Shabbat Shuva Special with Pastor Mark Biltz & Rabbi Itzhak Shapira

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amen and amen you may be seated but let's give a big hand for rabbi shapiro you should have some water down there too by your chair okay good we are so thrilled to have rabbi shapiro shapiro here with us today say a few words to all of your people live streaming as well shalom shabbat shalom i bless everybody with shanatova a year that it will be a year of redemption upon all of us this is as you say a very special year that we're entering into and now we bless you my wife the rabbit scene and noah noah and we as a family is so happy that uh we get to see you pastor mark and can see all of you so should not have to and you get everybody see the beautiful glass don't you love the northwest it's a little green up here yes yes yes about 40 degrees cooler it's 40 degrees quite nice quite nice man well your your voice is doing better i would appreciate everybody just continue to be in prayer for that and it's uh it's interesting all of these chapters started with the pandemic the voice issues and uh i pray that the voice of the lord will be heard through the inner shofar that is found in everybody's heart here so amen and amen well this morning as you know the torah portion is via elect and he went referring to moses uh one thing i find about moses is he's always on the move he's always moving even when he's dying even when he's dying it says he went some people say he went to every tent and said goodbye that's right actually it's interesting you bring it up because it says here the commentator said that he literally went door to door to say hey goodbye i am i'm i'm heading i'm heading out but i'm not leaving you alone you're going to have everything you need to cross over and i think that's a comforting thing for all of us to know today that yeah you know we had isaiah 60 uh just just happen god not gonna leave us alone in the darkness go and give us what we need to cross over and may this be a degeneration that cross over and usher the coming of mashiach that's a great thing to do go back and you think about israel when they became a nation in 1948 they were definitely zionists but not religious and so it's the next generation also i think that is going to be the one so so check it out it's interesting that you mentioned zionism how many of you know that the word zionism is a biblical word because it's interesting because in jeremiah 31 which you know it's quite interesting here where is shabbat shiva we are in shabbat shiva and we're talking about this but you know last last three days three four days four days ago when we had we did rosh hashanah what is the after uh that is right in the synagogue it is jeremiah 31 verse 1 all the way to jeremiah 31 19 and rosh hashanah known as fist of trumpet it's known as yomazicaron it's known as yomadine but there are two other names that people usually don't talk about the day of the king not like the night of the bride which is pentecostal but the other name that is interesting is the yamaha dude the day of unification and that's interesting because we read jeremiah chapter 31 and and we read about the unification between israel and between yakov and here we are again hosea where it's after after others yeah and we're talking about israel here about about the return of israel and i think the question that everybody have to ask themselves as you read those portions because you're seeing the unification this process shiva shuv shabbat shiva who is unified to who who is the one who is returning that is important to to to ask these questions and i think that's where we probably want to take a moment and talk about shabbat show pastor mark oh i definitely think so but what was amazing to me is here you're talking about jeremiah and i have right here a 400 year old scroll of the book of jeremiah and you were reading from this scroll jeremiah 31 at the hotel right and you had called me from israel and then i told you you're not gonna believe this i'm writing a book decoding the prophet jeremiah at that very moment i was working on chapter 31. i didn't know that i didn't know that that was the amazing thing and so we're talking and then what does he do he blesses me by donating it to elsadai and i received this 400 year old school a couple of days later i actually you know my wife is here she's the witness i woke up in the morning in this day just a funny story for everybody we just returned from israel i've been waiting for this girl for 20 years finally i found the jeremiah scroll and the lord told me called mark belts and i said what's up and he said oh i'm finishing the book of jeremiah i went to sleep woke up from the jet like god says give the book to pastor belt so i cried for about five minutes my wife my wife was with me we were we're crying and then we were rejoicing and and it's amazing because i see the scroll right now open and it brings so much joy to my heart because it's speaking about our days today it's talking about those days pray speak praise be to god well the one way that i think it's really speaking about our day to day if you remember the whole reason they went into captivity and for 70 years was because they weren't keeping the shemitah year and here we are in the shemitah year so to me i think this is so significant uh times that we live in do you feel like the messiah is coming no i don't feel the messiah is coming i feel the messiah is here i feel the messiah is here already remember something and we'll talk about it in a minute but this is also significant torah portion because we read about the time of hashtag panim uh where where we see this term astaire astirpanai i will hide hide my face we'll talk about it but but you have to understand something about us i tell you a story we went to by the way beautiful park cascade and then we went to the olympic and when we look at the olympic we're walking and you look at the at the the forest you don't see any animal and then noah says abba look carefully and you see this giant deer staring at you now unless you look carefully you wouldn't see the deal you