Sea Wolf | PART 1 of 2 | FULL MOVIE (2011) | Action, Tim Roth

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[Music] [Music] you're sailing tonight do we have a crew [Music] oh what do you think you're looking at critic this is an unusual way for a bride to arrive it away daddy's saving money there isn't going to be a wedding humphrey still haven't got over me sort of thing [Music] all right all raspberries are causing your melons you shouldn't drink it now get me my cruise okay [Music] oh i wish you weren't doing this i am not marrying some idiot my father has chosen for me just because his family is rich he's selling me his all he'll come after you mod and the last place he'll think of looking is on one of his damn ships [Music] someone named louie o'leary sign up for the ghost your honor oh yeah jesus mary joseph let's rock i'm louis o'leary but why not why not join that with the course [Music] [Music] i want the job as a cabin boy you seen a lad come in here no lad's been in here haven't they you heard the man come on take it congratulations you're on the ghost [Music] excuse us why the seat charlie did i say the sea didn't i say get out of town because the sea is beautiful hungry the sea is wet and it's slimy and it goes on for far too long oh like you what what in god's name is she doing here doesn't her father own the macedonia all the more reason for her to stay away from isn't she beautiful all i did was criticize one lousy poem one lousy poem you said the whole book needed work you didn't mod bruce what a disaster come on buy your ticket are you sailing to yokohama tonight [Music] foreign [Music] oh who told you about the macedonia does it matter it's a last-minute decision i'm like that draws it to yokohama my writing what if you pay me miss clark mod clark this clock this is a working ship yokohama's only a refueling stop real businesses to go up north kill a lot of seals nothing gets in the way of that all i ask is passage out of here [Music] [Music] [Music] sir i'm the new cabin boy [Music] you always come up on my good side why is that yeah that's much better don't you think you've got a good few months from my experience haven't you hm your boss giving you a hard time we're taking all our damn seals aren't you why are you afraid of chris i'm not afraid of anyone you should know that by now [Music] sailing tonight there'll be nothing left for you when we're done nothing [Music] so [Music] [Music] glad i'm not sailing on that boat called a boat hungry i call that a schooner a schooner charlie is something out of which one drinks sure our sailing ship's beautiful you think so ms clark it's my brother's ship macedonia can outrun her and outlast her where's your brother headed captain larsen same place as us we'll get there first [Music] [Applause] [Music] should be [Music] 20 minutes [Music] were you in love with mob brewster our critic should never fall in love john it might affect his objective [Music] i never knew you're that serious poets and women are always talking about love why they're naturally passionate no it's simply another way of getting attention you know you come on like an intellectual tough humphrey and really you're why soft-centered really not well you felt something from odd brewster you know you did i need some air excuse me is everything all right ma'am i said excuse me we can't wait let's go man in the water starboard side [Applause] where am i you're on the ghost sir a ceiling schooner bound for the japanese coast officially glass water here we go oh nice to have a gentleman on board i'm sitting captain you're the mate of this ship don't jump revive this man hanson my name is johnson i didn't call you over here to correct my pronunciation i called you up here to throw water this dunkin bastard supposed to be the maid of this ship why isn't he come around i think he's dead sir dead dad who gave you permission to die stupid bastard dead damn your bloody insulins if i wanted a corpse i would have asked for one take you 20 advance are you a preacher no no i'm not saw him into her back and tip him overboard so what do you do gentlemen [Laughter] i mean i work i i i do work i shouldn't think you've ever done a day's work in your life joe hansen congratulations you are new mate i sir which means we are short a sailor yo go forward as a boat puller no what did you just say no i won't go for it i won't be a boat puller i never signed up for boat puller i signed up for cabin boy did you is that all that you added due to promotion now get forward private income was it i have an income from your father was it dead man's legs i use these hands captain i'm a writer i write criticism if you miss no not that i see that you're here for a living here you start now captain boy get into the galley with cookie my name is humphrey found fighting i wish to be put ashore how much i don't think daddy's money will buy out of this i'm afraid now get below um you can't do this cat who's that i can't i don't seem to have any choice i sir sir get below come on um [Music] this is the future miss clark real beauty for you beauty