1. LIVE TALK with Jiang Yu Shan (江玉山) + Shi Heng Yi (释恒義)

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everybody already say they're so excited  they are so i don't know yeah and uh they put us in a situation that i first i'm don't understand okay people   first need to understand that we are like like  normal people we are not something very special   we only we only teach something that maybe not  everyone teaches and that is the only thing   okay and now it's your turn yes so  zhang jifu thank you first of all for   for making it possible today that we  can have this conversation and hello   also to to everybody who is joining right now  i think i won't make the introduction too long   for all of you who don't know yet who is grand  master jiang yushan he is a 33 generation shaolin   master and he's been living for 30  years in taiwan and studying different   areas also including the traditional chinese  medicine and different kung fu styles and if   you have followed me before you heard that i was  searching for advice also and also was interested   to learn from master jiang yushan and therefore i  would suggest this session today what is it about   it is about that all of you who are  following any type of qigong practices   or anything before let's just listen to another  perspective that maybe you haven't heard about   qigong before and what this shaolin temple is  is about and what the shaolin arts are about   so therefore jiangshifu i think i will just  hand it over to you and feel free to share   whatever you like to share yeah first  of all everybody yeah nice to to be here   okay that is in that platform for me this  is the first time and uh yeah i i will say   as as a dinosaur when it comes to to uh to the  internet and also how it works or on on the on   the media's here uh i'm a little bit excited too  excited to be here with you all of you and uh i   think i don't know if people can see me or not  because i can't see myself on your screen okay   that that is also i need to understand can you  see me mister me can you see that can you see me   all is fine yes i can see you yeah but i can't see  myself on the screen that is a little bit for me   okay yeah i don't know because there  are some other people inside and   i don't know what to do we just start i would  say okay so first of all first of all uh um everyone is excited to to hear us  talking about different kind of topics   in the field of martial arts qigong  or other chinese culture methods okay the thing is that people they have already  their kind of uh imagination imagination means   that people there they expect something first  of all we both we are not chinese people   okay and people they put us in a kind of  position where they think we are we are   we are shaolin disciples and we also  need to live like that or because   because everyone have a different kind  of imagination how a shaolin martial art   practitioner or how a shaolin martial  art disciple or a warrior monk should   live for you you you build that charlie temple  in europe for for quite a long period of time   you put a big effort in in this kind of project  and you put yourself also in very deep depth uh   financially wise people should understand that  and they also need to know that actually uh   it is a struggle for all these years what you  have done with your uh with your approach and   and also uh how your lifestyle  is for me for example i already   i already went through where you go where  you are now and i left that kind of stage   i left that kind of stage like i i  don't want to promote the shaolin temple   because because i already left that  kind of being a monk being this kind of   living this kind of path because for me it is  still not time to be like that kind of person   i also go through every life struggle and that is  that is for sure i have i have my life situations   that i need to i need to master i have my  partnership situations that i need to master   i have my struggle my contradictions and all  the problems which comes with it so for me to be   to be a martial art practitioner a fighting  monk or especially first a human being the   first thing is we need to go through the  daily life i will say actions and reactions when i when i decide to go a different path  like i left that kind of shaolin shaolin monk   i would say world i was there for a period of  time and then i left it i i feel much more easier   to live because there is a lot of experience what  we need to experience in life that um that people   when they decide to live that kind of i would  say truly bad life the where you don't have any   uh contact with the female part in life then you  should behave totally differently but for me that   is a different thing in my life i went through  to understand more to understand myself more   even though with uh with all these problems what  i was facing i was married okay i have kids so i   know how does it feel to to be loved and how does  it feel to receive i will say the coldnesses of   love because love is not only thinking by yourself  it is also giving and this is now the situation in   life where our generation they only think about  themselves people they are much more on the ego   ego trip we will say like that okay but  that first of all we need to we need to   learn more about ourselves we need to see how  we can handle different kind life situations   and then how to develop our spiritual part and  how to develop our spiritual part is a part also   in my life because these things uh it is very  difficult to share with your life partner because   uh not everyone understand how your lifestyle   is okay the thing is actually why i pop up  recently through these three years i will say is is because of the videos which are published from  the vava team and actually people they had the   the kind of different different kind of  approach in the martial art way because   as a martial artist and you practice for a long  time you need to understand that sometimes you hit   a wall a kind of level where you  can't develop much more yourself then   in the shaolin or in the wudang part people  they already figure out that they only need   to depend on themselves because these kind  of institutions shaolin temple wudangshan i will say monasteries they their knowledge  is limited by themselves and maybe we don't   have access to the traditional old style  martial art what we actually like to seek   we have the the media this internet social media  and we have this master what i called you to be   the you to be master where everyone likes to  show something everyone likes to likes to uh   i would say promote his martial art even if he  uh learn less and uh it is it doesn't matter   it gives a chance for people to  scratch on the surface of martial art   then we have a lot of practitioners they focus  on applicable martial arts we have the fighters   in boxing kickboxing zombo and all these grappling  arts what is already uh we call that also mma   where people they deny or learn how  to see martial art in a different way   because people now in today's society  they don't trust chinese kung fu anymore   it is not because of the chinese kung fu by itself  it is for the practitioners which delivered the   art and the skill to the to the masses and  what we can see even that the shaolin monks   like