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we're back today with another developer stream recap for last dep this will be the stream that was on last night if you're watching this on the day it's released so it's the 5th of April Q&A stream lot of interestes and information on this one some of the questions that we asked just to give you a bit of a teaser we've got details on St B skip cycle 2 old cat shop mechanics new masteries void class expansions a shaman rework hideouts and melee Buffs as well and there's a lot more in there as well so this was a 2-hour stream we've managed to cut it down to around about 15 minutes or so so if you find this helpful please do take the time to a like share and subscribe button and enjoy uh do you think there's a possibility for someone who's already finished the story to create a new character and skip through the whole story to avoid doing it all over again especially in hardcore I've done the story so many times for each of my characters who died um we don't plan to do this at the moment uh first season any news um like uh second cycle starting um it's it's going to be roughly 3 to four months after the first one um and uh it'll be focused around bosses and uh like the we're adding like Pinacle content to the game um more questions is this game going to be a PC exclusive or have you got any plans to bring the game to other platforms um we do plan to bring the game to other platforms uh we don't have an ETA on that or specifically what platforms it will be um there's some obvious uh choic I mean like we do already have a Linux uh Linux version which arguably is just PC so potato potato there um we've uh what am I saying uh yeah there's there's lots of people are playing on Steam deck already technically we're not um officially approved on Steam deck or verified on Steam deck but people do use it uh and apparently it works pretty well um we're like one of the top played games on Steam deck in March which is wild uh considering we don't even have the little tick mark but that's cool um so there's there's different platforms uh and different barriers to entry to expand into them and you know like player count um like requests we get for it difficulty to do it all the these things uh will play a factor in US deciding which ones we go to First and which ones we delay a little bit and keep going to after but yeah we we do plan to expand eventually into other platforms it's going to be a little while though so like um I I wouldn't if you're if you're like um I really want to play but I I I not sure if I want to wait for a um a different version like a like come out on PlayStation or something like that um it's it's going to be a while it's going to be quite a while before anything like that happens um so if you're itching forward and you've got the the PC to run it my advice would be get it on PC but if not you just want to one day play yeah one day all right will our alts ever catch up method will our alts ever get a catchup method to catch up to our main corruption level um we we have a mechanic to address the feedback on this axis that we are preparing at the moment I am attempting to say this as vague as possible and I cannot provide any more information at this time sorry it's still in like early feedback and testing case things get wildly changed between now and impl in proper like release I don't want to be like this is happening and then it just changed horribly uh should we expect fourth masteries or rather new classes first fourth masteries would four new classes CU fourth masteries we can um we can do individual ones um like we we could do we could do one Mastery we we like say we could we could add a fourth Mage mastery um and then we would have like four 33 3 three and and that would be fine um so we we can add in another Mastery at the same time is doing other stuff a lot easier um but if we add in a whole new base glass and three masteries with it um that's a gigantic undertaking um time wise and uh not exactly a uh uh conducive to adding other stuff at the same time any plans to show Cosmetics on the character selection screen yeah um it did for a while actually and I don't know why it doesn't but I hope it comes back uh are you guys thinking of telling us the story of Weaver's will and how the item got for items got forged yes big foreshadowing oo uh in the future do you guys put more void type class Masters possible um I it is a very clear Gap in the design space for classes that are available right now uh will the new Pinnacle bosses have phases or can it be one shot um uh I don't know if those are mutually exclusive like lagon has phes and can be one shot um uh the the like the the tippy top Pinnacle boss will have phases but like I'm not going to tell you anything else it's going to be a sweet fight where I was working on this morning um making some new tech for it uh I know this game just released but is the possibility of expansions far in the future or will it just be based on Cycles um the primary plan we have right now is to keep it cycle based um specifically because we we really don't want to be in a situation where um like expansion like okay so uh you like you and your buddies maybe maybe a couple of them have like stopped playing and they've gone onto other things and this new expansion comes out and a couple of you buy the expansion um and you're like oh come the expansion is so good hop back in and they're like I don't know if I want to buy the expansion to come back and play or not but they come back and like I'll try out see what's going on and then they're like oh you don't have the expansion you can't come do the thing we want do you can't play with us and it like splits the community and it's just frustrating um so we don't no plans for that right now right any plan on improving the brain of the WTH Lord so it's not just randomly flying around um I I I think I think someone reported a bug recently on this um if you think you found a bug please report the bug uh can we expect items or reworks for improving weaker Masters builds like Forge guard Shield throw comes to mind there there you go Aon that's a it's a confirm confirmation um the we we do uh we we do like to look at underperforming uh and overperforming items and skills and all sorts of things frequently um I don't have any specific details on individual potential upcoming balance changes for next patch will you improve multiplayer experience yes as of now it's a bit well awful so sorry to say love the game though um yep we are constantly working on it um there's uh I don't know how much love to talk about the stuff we're working on specifically but we're definitely working on big changes for that uh I will have some effect on overall multiplayer performance it's hard to tell the um the like the test servers because there's so less uh so so less of a load on them um they uh they're naturally just a little bit faster but our most recent test was really promising uh there was some cool ideas for volatile reversal that I still want to do so I kind of don't want to show what they were um that skill needs to rework it's like it it is really good and uh it is really fun to use but it's too it's too universally useful the utility is just so