SHAOLIN MASTER | Shi Heng Yi 2021 - Full Interview With the MulliganBrothers

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to bring something from this imaginary world that only one person has to make it start and take form it's an important thing to take care of people and things around you but it's as also as important as taking care about yourself because when you are dead well who will take care of the rest i think some people are born with the character let's say of a sheep and other people other humans maybe are born with a character which is a little bit more similar to one of a tiger yeah how do you want this life to be pleasant finished it's jordan from the mulligan brothers and today's interview is with master xia hyun yi and if you want to support projects like this in the future like this interview please head over to where you can now buy the inspire change t-shirts or the lfg t-shirts and the hardest working room t-shirts all linked down below or you can hit the join button to become a member this was my favorite interview of the year highly anticipated i know you guys are excited to see it there are so many messages here let's jump in to the interview for people who haven't seen the first video could you just introduce yourself and who you are so my name is i am currently one of the masters who is teaching here in the shaolin temple europe and the goal of our organization let's say is to [Music] bring the knowledge the ancient knowledge that we inherit from a thousand five hundred years of practice to bring this a little bit more to this modern way of living because we think that there's quite a lot of different methods that can benefit the people in in various fields and just by looking out right now into the world i think it's necessary completely agree so i think a great place to start is just briefly mention that is the work that you guys are doing here at the shaolin temple um just if you was to explain to a person on the streets how would you how would you describe it so our organization just like any other organization it has a goal one of these goals to put it very simple is we are collecting knowledge that is not so easy to find especially coming from the field of the martial arts or coming from the field of the shaolin arts and that practically means that people from here we travel to asia or people from here we travel the world in order to search for different sources and these are sources of persons sources of people where we think that they possess some type of knowledge that is worse to bring it back to the monastery again because because we think there was a time that we had it but because if you're interested in the history of the shaolin temple for example the monastery in china now it was actually burned down several times so what does it mean that when an organization or a monastery is burning down that means quite a lot of knowledge is also getting lost in these moments because a big part of what monasteries are doing is building up a library a library where a lot of knowledge is stored and once it burns well all of this knowledge burns down but this is then where sometimes the real life is also starting to merge together a little bit with legends because there are the legends that there were many masters who lived that time in the shaolin temple in china who started then to flee from the monastery and start to hide and travel the world as anonymous persons so that you couldn't find them but what does it mean it means that these people are still in possession of knowledge that once was in the shaolin temple and this is one of the missions that we are um going after so bringing back this knowledge and afterwards why is it so important this knowledge it is because we are talking here about 5 000 years of studying the human being 5 000 years of asking questions about how does the how does the human function how does our mind function yeah how what in the world outside is affecting us on a regular basis how can we take influence by what we are eating by what we are drinking by what we are thinking by how we are treating our body how can we use all of this knowledge in order to bring benefit into our lifetime yeah because this is no matter from which generation and what culture somebody is coming from what is the same for all of us is that we have this physical aspect about us which is the body and this is the vehicle which is transporting all of us at this moment through this lifetime so even if somebody is not interested at all in the philosophical aspects about these things well philosophy is just one way of trying to transmit something yeah but what is this transmission about it is about making the best out of your lifetime that has been given to you right now so and therefore to make the best of our lifetime it means yeah just we had this conversation about playing chess if you don't know the rules of the chess you won't spend too too long time playing it with someone who knows it so that means on the one side it is a little bit about learning the rules learning the rules on which basis this game now that chess is functioning but at the same time now i'm not talking about a game now i'm talking about just this life this life where we all are walking through and there are also certain principles and also certain rules that when you know them it makes it easier for you because then you you don't need to just jump into the cold water and don't know what to expect and therefore to study this life to get experience from people who investigated already this lifetime who also spent a lot of time investigating in themselves this is the type of knowledge that right now that i'm talking about and that i am thinking about when i say you do not need to reinvent the wheel we just need to trust some of the people in the past they did it already it's just that this type of knowledge where is it and in china people are very proud about saying that the chinese history of studying the human body it dates back almost 5 000 years and now imagine our lifetime right now how much already one person in a lifetime of 100 years is able to contribute to a society and now we're talking about 5 000 years and it is this type of knowledge that at the moment our organization is trying to catch back this is the one part and the second part is to see how can we use this knowledge now and provide it to [Music] to the people in nowadays world that need it on the one side and that also could benefit from it and this involves many different aspects where we can see watching out in the world that too many people are too much influenced by things where um it's not healthy anymore where do people have the where do you see the biggest issue with people like where people have problems and they're making mistakes and they're not adhering to the lessons of old i think one of the main hidden rinses i would call it like this what is hindering someone to get answers or to get to the methods i think it is the lack of time that you are spending in investigating yourself yeah meaning too many things nowadays are outsourced you are you are outsourcing maybe your happiness to outside circumstances you are outsourcing your health to outside circumstances yeah so you are outsourcing a lot of things where we think yeah but they should belong into your hands yeah your health is not a question if you get vaccinated or not this is just one one for example one area i'm not saying that it doesn't help but what i'm saying at the same time is i cannot imagine somebody this powerful nature this force of the universe is putting you as a human being on this earth i'm complete meaning uncomplete to deal with the challenges that this world is going to offend you with so what i'm talking about is for example the immune system i think when you have the right methods to improve to boost up or your immune system you can face a lot of different sicknesses by yourself doesn't mean that you should only rely on this but it's already a big part that can help you and now without going into that field now of these type of viruses let's just talk about the normal average day headaches back pain muscle pain joint pain all of these things where you where nowadays it's extremely easy that you just flip in a painkiller and then you just forget about it it's good that we have these methods but still i think a great power lies in the ability when you spend more time with yourself you will realize that a lot of medicine a lot of high technology is already embedded inside of your body inside of yourself yeah and but it is like a trend anyway that many things are outwards oriented but which is very normal this is what we say in the morning when you wake up it is something very very natural that is happening that you open up the eyes you get out of the bed and so then it starts to be normal that you are interested in what's going on out there which means you look at the mobile phone you look at the television you look outside