you and me and others around the world like  in america in europe and even in the asian india   area people they learn from other martial  artists in you to be okay in the youtube channels   that leads to contradictions that leads for  difficulties and questions for each martial   artist by himself in one hand we promote that we  are we are we have an expertise in the martial   art what we are doing but actually as i can see i  have also these kind of called app where you can   see who is following you secretly who is stalking  you who is checking on you and i figure out there   are shaolin masters from india america even the  asians that they're already learning seeking   and teaching what i have okay the only the only  trends trends transmit the knowledge in their own   language and promote that this is by the stuff  from themselves actually this leads for for all   martial artists they do and live in that kind  of way it leads to a certain problem the problem   is that they are lying to themself and as you  lie to yourself your inner your inner i will   say development will have in stagnation so that's  why when when i try to to teach something and i   uh i give something out i always need to emphasize  where the source of the knowledge is coming from   and maybe maybe when i say it very directly  that some other masters so-called masters   are making things up and then then i can see that  as a charlene or as a kung fu practitioner for   the experience more the the the nearly nearly  uh i would say 90 percent of my life yeah i i   can see that what what they are doing and what  they are talking these are two different shoes   so you have the masters they write books you  have the masters they talk in lessons and you   have the masters they they only i would say live  in the in the fantasy world okay of course we have   we have also truly masters they still exist  yeah but they are really really in the world   okay so when i when i sometimes point something  out it is not that i want to attack and attack   these people personally even if it  sounds like that my intention is   to let all the audience the seekers the  students who wants to learn something approach the right way of learning and the right  way of learning what is that it first follows when   you want to learn something that you need to  understand what is the the clearance of seeing   or observing so when you observe first you will  approach already the right way of learning so when   you see a kind of certain master you can you can  see him how he moves how he talks and how actually   what is very important in the field in our  martial art world is the ability what he inhibit if somebody say what he got and  what he practice and what he teaches   and in the other way he doesn't fulfill  the requirements what he's talking about   then the student or the seeker i would  say needs to observe very clearly sometimes you can see and sometimes you  see something but you doesn't really   observe what is going on so for for for us for  example i can if i can speak english much more   better i can i can i can pack every martial art  uh i will say knowledge theory and philosophies   in a very beautiful way but it doesn't mean  that i really grabbed that that doesn't mean so   so we need to face what i always say  the reality and the really the the the truth in life that when you when you teach  something you don't hold something in your hand   like other teachers are doing that they're  telling they're telling their student i teach   you this kind of method but the real thing i don't  show you because my my imaginable master because   maybe there is no one uh show me show me the right  way and i don't it's not a lot for me to teach you   okay so that is actually that is actually uh uh  it will create problems and and these problems uh   became inner conflicts for these teachers it also  become conflicts for the student because it's like   i give you some beautiful meal and i only can  say you can smell it but you can't eat it okay   and you're starving okay that is that is nearly  the same and that is i feel i think very cruel so in my way when i when i like to teach something  i like to show something i i teach what i have first that is very important and if  somebody want to want to learn and see   these kind of things people  need to ask in the correct way okay and that is that is for the martial arts how  i see it how the situations is that people they   actually uh they pretend they analyze we have  masters of analyzing martial art we have masters   of theory they only live in theory parts and then  we have masters they're translating book from   chinese into english and become and then become  famous for that but when you see these kind of   masters when they wrote a book 20 30 years ago and  and when you see how they are moving and how they   are acting and how they are have the ability they  didn't change anything there is no any progression   in their field of martial art or even in the field  of abilities and that is what we are seeking for   okay everybody wants to have a little  bit these human human powers you know   uh yeah that is that that makes a little bit uh  that is actually our goal how far our body can go without hurting ourselves or without hurting the students because the students they put  their their life their sweat the movements their   devotion to their masters and sometimes devotion  can blind people so learn to observe learn through experience and learn first by imitating   the teacher and when you learn that by imitating  first then after a certain period of time   you can be your own master okay that is very  important but the basics the fundamentals we need   we need to be sure that the fundamentals needs to  provide with profound knowledge that is important so that we can grow together when  you see how a student react totally   differently in the martial field  for example we are teaching qigong and you see every everybody is a different  person because everyone is unique   in their way i said that already one time  everyone is unique and everyone is a winner   because you're the one who penetrate  who penetrate that kind of i will say uh   the the female egg when you are when you're  born you're the you're the winner already when   you because you're you're the one achieve  that okay yeah that is that is actually   we need to understand that everyone is  unique and everyone have different abilities   but certain abilities every human can reach like  the ability to talk and to read and to and uh   to to use the math for example everyone  have their religious abilities when   i think if he all when he got his mind together  when he he got no psychological problems and even   i would say physical problems everyone  can achieve certain kind of abilities okay that is actually only what i want  to say i talk a lot and i need one second   give me give me one second  and i apologize for my not uh   for my poor english i need to say  that if somebody don't understand yeah i don't care first but i still need to  apologize for my poor english i need to   load my telephone so the people in the ig in  the instagram they still can have a chance to   to hear what we are talking about give me a second yes and not sure if ah yes i also noted down some of the questions that you  were putting into the group