Shabbat at Aliyah

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check one two one two one two three four check one two one two check one two so he can hear okay okay so is it fine if i put it like right is hey is [Music] is [Music] big [Music] [Music] we turn to is 141 psalm 150 just bring it find a harmony just bring it just have fun [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] no [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] we turn to page 143 oz we rise third line from the left and again just bring your harmonies in there [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you may be seated except for those who have a need or desire to say kaddish i invite you to remain standing for the mourner's cottage and just a reminder during the 10 days that we have a slightly different way we say la la la eva [Music] is shalom everyone we uh for those of you who are watching by live streaming our apologies we had some technical issues this morning in terms of uh being able to get to you so we started a little bit late our production during the high holidays was amazing those of you who are watching at home so many comments about how spectacular it was and how we how you felt that we were there with you in your living room and uh or outside wherever you were gonna be on this uh rosh hashanah and then now yom kippur coming up and um on this shabbat shiva which we're gonna talk about uh later with rabbi gonco we're not using the same production company in the sense that we're in our space for the high holy days and yet we're utilizing our older system and so the systems don't want to talk today i don't know why we've got to get them into therapy but whatever it is they don't want to talk to each other so if the sound is not so crystal clear today it's because we're actually we have a microphone those of you inside can see actually pointing up towards the speaker that is the sophistication of our technology at home today so those of you watching at home and uh sharing with us this shabbat we hope that uh please you'll have patience and understanding and we're with you though no matter for good for the difficult the challenges of life this should be our worst problems right in the coming year we're going to uh begin our service with shoghi nad you will find it page 147 and as a reminder that's in our sidor left sheldon by the way as a reminder if you uh this is you can go at your own pace if you find a place you want to stay with us in a melody or a prayer you can if not you want to continue praying on your own that's your prerogative prayer to the individual experience we want to encourage that showcase page 147. [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] he shall [Music] [Music] friends [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] 149 [Music] [Music] i is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] i am [Music] m [Music] [Music] m [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] you may be seated page 153 or kadash okay [Music] with me [Music] again [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we turn to page 154 our second paragraph the hi era nenu [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as we've mentioned before this shabbat we are between rosh hashanah and yom kippur and this is shabbat shiva which means turning right we hear that word teshuva i think repentance but what it really means is turning and so for right now for our service this morning we hope that we can all do a little bit of turning inwards turning away from the outside world turning away from whatever is happening outside of this room outside of this community if you're joining us from home whatever's happening in the other rooms of your house to turn inwards to pay attention to whatever it is that we need to pay attention to in these days between rosh hashanah and yom kippur we bring together the four corners of our seat seat as we prepare for the shema bottom of page 150 for the javier knew [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] m [Music] [Music] we joined together in the shema page 155 jimmy is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we continue with the bottom uh second paragraph on 156 [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] family proclaiming that the words that we just spoke of the shema endure in every generation lador vador [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] page 158 sure is is [Music] is [Music] 159. [Music] hello [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] um oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] the um [Music] we continue our quiet prayers to ourselves through page 166 don't forget to insert the special insertions for shabbat shiva please feel free to pray in hebrew english or whatever prayers are in your heart do [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] by [Music] you the right soul [Music] to be [Music] you may be seated on page 167 [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] if you have been honored with opening up the ark at the beginning of the torah service we'll invite you to come forward because we are about to begin the torah service you can find that on page 168 with we'll begin with kimizion and when the ark is opened we'll invite you to rise [Music] it's the [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] join with me in the english on the right side of the page of 169 the third prayer down a prayer for one's personal journey during this time shabbat shiva please join with me in the english open my eyes god help me to perceive what i have ignored to uncover what i have forsaken to find what i have been searching for remind me that i don't have to journey far to discover something new for miracles surround me blessings and holiness abound and you are near we continue on page 170 with bayana rafiah [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] he