MUST SEE Walmart Shopping Tips to help you SAVE! 😲 Clearance, Outdoor Patio, Decor, DIY

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I am always on a mission to find the best items  at the best prices and share them with my craft   buddies and over the past few years more and  more of those finds are coming from Walmart   that's because they are constantly raising the bar  to compete with places like Amazon Target and even   higher end stores like Pottery Barn when I tell  you there are so many Pottery bar and lookalikes   in a Walmart store right now it is not even funny  so today I am going to be sharing a ton of my best   tips and tricks some of them I have never shared  before to help you score when you go to Walmart   after today you're going to know where to look  when to shop how to make the most out of things   like clearance the Walmart app the website so many  things so let's get into it I've got so much to share first up let's talk about when you should  be going to Walmart to shop unlike other stores   it's not like you have to pick what weeks to go  because they have rotating sales but depending   on what you're shopping for timing does matter  overall I think it's easier to shop in the morning   or the evening when it's not too crowded sometimes  after work or on the weekends it's a mad rush and   it gets a little crazy and I like to walk around  and look specifically for grocery items like   produce and bakery items the mornings are also  great because for 24-hour stores they usually   will stock things and remake things overnight when  they're not super busy making it a great time for   you to get the best selection if you are an early  riser also when it comes to seasonal items earlier   is always better as far as the season Christmas  fall Easter all those seasonal items are going to   go quick so grab what you want when you see it  early walm Walmart is also a great place to go   for after season clearance you want to be right  after the holiday like the day after Christmas   they usually drop 50% 75% and then 90% And most  years I can find wood and winter pieces I can use   in my Decor right away and if you're a clearance  Hunter you're going to want to know that Walmart   does their clearance markdowns mainly in the first  5 to seven days of a month so that first week of   a month you're going to want to go check it out  so you can get first pick on those fines also set   your expectations when you go in understand that  Walmart like any corporate store they are going   to be similar but they're not going to be exactly  the same so you might see someone else sharing a   ton of findes go to your store and not see it  it just depends on the volume of the store the   location of the store and what products they think  are going to sell well because at the end of the   day Walmart is a business and they want to make  sure that they're moving the products they send   to their stores when you're on the hunt for Decor  at Walmart there are a few different areas that   you must check out I always make sure I have  time to check the seasonal section first and   this is going to be in the front of the store  you might think I'm meaning the garden section   but I don't mean that seasonal there's a couple  aisles right in the front by the pharmacy and the   toiletries right when you walk in on the nonfood  side that will have a ton of great options and a   lot of them might not even be seasonal they just  might be displayed as such I love to find Better   Homes and Gardens things in these aisles now these  items are technically categorized as quote unquote   seasonal but I've bought things in here year  after year that I can use year round items like   these trays and entertaining items are perfect  for all year round and recently I grabbed this   pretty tassel towel to use as an outdoor throw  blanket on my outdoor sofa now next up for Decor   the actual home decor aisle in some stores it's  a few aisles down from that seasonal section by   the toiletries and the pharmacy but in some of  them it is in the back of the store so you'll   just have to see where yours is they've recently  teamed up with influencer my Texas home and her   seasonal releases are always so pretty some  of them can be a little pricey but if you can   find one in The Sweet Spot It is a great Buy and  they also have equally stylish items from other   lines like this beautiful dough bow trays faces  candle holders mirrors and pillows now Walmart   pillows are always a great quality and great price  I always grab them if I need them look at this one   it is a beautifully detailed pillow plus a great  size and it was under $15 now in that area you can   also find beautiful and affordable photo frames  and mirrors these $5 ones are perfect for my free   printables one of the big retail headlines  right now is that major chains are scaling   back on self checkout because it is a huge cause  of shrink or theft for them so if you use the self   checkout and you're always getting stopped it is  probably because you have an item that is not in   a bag and they want to make sure that it is not  being stolen so if you are making sure that you're   following all the rules and you're not doing  anything nefarious check out as normal get your   receipt and I just