have to focus and that's the thing about the astra panini people need to understand when god says stairs are stupid i'm hiding my friend he is never invisible completely he's always there he's always there but it is us we need to watch carefully for the sign to see him and and if we look carefully we will see him and we'll be able to clip to him even in this time that should be a comforting toll to everybody oh i think so i think not only is he always visible to eyes that see but he also has heard who have ears to hear i'll never forget i mentioned it before my wife and i we moved to this little town of kent and we found the perfect rental and but we did not really check the place out four in the morning a train goes by oh you know scare everybody have to death oh no what have i done i rented this house for next to a train every night at four in the morning but after a month we didn't hear it anymore is it because it didn't go by or because we tuned it out and i really believe that god is speaking loudly but we've tuned them out because of all of the noise pollution just like air pollution you can't see the stars because of the light pollution so so that that is the point this is a really important point you bring so how do you tune it out because right now the world in such a state it's in a chaos it's hard to tune out things i know a lot of you dealing with things that are very real uh that are happening so this is why is so important god start with the word shuva israel ada now i want you to notice something in the holy tongue that you might not catch shiva israel now if you say ada adonai it's not like saying lei adonai okay what is the difference between saying odd to say elea if you said the lame if you put the laminate before the object is being returned to god but that's not what the prophet here is saying in hosea he said shiva israel i don't know the word is a word that explained to you above and beyond you are the one who need to catch up to adonai okay you are the one to need to go the extra distance the extra mile this is the time as believers that you cannot be lukewarm if you will be lukewarm and you go halfway it's not going to be enough you need to go the extra mile the extra distance you're going to have to push yourself add adonai kika shelter before because you're stumbled now look at this this is something amazing who are you returning to ada tonight some heart god says no you come to me but why are you returning to adonai now it doesn't say here elohim it uses the name yoda hey verve that that peace jude is appear it's the attribute of mercy it's a mercy so this is important to remember when you see your hair away it's always stuck not the attribute of judgment it's in an attribute of mercy so although he says you need to come to me he said i am going to help you i'm going to have mercy so that you can return all the way up to me pastor mark i think that that reminds me so much as a father calling your kids come here how are you saying come here what is their attitude oh i'm going to get a walk or is the attitude of uh okay you know you'll show mercy i think that's important yeah that is important to understand but here is the thing that all of us need to understand here there's something very strange about the language of the prophet you notice he say shuva isla it doesn't say shuvu it says now you say well what's the big deal what is that difference between shuffa and shuvu when you say shuvu it is talking about the corporate return but it doesn't say that in the quo it's a shuvaa he is speaking to mark belts individually he is speaking to michelle kim and he's speaking to each one of us individually and listen to what it says why was the second temple was destroyed the second temple was destroyed because baseless hatred listen to what she said he said and i love it he said why does it say shiva israel in the tongue of the singular lashon therefore there will be such great love among us among one each other that all of israel will account as one human beings [Music] just like it's in the book of acts chapter four and the believers became one heart and they all became one accord so the i the principle of shiva of jesus is not finding the fact that i'm just going by yes he's calling me individually but you are part of the culprit and going back to what you say moshe rabbin went house to house why why why did he care if mark is returning why does he care if rabbits increase why because each and every one of us return make part of this thing called israel and that's something important you think you're not important but you're important you're important as you return as part of the corporate and we are all part of this cooperation cooperation have a name cooperation is called israel i love it and what i think is amazing is in the hop torah it goes on and it says in hosea 14 9 and who's going to understand this okay who's going to get this and it says the ways of the lord are right and the just are the ones who's gonna walk in them but the transgressors are gonna fall the very thing that one group walks in that's the way that they're together another group stumbles over they go wow we don't like the ways of the lord they're done away with it's a stumbling block but to the other group it's the racetrack exactly it's depend upon you and and the thing you don't want to go alone i say it and i will say it again this is not the time to wander off this is a time to be in a community more than any time on history now the question you have to ask yourself in the context here okay so we're talking about attribute of mercy he says you say here's shiva because we are big to become one art and one of but the one question you have to ask yourself kind of going to this verse you you ask who is he talking about israel he is not this is going to open a a big topic but i think it's appropriate to to hear this because he defined in the next verse who is israel he says efraim you will say what more have i have to do with idols when i respond and look to him i become like a verdant cyprus now listen to what it says it says the meaning in hebrew is not clear nobody know exactly what