knew is [Music] oh oh [Music] oh [Music] boo [Music] you may be seated and you can put away your sea door pull out your fumash or if you're at home any biblical text will work if you have been honored with an aliyah this morning or if you're reading torah we'll invite you to come one aliyah in advance and just make your way to this area where kaylee is sitting over here um kaylee will be reciting the first aliyah will invite her to come on up and if you've been honored with the first aliyah do we have someone yours oh amazing perfect kaley is a double duty here um if you are not reading torah and reciting the aliyah will keep in mind social distancing to back up or move forward appropriately and everyone will keep their masks on you can find this first aliyah on page 1173 that's deuteronomy chapter 31 verse one [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so when you hear that someone has hid their face from you what does that typically mean to you right maybe it means that they are embarrassed they're ashamed of something maybe they even feel guilty they're hiding their face maybe they're upset with you for some reason you've offended them and they're hiding their face from you what about when god hides god's face does it mean the same thing maybe maybe god's upset with us for some reason what about shame and guilt i don't know it's hard for us to imagine god experiencing shame embarrassment skill right but that doesn't come to mind so quickly but maybe god's upset with us maybe we've offended god in some way when god hides god's face from us so i thought we could look at what two medieval commentators think about this phrase that comes up in our parsha this morning sephorno who's an italian commentator explains that it means that god naturally feels pity for god's creations us when we are suffering but that when god hides god's face it means that god is going to hide that natural sense of pity and try to pretend to be unaware of the plight of those who are in pain meaning god's upset with us knows that we're in a bad place we're suffering we're in pain but because god soaks up with us i'm gonna pretend not to care because cooney who's a french commentator says this is evidence for god's fondness for the jewish people acting like a parent who is sometimes forced to discipline their child right every good parent does that but cannot bring themselves to watch the pain that they're inflicting upon them right disciplining and then hiding one's face interestingly none of these interpretations suggest that when we we mess up and that god hides god's face none of these interpretations suggest that god actually cuts off the relationship or loses interest in us it's just a question of how god feels we need to be disciplined for our bad behavior unlike a human hiding of the face where sometimes it does signal the end of a relationship sometimes it means my face is hidden and this is it this is this is the end of our relationship this week's parsha provides um an ominous prediction for us god tells moses that one day in the future the jewish people are going to stray go after other gods break the sacred covenant and god will hide god's face from them and troubles will befall them and the jewish people are going to say surely it's because god is not with us that these troubles have come upon us that's why it's because god turned away from us that's why we're experiencing troubles and what we have here is kind of a classic chicken and egg problem a chicken and egg question if the people start experiencing troubles so they believe these bad things are happening to them because god turned away but from god's perspective god only hid god's face because the people did terrible things to begin with and then brought terrible things upon themselves right it's all a matter of perspective how you see it have you ever experienced this kind of misunderstanding in your own life you feel that someone has turned away from you and then things started to go wrong and you blame that person for abandoning you in your hour of need but they feel that you behaved badly and you abandoned them first so they turned away from you as you continued to behave that way and brought trouble upon yourself it's a vicious cycle a cycle that often ruins relationships unless of course you're able to recognize it and stop that cycle in its tracks but we've said before that today is shabbat shiva this shabbat of turning of repentance and we're in the midst of the asera ema chuva the ten days of turning and today on shabbat shiva we're supposed to take some time to reflect on the mistakes that we've made and how we can do better so what are those vicious cycles that we've gotten ourselves into who are the people we have hid our faces from and who are the people who maybe had reason to hide their faces from us and most importantly what will it take to repair those relationships with just a few days left until yom kippur it's time we ask ourselves those questions so that we can stop hiding our faces and instead turn towards one another in reconciliation and love we're going to continue with the second aliyah now i think haley romano is going to continue reading for us we're still on page 1173 do we have excellent we have a second dalia coming up page 1173 that's deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 4. yeah [Music] okay shady [Music] me [Music] please [Music] [Music] natalie rosenthal will be reading for us and steve and natalie rosenthal will be taking the aliyah you can find us on page 1174 that's deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 7. [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] we'll call forward rabbi adam schaefer for the fourth aliyah and rabbi schaefer will also be doing the barack vote for this aliyah you can find it on page 1174 deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 10. [Music] review foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] take a minute now to join together in a prayer for healing for those who have a need for physical healing emotional spiritual healing we're thinking of you as we join together in mishibera [Music] [Music] of strength um [Music] [Music] [Music] nikki sandor asher yona ben miriyam megan harris judy greaser macabad moshe baratheon ruben [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] aviva [Music] of healing [Music] we'll call up david burskin for the fifth aliyah and he'll also be taking the brachot you can find this on page 1175 deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 14. [Music] me [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] thank you david was reading this aliyah you can find this on page 1177 deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 20. um if i don't have your name please just state your name on the microphone when i call you okay [Music] she um there you go foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] 1178 deuteronomy chapter 31 of verse 25. uh uh [Music] hello [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mom [Music] lifting and dressing of the sacred torah [Music] [Music] it is hard to imagine that today is 20 years you're having trouble as well thinking back 20 years not to think about that day but actually that was 20 years ago 9 11 forever etched into our minds i try to remember how how we found out about it it was a phone call for us basically i mean i know we had texting in those days but very primitive right you remember those old phones before and here's one for you when was uh the first i know the first apple phone 2007. i knew you would know that and 2007 was when we really began to feel more comfortable in terms of texting but i can remember remember the old little phones but did you hear did you get a phone call was that how you heard yeah like somebody called you how did you hear yeah an alarm clock oh oh with news or something god so if you write if you heard news coming on in the morning but for many of us it was a phone call that said you have to turn on the news that was and that's that's all i think it pretty much said and we turned on the news those of us on the west coast right so you know 6 45-ish in the morning i think and and just disbelief 20 years four planes hijacked it seemed like remember the moments afterwards what's really happening how many how many were hijacked remember the skies were closed remember they just shut down all air travel for three days now you heard the stories where is the one plane that landed and stayed there for three days and the the citizens of the small city took care of all of those uh travelers who were forced to land um in uh in the city there's so many stories that came out of this four planes two that hit the towers a third that hit the pentagon the fourth one in a field in pennsylvania right brave passengers who decided that their fate would not be the same as the other planes and apparently he tried to take control of the the plane itself destined for for disaster by the way now we know that the terrorists were told that should anything happen that was their plan b was to crash more recently we've been we found out that that the plane of course was uh destined probably for the capitol building and what would that have been in terms of the symbol of our our own legislature 20 years four planes all told almost 3 000 people who died well by the way not unexpected uh soon thereafter probably within hours were theories that it was a plot of the israeli government or the jews of america you you know that especially in the arab world they were circulating these ideas accusations that mossad right had been planned or at least that they knew about it i don't know if you remember hearing these remember all these conspiracy theories that the mossad told all the israelis just not to show up to work at the twin towers that day and then it became all the jews right there was for a while there's nobody who was jewish perished in those towers or anywhere else because they they had knowledge beforehand it's crazy when those moments of disbelief when blame can be placed and we've seen it here it was with jews and other incidents as we happens with other ethnic groups other religious groups in the shabbat video i sent home uh just yesterday i i shared that for me 9 11 is perhaps closest in meaning to uh purim i don't know about you because what do we take very often as a message of purim is the fight against evil that haman represented that ultimate evil synagogue evil for no reason at all causeless hatred the name namely the need to remember the dangers of evil and fight against it the story of purim if you read the end it's pretty much a bloodbath persians jewish non-jewish who die forms become a time of celebrating it's interesting the survival of the jewish people of persia and the bravery of esther and mordechai of course to stand up against evil there was lots of bravery demonstrated in 911 first responders who helped save so many lives and then so many of them who perished themselves hundreds and hundreds of firemen firefighters police security bravery of civilians who helped each other to safety i've been watching some of the footage again of it's hard to avoid isn't it those remarkable stories of people who helped each other in the stairways or out on the streets bravery that was exemplified there were moments in the days following 9 11 which uh americans we were at our best weren't we americans were at our best as we mourn the three thousand who died to remember the need to continue the fight against evil in americans we can be inspired to be our best selves wouldn't that be a great message of 9 11. i often think how our country would have responded differently for it to have happened today god forbid you think we would have been at our best whether we would be or would we begin blaming each other