don't like m is the word love can you insert a photo in the heart I have not seen I have not been able to do that Marie now what I don't like is the word love in that color and in order to like kind of play around with it I have to either add a word or uh take a word out in order for it to change okay so let me show you what I mean by that so let's say I add the word um togetherness and I click update changes cuz I don't like that middle color I don't love that that's what I want that's what I want okay so this is the design I'm going to be downloading right now and I'm going to download this as a um as a a PNG okay and let me click download well actually I'm just going to download as everything I'm gonna click download all even though I don't really need the PDF I really don't need that PDF but I'll just take it anyway all right and then I'll double click here and I'll have to extract it when it goes into your downloads you have to extract it but you have to know how to get to your downloads okay I'm going to click browse going to go to my creative Fabrica files folder and I already have a folder that's called um shape cloud files so I'm g double click that and I'm going to have a new folder and it's going to be called Peter and danda and I'm going to click select folder and all three of these files are going to go into that folder yes they have becoming Dr York that is the truth ain't nothing but the truth all right so if I click on this PNG well here it is right here but let me see if I can um oh it's still opening okay there it is so there it is but it's going to show up on black but it's actually going to be on the white why do I choose PNG because this is going to be sublimated so an SVG is if like if I was using vinyl right if I wanted to cut this out with three different colors or however many colors though that is a vinyl I would use an SVG those are cut files but I'm not I don't want all of these I want this to be cut as one thing that's a very good question okay so let me stop sharing and see how y'all feel how y'all feeling are you feeling really really good are you feeling really really good cut perfect that's great all right so I'm going to put this I'm going to use a Caesar easy color DTV and I'm gonna put it on a black shirt okay I'm going to use this stuff I'm using my regular what how she say regular I'm using my regular printer this is not sublimation let's all say it together this is not sublimation this is not sublimation this is not sublimation I'm going to turn on my heat press you don't have to have a heat press like this you can use a quick and easy press you can use uh HTV HTV rot Auto heat press you can use a clam shell you use a swing away you can even use a household iron with this stuff okay now let me tell you what happens when people watch the replay people who are not here they're gonna say is that sublimation and I'm going to know they didn't watch the video all the way through I'm going to know that that's what I'm gonna know that's what I'm gonna know all right do y'all want me to do this in um cricet design space or do I mean will you understand how to upload do you know how to upload a design into CRI design space or can I just do with my Romeo is that okay is this thing on ber I agree with that Gina regular smug Romeo Jacqueline you gonna be putting timeout what's gonna happen to Jacqueline she's going to what timeout that's what going to happen to [Music] Jack that's what going to Happ can y'all see that let's see I'll do both but I'll I'll see let me do Romeo first Sometimes Romeo don't want to show up on the computer I don't know why let me stop and they share it a different way that's so weird that's roller roller word was that roll roll word my there's Mero okay so we're in Leonardo design Studio Leonardo Design Studio Leonardo Design Studio I'm going to click file I'm going to click open I'm going to go to my documents my creative Fabrica files my shape Cloud folder I'm going to go to Peter and delanda I'm going to select the PNG going to click open am I going too fast am I going too fast I'll do I'll do design space too but is this okay so far somebody said nope okay I think that mean note that I'm not going too fast or that's some little font everything is little okay so we're good okay so I'm going to click um background image I'm going to bring this in as a background image I'm going to click next all right and the reason why I'm bringing it in as a background image is because I am and I and I hope I upd design you uh you on Shenanigans um I am going to and I hope this doesn't confuse anyone I'm going to bring in a heart that I'm going to put behind this heart so they stay together so it stays in the shape of the heart I know I might confuse you right here but I'm you'll see why in a minute let me make this um light okay good in your head to silhouette oh I wish I knew silhouette but I don't so let me see what happens if I just try to uh send this right now send all artwork send let me go back let me see something um let me see what happens if I do that I just want to see something don't pay attention to this yet don't don't pay attention to this oh yeah no that's not what I want back yeah I don't want any of that oh no I don't I don't want that let me go all the way back okay okay so is is Peter in here what did he say Peter I'm