like to keep it in my hand as I  walk out then that way if the employee at the door   ask me to stop and check it because it's their  job to help with the theft shrink problem you can   give them your receipt they'll check out and  you can be on your way I always think it's   super important to understand the return policy  of any store that you're shopping at especially   if you're a person like me that doesn't like to  try stuff on in the store so at the time of this   filming Walmart's return policy for their items  is 90 days from the day that you purchase it or   from when the package arrives from  and that's great for me cuz a lot of places that   have 30 days I'll try stuff on I'll throw it back  in the bag and then I'll forget to make it to the   store in time so that is a huge Plus now there  are some asterisks on different products as well   as things specific from Marketplace sellers  so you are going to want to head down to the   description if you've got questions on that I have  a link to their full return policy now if you're   like me and are always losing those receipts for  returns check this out you can go to the Walmart   app select the account in the bottom right corner  and then purchase history if you have a payment   method that is hooked to your online Walmart  account it's going to automatically assign any   intore purchases you make with that card to your  account which will also act as receipts for future   returns which is awesome if you're paying in cash  or the purchases haven't synced just click the   scanner in the top right and use that barcode on  your paper receipt to get it added and then you're   all set so what happens if you're walking in the  store like I am right now and you literally cannot   find what you're looking for I just pull open my  app I type in what I'm looking for and it's going   to tell you exactly where to go so I'm typing in  the home edit I'm seeing a container that I want   I'm going to click on it and it says in this store  you want to make sure you're on the right store   it's going to say it's in Isle h32 so then all  I have to do is walk over to h32 and I found it   it makes life so much easier you can navigate you  can find things quick and easy now Beyond knowing   specific aisles to shop in it helps to know what  brands to look for in the store and which ones   to search for online so for kitchen stuff like  plates glasses silverware utensils bake Weare   and more I love the time and table brand as well  as the one from Pioneer Woman they're both Walmart   exclusives time and table are more modern more  high-end looking and they've got a few different   prints and colors and The Pioneer Woman line is  very colorful and Whimsical I love them both it   just depends on your personal Vibe Walmart candles  are also a huge favorite of mine I've officially   converted from the $25 Bath and& Body ones to  these Better Home and Garden ones the wooden   tops are so modern and the scents are awesome  I also love to replace the label with one that   I make my own on sticker paper and I also like to  gift them that way I recently showed it in my DIY   gifts video which is easy and affordable if DIY  isn't in the cards for you no worries these small   ones have adorable ready to gift labels easy peasy  I also am a huge proponent of Walmart furniture   they have some in store and some online our barn  door console table as well as this console table   but both from Walmart and they are great quality  I would definitely recommend Searching For The   Better Homes and Gardens furniture and they have  such a wide variety especially online another area   I want you to definitely check out when you are  in store is the garden section and not just during   the spring and summer months but always my local  store uses the garden section to set up Christmas   decor especially ahead of time time so if I don't  go out there I'm totally going to miss it they   usually start to stack that in like September  and it's hidden in plain sight if you don't   go out there so that is a huge wet tip stick your  head out in the garden section and see if there's   any goodies out there also when it is the garden  section seasonally right now I like to grab things   like stylish pots for gardening but also General  decor and even organization in my office they   also have a great selection of solar lights and  patio furniture is also a great buy at Walmart but   that's another one you're going to want to shop  online they don't have the room to have everything   everything out so if you want to you know see it  in store you can but I like to look for The Better   Homes and Garden brand also keep an eye out for  patio furniture and accessories to go on clearance   between July and September and outdoor pillows are  always a winner at Walmart thanks to the quality   and price I've been known to use those outdoor  pillows inside year round because they are a great   size to make a statement also did you know that  Walmart sells tools they are an exclusive retailer   for heart tools and they are great for a beginner  from saws to drills to vacuums and lawnmowers   everything I've gotten from har has been great and  I like that you can see them in store now I would   be doing a huge disservice if we just talked about  