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I know foreign I hear it how is this foreign yes no no yes yes you can hey everybody hey y'all you can yay yay let me get them to turn the TV down because I hear the TV loud downstairs hey y'all thank you for being here y'all know if I'm not looking at the right camera just pretend like I am okay to move my computer hey oh my gosh this announce sorry I didn't stick it I had a little phone it took nine tenths of a point off hey Tracy hey oh my gosh it's so good to see everybody you know we start with a goal I'm gonna start with the gold and give people a chance come in and if somebody comes in you can say this is the goal because they might come in and say what are we working out so here's the goal to learn how to use infusible ink y'all um what's that thing called um autocorrect it does my name real dirty it's been Deltona delanda bologna all the things it's never delighted hey Kelly hey Nani's Journey you Christiana well well yeah I wonder it's never delonda it's I promise you is everything else but Tracy it happens it happens to everybody I'm like boy that that autocorrect could get you every time crafty y'all y'all trying to make me cry y'all know I gotta have coffee oh Liz you will love Cricket I love cricket I have my um I don't know how many of y'all have seen my uh Reel with my mug press but I'm gonna make a mug with the the infusible ink so y'all can see how to use it yeah or you can just say d that works that works Southfield Michigan is it cold it was a little bit cold here damn they bought your name okay yeah damn look I love the mug press Donna it's what it is yay it's good to see you too okay so we are going to start with the things and y'all know I'm telling you like when I'm getting ready for a live crafting event is so different for me than I'm when I'm recording because when I'm recording I can just do it the way I do it I can yell I can fuss I just have all kinds of conversations in here with this um these machines and uh this Cricket has heard a lot of words that it probably shouldn't have heard and if it was a child it would have been considered as abuse okay but but when I'm live or when I know I'm going live first of all I get all nervous I get myself all worked up and then I um you know getting myself together and I try to think about all the things I want you to know we're from Florida I'm from Florida I grew up in Florida I grew up in St Petersburg boom guess who stepped in the room this final is that is a great question Tony this vinyl is actually the new Caesar Aurora I ordered it in every color because you know that's what I do I overspend and confuse people oh you just moved from from Saint Petersburg I grew up in St Petersburg and then I went to high school in Miami yeah okay so I've already shown the goal the goal is to learn how to use infusible ink hey Risa Linda this mug press is amazing I can't even lie hey Miss Victoria hey deals oh I'm so happy to see everybody y'all make sure to please hit the like button please hit the like button okay so when I was thinking about this you know I I feel like when I start going live now um my goal is really my goals are really going to be centered on beginners because I know a lot of people got a cricket for Christmas or you just got to the point where you're ready to open your Cricut and use it and I know when I was a beginner there were so many things I wanted to know y'all I'm trying to do well at looking at the camera like by the end of this y'all be like did y'all see how delonda was looking at the camera baby she was looking at the what camera because I'm focused right there okay y'all gonna be so proud of me you're going to be proud okay starting when now okay okay so when I was a beginner I was like man I want to learn everything right so as a beginner one thing I did not know about was infusible ink and you know because I was a beginning I was buying all kinds of stuff that's why you see all that vinyl back there because I buy a whole bunch of stuff and I was buying stuff that I really didn't need um and then early in my journey I went to like uh Tracy that's why I love you I'm already hugging you through the um through the iPad I'm hugging you right there that's me hugging you um I went to Hobby Lobby and they were getting rid of all not Hobby Lobby against the law Joanne's and Hobby Lobby they were getting rid of all of their uh cricket mug press or the cricket Joy infusible ink and they went they had it on sale for like 1.99 I was like I'll take 20. and I was a little bit embarrassed but not too embarrassed to not buy it okay because I bought it I bought a lot of it actually so I currently store my little boxes of infusible ink in one of these right here so these are all of my small boxes okay and I keep the smaller boxes separate from the big boxes but a lot of these I got for 1.99 when they were like trying to get rid of them because I mean somebody's trash is another man's what treasure so this was my treasure we're gonna get to that uh D thousand m is that Doom is that Doom is that how you is that is that the um the vinyl that I have on my shirt is that new Caesar Aurora and if you want it's Doom okay [Music] I'm gonna I'll leave a link for that because I do have a um discount code if you want to get it from hey Don and uh I hope I say it right John Yale if you want to get it from uh 143 vinyl okay so you know the little boxes they just they're just the smaller the smaller version they were originally made for the cricket Joy well I don't have a Cricket joy and I'm probably not ever going to own a cricket Joy um I've only seen one in person one time so it's the same thing as this it's just a shorter sheet right it's the same it's the same product they were getting rid of these and so I was like I'll take them hey Sonya so that's that's what these are so I store my little boxes in a little thing like that and I store my big boxes like this and these are all of the infusible ink sheets I have so these are my big ones and hear more recently started getting into the pattern sheets because I just think the patterns are a lot of fun I really do I know I do is if you don't don't stick I'm a poor influence on do not shop do not buy stuff because if I see something and I like it I'm gonna buy it okay so there's that my willpower does not exist you know people like my willpower is strong mine doesn't exist okay and I'm not gonna say that I wish it did because I don't I've tried it I tried to buy it that doesn't work because what it leads to is me lying to myself and I don't need to lie to myself I don't need to be like you know I'm not going to shop I'm not I'm just if I see something that I want it if I can afford it I'm gonna buy it I no no wait a minute wait a minute who said don't retire Laura I have to I have to retire now we're getting close to retirement y'all ain't gonna have me right don't send down kids uh-uh fine line between hoarding and crafting I know it's my willpower it it it does not exist it doesn't okay so I was thinking about all the things so that's what the infusible ink looked like looks like Cricket makes a brand of infusible there are other companies that make infusible ink I have not tried any of the other brands I know that there are other Crafters who have um but I just haven't and I don't I don't really feel the need to um and I don't I you know some of you probably don't know this but I am very choosy about what companies I allow to send me stuff so if a company reaches out to me and they say oh can I send you some you know stuff to try you know I asked them questions I kind of take them through you know some q a like why do you want to send me this are you trying to have me promote your product because I just I'm I want to be careful about that so other companies have reached out to ask me to try their stuff and I just don't want to because I haven't felt the need to so there's that but there are other companies that make infusible just their brand okay all right so then I thought about [Music] um questions you might have how is infusible ink used so I have a lot of examples that I want to show you um about how it's used and we're going to press a few things I'm going to press a shirt I'm going to press a bag I'm going to press a mug I'm going to press um a bookmark and just give you some ideas for how you can use infusible ink especially if you have not gotten into sublimation yet because what you should know about infusible ink is that it is actually ink the ink is in the box so when people say well what kind of printer do you need for a fusible ink you don't you don't need a printer at all this is actually it's ink so when you look at this number right here where it says two that means that there are two sheets in the box and each sheet is 12 by 12 okay infusible ink works a lot like sublimation because the ink that's in here is activated by heat and when you press it on something the ink is absorbed into the fabric so let me show you an example this shirt right here was made with infusible ink and I made this shirt I know for a fact over a year ago and I'm going to try to get it up close so you can see that the ink is actually in the fabric so when you look at this shirt do you see that the ink is in the fabric it's not on top you know like with vinyl like the shirt that I'm wearing right now this shirt is vinyl the the the the design on here is vinyl if I were to make this with infusible ink the the design would be infused into the fibers this this is infused into the fiber of the fabric so hopefully you can see that I don't know if it's the camera is even doing this any justice okay so in order to make this shirt I used two different patterns I used the regular blue and I used a patterned box of infusible ink so it was just this box right here see that pattern that's this and then the blue is this and you see these were 1.99 and the tutorial the tutorial for this is on my channel already okay so that's one example this is another example of how you can use infused Wing this is just another shirt I did this one and I layered it so there's a black layer and then there's a red layer and it just says Christmas Vibes and once again the ink is in the fabric which I could really let me start turning the uh see that and if I stretch this oh gosh guys I'm not good at this at all but oh I'm not good at this part but see that see how the ink is in there it's not on top and you can see that it's right and so people say well how long does infusible in glass it's probably gonna last longer than the shirt like why are you throwing the shirt away because I because you know the sleeves have already fallen off okay so this it's going to last the long term so you see what it looks like on fabric it is intended to be used on polyester just like sublimation so anything that you can use on sublimation you can use with infusible ink this is also infusible ink these are just coasters these are Cricut brand coasters I just use the green sheet of infusible ink this is another coaster a Cricut cross coaster okay so there's that I'm going to show you some other examples because I don't want you to be like oh all you can do is make shirts it's not worth it it's definitely worth it um this is one of those hand sanitizer holders and when I made this I didn't even need my Cricut all I had to do was just cut out a piece of infusible ink and press it on here because this little bag is made out of polyester so it is this right here was made from this see that and this was again 1.99 Okay so y'all following you don't have to do anything to the coaster it's on there okay all right so let's see what else this is an uh wine bag that I made with infusible ink and so in order to do this one I use two patterns I use this Buffalo check and I use a sheet of green okay okay all right so it's just so many things you can do it's tons and tons of things you can do with infusible ink and in my opinion if you have not gotten started with sublimation yet infusible ink is the way to go like I really really do love it I want to show you one other thing so this is a mug that I made with infusible ink I just put it in my Cricut mug press okay this is just from infusible Ink it's one of those Cricket mugs okay and I can wash this and I've actually put in the dishwasher it can be washed in the dishwasher and I can put it in the microwave okay