Shadow the Hedgehog: The Movie (2005) FULL MOVIE

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[Music] Shadow the Hedgehog why does that name haunt me it's the only thing I can remember and that gruesome image Maria Who am I and why can't I remember anything and who is this Maria [Music] look how pathetic they are I don't have time for these humans [Music] the table reckoning by the same chaos elements have agreement who are you how do you know I'm shadow and what are you talking about just what was that all about if he says he knows the truth about Who I am and like it or not I have to believe him only way I'm gonna get the secrets to my past to get those Chaos Emeralds [Music] [Music] [Music] what's going on with me I can't get these images out of my mind those black creatures how do they know me who was i before this you rogue that's the yes that's right the space colony are fifty years ago the ark 50 years ago that's me that's right this remind you what the humans did never forget that horrifying [Music] mr. president there's an emergency what no it seems as if our ground forces have been able to contain the black on but apparently enemy reinforcements have arrived and central city is being invaded oh how can this be the black aliens have hit six major cities around the world and every city is reporting significant damage and casualties among them West da police has received the heaviest casualties due to its weakened defense system downtown West aah police has been almost completely destroyed unconfirmed sources have also reported seeing a black hedgehog in West appleís shadow deploy the troops now and if you find shadow with the black aliens then kill them all but Sir isn't shadow on our side gave you an order soldier he's evil and he's the enemy you can't fool me shadow this time you're mine attention emergency broadcast to all mobile units headquarters to all mobile units all-points bulletin be on the lookout for shadow the black Hedgehog want his connection with the terrorist attacks last seen in the vicinity of downtown West Opelousas our capture him dead or alive out of my way coming through stop don't move or we'll shoot stupid humans now that was sweet Chan oh yeah well I'm not here to save you thought you might say something like that how about a little friendly competition don't waste my time we found the third Chaos Emerald in this city our mission is done yes that means welcome to the next level let's go get back here hand over that Chaos Emerald or else think you have a threat against with me do you look I don't take orders especially from you but I'm not here to fight you either I'm collecting the emeralds to find my own answers so why don't you just back off you still don't know your place our summer we hold the wrath of black holes [Music] boo now we're talking bring it on mr. president we've received the reports of the Central Information Agency our ground troops have successfully pushed back the black aliens from West Island we've also managed to suppress enemy forces in five other cities there's also reports that the CIA mainframe has been compromised we're investigating the incidence now it is a strong possibility that this was also committed by the black alien tell the commanding generals that the United Federation will never surrender to terrorists this planet was once safe from tyranny and annihilation by you two heroes now mankind must protect this piece at all costs we must stand united to defend our world against these invaders you've deliberately disobeyed me shadow no one tells me what to do I have my own reasons for collecting the Chaos Emeralds you really don't understand the situation here Dooley passed on for two your memory than I imagined professor strange that you don't remember don't make up what you say silence the ramifications of your disobedience will be severe hmmm I wonder if there are any Chaos Emeralds around here [Music] what that's right I somehow escaped but was then captured by those humans but from where and why [Music] commander comm sector b3 are reporting to the black aliens have successfully been driven out of West appleís we've contained them in the forest and they're completely cut off from the rest of their support well done captain what about shadowed sir we think shadow escaped into the forest with the black aliens alert all field commanders in Sector B I'm authorizing full use of all tactical weapons I want both black aliens and shadow stopped and buried failure is not an option yes sir [Music] it's overshadow you'll finally be exposed and eradicated for the evil that you bought [Music] this makes five Chaos Emeralds the day of reckoning is near bring all of the Chaos Emeralds to me immediately okay two more and then the truth about my past will be revealed I'll finally Know Who I am shadow we seem to have a problem with rats running loose in the base [Music] having a little trouble with those gun agents are we but you say we are not here to exterminate these poor creatures on the contrary what what is he talking about what are you saying all will be revealed tomorrow tomorrow we are the black arms we are here to take rule of this planet any attempts to resist are futile and will result in death new humans are so pathetic as of today this planet is mine you're crazy we will not know we will begin to excavate all of the world's leaders recesses sir your transport is ready we must go now sir please once again I have failed my duty to protect our nation sir it's not over we can continue to fight the black aliens may have rendered us unable for now but we will rally sir you must keep your nation strong and together yes keep the nation United no matter what happens we'll never surrender to these creatures this much I learned from them sir please hurry okay the black creatures will feel their own bloody hell [Music] those idiots they're destroying everything how can I take over the city and build the Eggman Empire if there is no city I'm at my limit I have no choice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sir are you alright nevermind me what about the people of Central City no need to worry sir orders were issued yesterday and everyone has been evacuated to the safe zone very good commander now what's going on commander the invaders estimated over a thousand black aliens inbound they've penetrated our outer perimeter what according to reports shadows also been cited with the black aliens shadow I don't believe it so he's finally decided to show himself attentional command units mobilize all mech battle sections prepare all weapons to strike incoming vessels mobilize the applause but Sir it's not ready yet I don't care we have no other option we must protect the president and the Chaos Emeralds at all costs yes sir shadow damn you it's been 50 years justice will finally be served shadow I'm counting on you I know professor the ultimate life-form born to ensure peace and justice amongst all of mankind now I know what I have to do [Music] what's up shadow not you again nice to see you too looks like those black creatures are headed out to space we're on our way to the Ark so I guess that means we're going to Ark come on let's roll next stop the Ark [Music] [Music] space colony Ark this place so familiar but why this is where I Maria died Maria please shadow I need your help everyone's fake depends on you Maria yeah bring it on looks like the party's getting started time to rock and roll you up for this shadow damn it what does it all mean these memories