Shabbat Morning Service and Torah Study 11SEP2021

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um all right shalom shalom good shabe shabbat shalom my name is rabbi jesse mordechai chair and the rabbi this incredible hamish temple beth david we are a urj athletic congregation in metro atlanta brookhim welcome we're coming to you live from our sunrise sanctuary and we are so happy that you have joined us today september 11 2021 the fifth of tishrei 5782 again we're blessed uh we're here here our president is here our temple beth david president judy and denise both are streaming specialists we're in in an interactive community so please follow along with us chat there's a hyperlink to the michigan to fila the door we're going to begin our service on page 184 you know and just to share with you briefly that today you know september 11th you know 20 years ago we think about what happened the attack on this great nation and i'm sure today today there are all types of commemora you know memorial services services to commemorate this tragic event uh hoisting flags people will be saying never to forget absolutely and you know to share with you that uh someone had told me one time they said you know they went to the the rabbi and i said to the rabbi should we have a seat at our table for those that are just for those that we remember they're not with us for their memory we show that their memories with us and the rabbi's response was that's a beautiful idea but how about you make sure someone's there in that seat and you tell them the story you remind them you share with them because when we think about you know 9 11 today you know we never forget but what happens in 50 years from now a hundred years from now we never forget so therefore we have to keep telling the story not just one day every day and that's what we do in our jewish faith tradition every day we thank god every single day we say thank you god i'm alive and on page 184 we have an inspiration for prayer each of us enters this sanctuary with a different need some hearts are full of peace and gratitude overflowing with love and joy they are eager to confront the day to make the world a better place they are recovering from illness or have escaped misfortune we rejoice with them some hearts for sure today when we think about this day some hearts ache with sorrow disappointments weigh heavily on them families have been broken loved ones lie on a bed of pain emotional pain physical pain spiritual pain when we think about today how it affected and impacted everyone death has taken a cherished loved one may our presence and caring bring them comfort some hearts are embittered ideals are betrayed and mocked answers sought in vain life has lost its meaning and value may the knowledge that we too are searching restore our hope and renew our faith every single day is new opportunity to give thanks to give blessings of appreciation gratitude i always say to my daughter reina esther i said what's our favorite song and she immediately starts to sing mode ani mode ani means i give thanks to you that i have the opportunity i have a new day i have the ability to give thanks let's sing together on page 186 [Music] [Music] i offer thanks to you ever living sovereign that you have restored my soul to me and mercy how great is your trust on the top of page 188 a psalm psalm 133 we're all together hine matov here behold what is good [Music] name [Music] [Music] [Music] how good and how pleasant it is that we brothers and sisters that we dwell together on page 190 we get ready to put on our tali tote again our talasim our four corner garment we say the blessing together on page 190 let us say it together baruch eloheinu amen we have our four corner garment on blessed are you adonai our god sovereign of the universe who has who hallows us with meets vote commanding to wrap ourselves in the fringes on page 192 are you ready for mod tovu ohale how fair are your tents o jacob your dwellings o israel on page 193 let us read this paragraph together in english may the one whose spirit is with us in every righteous deed be with all who work for the good of humanity and bear the burdens of others and who give bread to the hungry who clothe the naked and take the friendless into their homes may the work of their hands endure and may the seed they sow bring abundant harvest our service continues on page 196 where we remind ourselves where we remember how important we are how special we are that our souls [Music] on the bottom paragraph my god the soul you have given me is pure you created it you shaped it you breathed it into me and you protect it within me for as long as my soul is within me i offer thanks to you i don't know i my god and god of my ancestors source of all creation sovereign of all souls praised are you adonai in whose hand is every living soul and the breath of humankind [Music] you know when you think about that how did god create us how did god form us formed us from the earth and then what happened what was the next step the breath of life the breath of life that we're alive and what does that mean to be alive to remember to hold on to something to have action well here on page 198 to be alive means to do meets vote miracles let us talk about things that we're thankful for to arise to awake not to just wake up it's then what's the next step but we say to god and to ourselves thank you we're alive page 198. [Music] [Music] [Music] are you ready is everybody awake for reawakening page 202 let us be thankful for being created in the image of god eloheinu elohim for being a free person let's read together the english on page 203 i am a jew because the faith of israel demands no abdication of my mind i am a jew because the faith of israel requires all the devotion of my heart i am a jew because in every place where suffering weeps the jew weeps i am a jew because at every time when despair cries out the jew hopes i am a jew because the word of israel is the oldest and the newest i am a jew because israel's promise is the universal promise i am a jew because for israel the world is not completed we are completing it i am a jew because for