so it's in there right okay so now I've shown you some examples of what you can do I also have one more example let me see if I have them up here trying to keep myself together keep yourself together oh right here so these earrings right here will also thank you Sarah I've also made earrings with infusible ink these are the easiest things to make so you don't even need a Cricut for these this is just infusible ink and I just use the sublimation earring blanks and these came from let me see if I still have this pattern I might not because I used it so much oh this it was this okay okay all right okay so some other questions that probably will come up and I'm telling you the way I was thinking about this um primarily you know it's really intended to be used on polyester like I said however you know as with anything because a lot of people don't like to wear polyester a lot of people don't like to wear white I am one of them I don't typically wear white there's really only one or two white shirts that I will wear one of them says I love it I love it I love it I love it because somebody made that for me and I I love that shirt and then I'll wear white shirts that I've made with my with infusible ink however you can use infusible ink with a hack you can put glitter white glitter vinyl under it to do to make a shirt or you could use the clear sublimation HTV by HTV Ron I have both tutorials for how to do that on my channel this is an example of what one of them looks like so with this shirt right here on top is infusible ink but underneath it is a glitter vinyl okay and so I just made this one at Christmas time and you can see you know it's on the cotton and you can see the glitter the layer of glitter behind it the downside for me for this and this is just a matter of opinion you know everything I'm going to tell you is my my opinion right because nobody can tell you your opinion when I want your opinion I'll give it to you not that we're not doing that right the thing about using glitter vinyl as a layer is that you know you hear that foreign so that's the only thing about it I don't prefer that um it's not you know I just don't prefer it and it feels a little bit rough is that Patrice is she here okay so how are we feeling so far is that Maryland hey Marilyn oh how y'all feeling so far how are you feeling yes I agree Sarah how y'all feeling good okay so hopefully that answered some of your questions about infusible ink like what can you use it on um you know do you have to get the big one you can use it with um you can use it with the Cricut Joy you can use it with a Cricut easy press you can you know when it's time to press it Tammy I love you feeling hematite okay that's the only days I know how to do can you sublimate on black polyester fabric without the glitter vinyl that's a great question Laura and I don't know that I don't know maybe Patrice knows I don't know Patrice can you sublimate on black polyester without the glitter I haven't tried that oh that's something you kill okay so I figured we would start with something easy um okay here's another thing a little tip that I'm going to tell you is I don't throw away my um scraps of infusible ink how often do I stream not a lot because I get so nervous um Doom I feel doomed you made me say that I feel nervous y'all if when I'm going live I get so nervous I don't know why I get very nervous keep God first I love that name with a Sawgrass with a with the infusible ink Jackie you don't need any you don't need a printer the ink the ink is right here this is this is the printer if the printer is in this box Kristen I saved the scraps because with the scraps you can use it to make earrings okay so I said I would show you that first we'll start with a pair of earrings thank you to uh Tara I appreciate that so here's a an example of a scrap let me see if I have any more and I'm trying to do better I am trying to do better about labeling my boxes I have not done a good job of that but I I have scraps of infusible ink foreign this is awful this is terrible y'all we're gonna see if we can get an earring out of this we should be able to get some earrings out I'm gonna make some earrings with this okay I'm gonna start with that and I'm gonna go get my little mini press what do you use the infusible ink pens on the same stuff that you use you can use that pills for eight pins on this but you would have to have um I use sublimation paper but other people use um what's that um copy paper hold on so I'm just using my little mini press to show you this let me plug it up now you see we have not used the quick laser copy paper thank you Kristen Chris said thank you so this is the little um HTV runt mini press and I'm going to show you how I'm going to use this to make some earrings use this and this these scraps if y'all have not hit like on the video please do there will be amazing oh yeah I love I love that mud press I promise that thing is I don't think Cricket could make anything better than the mug press thank you Melanie technology is amazing that's true I made this mug but this is not a fuse blank this is this is sublimation but I feel like I could have it would have been a nightmare to weed it though okay let me um double check the settings for the earrings and if you're taking notes take notes on these sublimation earrings blanks I should have had it written down I'm sorry that I did it I'm so so so sorry okay it says what does it say okay 45 seconds okay all right so I have the first earring blank and what you should know is probably hard to tell I got my new pimpan yesterday y'all so it's hard to tell but there is a clear plastic coating on here so you can just use your weeding tool to take the plastic off so let me do it so you can see it and it's it's very hard to to see that but guess when you'll find out when you add that heat see that so if you're going to be pressing these or getting these blanks right here make sure you take the plastic off thank you so much Vicky and there's plastic on both sides now these earrings are amazing because guess what if I'm getting ready to go out with my husband and he's like go get dressed I'm taking you out I bought you a turquoise shirt I mean wait a minute sir I don't have turquoise earrings I'm gonna run upstairs and make me some right here with these little blanks so go ahead and take the plastic off both sides plastic hi Debbie watch over Souls oh that would be nice Sandra that would be very nice yeah the same planks thank you so when I go to the nail salon y'all I just go I just say give me something pink that's it I don't I'm not one of those like no no it has to be a vampire nail with a design on the side and uh look I'm so basic baby right it's super super basic okay okay so I'm gonna get some butcher paper now let me say this because I didn't say it butcher paper comes in the Box okay when you get infusible ink but your paper comes in the Box full transparency just being honest with you I really don't ever use the butcher paper that comes in the box so probably all of my boxers still have it if you live in the United States and you have a Sam's Club membership or you have a cousin who has a Sam's Club membership get you somebody to go get you some butcher paper from Sam's okay because they sell it like this okay just going back there to the meat department and it's right on the shelf by the paper plates and the you know all the stuff when you're having a cookout is by that stuff okay so Costco might have it too but we're not Costco Shoppers we're Sam's Shoppers so this is and this is gonna it's the last time I checked this was like 20 maybe 25 dollars okay and it's a thousand feet okay so Sam's Sam's Club foreign okay you have the same butcher paper good look at great minds do what think alike I want to try to change the view and see if let's see hi okay oh no wait and back and let's see if we can do a solo layout Okay so thank you I have taken the plastic off the earrings right so here's one of those earrings and I told you I'm just using these scraps because I don't throw my scraps away now with the scraps all I need is a piece that's big enough to cover this earring okay is this a good view can y'all see can y'all see what I'm showing yes and you see I don't I did not I didn't cut out you know I didn't use my Cricket I didn't you know this is these are scraps from something else that I've made okay so I'm just gonna like rip this off right here and I'm gonna make sure that my earring covers this whole thing that this will cover one side of the earring right and then I'm gonna get some of that heat resistant tape I prefer the Cricut brand you can use whatever kind you like and I'm just going to tape it down and I want to make sure that it's going to stick foreign for a second let me get my mat because infusible ink is just like you know sublimation ink into so many ways you know you don't want to have any ghosting right I don't want to have any ghosting let me do it this way I'll do it this way so I can see it hopefully y'all can see it too and I'm going to get up let me just rip this right here because we do not we do not waste okay and I'm going to cover this and I'm going to press this for 45 seconds let me get my phone and so I can use my phone as a timer let me get my thing and use it as a timer 45 seconds is what the recommended setting is and I'm just using a um y'all can't see that but you'll hear it when it goes off see what I'm doing my little mini press and I'm just gonna hold it steady for 45 seconds oh Christiana this watch is not what you think it is ma'am I don't spend money on this kind of stuff if this watch is made out of vinyl that would be something different so I'm just pressing this keeping it steady 45 seconds I'm not using a big old press I'm not I didn't cut out a special design I didn't purchase an SVG got like three seconds left okay all right so now what I'm going to do is okay hold on time so what I want to do is take this it's hot too oh it's hot y'all hold on let me try it again because it did not press it I'ma try it with the same piece I don't know why because people say let me get another piece of tape hold on but of course that only happens to me we what and we learn and if it doesn't work I'll just view another piece if it doesn't work I will use another piece paper on top it was upside down it was supposed to be it was fine no I removed the film already you should have it should have been fine but whatever hold on I had to open a new roll of um I'm opening a new roll of tape because of course of course I ran out of tape of course of course let me try again y'all let's see let's see let's see what do I do confuse people that's what I do for a living in my spare time I walk around trying to confuse people y'all go find somebody more competent what's upside down the heat hasn't been in contact with the ink yeah yes it should have been this is the this is the ink let me see I'm gonna try it again I'm gonna try this piece oh because it wasn't that's why I understand now let me try right here I'm gonna tape it I'm gonna take this and then turn it over that's what I should have done y'all find somebody more like this from the end of this okay we're gonna try it again try it again [Music] let me set my timer again for 45 seconds my phone don't recognize my face all the time it was a test and all y'all failed I feel like I don't have the thing covered all the way we'll see you gonna make sure yeah and you weren't it wasn't you it was me seconds I don't feel like I covered the little tip but we'll see hopefully I did and I have this on the highest setting all right let's see this time and if it y'all should wear gloves okay cancel cancel oh my gosh see that so cute look how cute okay so now I'm going back to this one that I just messed up for no reason it's hot though 45 seconds y'all because nothing transferred because guess what there was nothing too transfer because your teacher your teacher did you dirty I'm gonna try to put it back in the exact same spot but your paper four to five seconds you know what I want all of y'all to fail that's it class is over hopefully I got it covered y'all I'm not gonna lie I was disappointed when I found out the Little Cricket mug the Little Cricket mini press didn't have a timer I thought it did I bought it for no reason because this one is just perfectly fine do you have the earring blanks I'll