gonna slap you when I get down the stairs and it ain't even October I'm gonna slap you right in the face this is gonna be hor po you even gonna see it coming okay okay so I'm bringing this down and let me tell you what I'm going to do so now remember I told you that this heart is a heart that I downloaded right what I'm going to do is um I'm going to make a bring in a heart that's the same size as this but not yet first I'm going to make this bigger because I want to um resize this as big as I can for 8 and a half by 11 right with Romeo all you have to make sure of is that you are inside these registration lines and as long as you're in within here you're good to go right so my page my paper size is8 and a half by 11 so let's see so I can see that I'm outside of it because it's red I'm gonna I'm gonna show you quick it but we're gonna do Romeo first so just one second okay so I think that's as big as it's going to let me go that and that's fine that's that's fine this is 6 this is 6.4 by 7.3 now I could make it longer or taller like this that's still not bad that's still nice I don't know if I love it but that's this let me go a little bit bigger okay so I think that's the biggest it's going to let me go okay so the size of this is 7.5 by 8 okay if I landscape I'm just keep it like this for now all right so now I hope this doesn't confuse you what I'm going to do is bring in a heart I'm going to click file I'm going to go to open I'm going to navigate to my hearts that I downloaded from creative Fabrica remember I told you this was heart number one and the the reason why I'm doing that is because I do one like this I want this heart to have the exact same shape as this heart and this heart right here with our names and all that stuff this was created from this heart when I uploaded it into creative Fabrica I hope y'all understand what I'm saying I hope you do I really really hope you do so what I'm going to do with this heart is I'm going to resize it to match this heart so this heart right here the width is 7579 7.57 9 7579 and the height of it is 8.06 eight I'm going to click on this one and I'm going to un it's already unlocked so I'm going to change the same to the same size 7579 by 8.68 8.68 okay and all I'm going to do is put it behind here because now these two are the what they're the same size and I brought the image in as a um a background image so I would select both and I would click on arrange objects I want them to be centered and I would select intersect thank you Gail okay so now I have this I'm good I'm done I'm done with this part so what I would do now is let me try to send my design so if I I look at it yes that's exactly what I want I'm going to click Send I hope it's right it's not let me go back one second I'm going to it's looking for um oh I don't like the way that looks up there let me click cancel let me uncheck this okay let me try that one more time I don't like the way those see how that's like flat right there I don't like that it's still looking like that it's GNA have to be like I don't know how to fix that let me um hold on one second y'all see the heart doesn't look like that it doesn't look it doesn't have a flat area so I'm not sure why it's like that and I don't really like it like that but it may not show up like that so hopefully it won't it's still showing up like this let me I don't like that I do not like it I guess it won't be it'll be okay it'll I'm gonna just say it's gonna be okay so can I print without the outline um I want the outline the heart needs to be smaller too big it's gonna go off the page you think so I don't think so because I think if it I'm willing to risk it Gina I'm willing to risk biscuit you think it's I don't think so let me just go back let me just go back a little bit let me make it a little smaller I don't think it's too I don't think it's too big but okay let's see send all right so with Caesar easy color no it's still cut off but okay with Caesar easy color DTV you don't mirror it so I'm going to cut it I'm going to print this and with this stuff this is the um when you print this and y'all can't see it haha just kidding let me stop sharing for one second when you print with this stuff so there is a side that uh is like smooth and there's a side that looks kind of gray if you're not sure which side to print on because you're going to be printing from your um regular shular printer right if you're not sure then you can kind of just pull it back if you're on the side that has the backing that's not the side you print on you print on the side that's like a rubbery has like a rubbery feel see like this see how I can pull that back that's the side I print on the side that I can peel back that's the side I print on okay think so deina okay okay so I'm going back in so because I want you to still see my print settings and all of that all right so I'm back in here and I'm using my regular Amanda we Amanda we ain't doing it okay so I'm using my regular printer this is my Canon mx470 they don't even make this printer anymore the print size is US letter so that's the printer I'm not going to mirror this so I'm going to click send to printer and it's going to look for my printer properties I'm going to click properties and what I do for this paper is I choose um glossy photo paper with a print quality High that's what I do