so maybe later in this   talk i will also be able to to ask the grandmaster  some of these questions if you're interested in   but until then i would really can only suggest you sometimes i like to use nice words sometimes  because it makes the entrance easier for many   of the people but nevertheless yes  grandmaster is back yeah thank you i was just thinking about something jung shifu  that maybe you can also share your view on it   because i grew actually up as a martial artist  so when i started very early in age the first   20 years definitely it was all about the kung  fu training and the martial arts so meaning   the the practices to really learn how to  use your body and to say it harshly also   meaning to know how to destroy another body but  meanwhile now in the last 10 years i would say   that my view upon this has changed a little bit  and the reason why many of the practices that   have been shared in all the the last  years they were only so mainly practices   aiming on the health benefits so this is why i  think that many many people that are watching   right now maybe they still don't really understand  that all the time it was about health and now   how come that you and me we are now talking  about the kung fu training or the martial arts   so therefore can you please just share your view  a little bit how do you see this connection what   nowadays people understand as that is the kung  fu training and a part of this kung fu training   is also the qigong training which is made partly  available to the public nowadays so oh okay the   we need to we need to understand that um in the  asian way in the asian way how to approach uh   i will say the night again you know the night  yeah the warriors came that uh in the in the   asian way you need to train first of all your  physical body your physical body with which   incorporates uh exercises okay and also weapon  hand handling so that you can first you can first   have the ability to protect yourself and  protect others from harm in the other way   to to be assured that your body machine  works fluently and correctly we also need to   emphasize a lot of i would say energy energetic  trainings and the energetic trainings we have them   in india they do the pranayam they do different  kind of yogic exercises and they do the warrior   fighting abilities that is in asia and uh in the  western world there was they were actually only   much more physical and this this we can see  already today we have the mma fighters where   they don't know that uh when you train all the  time hardly and under uh i would say competition   mode or competition level that one day you will  burn out yourself so you need to have the balance   this balance the asian already understood so that  means they understood that you need also have the   restoring time the preparing time this time where  you also learn how to develop different kind of   organs and one of the organs what we need  to develop is the respiratory system because   through through breathing we can  we can accumulate energy of course   through a different kind of diet when we live and  eat healthy we also can have a different kind of   a better better quality kind of i  would say energy in our body okay   and and what we what we are doing is is  we emphasizing that chinese martial art   and the health i would say the medicine respect  they are together you can't separate them   so when you practice hard style kungfu you  need to practice also the energetic part we say that in chinese while means outside you you train your  tendons your muscles and your bones   and internally you you take a big breath of  air that is actually what we are doing okay and for example just a second i think my instagram is  already dead but they can follow in another way   the thing is actually that uh chinese  kung fu without chinese medicine   medicine means qigong practices jingo  negan practices energetic practices   and also the intake of external and internal herbs  the correct diet is very crucial that we need   to put them together so even there are some kung  fu martial arts schools they never heard about   qigong in their martial system inside that is not  therefore that is the fault of the teacher who   who transmits that i said that already that is  the fault of how you want to give that to the   foreign student and in the 70s i would say the  in the 1950s yeah to the 70s and the 80s we had a   lot of chinese martial art masters they went  abroad and they they went to america they went   to the europe okay and uh uh they was teaching  something what they have learned and maybe   their own practice wasn't enough their own  approach of learning martial art were also limited   in the one way in the other way they want always  to dominate in front of the westerners so the   internal things and internal stuff they don't want  to give that away they only give them the external   moving in forms and weapons and uh all these  kind of beautiful thing what we what we know now   yeah this is possible to give to the  foreigners but the internal aspect   like calm sitting and breathing what we  call meditation okay and different kind of   uh breathing exercises and  movement what we call qigong this this kind of knowledge i will say recently  in the in the 90s where step by step coming to   the western for me for example when i was when  i was uh learning different kind of martial arts   style even chinese composed immediately i was  i was i was banned i was i was stuck in that   in that slow movement and the breathing  movements of the qigong exercises   when i saw that the first time i say i want  to learn this because i was not interested in   in the forms because uh for me as as a young man  i was already very early involved in wrestling   judo and taekwondo in thai boxing kickboxing that  was actually the the 80s in in germany where you   need to be equipped as a young teenager with with  these kind of skills so the fighting fighting   part i was not very interested in i was more  interested in how to develop the energetic part   because even as a young man you  can feel that when you do and   when you move your hands there is  something that you can't explain okay yeah that feeling that feeling as a young  man was actually the true feeling because i   i for my for my inner inner heart and my inner  inner voice told me that is you need to have if you have access to this kind of  knowledge that is a destiny but if you   really like to have something in your  life your wish can come true because   that belongs to the mind and the mind is over the  body and mind can reach every fulfillment okay   so that is also that is also when you put pureness  and dedication to your approach you can really   reach everything you can become a good person  when you have a good behavior and a good speech you you can become what you speak when you tell  yourself that you're good for nothing you also   can become good for nothing so people should  learn how how to speak in the correct manner   okay chinese kung fu and chinese i  would say health methods are going   hand in hand you can't separate them you can't  what you actually also figure out many years ago   that qigong is actually a path that you like  to walk in there how long you do that already   and can i ask yes so like i said with  the age of four i started