link them I will link them all right see that so then I would just take the it's hot take the um how you feel that heart foreign View [Music] change it to this one yes remember okay so then I would just take the earring blink and I would add the little Hardware that comes with it make a cute little earring so the only thing to learn about that is make sure when you press it that you actually press it on the side that has the ink okay okay you'll be doing some dumb stuff don't you so look isn't that cute let me just wear one right quick you know what you're gonna press it on the right side Lord help us help a lord look at that little old earring look at that so that I would need to press the other one but yeah that came from scrap so don't throw and oh here's another thing so you see how the color is is dull before you press it but then look at how vibrant it is it looks like I have a little you know night sky right hanging on my ear so don't throw away your scraps I don't I don't throw mine away okay do you do I need to wear one earring or y'all y'all got it y'all got it okay reason says you got the same butcher paper okay all right let me um Let me give y'all the link to the earrings that I have these yeah these are the ones that I purchased right here um let me try that again it won't let me do it right now I don't know why but okay I'll do it in a minute because I don't know what happened it looks like I'm frozen am I Frozen am I Frozen am I Frozen am I Frozen I'm frozen I'm frozen I'm not frozen this computer is frozen you're gonna try it again those are the things that happened to me okay so another thing I wanted to press and just show you how to do it is one of those bags I wonder thank you so much I want to say I was looking really really good that's what I wanted to say it and what if she said it she meant it okay I don't know what that is and I don't want to see I'm gonna do a bag first I mean I guess you could have rhinestones but I won't have rhinestones on mine until 2035 because that's when I'll be ready to get started with rhinestones okay so there's that coasters same way everything with infusible ink really is you know 45 seconds is the standard temperate standard amount of time 45 seconds 45 seconds um and the temperature when you're using a heat press is 385 degrees okay how y'all feeling okay let me show you how to do um a bag so these bags came from Michael's let me tell you why I love them I love these bags because in my opinion and this is just a matter of opinion these bags are reasonably priced if you buy a package of I think I bought a package of 12 they were like two dollars each now these bags are 100 polyester see that they are 100 polyester and they're good good size to me I made a bag last night using some of that Caesar Aurora let me show you what that bag looks like they're the same size but this one is just white okay let me show you what that looks like because everybody's like oh who made the bag who you now you looking at them let me turn my heat press so this is the bag that I made last night and it just says all the things right and like I said this is that Caesar Aurora and I love it because it's iridescent and it looks like the vinyl looks like it's kind of like woven I can't even explain it so so pretty but with this vinyl the vinyl is on top of the bag with the infusible ink the ink is going to be in that fabric and so we're going to see the difference this bag came from Michael's okay and these bags this is the exact same thing it's just white this one is polyester and this is polyester too okay so let me go right quick and show you where I got that um design from I got it from design bundles and I think it's just so cute and we're gonna make it I'm gonna make this one tonight uh the bag is the size of the bag is 13.5 by 13.5 that's a very good question okay so I have my heat press heating up to 385 degrees and I'm going to get the design cut out we're going to move over to qriket design space how y'all feel about that y'all ready for that y'all ready for Cricut design space all right um [Music] okay so hopefully you can see qriket design space and um what I'm going to do from here is I'm going to go to upload and I'm going to just show you how to get the file in there now I've already downloaded the file so hopefully you know how to do that okay this yes on the bag that I have Rita that is HTV that is HTV I'm going to bring the view down on my screen just a little bit okay I'm bringing a view down on my screen to write at 50 I'm gonna move the design over for one second now remember I said the size of the bag is 13.5 by 13.5 so I'm just going to grab a shape and just a square because that will represent what what will this Square this Square represent I'm going to resize it to 13.5 by 13.5 what will this Square represent yes this represents the bag now the color of the bag is white and the infusible ink that I'm going to use hmm I think I'm gonna use one of these pattern sheets let me show you all these oh my gosh girl this is just too cute oh my gosh I'll show you when I when I get back on the camera I want to use a pattern sheet and it has um it's called at uh animal brights I'll show you oh my gosh it's so cute okay so I'm gonna just resize it I want to move the design to the front of the template so I'm going to click on the design I'm hope I'm moving the design I'm going to arrange it and send it to the front and I'm going to resize it so that it fits nicely on the bag and I'm also making sure that it doesn't um that it's not too big so right now the size of the design is 11.49 I think that's you know I think that's a good enough size and I'm also going to go ahead and click weld because I can I want it to just be one thing that's going to stay together hey Laura what's your question okay so I'm ready now I'm ready to go ahead and click make it with this I don't need this Square this Square just represented the size of the bag okay I really don't need this anymore I'm just going to click on that and I'm going to delete it now with this with infusible ink even though it it is ink and it's I'm using a heat source I'm going to have to mirror this but I'm going to put it on the matte face up okay so let me go ahead and click make it and with infusible ink you have to mirror it so I'm going to go ahead and turn on my mirror and I'm going to click continue Sonja do you need me to show you how I did the design how I downloaded the design is that what you need to see Sonia juice bug fair you need to see how I downloaded the design tube yes okay I don't mind doing that [Music] I have not used the um I have not used Silhouette Cameo I'm turning off this little mini press y'all yes if you haven't um liked the video please do yes please how you set up in design space okay no problem I will click new okay I want to click new and just click replace so let me go to um so you I'm at cat I don't know what you can see let me stop sharing for a second now let me go back to on one of these I'm frozen I feel like I know hey thank you pretty Nikki okay so y'all for everyone this is the this is the pattern that I'm using one thing about me is I might confuse you but it's not my goal okay so if you ever get confused about something I do I'm sorry because it's not my goal like when I press those earrings and I was pressing on the wrong side I wasn't trying to do that and if you ask me a question I promise you I'm going to try to answer your question because I want you to finish this live and feel like you can go and do this right because that's the purpose of it the purpose of that's why I start with the goal because I want you to leave here and be like you know what I know how to use infusible ink now I know that I can make my own earrings I know that I could put this design on a bag I know how to download a file I want you to know all the things because me just keeping the knowledge to myself it doesn't help anybody I want you to have the knowledge okay so I am very sorry I'm very very sorry okay so Sonia said show me the how you did the design so let's go back let's go back now one thing another thing about me is I'm not a designer so I prefer to purchase designs because I don't have time to be looking for font I don't want to spend my life like that right okay I don't want to I want to do stuff in my life that's gonna bring me joy okay and searching for the perfect font just saying it okay okay so I'm gonna do it the way I did it on camera when I was making that when I was making this other bag where's my bag right here somebody asked can you use HTV on on these bags because they're polyester this is HTV and it's on this bag now this Caesar Aurora and I'm I hope I'm not getting off track and I hope I'm not confusing anyone this vinyl is cut differently because you have to well they suggest you use a cardstock setting but that's a whole nother tutorial that is going to be I think I have it set to come out Saturday but you'll see okay so this is just regular heat transfer vinyl it's the Aurora this bag is 13.5 by 13.5 and it's polyester this bag is also a polyester it's the same size as that bag it's the same size it's the same brand I got it from the same place which is Michael's but on this I'm going to use infusible ink and you will be able to see how the the ink is going to be in the fabric okay 20 35 don't be y'all gonna be right there blinging with me like okay now we've got to put the and before this is over I'm Michelle Patrice my flock because I have it okay I have flock Patrice thank you Aunt Wanda okay we're going to we're going to go to um where we're going we're going to go to I'm gonna share a full screen so y'all can see the stuff and hide that go to this go here see where I am I'm on the hopefully you can see where I am I'm on the website okay now I have a Bronze Membership okay now we know in the Olympics when you win bronze that's not first place Okay so because I have a Bronze Membership you know that's the what lowest level okay I have bronze but guess what it's good enough for me I don't have to have the gold membership okay I'm good with bronze okay so this is the file it's called all the things now I'm going to click download again even though I've already downloaded it okay I'm just downloading it again so you can see how to do it in case you want to try it okay so I'm gonna click download again I'm going to click download again again he even though I did it earlier now on my computer you see it's down here at the bottom left see where I'm hovering with my mouse see where I'm hovering with my mouse the bottom left I'm like going in a circle right so I'm going to click on that and when I do I a little box pops up right and it says you know extract all and then right here this first um file these this is for Mac users okay I'm not a Mac User but I still download it because guess what I have a Bronze Membership and what I want everything that I can get with my membership okay look at you how old will I be in 2035 I don't know but I'm gonna be up there Patricia and you gonna be right there with me gonna be just doing rhinestones okay okay so then I'm going to click extract all because I do I extract all of it even though I know for sure I don't have a Mac and I probably won't and I'm okay with that then this is what I do this is not what you have to do this is how I do it so I can go ahead and click extract but I don't what I typically do uh Patrice no ma'am okay I click browse and then what I have on my computer I go to my desktop and I have a folder where I keep my design bundles files okay no I didn't make it Sonia yeah so I don't I don't I don't and in this folder I would create a folder right and this folder is going to say what all the things okay so now when it when it gets extracted it's going to go into that folder so now I'm going to click extract and now it's in there so it says all the things cut file when I click it I know that I have four options I have the Microsoft Edge document which is the SVG I have a PNG right and I have the EPs and the DXL I don't even know what those are and I'm so so much of a beginner that I don't care okay so the file that I'm using is the cut file but I'm not gonna I'm finished with this part okay so I'm going back to qriket design space and I am going to click upload and I'm using the one that's called all the things but if I didn't already have it here I would have