you listen to things that around you that means awareness is naturally driven outwards of you in the moment where we wake up so it's natural this is the natural state like i said if you don't pay attention it's getting out of you therefore what is it that the first step i would suggest somebody is is doing and what is also lacking nowadays is the time that you realize this to just realize one part of human existence is it that our awareness is naturally being driven outwards so in order to create the balance what we do with all the different types of methods is to regulate this to regulate and keep an eye on the amount of time and on the amount of awareness that we are allowing ourselves to get lost out there so that means first of all it's important that you see it on yourself first which means you don't turn the view out there and look out the first thing to do is you turn around and see yourself because then in the moment where you are doing this you are going to see yourself and this is the beginning where once you spend time with yourself the inside comes because all the time we are interested in seeing what is everything existing out there yeah and it is one approach this approach is that things are becoming even the the traveling the journey becomes quite long and quite big the more far we go out so it's like first i stay inside my monastery when i go out i'm going to be inside this village i go out i'm going to be inside germany i go out then i'm in europe i go out then i'm on the earth on all different continents then i go more out than i'm in the solar system already then i go more out than i'm in the milky way then i go more out than you are in many different galaxies then you go more out it's getting always bigger and bigger and bigger this is also an interesting way of spending your life yeah but there is one thing which not everybody is able to afford this type of traveling yeah maybe elon musk he is yeah but not everybody has this technological and also financial capabilities to make this type of journey but now the interesting part is that in the asian culture we are saying the so-called macrocosmos that the world is always getting bigger on the one side is actually like a mirror to the so called microcosmos and microcosmos means it is now not the journey where you travel outwards it is the journey where you are traveling inwards and instead of things becoming more big you watch inwards things becoming more fine you become more refined so first of all you realize okay i have the body then you watch in oh i have the skeleton i have the muscle the muscles i have the fascia i have the organs i have all the blood vessels i have the energy systems and you get more deep and more deep and there you realize also different things inside of you you yeah you go down maybe you meet some atoms inside the atoms you have the proton the neutron the electron you go even smaller then you maybe have the quantums and the quarks i don't know the funny part is on the one side it always gets smaller on the other side it always gets bigger but those two things still have something in common which is just as an example cyclic movement seems to play a very important role doesn't matter in which world you are now when you are in the outside world yeah our earth is turning we are turning around the sun the solar system is turning our our clock is turning a lot of things are turning yeah and you go down our circular our respiratory system is connected in a circle let's say the inhalation the exhalation our heart how the heart is pumping the blood let's say through our body is also a circular system and the digestive system the way how we exchange energy with our surrounding get it to us yeah it's happening in cyclic movement the atoms are moving in cyclic movements so there is something in both of these areas that remains the same and this is one type of where i say to investigate and understand the the rules on which you play the chess or on which this life is based upon because then things become a little bit more helpful because once you know that there is this cyclic movement always and always then at the same time you also know if you do not want to waste energy use you try to reduce for example the amount of linear linear behavior linear movement that you are doing in this lifetime meaning you investigate something that ultimately anyway comes to a hard stop but what does this hard stop mean it means that all the energy that you have invested in on one point is just going to vanish yeah but this is kind of pointless so what is it that you can then do transform that's why we call it transformation is something really important because transformation only means it maybe doesn't look like the initial investment of your energy it is because this energy is able to take different forms and different shapes but it's still the same investment from your lifetime that you gave into this life yeah and maybe people still don't get it but um let me let me put it a little bit more to the point yeah right now we have eight billion people in this world everybody has his own ideas and his own expectations maybe how he sees himself and what he would like to do with himself during this lifetime so that means we have 8 million eight billion different ideas and one misconception maybe or just something to meditate about to contempt about this why would this world why would this life or even this universe now i express it a little bit in a negative way maybe but why should this life care about an individual's expectation about life and now we're not just having one we're having 8 billion individual expectations about life but for me in my mind is just like we are talking right now about the creator of everything the creator of the universe the creator of the planets of the humans of the animals of the plants of all possibilities in this world we are talking about this type of force in comparison to the expectation of an individual human i'm not sure who's in the more powerful position at the moment i mean i am sure the thing is just i don't think that this type of force is existing in this world in order to fulfill that individual person's expectation about life i think it's the other way around i think that you have been put here on the on this world as a small individual in order now to be open in order to be open in order to receive what that force has to offer you in this lifetime which means you are walking through this lifetime without an own idea more or less what to do with your life you are open to receive what this life in a way has to offer you and how do you know that you are getting these messages or how do you know that you are on this path that i'm trying to to at least present it a little bit graspable to you i just imagine you are working on a project no matter what type of project that is you invest a lot of effort a lot of time and a lot of energy into this project but no matter how hard you try you are not succeeding somehow even though you watch around other people make similar projects but they invest way less energy than you do but they are succeeding or you're already together the third or fourth time together with the with the partner the first three times you broke up because you you realize there is something which apparently is not fitting but because of your hope you go the fourth time into this relationship but again you're just about to feel that something is not resonating there and no matter how much you try it it is hard for you to make it work and often in such situations then you might ask yeah i'm working so hard why i why am i not deserving finally the success of my work or when it comes to the partnership why do i why don't i deserve to have this partner this woman or this man in my life this is the one way how you could ask or you turn around and ask it in a different way maybe this universe doesn't want you to succeed in exactly this project the universe wants you to succeed but not in that project and the universe wants you to be in a partnership and to be and to have someone next to your side that you are deserving but not that person so maybe it's not that this person is you are not deserving her or him maybe the universe is just thinking you deserve someone better you don't deserve to succeed in this project why because it's too small for you don't waste your time with that small one the universe has bigger plans with you so spend your time listen to what sometimes the universe wants to give you and that means this is how i see how i like sometimes feel inside and it's one of the reasons why i meditate one of the reasons why i sit down and i'm quiet because i need to listen sometimes no matter how strange it sounds listen to what listen to what the next steps are that i should be taking so what i'm saying is if you invest a lot of your own effort your own willpower your own energy your own work into something but it's not your sometimes we call it karma or it's not