Sonic Adventure 2 Game Movie (The Definitive Edition!) 4K 60FPS

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] engine roars engine revs securely breached at day three the distributors located in the North corner and is moving in the direction of the underground base all units prepare an early age emergency battle formations standard five procedures initiated locating stop the intruder from annalisamurray area this is not a drill repeat this is not a drill let's hit the little active and father was working on a top-secret military weapon the military shut down the research because they feared [Music] level one security on reach your deed or breach level 2 security door breach security doors [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] or hole so this is the military's top secret weapon it's a lot smaller than I expected [Music] enter user data enter password password is Mari our Maria now all I have to do is to place the Chaos Emerald into this console [Music] oh ho [Music] what's that is that you Sonny are you trying to spoil my plans again wait a minute you're not Sonic this is impossible my name is shadow since you were so kind to release me with my master I will grant you one wish no what behold the true power I possess [Music] this is scorpion troops hotshot enemy movement has been detected in route to intercept and destroy [Music] request pathetic humans destroying that dark robot was spectacular so shadow you are the military's top secret weapon what did you mean when you said you will grant me a we bring more Chaos Emeralds shadow no wait I'll be waiting for you in the central control room on the space colony Ark Sigma Alpha two heading to south over the city we're on route everything to go this is control tower we have you on radar report cargo status of captured edgehog for over that's a tenth floor cargo secured on board and what's wrong [Music] low budget flights no food or movies I'm out of here I like running better [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] those idiots will never find in my hidden base inside this pyramid let's big business here first then get inside [Music] with the Chaos Emerald in the space colony Ark I've got to find out just what's going on up there we interrupt this broadcast for an important news flash there has been a break-in at the Federal Reserve Bank today mysteriously the only thing that was stolen was that Chaos Emerald Chaos Emerald according to eyewitnesses at the scene the suspect was identified as the world-renowned hero Sonic the Hedgehog the suspect was seen fleeing the scene destroying the reserves guard robots in his path stay tuned for more details sounds more like the work of shadow perfed [Music] shado I'd make of you please do it for me Maria [Music] people on that planet sayonara Shadow the Hedgehog I still remember what I promised him for the people of this planet I promise you revenge [Music] [Music] [Music] this game the tag is boring I'm out of here hmm finally decided to show up okay bring it on Bigfoot reporting to headquarters [Music] [Music] you [Music] those robots are a total pain in the what it all starts with this but jewel containing the ultimate power that's the Chaos Emerald now I know what's going on the military has mistaken me for the likes of you where do you think you're going with that emerald say something you fake Hedgehog chaos control [Music] hey it's not in speed he must be using the Chaos Emerald to war my name is shadow I'm the world's ultimate life-form what are you talking about that emeralds mine you got that the Master Emerald contains special powers that neutralize the energy of the Chaos Emeralds that makes it very powerful what's up look who's calling who Athena I came here probably the signal from the envelope if I'm not mistaken this is the Master Emerald is it not it's you dr. Eggman so that's dr. Eggman well I guess I could lose it or something I'll just take it with me farewell knucklehead not if I can help it I did that to prevent the master animal from being stolen you idiot if it's in pieces I can restore and by the way that's not your emerald [Music] I despise anyone who takes jewels from me I'm the world's gem are mine to keep yeah we'll see about that bad girl [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is Rouge I have located eight man's base and will proceed to enter it now huh I hate to say it I guess I'm going to have to find that key [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a space transporter the destination has been set to Ark wasn't that space colony shut down over 50 years ago what's he's doing up there anyway doesn't matter it's my mission to find out what he's up to so this is the space colony Ark I have to locate the central control room that shadow mentioned before he left [Music] I've been waiting for you doctor now I will show the glorious achievement of what the world's leading scientist professor Gerald has created the ark was the first space colony created by mankind not many people know that the OP contains a top-secret research facility where weapons of mass destruction were being created this is one of them a weapon capable of destroying an entire planet codenamed the Eclipse cannon destroying an entire planet was this my grandfather's legacy but it's been