initially   almost 20 years only practicing the kung fu forms  as they were taught by my masters at that time   and i got introduced to the bad one jin forms  actually pretty early already but it never caught   my attention i have to say because the movement  in the beginning were just too slow for me and   i couldn't really understand what should be the  purpose because i felt young and i felt powerful   so i said no i want to have the moves where i  can express this power more and i didn't find   a way what should these slow movements bring  me but i can't tell you how but there was   one time when i saw a performance from one shaolin  master i think he was performing a roach one   yeah it looks similar to tai chi tran form but  it's coming live from the shaolin temple and it looked to me like i was lacking something  that there was that he was just much finer   in the way how he was moving he had much  more control over over his body himself and   so i started the investigation what is it  that he is using there what is it that he's   placing his attention on and then this was the  time where again the word qigong and breast work   started to pop up and there i started my own small  studies about what does it mean the qigong and how   can i apply it for my practice of the martial arts  and since that time which is now almost 18 years i am still on the path of finding out  more what this qigong has for potential   and also lately just the time now uh  learning also the different methods from you   they again opened up quite another  perspective and i can only emphasize   and also once again to everybody  who's really now listening yeah i also hit that plateau where i felt  like i cannot proceed anymore and so i was   watching out also who is at the moment able who is  who is there in this world right now that i could   visit that i could learn from and this was the  point where i also started to travel the world a   little bit to find different teachers watch into  the different systems and this is more or less   for everybody to know how i ended up meeting zhang  yushan and again what happened is that by watching   the way how you are performing for example your  practices i feel that you got something that   in myself at the moment it's not developed  yet in that type of quality and therefore   i've also often often heard about my teachers in  the past that it's important to know the methods   yeah but this is something which is very  very hard to get in in our day society   you have a lot of variety of what you are able to  practice but sometimes it's not the correct method   and yeah this is one thing where i actually  trusted very much in in your approach and   as i can tell by myself just following the  practices and the guidance that you give me   uh i feel the difference and i can  feel that things are growing again   yeah and therefore and therefore this is what uh  yeah that is the igniting spark that i would like   that more people in this world are also starting  to to get into the essence and to understand   that some of these methods they are not about  how beautiful they look because the methods   sometimes can be very exhausting they can be  very painful to a certain extent but meanwhile   i really trust that saying that kung fu means you  are walking through the valley of pain and if you   don't walk through this valley of pain i don't  think there will come any type of sustainable   development and this is now one question that i  also got from this community that is sometimes   asking me because there's so much of the so-called  soft style qigong which looks very effortless   but what is your thought jang  shifu when it really comes to   basically sweating how important do  you consider sweating and really having   difficulties to focus on the mind so you need to  concentrate so how much effort do you really need   even if it looks very effortless even  the soft style qigong forms so maybe okay sweating actually is one of many  different kinds of sensations   what we call in in the chinese term chica a feeling a sensation and to develop heat in the  body and also a sweating when the pores are open   the skin wants to wants to once too open  wants to breath also want to breathe also   yeah that is one of the first sensations  what we can achieve very easily okay you can you don't you don't need  to move in certain kind of patterns for   example in the chinese way even when you have  a walk and when you combine that walk in the   in the forest in the park yeah with a different  kind of rhythm breathing you will develop heat   and that heat is actually uh  that is only the first sign   of developing energy you know like it's like a  machine like a steam machine like uh like what   we had in the early times of the industrialization  here around the world okay this is steam engine   you need to you need to understand that there's  only one feeling one sensation which called qigong if you have heat and warmness and uh  and you go into the forest and you   you talk about oh feel the energy feel that  she feel the mountain feel the river feel the   forest feel the nature that is very beautiful that  is one kind of part where you use your imagination very important but you also need to understand the  fundamentals of qigong the fundamentals of qigong   what actually qigong means is breath exercise  the work of the breath and you need to understand   yeah that you need to learn first how  to develop your breathing apparatus   that is the first thing how to develop  it without injuring your alveolar system   how to develop the inhale and exhaling without  having inflammation in the throat you know there   we have the we have a different kind of japanese  karate practitioners they they do this kind of   sanji or sanzan they they actually want to use a  kind of breathing method which called cinderhole   the lion throat but instead of the correct  usage of this scissor hole they use the throat they do they use this that will lead for a  different kind of inflammation in the throat   it can even lead to chronic inflammations and  the chronic inflammations can lead to cancer   when you combine that with uh unhealthy i would  say uh lifestyle like smoking and drinking hot   hot hot beverages like whiskey and vodka and  all these kind of things like the asians do   then you will reach a maybe your  40 or 50 age and then you will   leave that kind of uh i will say you will  leave that kind of world this what is happening   in the martial art circle in japan that  japan have no real grandmaster anymore   okay one of the great grandmaster we will  say what japan had is the master ushibo   or this master oyama then we have one or two  masters from the gojirio they're still alive and that's it these are the masters  but the real grandmasters we don't have   okay even you can see this master uh um what is  his name that go to rear master where he's hitting   the stone and everything but you never see him  something breaking okay how to really emphasize   and also show where the and how the energy can be  transmitted to a certain kind of object hitting   a stone is easy when you have a certain kind of  hand but to developing these energy levels this is   a little bit different so that's why i say japan  have no grandmaster anymore they're already gone   so you need to learn how to