in store for Walmart because they have   which is full of so many different things as well  as the Walmart app that has so many great perks   now there are also a lot of misconceptions about  both of them so let's get into it and I can set   the record straight so number one a lot of people  don't actually realize this but is   actually a Marketplace it's not just a place where  Walmart product are sold so think of it like more   of an Amazon so third party sellers are going to  pay either a fee or a cut of the sale to Walmart   to reach consumers like you so there's nothing  wrong with that but you need to be aware that   when you buy something on Walmart it may be from  Walmart and it also might be from a third-party   seller so the other tricky thing about the  marketplace that people I think are unaware of is   that when you see content creators sharing Walmart  findes some of it might be from Walmart's website   and you will never have a chance to ever see it  in the store cuz it's not a Walmart product and   that sometimes can get frustrating cuz people will  see those videos get excited go to their Walmart   store only to not be able to find it and say what  is going on well it's because there are a lot of   options on that will never be sold in  store if you're interested in knowing if it is a   Walmart item or a thirdparty seller all you have  to do is pull it up either on your app or your   computer and it will show right under here sold by  Walmart or sold by a third party easy to find also   if you love the perk of Amazon Prime free 2-day  shipping also offers that without   the membership Walmart does have a membership but  you can get a ton of items on that are   eligible for free two-day delivery or sometimes  even next day delivery as long as your purchase   is above $35 they'll let you know if you qualify  right in your cart strolling down the clearance   aisles at Walmart is a Pastime that I thoroughly  enjoy and I also love that it can sometimes be a   true scavenger hunt when I'm shopping any kind  of clearance at Walmart I get out my app and I   use the barcode scanner at the top to check check  the price many times the price on the sticker is   going to be more than it actually is because an  employee hasn't had time to come remark it down   and that can make or break if you want the item  but on the other hand always and I mean always   look at the previous price that yellow sticker  gets me excited thinking it's a great sale but   sometimes it's only a dollar off so to avoid a ton  of impulse purchases in the clearance section you   can take the items that you like to another part  of the stores your shopping and ask yourself would   you buy it from there sometimes getting out of the  sale Zone it loses it luster and that dedicated   clearance aisle isn't the only place you'll find  clearance items always be sure to keep an eye out   for endcaps that's where they put a collection of  a ton of the same items that are on clearance I   made sure to scan my Amazon app with this toy to  see what they go for at full price and this $25   sale item is on Amazon right now for nearly 80  bucks confirmation it is a good score kids toy   clearance at Walmart is also pretty epic I find  they do it mainly twice a year once in July and   the other in December to clear out extra holiday  inventory of all the grocery pickup services that   we have done for our family we've had the best  luck with Walmart I realize this can vary by   store and by who's picking the groceries but our  produce has been well chosen it's free to do and   we haven't been shorted items another great thing  about doing pickups is that it helps me stick to   our budget I tend to impulse shops so if I know  I've got a hundred bucks to budget for meals for   that period of time I can get what I need online  and know that I'm on budget without any surprises   at the register now I know that I am a home decor  girl but there are a lot of other other areas   of the store like clothes and shoes that I shop  often for myself and my family that I wanted to   make sure you were aware of let's kick it off with  my favorite place to shop at Walmart which is the   craft aisle especially with Dollar Tree recently  raising their prices I have found myself visiting   the craft aisle at Walmart more and more because  they still have items under a dollar and they've   expanded what they carry some of my favorites are  these wood blanks I love these two different sizes   of wood cutting boards these are great for torch  paste and also adding stencils I also Al love to   know that if you're in a bind as a cricket crafter  they do sell Cricut items and they've also started   coming out with hello hobby like kind of knockoff  mats and tools that look very similar they work   well but they're much cheaper than the name brand  stuff I love that I can still buy Waverly chalk   paint here at my store but if you can't find it  in your store you can buy it online I just find   that the hello hobby brand which is Walmart's own  brand is not the best but something hello hobby   that I absolutely love are these paint brushes I  had to stock up on this day it's also great place   to grab acrylic paints at 58 cents for the little  bottle you also are definitely going to want to   check out