deactivated for some time [Music] to reactivate it large amounts of energy are necessary oh so that's why we needed the Chaos Emerald to reactivate them we need the seven Chaos Emeralds once you have that then you have the ultimate power of destruction to use as you please and the world could be yours sounds like I like the way you think shut I will get the Khaosan use the machine to dominate the world and build a legacy of my own do you really think it will be that easy I've got a great idea how about making a deal do you when you grab that huge emerald you said something about a reaction a reaction that it may have with a Master Emerald now if you could just let me borrow that radar I may be able to help you what do you think if I do what's in it for me I have an idea where the other Chaos Emeralds may be may not look like it but you know that I am a treasure hunter that specializes in all kinds of jewels very well okay then it's a deal I don't think we've been introduced i'm rouge the bat but you can call me rouge we may be partners but this doesn't mean I trust you their day or what having to come back isn't my idea of a vacation how can you be sure your intelligence reports are correct why would the Chaos Emeralds be here on the island are you absolutely sure well believe what you want to believe very well very well let's discuss how we are going to do this I will go in first and distract the military troops allowing you to sleep in the base without being detected then shadow will enter the armory where he will set the timer on these dynamite knocks once that is in place we will blow up the whole island and get away before anyone has a chance to know what hit them me no you'll have to sneak into the cargo area and grab the Pacer that's a challenge for such a were they treasure hunters yourself isn't it that girl we only have 30 minutes to pull this mission off and we only get one try so don't fail me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay everyone ready shadow Rouge on with the show I'm the one who should be asking just your Eggman ah Amy your timing is impeccable believe it to me I'll take care of her you two go there's no mistake about it this must be the other it's a secret military base that Freeport and super-strong it's called prison island I heard the news about it on satellite TV I still can't believe that the sonic destroyed the military or robbed the bank wait for me obey Sonic I'm on my way give up baby [Music] what hey look at Amy and it man - what's a me doing here doesn't matter I have to help him tornado transformation [Music] why am I glad to see you step back Amy [Music] you're just get away with this [Music] [Music] this time I'll let you go but the next time we meet you won't be so lucky I don't one who should be asking that question don't you know it's dangerous here I know but I'm here to save my hero comic again hurry I know egg man's up to no good again okay you stay here and I'll be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh Amy keep your voice down have no fear Amy roses here how'd you get here well if you got a no I caught a ride with tails are you sure you don't need my help it looks like you could use it the reason I'm in here is because of that fake Hedgehog you mean that last Hedgehog did you see it where is it now if I tell you will you marry me no way I thought I had you this time [Music] that's like Hedgehog came here with dr. Eggman so Eggman is behind this huh what's all that writing on the wall anyway did you write that wait for me [Music] yeah watch [Applause] [Music] I'm in position doctor tell me when [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I can't believe I've come this far just to fail this is Rouge I've got a small problem I can't believe that I'm trapped inside this locked safe with a Chaos Emerald I guess I might be able to call myself a treasure hunter anymore [Music] shoot troublemaker [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] punch [Music] so far so good hey that's that blue hedgehog again of all places I found you faker faker I think you're the fake Hedgehog around here you're comparing yourself to me huh you're not even good enough to be my face I'll make you eat those words there's no time to play games you won't even get the chance you can't get away this time there's only one real son [Music] [Music] shadow what are you doing hurry and get back here right now before the island blows up with you on it shoot [Music] gotta get out of here find Amy is tails right way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you this place sure feels haunted there's no time to lose I have to hurry and find the Master Emerald [Music] more like [Music] I found him [Music] shadow what do you think it's like on earth the professor said his life's work was dedicated to all of those who live down there he once told that the reason for his existence was making people happy through the power of science shadow Maria I just don't know anything anymore I often wonder why I was created what my purpose is for being here maybe if I go down there I will find the answers maybe Maria why so melancholy that was so unexpected so unlike you shado to come and rescue me but your ability to use the chaos control certainly comes in handy you know I didn't come to