the doctor's actions and words nothing makes sense was it real it's been a long time shadow who are you and how do you know my name I know you Shadow the Hedgehog you killed everyone I loved my family Maria I've been waiting all my life for this day what me and Maria Maria was like a sister to me she was the only family I knew and because of you she was killed [Music] witnessing at all the plan to create that horrifying evil creature black creature and that insane professor who unleashed it all so the professor created me with black doom you don't fool me it's not just about Maria thanks to you everyone I knew and loved was killed when the Ark was destroyed worst of all my family finally justice is served if what you say is true then I will respectfully accept my fate you mean to tell me that you really don't remember a thing but I just need some time to uncover the real truth shadow look up there [Applause] what is that once every 50 years that black comet passes by this planet oh you think those black creatures are somehow connected with that comment [Music] shadow what's wrong I think you're right I feel it they're up there that's where the answers are and I've got to get to that comet you've done well I'm very impressive agent this black doom your rule ends here and it ends now so you're behind all this like it or not the game's over fools the black hole's are more than superior we are their friends do you really think you have any real chance of defeating us it's you who should be scared black doom I made a promise to Maria to save the planet she loved so much and I will then get ready to do let me show you the ultimate power in the universe I will destroy the earth [Music] finally I've got all the Chaos Emeralds [Music] this isn't over yet cards again let's do this I'm Shadow the Hedgehog and I made a promise that I intend to keep with the power of these emeralds black doom and his army have finished this is who I am [Applause] [Music] [Music] finally I've got all the Chaos Emeralds now I can uncover the truth about my past all of it how a ritual can now commence a shadow give me the Chaos Emeralds do not give the emeralds to black doom shadow they're planning to destroy the planet we're here to see the humans from their own demise we offer salvation but their greed first all power and affinity for bits really has them on a path of self-destruction their actions will lead to extinction of their species we're here to save them from the surgeons with the high perfect order allow them through the flu their des prés lives in peace humans are recurring energies they aware that's us begin our ritual of prosperity this can't be happening [Music] [Music] what was that what just happened those black creatures just warped the comet down to the surface using chaos control no that's impossible that's why you needed the Chaos Emeralds [Music] precisely the commas velocity is it powerful enough to pass another planet's atmosphere the emeralds amplified the space time control powers of chaos control we need them to charge the full power it's the perfect plan that's why I needed the professor title what that's insane the professor was in development of the ultimate life force but he needed my help so we made a deal I helped him and he promised to deliver me the seven Chaos Emeralds that's how they were created shuttle you would help us boom me I can't believe it that can't be he betrayed his own people for research for black doom big deal we can't just stand here doing nothing yeah let's do this I'll crush that cosmic rock ball knuckles what's wrong [Music] a semester of rec room this gas once released is quickly absorbed into your bloodstream in a moment total paralysis will hit your nervous system the end is near now my dear of each fans of our these savory dishes that's why were created please help me shadow [Music] I am Shadow the Hedgehog I've left the past behind me no one can tell me what to do now I will destroy you black doom I gave you life and this is how you repay me the irony of it all is I gave your life shadow you're our only hope now well done Cheryl you've gone farther than I expected but you still don't understand do you the future we offer is the only option for these humans I've heard enough you're boring me to death black doom you're going down I thought you were different from the rest maybe not we are more alike than you think the same way lardo runs through our veins this can't be just who are you don't you know you were created from my world what that's right [Music] do you fear that I can control you you cannot escape me no in the state you pass to him you know it's not true Espio are you in yet Wyatt Tommy SPO we need you to focus because if we don't hurry all the data we've recovered will be lost easier said than done who signed me up for this ad oh my son professor what is this if you're listening to this then the worst has happened you need to know the truth the government plans to shut down this research facility the government plans to cease all of our research and imprison all who know about you I made a terrible mistake shadow it's all my fault making contact with that comet professor Gerald now listen very carefully in 50 years the black comet will return they plan to harness its powers to destroy this planet the only way to stop them was to develop a way to use the very power they intended to use against them that's it it's brilliant shadow it's up to you and only you can stop them I developed the eclipse cannon it's the only weapon that can destroy that black comet shadow you are the only hope to save mankind as we know it the future of this planet depends on you don't worry grandfather shadow and I will protect its planet right shadow shadow is already in my country what's this well well well seems like to my mind you have no control over me black doom I now understand why I am here I made a promise and I'm here to keep it today I put my past behind me haven't you always shadow so be it be prepared to meet your maker your past present and future ends here today prepare to die say goodbye shadow as you witness my true ride [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] possibly our embassy [Music] because tomorrow this is the end of you and the end to my curse at past behind me chaos control [Music] shadow that was sweet I hope he's okay I'm sure he's fine Rouge after all he is shut up how about giving me back those Chaos Emeralds now hey get back here you creep [Music] [Applause] [Music] away after the way we all treated he saved us all wrong about the professor let us pay homage to Professor Gerald let's work to ensure peace and prosperity for a brighter future what do you say commander excellent idea mr. president [Music] goodbye forever Shadow the Hedgehog [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's forward here Nabeel show is [Music] back [Applause] Oh No [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] while they're straight [Music] I'll be beat don't [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: ThrawnaDelRey
Views: 123,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shadow the Hedgehog, Shadow the Edgehog, Edgy the Hedgehog, Shadow, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic, Movie, Gamecube, Widescreen, Blur Studios, Hedgehog, The Hedgehog
Id: 17rx0BSdnzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 37sec (2557 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 09 2018
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