Shakira on Her New Album Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran and Crushing World Records with Bizarrap

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-Everything hooked up? -We're ready. ♪♪ -Okay. You know what to do. Shakira. -[ Sighs ] ♪ Oh, baby, when you talk like that ♪ ♪ You make a woman go mad ♪ ♪ So be wise and keep on ♪ -♪ Sí, sí ♪ ♪ Reading the signs of my body ♪ [ Click, music stops ] -It checks out. They're telling the truth. -Her hips don't lie. -I told ya. ♪♪ -When people are around you, like, at a party or wedding, are -- it's intimidating, right? Do people even dance, or do they just leave the room? [ Laughter ] -They do your moves. The one that's like -- -They're just sneaking out. -Yeah. Sneaking out. [ Laughter ] -Congrats on "Te Felicito." [ Cheers and applause ] -Well said. Well pronounced. Have a good accent. -It was good? -"Te Felicito," perfect. -"Te Felicito." Yeah, it came out, and within a week, it was the number one song, so congrats on that. -Thank you. -I mean, come on, how do you do that? That's got to feel good, right? -Yeah, I mean, I'm -- Yeah. You know, I don't put out music too often, because to me, it's a priority to dedicate time to my kids. But when I do it, I focus. So -- yeah. -Yeah, you do it right. -Yeah, I had to -- I had to dedicate, like, three months to just prepare the video. And -- -I love the video, by the way. -Yeah. -Where did the concept of the video come from? -Actually, you know, the creators of the video are my kids. -They are? -They came up with the idea. -No way. -Can you believe? -Yeah, they are pretty creative kids. -Yeah. -They just said, "Hey, what?" [ Cheers and applause ] -You know, I didn't have any idea what to do. -Yeah. -When I'm about to produce a video, it's like a white canvas. And -- I have to kind of, like, sit and think about what I'm going to do. -Yeah. -And I had no idea what I wanted to do. So I asked my kids to listen to the song, close their eyes -- -Yes. -And listen to the song. And my little one, Sasha, came up with the robot idea. He said, "Mommy, I imagine you dancing with a robot." And -- And Milan came up with the green fire. And I loved those two ideas. And I took them to a director. And that was the whole -- the departure. -I want to show -- I want to show a little -- Let me show the clip. Here's a clip of the music video, "Te Felicito." Check it out. -♪ Con tu papel continúa ♪ ♪ Te queda bien ese show ♪ ♪ Te felicito, qué bien actúas ♪ ♪ De eso no me cabe duda ♪ ♪ Con tu papel continúa ♪ ♪ Te queda bien ese show ♪ ♪ Te felicito, qué bien actúas ♪ -I mean, come on. Dancing with a robot? -Yeah, I think kids are extremely creative, all of them. -Yeah, they are. -And as adults, we just have to take their ideas seriously. -Yeah, I -- do you think they're going to grow up and be in the music business and be producers or musicians? -I don't know. I don't know. And I want them to do whatever they feel passionate about. But I would like for them to have music in their lives, because music gives them so much -- it's a good companion, you know? In life. -It really is. -And it's a good refuge. It's like -- [ Laughs ] -Yeah. [ Cheers and applause ] -And -- -It's always there for you. -And they're learning piano, they play the drums. -I heard when you were little, you almost didn't get into choir or something. Is that true? -That's true. Sadly. Yeah. -Who wouldn't have Shakira in their choir?! [ Light laughter ] Really? -My music teacher. -Wow. -He didn't like my voice. He thought I was too disruptive for the choir, because my voice was too strong. And, yeah, he never let me in the choir, and it was a huge frustration for me. -Yeah. -And even my classmates teased me. They used to tease me, and they used to say that I sounded like a goat. I hope it was a cute goat. -Yeah. [ Laughter ] Now -- now you are the G.O.A.T., so there you go. You did it. [ Cheers and applause ] Showed them. -Well, you know, my parents -- -A global music superstar. -Well, you know, it was pretty hard because it was some sort of -- I think it was a way of bullying, you know? -Sure. -Like, I felt bullied in a way. -Yeah. -But -- -Did you almost think about not going forward, not singing? -Well, thanks to my parents, I didn't, because my parents actually reinforced and reaffirmed my identity as a singer. And they were -- they said -- especially my dad always said that I didn't have to change my vibrato. I had to protect that vibrato and never ever change it, because it was -- he always said that a voice without vibrato is not worth it. It's not a voice, you know? And so, I kept my vibrato, and that's kind of my signature. -Wow. -Yeah. -Thanks mom and dad. -My goat signature. -Your goat signature, yeah. I know in New York, you were recently at a Mets game and cheering on the Mets. And I was like, "Oh, yeah, I wonder how you do cheer at a game," because