things like Fabric and faux florals  fabric they've got so many different prints and   especially in their fat quarters you don't have to  wait for anybody to cut them they're the same size   as Dollar Tree and you can get plain colors way  cheaper the faux florals are amazing too because   you can find some of these smaller picks for  around $128 you just have to be willing to squat   down and dig cuz sometimes it looks like a jungle  but those are going to be much better quality than   the $125 ones at Dollar tree they also have super  pretty long stemmed options like Fern eucalyptus   and other flowers that are super great for vases  around your home right next to the craft section   you can usually find the party aisle and this  is another Treasure Trove to get things cheaper   than Dollar Tree their table cloth number one 10  out of 10 would recommend definitely want to buy   them there because individually they are under a  dollar a piece and the multi packs give you even   more savings also they do sell helium tanks there  and I love getting these for showers and parties   their balloons are cheaper than Dollar Tree you  just fill them up with the helium tank and it's   going to be a lot cheaper than going to like Party  City something else I know a lot of people aren't   aware of because I've been telling friends and  family and they are shocked is that The Closer   you live to more Walmart stores that can actually  impact the speed of delivery to you so we have   a lot of Walmarts near us so if I go online and  order something sometimes instead of it being sent   via UPS or FedEx it will be similar to a door Dash  Uber eat situation someone will be a driver they   will be paid to deliver it they'll go grab it from  the store and deliver it the Great thing about   that is we recently did that with Finn's birthday  we had a bike delivered to our door it was fully   assembled we didn't have to take the time to go to  the store I knew exactly what I wanted and it made   it so much easier Walmart's kids clothes and shoes  have also made major leaps forward we love the   grand animal mix and match clothes for Finn I've  been getting those since he was a little guy and   while they are cheap they absolutely last I love  to get his summer shoes there as well they have   a ton of licensed things if your kiddos are into  that and the COC lookalikes have worked so well   for all of us not just Finn Alex and I both have  a pair as well for the lake and I love getting   clothes and shoes for myself at Walmart too the  brands that I love are time and true love and   Sport celebrity Pink No Boundaries which is the  Juniors but sometimes I can fit into it and scoop   but keep in mind scoop is an online exclusive  I like to follow Walmart Fashion influencers on   Instagram and Tik Tok as well because they're  able to give me inspiration and ideas for the   clothing pieces like I give you guys ideas for the  home decor stuff I will link some of my favorites   down below and this top I'm actually wearing today  is a time and true one I got it for under $14 it   has really cute buttons here little flutter sleeve  this is going to be a staple for me this spring my   new obsession is the joy buun brand I started  with their super soft PJs and have also tried   their intiments and slippers 10 out of 10 would  recommend I shared my new Joy spun PJs and robe   in my recent haul and so many craft buddies went  and ordered them so I hope you love them like I   do they also have a great selection of shoes I  love that they go up to size 11 cuz that's what   I need I have big feet and we're going to wrap up  the clothes with this huge wit tip check out the   guys section for fun graphic te's and even plain  ones these t-shirts were under $5 and because   they're men's I know they're going to be long  enough for my tall self I also had to get this   Whitney Houston t-shirt and I also grabbed this  Chris Stapleton one for the summer I hope you're   leaving today with tons of tips that you want to  implement on your next Walmart trip be sure to   let me know your favorites down in the comments  and if you have Walmart tips be sure to share   them in the comments as well I absolutely love  you guys interacting acting down there I learned   from you other craft buddies learn from you as  well and also if you are an Walmart employee and   you have any special tips and tricks you can share  with us i' would love for you to do that as well   thank you so so much for watching be sure to hit  subscribe down below so you won't miss a future   video if you're not already a craft buddy and if  you already are a craft buddy thank you for being   here I am so thankful for you and I will see you  guys in the next one happy shopping bye [Music]
Channel: Whiskey & Whit
Views: 73,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whiskey and whit, whiskey and whitney, diy, whiskey and whit cricut, shop with me, grocery hacks, save money, walmart hacks, walmart clearance, walmart clearance tips, walmart, walmart haul, walmart deals, how to save money at walmart, shopping hacks to save money, how to use the walmart app to save money, shopping tricks to save money
Id: sS5SwHahOFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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