use your breathing  and also how to when you accumulate energy it   is important that we need to learn how to  accumulate energy how to use that energy   for certain purposes it can mean the  healing purposes where you use that   kind of energy development to treat your your  clients when you have a clinic for example   or you want to you want to uh you want to test  yourself you want to show off yourself how far   your energy can can be transmitted and then you  break some stones because we don't want to break   somebody's bones when we when we train martial  styles okay there is also one kind of approach to be healthy is important when you practice  chinese martial art or martial art in general   that you can practice for a long time  even even we have in the western world   we have some martial art practitioners when  i when i say martial art practitioners then   i mean these old school wrestlers the  catch wrestlers for example hakken schmidt   and carl gotch they become very old and also  still very healthy but these are very few of them   okay so because they changed they understand  already their lifestyle they understand already   how the diet works and they understand  what to practice and what not to practice and mostly mostly what we have now is people  there they want to learn the the nikon   without understanding what is the qigong and that that is that will be also promoted  yeah immediately somebody say i want to learn   i'm doing the nego okay like 10 years ago  if you have to practice martial art yeah or   you're a kung fu practitioner you can find the  people they say i do internal martial art they   put themselves in a very high platform and  then you do the external model they put you   very low with it they put you down oh you do  the fighting for me i don't want to do that   that is not correct that is not the correct  approach because when we see the tai chi   grand masters in the old times they had names  for example the undefeatable the invisible for   example the from the young family young lucha his  nickname was the invisible man okay the invisible that means he know how to fight and he did  it a lot okay but later it was promoted   as a health training exercise and the people  that changed already the point of view only because they don't want  to lose something in their life   so if you want to learn chinese martial art qigong  in general you need to understand how to breathe   you need to know how to exhale  first before you learn how to inhale the diet is important then you put it into  your actions into your physical actions you   need to learn some self-defense  movements because you need to   protect yourself from the weather from  outside influences so you can't get sick   that is the first protection outside influences  can be the seasons okay and then you need to   protect yourself from other outside influences and  these are people when they want to harm your body   so you need to learn how to protect yourself  so we don't need and we can't forget that and the and the term ooh means  war so it's actually an art form   prepared for war chi gong we have  waitan qigong and natan qigong they need   to be learned in the profound way so every  martial artist need to understand you   if you want to be a profound martial artist a way  around you need to know how to protect yourself   and you need to know how to develop your energy  resources accumulate store them and use them that is important so always what i say for the  people they only want to do the chibo i only   want to do the cheap one you are very good you do  the qigong every day but you can't do 20 push-ups   that makes no sense you know i mean okay  that push-ups you can train but actually   my meaning is you train the qigong but  your physical power there is no balance that kind of body machine will one  day also not function very well because only energy energy  energy here and then for what there is no there is no i would say the balance  and there is also no a quite good resource so   you need to have some physical ability you need to  do some activities where for example you combine   breathing techniques with physical exercise so you  have the psychological and energetic part what you   practice your mind is strong your energetic  part is strong and your physical your power   you know your force also needs to be trimmed and  people need to understand you can't separate that and if you want to be an expert in the  marshall field you need to you need to   test yourself in different countries i will say  stages now jiangshifu i think many people they   maybe didn't had the chance to start so early  in age or they didn't even were interested to   learn the martial arts in the beginning so some of  them are middle-aged or maybe are 40 50 60 already   but because they like what they see like  the qigong forms and all different types   of soft style qigong forms let's just say  somebody is not interested in fighting   is not interested in learning how to  hurt another person but nevertheless nevertheless how important do you  think is it that it's not just about   feeling the energy but it is about that there  needs to be the application of yeah once you   have tapped into this area and you can feel  something that somebody else maybe doesn't feel   but the question is what are you going to do with  the energy that you feel so sometimes i heard how   you said it was you need to find a way to express  this energy so how does a qigong practitioner   let's say is practicing already for one year a  form he practiced for two years a certain form   how does he know that he is making progress so  how can he test himself so what are like the real   world applications that he knows this training  is giving me something and not just something   imaginary so not just about i can feel the  energy but what is the expression of this energy so if you for example not  interested in the fighting art and you want to have that as a healthy art  then you you need to find what i say a balanced   exercise which is appropriate  for your body condition take a stroll in the park go to the go  hiking walking in the forest these can be   different kind of activities where you  can you can practice your physical body   which is very healthy including you do some  different kind of exercise where you're stretching   and uh do the inhaling and exhale stretching like  the forms in the qigong forms okay so that is   actually i will i will always recommend for people  they want to have the health part they should do   the soft cheap one first they should learn how how  to sit and be calm first so that they can clear   their mind that they can they can clear  and clean their body with breathing methods   as in as in balance they can go into the forest  and take a walk in the park or even they can   i don't know walk around their their home yeah  walk in circles like what's up practitioners what   they're doing but then they can't call themselves  martial artist then they can call themselves   health art practitioners what i  said before about the the masters   the the the martial art masters they're  doing the qigong and all these kind of things   but they can't call themselves martial  artist because they don't put it in the test   they have a certain they put themselves  in a certain kind of pedestrian level they   put