and then I'm GNA go over there and put this in the printer with mine is going to be with the the print side facing down so the plastic side is what's facing up let me go put in the printer right now and you'll see it's going to print and as soon as it comes off the printer it's already going to be dry I'm going to click okay I'm going to click okay again it's going to print yes be so yeah me too because especially with this stuff it's hard to tell so just use your weeding tool and just see if you can peel up a corner the side that you can peel up is the print side when I when I finish this I promise I'm going show you how to do it in cricket design in cricket design space it's easy because all you have to do is add an offset and that'll you can flatten it then you have a layer behind it um I just think it's best to do that thank you Nicole could you change the font you think in silhouette you don't need a background heart I think you need that heart because otherwise the Romeo won't know what's cut like do I does it cut all the letters or does it cut around the whole image kind of like Cricket design space is going to ask that too if you don't do an offset it's going to try to cut out every single letter right my L you being super super good super super B you don't know okay yes I agree sherel so I have the heat press on and it's set to 311 degrees for 15 seconds I'm going to get a shirt I'm going to get a shirt did I say shirt do you wear a shirt Patrice did not make you a shirt and Chris did not make you a shirt and she knows how to do embroidery okay they know how to do it and they didn't even do it okay my are you something eat or we're not doing we're not doing face barking we don't do it we don't we don't do that we don't engage in those kinds of practices okay this is a Gilden heavy cotton medium shirt and I always I always do this so I'm going to do it right now I'm going to just fold this and get a quick pre press right here we getting a quick pre press huh we getting a quick pre press yeah next time don't prepress your lips if you start howling want me to pre-press your lips you don't okay then stop doing that do you want me to pre-press your lips you want to have pre-pressed lips Milo huh tell Mommy so this is the Caesar easy color DTV right and so this is dry it's dry Dorothy I might have to prepress his lips if he keep on doing that and whose fault would it be mine or his his we prepressed lip over here do we pre-press lips we pre-press the lips okay so I'm using a cricet mat and if you uh work for Caesar mind your business or send me a mat okay if you work for Caesar and you don't want me using a cricet mat with your stuff send me a mat and I won't otherwise don't wor about it okay that's all I got is that all I have to say Okay Milo said that's all I had to say yeah okay that's all I'm saying that's is that all we saying that's all we saying all right so I am going hey precious PES so I'm going to insert this mat let me just do a little brayer brayer check check you right this is weird doing it this way but it's working so I have the can y'all see that hopefully yly see that so I have can yeah scoot it down scoot it down scoot it down down so with Romeo you want to make sure the blade is right above love the little registration there's a little um like a triangle you just have to make sure the blade is right in there right and I'm using a cut speed of 10 and a force of 45 I think that's what I used when I cut that other heart and I think it was pretty good it was really really good Milo was it really really good it was okay so I'm going to scent a cutter heart is in the right place is your heart in the right place yes so it's checking reading reading reading it's GNA cut that thing y'all see how fast Romeo is I mean I don't even know why you sleeping on it like that I don't even know why you sleeping on it like that I don't know why you're sleeping on it so this is print and cut it sure is we printed and it cut it this is exactly right print and cut so I'm just going to peel this off of here so I guess I should have used the higher Force put it back into it Romeo oh I don't like those straight lines y'all have to fix it when y'all do yours it's going to be great mine is not great but it's going to still be cute not sublimation thank you becoming New York all right so we got that there's my heart I already pre-pressed my shirt so now I'm G to open it can y'all see over there let me bring this down so y'all can see can y'all see over there good enough or you need me to bring the come closer can y'all see that oh you need me to bring the camera over here this thing on can see okay thank you Jennifer because I was gonna go into a whole what song do we do a whole song cre do we have a crease my don't let me pre-press your lips they told me not to do it they said do not prepress his lips I said okay so now what I'm going to do is peel this away from the backing right because this is on a backing right y'all might be really really good at this I might not be all right raise your hand if you've liked the video tell the truth and do what shame the devil that's my grandmother used to say but I don't think the devil feels shange bless your husband even though I'm still slap you when I get down there okay so look I'm peeling this back and sometimes this stuff will curl up if