you get very excited when you're cheering for your sons, for your boys. I've seen -- -I do. -I mean, I've seen video. -I get carried away. -You are one of those people. [ Laughter ] -One of those moms. -Yeah, you're one -- -Annoying moms. -Yeah, you just like -- [screams] and you scream. -Yeah. Yeah. -Can you -- I mean, do people tell you to, like, chill out? -I embarrass my kids. Actually, yeah, during -- my little one -- the both of them, actually, practice taekwondo. And whenever they participate in a tournament, taekwondo, they -- I scream like a crazy woman. And the dojo master, last time, he gave me two warnings. The second -- and he said -- -You can't warn Shakira. No, no, no, no, no. -Yeah, he almost kicked me out. -Oh, my gosh. -Because I was like, "Kick him in the head! Kick him in the head!" You know, I -- [ Laughter ] -No, she's not kidding. In fact, we asked you if you have any video of you. We have video of you cheering your son on when Sasha won first place in karate -- in taekwondo. Look at this. -[ Speaking in Spanish ] [ Shakira screaming and cheering ] -Oh, my God, Sasha! Oh, my God, Sasha! [ Screaming ] [ Laughter ] [ Cheering ] [ Cheers and applause ] -That's a loving mom right there. That is a good mom. That is -- that's so funny. Oh, my gosh. You would have thought that you won. Oh, my goodness. That's great. Bizarrap. Do I call you Bizarrap or Biza? Or -- What do I call you? -It's fine. Biza, for you, is okay. -[ Laughs ] For me, it's okay. Yeah. And I'm going to call you Shakira, obviously. Welcome back. -"Shak." -I can call you Shak, as well, yeah, of course. Congratulations. "Music Sessions, Volume 53." This is a global monster of a song. Number one globally! [ Cheers and applause ] Number one globally. Couldn't -- I mean, couldn't be a bigger song. This is the truth. This happened today. You and Biza, here are four Guinness World Records you shattered. [ Cheers and applause ] And then -- And then you went on -- Shakira -- went on and won 10 more Guinness World Records. I'm not kidding. Look at this. Look at this! [ Cheers and applause ] Look at all -- Look at you guys. Most viewed -- Most viewed Latin track on YouTube in 24 hours. Fastest Latin track to reach 100 million views on YouTube. Most streamed Latin track on Spotify in 24 hours. Most streamed Latin track on Spotify in one week. You crushed it. [ Cheers and applause ] You crushed it! Uh, how did this song come together? Did you know Biza? Did you know Shakira? -Well, you know, my son, Milan, who just turned 10. -I love -- -By the way, they're so excited to be here. They're like -- I told them, "Guess what. We're going to New York." And they said, "Are we going to Fallon?!" I said, "Yeah." And they started, "Fallon! Fallon! Fallon!" -That's my boy. I love those two. They're the cutest, and they're the most polite kids. I love them. Every time I see them, they're so nice. So they hooked you up? -Okay, yeah, so -- Yeah, well, actually, you know, they're like my career consultants lately. -Yeah, of course. -They pitch in for video ideas. I listen to everything they say because they actually have really good taste. But I'm not objective, you know? -Yeah, of course not. -And Milan -- he's also a musician. He has a very good ear, very good taste. And he's a big Biza fan. And he told me, "Mom..." Like, a few months ago, he told me, "Mom, you've got to collaborate with Bizarrap. You have to get on a song with Bizarrap because you guys are gonna be number one." And he sent a voice note to my manager, Jaime. He said, "Jaime, you got to put my mom together with Bizarrap on a song because they're gonna be number one." And he was right. [ Cheers and applause ] -He called it. I love that he called it. -I still have that audio. -You have the voicemail. -Yeah. -What's your version of this story, Biza? -I was thinking about the collaboration between Shakira and me, but I didn't know how to reach her because she's -- -She's Shakira. -She's a superstar. -You have to put a light up in the sky and hope that Shakira swings in. She's a superhero. Yeah. -By that time, I think it was July of the past year, 2022. And I had, at that moment -- I had the number-one global song with Quevedo. He's a guy from Spain. -I love that song. It's amazing. -And I thought, like, this is a moment to send her a DM. -To introduce yourself to Shakira. -Yeah. -He DM'd me. -You slid into her DMs? -Yeah. -Yeah, but I didn't see his until, like, three months later. I don't know why. -Yeah, one or two months later. -Yeah, two months later. -And I remember it was -- -You made him wait two months? -Yeah, but it wasn't on purpose. -Yeah, we don't answer every DM back. -Yeah, of course. -She's Shakira. Yeah. -And it was August, I remember because it was my birthday, and I -- We were in the studio. -It was your birthday? -Yeah, I remember that. I started my -- We were in the studio, and I