themselves very high but they can't really i  would say uh stand for what they are talking about   they only need to change and also need to be  clear about themselves that's facing the truth only fighting is also not enough because as a  martial artist you need to know the philosophy a different kind of cultural  arts like we drink the tea now   okay that is a chinese way of drinking tea yeah uh the the way how to treat others breathing  techniques and self-defense or you call that   acrobatic movements okay that is another thing but  the normal person who only want to devote himself   for the health aspect to restore or to keep his  energy level he shouldn't call himself martial   artist he can call himself a health health i  would say like that a health art practitioner what actually also exists for example  we we should train our physical body   we should train our our our self that it will  reflect the energy inside you will reflect   outside so the state how you feel internally  if you are if you are energetic full and clean   you will reflect that to the external it will  goes out on your behavior on your behavior how you   speak to certain kind of people on the behavior  how to how you treat certain kind of people and also you can see that very clearly  on the reflection on the animals   because animals they don't lie they don't put  the face at the fake face on you so when you see   a certain kind of person and when he approaches  animals or children you can immediately see how   these kind of animals approaching  you loving you by the first sight or barging and attacking you by the first time you can see that very clearly especially by the  uh we are dog society okay everybody had a dog   a cat these kind of pets yeah and uh you can  you can actually you can actually see that by   these kind of animals because they don't lie  to you people can lie to you in front of you   they approach you with a smile and when you turn  around there's the backstabbing you with a knife   okay so that is one kind of  reflection what you can see   in the other way when you are full of energy you  are attracted to people they are lacking of energy   they are looking around for you because they  want to be next to you these what we call   the energy vampires because they have too less  energy they are looking for someone who is   who inhibits an amount of  energy and he can share that   these kind of people we also can see especially  you know that you know that you have certain   kind of people they're always next to you because  they feel good when they're next to you they feel   they feel comfortable they feel they  feel also they receive your energy because themselves they are lacking of energies   okay when you practice certain kind of i  will say bio electricity you will develop bio   biomagnetism and that biomagnetism will attract  others okay and they will actually feeding   themselves from your kind of energy so now we  come to that kind of part where people say hey   that is not really with the science there  is something the science can't even explain   okay and that is actually that is actually  what what we can we can see by ourselves   that you're spreading the love around you that  is for sure because there is nothing strongest as   as i know than the love and the hate  energy okay we need to know that both exist   love and hate are together because from love  can become hate and from hate become love okay   very quickly okay and actually you can  you practice your accumulation of qigong   and you can see it in your surrounding people  are attracted to you people like to find you   they like to be with you animals and  children they feel comfortable and safe   with you and this is actually a good sign how  strong your energy internally reflects externally   the mood what you have internally will also have  the result externally when you are internally very   depressed you have anxiety and all these kind of  things you will also attract these kind of things   so your life situation is not getting better it's  getting worse and when you face certain kind of   people with these kind of mood swings depression  swings and all these kind of i will say disorders you need to be careful that you don't take that  into your energy level or into your life don't let   people's problem become your problem because  you're not a garbage can that everybody can   load up their emotions moods depressions and  psychological problems you're not like that that is really for sure and  we need to protect ourselves   that's why we're building the golden  bell where these kind of influences can bounce away from us can lead to different  directions when you do tai chi was saying you   take it and you lead it away but first you need  to take it and that that is very difficult because   some people they only take they can't lead it away  they can't yield it away so these kind of people   what we are facing because we are surrounded with  a lot of people you were in your monastery there   are a lot of people there approaching you  there are a lot of people in the internet   they are approaching you they are asking you  questions and and and and uh their problems become your problems we should be very careful with these kind  of things and if you are a good person kind and open i would say  always open your arms for others   don't let people using you as a  garbage can that is also very important   protect yourself and the energy what you  develop will do that for you that is guaranteed how to know how to feel the energy how much you  have you can see that in your environment who   is attracting you how you treat animals and how  animals treat you that is one of the first signs now for example uh yeah i think i told you that  germany just went or is about maybe to enter   another another lockdown maybe yeah they're  not sure yet they don't know nevertheless um   the restrictions are becoming stronger and  stronger and in the last two three years   things have dramatically changed so maybe i'm i'm  jumping a little bit right now because until now   we talked a lot about the health practices the  martial arts practices the qigong the kung fu   but if i would have to express it in my words  right now it is not it is not my goal that i want   to become good in qigong and that's it and i also  don't want to become good in kung fu and that's it   it's just that i feel by practicing kung fu and by  practicing the qigong methods it gives me a lot a   lot a lot of either you call it energy or you call  it the ability to stay balanced even so that the   rest of the world at the moment seems to be like  uh yeah be out of balance or sometimes seems to   be very very restricted and it's difficult to keep  your inner calmness or even to stay yeah i don't   know optimistic to look into a bright future that  doesn't look like a bright future but nevertheless   at the moment i have to say that there is  not so much which can like bring me down   and for me personally i think that this is  because of the practice it is because i found   something in these practices that can balance  me out and that was the initial idea actually   why i thought maybe more people if they get  access to themselves or access to their own   energies or however you call it so meaning being  able to feel better what do you have inside there   that