is efficiency don't you think and sailing ships aren't sufficient they're purely decorative miss clark just like my brother and why do they call you death american sailors call me todd larson in german that means debt sir my crew calls me death last just so long as you don't try to live up to your name captain no i'm a very gentle character this clock wouldn't hurt a mouse oh lady you know there's a poem death in the maiden death meets the maiden on the road and he's very nice to her yeah but she dies just the same eh very good captain um what are you doing none of your business strike the tops i need two men alive come on [Music] you said you could call the crew oh god you're bellyaching we're playing a game here [Music] take these off now come on watch that she's starting to roll a bit come on leave him alone come in the captain wanted to know if you want a dinner miss captain staple miss not be delighted uh let me hear it sir sir pop the rigging lay aloft clear that line what are you scared or something i'll go thank you johnson but my mate gives orders on this vessel not you how'd you go off you got boy it's not that far now it's too green get some of this big keep the ship on course you're not here to keep her steady for sailors who cannot do the job sir that's why boat pulley you got up there maybe you're a bird puller but he's my sailor he's not right he's just a ball we want to argue about it johnson [Music] well done [Music] i think he'll be up there all day to him his own life is so precious to us it's nothing it's not important it is to me ah unfortunately you are not important are you and here we are in our little floating society and i command and you obey it's absurd really because it's all you know how to do quit your whining boy [Music] seven hours he's been up there there was once a great ruler who hired a poet to praise him if you do not make me sound truly wonderful he said to this man i will have you killed the man used wonderful wonderful words to describe his master so the master said beautiful what is it makes you say such beautiful things fear said the man he moves fear has given him courage you come down a different man [Music] so you're searching for something this clock or running away from something perhaps little of both you're romantic as clock full romance money's all that interests me i want to hear all about your business captain larson about the seals and how you catch them no where have you been clearing lines aloft foreign i mean what am i doing yeah take these ashes out have you been in my jacket all my money's gone you stole the money from my child yeah you oh god you do as i tell you or i'll give you another listen listen captain i've had enough of this in your hand huh ashes from the stove sir sir suppose cookie wanted you to chuck them overboard did he look that's what i wanted to do i suppose you'd better chuck them huh not until they went to anymore it's not fair it's not fair i've been taken against my will i've been made to work on this hellish bloody craft have you indeed any other questions cook stole my money get your lawyer clean my dick the bering sea is closed to all sealers this clock the russians shoot us if we get in their territory waters we can only take the seal in the open sea here on these northern japanese islands as they head up towards siberia i'm going to erase this clock to get to the herd before my brother i'll lose this all over for me why i work for a real bastard miss clark he owns me that's all and your brother he works for himself he's a free spirit wouldn't that be nice miss clark to be a free spirit i think of myself as a free spirit uh do you hmm is he older or younger than you your brother what do you think older what makes you say that you sound as though he's in your way [Laughter] how much is cookies doing from your mom 185 dollars sir sir we put his soul in danger i shouldn't leave something like that lying around it's not what fair it's not fair probably of course not but is it fair for you to live off the proceeds of money you've never earned it's life fear life's a mess like yeast affirmed thing that moves and the end sees it to move i don't simply live off others i work i do work i i write well what do you write home i i think i told you criticism [Laughter] doesn't sound like work to me do you believe in the soul hump you only have to look in someone's eyes to know there's a soul the eyes of the soul's window on the world did you clean my cabin hump no no i'm talking about literature so you do not have to call me sir is that the idea clean my cabin now what's beautiful this portion [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] it's his navigation system he's been working on it for years hey come in you weren't meant to don't rock the boat leave it alone i wouldn't touch that desk if i were you there's a wheat drawer in it and if you even look at it he'll know god knows what he keeps in it he's a terrible man don't you think he reads he's not a plague he's a pig that reads listen a thug he's killed john cena johnson will kill him and i heard wolves