Easy Quilted Zipper Pouch

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hello and what a great day to so something wonderful I'm Kia with Kia beat and today we're going to be talking about zipper pouches these are absolutely adorable and they can come in so many different sizes and it just takes very few materials and so I'm excited to make these with you all you're just gonna want to make one for every single lady in your life that you know because they can be thrown in your purse in your diaper bag they can be made very very quickly so if you have a last-minute baby shower that you're attending these are fantastic for that so stay tuned and we'll talk about the materials that you'll need to make this some materials that you'll need to make a bag just like this are going to be three or four scrap strips of fabric this is a great scrapbook Buster project you'll need a zipper now you can find some zippers that you sew to the inside of the bag and flip it inside out or you can find zippers that you can actually sew straight to the top of your project then you'll need about a fat quarters worth of fabric for the inside I've chosen this really great round circular pattern of a vintage fabric that I found in my grandmother's sewing room and I just I cherish it and so I wanted to use it the next thing you'll need an also rotary cutter your ruler and cutting mat you'll need some scrap batting and then this next material actually determines the size of your bag so I've chosen this adorable little 8 inch zipper it is a lace zipper and so I'm going to sew this straight to the top of my bag where the opening is instead of sewing it inside the bag and flipping it over to top stitch so this is going to be just an adorable little touch so what I'm going to do first to scoot all of my things out of the way and grab my huge basket of scraps I have just been collecting these from projects that I've been doing the last few weeks I really need to bust this up and organize it I just have not had the chance to do it so some of the fab here at the top that I just really like I really like this kind of ruler pattern so I think I'll use that [Music] so just kind of play around your scraps see what you have if you don't have scraps that's okay it takes very very little fabric and so if you already have a stash or if you want to go buy fabric this is a very inexpensive project to make so I'll meet you right back here at the cutting table almost start chopping some of these scraps up I love the fabrics that I decided to choose for this easy zipper bag so I've got the ruler fabric I did decide to go with the white and yellow diagonal stripe and then I wanted to just throw a little floral in there to be just a little bit different and so I've got that as well then I've got my lining fabric which is this teal and navy blue plaid I really like it I think it'll be a nice lining so what I've chosen to do I actually chose the orange zipper from the orange that's in our ruler fabric I thought that was really nice so I've got that to start so now let's talk about the lengths of your zipper no matter what you chose your fabric can't be any longer than the actual zipper itself obviously or you'll have open gaps on either side of your bag so my zipper and it says it here on the back is a 20 centimetre or 8 inch zipper and so I picked this up in my local quilt shop that I absolutely love it was just a couple of dollars and so I was excited to have this lace I think the lace detail is just really really nice and it's just already got more of like a little cute zipper on it so that's the zipper I've chosen it's eight inches so my bag cannot be any wider than eight inches so I'm going to start by cutting my three scraps I need two of each and I'm going to start at 8 inches so let me grab my first ruler fabric here and because this is a scrap you can tell it's super wrinkly I'm not going to worry about that yet and the width actually doesn't matter right now we'll get to that in just a minute so I'm just going to out of this scrap just kind of chop this up a little bit more here and the reason you need to for each fabric is because you need a front and a back so I'm just going to chop the raw edges off here just kind of make it a little more even then I am going to I'm just going to cut each of the time I'm going to cut off our selvage here and so our Solich is actually where they've made the fabric and so it's got tiny little holes and you don't want to use that in your project so I'm just going to clean cut that off as straight as I can eyeball it like that pull that away all right now I'm going to line this up and you'll see that this fabric is actually directional the numbers are facing you there away from me and so I need to fix that when we go to actually make the bag so I'm going to line this up now I don't have an 8-inch ruler this is a six and a half inch ruler so I'm going to use my cutting mat here so it might be off-camera just a little bit but we will deal with that so just know that I'm cutting it at eight inches so I'm just lining it up on the edge over here I don't care that this isn't straight I'm not ready for that yet and I'm going to cut it right down here straighten it up cut it just like that so we've got an eight inch piece here and then I'm going to cut it the sixteen because that would be another eight inches sorry it's raining here a ton in Indiana where we're at and so um that's probably what you're hearing is the gentle rain in my craft room okay so we've got two eight inch pieces of that and I'm just going to scoot this to the side over here let's cut our yellow diagonal [Music] then lastly for my scraps I want to chop up and you'll see I have just a tiny piece of this but that's okay I'm gonna fold over my head my selvage edges and cut that [Music] so I have here my two pieces of blue floral my two pieces of yellow stripes and then my ruler fabric now I just need to determine what order I want these in so I think I want the the ruler fabric to be the main focus so I'm definitely want to put that in the middle so now the only question that you have is how long do you want your bag do you want it to be short and skinny like a pencil pouch do you want it to be longer so maybe it fits an iPad or another tablet or a book um or do you just want it as like a smaller little coin purse I think no let's see and do you want your layers even I like to have mine like this one a little bit skinnier this one since it's the main one I like to have it pretty fat and then this one I like to have pretty skinny as well just know that if you have this bottom one skinny you're going to be folding in the corners so you're going to lose a lot underneath the zipper bag so just be mindful that you don't want it too skinny or you won't even see this fabric at all so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take my main fabric and I'm going to square that up first because I want a good section of it because it's going to hold some of my sewing tools and this is ruler fabric I'd really like to keep that [Music] so I'm going to take one two three six seven eight I'm going to take three inches on No I think I'll take two inches for this top piece the nice thing about this is you can make the bag whatever size you want to I'm going to cut this at the three inch mark so now I'm going to lay them out and I know that my edges are not completely straight on the sides that's okay we're going to square that those soon as we're done sewing it so just like this I think I really like that I think I do so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to cut the other pieces for the other side and then we will sew these together and I will meet you at the sewing machine as soon as I finish cutting these [Music] okay so here we are at the sewing machine we've got our six pieces now we're going to go ahead and just do both at the same time front and back and that way we just get it all done so I'll take the bottom and sew it to the middle it's very straight line stitch I'm using a good ermine thread on my Husqvarna Viking sewing machine and I absolutely love her name is opal she's great okay open that up that looks really nice okay and then I will sew the top to the middle here I know I've got fabric hanging off of each side that's fine with me because we're going to straighten it up here in just a little bit all right open that up so we've got our whole top done there I want to make sure that my rulers are in the right direction if not I'd have to rip out my stitches but that's okay okay now we will take our backing and we'll do the same process [Music] [Music] so now that we've got our front of our back straight stitch we're just going to press these open so let's check my iron and slowly down these seams not ever pushing or pulling because we don't want to distort the fabric fibers at all or it'll look stretched out so we pick up our iron [Music] same thing when I'm finger pressing I'm not pushing or pulling either so just kind of hold this open and run our iron pressing it open at this point I don't use starch because we will use starch before we start quilting and so I don't see that there's a need to use it right now [Music] don't move [Music] okay so now we've got both our front and our back pressed open and so now we'll need to square these up so I'm just going to take my ironing board away quick and simple I love my ironing board it's lightweight super simple I just made it out of a door from Ikea for like a dollar it's really nice okay so before I square this up I want to open my zipper up so basically I just want to be careful because they are usually stapled so if anybody's wondering this is the little lacy zipper and let's see I will have my husband it's called a little Lacey zipper I will have my husband put the website down in the description so if you guys want to pick up a couple of these your craft store or quilting store maybe doesn't have but then you can pick that up so it's just a little lacy zipper it looks like they actually have a pattern called the little Lacey bag so that might be really cute to look at okay so I want to lay my zipper down and I want to make sure that my fabric is on the inside of the zipper don't worry so much about whether it's on the inside of this or the inside of this end you just want to make sure that it's inside the actual lace of the bag or I'm sorry of the zipper so it is so now I just need to straighten this up so grab my ruler here and I'm going to pick one of these seams because I know they're straight because I pressed them open so I know they're straight I'm going to pick one of those and line up my ruler [Music] now we'll do the same for the back but actually a little bit different I'm going to leave the front here at the top so that I can make sure I'm lining this up to be the right size so I'm just going to lay it here at the bottom I'm going to line it up here on a line on my top part [Music] take your time stitches can always be taken out but cutting can typically only happen once so you want to make sure you get it right the first time you're all this is looking great so now for just as visual before we go on to the next part here's my front here's my back the zipper is going to be here at