it's meaning and this is important because you see a team in rosh hashanah and we now need to see it in rosh hashanah in shiva and now in yom kippur we read in yom kippurim the story of jonah about the return of jonah yes but also the return of the nations in rosh hashanah we read about the return of jacob but what he says in verse 1 he says no i want to tell you i love the families of israel but then he explained to us that the family of israel have jacob and it's ever fine now who is ephraim that's the million-dollar question i'm going to tell you what judaism said not what rabbi shapiro says judaism says that there are two messiahs messiah son of david that belong to jacob and mashiach son of ephraim who belong to the gentiles i would like to suggest you maybe another way to look and you don't have to agree with me that's very normal if we disagree but i would like to suggest to you that messiah ben ephraim messiah ben yosef is the one that each and every one of you in the room belonging to and here he is challenging israel and israel is qualified in essence he's saying in shabbat shiva to the gentiles who believe in mashiach benefiting to return back maybe this is our time as the nations to come back to the capital israel what do you think about this pastor mark do you agree disagree well uh i think messiah ben yosef or ephraim and messiah ben judah is the same god but you said it's exciting but i think they're going to join together with coal israel i do believe that's why you believe we disagree and i tell you why we disagree they are going to be the same guy a child has been born has been born unto us our son has been given to us the child ephraim and the son ben david have to become one but i believe what it says in almost chapter nine when you return i returned when efraim returned the believer of machiavelli he returned and then the two the two sticks will come one i i totally believe that they all become one but as you know and i know you disagree with there's some of the concepts of who people think jack ryan is yes so you had a very interesting thought that i saw some of your notes sorry i copied some of your notes that's fine i hope you don't mind i said that's kind of cool i'm going to steal that a little bit from you that's cool that's steal from each other for the glory of god this is past rabbi secrets of the trade okay but you had a very interesting point i want to so we are we we can see a flying returning or israeli attending to jacob to this motto of how lovely are you but there is a connection you brought in your in your notes i want to we need a way to return right we're talking about shabbat shiva and and you brought this id from joel chapter 2 verse 23 about the more and there's a cool player you need a guide you need to know how to return we're in shabbat shiva we have to know how to come back and and that's why i want us to talk about this because now we understand god want to take the two and make them one but yeah okay what do we have to do to return so pastor mark you want to give some of your thoughts well uh on joel 2 yeah and joel 2 verse 23 if you want to take some notes because we didn't pass out notes it talks about zion again it says be glad you children of zion and rejoice in the lord your god for he has given you the former reign moderately and he will cause to come down for you the rain the former rain and the latter rain in the first month well guess what in hebrew where it says he has given you the former reign moderately that can also be translated as he has given to you the teacher for righteousness yeah that is huge the word is the word is a teacher actually you know i read this verse 100 times it's never done on me oh wow when i went and read what the rabbi said about this verse my jaw nearly dropped first of all did you did it dawn on you something that is something first of all what are the two reigns represent let me suggest to you that the two reigns one called the yore yes come from the word more the teacher and the malkosh the last year just represented two group of people the jew and the gentile ephraim and david the two messiah daniel 7 that will become one now listen to me for a second when is the first train in israel anybody know anybody know around rosh hashanah and now you get the yoga when do you get the malkosh you get the malkos around pesach around around passover if you're lucky in a good year you will get the monkosh the finally what is the text telling us that the yoga and the malkosh will fall on the same day you're following what i'm telling you the first and the last will become it will before the sunday and this is important to understand that in the context listen to abraham evan ezra one of the big ones eddie says he said they will bolt fall in hodesh of richon the first month and here in the first one he'll be referring to rosh hashanah the rosh hashanah he says forever for all eternity the iowa and the malkosh were in different times but in the times of the coming the times of the future something supernatural use the word ness miracle a miracle will happen because god will do something but we have never seen before so i want you to to think about that maybe i'm pushing it a little bit the envelope but i believe that the yoge and the malkos now coming back to your interpretation well let me ask you a question why did the jews at the end of the day why did they reject yeshua why it was an issue there is a a rabbi by the name of moshe david valli he writes that yeshua was surely the messiah he was surely the messiah but because the hardness of the heart of the people they could not receive it what didn't they say if they deserve it he'll come in the cloud but if they don't he'll come riding on a donkey right right now think about this word in hebrew malkosh the last string what do you hear inside the word malcols circumcision a circumcision of the earth who is the one who received what's the first the first reign or the teacher okay who's the one who received them the nations received them the your represent the gentile the fullness of the gentiles the molecules represent the fullness of the jews and what