killed a man two trips ago all we need to do is get there get the seals and get the hell out all right wow stop these drips and drops of money you keep bringing in uh raise your cookie how much have you got i got money i got more money i was born a gentleman's son mr margaret [Music] [Music] for the blazing tropic night and the wakes a lot of light you read kipling milton browning plato shakespeare good i'm playing your new mastered cards coming down you can surf the drinks i hope you haven't cheated mr margaret no sir no of course not you're a gentleman aren't you for the gentleman at drink hump 195 dollars i'll see you no that's not right listen that's impossible i saw hey look take him up on deck hump no no no no that's not right oh listen i can tell leeds to give him a soaking that's that's my life saving is [Music] captain set to give him a soaking oh my pleasure a cookie this is for your mashed potatoes that's mine you're improving huh that's exactly the amount he stole from me the amount may be the same but now it's mine those are the basics what is a kingdom but a great piece of highway robbery you don't believe in justice what is justice a word people use to get what they want it's an idea precisely look at you hump living proof of the futility of all ideas take you out of your vivarium and what are your ideas nothing you're fascinated by ideas am i look at your bookshelf but we were talking about justice were we not and this for your crawling bullying ways how's that huh but people do not want justice they want as i've told you to obey orders stand up sit down why who cares so what is there what is there to believe in there's life hump the moon are there underwater there's a beauty in that i suppose no morality just animals snarling at other animals i'll give you for this no you won't society's about survival about cutting up the person next to you so that you can live a civilized society whether it be a a city or or a nation or a ship's crew will always function more efficiently if everyone feels the mutual gain but for that to happen peace and justice must exist come on um you miserable get in the galley sharpish i'm talking to this gentleman he says here with me you cook on your own for a while get out of here yes sir you say he didn't like that did he i took his punching bag away from him what are you looking for do you think there's some secret in there some faded picture of a girl who disappointed me some cliche that will explain me to you i'm not to be explained to him what was your father like as brutal bastard so of course we wanted to follow in his footsteps and your brother everyone loves wolf or rather they used to did you find that's how it is with people in this clock don't you know what they're like you want to kill the bastards why do you hate your brother [Music] something wrong with depression [Music] i think i can explain why you are what you are how do you propose to do that you're the product of certain things we all are the the society you come from your background your family your family some something made you what you want you're starting to bore me hump i think i'll send you back into the galley where you and your fine idea has been on come on not to be explained anymore the life itself is to be explained here's your lanky cookie it's all yours get peeling spuds i'm ready strong any they say that you can crush a raw potato in his hand just like that only i take it the potato isn't meant to stay intact is that the idea oh my god hi what are you doing i think i'm shopping in my knife hump is that what you're doing leverage wow here's my knife it's sharp enough already knife fight all right here we go hey wake up knife fights tightly okay come on all right [Applause] that's my boy nice and brutish shake hands and be friends please i don't shake hands oh three cheers for the literary clinic [Applause] poor cookie lost his bottle is everything all right captain no miss clark it's not what's happening we're about to lose the damned engines i should ask you to get below miss clark can you fix it get off my bridge miss clark stay in your cabin you've no idea what's at stake here [Music] hmm come in you wear a knife these days i do sir that's cookie dremels you all right sir of course i'm all right you haven't given up have you given up what sir trying to understand me i was brought up trying to understand ah that was not and to answer your unspoken question i was raised in the far north among the persons of the sea there was no justice we had to fight from the cradle so there were other children of course there were the children aren't we curious do you want to know how everything takes do you think you can fix it if you understand it is that it hump are you an engineer of souls and societies tell me there's nothing to tell not about me my brother you think there's always something to tell sometimes there's nothing to tell your brother why did the cane hate abel there's no sense in any of it where is he where is that bastard it was your jump to keep the engines running day [Music] oh you do these ropes johnson