started my birthday with Shakira singing me the "Happy Birthday." -Ohh! -Do you remember that? -Yeah, yeah, yeah. -How cool. -Yeah, yeah. That was -- -But what do you -- What's your pitch when you're DMing Shakira? Like, "Let's do a song together. Let's collaborate." -Yeah. I told her, like, "I would really like to collab with you." And I had that -- that big song out there. -Yeah, and you were like, "That's me." -Yeah. "That's me." -That was very easy, actually. -Yeah, but you made him wait two months before even answering back. -But after I heard that he actually DM'd me, then I wrote him back. And, you know, I showed Milan. I said, "Look who's writing to Mommy!" And he said, "Oh, my God! The Argentinian God!" -Oh, really? -Yeah. -The Argentinian God? -The Argentinian God. -And, Biza, when you have those, did you think of a beat immediately and you go like, "This is the one for Shakira"? And then how do you just go -- You don't just say yes to it. Do you go, "Hey, I got some notes," or, "I'm don't know if I'm feeling this"? -Well, he came to Barcelona, right? -Yeah, I came to Barcelona. And one day before, I made like two beats, I think. And then when I show the two beats to her, she told me like, "This is the..." -Yeah, because it reminded me kind of like -- It reminded me of Depeche Mode a little bit. -Yeah, yeah, yeah. -Right? -Depeche Mode? -Yeah. Yeah. This song, if you listen to it, it's got a little bit of that sort of, like, cool, dark undertone. I love Depeche Mode. It's my favorite. -Yeah, it has a lot of synths, and it sounds like an '80s track, maybe. -Yeah, yeah, yeah. -And, yeah, I really love that kind of music. And I knew that Shakira would love that. -I started to feel it in my body, you know. I usually have this visceral sort of physical reaction to music. And if you see me, you know, two-stepping, things are not right. You know? Yeah. I know when a song works because then I suddenly start moving, like, getting these small contractions from my tailbone to my iliac bone, and then it just results into, you know, hip movements. -Are you telling me that your hips don't lie? -Yeah. I didn't want to go there. -This is the best thing that ever happened to me! This is the greatest! I can retire now. This is all I ever wanted to know, is if, really, if your hips do lie or don't lie to you. You're actually telling us -- -They do not lie. -They do not lie. -They do not ever. -You can feel it. -And I know when a song is right when they start to move. -Wow! You know what's great about this? People from all over the world love this song, but also all ages love this song. -I'm just waiting for someone to just pinch me and wake me up from this dream. It's unbelievable to feel the reaction from so many people. I think that people really connect to music when it's really genuine, when it's real, when it comes from a real place. -Yeah. -And the thing with the song is that it has become sort of like an anthem for so many women out there. You know, I've had a very rough year after my separation. And writing this song has been so important to me. It's been a healthy way to channel my emotions. And I feel that, you know, after we put out this song, I really felt that I don't even have fans out there. I have a sisterhood of women who have been through the same things that I have been through, who think the way I think, who feel the way I feel, who had to put up with so much crap the way I had to. And, you know, I did write the song for me, but, also, I feel that it was meant to be -- and probably for so many women out there that needed a forum, too, and a voice to represent them in so many ways, so... [ Cheers and applause ] Hey, Jimmy. -Shakira, what are you doing? You might want to move. ♪♪ Bull's-eye. [ Chuckles ] -Welcome back to the show. They love you. We love you. Oh, my gosh. You're one of my favorite guests we've had on the show and one of my favorite performers ever. The thing I love about you -- you've been here all day rehearsing and you're just the nicest and the coolest and just talented and gorgeous and everything. And then you go, "Hold on. I'll go do this. I'll be right back." And then you go -- And you're like 150 feet tall. And I'm like, "Oh, my God. I can't believe I was just talking to her and she was so normal." You're just such a great performer. You're amazing. So thank you for coming back. [ Cheers and applause ] -I love being on your show. -I love you. -Yeah, I feel at home here. You guys treat me so well. -Thank you. I want it to feel like home, yeah. Congratulations. The album came out on Friday, by the way. Congratulations on this. I want to share how well it's doing. [ Cheers and applause ] In the first 24 hours it was released, the album became the most-streamed album of 2024 already. [ Cheers and applause ] Yeah. They already know. It was certified seven times platinum already. And it's been streamed 