your destiny or it's not in harmony with someone with someone's more powerful presence that then it doesn't matter what you want you're not going to succeed yeah but the greatest thing that can happen is you hear the message you feel the message you hear the call and then you are taking now your lifetime your 24 hour stay and make this call take reality because what it then means is there is a plan and you are here with your own hands capable of fulfilling that plan because when we talk about like this here what does the plan mean what is an idea what is a vision first of all it is something that every human when he has it he has it for himself he has it inside of his mind he has it in his imaginary world let's say but imaginary word means only one person knows about it the one who has this vision and therefore now if you want to contribute something to this earth to this world i think the challenge is to bring something from this imaginary world that only one person has to make it start and take form that this idea starts to shape because only when it takes a form only when it starts to shape then it enters into the world where more people now can can touch it can see it can feel it so it's always about an idea which has no form yet but we humans this is the nice part where in asia we say or in the shaolin temple is the tian run d the heaven man earth heaven man earth which means the human is between heaven and earth he's like the middle man between heaven and earth from the heaven he sometimes receives something but only he has it and now what is he doing because he's in the middle he brings this idea this vision boom onto the earth and manifests it makes it real for people to touch it to see it and yeah this is where i would say um this is for me one of the greatest things that i could right now say um i discovered for me and and since that moment when i really integrated this into my way of living into how i walk through this lifetime things are just effortless because i have the feeling that it's completely in harmony it's not that i say i feel enslaved by something and actually i don't want to do what i feel i should do no i feel that just by having this this ideas by having these visions and then investing my lifetime to try and make these visions that i just come from somewhere to make them become real at the same time in the moment where i feel that it's just about you it's like you make your dream come true it's like a wrong movie it's like you write your own movie like this it feels and it is so effortless yeah and now and i strongly trust that this is something very very special that everyone is able to tap into that is the important part that is the very very important part yeah and what is necessary so in order to maybe understand a little bit more what i'm talking about first of all you need to spend time with yourself if you have the feeling too much of my awareness is being driven outwards number one is in order for you to create balance meaning to get into a harmonic state you need to first of all find the counterpart of what actually right now is missing in your lifetime if you spend too much time taking care of your family taking care of your friends taking care of your company taking care of this and that it's an important thing to take care of people and things around you but it's as also as important as taking care about yourself because when you're that well who will take care of the rest yeah that's not going to work and at the same time once you have fixed everything that you feel for yourself is an issue and was hindering you when you have are able to fix this first of all for yourself you will become a much much greater rock where people are able to hold on to then when you are someone who still hasn't been able to fix your own difficulties in lifetime and problems and this is the reason why i also told you that another idea of of making these things become possible is that now in the winter time for us for us it is retreat time retreating i decide for myself i had now 11 months where i was talking a lot with people where i had projects together with the world outside 11 months i had this and now i feel for myself to prepare me for the future to come now i say in one month now or maybe two months i need to retreat i need to now make this two months of very hard retreat for me in order to just have to balance again for next year 2022 to come up and go out again yeah and now not everybody has this chance of course yeah if you have a family you just cannot disappear for two months but a week a week i think this is also something which can really boost up a lot of things to always stay close close close no you can only stay close because like the distance also exists and in order to have balance to understand how to balance out what i have there you need to know there is the close part being close to each other and that's the part of being far away from each other from time to time you need to have both of these perspectives in order actually to really know what you are having there if you spend in one of these states for too long time you start to it blurrys the view there is something missing in your perspective about what you are having there so and this is also another aspect of how to change your perspective and change your approach also in in what you want and ultimately now this is an important part ultimately what it is about in the buddhism or in the in the temple life how we express it is with our thoughts we create the world this is one of the quite powerful sentences in the in the buddhist teachings so what does it mean with our thoughts we create the world when you are able to impact your thoughts when you are able to adjust your thoughts you are able to adjust the world this is what it means so why do many buddhist monks why do many temples spend so much time meditating sitting meditation because in the sitting meditation one of the reasons is there is not much physical activity that you are able to witness on the outside the body is still the eyes are closed normally it's quiet around there's nothing to listen to there is no smell there's nothing to smell and nobody's touching you there's no feeling so after sitting for quite some time how do you still actually know that you have this body well you don't you just don't but it's still out of question that you are still having some type of perception about yourself that you are like still existing yes but it is not body related and if you take these type of teaching series this is one approach of how are you planning how do you want to get to this area of becoming so fine that you are only finding yourself in the world of thoughts and why the thoughts because with the thoughts you would change this world in the way how you imagine this world should be so ultimately what we talk about is yeah how do you want this life to be pleasant finished pleasant this is what we all are looking for and which i really think is regardless of which culture which part of the world there is not even an animal not if you ask them choose what do you want a pleasant life or a life of suffering choose you only have those two choices i think the answer is very very clear and is the same for everyone the reality though is yeah we 8 billion people we know what we want but we are not able to easily achieve it so we don't have the pleasant life that we want why because the methods and the approach maybe is wrong because the approach in order to get to this pleasantness is wrong now pleasantness in a way now i would say is something very very much related to how you feel on the one side about waking up how do you feel during the day but also what are you carrying on the mind during the average day when you are walking through this lifetime what do you have on the mind and what do you have in terms how do you feel those two things is ultimately what is making your life quality at the moment so even somebody gives you a present yeah he gives you i don't know the new tesla just as a present but this day you just felt like you don't feel you just feel bad you feel bad your mood is not good it doesn't matter what present you get it's it's irrelevant for you yeah but sometimes just a very very small thing somebody gives you maybe sometimes even just the word or just the look and you feel that's that was a different one so an easy way how how do you know that you had a good day or how do you know you had like a bad day good days i think you want more of them you would like in the future more days repeat and have this type of quality like you had today and bad days you say no hopefully this was the last one in this lifetime that i definitely don't need anymore so it's about with what thought and with what feeling are you walking through this lifetime now because many people now hear that word thought coming from sinking i can also think when i just sit around like this yeah and this is the problem yes we want to get to the sinking we