Setup SSL for WordPress on Google Cloud (Click-to-Deploy) (Latest)

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hello everyone its Joe from one-page Zen calm and today in this tutorial I'm gonna show you how to quickly and easily configure free auto renewing SSL certificates for the click to deploy version of WordPress on Google cloud so as you can see here I've recently deployed a WordPress website on Google cloud using the click to deploy solution and once we're done with this tutorial we will be able to have our website load with HTTPS in front so that it will no longer show this not secure notification so before getting started with this tutorial you need to have already launched a WordPress click to deploy installation and pointed your domain name to that installation if you haven't done that yet check the description to this video for links to those tutorials so once you've done that and you're at this point here we can get started with this tutorial so the first step in the tutorial is a head on over to your Google cloud platform dashboard click the navigation menu and navigate to compute engine than to VM instances alright now here is the VM instance that's running my WordPress click to deploy installation this website here and I'm going to click the SSH button here to connect to my instance all right so now that I've connected to my VM instance the first thing I'm going to do is check my operating system here so I'm going to do LS be underscore release dash a and you can see here I'm running Debian 9.7 stretch so knowing this information is important so after you have found this information what you're going to do is go to the cert bots website so that cert bots e FF org and once you're there you're going to select your software from this drop-down here so let's see I'm using I'm using Apache so typically you're either gonna be using Apache or nginx but for the click to deploy and bitNami WordPress solutions those are both using Apache server so I'm going to select Apache and for system I'm going to select debian 9 stretch and that's based on the information from the terminal in the last step alright so now we have our installation instructions here so the first thing I'm going to do here is I'm going to install the cert bot client so I'm going to highlight and copy this command here copy that go back to the terminal here and I'm going to paste that and press Enter I'm going to press Y and then press Enter again now it's installing cert bot okay so now that cert bot is installed it's time to issue our certificates all right so in order to issue our SSL certificates let's go back to the instructions here and here under the section titled get started let's copy this command here let's copy let's go back to the terminal and let's paste that command and press Enter alright and enter your email address so I'm just going to use example at but you should use your real email address because they'll send important notifications to this email press Enter I'm going to do a for agree and then press Enter and here you can do either Y or n I'm gonna choose N and here I'm going to enter my domain name so the domain name that I'm configuring is one page Zen calm as you can see here so let's go back to here alright so it's one page Zen calm and then I'm gonna add a space and then I'm going to add the www version of my domain ww one page Zen calm and I'm going to press Enter and I'm going to select number two press ENTER and now it's asking me if I want to configure a redirect to route all of the traffic to HTTPS which we do want so I'm going to select two and press Enter perfect and now the certificates were issued successfully so I'm going to restart my Apache server all right now I'm going to go back to my WordPress website here and I'm going to reload the page all right perfect so now we can see that our site is loading successfully with HTTPS now I bet you're wondering what if I want what if you want www dot in front of your domain so to do this it's real simple let's just go to our WordPress dashboard here go to settings and here in your WordPress address field here you can add www dot and then in the field below at your home page and there you go now your website is loading with WWE in front so this makes it easy to choose whether or not you want the [Music] WWN of your domain or just the root domain to display when your website is loaded and that's it for this tutorial if you have any questions or comments please leave them in the box below don't forget to subscribe to my channel and so don't forget to check out one page Zen dot-com for more great cloud computing tutorials thanks a lot for watching
Channel: One Page Zen
Views: 26,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wordpress, google cloud, google, google cloud wordpress, google cloud platform, onepagezen, one page zen, ssl wordpress, certbot-auto, certbot apache, wordpress click-to-deploy, click-to-deploy, lets encrypt, letsencrypt auto renew, free ssl wordpress click to deploy, free ssl wordpress, free ssl wordpress google cloud, wordpress on google cloud, wordpress cloud hosting, wordpress gcp, gcp, compute engine, google cloud ssl certificate free, google cloud ssl wordpress
Id: oEkgaYr1xd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2019
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