you can finally also start to train yourself  in order to not be influenced by all these outside   circumstances because if i would be  influenced by the outside circumstances then   this monastery right now would never have  survived the last three four years and   for me i think this is because  of the practice so my question is how much do these practices like kung fu  like qigong actually how can you use them   in life what is their relevance  in in the life itself very easy these kind of ways when you practice them  correctly they will boost up our immune system   and we as these kind of uh i would  say practitioners we should promote   we should promote that uh these kind of  ways will develop a strong immune system we should also try to promote  that we don't need always we don't need always depend on the i would  say pharmacies and chemical agents we can also   promote through our practice through our  being through our presence the i would say   the immune system and also also the  nature way of healing and surviving that should be actually very important should promote that our for example  immune system can can be trusted that is very very important why don't practice and why don't promote  health methods instead of all these kind of   injections why we don't trust in our human ability  to fight against different kinds of diseases   especially if this is a kind of flu  where the surviving rate is quite high why we don't do that and that is the big question why the government media like to suppress  these kind of i would say health methods we can only assume that there is a reason it's the  money benefit reason for different kind of farmers   pharmaceutical concerns it's also the reason to  have that kind of population control and so on the new world order has  already begun many years ago how to promote our immunology   or immune system to fight for different  kinds of diseases is actually key maybe this is our our mission in life here that's  why our generation practice these kind of methods i hope all these kind of  things what i just talked about find the correct person that's it for today i think because i think the  shaolin temple tuber already is out offline and   now i'm coming to you here i am so you can see actually you can see actually that  we can depend on ourselves we can we can depend on ourselves and actually  we we should we should use our own abilities   to fight against different kinds of lord  disease where actually this kind of disease thank you very much this is the internet okay i that is hilarious i only can say that  okay and uh that is actually the session and   it's a live session what we can see and  uh the thing is ladies and gentlemen that we should stick together stick  together okay and uh learn how   how to grow our our vegetables by  ourselves to be independent so if the   if these kind of i will say restrictions  comes where you can't buy anything anymore so where you actually oh thank you very much where  you actually when you actually you need to learn where you actually actually can promote yourself  promote not promote yourself when you actually   develop yourself to to grow your own food to  understand what what to use in the herbal way   to recover from different kinds of diseases that  should be and is crucial in life be independent from i will say from the masses of course  people people already get used to get used   to the certain media get used to uh listen  and take everything for granted what they are   serving us but actually deep inside your heart  you understand that there is also another way okay and all these agendas what  we are uh what we are facing now   you you go you go to the you you do the  demonstration you go to the streets and   they even don't care they still continue  they don't care they will enforce that and that is we are facing  now that kind of generation what can we do i will not promote a revolution aggressively  aggressively i don't want to do that   because the newer target number one i only like to promote and also spread  out different kind of knowledges   where you can become stronger in your health  system that is actually very important   i just heard about i'm still i'm still  on the youtube channel i need to check   that out of youtube let me check what is  going on so i think now the connection   also went back so i'm back again as well  yeah okay here let me see where you are   here you go maybe for to maybe also give them  the people um something practical in a way what is the best thing that after they know now  certain forms they have maybe started practicing   already they started using different movements  and you were talking about that qigong is very   much related to the quality of breath and so that  means to train also how you are breathing now   can you maybe give them just one small   tool one small exercise or one small tip  what they should do in order at least to know   if their respiratory system is in a good shape  or if it's in a bad shape so how do they know if   their respiratory system is a good one or is a bad  one so is there anything that you can suggest or   what i can suggest is you need to you need to  understand and you need to look observe yourself in your daily habits that you don't interrupt the  breathing pattern where you have a calm and silent   breath where you close your mouth when you're  in here because people when they talk or when   they walk they use the open mouth they breathe  like this that is not appropriate people first   need to learn that they first when they inhale  that they close your arms when they exhale they   can open and let the air out of the mouth until  they are very firm in that and they are used in   the nostril breathing method where you can inhale  and extract through the nostrils that is first   in the other way people need to observe  themselves when they stop inhaling and exhaling   i give that good example for example for  for example i told you once also people   when they do certain kind of actions they  stop breathing which i don't understand   for example your shoelaces are open you want  to you want to make a knot in your shoelaces   only by bending down and you not your  shoelaces people already stop breathing   they they hold the breath that is what i don't  understand these kind of actions oh you want   to pick up your keys are falling down in front  of your door and you want to pick up your keys   from the floor what are you doing the first  thing what you're doing you you hold your breath and then you pick up your keys that  is very funny but observe yourself   that during your daily activities that you don't   have an interruption a stoppage of your  breathing pattern that is the first thing and when you have that kind my shoe  laces are open you can see that   and then by yourself you can give the  command where the bind the mind is the leader   is the conductor which conduct the energy and the  energy will move the body so that is my shoe laces   are open i need to close them and make a knot  you can first inhale and then you bend down and   you do your nut and you continue in and  exhaling very easy when you enter when you   open the door in the car and you enter your  car why you hold your breath i'm asking you okay why are you doing that ask these questions by yourself because  then when you ask questions by