israel humanity is not created we are creating it i am a jew because israel places humanity and its unity above the nations and above itself i am a jew because above humanity image of the divine unity israel places the unity which is divine on page 204 being busy with words of torah repeat after me let's go over this bracha baruch torah blessed are you adonai our god sovereign of the universe who hallows us with meets vote commanding us to engage with words of torah you know on page 207 this is uh a text study from maimonides from rambam rabbi moshe ben maimon really one of the greatest philosophers of the you know of our of our jewish tradition and the reason why we're going over this this morning is because here it's also shabbat shiva the sabbath to return to do chuva repentance and we spoke about on rosh hashanah and will continue to speak about during the yamim the days of awe because we're about to ask god and say god make sure that my name is signed and sealed in the book of life now in order for our names to be signed and sealed in the book of life we have to do a few things what are those things one of those is to have a relationship with god tefila one is to do teshuva to repent and now that doesn't mean to go on services which we will do and say god i'm sorry i'm sorry but if we've wronged someone god tells us in our tradition don't come to me you have to go to the person you have to ask for forgiveness you have to apologize you have to say what can i do i'm sorry i want to make amends i want to grow together and the other one is we have to be charitable so let's learn what maimonides teaches us about sadaka there are eight degrees in the giving of zeducka each one higher than the one before to give grudgingly reluctantly or with regret to give less than one should but with grace to give what one should but only after being asked to give before one is asked to give without knowing who will receive it although the recipient knows the identity of the giver to give without making known one's identity to give so that neither giver nor receiver knows the identity of the other to help another to become self-supporting by means of a gift alone or by finding employment for the one in need rambam gives us the spectrum of how to give sadaka here and there what's the highest step to hopefully help someone become self-sufficient in order that they give but even the lowest level maimonides teaches us even to give hospital god forbid to give an anger begrudgingly is still one of the levels and those are the things that we do we speak about them on these 10 days of repentance prayer tephila this shabbat shabbat shiva the sabbath of return repentance in sadaka our service continues with some ashrae you ready to be happy happy are those are we happy this morning yes on page 215 let us have a delight in a beautiful psalm shadow night [Music] on page 223 we get ready to continue to praise traditionally we rise in body and or spirit for yeshtaba yeshtaba we continue on the following page with the hatsi kaddish is we remain standing as we turn a 226 for the baraku bar amirah on page 232 we focus we meditate we concentrate on the shema close your eyes and know that you are loved that we are part of israel hear o israel the lord is our god the lord is one shema yes [Music] please be seated now as we prepare for again chanting from our holy sacred torah our text you'll find this in the bible via [Music] you know on page 240 when we think about mikhamoja you know constantly and even in this week's torah portion by elect you know how do we understand moses and miriam you know in this week's torah portion moses is getting ready to die think about that moses is getting ready to die to die with dignity he tells benay israel he says you know not that i'm old you know and why do i say that it's not that 120 years is old you might say oh rabbi i'm i feel so old no no no here you know what are this 80s the new 40. did you hear that before you know so the idea though is how do we understand those leaders leading us miriam and moses this mihamoha is here they're going to remind us where they've been where they've taken us out of redeemed us from egypt but they say it's not about me i didn't do it moses is going to say that in this week's torah portion it's not about me i'm going to transfer now the leadership to joshua but remember you don't serve me and don't serve joshua it's not about us because you know what you're going to have future leaders you're going to have other people the glory is to who the glory is to god is not just about moses and miriam for sure they're there but it's about god let's sing together page 240. [Music] [Music] [Music] is israel on page 242 we rise in body enter spirit for they are the tifila the amidah also this week you'll see it is shabbat shiva so there will be some editions for our tv [Music] [Music] [Music] 246. [Music] [Music] um [Music] and we continue on page 248 with the katusha nikkai and then all the way down the bottom you'll see the asterisk that says please be seated we think about here shabbat shava hamel hakadosh we use this language you know we think about when we think about rosh hashanah you know the new month or the head of months the first of the month which is really not the you know the first of the month you know when we think about the jewish calendar really starts in nissan so why do we have tishrei well we have this yom trua note and truas the sounding here the sounding of the shofar one of the notes true these are the notes that we sound and then we move into yom kippur which is the malchuyot kingship rulership that we're all sovereign to who to what all of us to hashem so we use this language hamelich on page 250 let's sing together vishamr [Music] [Music] [Music] is we turn to page 260 for some oh shalom oh shalom says [Music] is on page 362 we get ready for our torah service this morning again when the ark the aroha kodish is open please rise and let us say create the torah shabbat let us read together page 362 rise and body and or spirit as the aron hakodesh is open revealing our safer torahs [Music] [Music] my all together let us now recite our