to click upload right here and then I would have to upload it from where I have it saved okay so now when the file comes in pngs they're not dark Rita they're not dark in my opinion um when the file comes in I can look at this file and see that it's a layered file how do I know it's layered right so I can look over here in my what layers panel and I can see that you know there are four layers to this now what I typically do when I'm going to keep the file together is I bring the view down a little bit on my screen I typically go to 50 and then I will click combine and it just depends sometimes I will just attach it but in this case I'm going to weld it you don't have to do that I am going to do that it depends on where you're buying your files from Regal I don't I haven't had that experience somebody's phone downstairs okay so now I'm going to get my box again I'm going to get a shape remember the size of the square was 13.5 13.5 and uh um the color of the bag is white so I'm going to change this to White and I'm going to take the file and I'm going to click arrange and I'm going to bring it to the front just so I can make sure that it's not too big for the bag and it's not going to look awkward right now so I can look at this and see that it's you know big and I know that it Cricut design space will be trying to give me all kinds of drama right if I wanted to cut this now it will allow me to cut this but I would need a long mat I do have a long mat but I don't really want my design to be that big are we following how we doing y'all all get so caught up that I won't even be looking at the chat how are y'all doing good okay so I'm going to bring the design down a little bit more because I don't want to have to use a long mat I think I just I just don't want to have to let's see what 11.6 will do 11.6 is Big it's good enough all right so now I don't need the square I'm going to go ahead and just delete that square and I'm going to click make it oh it's still giving me a long mat I don't want them along that let me click cancel I'll make it smaller okay all right so now I'm going to mirror my design with with the infusible ink you have to mirror the design okay and you'll see why in a minute I'm going to click continue and the um device I'm using is my Cricut Explore Air 2 okay so I'm going to choose infusible ink transfer now all of these things right here the reason why you should see this list of um materials based materials is because these are my favorites okay so if yours doesn't look like this maybe you haven't saved this many favorites or maybe your your list of favorites is different okay so these are the ones that I use the most okay I want to click infusible ink transfer it says make sure mirror is turned on and material is Inked side up I'm going to keep it on the default pressure I'm using the regular fine point blade and now I'm going to go back to the camera so I can show you how to load it on the mat and all of that okay so now remember my design is mirrored want to stop sharing I'm going to go here and I don't know [Music] we'll do that okay all right all right let me move this oh this is still hot I think I may have turned on my um heat press too soon it'll turn off you only use it all right let me clean up some of my mess y'all got me making a mess I'm wearing one earring that matches the one that doesn't and um yeah I miss going on what did she say s okay so I have a green standard grip mat okay don't forget these are not trash your your mat cover is not trash I'm using a regular green standard grip mat okay and I am going to open this box uh infusible ink 2023 2023 is that what she's saying you gonna make me find my flock Patrice I got that stuff I like I got it I think it's think I have it right over there everybody in the world looking for flock there's somebody somewhere that's hoarding flock so when you open your infusible ink you'll see that it's going to come in a bag that looks like this people say it's important to keep it in the bag y'all I'm gonna just be honest I don't always keep it in there I don't I mean you saw my scraps that's definitely not in there so I just take some scissors and I cut it open foreign it comes with this little stuff and it says do not eat it but I've never felt a desire to eat this don't y'all wonder why they have to tell y'all don't y'all wonder why they have to tell you don't eat this I don't know whoever looked at this and said you know what I want to eat this they have to tell y'all because if they don't guess what it'll be a what Tick Tock challenge who can eat this stuff I don't even know what it is what is it what purpose does it sir why they put it in there here oh Lord y'all know it's the truth why why look how pretty this is OMG ah OMG okay so it's gonna come with a little thing that I've never read and see they don't have to tell you to eat it not to eat this why why doesn't this say do not eat this why does this say do not eat this because people do crazy stuff comes with the low lint cloth it comes with butcher paper inside all infusible ink comes with that so now with this box it tells me that it comes with four sheets and each sheet is 12 by 12 and you know if you're wondering like what what do the sheets look like they tell you the pattern right here so there's a purple sheet and then there's this like uh what's this zebra print then it's a that cheetah and then a blue sheet Madison's down there braiding hair so he's down there y'all ain't gonna get me caught up with him right now and when you look at the sheets it does seem thin Chris and I've never used it okay so let me show you what the sheets look like so these sheets they look really really let me come up a little bit hey okay the sheets look really uh dull when you first take them out so you see how dull they look and people always say make sure your hands are clean because this is ink you haven't seen me use any printer I'm not even going to use a printer because this is the printer right so here's this one here's this one so pretty I have been getting into the pattern sheets and then this one is just um purple and then there's a blue so don't be don't be fooled by thinking that the color is going to be you know light like this is going to be very very vibrant I have decided that I'm going to use this one okay and what I'm going to do is I'm going to put it on the mat face up let me change my camera view so you can see what that looks like okay and if the let me let me apologize right now hey y'all sometimes when I'm recording or if I go live my camera will just you know switch views for no reason I don't know why but if that happens hurry okay we are going to click this right here and we are going to do what change our camera view flat instead of rolled yeah maybe and he knew this into the studio again I have to keep entering the studio because for some reason it won't let me be what great let me try to let me try to okay let's try this solo layout okay so you see my mat and I'm going to put the infusible ink on the mat face up now with infusible ink I do think it's a good idea to have a brayer I did not think I needed one at first but now I know why they're so important this is a brayer um they I don't think it's too expensive in my opinion it's not so you just go over the infused and make sure that it is you know on the mat securely okay so remember in qriket design space I had the design mirrored and the infusible ink is on the mat face up okay so you can see my mat I'm gonna get the mat loaded into the machine I'm going to click the load I'm using the regular fine point blade nothing special I didn't have a printer this this is ink so I'm going to let my Cricut cut it out we'll do a shirt mix now while that's cutting out I'm gonna start moving some of this other stuff out of the way hope y'all are feeling good about this hope you're feeling confident hope you're feeling and knowing that you can do this I hope so I sure do hope so and if I did not say it already thank y'all for hanging out with me we'll greatly appreciate it okay okay no [Music] oh Rita I can't wait I hope it I hope it works out for you so and you love it and you feel confident enough to try it y'all I'm trying to clean up some of this mess I made more it's big [Applause] it is a mess you love reading now that is to me one of the downsides Gail I do not love reading it that's like when I was thinking about the downsides to infusible Ink that was one of them in my opinion I'm not maybe because I'm not good at it at all I'm gonna turn my heat press off for a second and then back on because I feel like if I just keep it on it will um turn off all right so my word to the wise my piece of advice is you know check your check your infusible ink to make sure that it cut all the way through sometimes it doesn't cut all the way through on the first time sometimes you have to do a double cut but then you know it when you do that it's very hard to get it off the mat um so you know kind of check it first before you unload it so I'm feeling it it feels like it could I feel pretty confident that it actually cut all the way through I can feel all of my cut lines pretty good okay so now I'm going to just go ahead and unload it I'm going to trust that it cuts and I am going to start to kind of just peel it back I'm gonna try this y'all I know it doesn't always work but I am not good at getting a good starting point some people say I can feel it hold on you're like my camera is getting ready to do something crazy again let me see if I can get a corner with my waiting too long I am not good at getting a start okay yeah I'm not good at that snapping it in the right spots okay see it foreign because you don't weed it with a weeding tool you read it with your fingers I'm doing it right here so y'all can see this I'm using the mat to help me hold it down but y'all know I can make some earrings out of this right all of these pieces that'll be left over okay so far so good okay so this part of it let me see my camera is going to do something weird and then it'll come back okay y'all can y'all see it good hopefully you can let me take it off the mat thank you so now I just got to get all of these pieces off that are not a part of the design hopefully y'all can see what I'm doing you just peel it foreign [Music] I do feel like the bigger the design the better for those little intricate pieces are hard to um work with just peeling away the pieces that I foreign had a question about the um easy press can you use the easy press yes you can I think somebody had that as a question so now I'm going through and I'm making sure that I got all the little pieces out y'all see that can y'all see that I think I got everything CCC okay y'all I'm gonna try to do something that Lord I need these I need right now I am going to try to move this iPad over here to the um heat press and hope that it gives me some what act right okay that's what we want what do we want act right when do we want it now that's what I want that's what I want all right solo let's see okay hey okay so I have my bag right here's the bag right so the first thing I'm going to do is do a um lint roll my lint roll this because guess what sometimes I forget and guess what you get fibers that like where do those come from like I I didn't see those fibers before I started but here we are talking about it okay so get you a good lint roller I'm gonna look at y'all's questions in one minute Lord have mercy we're gonna try that again I'm gonna do what try it again let roll [Music] okay all right and I'm gonna do a quick pre-press and I just have the bag turned to the side the heat press is set to 385. hey I wish I could let y'all see me and the but y'all don't y'all are here to see me oh that wasn't quick was it okay so now I'm going to put butcher paper inside the bag to protect the ink from going all the way through because I don't want it to say all the things on one side and then say nothing on the other side like is you know be backwards we're not making a Missy Elliott diss track is it worth it let me work it you're not doing this right so we're gonna put this inside the bag to protect the ink I'm going to move to the hotel right y'all remember we had a special guest last time y'all remember y'all remember we had a special guest why do I have the Hat on because it's cute and the rock is on my team no really because I didn't have