want to get to the thought we want to get to the feeling but thought and feeling is something like very fine in order to get to what is very very fine we make the opposite we want to get to the thought and the feeling we deal with the body we do stuff with the body because the thought and the feeling they can take place while you are just sitting around that's why you don't sit around that's why we do the activities known from the shaolin temple because only this physical aspect of yourself together with those non-physical aspects like the sinking like the feeling this together is giving you the full range of possibility to adjust something yeah which means yes you want freedom of the mind but in order to get freedom of the mind our approach let's say for example is you are dealing with the restriction of yourself if you if your goal is to find freedom of the mind and you directly try to approach it by behaving like you are free by talking like you would be free this is the wrong way so what i mean by that is we're in the 21st century everybody thinks he's like in a in the free world and he is able to speak out freely what he sings and to behave freely yeah but it's the same like i mentioned again if you are in a partnership and then you go out somewhere on the beach and you see other beautiful people there yeah a free person now would say yeah i'm a free person i can cheat around how i want but this type of freedom is not the one that we talk about because this type of freedom you think you're free so you behave free no this is going to bring out the destructive elements of the human the freedom that we talk about is you it's the freedom that you do not need to listen to what the mind is telling you the freedom of that you are taking your own decisions and that you are able also to restrict yourself so it's very paradox on the one word i'm i'm saying it's about freedom but this freedom goes hand in hand with your ability to restrict yourself and this is what you see here with the guys in the monastery as long as they stay inside this monastery they have a lot of rules and a lot of things are forbidden let's say many people cannot handle this they have difficulties handling it sometimes nevertheless i know the day will come where just three years have passed and when they look back they realized three years long how could i even imagine to live such a way full of restrictions and then they realized that because they stayed in all of these restrictions now suddenly it's gone yeah now even if you tell them hey you're not to eat because it's not eating time for them it's okay yeah then you say hey look today is no party time you just cannot go out we have other things to do it's okay yeah or you cannot meet your friend today it's okay and with this type of ability that you can handle quite a lot of things with this type of ability now you can go out in the world because now nothing simply brings you out of balance so quickly anymore why because you have stopped outsourcing you have disciplined your mind you have taken your own responsibility into your hands that the life quality the way how you are perceiving this lifetime it's up to you it's up to your practice it's not to wait until the outside circumstances and your government and this world is going to create your dream world it's not going to happen it's about how can you contribute how can you as an individual contribute to bring out this world that you imagine how it should be and this is how i see for example why i'm doing this type of work i am trying to share out what i think is missing and this is just for my part i think this is missing i want to see it more in the world in my dream world that's why i contribute to make this dream world now start to manifest a little bit yeah and this is how i think at least for me it's quite a fulfilling way because i don't think i don't wake up and like have the feeling i'm wasting my lifetime because this probably would be like one thing sometimes i think when i look into the future one of the worst things that could ever happen is that you one time just wake up you are old already look back at your lifetime and then you start regretting that you didn't do something with your life this is really something that i don't want to be in that's why right now i'm already very careful in what do i invest my lifetime if it's not important to me then i don't do it if i think it is something that gives me additional value then i do it wow thank you so much for all that it was amazing um i think uh we see a lot of the general population when we talk about eight billion people it's hard to even fathom how many people that is it's so many people and a lot of them would look at successful people like elon musk for example great example um dwayne johnson like these people who are like elite levels and they'll go well it's okay for them they're famous or they got lucky they might even say the same about yourself or he's a shaolin monk like you know he knows how to do that or he knows how to manifest how how important is it to be able to have an introspective look and be able to look inside um and to be able to find that ability and then also is is it everything is it is it something that everybody has or is it the select few who can manifest reality if you are enjoying this interview please consider supporting us with and the join button down below and you can also buy these inspire change t-shirts let's jump back into the interview i strongly think that every human being first of all has a great great great great great possibility to take something in your own hands and base decisions that you are taking for your lifetime based on your own ideas so you have something in your hands this is the one part at the same time i also think there is something you don't have in your hands at all it's not in your hands it's out of question like what for example the fact that right now my nose in that sense or your nose it is the nose that our grandfather 10 generations before also already had so now the question is how much influence do you how much influence do i have in deciding what nose is now here on my face i think none so that means there is some information that has been given to you that has been given to me that we were born with you can't change it that is the one part now if i bring this sword a little bit more far what does it mean it means i think some people are born with the character let's say of a sheep which doesn't mean a sheep is a bad animal it just means a sheep is a sheep and other people other humans maybe are born with a character which is a little bit more similar to one of a tiger this is not about now which is like now better it's not about better it's about to understand where is your nature coming from what is your natural what is your natural aspiration why because somebody who like lives together always in the community like a sheep he doesn't want to become the ceo of a our company and be the the lonely wolf he is happy to just have some time with the community friends with his surroundings and he doesn't he's not inter interested in dominating other people yeah but at the same time if you put like just a few tigers together in the room then the natural thing also happens and some people are made to build something up meaning they are made to lead they are made to guide they have the potential inside of them to bring it out and other ones they are happy with the way how things are when the rules are set they just follow the rules and they are fine with it and this is where i see a little bit that importantly that is not about good or bad but it is about listening to yourself what is it that you really want on the one side and also what you're capable of and therefore not everybody wants to manifest not everybody has the skills to manifest and this is also something very funnily why in the shaolin temple for example we say from a thousand students that come ultimately maybe one or two from a thousand are ultimately really staying in these type of practices because the big problem is always like this you always have people that have the willpower so they want they they really want it but then they don't have the character then you have people which have really that type of character that spirit of character that we were let's say looking for the problem is but he doesn't want to have this type of life so to find a person who has the characteristics so his character let's say is suitable merge together with the willpower that he also wants this way of life this is something very very rare it's very rare that something like this is happening many people want to achieve something great yes but they don't have the character to do it their character is going to stand on the way on on their own way they have the willpower but they don't have the character other people have the character but they don't want if you find someone who is able to inherit both sides this is something very special