shema shema [Music] ya [Music] [Music] please be seated you know when we think about al shlosha devarim these three things the world stands al had torah torah avodah work in gimme luther you can think about these three things in relation to tefila chuva and sadaka you know that we want the world to continue to exist well in this week's torah portion i'm reading from the stone humash and i just want to share it's parshat vayelech and it talks about a song now if you look inside you're not going to see a song where is there a song there's no song there will be a song next week's torah portion there's a song but what is the song that we have inside think about that everyone has a mission statement a mantra something that excites you you know sometimes you might find it difficult here i i find it difficult sometimes you know it's not easy to get out of bed you ever experienced that before oh yeah yeah today not a good day i don't feel well happens so we need to think about something something that motivates us all of us here in this week's torah portion moses is about to leave that's the name of the vailet he's going to go what happens moses went and spoke these words to all of israel he said to them i'm 120 new not that that's old so what does that mean i can no longer lead you into battle because we know what's awaiting amiisrail the children of israel here the nation of israel banay israel i'm israel what's awaiting us going into battle it's not going to be easy so he says you shall not cross this jordan hashem your god he will cross before you he will destroy these nations from before you and you shall possess them joshua shall cross over do not be afraid again moses summons now joshua and says to him before the eyes of all israel be strong and courageous for you shall come with this people to the land that hashem swore to their forefathers the matriarchs the patriarchs to give them and you shall cause them to inherit it hashem it is he who gave before you he will be with you god he says the he will not release you nor will forsake you do not be afraid and do not be dismayed so moses end is going to draw near and moses reminds everyone what is our relationship to judaism and as i mentioned earlier for sure we always remember it's important to remember and we have dedicated time for memory shiva shloshim your site but also we keep the memory alive and how do we keep the memory alive each and every day the torah it says here follow the torah and he's going to tell them so now write this song for yourselves and teach it and what do we do every day by living we teach it says here to teach the children of israel to place it in their mouths why so that they can sing the song and it will be a witness against all those they come in contact with what's the song for i shall bring them to the land i swore something that you remember that you have a relationship to the land you have a relationship to the people to be strong to be courageous take this book of the torah and place it at the side of the ark of the covenant of hashem your god and it shall be there for you as a witness for i know your rebelliousness and your st a stiff neck here we are you know it's we are in that the sense that god says that you're an amkashe or of a stiff neck people and you have to remind yourself each and every day we have to remind ourselves every single day that the torah is not just something that we learn and study we do that but why do we do that so the torah can be bipiha the torah can be in our mouths the words that we speak to each other the relationships that we cultivate with each other that's also torah that's what this is about because moses isn't going to be here much longer joshua also won't be much longer joshua will lead us into the land it doesn't remain with us that's why we have the elders the wise ones that stay with us and that's what this week's torah portion is about so why do we talk about that because thank god thank god that when we think about you know what what occurred 20 years ago we have so many people that can share with us experiences firsthand account they were there this morning i was listening to someone that was there they were giving their experience of survival and it's incredible to listen in holy testimony but also we listen to it and just as we listen to it we internalize it and we make sure that the message is carried on forever that's what we do and at this time our holy sacred torah is here we turn to page 371 because we think of those that are ill those are in need of prayer the mesha bera a healing for a full recovery of the mind of the body of the spirit now as we read the names elevate the names for prayer irene neymar sam namer don sinclair laney rhone all those affected by covid19 all those affected by hurricane ida and all those affected by the wildfires in california and the rest of the western states deborah bernard deborah dreer elizabeth jones heather murray jj rock wendy fine and here in our holy congregation if you would like to share with us names for those that are need of prayer we pray we pray for all those individuals that are suffering suffering with harm with sadness with physical pain with sickness illness let us now lift up all their names and pray on page 371 with the misha berach meshech [Music] may the source of strength who bless the ones before us help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing and let us say amen sonia friedas me [Music] bless those in need of healing with refuge the renewal of body the renewal of spirit and let us say amen you know with our holy torah present let us now pray for our congregation and pray for our country page 376 a blessing for our congregation let us read together source of all being may the children of this community learn these passions from us love of torah devotion and prayer and support of the needy may we guide with integrity and may our leadership be in your service may those who teach and nourish us be blessed with satisfaction and may we appreciate their time and their devotion bless us with the fruits of wisdom and understanding and may our efforts bring fulfillment and joy and now a