anywhere else to put it at the time if I'm ever having a bad hair day and I'm up here and crafting I don't have to look for it I can just see it right there yeah yes so she was like hey zolanda you're working on ideas so we're gonna see what she comes up with some kind of collab which would be exciting and I'll be what nervous oh Lord okay so I'm just making sure that the paper it doesn't have to be in y'all I wish this was up higher but I'm not making sure that the paper is perfect and flat and folded well I'm just making sure that it's in there good enough to protect the other side of the bag does that make sense right you understand y'all need more light up can y'all see me look at my teeth can you see me okay pretend like you can see me really good okay roll over okay so here's my design right and I'll make sure that it's not upside down right put it on here and I'm not like is it centered do I need to move it over two centimeters I'm not doing that I'm just putting it on here like does it look straight it looks straight enough to me so when you make yours you're gonna make sure it looks what straight enough to you you can use heat resistant tape if you feel like you need to I'm not but I am going to put butcher paper on top so I have butcher paper inside the bag I have the design on top and I'm putting butcher paper on top of it I'm going to press this uh 385 for 40 seconds let me get some light let me get some a little bit y'all this lighting situation ain't what it's supposed to be because I don't spend my money on lights I spend more money on crafts supplies let me show you the wipes I use because I think I saw somebody asking about cleaning my mats if I still have any left um I don't oh man y'all know I'm gonna say right you wanted look now let me see if I can bring y'all in TLC y'all see that oh wait oh wait oh wait I'm trying not to dance ain't ready for these dancing skills now I better let it get darker right there because I did not this I don't want to take this put your paper out there was no ink release on the uh I think these are good bags man I got a little ghost in right there because I didn't get it but look y'all see that feels about ink that is infusible ink and the ink is what in the fabric look you don't see that is in there is in the fabric this is a fun print oh I don't do one-on-ones I got too much in my head one-on-one will last forever if you're like the one don't play I'm finished and I'll still be talking y'all don't want to do it on them [Music] well I would not say this is ghosting I would say that I should have taped it down right here because when I look at this look see how this still has a lot of ink right here see right here there's still a lot of ink but when I look at the rest of it most of the ink is gone I don't know if you can tell see see how dark this is I could have pressed it harder I could have infusible ink doesn't do the same job but that's a very good question so with a sublimation with if you think you can't do a photo right because I can't put my picture in animal print yeah well I could but that would be weird um so with sublimation you know you get you that's when you use the photos yeah I mean I guess I could but I would have to get it taped in the exact right spot and I'm not gonna try it but guess what I'm gonna try to do give it to good old College try for my shirt y'all ready for shirt get ready for a shirt now shirt or bookmark or mug thank you Miss Victoria maybe a present pillow uh maybe what do y'all want to do mug shirt okay bookmark shirt let's go with shirt okay all right let me put y'all back over here back over here in the boonies sorry I guess I shoulda done something different with the y'all went on a Littlefield trip I moved the light over there though I went on a little field trip he's still sleeping all right let's go this seems to be a little bit of a uh let's go back to solo okay let's go to movies I'm gonna do a shirt really quick the shirt will be easy because same way with the design it I'm making it pretty much the same way y'all went on a little ride shirt them up okay sounds good to me Rita present share screen let's do full screen share Cricket hide done let's see what y'all see let's go back there let's go there let's go there I'm not trying to do that I tried to do let's do stop let's do present share this share let's do this let's do that let's do this and this all right so we've already done this we're gonna um just do one that says what let's do crafting is my therapy I don't want to do these because these are really not mine ah foreign is my therapy and I will just delete this one now since this is going to be on a shirt I am going to get a t-shirt template scroll down shirt the size of the shirt is a men's short sleeve and it is a medium the color is white the vinyl that I'm using I think I'm just going to use I think I'm gonna use one of these purple sheets I'll show you in a minute and I'm going to bring the design down um I'll go down to 11 point let's see what 11.45 will look like 7.46 I think that's kind of big but I think it'll still be okay and I'm going to go ahead and weld it and I'm going to click make it I am going to mirror the design I'm going to click continue thank you dips I appreciate that I'm going to choose infusible ink transfer default pressure I'm going to put this on the mat with the ink side up and I am going to come back to the screen and show you all of that now remember these those other pieces were not um trash if I wanted to make some earrings to match the bag I would be looking so super Sly I'll be like oh she's so fly um show is so I'm gonna stop I'm going to go back to let's go back to me solo so I'm gonna use this one this one is called patterns distressed Berry and I bought it from the qriket website when they were having a sale because if there's a sale I'm in that thing and they're like you know okay they had a sale on their infusible I don't think people buy it a lot because they don't really know how to use it or they don't understand what it is and I think that most people think you still need a printer you see that I have not used a printer this is ink this is it's literally ink so I've never opened this one there are four sheets in here and so four different distressed looking patterns take my scissors cut it open y'all take the oh yeah Patrice drop the link so they don't know about the rhinestone class this is do not eat this now don't say I didn't tell you that one earring in it this box is distressed Berry you see that distressed Berry you're like no no let me um put my hair back so you can see my one earring yes I have one nice now these all look the same look at that even though I know it's four different sheets four different um colors here's the butcher paper that I never use I think I'm gonna use the darkest one let me use the one that's the darkest I like this one I actually like all of them put that back in with the ink you mean don't eat it be like you know what where is the stuff the little Crystal stuff that came with your ink or I wasn't supposed to eat it and how do they know somebody ate it and what happened to them where is that person where are those people yeah I got this from the uh cricket website I have not seen this in the store this color I'm gonna put the face up on the mat I don't know why this my other camera keeps turning off yo I don't know why I don't know why but we can't wall body we cannot be water buddy okay we are going to do this one let's see okay put it face up on the mat it's called patterns distressed Berry ER I think it's good that it feels when it comes the distress so you don't have to make a distress okay I think that's great so I'm gonna go ahead and open this load my mat foreign the design is face up I mean mirrored the infusible ink is face up the shirt that I'm using is a Cricut brand shirt I'm using the men's medium the reason why I use the men's shirts is because they have a crew neck um and the lace shirts have a v-neck and I just prefer approvement okay foreign while that's being cut out I'm going to go ahead and do my pre-press and my lint roll Cricut shirts are 95 polyester I know y'all can't see that it's 95 polyester and 5 elastane if I ever have another child I'm gonna name her elastane because I just think that's cute okay what's your baby's name your last name get a little [Music] let roll let me do my fold in half first thank y'all for hanging out with me me and little baby elastane what was your baby's name it's gonna be cute what does that mean I don't know it means nothing it means nothing Kristin I think I see your question was maybe the pressure was off because of the scene Maybe this person is doing here okay while that's cutting let me get this [Music] if I can find it [Music] I was going to show I was going to um Shelby treats my flock okay so I'm feeling it to see if it you know cut all the way through it looks like it did it looks y'all it looks really really good it looks really really good oh my gosh okay take it off and I'm going to do my best to um weed it now some people say you know all you have to do is roll it and you know it'll start to pop that does not work for me that works for some other people but not me that doesn't work for me I have to find the starting point and then I have to kind of go from there I'm gonna find my flock I have it in here somewhere it might be in the closet y'all I have a closet that is a disaster well everything up here is a disaster but the closet is the biggest the biggest disaster so let me try to weed this in a way so that you can see it let me do a um because I want you to kind of see what's going on here so you see where the cut lines are my goal is to weed this and leave all of the design on here and take everything else off I'm trying to do it in a way that you could so that you can see what's going on foreign [Music] I don't know why I can't just say really good I have to say really really good because that's much better than really good really good is like nothing really good like that's like almost equal to bad it has to be really really oh my goodness this color is so good I might give that back to my sister because I'm not really an animal print person you think it's the easiest thing to read Kelly I don't know about that I do not know about that Kelly because Starcraft is the easiest thing in the week to me Starcraft and Caesar oh my gosh she's on clearance I don't know why people are not buying it [Applause] so far Patrice did you drop your channel Demps did you drop your Channel please yeah y'all Patrice uh craftable thing she's doing a bling class this weekend if y'all love some blingers y'all expert Crafters um she's hosting a class this weekend uh for Blaine now I won't be there because I'm gonna be um doing anything else but y'all should join I'm not ready for that yet that girl said she gonna be doing anything else anything because honey I'm not ready for you I'm not into what to thine own self be what true true and they're gonna just be true to me I can't do it you don't I like that name did you drop the channel Patrice is no need for me to even just be sitting in there watching you know y'all would be like delonda why are you here I need to be getting caught up on my uh Housewives haven't watched any of them in a while because I don't know if y'all made early goals my goal this year is to get more sleep and I have been and I'm very proud of myself for that I used to stay up late late late late late late and I have not been doing that anymore [Applause] oh I watched the housewives of Potomac and I watched I'm I'm very behind on that I think I'm like three episodes behind so I gotta see what Ashley Darby is up to you I gotta see what she's up to and what other Housewives I watched it uh Atlanta Housewives and I watched uh [Music] oh because it's not gory okay did I get it all y'all see it this is going to be so pretty oh my gosh so you see that little those little pieces of white it's okay if you don't get that off well guess what it's okay if I don't get off bye Jesse okay so I'm gonna go and um I'm actually going to press my shirt again I'm doing another little pre-press so it can be hot and then I'm going to put butcher paper I'm gonna move y'all back over here I'm going to put butcher paper inside the shirt just to make sure that it doesn't say crafting is my therapy and then jingle is my Yahoo