you if that this is very little I should have put this on something little this is little to let's see it's good enough I guess so if this if y'all can't see this this if this this is y'all cannot see this stop acting like you could I'm I'm I don't know why y'all over there acting like y'all can see it knowing good well you came M my Lord they know they couldn't and they were acting like they could tell Mommy tell Mommy okay let's see that's better right so sometimes this stuff will curl up right and if that happens like if you put it down on your shirt and it starts to curl up then all you have to do is just press it one more time to get some heat on it like that like press it then open it up and then put it back down and it'll lay down it'll what they call it bouncing and behaving that's what they used to call when your hair was manageable bouncing and behaving right so you GNA put it in there like that Boop and then press this 311 de for 15 seconds seconds okay let's talk about life my L told me not to prepress your lips they said do not prepress the dog's lips y'all see that I'm not crazy about that straight line at the top part but you got it no you don't have to have a cover sheet okay that's it and if you want it to have I think if you want it to be shiny then you do parchment paper to add like a gloss to it let me see let me get the parchment paper and see what that does to it and then if you want it to be more uh I mean I might be telling you the opposite if you want it to have a more matte look then you add Teflon but let's see what parchment paper does this is Reynolds this is the good stuff Milo is this the good stuff yeah they didn't even know this stuff was good no they told me not to pre-press your lips they said don't pre-press Milo's lips okay they don't want me to prepress your lips what about your nose looks exactly the same to me I'm not doing I'm not good at this part no I'mma bring the camera back over let me stop sharing take y'all on we going on a trip in a little wait favorite rocket ship going to the sky [Music] little expl something [Music] something I didn't even want to do that I didn't even want to break out into a song you have to blame yourself okay so is it it stretches it washes well um you see that like I can stretch it stretch it stretch it see that and this shirt is I'm not good at this cotton okay that'll be cute the cover on the Press it's called a top plattin cover I'll link it later okay all right y'all need to see this in cricet design space it is cut off Town mama you must have missed that we did a whole I was I did a whole thing where I talked about that okay all right but do you understand everybody else understand except Town Mama because Town Mama must come in late okay all right let's go to cck design space share screen let's see if it'll let me open Cricket design space and show it oh NY Cricket design space will show but uh Leonardo would not can we do the butterfly is that okay because I don't need two of these shirts I'm good on these everything I use is linked below the video all right can we do the butterfly okay KB yes all right so let's go to upload and I'm going to go to upload image browse Cricket design space was going real slow earlier but let's see if it'll cooperate I'm going to my creative fabric of files I'm going to that was called Butterfly SVG butterfly and I chose butterfly one oh wait no that was in my um shape that was in my shape cloud files or did I save it in my downloads I oh it's right here remember this you ter real I'll try it later but let me do this one first okay so I'm GNA click complex and continue and the background is already removed because I saved the file as a PNG so I'm going to click apply and continue and I'm going to click uh print then cut now Leonardo calls theirs print and cut cricet design space calls theirs print I mean Leonardo calls it print and cut Cricket design space calls it print then cut which is essentially the same thing all right so here is the image and this right here is just uh it doesn't really mean anything okay but I know that this image is too big for what cricet design space will allow right so not only am I going to um resize this I'm also going to change the color of the canvas because I want to make sure that I have a layer a full layer behind this butterfly so I'm going to click right here can y'all see where I'm clicking right here and I'mma change the color of the canvas to this gray y'all see what I'm saying yes it goes so slow soaking in raise right y'all understand that part what I just did hey rria good deina oh good good good okay so now I'm just going to make this smaller because you know and I know that cricet design space won't even allow 10 by eight let's see what the message is it's too large for eight and a half by um 11 and I mean 8 and a half by 14 I'm not even using 8 have by 14 so let me go ahead and change my paper size I'm going to click right here under my name and I'm going to go to settings and I'm going to go to load type and my size the paper is 8 and a half by 11 it's it's not 8 and a half by 14 and I'm going to click um done and then let's see what this says what's the era okay we'll go to auto res siiz and let it change it for me so if you don't have a cover on the Platinum no because this is not sublimation okay so the biggest it'll allow