the top and so look how cute that is just going to look I love it so now we're going to cut our batting and our liner the thing I love about this is you have a bag that's lined and I mean it just looks so professional absolutely love it so we're going to do that next I just said one either my front or my back it doesn't doesn't typically matter I want to take my fat quarter of fabric I think I have more than fat quarter here I think I actually have a happy yard so I'm going to take this and I'm going to straighten up the edge here just so that I make sure that I'm working with a straight cut just like this because these are diagonal lines you definitely want to make sure that you're working on a straight cut here now what I'm going to do is I'm going to measure this on my cutting mat to see how wide this really is I'll line it up on the one and I am at just a hair shorter than seven and three-quarters so I'm going to cut my lining fabric at seven and three-quarters actually I'm going to cut it at eight and I'll tell you why because we are going to quilt this and your fabric will shift so I'm going to cut it at eight if not eight and a quarter just so I make sure we have plenty of space we know it's ain't a quarter wide but how long if it is that we are at same or seven and a quarter the other way now we see eight and three-quarters this way so I'm going to cut it at nine and 1/4 throw in a lot of measurement value what you want to do is just measure the top of whatever you decided your scraps we're going the sides of your scraps the size of your bag and you're going to add about a half an inch for quilting and that way you know that you won't run out of room so now you want to make sure take both of your pieces front and back I would flip them over so that wrong sides are together make sure that it fits in the center of that backing and lining okay so there's my back and here is my front I just want to make sure that I have a good quarter to a half an inch on all the sides so that I make sure when I quilt this it's not going to move anywhere okay so both of those are good so now I know that I cut my lining at seven and I'm sorry eight and a quarter and nine and a quarter so I'm going to do the exact same for my batting [Music] so now we're going to make our sandwich we're getting ready to do the fun part quilting so I'm taking one at a time okay we've got our lining we're going to put it right fate right side facing down okay it's not that don't worry that there's wrinkles in it we're going to we're going to quilt over it now we're going to put our batting so we've got our lining right right side facing your cutting mat right side facing down then our top I know I'm sorry this is our bottom will do bottom first you can do whatever you like we're going to do this and we're going to make sure that it's straight and in the center of our batting and our lining okay and you want the right side facing up right side facing down right side facing up okay we're going to do that and I'm gonna grab my basting spray [Music] so now that I've got my quilt sandwich I just want to look at this and decide how I want to quilt this I know I'm going to straight line quilt and because this plaid is here I actually think I'm going to go with a plaid on the front I'm looking at it sometimes it takes a minute to decide how you want to do it actually what I think I'm going to do I'm going to go along with these diagonal lines here that are in the ruler and then I'm going to straight line the top in the bottom of this [Music] right here we are I finished I think I really liked it the reason we quilt the bags is to give them a little bit more stability so I think I really like it you're not going to be able to see the stitching on the inside so this peach color seemed just fine for me and I like the way that it stands out in the flowers and even on the yellow so let's head on back over to the cutting mat and we'll talk about squaring this up in our next process of installing our zipper so now we've got everything quilted and I think I actually really like it I love how I chose to go across the ruler so it actually makes those rulers pop up a little bit which it gives it dimension and I really like that so now let's talk about cutting off our excess lining and our xx batting all you need to do is just take your ruler and line it up again with those C marks that you lined up earlier and just cut off that excess [Music] oK we've got both our front and our back and we are ready to go next we're going to do the zipper now this can be a little tricky if you have a zipper that you need to sew on the inside but for zipper like this that I chose the lace to attach the outside it's very very simple so I'm literally just going to lay this on here kind of Center it up and I'm just going to top stitch all the way across I'm actually going to top stitch all the way back so that I make sure and have a good tight hold on that then once that stitched on I'm going to bring this piece over and I'm going to top stitch the exact same way now you want to make sure they aren't touching here in the center you want to make sure and have plenty of room for your zipper to open or else you're not going to be able to get inside your bag so I'm going to head over to the sewing machine and I'm just going to top stitch those and I'll meet you right back here here's where you should be at your zipper should be nicely laid on there and because I used that peach thread against the orange you can barely see the stitches it just looks like a nice piece of lace laid over the top so now this super simple way to close your bag first