on the back okay if you don't need that kind of drama okay we don't need it because that's actually what nothing for free press and y'all back over here y'all gonna look through close your eyes close your eyes for one second Let Me Maybe if I stop the camera let me see oh that's not bad so y'all don't have to be getting dizzy while I'm walking this is not bad I'm still here we're together we are together hey okay we're back and we're back got a little crease down the middle and I've already done the lint roll I'm gonna add some butcher paper in the middle of the shirt in inside the shirt yes whoever asked that question what was the purpose of the Free Press you're getting the moisture out all over this so my butcher paper is not in there you know perfect and straight it's just in there the purpose of it is to protect the ink from going through it's not perfect at all hopefully it doesn't impact the the design all right uh I think they do Cricket makes one that comes in a box now bye okay so here's the the design my butcher paper um Senator I got it from Sam's I'm gonna show it to you in a minute so I'm going to put the let me see if y'all can see it I want y'all to be able to see what I'm doing see it is that good enough I'm gonna put the design down on here and I probably should use heat resistant tape to make sure that I get good pressure and then it's not that I don't get any ghosting and it doesn't move or anything like that but I'm not I'm not I'm gonna just put this down I'll put the butcher paper on top so I have butcher paper inside the shirt the design on top face down and then I have butcher paper on top to protect my heat press from getting any of the ink I'm going to press it on 385 for 40 seconds I'm not going to tape it Gill if it messes up I'm gonna blame you this is my butcher paper that I got from Sam's it comes it's a thousand feet and it's approximately 25 dollars Gail if it gets messed up I'm blaming you okay I'm gonna say you didn't tell me soon enough hey Shell we have six seconds let me bring the light back over here so y'all don't have to be wondering if I'm still over here all right I'm trying not to dance [Music] I can always go when it comes out good I can always tell when it comes out good oh my gosh look at that do y'all see that do you see how beautiful that is OMG oh let me y'all infusible ink is ink get you some infusible ink stop worrying about all these people that got a thousand dollar Sawgrass printers and and all kind of printers with all kinds of sublimation ink you better get yourself infusible and get you some svgs and get the crafting man that is gorgeous look at that and this is let me take the bunch of paper out this is vinyl with this shirt the vinyl I mean it's on top of the shirt so I can wash this maybe 10 times the vinyl might start washing away with this this is not going anywhere it's it's in there you see that you see it's in there so that's how infusible ink is different than vinyl that's my dance put a little shoulder get a little shoulder that's it that's it that's the dance if I was on Tick Tock right now I'll be having a song and just that's it that's all that's on that's the dance right there I ain't got to be doing all the other stuff that's the thing okay so you you got it go go get it get it and it don't matter how fast the song is if the song is fast you just do it fast if the song is slow you do it slow does it works with your budget these boxes I'm telling y'all when Cricket had them on sale they were I want to say seven dollars that's four sheets in a box for seven dollars and it took what one sheet to make this shirt and I still have scraps to make some earrings so if Peter said let's go out I'm wearing this shirt and I'm gonna have some what earrings to match he'd be like you don't want to get dressed up sir do you see the earrings I am dressed up what are you talking about get with it yeah no okay do you understand me do you understand what I'm saying 70 thumbs okay okay so we good are we good I have made earrings I have made a shirt I have made a bag y'all understand how good infusible ink is like if you're I'm not saying don't get started with sublimation I'm not saying that and if that's what it's coming off as that's not what I'm trying to get at what I'm trying to get you to know is you can still get vibrant colors you can still get ink in the fabric without having to have a sublimation printer the only to me this is just my opinion the only downside to infusible ink is that you can't use it with the photo right but you can make Valentine's shirts really it works well with any SVG when I made this shirt right here this shirt right here I use two different patterns right I use the plain blue for this part and I use the patterned um infusible ink for this part so these two parts are the same and then the regular blue okay hi Irma okay is is what's the first step you find your design you get your blanks you upload the design into qriket design space you make sure that it's attached or welded depending on what it is um you're going to cut it with the you're going to mirror the design right you're going to put the infusible ink on the mat with face up you're going to press it 385 for 40 seconds I think I said 45 seconds earlier but it's 40 seconds now with that little mini press I did it for 45 seconds because that mini press that I used earlier only goes up to 356 degrees that's the truth did I press it too at the same time yes and there's a tutorial um for this on my channel already I will make sure that I link it okay does Michael's carry infusible ink yes they do but um are you in the United States Crystal are you in the U.S hey Donna um I have not tried to do that but I guess you could if you did them at the same time if you're in the United States and you want to get infusible ink this is just my personal opinion okay this is you could take this or leave it it's not going to offend me my and my personal opinion Joanne's sells infusible ain't cheaper than Michaels okay so if you're going to try to get it locally I would suggest going to Joann's first and Joanne's will price match the qriket website so if they're on sale at um like on the site and you don't want to wait for shipping if it's on sale and Joanne's has the exact pattern or the exact one they'll match it does the image have to be in SVG AF yes so it really wouldn't work with the PNG because the PNG you would you know really is going to be like a printer if you use a bookmark yes so I have made some infusible ink bookmarks and let me show you what the blanks look like now I'm not going to keep y'all on here you're welcome to stay and I can do one more thing or we can just call it a night welcome back good night sweetheart well it's time to go y'all remember that y'all remember that y'all too young y'all too young it's just me I'm old okay these are sublimation bookmarks and even really you guys anything that you can use for as a sublimation blank can be used for infusible ink so these when I purchase these they actually say 20 pieces sublimation blanks right these say sublimation blanks but I use these thank you I use these with infusible ink and they came out so oh my goodness so cute now if I was just using a scrap piece I wouldn't even have to use my Cricut I could just put the scrap piece on top of here and you know press it for 45 seconds but if I wanted to put my name on one I could do that right I could just get my name cut out with the Cricut I would find a big pretty font that was something probably a script font right and I would cut it out I would get it on here I'll probably use some tape just depending on how big it is and then I would I would press it okay so these are like um aluminum okay and these with these they also have a um let me show you this has plastic on it that you can barely you can't really see it but you always find out once you get it to that heat press like oh what's this put this on it's on there y'all want to see your sponsor right quick see that I don't know if you can see it but there's plastic on here okay so if I was going to press that you can use it on dark colors but you have to have um a layer underneath it you'd have to have either glitter vinyl or the clear sublimation HTV so let me show you what I mean right quick and then I'll press one thing if you want me to Madison is is Milo out there down there they want to see him right quick let me show you what I mean right quick y'all y'all about to see Milo hold on y'all I always get my blanks from Amazon I only buy from Amazon hey guys the people want to see if you're going to be super super good or super super bad huh you said I could pick him up y'all hold on hold on Milo you gotta be good because you know you're heavy come on come here come here come here you gonna be good say hi to the people say hi say hi to the people he is people look right here look my look you say hi to the people yeah yeah [Music] okay go with medicine okay so I showed you this shirt earlier and I said with with this this top part all of this is infusible ink under this is a layer of glitter vinyl so this is what it looks like underneath so this is glitter vinyl and in order to put infusible ink on a cotton shirt you need a layer underneath and I have this one just as an example so here's just the the glitter and I use the patterns of infusible ink and I put it on top and to make this that makes sense that's one way to do it you could also use this stuff the clear sublimation HTV by HTV runt but with this you need white first then this then the infusible ink but that's a whole other thing okay Milo is I call him a Boston terrorist he's really a Boston Terrier but sometimes that's what he acts like okay all right how we feeling tumblers I have not done well number one Melanie I don't have a uh I don't have a convection oven I only have the the the what is that called sublimation oven good night shell and I have not tried infusible ink on a tumbler I have done it on mugs in the mug press you wanna do a mug right quick and we'll you will stop okay we'll do a mug right quick let me turn the camera off so you don't have to go on a little field trip turn the camera off so you you don't do not field trip [Music] okay here's that plug you in so you don't die y'all this is a mess it's bad it's really bad okay all right let's move this let's try to move this back still in the way it's great oh it's not that one is this y'all have no idea what it takes to do all this stuff okay let's try it again okay can you use it ain't gonna cotton the only way is what I just you would have to kind of go back rewind it a little bit to wanted to show what I did see back here coming up here you did it on the Tumblr you did on Tumblr hey from Australia you can still see the mirror I'm sorry y'all it's it's right there okay I'm sorry let's do a mug really quick and then we're gonna I'm gonna sing the song good night sweetheart remember that y'all remember that I don't need some do better with yourselves this is a mess I don't know if I can crap like this all right this is a mess it's bad this is terrible all right let me just get down here like this yeah look at what about my earring though is it this one is this one I wish you all can see it it's a fusible ink baby okay all right so let's make a mug in the mug press now you know here's here's a disclaimer I dalonda prefer Cricket mugs you don't only have to use Cricket mugs but you do have to use mugs that have a sublimation coating if you're going to use infusible ink okay foreign you have to use a mug that has in the sublimation coating so some people say well can you just get a mug from Dollar Tree I have not tried that because I just I know it's not gonna work um but you can try it and let let us know okay come back and let us know I'm not I use Cricket mugs just like I prefer Cricket shirts that's just what I prefer okay you can use the ones that work for you pyd life also makes mugs like this mug is a pyd life mug in it you know it's fine but I just I like Cricket mugs you know you get something you like and you stick with it so that's what I like they make the 15 ounce size and they make the 12 ounce size so you know just a matter of how much coffee do you drink what's the the good enough size for you okay somebody said it doesn't work they tried it thank you for letting us know Brenda okay so I'm going to go into qriket design