is 8.4 by 6.76 I'm going to put this on a bag y'all I'm going to get a I have a black little bag I'm just put it on that Milo do I have a black bag do I have a little black bag yeah do we have a little black bag yeah do we like black [Music] bags this is not is not this is not suim this is not sublimation this is not sublimation this is not sublation Mary didn't know that okay we good so far all right so because this is uh print then cut I can and because I change the color of my canvas to this gray I know that if I click make and I send this to my Cricket to cut it it's going to try to cut each one of these letters individually I know that I know that for a fact that's the reason why I change the color of the canvas so that you can see that too because when the canvas is white it's hard to tell that these things are going to try to cut individually and we know that would be a nightmare right right ber bu bu okay all right so now I can try to just go in here and add an offset but in my opinion sometimes Cricket design space takes a very very long time to add an offset but let's just see if it'll cooperate tonight because if it doesn't I'm going to download butterfly number one and put it behind this dream Daisy Ray that's me dream Daisy Ray DeLand that's it see how long it's taking do y'all see how long it's taking so what I would do it's not the Internet it's cricet design space is this is my internet Leonardo wasn't going slow like this right so this is what the offset looks like now that's a big offset right I can bring this in closer I can bring it down to let's see let's come down let's go down even lower than that let's Let's do an offset of like 10 I want it to be as close as possible because if I duplicate it and change it to a basic cut is still going to give me all of those lines Shirley let me see how long this will take it might not be that bad let's see oh you think I should done done five 0.5 I mean 05 do you feel any better we in this thing now so we just gonna wait do you feel any better M no a little bit oh okay good where you going to get something to eat from downstairs okay look at go you better be eating [Music] leftovers okay there so it's it's there now so much okay I'm click apply and that's what the offset looks like and of course I don't want this to be a print then cut I actually just want this to be uh um um I want it to be white number one and I want it to be uh like that and I want this to be a basic cut like that it's so ugly I I I can't tell you that I love it because I would be telling a lot I don't love it but let me flatten it and see if that makes it better where did it go is thinking about it it never turn well Sheila it took a long [Music] time I got review warnings but I don't have an image Cricket needs a cricket I guess it looks okay um but it's telling me it's too big so let me see auto resize so it's going to take it down smaller because that offset I do not love it y'all hey V Jackson okay so let me see how it's going to look I do not love it oh I guess it's G to look okay I do not I don't love it I don't love it do y'all love it why don't I love it I feel like there is an I feel like there is an offset behind around each word and I don't remember it looking like that but let me just let me click continue so okay so this is also prin and cut Jesse I'm with you you don't Kelly you don't like it I don't I don't love it y'all let me click let me click cancel and try maybe let me I'm scared to try to offset let me unflatten it and then delete this and let me let me see what size this is 7.79 by 6.25 so if I click upload and upload image and browse and I go to the my documents folder and I go to my creative fa fabric of files and I go to that butterfly set and I go to butterfly one um which is just a cut file click that this right here this is the same butterfly I'm click open and I'll click it right here I don't know why it's flashing like that but whatever and then I resize this butterfly to match the size of this so 7.79 y'all I'm old I have to write it down 7.79 by 6.25 so I'm going do the same thing here change this to um I'm going to unlock this I'mma change it to 7.79 by what was that 6.25 and I'm going to send this to the back and line it up like that and then I'll select both and I'll align them and Center it and I will change the color of this to White I like that better even though I still feel like this top one is a little bit off let me see let me see what is this what where did this come from I don't want this I don't even know where that came from I must have put that in there but I don't remember doing it I think I'mma like this a lot better and I can flatten this let me align it and Center it again and I think I have to move it up a little bit I like that now so I can select both of these and I can flatten this yeah antenna I don't know I don't know where that second layer came from but it was ugly I didn't like it but this I like this so now I would just try to make this a little bit bigger until I get an error over here that says it's too big right so I can just try to make it a little bit bigger and see if it'll will allow me to do that let me see still no error okay Cricket Crick you cricket Cricket you gonna let me do it Crick you better be over there cutting up my Lo not making any noises oh let me go back I'm not