10 billion times globally. Come on! [ Cheers and applause ] I mean, this is what I'm talking about. -I'm overwhelmed. I really am. I have the best fans in the world. The best ones. They're just insanely amazing. They've been with me in the good times, in the bad times. They support me all the time. I feel accompanied through each one of the processes that I have to go through in life. They're just -- -But you keep delivering, though. You keep delivering, and that's why we are fans of you, because you put out quality stuff every single time you do anything. "Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran." -Perfectisimo. -Yeah? Close? Close? Yeah? Trying -- -Perfecto. "Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran." -Yeah. -"Women No Longer Cry." -Oh, I love that. Where did that come from? -Because it's men's turn now. -What?! What are you talking about? No, I -- [ Laughs ] What? What? It's men's turn to cry? -Yeah. I think so. I think so. We've done that for too long, you know? -Yeah. -Yeah. Like, for too long, we've been sent to cry with a script in our hands and without an end just because we're women. We have to conceal our pain in front of our kids, in front of society. We have to heal in a certain way. And I don't think anyone is supposed to tell us how to heal. Like, no one is supposed to tell a she-wolf how to lick her wounds, you know? And, yeah, I think that now women decide when to cry, how to cry, and until when. -Yeah. -And -- Yeah. [ Cheers and applause ] -Good for you. Yeah, no one is supposed to tell us how to cope with the hardship of life. -Yeah. I mean, this has been seven years since the last album? -Yep. -Right? And, so, you put out songs here and there that were awesome and you came on our show and performed. Thank you for that. But what made you feel like, oh, now you have a full album ready to go? -Well, yeah, I've been putting out music here and there, but it was really hard for me to put together a body of work. I didn't have time. It was the husband factor. Now I'm husband-less. Yeah, the husband was dragging me down. [ Cheers and applause ] Now I'm free. -Yeah! -Now I can actually work. -Yeah. Now you can work. Oh, my gosh, you are so funny. You are -- By the way, in addition to this cover, you also released three other covers to the album. I just want to show everyone these, just so you all know. Look at this one. Ooh, ooh! -"Emerald." -Yeah. -This is "Emerald." -Ooh! -This is "Ruby." -Wow! -You can open it up. -Even the vinyl, too. [ Cheers and applause ] "Emerald," "Ruby"... Ooh! -"Sapphire." -"Sapphire." -And this is "Diamond." Look. This one is pretty cool because it's clear. -It's a clear vinyl. -It's clear vinyl. It's cute, huh? -Now, why these -- -Look at that. -Ooh! Wow! That's what I'm talking about. -I still got it. I still got it. -Dude -- [ Laughs ] You still got -- Absolutely. Why did you pick these gems? Any particular reason why you picked ruby and sapphire and diamond? -And diamond. Yeah. Well, because, you know, when I was creating each one of the 16 tracks in this album, I was raw. I was dealing with a lot of stuff. And I was writing, I felt at times, with a knife between my teeth. You know, I was picking up the pieces of myself from the floor. I was trying to rebuild myself, and music was the glue, but it felt like it was in alchemical process in which I was transforming pain and anger and frustration into creativity and productivity and strength and resilience. The resilience of a diamond, you know? So that's why I picked the metaphor of the precious stones, because of the resilience that us women have today when we have to face adversity. -Yeah. -And how -- Yeah. And how I felt -- -No, all the pressure. -Yeah, like -- Yeah, exactly. -All the pressure that's on you. You're in the public space here and in a public place, talking about your stuff in front of everybody. And you're like -- I don't know how you do it. I don't know how you do it. It's amazing. -Well, now, when I'm sitting in front of you, it's more like I'm synthesizing. But when I'm writing, that's when I really find a therapeutic space to really elaborate my feelings and those intense emotions. I really needed to feel better about myself, and the only way -- My own -- You know, I was telling you that I was rebuilding myself, and the only way I felt that I was putting myself back together was through music, because music was the glue. So each one of these songs really was like a catharsis to me. And I felt better and better and better every time I wrote something. -And how do the kids love it? How are my boys? -Oh, they said hi. -Yeah? -They wanted to come so badly. -I love them. -They love you. -We had so much fun. -Yeah, And they're like, "Please say hi to Jimmy." -We were, like, karate-fighting in the hallway and stuff. -Yeah. They're on the album, too. -They're on the album? -Yeah. -Oh, wow. Now