space and show you how to get the design and then we're going to just press we're going to do a mug okay so let me go back to present and I'm going to share my screen I'm going to share the full screen so y'all can see it and let me click done on that and I'm going to actually click new and I'm going to replace that I already have that file saved let me go back to this for one second uh let me just change it to this I wish I could take this one off um let me go to this view right here and let's do this as a let me go back to design space okay all right y'all can see design space perfect okay so in order to make a mug this is how I do it you can do it the way you do it but this is the way that works for me remember whenever I share something I'm sharing the way that has worked for me but you're gonna always do things in a way that works for you okay so just remember that all right let me come on okay my phone was about to die all right so what I'm gonna do is go over to projects and then I'm going to look for the mug design setup okay so I'm gonna go to mug design I can just type in mug des and see if I can get it all right and I'm looking for the one that has the 20 options um looking for the one that has the 20 options right here mug design setup see where I'm hovering I'm going to click on that and then when you're choosing your mug you're going to choose the one that matches the mug that you're using so if you're using a 12 ounce mug you choose you know the 12 ounce size or you can choose the large straight edge mug if you're using a 15 ounce size now it's also important to show you that you have different options so there are beveled mugs um that look like this and then you can do like um there they have the stackable size which is a 10 ounce they have a ripped Edge so it depends on what you want your Edge to look like I typically do um The Straight Edge but you know that's going to be a matter of personal preference so here's like a scalloped Edge that's what that looks like okay what font do I recommend for a man's T-shirt impact or made Tommy both of those are good for men's a men's t-shirt then you can do like a wavy Edge like this so it's gonna just depend on what you know what you want okay all right so I'm going to just do a straight edge but you can do you know whatever you know works for you I'm gonna do a um small straight edge I better not because really 12 12 ounces of coffee is just that ain't it like who who created that uh 12 ounces do nothing for me they really do nothing for me okay keep on trucking cowboy Oh okay those are good too all right so here's the template now when you look at this right here where this these this thing right here where I'm moving it back and forth let me click undo because I don't really want to be moving it but it'll show you where to put your design that's the purpose of it is just to show you how to line the design up so this is like if you're going to be holding the mug to the to the right this is like the center of the mug and then over here this will be where if you were holding it to the left okay and this will also depend on if you're doing a full wrap or if you're just doing like a you know a an image that you just want to put on one side okay Kristen that's the truth and uh baby I don't know those little mugs don't really they don't really cut it for me I need the big one because I'm I drink coffee a lot I do I and to thine own self be what true okay so now you can go into qriket design space and see what they have so like if I click on images and I just do a search for let's say coffee and see what they have let me see what they have a yawn is a silent screen for coffee that's cute um this one right here that says Coffee that's cute this one that says coffee is like super super cute so this will be a matter of do you already have something you like or you know are you going to look in qriket design space now I think it's good if you you know if you are a cricket access member you might want to just see what they have to offer first you know and otherwise oh I like this my coffee needs coffee this is me this is this is speaking to me this is speaking to my heart my coffee needs coffee I'm probably gonna do that coffee doesn't judge mama needs coffee Good Vibes and coffee peace love coffee needs coffee I think I'm gonna do this one coffee before talking okay I like this I think it's so cute okay and I can see that this file is not layered okay I can tell that it's all I can't I don't have to attach it or weld it or anything it's already the way that it's going to be and so what I would do is just decide on do I want to have it on the on the mug on both sides like going to have it here and here or do I just want to have it on one side and maybe put my name on the other side like this would also be a matter of personal preference right so if I want to have it here let's just say I want to have it on this side and then I also want to have it on the the other side so no matter which way I'm holding my mug you can see it then I would probably take this and I would duplicate it so it's the same size right and I would select both of these I would hold one hold my shift key and select both and then I would align them to the bottom so they are completely aligned and I would attach them to so they don't move do y'all understand what I just did or do you need to see that again how are y'all feeling about that coffee before working I love that twelve dollars for four good okay this is good okay so if I like this then you know I can just I can just go with it right I can just keep it like this and say Yep this is what I want I can decide now this what I'm about to say here is also going to be a matter of personal preference because I can decide whether I want to have a full wrap and slice this out or if I want to just have a design where I'm going to cut this cut it apart and just get it put on the on the mug I think I'm just going to cut it apart and get it put on the mug and I'll show you what I mean by that so I'm good to go with this I'm gonna just move this down this I can delete this I don't need this anymore this I don't need this anymore either I'm going to delete this this I'm going to cut this out with uh butcher paper yes it's going to be mirrored that's a good question Mary okay so I have this which is going to be my oh really I don't even need this because with the infusible ink you don't even have to cover it I really don't even need this either I want to delete this so really I just need this okay so I'm going to click make it all right and then I'm going to mirror this and I'm going to click continue and I'm going to choose infusible ink transfer sheet and I'm going to go back to my um camera so you can see what that looks like okay when you turn let me stop sharing this stop screen and I'm going to get my infusible ink now let me look and see which color I want to use because I want message to be clear okay I think I'm gonna just use one of these sheets from here let me use one of these I think I'll use this light purple I put it back in this bag thank y'all for still being here oh my gosh we've been on here for a long time okay so I'm going to my sheet you want to put it on the mat face up I'm gonna use my brayer get it loaded now remember the design is mirrored which Cricut am I using this is the qriket explore Air 2 but you could do this with the joy and with the maker okay I'm gonna um click the Flash and see y'all got to clean this up a little bit it's kind of bad it's getting bad got my handed done there mug press let me get my cord [Applause] I'm gonna probably just press it right here so y'all be able to see it so cute hope I didn't miss any questions hopefully hopefully we are accomplishing our goal to learn how to use infusible ink please let me know if you have learned anything tonight please let me know if you've learned anything that would be you might have learned how to not press an earring I learned what not to do that's still learning a non-example is still what an example a non-exempt fool is an example yo I don't know how to craft and not make a mess it is a mess this is a mess you think it's gonna look good you shall see I think it's gonna look good too oh let me show you how the little thing I bought for my scraps that I haven't started really using yet how about this one of these little things to keep my infusible ink straps in I feel like I need to be able to see them you know if I just put them in there just like this they'll all be in one place can y'all hear me I hope you can you hear me yes you can hear me no you cannot yes you can yes okay good okay so I feel like it's cut I feel like it's cut I really do y'all can okay good okay someone I'm Gonna Take It Off I feel like it cut really good I don't know if you can see it but it's I feel like it's it cut really well can you get my um I don't even know where my back cover went y'all all right foreign so I'm going to cut this I'm going to cut the other one because I'm not doing a full wrap so I can just put it where I want to put it on the mug oh Lord y'all drama thank you all for sticking it out with me I promise this stuff don't happen to any other crafter it doesn't it only happens to me like y'all want to see something crazy go watch the London she don't jack it up thing just went out again so I'm weaving this out so make sure the design stays down these intricate designs are not my friend but I'm gonna do my what giving my what good old College try earrings cover yes earrings were first but don't watch that first part of it because then you'll be like you know what this is why I don't watch her because they beat did she press it on the wrong side yes did she try to do that no no I'm a little I guess I'm more human than other people because the stuff that happens to me I've never seen it happen to any other I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to get my um weeding tool to keep this down because it's coming up I am not good with the the intricate pieces but we're gonna get through it that's why you want Kelly because if something is going to happen hey but at least y'all learned some dance moves if you didn't have any before you got some now fast song slow song it's gonna work stay in the power Zone stay in that problem No Matter What song comes on you could let me see if Peter will come say hi I know he won't he just got home from work not too long ago oh it sounds like somebody that might be Morgan y'all they're leaving this weekend for those of you who just joined me for the first time I am an empty nester and my kids are home from college but they're going back this weekend so we're gonna be back to being by ourselves okay so those little pieces came off the little see that I'm gonna try to put them back on you know what I I don't I'm going to share my mistakes because Patrice said something that just really resonated with me and it's so true like if you see me make a mistake then if you make that same mistake you'll know what to do and I I appreciate that so much that she said that because I make so many mistakes I need all the advice [Music] depressing earrings backwards nothing what was on there nothing okay what did you press what was on the earring nothing okay so I got one I'm gonna go ahead and turn on the um mug press and let it start to heat up so it's gonna be like an orange light and then it'll start to see the orange light then it'll start to it's going to heat up and it'll let me know when it's ready you did candy I didn't well he went to college because he went first before the girls oh I cried and cried I cried and I slept in his bed and then I started like really getting into cricket and then when he came home he came home from college for Thanksgiving I was like uh how long you gonna be here because this ain't working I guess it's like what happened to I miss you I got I got over it got over real quick he used to have to knock on the door like what do you want who is that oh that's Morgan you wanna come say hi silly girl so I'm still weeding this out y'all yeah now they all huh oh okay is Peter going to oh you sure you might be hungry y'all see Morgan this is on YouTube it is a YouTube live there's a Morgan y'all she's so I don't even know what she's doing [Music] behind me there's Christian all the people you know them say hey twin yeah my name is Kelly hi little Spanky yeah she'll