and this is then where i think the manifestation takes place there's um i think a few people who have both they then think about the 8 billion people and go well there's not enough space on planet earth for everyone to succeed and live their dreams what would you say to that i can only relate to how i see it in terms of just now we had some lunch together i was counting before i said so for how many people did you prepare i said we were 19 19 people so it was prepared for 19 people if everybody is fine with what he got this is no problem but if only one of our of us 19 would have started to be a little bit more greedy and a little bit more hungry the problem starts so what is it that that i see either from the beginning of your approach whatever this approach is either your approach is always based on the integration of all other people also then the chances are very high there will be enough space on this earth for everyone but if there is the slightest yes but i want a little bit more than the other one this is the beginning that is the problem yeah and how to get rid of this maybe one day the right people with the right mindset will be at the right places maybe but yeah there's a with a lot of what we're speaking about there's a lot of um introspective looks you know looking within us and to a minute detail like you were saying the finer deed like getting finer and finer with the detail of how far and how far we look inside when we were speaking earlier we spoke about some of the shouting practices and the slow movements you you're making and you spoke about physically you become so aware of your movement and your body that you would notice a millimeter difference does that relate to looking within on in the mental and the psychological way the the physical training with the shaolin training that was talking about earlier yes so for example when i say make the best of your lifetime it simply also means how aware are you when one minute of your lifetime has already passed what did you do in the last one minute if you say i don't know i just woke up and then six hours were gone yeah that means yeah because you were unaware of what happened in the last six hours but in the moment where you are having different type of practices when you be when you become more fine when you become more fine that means within one minute you have more images your camera took more pictures in that sense you can remember more things yeah so it that means one minute is like more colorful already for you filled with more memory than another person in a whole week he doesn't know what it is what did i do the whole last week he doesn't know anymore so that means to become more fine also really translates ultimately into this ability that you are just able to immerse yourself more even into this life so your experience of the days become longer the amount of impressions that you are able to suck in becomes more it doesn't feel like a boring life you have just become more fine paying attention to tea to details where other people they don't see anything moving you see thousands things are moving and this is where like from physical training and to to mental training why this is related together so closely and this is now speaking about the martial arts for example because i have become fine about myself and know how i am built up i know where my bones is and which bone is where because i know it on myself i also know it on you because we are like this we are the same human so what i have discovered about myself i know you also have it the difference is now when our bodies meet and let's just say it's about a game about who can adjust who because i know where everything on you is located i touch you and i adjust you but if you touch me then maybe you don't know where my bones are located so what does it mean that in the moment where you become more fine you become more fine you can make better adjustments adjustments and feeling of why am i at the moment so unhappy what is it that like took down my mood today yeah what is it during the daily life which is affecting me the most what is it what is the poison that is like poisoning my days and my weeks what is it that i need to readjust in my lifetime until i finally get to this pleasantness that i may be looking for yes and of course all of this that you even have the chance to invest some time to follow up in this type of approach at least the physical security must have been given as a basis already for this now what i mean is everything that we talk about right now if we now go to africa or any other country where the people are still starving and don't have enough food to eat they don't care about the philosophy that i just talk about they don't need philosophy what they need first of all is food finished so these things to care about what is on your mind and how is your emotion and how to balance yourself and how to reach harmony this we only at the moment can spend time with because our physical security is already saved for us but somebody who does not have this physical security of the body will survive he simply does not have the mental capacity to even deal with such things yeah and that means even now when we find somewhere in the world people who maybe are then going to see these videos but they still complain about that they don't know how to pay their bills or whatsoever yeah these people also first of all need to find a way that the security of existence number one must have been given it must be there first of all yeah once it's there once your existence let's say is secured now comes the question about how to balance stuff out now but when the existence in the first place is not even there when you are not even know how you're going to survive next week these questions don't matter yeah and this is now for for other people to know okay how to handle things if you have somebody in your surrounding who is like that no matter what type of approach you present to him and he's just not able to put anything of this into practice yes maybe because he does not have the capacity and the mindset yet to tap into this way of thinking yeah but then you ask yourself but why because there is something else which is hindering him at the moment and oftentimes this can be fear fear is number one fear of existence for some people fear of losing is the other thing fear is like the main the main runner and therefore yeah these methods therefore also fear yeah how do you how do we deal with fear for example it's just like this fighting is not fun fighting against somebody else who also is trained and then even if you have like gloves on doesn't matter it's quite painful sometimes and also very honestly i don't like even to to fight it's not that i like it but i feel the challenge about it i feel how much i need to like jump over myself now to to go out there and just even if it's just training so that means for a martial artist normally it becomes like a different perspective when it comes to fear because it's all the time when you walk out there that you're dealing with fear fear of what if i lose what if like he he hit me what if i got get hurt yeah what if i don't stand up anymore so many many fears is it that you are dealing with but ultimately you conquer them and and then the outlook on the rest of the life looks different it changes something inside of you it changes the perspective how you are looking at things where you see other people they are living in fear but fear of nothing fear of something they have created with the mind and now on the one side like you also said yes some people have this inspiration in the mind and then they start to manifest because they know that mind is so powerful i am capable of do it of doing it so they use the power of the mind to manifest something and either benefit themselves or maybe benefit others but it is the same powerful mind which for other people then at the same time is creating the fear but instead of understanding yeah but it's the mind i just need to switch it over and make it useful for me no they stay inside the fear the fear becomes more the powerful fear becomes even stronger and then it becomes so strong the fear that it even blocks people in doing anything but the fear it's a construct of the mind in the first place you fear that you get a car is going to hit you tomorrow yeah hello we are not tomorrow we are here right now why you think about tomorrow the heart the car could hit you who says it's going to happen and where is the evidence it's going to happen where's the evidence it's not going to happen you don't know stop thinking about tomorrow the music is playing here right now yeah but this fear of the future this anxiety of what if yeah what if and what if not both of them are there but the problem with the fear is is very strong yeah and these are now just ideas here that i think they are extremely related to the activities of the qigong training of the kung fu training yeah once again yes it