save you I came back for the Chaos Emeralds yeah yeah but then again everything is ready to go are you sure we only have six of the seven Chaos Emeralds you know it's more than enough for the so let's get the show on the road in math the world's greatest scientist too soon to be the world's greatest now the latest Empire of all time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] look half of the moon in God Eggman that Creek never gives up but how did he manage to harness all that energy yeah that's the reason they were looking for us around while you try and find a way out I didn't expect the inside of the mines to be like this this is gonna be tougher than I thought [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there always seems to be a lot of police around with you don't need them tails any news yet for some reason I'm not getting a signal from the six remaining Chaos Emeralds maybe Eggman took the eliten to outer space hey guys long time no see I must have got lost in the mines looking for the Master Emerald pieces was tougher than I thought it would be where are we anyway hey get off me move aside knuckle I managed to find the transcripts between Eggman and the president in the government computer I'm following the president's limo right now if we get into the limo we can trace the call to find Eggman okay let's meet up there hey where are you going nails did you find the president Oh sonic something's on the radar we are very [Music] mr. president reports show that since the incident three hours ago the country is in turmoil our financial communities are impacted and our satellite communications are down an emergency meeting has been called mr. president this is a national crisis spare me the details what is it that you would resist otherwise otherwise otherwise you're cease to exist [Music] sonic to Eggman Empire yeah right what the heck's going on here don't worry mr. president everything's under control just leave with us got a tail Oh No what did you do [Music] okay wait Sonny are you wait mr. president we're receiving an incoming signal from our agent why are you so upset well that was really impressive you've managed to create complete havoc on the home planet does this now mean we control the planet and can do as we choose at this rate the cannon will take too much time to charge up if you wanna unleash its full potential you'll need all seven khaosan threats fell on deaf ears look at you throwing a tantrum like a little kid for totally embarrassing don't forget your end of the bargain fat girl where here you go why didn't you show me this before watch this Station Square saved from a life-threatening a city has awarded Frye's to the boy who saved station square miles tails Prower given the chaos indeed at a ceremony held at City Hall this makes things did you get that soon enough this is Rouge reporting currently I have not been able to confirm if shadow is the ultimate life form or not I will continue my research on project shadow and have a follow-up report very shortly just a reminder don't forget about my jewel gosh that you'll find tails wait a minute be quiet just leave it to me the signal is strong the emeralds close yes I've got it I found it box-boy shut up they're in that blue plane spotted at 11 o'clock again I'm in pursuit [Music] [Music] [Music] doctor they're heading directly toward us what should we do but I'll be sure to give him [Applause] [Music] inside that pyramid I saw Eggman go inside the pyramid and more importantly I saw that Batgirl go inside with him as well well you saw them too right yeah you should be able to get it down or space from there I don't know what this space colony is all about but I'll find and destroy that tentacle and then kick their Imperial buttocks all right Oh entrance [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] looks like we're heading toward the center of the base that egghead sure loves mechanical things doesn't he now Betty has one or two spaceships lying around here somewhere the door's locked we need a key to get in there no problem we can find it right knuckles what why do I have to find the keys we're counting on you buddy the world's greatest treasure hunter [Music] [Music] [Music] huh who's there ghost [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh what a half that was pretty rough we did it let's go just leave it to me this time take as well as the Chaos Emerald I call on you to destroy these pests come out my servant [Music] now go blue [Music] [Music] [Music] Sonic's puck his head he must have broken the restraining mechanism what a piece of junk [Music] nice try rocky beginning shovel lift [Music] so this is the space colony where Eggman is hiding is everyone all right no the hatch doors are all sweated knuckles the only thing in the cargo bay or the master don't sweat it [Music] hi doctor how is it going what what do you mean they escaped that's okay I will go after them myself can you tell me the password for the space colony control tricky that old doctor is just too easy all right it's time to get to work the password is we this is it research project shadow the ultimate life-form Xena what in the world is this this can't be right just what is shadow anyway I guess I'll just have to take the last pieces of the Master Emerald