would we blame one political party or the other we blame it on people who didn't act the way that they should have so much has changed in our country hasn't it in those 20 years we treat each other we've lost our naive innocence you know that those of you who used to travel before then in europe remember all the security and we said we don't we don't need security like that in israel in the in america and in israel of course they were always used to it whether you got a plane or you went into a market or into a restaurant remember you always had your bags searched that was just the reality we lost that innocence in america airplane travel never the same remember remember being able to get to the airport 30 minutes before your flight took off remember that and just walk into the airplane i just quickly show them the ticket no no other id necessary three thousand families whose lives were forever changed and we're hearing those stories now again survivors who've dealt with physical and mental health issues ever since then and then we've memorialized it how we memorialized it well how many of you have been to the 911 memorial in new york city if you haven't when you get to new york you have to it's quite stirring isn't it the footprint of one of the towers that's been changed and fashioned into a fountain it's just it's just moving and the names of those who perished as well in the mid-1980s i i actually lived in new york brodie and i when i was from biblical school and so whenever i would drive into new york you could always see right no matter where you were they were so enormous that you could just see those twin towers they symbolize new york for sure how many of you and you like me i don't know about this when you watch movies and there's a scene of new york do you look for the twin towers to see whether this was pre 911 or post 911 how many how many do you actually do that raise your hand yeah it seems just natural for some reason i'm just looking this happened the movie was a shot before 9 11 you can and you can date all of those movies did you know there's a there's a memorial to 911 in israel you know right outside of jerusalem a place called remote it's it's view you can see it off of the highways you drive out it's fashioned in from into the shape of a flag that then kind of ends up into a flame the names of the of all the victims of all those who perished are written on it and uh including five israelis uh and it's uh the base part of the base is made from metal melted metal from actual uh twin towers and there's a glass plate on top so you can actually look in and to see it that was [Music] that was dedicated in 2013 in 2018 following the pittsburgh synagogue shooting tree of life the jnf of the usa added another small memorial with the names of those who perished in pittsburgh so we memorialize these moments but how do you capture what that moment really is how do you learn how do you go on how do you acknowledge evil how do you hold the memories of those who perish for sacredness what they how they live their lives so 20 years later we still remember i'd like to share a poem and then what i'd like to ask is that we uh take a moment of silence to remember the event to remember those who perished remember what we've all lost in those 20 years to hold on to the memory that we can be better that we can do better can fight evil but in our hearts to find goodness to be able to create a nation of peace create a nation of people dedicated towards goodness toward one another let me ask you the rise of this moment those of you who are at home you invited to rides as well as i share this poem and then we'll just take a moment of silence creator of all source and shelter grant a perfect peace of rest under your tabernacle of peace to those who died in the 9 11 attacks on the united states remember the works of their hands and the message of their hearts grant their families peace and comfort for your name's sake and for the sake of those who perished bring an end to violence and terror speedily in our days may their memories be sanctified with joy and love may the souls be bound up in the bond of life a living blessing in our midst let's take a moment of silence remember the souls the lives of those who perished so that they may always be a blessing may their memories always be a blessing we say amen you may be seated we're maybe back in the prayer book and on page 177 the moment appropriate moment to be able to share a prayer for our country we'll read the first paragraph together so again page 177 prayer for our country the first paragraph please if you'll join along with me our god and god of our ancestors with mercy accept our prayer on behalf of our country and his government pour out your blessing upon this land upon its inhabitants upon its leaders as judges officers and officials who faithfully devote themselves to the needs of the public help them understand the rules of justice you have decreed so that peace and security happiness and freedom will never depart from our land we continue page 178 prayer for the state of israel [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] israel bless the state of israel that may be the beginning of our redemption shield it with your love spread over the shelter of your peace guide as leaders advisors with your light and your truth help them with your good counsel shrink the hands of those who defend our holy land deliver them crown their efforts with triumph bless the land with peace since inhabitants with lasting joy and let us say amen [Music] is [Music] we'll get ready now to put the torah back in the ark so if you've been honored with opening the ark we'll invite you forward okay sarah's up here to open the arc we turn to page 183 and we'll invite you to rise as the ark is opened [Music] [Music] yes oh [Music] we'll invite you to remain standing for some personal reflection time you can find the