is important that you also know when you are practicing a martial art that you know how to apply the techniques and that you are also able to use them and at the same time not just like give out things also to receive things that is one aspect in terms of the physicality of the practices nevertheless it's not important that you become a good fighter in this world and it's not important that you become a good spiritual guide in this world it's important that you find a way to live a pleasant life and in the best case support other people that they also find the same this is what it's about no matter in which form you put it in which from cultural background you put it the main idea is if you don't find this way of reducing the suffering of your surrounding your suffering won't stop why because you're connected so that means you want to save yourself save all others you want to save all others save yourself so what is the best thing that can happen you save yourself and you save the others then everyone is saved then it's called saved as long as there is just one inside this complete constellation who carries the seat of suffering inside of him your work is not finished yet because then it can always come back again because that one is going to infect more and then that everlasting fight about which which of these now is like dominating your current state which of these states at the moment is dominating it's a constant up and down as long as you have the number two somehow in your life this up and down is part of it and this is why in order for it to stop it can only be like this and then don't move anymore even that sounds very philosophical but for me it's pretty real and this is yeah i think um we could go on on on these on those philosophies and those those things for a while um i'm mindful that i do mention some of the training we saw today um just so we can link it back uh in the for the film um so do you know the sessions all the sessions that happened today would you be able to explain how and why they're there and and who was leading the classes or the groups and all that kind of stuff so for example in one of the group practices that we had today you saw one of our teachers and he spent here for example in the past he was a novice inside our monastery but meanwhile also he found another passion which is for example dancing but it always remained the same that he just has this energy to to keep people to push people and this is why we from time to time take him that he's training our disciples and what they were practicing today outside there was a so-called taulu taulu meaning it is a form like a choreography so every movement is already precisely let's say uh determined what movement is going to come after the next and so in the beginning states for what is this type of training number one is first of all you learn to coordinate yourself number one is about your own coordination afterwards it's also about because you make it in the group it doesn't matter how fast you are doesn't matter how slow you are find a pace that the group is on one level yeah when it is a group form it's not about you only it is about on the one side you have to coordinate yourself but in harmony with the rest so that's meaning your eyes on the one side they need to be open to see where are the others what are the others doing but on the same side you are inside of yourself and so these are very slight and find things that you would maybe normally not even mention but when this type of things are happening on a regular basis day in day out every week every month through a whole year it becomes natural that no matter where you are sitting no matter where you're walking you know what's going on around you you know if people are watching you even if they're behind there doesn't matter because you have this this natural thing developed that always there is something also paying attention to the outside it's not just about you it's about this and this now this is the one aspect where i would say it is taking an effect on on the way how you are creating and building up your mind the next part is that through these group trainings we want repetition repetition is really key to mastering or to be able to make any movement doesn't matter dancing movement fighting movement what's important for all of this is the repetition because this repetition is going to be responsible that you or your body is going to build up what we nowadays know as the muscle memory it is the repetition that builds up muscle memory and now when we are already talking about the memorizing of something this is now where another art comes maybe into play which you saw from the second master yeah shafu hangs one who was performing the tai chi chun practice outside and all these slow movements like i said if you cannot do it slow you will not be able to do it fast and this is the approach that in another system now we are using to very very slowly be aware of each single millimeter and program your muscles exactly in this way so it's always about programming we humans are a product of programming until you realize it what is on our mind about good and bad what we like to eat and don't like to eat very often these things have been somehow implanted into us the question is do you know about them or not proclamation is not the problem conditioning of the human this is not the problem the problem is the unconscious conditioning meaning things that are taking influence on your life but you don't know about it this is the problem the unconscious things because if it's about taking this lifetime into your hands you need to know what is it that you're seeding you need to know consciously what are you putting into yourself yeah and therefore these type of practices this is one way where very very slowly you are taking your time and program yourself consciously yeah consciously that it is not a coincidence how something flows and how and why something comes out like this it is by conscious choice it is the same way then when you compare now to the last training session where you maybe have really despairing the fighting itself it has nothing to do with slow anymore it has also nothing to do with soft anymore there you have the fire there you have the simple physical intensity but which is also an important part of the daily life because it's not about relaxing the whole day long even if you would have the capacity to not work yet you don't have to work anymore you can only spend time and going on holiday yeah but how long do you want to lie on the beach until you get bored definitely i would not be the person to do this so even if i would have this freedom but no it's unnatural because we humans as long as we live i think balance is key yes relaxing is really nice after you have done something being soft being gentle is really nice after you have sometimes called up the fire and really exhaust yourself a little bit meaning become physical and especially when we are now in this field of buddhist teachings meditation the power of the mind the power of the sword yes it's very nice things to talk about but it is as much it is also important that don't forget the physicality next to all of this philosophy we need both we need the strength we need the protection we need the health we need the vitality we need this physicality we need to have it in order that we're able to deal with all of the soft things and to find things and this also means that especially for our monastery or for the shaolin temples in general this is why the practice of the martial arts is still such an important aspect why the shaolin temple is different from other approaches because if you want to get to the finer levels if you want to get to the non-physical levels i think you need to deal with the physical you want to know what is soft you learn about the heart yeah you want to know what is freedom deal with the restrictions yeah you want to know what is relaxation contemplate a little bit about what is tension so you want this yes but you look at what is not obvious you you you pay attention to the not obvious thing why because only this one and that one together gives you your ability to adjust only this one and this one together gives you the perspective ah now i know how i need to adjust but if you want this and you only focus on this you always think that here you need to make the adjustment no it's the constellation of both yeah and this is why this word balance is always so important and why now for us the physical aspect dealing with the body strengthening the body playing with the fire why it is our balancing part for the times when you just sit and do nothing when you are sitting when you are peaceful when you are opening that's why in the word for example warrior monk you have both you have the warrior then you have the monk in the core maybe there is the warrior but the way how he behave it's the monk on average daily life he is peaceful but only because he decides