looking at the chat right now y'all I'm just trying to see how big CRI CRI allow me to go with this I'm very impressed so for I just keep going okay there's my error so it'll let me go to 8.6 by 6.9 nope not even that let me go down one more come on Crick 8.5 by 6.8 I'm G click make I do too Charlene it it was Tracy it was that outline that's so much better oh my goodness okay so remember with Caesar easycolor DTV you don't need to mirror this I'm going to click continue I'm going to click send to printer this is this is not sublimation but this is print then cut I'm going to click send to printer this is not sublimation send into my Canon I'm going to turn the ad B off I don't feel like I need it I do want to use system dialogue I'm going to click print and I'm going to go to my printer properties the preferences I'm using for photo paper I just choose glossy photo paper and high quality and I'm going to click okay after I get the paper inserted into the um printer now I only keep one sheet of paper in my printer at a time cuz I don't like to waste paper and I'm always afraid it's going to get jammed this is not sublimation I feel like I have to keep saying that because every time somebody sees an image on a on fabric they automatically think it's sublimation and this is not so I'm going to click print how do I find the oh yeah you you atin you gonna have to go back go all the way back so it's printing right now I'm G stop sharing for one second because I want to show you something okay y'all how y'all feeling how are y'all feeling this is what I'm using Caesar easy color DTV now this is a 50 pack but this is not the size that I linked below the video I think I may have linked a a five pack or something like that but you can I mean if you if you want to do it you only live once you might come back as a donkey be like I should have bought the paper I should have bought the 50 pack should they bought a 50 pack you got your teeth sticking out okay he got his teeth sticking out he has his teeth sticking out he has his teeth sticking out go my love you got your teeth go Milo you got your teeth got your teeth sticking out okay cool cool brother that's cool brother okay good you never know donzelle you never never know do we know we don't know is he making too many noises and we don't like noises okay where do I purchase the paper I purchase if this let me see if I can find this exact pack Dorothy let me see if I can find this exact same one that I have because now this pack is a 50 pack Caesar easy color DTV this is a 50 pack oh no they don't have the they don't have the um 50 pack anymore this pack is let me see how me come in here oh yeah they do this the one that I have linked below the video is a 10 pack and it's on sale for $15.99 so I'm going to put that in the chat so you can see it that's that's that hold on the one that's below the video is a it's on sale for $15.99 and this is a what is this this is a 10 pack so this is 10 pack of [Music] Caesar easy color DTV I I haven't ever seen it that cheap ever I've never ever seen it that cheap not even on Amazon but they do have a 50 pack which I guess I didn't I don't think you want a 50 pack how much is it a lot the 50 pack is $72 I don't I don't think you need that do we think they need that Milo we [Music] don't here's my cricket mat I'm going to put this here's my ceser easy color DTV that's not sublimation let's say it together it's not sublimation it's not sublimation right they have 11 by 17 yes so now I'm G to put this on the mat in the same direction that it's in in cricet design space and remember this is not mirrored because remember when I pressed it I pressed this face up right you saw me do that y'all saw me press press it face up right not sublimation Marshall I think for tonight we're probably going to say that about eight more times because this is not sublimation Milo is this sublimation it's not and that's another good thing actually you know because if you haven't started your sublimation Journey you don't have to be in a rush to buy five of the 10 pack yeah Dorothy do it do it Dorothy let me well let me give you my link Dorothy so you can Dorothy do it copy let me Dorothy hold on Dorothy Dorothy one second Cy 50 pack of Caesar easy color DTV there you go Dorothy all right so I'm putting this let me turn my camera so you can see it yall know I'm telling the truth see my Cricket I'm put this in the cricket [Music] let's do it Dorothy let's do it we in this thing together baby me and you Dorothy and what I typically choose is printable ironon light or you can also choose infusible ink cut setting that's kind of like my favorite cut setting because it always works really really good okay so there's that so it matches this is not mirrored not mirrored Okay click the C and my Cricket is going to cut around this and not cut the letters poor myo Denise what we talking about that's not what we doing so it's scanning and I understand that Miss Parker um Cricket has been having an issue with print then cut but I haven't had that problem because I don't really use it that much anymore but hopefully it works but it's been my experience when it starts doing this a whole bunch of times it's not going to work but we'll see we will see we been on here for a minute we've been on here for a minute oh Cricket oh it might cut oh no it's