Sex Educator Sue Johanson Explains Why Size Doesn't Matter | Letterman

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Few-School-3869 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2023 🗫︎ replies

Oh my god I forgot about Sue Johanson

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Few-School-3869 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2023 🗫︎ replies
all right now Paul when she gets out here yeah  I don't want you to be embarrassed if you have   anything you'd like to say by all means say it  I can't be embarrassed about anything don't be   embarrassed about it there's nothing you can  say no because she knows knows everything and   she just don't care okay great yeah our next  guest is considered Canada's most recognized   sex expert she hosts a popular television program  on the oxygen the network entitled Talk Sex with   Sue Johansen here she is ladies and gentlemen Sue  Johansen pleasure to meet you nice to talk to you   nice to talk to you and if things go well I can  get you a sweater uh I just hope she doesn't drop   a stitch let me tell you you tell me a little  bit about yourself and how this all began and   and why you're here tonight you know that's the  most common question I get what is a nice lady   like you doing in this business right you know  you'd think I was out peddling something on the   Main Street no but I think it's invaluable and I  think that it's good that it is someone like you   um yes you know that this is one time  age gives you a real bonus because you   have credibility I'm not seen as cute  and uh Bodacious 28a won't make it dear   whoa um but you you started out in um in in  nursing you were a healthcare worker I'm a nurse   yeah and how did you get to this specific area by  having kids and realizing that you know I knew my   kids were born 10 months apart does that give you  a clue oh my gosh Long Cold Winters in Canada in   canara yes yes there were and nothing else to  do so uh but I realized I knew diddly squat whole thing oh but now now tell me on on your  radio your Sunday night radio talk show in in   Canada yes uh you get calls from all across North  America probably yes and what are people talking   about what do they want to know what are they  worried about what are they concerned about   are there any really new questions about  sex oh yeah there are quite a few new ones   um there's a pre but the old preoccupation with  penis size you know bigger is better and if   you're going to be a good lover you're going  to have a 12 inch easy easy hahaha oh my God that's uh let's go back to the Al Jazeera  Network and see if we got anybody that's   uh okay all right fine that's nobody there yet  I'm all there uh well what about that what do uh   an album when when that question comes up  what do you how do you reply but you see   what people don't realize is that penis  size does not matter because the top   two-thirds of the vagina has no nerve  endings there's nobody home up there the bottom one serve that's where the action is don't be embarrassable now um I I was I was thinking about this  today and and uh not not bad not that exactly but in in terms of safe sex and I I felt very  ignorant what definitively what can people do   safely and what can't people do safely just tell  us what we can what we can't do well there's no   such thing as safe sex the only safe sex is no  sex abstinence total but that doesn't work but the   problem is people really do want to have sex well  yes and sex is fun it's pleasurable it's enjoyable   it enhances a relationship and as long as you've  got good protection why not if you know what   you're doing and you're able to think ahead right  and plan ahead then and it's a decision that's   where I run into troubles is because we don't give  good sex education then they don't you can't make   a decision in a vacuum now let me ask you a  question and I'll be as specific as generally   specific as I can be uh vaguely persistent yeah  okay we can go there say two people are prepared   to have safe sex a man and woman are going to  have safe sex and they got all the stuff they   need for safe sex yeah it's inside table yeah  it's all don't leave it there where do you put it stares in the cellar oh no  no no no you take a condom   and you flirt with it I see and you say hi big guy no no wait a minute okay so so we're gonna  we're gonna have safe sex now save for sex   yep but you say there is nothing safe except for  abstinence what what mistake can can people with   safe sex in their heads make what can they do  wrong and suddenly oh that was a mistake the   only basic problem would be not using a condom  not knowing who your partner is all right well   we're not knowing approximately where your  partner has been and what they've done have   they ever done heavy duty drugs been shooting  up that's risky behavior and then um always   practicing safer sex right right but other other  activities other than intercourse for example all right well I'll stop it if you ever  on your radio show do you ever get the   silly calls or unusual calls or sometimes  people joke with you do you think when   you are they all serious oh I'm sure that  there are put what they call put on calls   um you can usually tell but I treat them as  a definite uh concern or question because   although it may be a put on call somebody  out there has that question might be thinking   about it and they really believe that if you  swallow ejaculate you can get pregnant laughs don't get embarrassed Paul he's from Canada what's  the uh do you have any memorable uh questions uh   that you can relate to us now silly calls that  you've gotten uh that uh interesting unusual   well of course there are a lot of fun calls  that come in and um but you know I don't like to   um equate it as a silly call right  because I take it seriously and so   um I'm much more impressed with the scary calls  that I get about sexual abuse or something like   that those are the ones that I remember  those are the ones that I take home with   me what was the deal with the kid who called  up about the uh the jar of the peanut butter   oh yes well you had to ask didn't you you  couldn't resist that one you want to go there this guy was I phoned in and asked if it was okay  if he could masturbate into a jar of peanut butter   let me get you thrown out of the supermarket well you know I have an ifb in my  ear you know an ifb connect me to   the control room and uh my uh director  is saying ask if it's crunchy or smooth well sure it makes all the difference absolutely   my key word is gently but now I've  never eaten peanut butter since   is is Canada more Progressive regarding  sexual education than the United States   at this point in time yes and why is that that  it doesn't make any sense does it well I think   it's political and I think that they there's some  people who really believe that if you talk to kids   about sex and teach them about sex they're going  to go right out and do it now is there any proof   to substantially no it's the opposite really that  if you teach kids about sex then they know what's   going to happen they know whether what they're  into petting and French kissing and fondling and   then they think well wait a minute I know where  this is going right I don't want to go there I'm   not ready I don't like my body I don't want your  body liking my body forget it yeah uh but what   about the notion you hear these horror stories of  of kids in in schools having sexual activities at   younger and younger and younger ages and it's  just alarming I mean I was well into my 30s wow but I mean is that true are kids having actual  sex at a much younger age they're reaching puberty   earlier than they usually they are reaching  puberty about six months earlier with every   generation now why does that happen nutrition  really absolutely where they're much better fed to   balanced diet and also the exposure to the media  and what they see on television and also other   kids are talking it up we didn't talk it up we  didn't you know nobody talked to me about nothing   no well I didn't know enough and um that's why I  got into this business but uh nowadays every TV   show yeah and so that they think they're missing  something and they don't know what they're missing   but try it you'll like it well listen it was  uh it was a great pleasure meeting you I'm glad   you could come down here and I hope you come back  thank you very much everybody we'll be right back thank you
Channel: Letterman
Views: 849,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: letterman, david letterman, dave letterman, interview, letterman interview, letterman official, letterman late show, letterman late night, late night, stupid pet tricks, stupid human tricks, top ten, late show, top ten list
Id: WGP98M7xlbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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