blessing for our country both blessings thus says adonai this is what i desire to unlock the fetters of wickedness and untie the cords of lawlessness to let the oppressed go free to break off every yoke share your bread with the hungry and take the wretched poor into your home when you see the naked give clothing and do not ignore your own kin if you banish the yoke from your mind your midst the menacing hand the evil speech if you offer compassion to the hungry and satisfy the famished creature then your light shall shine in the darkness oh guardian of life and liberty may our nation always merit your protection teach us to give thanks for what we have by sharing it with those who are in need keep our eyes open to the wonders of creation and alert to the care of the earth may we never be lazy in the work of peace may we honor those who have died in defense of our ideals grant our leaders wisdom and forbearance may they govern with justice and compassion help us all to appreciate one another and to respect the many ways that we may serve you may our homes be safe from affliction and strife and our country be sound in body and spirit let us all say amen as i open our holy ark and we prepare ourselves to return our holy sacred torah please rise and body end or spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] we continue elevated in body and or spirit as we turn to page 586 for the second paragraph of alenu [Music] again let us read on page 590 591 the english paragraph on the top of the page may we gain wisdom in our lives overflowing like a river with understanding loved each of us for the peace we bring to others may our deeds exceed our speech and may we never lift up our hand but to conquer fear and doubt and despair rise up like the sun oh god over all humanity cause light to go forth over all the lands between the seas and light up the universe with joy of wholeness of freedom and of peace venema vehicle god please be seated as we now prepare for the yatum the mourner's kaddish on page 592 let us prepare for this memorial prayer with reading together number one when i die give what's left of me away to children and old men that wait to die and if you need to cry cry for your brother walking the street beside you and when you need me put your arms around anyone and give them what you need to give me i want to leave you something something better than words or sounds look for me and the people i've known or loved and if you cannot give me away at least let me live in your eyes and not in your mind you can love me best by letting hands touch hands and by letting go of children that need to be free love doesn't die people do so when all that's left of me is love give me away in our holy kehillah our holy congregation we remember all those that are no longer with us we think of all of our loved ones whom death has recently taken from us those who died at the seas and years past and those and those whom we have drawn into our hearts this past year let us remember laura russ and yale rosen rossi davis sylvia cart david yarbrough larry kramer daniel joseph middleton phyllis blooming irma schiller martial munition emilia grass daniel jacob horowitz joel kellner richard eggers zelda abbas ned isaacs vicky morton bob molnar we commemorate the york sites of sadie whale irene simmons lilian berez morris ginsburg michael davis if you are in avilute and morning and shiva and sloshim please share with us the name for nilui nishama may their memories forever be a blessing we rise all of us now and body and our spirit in solidarity with all those that are mourning and we turn to page 598 for the mourner's kaddish [Music] [Music] please be seated let's now sing a hymn of glory to the one that has created everything page 625 adonolam i don't know i share my [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] shabbos shabbat shalom also we have before we start with our incredibly important announcements from our temple but david president we also have some model tools for some birthdays a birthday to janet abbas steve darnofski to debra lee wright and to sherry young and what do we say on the count of three ain't swede may you have a happy and healthy special birthday yom hule and now our temple bet david president judy kern will share with us some important announcements just as a reminder kovid is still out there and raging even as the delta variant is ravaging the south and the rest of the country the world health organization has identified yet another variant where long past delta were up to mu and that is another one that could be uh difficult for all of us to get through there is a serious shortage of blood for patients across the country so if you are physically able please go to either the red cross life south or any other organization in your area and donate blood project isaiah is virtual again this year please consider making a donation to support those who were food insecure the link is posted in the chat just as a reminder the link for stream spot for the high holiday services will be sent out by email two hours prior to the start of each service it will not be on youtube and the stream spot email is the only way you can get there from here also please rsvp for services it's not so much that we have a limit on the people in the building but if god forbid we need to do contact tracing we need to know who's in the building at any time and finally i want to offer thanks to officer devon for being with us today and watching over us i want to wish everyone a good shabbos we will continue with a kiddush with some oneegg and remember that this is shabbat shiva and to always work on tfila prayer sadaka givings acts of charity and toshuva repentance as we get ready for as we with the high holy days good shabbos shalom go in peace thank you what yeah we could do it yeah some days better than others all right how's everyone doing you
Channel: Temple Beth David
Views: 24
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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 59sec (4199 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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