still scanning M you looking really really cute look some Vaseline on your lips are they already shiny you had a girlfriend okay let's see back one you like it okay thank you we're doing a printing cut on the bottom left of the M room here needs to be in top left yeah I think it's goingon to cut Miss Daisy dream Daisy Ray okay good thing we have time it's going to cut go Cricket go Cricket go Cricket woo he's looking really really good oh I don't do that Brandy I use a um I use my tape Cricket is in the crevices you understand me Cricket is over here in the crevices Cricket ain't playing with y'all okay look so it's let's see let's seey it did not let's see no I didn't this thing need to be uh I can still use it I guess it needs to be calibrated I think let me show you cut off a lot of well it's still G to look good it cut off a lot of what it should have kept floor cam you want to see Milo she just staring at me you're just staring at me oh boy well it did okay I do feel like I need to uh calibrate it's been a long time since I calibrated a very long time okay so it did okay but it does need to be calibrated because it kind of it's kind of off but you're not even going to know that see because you can still see a lot of the a lot of the image in the butterfly you feeling Che on it should cuz I have a relationship with Romeo we have a relationship okay all right so now what I'm going to do is peel this same way I did right hey Eve Eve I want to just sit on my porch and wait for my order um Mark if you tell us your birthday one more time you gonna be in time out we don't we good we good on that all right so I'm just peeling this back hey Porgy I know you in here peeling this back away from the backing carefully like that and I'm going to get the back bag that I'm using I'mma pre-press it I'mma bring y'all over to the um back over to the heat press oh it turned off cuz I have it set to um turn off so it's got to heat up again oh it's there okay so let me bring you over here let me bring you over here yeah my they want to see you they want to know what you're doing if you're laying flat let let y'all see my LA right quick he's stretching on me he's in my L he's in my line he's in my L okay back up back up M Milo back up mil little move so if it's intricate cut you use a mask great question Kelly yes okay let me bring it over here so you can see it see it my little back up okay let's see if you can see that you can okay perfect so I'm going just uh pre-press this bag I got this bag from Michaels it's a make Market no it's not it's imaginate but I got it from Michaels this is the brand tell him I said hey tell him to send me some gifts they need to send me some gifts Milo yeah the kids need to send me some gifts okay so I'm get my butterfly I'm just put it right here on top just like this just lay it down can y'all see that like that y'all good and I'm going just press it it's going to uh press for 15 seconds does it let's see does it come with the mask when you buy the paper you can get it like that but I have a separate box for for the mask there it is on the bag and this is not sublimation so let's see what happens if I use a Teflon sheet this time instead of um parchment paper see if it'll make it shin and shining shining shiny yeah my you know what you say Teflon let's see if Teflon makes a difference you being super super good you super super bad you being super super good super super B say hi to the people say hi to the [Applause] people did it shiny it up Mom than me turn this off Milo stop [Applause] it okay the mask um Mary that is if you were had like multiple images or if you had multiple words and they didn't have this layer behind it you would use a mask it's like transfer tape for HTV that's basically what it is okay let me bring you back over there and you want say hi to Milo [Music] okay Milo they want to say hi to you they want to say hi to mil hi Karen okay so y'all good so on this one I did not do a good job because I cut the top of the hearts off but I was still wear it I see to cut the hearts see that see that and then this is the bag so this was done with Cricket design space the other one was done with Romeo okay and for both I use the Caesar easy color DTV this is the paper this is the mask the TT it's called TTD mask okay and you would use this like if I had a butterfly and I had like words that were not attached to the butterfly and I wanted to press it all together I would transfer it at the same time that's what you would use the mask for but you see I didn't use a mask because in both instances I only had like one one one thing that I was peeling away okay hi buy okay you want to notice baby booty you okay baby booty okay all right so so hopefully we accomplished our goal and the goal was to learn how to use one of creative fabrica's newest features called shape Cloud babies babies okay does it feel thick it does not it doesn't feel thick at all it stretches nicely it washes nicely um this this is supposed to last for 25 washes okay so you can see it up close the colors are nice and vibrant in my opinion right this is my opinion you can see me stretching it it's going to look great I would wash this I'm telling you how I wash it I've watched other videos and they don't wash it the same way but you have to do it how you would how you do it you have to do