it's saying here in the text joel telling us that the two somehows will become one it's a miraculous thing if you want to return today you talk about parashat here you go you need them you need the teacher and and by the way look at the next verse it says but on zion mount a remnant shall survive and it shall be holy oh my goodness the house of jacob will dispossess those who dispossess them it's amazing there's going to be a time pastor mark that is going to be a remnant but the remnant depend upon the teacher yeah the question do we know the teacher well i think what's fascinating is we know the messiah says it comes as the rain and here right here in this verse he's given you the former rain and he'll cost you come down the rain the former and the latter rain in the first month and as you said that refers to tishri is what it's referring to right but then the other translation literally could be he's given you the teacher for righteousness so messiah is the rain and the rain is what connects heaven to earth the rain comes down from heaven to earth messiah is that connection he is the rain now the interesting thing also about the malkosh this leather rain where else is this letter rain is mentioned it's mentioned in the torah in deuteronomy but it's mentioned in another place that people don't think about it is mentioned in um of adayah in the book of awa listen what it says the house of jacob will be like a fire and the house of joseph is a flame and the house of isaf there is another house and the house of isaf will be like destroy now what is the word straw in evil is the cash gosh thank you somebody no you believe the word cash in hebrew is related to the word mal kosh they will burn it and devour it now notice something that is happening here there are two houses that actually united the house of jacob and the house of joseph are going to work together the jews the messianic jews and the remnant will become one and they will burn the house of isa people people need to understand it your job to date especially if you have a family in christianity normative call them out call them out today quickly they will burn and devour it and there will be no survivor left in the house of esau for the lord has spoken we have a responsibility today for the first round and the letter went to become one we are not just returning pastor markers we are returning to each other and that's what people need to understand we're not just returning to we are returning to each other to be able to faceless love baseless love but but think about it but think about it if you take the word malkosh the lettering and you burn the straw you burn the stone what you end up take the word malkosh take the cash out what you end up with if we remove the the husk of christianity if we remove this system what do we end up we ended up with something pure and something only and that's what we need that's why we need each other in order to start the fire you're starting a lot of fire pastures now it's entirely biblical to start those fires what's exciting is when you see both reigns that shows you the double portion the double portion is going to come at this time it's going to be some year in history and speaking of double portion look at all the nations around the world that are watching right now praise god that i mean this is how i know this resonates when you can have people from every language you can have people from every denomination every ethnic group and we're all joining together as one i mean this is this is the beginnings of this devil and fire yeah and people need to understand it you know you look at ministers let's say like el shaddai there's some would say you're still in trouble you're still in trouble in the christian world but you have to understand something you have to understand something that the steering of the trouble is what's going to unify the first and the last reign and the fact you're still in trouble and i am steering trouble it's become don't they have a movie called double trouble maybe i don't know actually that is biblical because that's going to start this this unification of the first train and the last one they have to become one that the question is should i look more like pastor mark or pastor mark should look more like me the answer is really we have to meet someone in the middle somewhere in the middle with somebody who is leading us and that's the one who is calling them away the teacher the teacher is the messiah so we're starting fire not in our own name we're starting to fire in the name of the messiah yeah okay exactly uh this esther panim i think is an amazing topic too where why can i can i can i say one more thing that i it's this is a shocker so you brought that before we get to astaratpanim you know you you said here in the text and again everybody should really pay attention to this jolt23 to this teacher listen to what it says this is not me this is rashi rashi said that teacher the teacher that that we are unifying right where we might really find venezuela become the justifier for our walk in the last days you follow what i'm telling you the teacher is where we get the justification our justification does not come from us our merit does not come from he's coming from the teacher himself so so that's why i guess you should when he said there you have only one rabbi that's what you really meant i think it's in isaiah there's a verse that says and you will see your teacher oh yeah she's exactly exactly so so i started you wanted to say i was just going to say uh in one sense god loves to play hide and seek uh but adam was the first one to hide adam and eve hit from god and now god says it's my turn to hide i see how you like it when i'm hiding but uh i think that god wants like you said it's hard to get inertia from a sitting object but when you're moving it's easier to get moving and so i really believe time the time is now for us to get moving yes amen but but you have to understand something about astatip here in verse 17 31 i believe 17 and 18 he repeated twice yeah right right listen to what he said intracted megillah the the concept of astarath banim is not