what's up with that knucklehead anyway trying to take over the shuttle I thought we were toast for sure huh where did he go now looks like he bailed this place looks deserted dusty - this place was shut down about fifty years ago because of a terrible accident the first bernoulli spherical space colony called arc when it was operational it was the most advanced research center of its kind but looking at it now now it's an abandoned Ark wouldn't you say there's not much time left before Eggman fires that weapon again we've got to hurry let's find the cannon to destroy it yeah [Music] someone designed that weapon to be impenetrable from outside attacks its defense shields are super-strong so we have to find a way to destroy it from inside isn't that a Chaos Emerald it looks like it doesn't it but in fact it's a fake one I created after researching the real emerald it has the same wavelength and properties but it's less powerful than the real one it's designed to reverse the energy field inside the Chaos Emeralds and blow up it looks so real even a machine can't tell the difference I'll find the power supply and destroy it Sonic you find the control room okay so the plan is we'll switch the Chaos Emeralds when the machine is stopped right [Music] you guys always leave me behind [Music] [Music] [Music] it's close I do more left [Music] it's kisser I found him [Music] long time no see treasure hunters did you find my room your emerald talking to you is a waste of time very well if that's how you want to play I will take it from you hand over those master emeralds give them to me [Applause] [Music] but wait [Music] I have no choice but to fight now now witness my power take this [Music] [Music] stop fooling around and give me back my emerald what are you babbling about you call yourself a hunter attacking a lady shame on you what kind of lady goes around stealing gems anyway [Music] [Music] my world [Music] take your hands to yourself don't touch me is that how you say thanks to someone have just saved your life saving my life don't think I owe you one you just wanted to hold my hand engine that's why you saved me you're the Joker this isn't a joke you know thinking you want that girl I was saving the Master Emerald no matter what you say it sounds crazy fine then just take them they stink like a kid nuts dude if that's your dock you should have given me them in the first place [Music] finally what I'm sorry if I hurt you [Music] we should get going [Music] what's Roush up to anyway this is strange that showing energy readings from two separate chaos emotes if they really think they should drink tea with wait I'm the one that should be telling them the end is near not you now was the time this long it's in history has the ultimate genius I'm counting on you to finish the job [Music] Oh Portland never [Music] [Music] why do they always believe a sweet little innocent girl like me alone well well young lady is there something I can [Music] you will tell me where sonic tail [Music] okay Sonic now put that emerald tales tell Sonic to meet you back at the research facility I didn't get that tails what happened Amy tails [Music] emergency emergency [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's take care of business first shall we sonica and over the Chaos Emerald slowly and then we'll talk about your good friend that is if you really care for him handing over the fake emerald I can kill two birds with one stone put these Emily down right there and back off you've turned into a big-time villain doctor whoa you thought you could trick me with that fake so how did you know wasn't the real oil because you just told me box-boy now for a little space wide the capsule clears the colony bear [Music] and carry yourself [Music] farewell Sonic the Hedgehog [Music] it has saved a plane in front for as little power than the real one the same weight than the properties can I do this farewell my now we have some unfinished business give me the wheel and world we're really shoot both you have my promise first time to do something for him I won't let him down [Music] for this no match for me [Music] no more games [Music] Oh check [Music] I can't lose to tails sonic I did it I guess he was just a regular hedgehog after all I feel some strange energy [Music] he's Sonic [Music] well I wasn't sure if I could pull that one up somehow I managed to use the TAS control chaos control are you okay I'm worried about tails and Amy I hate to ask but could you help them this is our last chance I got it before the cannon fires a slam dunk it in there legend has it when all seven Chaos Emeralds are collected the power creates a miracle I have six of them they're mine all mine I don't think shadow so that was your plan or was it a direct order from the president now I know you're that government spy rouge the bat aren't you so you did your homework is that it I would say that's an invasion of privacy I can say the same thing about you it looks like things aren't quite going your way but since my job was done I thought it was time to take what's mine and get out of this place one pathetic creature hmm look who's talking here are the results of the research project called the too much life-form but this picture is that the real ultimate life-form named shadow then exactly