Opening Mystery Bags from Forbidden Fiber Co!

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hello welcome to crafting Kitty my name is Aaron long team long team long time no see it feels like doesn't it um so thank you everybody for your patience and your kind words I appreciate it greatly um not to give away too much personal information because I know you'll all be curious um Brian's mother my mother-in-law is being released from the hospital today thankfully um like I don't know how much to say but um if you could continue to keep her in your thoughts that would be awesome she has a she's got a road ahead of her and she's uh got a mind of her own so I will definitely keep you in the loop and all of that as I can with of course respect to her personal information you know you know all that stuff okay get that out of the way let's get to some fun stuff what's this Aon what did you do well I think I mentioned I had seen over Memorial Day a couple of sales and one of them was like a moving sale from forbidden fiber company and I've always wanted to buy from them and this deal was one that I could not could not resist it was mystery bags you know I love a good mystery bag I love a bad mystery bag I love mystery bags that's the fun of it and this one was an exceptional deal it was three Hanks of yarn for 30 was it 32 or $36 I feel like it was $36 cuz it my head $12 a skiing regardless a phenomenal deal for handdyed Yarns I got three bags and each one is a different weight of yarn because I wanted to try the different weights oh they're in little tissue paper does it say Okay they've got forbidden fiber company stickers on them oh I got a got a Bonus thank you that's cool what is it okay that's my third one let's see if it says on the invoice it does okay and yes they were $36 so I got a babble DK a pride DK and a pride okay the pride had glitter that's what I remember and I think the babble was a base that had I don't have my phone with me it's on the charger was I was in charge all the time on the phone um yeah I don't know all I remember was Pride with sparkle then there was something there was a fiber in the babble that excited me and that's why I ended up getting Babble um she said put a note in of your favorite colors and we'd see and I pretty much said these are my favorite colors tumil and jewel tones that's what I love but between everybody else they like everything so nothing will go to waste but hey I don't really love yellow that's about it so let's see this is very pretty it's very nice I love the sticker see what this one is oh don't know oh my okay so it's a sparkle this one must be the regular oh no this says Pride DK so this is pride DC oh look at that oh she did this one and Aaron's colors I am so excited um so these are Pride DK that's 70% Superwash 20% nylon 10% Selina 250 yards 113 G and tumber wash coal oh machine wash coold tumble dry let's see oh my this would work beautifully in a single project oh oh you did good good this is this has Aaron written all over it and it has a silver to Roose I'm seeing silver and I'm seeing rose gold Sparkle oh you're seeing the sparkle especially on the center one look at how beautiful this is oh my gosh none of these have colorway names I can't tell you the colorway name but look at how pretty that is you know me at Sparkle I had to get the sparkle this is beautiful deep Reds um burgundy Mero and Shades of Gray oh this is so pretty and then this one is all shades of deep Reds there's kind of a brownish copper tone in it as well oh that is so pretty oh my goodness and then this one is more Brown feeling with red undertones or overtones I don't know if it's an over or an undertone I don't know what the difference is but it's got like a reddish Hue to it especially in the camera it's not as red in person as you're seeing in the camera it's definitely more earthy but oh those would be fabulous Al together so that's 750 yards of a DK oh that would be so pretty okay I am in love just after one $36 heck yeah all day every day not not disappointed okay let's see what this one is oh this one's torn a little I see Sparkle oh this must be the fingering so this will be the regular Pride yep oh this is gorgeous again this would work really well together so 70% Superwash Marino 20% nylon 10% celena 495 Y and 113 G um same care instructions let's get these out but look at how pretty that is this is you know tell me that isn't bingo in a sweater right there bingo in a bag but oh I don't know if I'll do something for Bingo this is gorgeous I mean this okay again this works perfectly together look at that I'm not sure this is silver Sparkle I'm kind of seeing the sparkle in the middle one again oh that's so pretty look at how well they go together come on now come on what are you doing this was the steel of a century this is like a beautiful tonal dark pink with silver Sparkle beautiful this is a lovely tonal purple um I'd put this more in the Lilac family yeah I would say this actually kind of looks like the lilac bushes that just went away in the backyard we don't have lilac bushes sadly but our neighbor has a hedge of them gorgeous um this is gray blue and pink with some purples but it might be where the pink and the blue are meeting but it's so pretty this is almost a I can say it goes two way almost a Americana feel without being in your face but also it kind of feels outer Spacey like a nebula that is pretty oh these are pretty okay I am stunned I am so excited and oh man like that would be so pretty for Miss Bingo wouldn't it I