amida from page 185 to 192 and don't forget if you're praying in the hebrew to include those special insertions for shabbat shiva but you can also use the english to pray or just pray from the heart [Music] so so so [Music] so [Music] [Music] is this is [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] you may be seated for a moment on page 203. [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] we'll invite you to rise for elenio page 205. [Music] oh whom [Music] okay [Music] [Music] may be seated at the time of memorial we're called reverence the your sights of those who are gathered unto their people on this shabbat remember the yard sites and honor the memories of lina a bronson ida amhois max barney barishman bell blaustein edward borovay albert brelo alan bronstein sandra bruskin ida buschmann morris butler sv shiots seymour kosmer gadomid l baum edith ferdman evelyn fran jack frankel alice golden jacob gordon susan green abraham hubert aftab khalili barbara kimmel harry leventhal norma levin daniel levine clement litwin gertrude manic sarah marchant leon marcus carl marshall may middlemark anita nelson joe nelson black beatrice perlow gary roshba ronald retton betty rosengard maria ruiz libby sanzowitz malvin scheer alvin shearer madeleine schiff bernard schles maurice schreg ben severn gilbert smugar lena spiegel michael turret edward wachter david warshaw paul wolfish and herman zilberman also mindful by the recent passing of anne cheslow the mother of carol flesher i just found out that carol's mother passed away last night and the female arrangements are still being made so our condolences go out to carol akiva and family for those reciting tomorrow's kash at this time you're invited to rise page 207 whether you're here in the sanctuary or if you're at home as well you rise to be part of our sacred community here those of us reciting the words of the cottage join together the [Music] is is the heavens grant peace and harmony for us for all vision on all of humanity as we say amen may be seated in my pleasure call up they'll be strong our president is going to share with us some announcements shabbat shalom and we're so glad that you joined us either here in person or online for the first shabbat of 57.82 okay we have some changes to our yom kippur schedule so you'll want to listen to this carefully on wednesday night there will be just one cold mid-race service and that will be at 7 pm so all ticket holders whether you have early or late or one of the family service tickets you can attend that one service on thursday which is yom kippur day there will not be a yes or service in the afternoon after the late service instead there will be one yusker service for everyone at about noon at the conclusion of the early service so if you're already here in the morning of course you may stay for esker if you if you're coming to the core service in the afternoon you're welcome to come before that service and attend the new yusker service in person we encourage you to write to arrive a little in advance of noon alternatively you may participate in yaskawa at noon on our live stream and there will still be time to come to aliyah and attend the court in person the full schedule is available on our website at temple in addition please be aware that our covent protocols for shabbat and other services have changed beginning next week on shabbat everyone who plans to attend in person must rsvp and all attendees 12 and older must submit proof of vaccination submitting proof is easy to do on our website and you only need to do it one time if you're not able to attend in person of course you're still invited to attend services on our live stream next friday we look forward to every third shabbat at 8 pm and next shabbat morning we invite you to join us at 10 a.m as we celebrate logan harwin's bar mitzvah both of these services will be in person here in the sanctuary as well as online and again don't forget to rsvp if you're coming in person tomorrow at 11 a.m meet us for tosh leaf on the west side of lake valvoa bring animal friendly items to cast on the water like oats or rice or bird seed and bring sunscreen and a hat for yourself we're really looking forward to seeing you online and in person at services and programs as we begin a new year together at temple aliyah thank you for being a part of aliyah's story and thank you for making aliyah a part of yours shabbat shalom it's all about flexibility and that debbie another re word resilience it's it's uh you know trying to work out the best schedule for everybody so again there'll be one call nj service at seven pm which for those of you who used to come to the early service at six o'clock will feel like you have a little bit of extra time and the next day uh we will instead of having discord normally as we do part of the service itself at 12 noon as we did last year actually um we'll have a special um discord service for those people in the morning service and those in the afternoon as well as debbie mentioned will come early if you like and then be able to participate in that service as well we uh there's much to uh to be grateful for in life we have to find those blessings every day and uh we acknowledge shabbat and blessings and let's uh let us rise should we with um begin with the shamrow and then kidus [Music] [Music] uh is [Music] me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] before you leave and our sweet tooth as well [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so now you're going to put your hands together [Music] shabbat shalom [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] good job thank you yes
Channel: Temple Aliyah
Views: 209
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Ox6V6jRrKYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 8sec (6788 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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