told you sir my name's johnson i'm an american you think there's something wrong with these ropes they're not new sir it's dangerous well you and i are going below to discuss your grievances about the quality of ropes on this ship just do your job sir i'd rather not and why not because i know what you and the mate will do to me sir so would you be kind enough to join us hump i don't think i want to sir who will stand up for justice and reason of the soul if you do not come who will stand up for these all important things [Music] ah please do come in now this rope johnson what do you say mr johansson it's a good rope sir they're not new sir you stand by that do you that it's the unalterable truth as far as you concerned is it yes sir observant great moment nobility in the balance here he is will you stand up for our truth and justice and decency if you want to know what i think oh we do at least i do i think he's a brave man noble if you want to know and are you noble hump oh oh you're going to stand up for the right [Music] open the door hump enough two cheers for democracy hump this is how we stand up for freedom and decency and all of those important things isn't it i told you to open the door oh my okay give me a hand give me a hand that's right oh my god ah that's right come on oh my god power sun get some cold water [Music] come keep on eyes open look at me you bastard oh you're cool arrogant self-satisfied obvious bastard coming over because i will not stop i won't stop you guys have to kill me you set me up bastard such language [Applause] quite enjoy that didn't you huh cookie getting his oh by the way you're promoted gentlemen on you chef the cuisine [Music] thank god for that i think he'd killed us all we're moving again miss clark who are you writing about no one i can usually tell so you're an expert on love then i know what i like the look of and i usually get her [Music] oh everything is it should be here it's your handsome have you seen the mate no sir hump come with me okay uh oh [Music] don't let him go light the damn candle watch it was always awesome if we don't fight back he'll crush us now is our chance all of us haven't you got any gaps why do we just slide back and take it the old man wants you he's not here i'm afraid he is i'll shut his mouth before he squeals wait i'm's all right he's got more guts than you let's take the bastard now leech you need this fight but we don't he's ready he's armed he'll be waiting for us what then what do we do we do what we do what people in our situation always do we wait for the right moment which is never listen the old man might be a bastard but he makes us good money i just want to finish this bloody trip it'll be me and johnson will get the punishment come on um you seem to be short of a mate the job is yours 75 a month i know absolutely nothing about sailing is that a problem absolutely not and you will be called mr van wyden no they don't respect me the crew they'll they'll beat me i can't do it of course you can't trust me i trust you i won't do it i think you will find you will oh well done good night mr van wyden good night mr larsen [Music] [Music] so we will take in water here mr van wyk nice i leave this ship in your capable hands mr van wyk [Music] get the forces down hell i'm too supposed to port all right you're going in a little fast don't you think mr van wyden [Music] get him on the floor hollyard slow the calf if you please let's get someone on the chain well done hump if you please stand by low the votes gentlemen something funny mr henderson yes sir get off my deck thank you mr van wyk very nicely [Music] [Music] come in you wanted to see me recognize this can't say that i do sir if you intend to kill someone leech you should do it shouldn't after it it's not that important dying is it oh this oven is finished reach sir there they are that's what we've come all the way for what we will do for ladies best huh there's a lot of money to be made out there tell the crew to get ready to lower the boats i want you done quickly there's a storm coming stand by the boats it looks like they feed my brother yes it's clark i've come to inform you we won't be putting out yokohama well when will we get there i can't say i might move fuel on the way back a few months a few months what am i supposed to do swim there that's up to you i am paying you to do a job captain i trusted your work this clark as far as i'm concerned you've told me nothing of your true intentions from yokohama i feel no obligation to keep any such word fine captain i'll tell you who i am i am the daughter of the man who owns this ship and i insist that you take me to japan it's very interesting [Music] bye miss brewster we are in business come on get those down let's do it come on right now let's go the seals are growing clear wait for you shooting there we'll be coming back i take it leech do i have a choice ask mr henderson stand by those lines lower away keep your head down good luck things uh [Applause] with this [Applause] wrong with you boys [Applause] okay we're away so [Music] let's go all right