you want to make sure that your zipper is open or else you won't be able to turn your bag inside out then we're going to turn our bag over and it's okay to leave these here for right now we're just going to sew right over the top of them so you're going to want to start up in a corner you're going to stitch back stitch quite a bit I would take you know five or six stitches a little more than typical and you're going to go all the way down all the way over and all the way back up again take five or six six stitches here at the end and back stitch then we're going to do something called boxing our corners and this is going to make our bag stand up on its own so I will meet you right back here after I've stitched all the way around and we'll talk about that so now that you've sewn all the way around it should look something like this depending on the size of bag that you have and I'm really happy with it I'm excited to turn turn around and see what it looks like so now is the time that you're going to want to cut off a little bit of your edges you don't have to it just would eliminate some of the bulk inside I'm going to pull my zipper pull from the inside just a tad so I can get in there I wouldn't cut it right up to the seam I would just cut at a bit off there that way you don't have all the extra now here's the time that you would want to go around and you would want to take your tiny scissors and clip all the way around the edges we grab my big scissors and that just cuts off all that extra excess thread cuz you will I mean you don't want that to show inside of your bag you don't want to get stuck on the stuff that's in there so it's just just an extra little step all right after this you've got two two things you can do one you can leave your bag flat just like this there's no harm in that it's still super super cute works out really really well and so you can flip your bag right side out and be completely done or you can do something just one step further it's total personal preference either way doesn't mean you did it right or wrong and you can do something called boxing the corner so what that does is it just gives it a little ledge here at the bottom to kind of stand up straight so I'm going to choose to do that on this bag and what I'll do is you put your hand inside your bag you're going to turn it up on its side just like this okay you're kind of kind of meet these seams so see this seam here and this seam here you want those to touch okay almost like um like they're nesting together there okay and I'm just going to measure up um let's see other three quarters of an inch to a half an inch and I'm going to sew all the way across right there my so here so back so here so back up into four times this really does need stability to it so I'm going to do that and it's going to look like this okay then I'm going to flip it over I'm gonna do the same thing for the other side my hand in here make sure that my top and bottom seams are kind of nestled together measure up about three-quarters of an inch maybe an inch and sew all the way across two times all right so here's what your little boxed seams should look like just clip off my shirts so you'll see there I've just stitched all the way across I'm going to leave about a quarter of an inch you can leave these if you want just to create less bulk I'm going to cut mine off so you'll want to leave about a quarter of an inch to a half of an inch and just cut beyond that just to cut off holes even just leaves you with a little you'll see a little pocket there go to this side and do this same okay and because it is so many layers you might have a hard time getting it through your machine that's okay just take your time don't break a needle over it all right so at this point I want to make sure that I have all the threads cut that I need cut and I'm ready to turn this inside out and see what it looks like I'm so so excited so we're going to turn this inside out push our corners and you'll start to see see that seam there so it's going to make it a nice little box push that all the way out make sure you've got your pokes here on your corners push this all the way out use your fingers to really get in there if you I don't have any nails and so that might be kind of hard for me to do I can take either the end of my rotary cutter or very carefully my scissors and just poke that out very carefully make sure I don't poke any of the fabric okay so now I'm going to make sure that that kind of stands up like that and then I've got my zipper here and I want to make sure that this works so I'm just going to pull very very gently and look at that this here you would just flip over and tuck inside just like this other side and it's going to stay right in there and look how cute our bag is I just love this MIDI zipper bag it's so simple to make it's a great last-minute gift if you are going to a baby shower or bridal shower and you just need something quick fastened in a hurry and you want to give a homemade touch to it thank you so much for stitching with us today in this easy zipper bag tutorial for more tutorials or to get updates of when we post new tutorials click the subscribe button down below thank you and we hope you all have a great week [Music]
Channel: Kea Bee
Views: 34,761
Rating: 4.8142076 out of 5
Keywords: keabee.com, DYI, FUN, Quilting, Quilted Zipper Pouch, Sewing, NEW, Husqvarna Viking Machine, Sewing Machine, fabric, How To, Viking Opal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 41sec (1721 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2017
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