to be peaceful but he is still able to tap into the other area that is the difference and so sometimes and one of my masters that i appreciate very much he really set it straight out like this if somebody starts to attack your family you need to be able to protect your family and this type of power you just don't have it if you don't cultivate it it's just about it is giving you confidence it is giving you some some ease to just know that yes sometimes you go out into this crazy world you can't control other people you can control yourself yes and exactly because of this you don't know who you are going to meet out there not everybody is peaceful to you so it is just giving you an easy mind to at least know if comes up any situation where you would need to just take care of the beloved ones around you that you're able to do it you don't have to do it you're able to do it this is what gives you that ease now this is what gives you the freedom to walk out there without having fear all the time but if you have no abilities if you have no skills and then somebody just says hey look don't go to this otterberg it's a very dangerous city no you would never come to this city here already just because of the fear but this is not freedom freedom is you can conquer all of this why because you have the ability to do it because you have developed yourself to not let fear determine your life and now this is not something that just come from the shaolin temple is just our approach to it but fear is just nothing to nothing to let your life be determined by yeah the fearful part is one day you look back and say you have wasted your lifetime this is the fearful part everything else in there i think is just learning by doing experience but also learn from people who already walked that path before you that means respect seniors this is why on the one side yes i'm saying learning by doing but if you only hear this sentence now learning by doing then some people now say yeah so then i do everything how i want it i'm going to learn it by by how i do it yes because it was only half the sentence learning by doing yes but also learn by the ones who did it before you already your father your grandfather your superior it's the reason why they are called your boss your superior because they already have more life experience so again it's the combination of both it's not just about you and it's not just about blindly following it is about you finding the balance between the exchange of these two and only if you find the proper balance then it means that you do not need to reinvent the wheel over and over again because you think oh no this was the old generation they did it i'm new i know how to make it yeah it's the balance between these two i think so also that means you're respecting the elder generation which also nowadays is maybe getting lost quite a little bit but without them without the older generations there would be no recent generation so it is also something it's very very easy sometimes to see the relation if you want to see them if you are blinded and you don't see the connection then yeah it's difficult and yes so respecting the elders learning from the elders learning from their experience because they have because experience means they have already invested like their lifetime into that subject into that topic it's good to have an additional perspective plus your own perspective then it's still already two if you don't take the perspective from somebody else and you just go through it there then you have one but you have yours then you have another one and even better then you have a third one and you have a fourth one and a fifth one and what is happening then your perspective your expertise on this one subject from five different perspectives simply is larger it's easier for you to get the bigger picture now than just thinking i have one my one and that's enough no yeah and this is also the reason why in the different training sessions here it's not just me and it's not in my interest that i only want people to come here and just like learn from me no it's my perspective on many topics it's my perspective you have to also really say it clearly but if somebody is really interested my suggestion is to find more to find just simply more people and hear what they have to say to the same topic if i have covered it already then it's fine but sometimes even i cannot cover everything yeah but this is also the difference between do you follow someone do you listen to someone because you like the person or because you like the the teaching itself yeah this is also difficult in our days time because yeah it is how it is but i know that many people are following because they think that i'm a nice and gentle person not necessarily because of the teaching itself but i am here right now because of the teaching yes because i strongly believe that this teaching is something that is going to like survive that is going to doesn't matter 2200 in the year 2200 people can still relate to what we are recording nowadays yeah but they cannot relate to me as a person anymore because they never met me so what is it that i can leave in this world the spirit the spirit of what you are right now recording in this in in this sense the teaching itself this is the important part which i think needs to be carried on and so therefore you need to know one is the teaching and one then uh the different individual teachers with different characters with different charisma for example they are just like they are the channel through which the teaching flows but the channel they don't survive the teaching survives yes i'm hoping that this gets played in 2200 and they you know it's uh i i do believe as well the message is timeless like it's i'm sure it'll be relevant um just making sure that i cover all basis for the piece we're shooting as well again um one thing that we was shooting quite well i think is the the help that goes into running the temple and like um just how does that come about how important is it to have help and um what what do you think motivates people or inspires people to come here and give you their time to help help this this movement and message so i think that one of the main drivers for people to come at this place so not just visitors but also our volunteers yeah that we are having right now for example i think seven volunteers we're having right now that are helping me on a daily basis to prepare the food for the guests to prepare the beds where the guests are going to sleep so the first thing is nobody of us here gets paid for what we're doing here nevertheless the volunteers now they're here already since one month two months some of them even half a year already and at least my feeling is telling me that the reason why they are supporting this complete monastery and are supporting this type of approach is because they for themselves have the feeling that they can contribute to something that has purpose because it just makes sense because there is that sentence like to to help other people to contribute to something not for yourself this is something that can give you uh that gives you something only this type of work only like community work can give you it's different because when you are doing something for somebody else without expecting something for you you give something without looking at yourself actually yeah and this is why the universe sometimes gives you presence as well even if you didn't ask for it it's because of this but if you only go out and everything you do because you want something the universe knows he knows you take care of your own business you don't need presence so this is maybe why i would really say that it's a different feeling to sometimes use your lifetime and invest it to benefit somebody else another person another animal is the same i think this is why it gives a really good and nice feeling and gives purpose to people when they know they can contribute in saving the lives of other beings not as not humans but maybe animals yeah so yes because what you can get in return it's hard to describe what it is so and maybe maybe this is one of the reasons why the volunteers are here yeah but nevertheless also it means that there's a lot of exchange normally also happening between our community here so we know where they are coming from we know what they are what they are busy with sometimes and yeah this is the way how even this monastery we try to connect and try to stay up to date let's say on what's going on in the individual mind out there so it's not that we don't know what's happening it's important that these worlds are merging and one way is because of having such helpers of such a community only because of them it's also possible that other people like the monks and the masters inside this temple they can concentrate on their expertise so at the end everybody has his own individual place and space where he can at least find the possibility to start his self-expression