Shakshuka that isn't soupy | eggs poached in spicy tomato sauce | chickpeas

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/The-Bigger-Fish πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

dunno how i feel about those new white marble countertops lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jephira πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

He's in his new kitchen and it has a gas stove. It looks nice, but not as classy as before

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DefiantRooster04 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mannDog74 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I remember in one of his videos (I think it was Ask Adam #5) that he mentioned he wasn't a fan of combining tomato and eggs. I wonder if he's changed his mind on that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/justathoughtfromme πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
this recipe is sponsored by squarespace one of the most popular dishes of the southern mediterranean eggs poached in a spicy tomato sauce i love the idea of shakshouka but i've never actually liked it it's too soupy for me this recipe is my attempt to tweak shakshuka until i liked it peel and chop some garlic shakshouka just means mixture in the arabic dialect from north africa where the dish originated unless it actually came from yemen i'm not taking sides there anyway lots of different stuff can go in people use all kinds of peppers i'm doing a poblano which i think is a great all-purpose capsicum it's big and fleshy and sweet like a bell pepper but it's also a little hot like a smaller chili i'm chopping it into long strips that i can easily grab with a fork later any form of onion will work i'm using green onions because that's what i had around get rid of the roots and slice them up toward the top they get really fibrous compost those all chopping done now i am very intentionally reaching for my widest pan i want lots of surface area for rapid evaporation and lots of browning plenty of olive oil and get that heating on medium or higher in goes all of the pepper slices and most of the onions i'm holding back some of the greens for garnish and also the garlic just for now stir and give all that a head start anyway shakshuka etymology it's kind of like the word hash in english which originally just meant a bunch of stuff cut up and cooked but it came to mean a specific kind of hash same deal with shakshuka i think time to toast some spices i'm using whole cumin seeds and whole fennel seeds i like the texture of whole spices in this and i love the combination of fennel and eggs it's like an everything bagel sandwich you could use a million different spices harissa is common now i'll throw in my garlic i usually just like it barely fried and for some extra intensity of flavor brown a big squeeze of tomato paste not necessary but real good get that tomato paste in a tube it's super convenient when i'm worried it's going to burn i will pour in the juice from a standard 28 ounce can of high quality whole tomatoes about 800 grams now that the juice is out i can reach into the can and squish up all the tomatoes with my hand you can use diced or pureed tomatoes but i like the chunkier texture for this and the whole tomatoes are usually a higher quality use fresh tomatoes in season now i'm just going to boil this until it's really thick if you stir it near constantly you can use pretty high heat and it will not burn while i'm waiting i can put in some more spices some black pepper and i'm doing a bunch of smoked paprika no idea if anyone would consider that traditional and i don't particularly care give that a little pinch of salt to start with cook cook and with a super wide pan stuff evaporates really fast this is a very quick dinner or breakfast whatever now i'll crack a little can of chickpeas and drain off some of the aquafaba too much aquafaba makes the sauce kind of slimy and in those go when the sauce is looking half cooked chickpeas not super common in shakshouka but hardly unheard of and to me this makes it a more complete dish more nutritious and more satisfying i put them in halfway through because they're already cooked and i don't want them to break up too much give that a taste salt and spice content tastes good to me i want the tomatoes a little sweeter so i'm stirring in a pinch of sugar don't judge me or do i probably won't read it to keep the dish from being too soupy for my taste i'm boiling this until it's really tight almost dry look how clean the pan is when i scrape across it i'm going to turn off the heat for now that sauce is stiff enough to hold its shape when i carve out little indentations to hold my half dozen eggs just crack them into their little saucy cups if my heat was still on the first one would probably end up overcooked by the time the sixth egg was perfect people often put cheese on top usually feta i don't really like feta so i'm using gorgonzola because it had the distinct advantage of already happening to be in my fridge plus it melts unlike feta which is a plus in my book use whatever cheese you want this is a very strong blue cheese though use it with caution now i'll turn the heat back on and cook the bottom of the eggs which you should be able to see really clearly you don't have to guess whether it's happening just look through the egg window look for the bottom starting to cook now you could just cover this with a lid or foil and steam the top of the eggs until they are done to your liking i'm going to take this over the oven and put it under the broiler that top element that brits and people formerly colonized by the brits call a grill you could just put it in a hot oven of any kind but the broiler only takes 30 seconds to heat up and it will brown the top not just cook it caramelize some of those tomatoes and brown the cheese just touch or wobble the eggs to assess their doneness i want them runny but not like water balloons the sauce they're in is already wet i don't want wet on wet look at that color the wider the pan the wider the area that can brown i think it's good to season each egg a little bit on top alternatively you could kind of over season the sauce to compensate i'll sprinkle on my onion greens for color and crunch and tons of fresh herbs could work i suppose i'd normally use cilantro but i'm gonna tear on some fresh mint because i just inherited a mint plant and there's a lot of it you could scatter on some olives too that would be nice for some fresh chili those eggs would have been perfect if i hadn't been delayed moving lights and cameras around a little overcooked this is a very easy meal when you're not also trying to film it you could scoop it out but i say if your family just crowd around the pan and eat it family style the pan keeps it warm and it looks way prettier in there people generally mop up shakshuka with bread i don't know about you but i don't really need more bread in my diet i put in the chickpeas and cooked this more like a casserole than a stew so that it works all by itself with no bread and because i cooked the sauce a lot i've rounded off the tomato acidity that i usually think really clashes with eggs it's more like a tomato jam than a sauce now and hey if you really want some bread go for it and if you really want a web presence go for squarespace just like shakshuka squarespace is popular for a reason it is quick convenient and effective it's a one-pan dish say you need to make a portfolio website to show off your creative work you pick a template you throw in some of your own photos or embed your videos or your sounds you customize the look and feel a little bit type in and about me and some contact info and let the gig offers roll in or if you want to sell some merch drop in a product block and squarespace handles all the money stuff for you you can create members only areas where only people who pay you get to see your content there's built-in seo tools to help you make your site findable and squarespace hosts the site for you they even register your domain for you it's free to start building your site but when you're ready to pay for that domain or to publish your site think of your old buddy goose and use my offer code regucia or go to regucia you'll save 10 that's all down in the description thank you squarespace and thank you to the people of north africa or possibly yemen who invented shakshuka please don't take my version of it as an affront to your grandmother's version i believe we can all co-exist
Channel: Adam Ragusea
Views: 1,105,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KLUSBT7i2j0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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