who or what is standing in front of me before the cannon fires again if you want to live leave the Chaos Emeralds where they are the baked ammo is good enough do you actually believe that you're the real shadow no doubt even your memories might not be even if my memories are not real but still me shadow I will fulfill my promise to Maria that's the only thing that matters to me now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you never cease to surprise me blue hedgehog I thought that capsule you were in exploded in space you know what can I say I died hard you actually saved me you know it was a chaos my busy there's no way we could have activated the chaos control using an emerald that's faint so there's more than you than just looking like what are you doing what you see is what you get just a guy that loves adventure I'm Sonic the Hedgehog I see but you know I can't let you live your adventuring days are coming to an end alright shadow time for me to finish this before this is over I'll show you the true power of chaos control but this is the ultimate power [Music] I'm tall use your technique chaos control disappear [Music] done faker sonic which [Music] [Music] not even close Spanish yes yes I'm not done with you yet [Music] time to put this to rest disappear impossible I am the ultimate life game overshadow [Music] take over the world luis era of the empire awesome job [Music] why cabin fire [Music] what's that that vibration hey wait someone is coming you you haven't given up yet it's all over for us what do you mean I've just received a message from my boss this space colony Ark is currently approaching the earth at an incredible velocity it probably will impact earth what's that on the screen this is a death sentence for every human being on if my calculations are correct the space colony arm will impact the earth in 27 minutes 53 seconds you will be destroyed not with your beloved planet Earth I plan to give you a taste of my revenge once all the seven Chaos Emeralds are collected once I initiate this program it cannot be disabled all of you ungrateful humans who took everything away from me will feel my loss and despair [Music] is there anything else you want to say no what's going on here who is that Hey the vibrations getting worse professor Joe robotic one of the greatest scientific minds in the world and my grandfather what I knew you were behind all this stop it right now or else I'd of done this a long time ago if I had the chance what do you mean you're pretty persistent for a hedgehog aren't you they're still alive just letting knuckles pilot the shuttle on the way over here was more dangerous than you can ever be this is my grandfather's diary [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't quite know what happened or what went wrong was it a mistake to create the ultimate life-form I thought it would be something that would benefit mankind but then the military guards landed on the colony that day they were sent to destroy the research project that I had been working on my colleagues at the research facility my granddaughter Maria I hope you are all safe the colony was confucian down probably to keep the prototype from falling into the wrong hands the art was shut down under the premise that there had been an accident Maria's name among those who died when the park was shut down she meant everything to me and I couldn't bear the thought that she died because of my research and I lost everything I had nothing more than before but we did say all I can think about was to avenge her somehow some way I got scared as I no longer was able to control my thoughts all I can think about is that I wanted it all to hand based on my original projections I was able to complete my project shadow I decide it's mine to be perfect pure I will leave everything to him if you wish release and awakenings to the world if you wish to fill the world with destruction oh so that's why you released shadow from the base the core of the Eclipse cannon is now highly reactive and explosive this is because the energy of the Chaos Emerald is over power if the Khamenei collides with earth it will shatter into pieces with my grandfather the space colony organization may have shifted due to the amount of energy given off by the emeralds we have to stop the energy but hmm that's it there is a way to stop the energy we have to use your animals you're the one that told me that the Master Emerald has the power to stop the Chaos Emerald that's right if I use this I just might be able to stop the Chaos Emerald the reaction of the cavs emeralds is moving toward the cannon core it made me too late there still may be some time left if we pull together we might be able to get to the shortcut that leads to the core no words just leave it to me I'm the world's fastest hedgehog let's get to work [Music] [Music] [Music] nope [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right follow the switch and rain violently [Music] [Music] being in front of my the switch that opens the door [Music] [Applause] all right [Music] the polar system alerts library security lock system terminated when they leave me behind look it's shadow I really gotta stop whining everyone's trying their best to help out and so must I shadow we need you please it's all going