in the moment that one person inside this community starts to grow normally it's good to pull everybody together one grows everybody grows you know you said this is run by volunteers it's a really beautiful place it obviously it's not free to run so how can people support you on through this video i know you were speaking about the website if that's something that's not up yet we won't we won't use it but yeah how can people support um temple europe yeah i heard from many many of my friends actually already sometimes they say shifu you're too naive sometimes you give out too many things for free the thing is i am happily giving out things for free now this is why until now you can see everything the youtube channel all videos i uploaded they are for free on the xiang yi online my personal website everything is for free all videos all teachings that have been published in the last 10 years everything has been free then the funny part is for example on the youtube channel if you click on some of the videos lately they're all monetized the thing is but not by our monastery the reason why those videos are monetized is mainly because i concentrate on the content of let's say what i want to illustrate in terms of what practices but sometimes i really think if one person concentrates on the content in terms of the training one person concentrates on the light effects and one person concentrates on the music when more specialists come together from different areas then maybe it can become more special so what i want to say with that is i sometimes used for the introduction of my videos or the outro sometimes i use some very famous music pieces from famous companies yeah for example i know less samurai i like it very much yes this type of music yeah but that time when i did it um i didn't pay attention that actually somebody has like the rights on this music and so what is lately happening is that different um the different organizations that say uh starting to claim actually the copyright on all of the videos which is why all the advertising pops up generating maybe quite some revenue yes but this revenue is not coming to the temple this revenue at the moment is just coming to going to all the companies that have are owning those rights so nevertheless the videos still stay up so they are still for free even if they have advertising that's not a problem so but besides that they have also recently been quite a lot of discussions and i uploaded also two t-talks nothing you are going to find them if you look for them where i started to talk about a small internal um let's say conflict also that i have or that i had coming up in in the last years and as uh and as sad as it sounds which is not even that it's sad but it simply is like this if you want to attract the masses then automatically what you are sharing there is not possible to go very very deep because when you go too deep with the teaching you you will not attract the messes because the masters don't understand what you talk about so in order for the messes to understand to reach the mass you need to simplify quite a lot of things you need to keep it simple but what does it what does this why do we call people specialists yeah it's not because he is simple it is because he is able to grasp it from very very complex levels but maybe translate into a simple language so what i mean by that is in order for this monastery to reach actually a lot of people and in order also to share out these teachings to a lot of people some of the methods some of the things that we share out needed to be simplified yes it doesn't mean it's wrong it only means it's incomplete yeah but now still there are people they are dedicated and they say this is the teaching i want to know more about i want to go deeper yes and so that means this was for us the decision where we said the free content and everything we still really need to keep it simple yeah and just get it out to people because it can just help a lot like it is right now even so it's incomplete but for the ones who really want to dive deeper and that do not have the possibility yet to come here and visit us in person because this is the best out of all recently we talked about online training and all of this yeah why because of the restrictions but the best thing that can happen is always the exchange between human and human we could have also done this again through zoom and through the web but still it's not the same like like you are coming here visiting and it is the same also when i share things out from this monastery the best thing that can happen is you come here physically and then i can see what needs to be done but nevertheless some people don't have the financial capacity other people because of the restrictions cannot come and therefore we said we need to find a middle way between the public sessions the local sessions here in between this is where we are starting now to publish our online trainings but for the ones they want to go deeper so you want to know more and not just stay on the surface you want to dedicate a little bit of your weekly or monthly time to really dive into it because you're interested by yourself and for these people now we are going to maybe publish some possibilities where where i can share some content yes and yeah and for what will we use then the the fees the contribution that the people give us well in order to make sure that this place here survives until what we said two thousand two hundred so at least two hundred hundred eighty more years yeah it's fantastic all of that's gonna be linked down below um and yeah i think i would urge just after what you've said if you have the option to come here that is most definitely the ultimate experience i think people should give that a go if if they have the option and if not just some of the stuff you've been speaking about today i'm excited to see what that looks like online as well hopefully we do return and if you need any help filming anything for for that we'd love to help you in any way shape or form but thank you so much for doing this again it is really is appreciated no really great jordan thank you also very much and there you go this was my favorite interview of the year made possible by your support guys but also master xi yi and the shaolin temple europe i've had a lot of questions asking can we go to the temple have we got more resources from the temple can we hear master shahangi's message more it's all linked down below on the new website that they've designed they're actually doing some different stuff so go check it out go sign up to that if you fancier but also we would not have been able to do this we would not have been able to get our whole film crew our documentary crew and myself out to the shaolin temple without your support so thank you so much to everybody if you want to support projects like this in the future please consider going to where you can buy the inspire change t-shirts the hardest work from the room t-shirts the lfg t-shirts and there's a lot more stuff coming in the future so thank you and we're just blown away by your support so far there is also the join button down below which is gonna have exclusive membership benefits so you're gonna get exclusive content for members who join down below and we're just finishing off some of the content now so thank you everybody who's joined up we have some surprises and some nuggets for you some stuff from master xi yi that's going to be on there as well so thank you very much that helps keeping it running that helps keep these lights on um guys it's been an amazing year i hope that you've had some great wisdom and knowledge and inspiration from our channel and we feel that we've finished off with a great connection and um newfound community online with you guys and we just wanted to say thank you thank you from the whole team thank you from the mulligan brothers my mulligan sisters out here as well thank you everybody who's wearing the inspire change t-shirts show me some love on instagram go tag me in some stuff messages at jordan mulligan brother i will get back to you over the new year have a blessed and productive day and i will see you in the next one peace
Channel: Mulligan Brothers Interviews
Views: 1,037,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mulliganbrothers, mulligan brothers, motivational videos, motivation, motivational speech, shi heng yi interview 2021, mulliganbrothers, shaolin 2021, shi heng yi do not harm any being, shi heng yi interview, shi heng yi - huy, shi heng yi best interviews, gregg braden 2021, shi heng yi the surface is irrelevant, shi heng yi not follow the mind, cheng xiao, shi heng yi makeup & the surface is irrelevant, 韓劇2021, 韩剧2021, 陆剧2021, the origin of kung fu, the legend, don't follow the mind
Id: bhdeUspmMP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 10sec (6550 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 21 2021
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