universally awesome that I think it needs um I think it needs some of its power hidden in the top half of the Void Knight tree specifically so that or or or through some other method of like void Knight restriction so it's like anyone can use it it's still really good for anyone but it's like it's amazing on void Knight it's good on everyone else is is one is one thing I think would be really healthy for Sentinel as a master or as a base class overall um and then I'd like to see it have more um intentionality to it more setup more uh planning involved I think be I think would be a useful thing for it uh is there still a rework of the shaman in progress as as I said for a long time I I don't like this term rework really for Shaman um we we are still actively updating and making changes to it might be the best way to put that but the core themes and um most of the skills won't have their primary functions uh dramatically altered I don't think uh it's it's missing a skill it's missing uh some some nice interactions um it's got a couple strong bugs still there's there's just like a few little things that need to come into place and then like an extra skill to get slapped in there I think it's well on its way all right any plans to allow CF players to Target Farm Boss drops like Prophecy with increased chance for a boss to drop rare items or duplicate boss drops um I I don't think there's any plans uh for the prophecies to affect boss drops at the moment so we get get new unique Idols for every class and sets uh or does some sets get buffed um uh unique Idols are quite rare for us to add um it's it's kind of a special thing to to have a unique idle but it is space that we do want to explore more um and just had to get a little bit of blue out of there um as as for set items we do have a slightly longer term plan for set items to be uh to have a shift in their place in the gearing World um they they they need they need a little bit they need a new mechanic to go with them overall in order to have them fit into your gearing ecosystem nicely um so we're still working on that we've got something planned it's not implemented yet um once it's done and dusted we can we can talk about all that sort of stuff but uh we are working on sets we know they're not awesome uh they will be awesome all right I know you're going to introduce some character creation um will that also include female mail for every class we do have plans for a character customization system um whereby you'll be able to customize the appearance of your character we do plan on including body type as one of those options um I this is this is not a soon thing this is not something people are actively working on developing inside the team right now um this is going to be quite a ways out um but it is something that we are um interested in doing still planning on doing uh it's not been forgotten gets asked every week you won't let us forget it that's fine um it's it's one of those things that like um and this is my Spiel for every time is people believe that either it's the most important thing in the game or who cares type thing um and there just a few people like it's a nice value at it's good to have but it's not a big deal if it doesn't have it um and it's it's one of those things where we feel like there's just other parts of the core game systems that we need to develop first um and once we've had more time to develop those um and the core game is feeling better and all that sort of stuff it's it's the type of thing that we will uh EXP SP into and be looking to improve cuz it is it is important it is incredibly important to a huge uh group of people and um we we want to have a game they enjoy playing he plans on adding some sort of Base mechanic some form like oh base mechanic like Hideout or something if yes would be customiz um I I'd love to get something like this in I I don't know sweet um we've always had this sort of hesitation to make a base uh a base mechanic like that like a hideout a customizable Hideout system um in the fear that it will uh pull people out of towns too much and you know everyone's isolated on their own servers um and would you know not not really how A make a few other little things but if there were a way to customize some space that you went in too frequently um I I don't know it's it's possible I i' would say I i' I'd love to do it I think there's um there's probably some way to incorporate it that uh would would Sage our concerns and uh still be interesting and exciting for players to do um I don't know what that is off head right now I'm sorry uh any Ward changes yep um I think I can go into detail on them right now but um yeah there there's I mean all there has to be is one like the the the W aics the maximum of t7 w aics reduc by one there's W changes you know I I don't know what it's going to be um but yeah we we are looking at Ward we there's the intention behind the question is likely in regards to Ward being kind of op right now um and and yeah there's uh I think room for Ward to Ward's kind of finicky it's a really interesting mechanic and it it lends itself really well to Min maxing um at the same time when you minmax w too hard it kind of goes it kind of goes too hard that's funny back to back Titan hurt um so while it is something that like would be nice to improve upon I'm we got some plans for it so similar all right enchance there's going to be an option to buy more character slots no I'd love to have more characters with more builds uh and just to get and just at the ready and love leveling them um we we are planning on increasing the number of character slots available you won't be able to buy them we consider that a uh like pay for convenience uh type system so we don't want to have it but we do plan on having more uh the the way the character limit was implemented um was really unfortunate we're getting so many Beetles this time I love it and um the way the character limit got implemented it makes it really hard to increase it actually which I know sounds ridiculous um but we have slowly been decoupling it from uh why it's difficult to increase it um it will become easier to increase it in the future um so it is something that we we know people are are looking forward to having more of we do plan to increase it more still it's not quite ready yet are we getting any melee love anytime soon yeah so there's we we definitely have kept melee in mind very acutely in the development of the Pinnacle boss content um and it's it's like range does have a very natural Advantage um and we're taking steps to mitigate that natural [Music] advantage
Channel: TonyBingGaming
Views: 16,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LAST EPOCH, last epoch update news, last epoch 1.0 news, last epoch console, last epoch console release, last epoch broken build, last epoch op build, last epoch op build 1.0, last epoch op class, last epoch best builds, last epoch best builds 1.0, last epoch new player builds, last epoch beginners guide 2024, last epoch builds 2024, last epoch guide 2024, last epoch best builds 2024, last epoch fun builds 2024, last epoch best class 2024
Id: YCzyMfCq7dI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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