Dream Machine Pro ExpressVPN setup - PROTECT YOUR PRIVACY

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today I'm going to show you how to set up expressvpn on a dream machine the same applies if you got a dream router dream wall Gateway light UniFi Express all of them are capable of doing what I'm doing here today the setup's really simple it doesn't take very long at all and you can customize it to set it to specific networks all your traffic or specific devices so it really is quite flexible if you haven't already signed up to expressvpn there is a link in the comments below it's an affiliate link and I'd be really grateful if did use that to sign up to the service okay so before we go any further let's cover why you might use a VPN using a VPN is all about privacy if you were to Google what is my IP address you will see your public IP address popping up and that's the same IP address that you see on the dashboard of your UniFi dream machine your public IP address is given to you by your internet service provider and everywhere you go on the internet you leave a little trail behind because of that address in the worst case scenario your IP IP address could be used by hackers or cyber criminals admittedly the chances that are pretty slim but it is pretty likely that companies are going to be tracking your IP address to try and sell you goods and services whether you want them or not additionally your internet service provider will be collecting all of your internet data and selling it on to the highest bidder and they are legally entitled to do this using a VPN stops all this it basically hides your public IP address so that nobody knows where you're coming from all they're going to see is the IP address of your VPN provider in this case expressvpn and I'll show you that shortly expressvpn has a strict no logging policy which means they're not Gathering your data they're not going to sell it on and your privacy is completely protected okay so now on to the setup okay so I'm going to show you how to set up Express VPN on UniFi and then we're just going to test it so just stick around for that afterwards so the first thing we do is go to express vpn.com and then we go to my account and then where it says set up your devices we're just going to scroll down and go to more and then we get to this page you scroll down again and go to manual configuration right and basically as you can see here it's going to download an openvpn file an openvpn is a type of VPN that UniFi is able to use so the first thing you'll notice here is a username and password we're going to need that in a minute so don't close this window after we've done the download keep it around because we'll need to input that information and then you go down to your region just select where you are so I'm in London and then that'll download the openvpn file which we're going to use in a second so now I'll go to unify and I'm in my dashboard and then I'm going go down to settings and then we're going to go to VPN and the type of VPN one is VPN client cuz we're going to be a client for expressvpn we've got two options here y guard openvpn and as we we just discussed we're using openvpn we just give that select that and then give this a name Express VPN and then all we're going to do is upload the file that we just downloaded from expressvpn a minute ago okay so once we've got the file in there we are going to put in our username and password that we just saw on the expressvpn website so I'll do that now okay so once you put the username and password in all we need to do is press apply changes and now it's going to connect so it'll be connecting and it'll take a few seconds and then you'll get some up time bit of information here on server IP oh there you go haven't already really quick and then this dot here goes green so we got our IP address we got our up time and it says connected so Express VPN is now set up it's working on the dream machine but it's not actually doing anything at the moment because we haven't told it to do anything so what we're going to do next is go to routing and this is where we can decide what is going to use expressvpn so you could have this across all your devices on your whole network or you can be more selective so so I'll show you how to do that now so we're going to use all traffic we don't want to do specific traffic but you can do if you want you can do domain names IP addresses or regions but we're going to say all traffic and then basically we're going to select what we want uh Express VPN to go through or sorry the other way around which devices we want to go through expressvpn so we've got all devices and that'll be across all vlans so you can literally do that and all your internet traffic on your whole network will go through expressvpn or you can do it by Network so if for example you wanted to create an expressvpn Network and then associate a Wi-Fi to it so just devices on that Network went through expressvpn you can or you can do it by individual device so for example I might pick my Mac so if I pick my Mac that's Wi-Fi and ethernet that's what it's to and I'll press save and then the interface is the express vpm we just created a second ago so we select that and then we can just give it uh description again Express VPN Mac and then we're going to add entry and that we working right now so the Mac will be running through Express VPN okay so that's all connected and I'm going to demonstrate to in a minute that it is working and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to do some speed test so we're going to do a speed test without the VPN then we're going to do the uh UniFi expressvpn running on uh openvpn and then I'm going to use the expressvpn app on my Mac and we'll look at the differences between the performance so what I'm going to do first of all is I'm just going to pause this so I'm going to go to manage select it pause and basically that'll just stop the um the rule from applying so that I am now off the expressvpn okay so I've opened up Google on a new window and now what I'm going to do is I'm just going to type in what is my IP press enter and then if you just scroll down a little bit down the page you'll see a little box that says what's my IP and then your public IP address will be there and that is the one provided to you by your ISP so at the moment it's very much out there and it's visible to everyone so then what we're going to do is we're connect the VPN and then we're going to search again and see what difference it makes okay so I've come back into the rules I'm going to select this resume done okay and we'll go back to that window and search for IP again okay so I've done the search again uh scroll down and it's a different IP address and this is the IP address of expressvpn and I don't care who knows that because all going to find out is that it belongs to express VPN so good luck trying to hack those guys so we know the VPN is working but now what I want to do is I want to do some speed test comparisons okay so first of all I'm just going to pause this rule again so if I say manage select it and pause okay so now it's paused I'm going to go and do a speed test okay so because I've paused it I can see my public IP address again and we're ready to do a speed test I won't make you sit through this I'll just show you the results okay so my speed test is completed and I got 923 and 853 so it's pretty quick right so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to reconnect the VPN and we're going to speed test it again so I'm back in here I'm going to select resume and done and then we'll go to the speed test okay so when I come into the speed test the first thing I can see is the IP address is back to expressvpn's IP address so that's good news and now we're going to do the speed test and I'll come back to you when the results are in okay so the speed test is completed and it's significantly lower than my last speed test so I've got 151 and 148 obviously that's still quick like there's not much you're going to be doing where you're going to be going anywhere near that speed but it's still significantly slower and the reason why it's slower is because we're using openvpn so that's the limitation of openvpn so we're not ever going to get really really quick speeds on that type of service you can run devices through that with no problem and you could run your whole network through that with no problem but if you're wanting to keep those maximum speeds then this might not be the best solution for you for that reason okay so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to disconnect from the VPN through the UniFi and then I'm going to use the openvpn app on my Mac and test the speed again okay so I've opened up the expressvpn app and I'm going to connect to it okay so I'm connected and now what I'll do is I will just refresh this and again we get a slightly different message here it says UK dedicated servers rather than the IP address of the express VPN as we did previously and I'm going to speed test it and I'm expecting this to be a lot faster I think it will still be slightly capped but I don't think it's going to be anywhere near as slow as the openvpn okay so that's the speed test completed and I got 610 and 566 so it's much quicker than the open vpm method but it's still quite a bit slower than my ual internet okay so now you've seen how to set up expressvpn on UniFi whether or not this is a service for you is entirely your decision but I hope You' enjoyed the video please do subscribe to the channel and I'll see you next [Music] time
Channel: Home Network Solutions Berkshire
Views: 1,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Express VPN, VPN, Unifi Express VPN, dream machine vpn, Dream Machine Express VPN, dream machine openvpn, unifi dream machine openvpn, dream machine pro openvpn, express vpn configuration, express vpn setting, express vpn tutorial, dream router vpn, Dream Router Express VPN, Expressvpn, Unifi expressvpn, Dream Machine expressvpn
Id: 627b7c5DD54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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