because god is angry and he take the toys and say i'm going somewhere else right that is not the purpose of asthara panim listen to this it's attracted miguel 29 he says wherever the jewish people have been exiled in the state of action meaning separation from god like astara panim from god present god presence accompanies them however it does not manifest itself by saving them from the oppressor i want you to understand something god presence never fully leave you this is important to understand that when god is separating like we pray every day america is always there he hiding it so that we call upon him and we we we look upon him and matter of fact let me tell you something it will be more shocking isaiah 63 verse 8 and 9. what does it say he says in their affliction in their exile he is also exiled yes god is yeah but in their return he also returned so the idea of separating from god god also was like god separating himself from himself when he suffered but he's doing it for the purpose that you and i will restore the relationship i think those that have the heart will but otherwise in revelation there's going to be those that say hide us from him who's coming they want to hide in the rocks and be buried in the caves and that is going to be the difference between those who want to walk in his way and those who refuse so part of this right now in the in the world we're living i think we also we ask you know i was hearing i want to talk about it personally i was in washington in other areas and i tell you i entered to the town i will not mention the town and the darkness was so heavy and i said wow it's like god is out it's not in this place it's it's like and the holy spirit spoke to me about it says no no it is the way the reason you cannot see god and you cannot and you feel this coldness and i think you all understand what i'm talking about it's not so that you feel that is that this coordinates now that you can call and look a little bit carefully more carefully look for god look for him put the glasses of the moray so that you will be able to find him and believe me he found even in the darkest most evil places god can be found but you have to look for him even harder amen amen well thank you so much for joining us today let's give rabbi a big dad and tell us a little bit about tonight okay so tonight i prepared something very special for you um i never done it before as you know we released the best recording to covert 19 here in tacoma actually i can tell you everything that i've done with el shaddai over the years my very first time was in 2014 was a blessing it's always brought tremendous blessing this is a blessed house of god and i hope everybody will continue to support this amazing ministry and also i'm asking you to really pray for el shaddai ministries and pastor mark and there's a lot of waiting in leading a ministry like that and and we have seen the blessing uh that come so we're in the point that we are finishing the first printing of the book we [Music] we brought literally the last few boxes of books we finished a cycle it's a cycle that finished i'm so glad to see also michelle here michelle just finished the korean translation of the book what an amazing thing so um so we are finishing it and i felt that we're going to finish it because there is a team rosh hashanah jeremiah 31 and yom kippur is jonah there is a portion of the book where god put the full plan of the fullness of the jews and the forms of the gentiles we are going to look at the book of jonah tonight at great depth specifically from the book but now revelation expanded so i'm going to give you a taste from the new book already that is going to be coming very soon uh we're going to have off the line we're going to look at the gospel the bessora and we'll understand why we study the book of jonah coming in yom kippurim and will uh establish the road map so if you want to get the book or just come to the teaching or to join the special of the allah for shabbat shiva noah not going to be here with us i'm very excited and uh we are just blessed to close this cycle with el shaddair felt that the lord is moving i happen to have a family here from israel in seattle so they came so i said i got to come the lord timing is perfect so today we're going to seven o'clock after and then immediately close this cycle because the the book of jonah is the most maybe the most messianic book if you want to understand roman 11 so we're going to look at that together today so thank you pastor mark thank you so very much uh jill if you would put up the last slide let's all stand and we'll sing this prayer together and then after that we'll have a little break and then we'll have some worship and then we will have doug hershey [Applause] all right together blessed are you lord our god creator and king of the universe you have blessed us with your torah of truth you have blessed us with the whole counsel of your living word by the power of your holy spirit through the completed work of messiah yeshua you alone have planted among us life eternal blessed are you lord our god and i'll pray for a moment venue mulcain knew our father king we just thank you so much that we could have rabbi shapira and chris and noah here with us as well as doug today what a blessed sabbath we have father i just want to thank you for all of those around the united states all those around the world that are live streaming with us father each and every one of them are light to the nations and i just pray right now lord that together we would become just one massive light in this time of darkness we thank you for all those who sow into rabbi shapiro's ministry and into this ministry but truly they're not our ministry it's your ministry we're just facilitators we thank you for all those who participate together that we can be one big light for yeshua in yeshua's name amen amen take a break
Channel: El Shaddai Ministries
Views: 1,904
Rating: 4.9540229 out of 5
Id: sp3OQCE1Gek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 11sec (2231 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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