according to plan there's no reason for me to help them besides there's no way to save anyone there has to be I know that people fight over the most trivial things some people may be selfish like the professor said but they're basically good if they try their best and never give up on their wishes they always have a reason to be happy that's why you should help them out saving them is a good thing shado I beg you please do it for them give them a chance shado I beg of you please do it for me for a better future Maria for all people who live on that planet give them a chance to be happy let them live for their dreams shado I know you can do it that's the reason do this for sale Shadow the Hedgehog that's what I've promised her and I must keep that promise that's what Maria wished for shadow I've got to go now I have to keep my promise to Maria and you [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] what's that it looks just like the shrine of the Master Emerald they probably designed the core like the shrine to harness the power of the Chaos Emeralds you are grateful humans who took everything away from me will fear and despair could this be the prototype of the ultimate life-form that was supposed to be encapsulated leave this one to me shadow what are you doing I'll take care of this while you run to get the Chaos Emeralds [Music] Oh get out Oh prototype Hut [Music] the servers are the seven chaos chaos is power power is enriched by the heart to the controller is the one that unifies the chaos only you can do this stop the Chaos Emeralds [Music] [Music] is it gone is that what chaos control is since we've stopped the Chaos Emeralds why is the space colony still on a crash course to earth Sonic [Music] the space colony is still accelerating toward Earth in five minutes there will be no way to stop it nothing can stop the colony no mr. president don't give up just Sonic and his friends can still help us fight located the two hedgehogs there in the lower quadrant the space colony has entered the Earth's atmosphere and is accelerating that's ridiculous there's no way the charts can stop the colony now together they can do it I just know it shadow work counts I'm counting on both of you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] shado let me collect rings keeping busy for a while I'll show you the power of the real ultimate life-form [Music] switch places with me you're out of brains [Music] I'll collect the Rings now it's up to you sonic shadow you need rest let me give it a try [Music] yeah tic-tac you creep shadow are you okay son leave it to me I'll destroy [Music] [Music] all right this is working sonic how are you doing we've almost got it [Music] [Music] son you're out of break [Music] shadow your power is getting weaker hey are you okay here I come you creep [Music] shado I understand streets in now everyone is waiting for it back on earth Maria watch me I will fulfill your wish [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no wait that's getting through I thank you marina a chance happy [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Maria this is what you wanted right this is my promise I made to you [Music] there's an emergency message from the space bureau they are tracking the space colonies re-entry trajectory and it seems to have reappeared in quadrant l1 you know what I was a kid I used to dream about heroes like them than their heroic deeds mr. president that's why you should be like them never give up believing in your dreams [Music] where is shadow [Music] do you really think that the professor created him Oh shadow to carry out the revenge on all those who live here on earth he was what he was a brave and heroic Hedgehog who gave his life to save this planet Shadow the Hedgehog I guess you're right as a child I looked up to my grandfather because of all the great things he accomplished in his life he was my hero and I wanted to be a great scientist like him but did he really mean to destroy us I don't know but what I do know is we all did it together you're right where are you going next time I pull this off without anyone's help I lose my own power to take over the world next time we meet oh that's all right same here so what's next for you Rouge off again to find those jewels you love so much now I think I'm gonna give up this line of work too much work for too little pay anyway I've got something better than jewels that I'm thinking about right now they'll all work out you'll see if you say so created the ultimate life-form what's the matter Sonic oh it's nothing come on let's go home do the planet is cool and blue is me [Music] sayonara Shadow the Hedgehog [Music] you
Channel: C.Funk99
Views: 48,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game movie, 99, c.funk, c.funk99, caleb, 96, sonic, sa2, adventure, movie, game, 4k, 60fps, hd, uhd, enhance, restore, fix, pc, steam, sega, sonic team, mod, codes, cheats, rfunk, rfunk195, no subtitles, sequel, dreamcast, battle, gamecube, tails, eggman, shadow, knuckles, amy, rouge, professor gerald, robotnik, maria, cinematic, ultimate, funk, gaming, gamer
Id: pr47vf3s2W4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 0sec (5820 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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