he's off a little on that cheek fine stop pulling her in now mr margaret all right get up connect with those belts boys treat those belts gingerly boys getting sentimental about our animal cousins mr van wyk even people who eat animals are screaming about killing them themselves they should all be taken on a tour of their local abattoirs animals have a certain dignity the only thing i really like about them is that they never use words like dignity all right get him out of the boat manuel get us back out there let it go let's go did he tell you who i am he didn't tell me anything miss he never tells anyone anything and trust me i don't want to know he's evil pure evil what did he say he told me to kill you and dropped you overboard when a stock it'll be dark soon they have to get their animals sir there's no hunting at night cookie i want them back before the weather hits what are you gonna do i can feel it brewing what if it hits while they're all out what then we are lost there are only three men to handle this ship you me margaret do you say mr van wyden i'm sure we'll manage sir when you came aboard this ship you were a pathetic character now look at you mr van wyk you see she's starting just a little flap of me where's the justice in that i wonder venus is only three of us sir i don't think that we can widen stand by to drive the hassles from the vintage dance at the top so you won't have long all right sir don't panic cookie i'll take care of you [Music] get ready to join now [Music] okay let's go let's fly and pass it across oh thank you sir this beats risky gentlemen are you gonna kill me johnny no miss i'm not but i got to get you off this ship for morning there's a spare boat on the stern deck i'll put you in that that's the best i can do you might make yokohama in this weather ah i can't see anything or die together [Music] is [Applause] [Music] yes sir throw down the lights to that yes sir mother eggs give me a hair with these rocks [Music] get those i'm not gonna make it am i i swear to you if he finds you on the ship alive he will kill you and me too but this is your only chance let's wear it okay she's seen it boys you've seen us mothers give me a is oh oh okay [Music] oh good night [Music] oh my god [Music] on the board i don't want everybody trying warm within the out it's work to be done okay congratulations how many men have we lost 200 standish and latimer i think and henderson but it doesn't really count does he what did you do he fell overboard in the storm sir wasn't it good when the sea was running i wonder how cookies arrived most of his ribs are broken better put a bandage on him tell him it's character building sir are they up to anything is he up to anything yes mate i'm sure you keep me informed mr invite naturally sir just go he'll kill you otherwise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] didn't see quite some time eh what grant's my brother hunting first where northwest of yokohama i can show you on the chart set course mona vesta yokohama mri mr van wyk then sir lisa johnson are missing somebody's been riding out bearings for yokohama would you agree with me mr van wyden yes sir i would when i find the bastard who gave this to them i'll rip him into little pieces got me is it you mr van wyden no sir it was well yeah between here and yokohama we are going to comb every yard of scene we are going to take up and down till we find them got me you hear me never make any money that way captain what did you say oh how about this is this is us where's he'd be about there up towards the bering sea a boat captain do so the boat we've got the bastards gentlemen how does a deck we have them in our sights give them a shot horner let them know him in business what the hell are you doing i've had enough i've had enough it's like he says am i a coward listen you have something none of us won't have mr van wyken you're smart you're as smart as he is we rely on you getting us off this hill ship and back home again one way or another i want to see my home again jesus christ i do sorry louie i've had enough hey what is that gun for mr dunbar have you decided to stand up for your principles at last i'm warning you captain larson i will do this you're too weak leave from georgia the good man sir i'll do it you hear me i will give them a shot horner [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Popcornflix
Views: 183,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Popcornflix, Full movies English, #popcornflix, tim roth, sea wolf movie, neve campbell, stephen campbell moore, sebastian koch, sea wolf submarine, sea wolf sebastian koch, stephen campbell moore movies, sea wolf part 1, the sea wolf part 1, the sea wolf full movie, sea wolf full movie, sea wolf part 1 full movie, sea wolf full episode, sea wolf episode 1, sea wolf 2011, sea wolf film, Peter MacNeill, mike barker, Captain Wolf Larson, wolf larson series, tim roth series
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 14sec (5534 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2022
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