big-time. -I wrote a song for them called "Acróstico." And, you know, they hang out in the studio sometimes. So they went to visit me, when I was in one of the sessions, and they listened to a song. They knew it was for them and they started to sing in front of the mic and they sounded so amazing. And they said, "Mom, we want to be on the album. We want to be on the album." So... -Oh, my God. -Yeah. So they recorded. Then they wanted to be on the video. And now they're asking for royalties. [ Laughter ] Seriously. -Smart kids. -Oh, my God. -Smart kids. They're saving. They have a piggy bank, each one of them, and they're saving because they want to buy a car when they're older. And I've told them, "I'm not going to buy a car for you. Like, if you want to get a car or a phone or whatever, you're going to have to get it yourself." -They've got to earn this. -They're like -- Yeah, they have to earn it. So they're like, "Mom, please. So, when are the royalties coming? Because we need to save for the car." -They really are asking? That's so -- They are the best guys out there. Hi, guys. They're awesome. I miss you. Next time, please come back. I'd love to hang out with you. But you have some other great guest stars in here. Ozuna. You have Karol G. Come on. We love Karol G. -Yeah. Ozuna, Karol, Bizarrap. We have him twice. -Bizarrap. I love him. -Yeah. -He's so fun. Bizarrap. -Cardi B. -Cardi B. Come on! Cardi B! -How was -- How did you end up working with Cardi? Rauw Alejandro, as well. I mean, so many wonderful collaborations in this album. With Cardi, I met her in Paris during Fashion Week. And I just thought -- You know, I had this song, "Puntería," which is a focus track of the album, and I thought, "She would be perfect for this," because I think this album needed a dose of someone like her. You know, she's, like, the symbol of female empowerment to me. She's just so unapologetic. She says what she thinks. She doesn't ask for permission. And this is an album that celebrates that kind of strength in women. And so I thought she was perfect for this album and for that song. And so I reached out to her, and she said yes and she jumped on it. -Of course she said yes. You're Shakira. Of course. But Cardi was excited to work with you. We actually found a video of Cardi B saying how she felt when you asked her to be on your song. Take a look at this. -I was so happy. I was like, "I don't care if she wants me to meow, I'm doing it." -She wanted to meow. -I love you, Cardi. I love you. -Yeah, we love you. She is really great. -Yeah, she's really great. -You don't meow on the album, but you do howl, by the way. -I meow, I howl, yeah. Especially -- That's my specialty. -Yeah. -Yeah. -You're great. People were -- Fans were howling today when I said that you were here. [ Audience howling ] Where did the howl originally come from? -From my gut. -Yeah. You know, wolves howl not only when they're in pain, when they're in danger, they have as a way to communicate and to connect with their pack. And that's how I feel that I communicate with my audience through my music, you know? It's like howling for me. But it's -- We have this friendship with my audience that has endured time and all kinds of things. And it has remained alive for so many years. And it's a true friendship. That's why I think that my relationship with my fans is so special, because they're my pack. You know, they got me. They got my back. -You got the new album. Does this mean that you'll be going on tour? -That's what I'd like, yeah. I mean, you know how it goes. [ Cheers and applause ] First, you present an album, and then you go on tour. I can't say when... -Okay. No. -...or where we'll start the tour, but -- -But maybe follow you on the socials, right? -Follow me on my socials, of course. And follow me on my socials for what's going to happen tomorrow here in New York. There's something happening tomorrow. -Okay. Tomorrow. Tomorrow in New York. -In the city. -Okay. -Yes. -Okay. -I can't say much more. -Okay. That's perfect. -But I just -- I'll give you the details on the specifications on my Instagram and all my socials. -Alright, perfect. Alright. We'll take that. I'll take that. I love that. Congratulations on the new album.
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 75,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tonight show, jimmy fallon, tonight show jimmy fallon comedy, comedy, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Dancing With Myself, The Voice, Te Felicito, Don't Wait Up, Girl like Me, Me Gusta, Nada, Clandestino, Trap, Perro Fiel, Me Enamoré, new album, Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran, world records, Bizarrap
Id: h7znjSHXCAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 9sec (1509 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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