it the way that works for you because I have to do it in the way that works for me I wash mine inside out and I'm not doing like that's not no that's cold cycle and no no no that's warm cycle everything's on the same cycle except whites they they are wash my whites with hot water that's what I do okay okay I just wanted to say that all right all right so we did accomplish the goal which was to learn how to use shape Cloud hopefully you understand how to use it you your first word is what what did I say about the first word this is a cotton shirt Miss Joy this is a cotton shirt what did I say about the first word in shape Cloud what did I say about the first word the first word will be the largest so be careful about that pay attention to like what is the word I want to type first because that's the word that's going to be the biggest right right that's going to be your main word my first word was love that's why it's so big on here the word the first word was free and then I added life so even though free was the first word and life was second life is still kind of big but free is still the biggest right it's going to be the main focus so you can change you can add a shape the shape has to be a what the shape has to be what kind of file what kind of file what kind what kind what SVG that's it that's it that's it that's it right so you can do that you can add your favorite font you don't have to use their fonts the only thing you can't change are the color combinations that's the only thing you can't change but you can change you know you can add the word you want you can add the font you want you can add the shape you want as long as it is an SVG you are good to go and I mean even though you can't change the color combinations in my opinion there are some decent color combinations already in there that's just my opinion okay all right so hopefully you found it helpful and you know you learned a thing or two all right powder called Product with the powder we didn't DTF thank you CC's Productions that's DTF yeah we didn't do any DTF okay we didn't even do any sublimation but anyway let me say my say thank y'all so much for joining me today I know that when you give somebody your time you are giving them a treasure because you cannot get your time back and I appreciate you Karen Gilbert yes baby right okay you can't you can't get your time back right so I appreciate you you and your time I have to say what I say about road rage I'm going to always feel this way road rage is uh senseless you don't have to get yourself involved in that you no matter where you're going no matter how much of a rush you're in it's just not a smart sensible thing to engage in road rage if someone I need to put that on the shirt don't engage in road rage blew my mind I I just blew my own mind right do not engage do not people are going through stuff especially during the holidays and I said this before that just because your holiday is Happy it doesn't mean that everybody's holiday is happy a for a lot of people they are they grieve during the holidays especially for people that they've lost like L ones and and things like that if they're not doing well they get in their car and they take it out on the road so just don't engage in that if somebody's trying to have road rage with you turn your music up you keep your eyes on the road so you can do what arrive alive okay you are never I'm I'm I'm gonna be late what time does it start okay if it starts at 4: I'm going to get there by 4:15 is okay that's that's actually good but I'm going to be late I'm just telling you that okay so let me take care of this right quick hold on for one second okay all right okay so now we we understand that so thank you you so much thank you so much for joining me hope you learned something I hope it was valuable it was valuable to me I appreciate you and your time and if nobody has told you they love you today I love you okay hope y'all have a great rest of your weekend finish up your shopping I did I I didn't really buy anything because I don't need anything happiest time and saddest time okay bye y'all go back and watch it from the beginning if you missed it don't forget to like the video on the way out okay all right bye y'all oh I didn't let y'all see Milo you want to say I invite to the people say invite to the people let me let yall say bye too hold on we gotta say bye to the people we GNA say bye to the people say bye to the people come on say bye to the people come on say bye to the people can you say bye to the people right here want say bye to the people bye to the people bye to the people okay bye y'all
Channel: Crafting with Delonda
Views: 17,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shape cloud, creative fabrica, creative fabrica tutorial, creative fabrica shapecloud, what is shapecloud, creative fabrica commercial use, creative fabrica print on demand, creative fabrica license, shapecloud tool, delonda, crafting with delonda, sublimation, how to use shapecloud, how to use shape cloud, creative fabrica account create, t-shirt business, print on demand tshirt business, print on demand for beginners, delonda print and cut
Id: CkbPQdarInM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 59sec (8939 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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