yourself   you answer them immediately you  will change that kind of behavior that is when i say ask yourself don't ask  always as a person when you always depend   yeah how uh you you ask somebody master  how can i reach your uh how can i open your   facebook then i only look at you and say  how old are you figure it out by yourself   they asked me for each i don't know that  kind of step where i only think what is   that even the pooping there how can i poop  do it you will understand it by yourself   okay you know i i receive questions where  i sometimes think how old are you i only   give them right back how old are you then they  immediately like this because people it's the same when people face a disease they immediately see  a person in the white shirt yeah like a white   doctor clothes and then they always do here's  my body do what you want give me the medication   no use your brain first investigate learn  look around for different kind of methods   how you become stronger how you become healthy  and if you want to learn something don't blindly   follow the teacher don't put that  teacher in that kind of position   because the teacher maybe doesn't want to be  in that position it's the broad mess who put   us in that kind of position and when we don't  fulfill their requirements they're very upset so look first in yourself when you do  different kind of actions observe when   you are holding the breath when you open the  window what are you doing it doesn't make   sense when you enter your car when you're not  your shoelaces why you are holding your breath that is the first aspect in the other way  what i really like to say to all of our guests   please ladies and gentlemen don't put  us in the kind of position that we maybe   not fulfill your requirements  because you was telling me one time   people they figure out you're not  chinese and the complete world broke down when they figure out hey master  sunani is actually from vietnam what you're not chinese their whole imagination  broke down they left you immediately because   their imagination and their expectations are  totally different they put you in a way where   actually you don't want to be we are still  human okay but we like to promote something   that can help our fellow humans promote give teach tell people something you listen it you observe  it you you experience it and then you learn that that is very important not by fantasy stuff think about first observe the teacher know  what you want first know what kind of method   you want to approach and know the  teacher and all questions will be solved   and our position is only guide people for  a certain period of time and then bye-bye   yeah 10 years 10 months okay then bye  bye walk by yourself you're old enough   be your own master after a certain  period of studying the fundamentals   and learn to breathe naturally first and  then one day we will make a course where   we go to the fundamentals of in and exhaling  and the inner exhaling combined with movements   and also change the way of  how you see the qigong way   because people already have that kind of youtube  vision how people provide these kind of things   yeah that is already given but we should change  a little bit the approach we should be also open for a different kind of approach and we need to  be aware of the peoples they're always analyzing   and we need to be aware of these people they're  always promoting something that they don't possess and all these kind of things i have  something but i don't teach it to you no   if you are a teacher you put yourself  in that kind of expertise way way of life and people like to follow you you  teach or you don't very easy you do that correctly   with no restrictions or stop it immediately then  because then you're a hypocrite you put yourself   in a teacher's way you teach what you have don't  teach what you don't have don't make something   up from mystery masters the knowledge what you  receive is not for the broad mass that is nonsense don't talk only and make the  analysis about different kind of uh   methods when you didn't  experience these kind of things that is also very important  if you want to experience   different kind of sensations for example  sweating is one then you need to practice   much more and you need to seek people they  already went through these kind of experiences because you can learn only something from an  experienced teacher who went already through that   who knows already what happened the good and the  bad so he can give you a better approach for that that is very important not only for  the theory masters they only talk good   and didn't had any experience in their life of  or i would say very less and you can see that   very very clearly you can see that and when i say  taiji push hands is only an ability that when you   practice 10 years 20 years you should actually  have that is nothing that is only a small ability   yeah maybe you can return in three four years  it's already the same but uh it's not the magic   and it's not the high ability when you teach then  qigong only because you can push people around   that is a totally different thing and if you can't reach these kind of  abilities don't jump into the magic use different kind of i don't i  don't know scientology methods   hermetic methods golden down methods and i don't  know the t o t and i uh oto sorry oto message and   and and and don't do that  because then you drift away practicing and learning the occult  is a part of chinese martial art also but don't misuse and use people with that  kind of knowledge it will come back to you   and it will harm not only the surroundings  at least it will harm yourself that's what i have to say for today for the  breathing observe yourself on the daily basis   that is very important and if you want to  learn something look for the correct method   and look around what you really like  to have and for me it is an honor that   you find me and you swallow the way of how i  teach because you know it's difficult and hard   you can feel that already but you also feel  the benefits even you just start i right thank you very much for taking your time also  to share all of your knowledge with the people   and yeah i think it's also maybe good to say  that we are trying to contribute something to   this society is sometimes not so easy to find the  right way but there will come up some ideas in the   future and i think for the first time now that  people just know um we are thinking about them it doesn't matter if people like the  way how some of us are talking but there are methods that can  help quite a lot of people   and these methods they are going to come out   the right way but there will come up some ideas  in the future and i think for the first time now yeah and therefore i would say let's  just for today close this session thank   you very much i already i'm already gone  all right goodbye goodbye goodbye everyone so goodbye to you too goodbye to you jangxi4  so i only need to know where i am now so   close everything yeah
Channel: Shi Heng Yi Online
Views: 102,394
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Id: DqZYcgMnJtA
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Length: 88min 52sec (5332 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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