help you with the videos Spanky was in on the shenanigans when they did the birthday video remember had me over here crying crying like a baby I was like oh my gosh how did you get into contact with these people she just got off from work and she told me she would bring me a Dr Pepper but she didn't I remembered after I left it's okay I should have went back you should that's all right that's how you treat your mother that's all right let's go you better go get go get your education I'm ready I'm gonna get all A's she did well her first semester PA 3.3 GPA what 3.3 I think okay 3.3 I'm gonna bring it up though okay says she got a 3.3 she gonna try to bring her GPA up okay so here's the second one so here's the the first one so now I want to get the mug and uh you know Lynn roll this I don't know why it's taking so long to heat up it normally doesn't but you know I kind of go over it to make sure your mug is clean you can also use the little lint cloth that's in the Box you don't want any little blue fibers or whatever okay it's ready so now I just gotta decide where I want the design to go on the mug this will be a matter of personal preference if you're doing two sides of the mug so you know you kind of just want to get it straight I don't know if I'm I need to put this so y'all can see what I'm doing so I put the design on there and the infusible ink is you know it has the adhesive on it so it's going to stick I do use a little bit of tape not much because it's the adhesive is good okay I don't really use a lot of tape though with this because uh the adhesive on here is so good all right so now I'm gonna put the other side and it might not be super straight y'all because you might be like oh why is it one side you know hiring it one of my little Sticks came off why is one side higher than the other guess what the coffee is going to taste what the same okay so I'll try to get it as straight and as even as I can I could have done a better job but somebody says why is it crooked I'm asking why they're staring so hard at my coffee mug hey look let me just try a little bit I lost one of my little sticks again I'm Not Gonna Take It Off y'all so I lost one of my little sticks gotta have a seat sorry this is taking so long okay it is the coffee's gonna taste exactly the what same okay so this is good enough I know you can't see it because of the lighting can't see it because of the light but it's on there the design is on there face down I'm gonna just put it in the mug so that the I'm making sure that I'm getting good coverage all on both sides of the mug I want to make sure that the place where the design is is really in there and it's going to be good to cover I'm not using butcher paper I'm not using anything to cover it and I've been fine not using anything haven't had any problems with it and make sure all right so now I'm going to close it and it'll start so there's one I mean you probably can't see that but there's one light it'll go through the full cycle of Lights it might be like five minutes look that's it Spanky that's what I'm gonna say the reason why it's crooked is because that's how I felt about okay and you talking and I haven't finished drinking this yet so that's the problem right there so while that's going through the thing I'm gonna be cleaning this up a little bit and now we wait and I clean y'all ask me any questions you have now I will throw this away because there's really nothing I can make with this [Applause] if you didn't learn anything about anything don't eat this that's one thing you learn you could have learned that hey babies booty this is trash this is Trish this goes back in the box there's that this can go right here this can go over here this can go right here real number two the second light so I feel like it's going pretty fast going fast enough we're gonna be it's gonna be great it's going to be great did y'all say if y'all learned anything Kelly that's it that's it that's it Kelly if I throw it at your head what do you think it's more centered maybe another movie first ah no I haven't tried either Kristen but that's a good thing that's not that's something I could have tried like saving that and putting it on and using that as the like it's sliced that would have been a good idea I have not tried that Kelly that is the that's it right there if I throw it at your head how's it look now oh Lord okay we're on the third light y'all we're doing we're doing really really good they're going to Wingstop they didn't even ask Peter if he wanted a game what kind of Foolery but I did ask Peter what he was gonna have for dinner that was awful I'm trying to be a better wife I'm gonna start right after I get off here you know what I'm gonna come home I'm gonna cook dinner it's gonna be great but most of the time Peter Cooks because he gets home before me and that just works so much better in my life okay I would suggest having gloves for the um if you are like me like impatient like you want to see the design right away you don't want to be waiting you know afford the mug to cool down I'm not a cool down kind of person I can't wait y'all leaving I'm sorry I don't want anything outside the mug I didn't put anything outside the mug just the the adhesive paper that's already on the infusible ink I didn't I didn't add anything to it so like when it when you take the infusible ink the pieces off of the infusible thing that you're not going to use it has this adhesive I just that's all that's on there so I didn't I didn't add anything yeah and if it uh messes up my mug press we'll just blame one of y'all you don't need to parchment paper instead of butcher paper Patty is that what you're asking can you use parchment paper instead of butcher paper yeah let's see what happens with this I'm not using anything don't need you is it donation I hope I said it right you haven't used well honey look now this is a little one earring situation is it this one am I on the right one or is it this one it's this one it's this one hey yes yes they are twins it's ready okay so let me uh do a solo layout with do I wanna let's do a solo layout with this one okay y'all ready all right we'll put this little mat in front I'm gonna open it up I'm wearing gloves the handle is not hot so if you're using a mug press the handle is not hot the mug is hot the handle is not so be careful though still okay so I'm just taking straight out and um you can see the design see that on there so on both sides okay I'm gonna just put it down for one second and I'm going to turn my mug press off now you see inside my mud press it's still clean with the infusible ink you don't really need butcher paper or you know any kind of anything to cover it because the infusible ink it won't transfer like sublimation now if I were doing sublimation in here did you put your link in there dumps hope you did if you put if you're using your mug press for sublimation you do need butcher paper but for for infusible ink you don't okay all right so let's see what we're working with let's see let's see oh that's so cute oh that's so super cute isn't that cute oh my goodness look at that so same thing on the other side now it's hot it's very hot it's super hot just take something or you can wait for it to cool down I just I'm not good at the waiting y'all I'm not good at that some people can wait I'm not good at it and if you know that you're not good at it look at that this would have also been nice with the um pattern like if I were to use a patterned sheet look at that oh my goodness see so that's one side and just in case I have to throw this in somebody's head which I hope I never have to you know this other side isn't that cute okay let me uh go back to this one let's go to see if I can change the layouts to this and do this solo okay how y'all feeling y'all feeling good yes it's so cute so we have done three things we've pressed three things right three or four we press the mug you see how to use your mug press with infusible ink I made my one not this one my one famous earring right we did a bag and we did a shirt here's the shirt and we also did a bag so we've done four things tonight in our time together okay so if you didn't learn anything I'm sorry very durable it's it's on there it's in there it is um I could put this in my dishwasher I don't have to do hair wash it is it's on there it's foreign oh my goodness you made me do that right it won't come off it's on there unless you dig it off I don't know you can't get it off okay there's that um did we reach our goal do we reach our goal did we reach our goals go yes yay yay yay okay good all right let me say my say and then we're gonna get out of here thank you all so much for joining me uh thank y'all for sticking it out with me if you just got here you can rewind it the video will stay up hopefully you learn how to use infusible ink hopefully you're not fearful about giving it a try you see I made mistakes you see that we still were able to get through the crafts y'all met Milan we are Milo he's the channel sponsor um and hopefully you learned a few you got some laughs in and we accomplished our goal I appreciate you hanging out with me I know that when you give somebody your time I consider time as a treasure so if you're giving me that to me that is a treasure and I appreciate it more than I can ever ever express to you I it just means the world to me when somebody gives me their time because I know you don't have to um so thank you for that before I go I always like to remind you about the importance of arriving alive and I say that in reference to um road rage road rage is senseless so if you're one of those drivers who is always in a rush and you always want to be first to the red light first of all ask yourself why because y'all not going to the same place most of the time anyway because me I'm going to be late okay it's me I'm gonna be late I already know that I already have like a little text system there's a Code RL RL means what running late okay somebody's trying to go around me I'm gonna do what I'm gonna let him go because I'm going to arrive alive I'm going to get to my destination safely I don't get into road rage with anybody if somebody's trying to go around me I let them go if I'm going too fast I let them go around if they want to cut me off I don't care I just always assume they have an emergency I think they have to use the bathroom I just tell myself they have to use the bathroom and I just let them go I don't give them a finger I don't give them a hand a gesture a neck a way nothing I don't even look at them I'm just looking what straight at the road I'm driving and I'm not even looking at them okay that's what I want you to do arrive alive I don't want you to get into any arguments with anybody because it's just not worth it people are going through stuff times are hard the inflation is bad people looking for jobs people are trying to take care of families people are going through stuff and sometimes they take it out on the road so don't be don't let that happen to you okay no fingers no hands no gesture no face no nothing straight on the road okay and you will do what arrive alive all right I appreciate y'all for hanging out with me I do I do hopefully y'all learned something y'all go and be good to one another okay and what what do we say coffee before what talking okay bye y'all she's so silly somebody gave you what uh-uh not the bird let the word right finger Fellowship oh they wanna I was finished already y'all say bye to him right quick say hi to Milo again they had already said hi to you my lunch you want to say bye say bye to the people say why yeah okay bye y'all
Channel: Crafting with Delonda
Views: 56,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cricut maker, infusible ink projects, infusible ink cricut, how to use infusible ink, infusible ink, cricut infusible ink transfer sheets, cricut explore air 2 tutorials for beginners infusible ink, infusible ink for beginners, cricut maker 3 projects for beginners, infusible ink cricut mug, cricut mug press tutorial, how to use cricut infusible ink, how to use infusible ink with a cricut explore air 2, infusible ink transfer sheets cricut, infusible ink coasters
Id: 7cv1HVkM7Pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 7sec (10567 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2023
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