might even only need two of them for her if I did to it would be the purple and the multicolored but oh they all work okay so this one must be the babble so we'll see what fiber I had in my head oh goodness okay this is so pretty pretty those are so these are perfectly soft they're they're they're great okay so this is Babble Babel however you want to say it b a b e l it's a DK weight 60% Superwash Marino 20% Yak 20% silk same $36 $112 a hang for this with yak and silk o this is soft oh my goodness oh that is so Prett pretty oh my goodness okay this is so pretty look at that green okay so I've got this lovely tonal green and this is in this very much feels like a natural Emerald to me um but it's got different shades so there's a little bit of spring greeny up there and some darker green that is gorgeous and then this beautiful tonal Brown it's a very very dark brown and it goes from like super dark brown to a bit of a it's got like a ready orangey feel to it it's so pretty I don't know how much that's going to come through because of how dark it is see if the camera does any magic on it it doesn't want to oh that is so pretty there is some that's just thread just some strings and this is just what it was tied together with but oh that is gorgeous I don't want to put anything on the sticky from the bag where's the sticky oh it's sticky face down good okay and then this one oh this is pretty this is again a tonal purple but this is darker than the one that I said was kind of lilac I'd say this is more in the grape range for me with like a gray feel to me oh look at how pretty that is this is soft oh this is a this is a gorgeous fiber oh okay I am officially in love I have been wanting to buy from her for a long time and I never did and I am so glad I got in on the sale because I got to try a bunch of different bases I mean sure they're both Sparkle but they're different weights those are different yars and oh this is amazing that's amazing let's see what the little extra prize was it just says thank you from forbidden fiber company it looks like a fingering weight mini yeah probably a this is actually pretty big I think this might be a 20 G mini yeah I think this is 20 g wow okay so this is this is a very pretty bubble gum pink tonal oh look at that this would probably go in with my Ginger stap Minis that I had especially the Valentine's Day ones oh that's pretty that's pretty um I say that because what do you do with one mini you could I could certainly save it and see if I have something where I could do heels and Toes it doesn't tell me what fiber it is but I can tell it's ped and given the contents of the other Yarns I'm going to guess it's Super Wash Marino and nylon oh that's pretty that it's all soft it's all great it's all beautiful this was a phenomenal bargain this was a phenomenal deal I would absolutely recommend I don't have a business card on it I was going to show the invoice but my address is right there on it so there you go forbidden fiber company I follow them on Instagram and that's how I found out about the sale again I don't have my phone so I can't look it up but I would check forbidden fiber co co says thank you Leanne so I love it when the shipping the invoice the shipping slip the packing slip whatever you want to call it is signed oh wait wait wait oh know it just says forbidden fiberco outcom Facebook Instagram Twitter but it doesn't have the handles for Instagram oh man that is beautiful I'm in love let me know what ideas you have what would you make with these what would you do I feel like I got the bargain of a century all of this $108 I got free shipping so that's nine skin of handdyed yarn plus the bonus mini $108 that is that's a phenomenal deal and I know that's a Splurge I know that's not in everybody's budget but if you could swing it and you see this sail again or frankly if you just see her I wouldn't hesitate man man I'm a little sad I waited this long just like with dragon horde yarn why did I wait so long to finally give it a try I don't know there's so many awesome Dyers out there there's no way to try them all I know that but you see some of them and you go why why didn't I do it sooner oh oh I'm excited H dog which is your favorite what do you think so I got the um wool Yak silk base and then the two wool nylon Sparkle bases and the sparkle bases I got the sock yarn the fingering weight and the DK I love DK yarn I do recall she had five weight Yarns available I don't recall what the names of the fibers were the bases but I believe there were five weights um I know not all Indie ders do above a DK and some yeah some stop at DK I think the majority do worst it as well but to see above worsted in um Indie ders is a bit rare and I think it makes sense because they're smaller businesses maybe they don't have the capacity to have that much stock on hand to to throw that big of a net I mean they're not mat and TSH these are one two three people shows and they're doing phenomenal work I am so happy I was able to hopefully lend some support in their uh goal to move less and um you know support a small business and get a lot of fabulous yarn in return I will make that trade any day I can okay like I think I've started to say goodbye multiple times we're in the middle of a long Midwest goodbye aren't we here okay now I'll say really goodbye bye
Channel: KraftingKitty
Views: 270
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Id: 2Pb8y8zl7fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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