No More Addictions, How to Have Confidence - Shi Heng Yi

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people know drinking too much is not good smoking too much is not good people know what is proper to say what is not proper to say still in some situations it comes out still people take certain things why is it because the knowledge was just not enough to change this willingness to put it into practice this is the main point it's not the knowledge it's not about what we know what we are supposed to do what we can do what we should do no it's about using the body first of all and express life through your body by movement it's super strange maybe on the one side we talk about sadness all different types of emotions about addictions all of these things yeah and my answer is get to know your body better you can have the first failure stay stubborn and then you have the second failure you still stay stubborn you have the third one you can stay stubborn and you will have the 20st failure so this type of keep going don't give up no this is not the proper way you fail You observe why did you fail you try again adjusting the reasons why you failed in the first one if you fail again well of course you can try again but of course with readjusting you never fail the second time because of the same reason like the first time that wouldn't make sense so if you fail then you find the reason why with the second attempt you have readjusted this in this way I think there's only one way that's going to lead to you going to grow but that still means sometimes you try hard you try hard you try hard you keep on failing even with all the adjustments then there's the second alternative what it could mean it could mean that maybe it is your wish that you want to do this that you want want to succeed in it but maybe it's not the wish of the universe let's call like this just don't give up just don't give up even if right now it doesn't make sense one day I'm very very sure when you start to see the connections and Things fall into place you will maybe also realize that it couldn't have been different even if it's difficult but the only thing that I learned from the martial art practices and also from my own life is giving up was just simply not a question was simply never an option and from many people I heard these sentences the winners continue where the losers stop people know these type of sentences it depends what means for you winner in the way how I look at the world it's about constantly developing yourself not standing still making a mistake is not a problem making the same mistake without without learning from the first one that's a problem but failing the first time and then learning from it not a problem because now you're a little bit more wise and using now this wisdom to integrate into your next decision this is the path of growing this is the path of learning nobody ever told you when you are going to come onto this world that this life is going to be an easy one nobody said that so why should I be looking for for an easy life to come this is also out of the mind already the training is not easy you want to reach something you want to develop something you want to go beyond your limits yes it's painful it needs something about you that you stand above yourself so what can also help is if you are caught inside of yourself sometimes try do some magic jump out of the body and watch yourself who is sitting there and now if you imagine you are the one able to give the power to this person who's sitting there what does he need this you give him and then just keep going meditation in terms of calming the mind is very important because without this calmness of the mind it's very likely that people will take just wrong decisions along this lifetime let's say like this to put it really simple in this bottle right now now you see it's like still we have clear water inside which let's say resembles our mind now I can put yellow color in it and then the water will look yellowish I can put dirt in it and shake it and then it's going to look brownish in all of these cases if I would look through it it would be impossible that I see your face clearly which means every time that my mind has a tint it's boiling it's it's shaking it's wavering there is dirt inside it's impossible to see you clearly I cannot see you clearly so if somebody would ask me so describe me how does James look and they say well he has like yellow eyes yeah well no so what does it mean every time your mind is not calm it's difficult to see how the things are but I need to take a decision so somebody ask me so tell me what should I do should I go left should I go right if your picture is not clear it's difficult to take the right decision and what is it that these meditation practices many times do the meditation practice is what helps you to practice that this calms down if there's dirt inside the dirt will sink down to the floor it maybe is still down here but this one it will be clear again if it was shaky before before and you do meditation the shaking becomes less this is why we call it mind exercising training the mind train the mind to do what to be calm to stay clear and with this clarity now now we take decisions you cannot always choose with who you are dealing with so to test yourself if everything that you have learned is still working under pressure means you have to be put under pressure one of my master uncles that I talked about before he sometimes said how he sees that how does this combat this fighting this training how to fight how does this help you with this idea of balance and Harmony it is because in the training Hall in the gym when you do the hard workout when you do the spurring when you know how much you are able to sweat how much pain you can take how much pain you can give because because of this experience it makes you feel calm to walk on the street this is why you can stay balanced this is why external stimuli don't shake you off too much because you have already experienced this way how is it when your body and your mind is put between different extremes or into stressful situations so the reason why to cultivate that strength that discipline is that out here you can relax more you don't need to be afraid walking sometimes alone in the dark through certain areas there's no way to stay calm if you don't have some type of confidence inside of yourself this is where it comes from you want the harmony we want the balance but how do you get it because you have put yourself before already often times to the test if you have never witnessed felt how is it to face somebody who also like wants to hit you then it's difficult then you can imagine in the mind how it is but imagining is not the same like experiencing [Music] it
Channel: Shi Heng Yi Fans
Views: 240,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: master shi heng yi, get rid of addictions, if you fail adjust, meditation to get clarity, put yourself under pressure, train to get confidence on the street, shaolin, buddhism, self mastery, self improvement, how to have confidence, No More Addictions
Id: wdsBPtw2Afk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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