Create a WordPress Website and SSL using Google Cloud Platform - 2020

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hey guys one two stop box in this video I'll show you how to install WordPress on Google cloud platform while taking advantage of the free tier that Google offers I'll also show you how to point your domain to Google cloud platform using Google domain registrar with cloud DNS I'll then show you how to create an SSL using let's encrypt which automatically renews every month and finally I'll also show you how to remove the bitNami logo if you're new to this channel please consider subscribing and help me out by clicking the like button now let's begin to start go to your Google cloud platform dashboard click on the menu and select the marketplace you can go to the menu on the left or type in WordPress we're looking for bitNami WordPress select this one and then now click lunch for deployment name you can name it to whatever you want I'm gonna name mine CIT word press 1 for zones we are going to pick a region that is part of Google's free tier zones these are the zones are currently part of the Google for ETA zones if you want to learn more about the free tier zones visit this website since certain things may change for machine-type we're going to pick f1 Micro since that is part of Google's free tier offers for both this you have two options you can put SSD or standard I'm just going to leave it as standard for the rest of the configurations everything should be good just make sure allow HTTP and allow HTTP are check which are checked by default now click deploy this will take a few minutes to deploy so I'm gonna pass forward this great our website is now live if you click on this side address you may get this notification in your browser which is fine click on your site address again as you can see our website is now live the very next thing that you want to do is update the temporary password so if we go back to our Google cloud platform he gave us an admin username and password we definitely want to update that right away and to do that login to your wordpress dashboard by clicking in your admin URL it may give you a redirect notice again click it enter the username which is user by default then paste the temporary password and then click login click the users tab on the left and then click all users as you can see we have one user now click Edit scroll all the way in the bottom and then click generate password make sure you write down that password and once you've done that click update profile the next thing we want to do is update anything that needs to be updating on my case it's the plugins I'll click on my plugins and then select them all click the bulk action update and then apply now that our wordpress is secured in up-to-date let's go back to our Google cloud platform dashboard so the next thing we want to do is point this site address to our domain name so highlight this IP address and then copy it since we're gonna need it when we configure our cloud DNS so now go to your Google cloud platform menu look for network services I'm going to pin it so he goes all the way on top on my menu and then now go to network services and pick cloud DNS now click create zone for zone type pick public for zone name pick a good name to identify your zone names and therefore DNS name you want to put your domain name without the www for DNS SEC make sure it's off when that's all is complete pick the create button now that we've created a name server click the add record set button so we can create an a record for DNS name leave it with your domain name for research record type you want to leave it at a and for TTL you want it at 30 minutes for IP address you want to paste the IP address that we copied earlier from your WordPress IP and I now click create button add another record set this time we're going to add a cname record under DNS name put ww4 record type change this Susi name for TTL let's leave that to five minutes and for a canonical name put your domain name here once that's all set click the Create button now the next thing we want to do is point these name servers on our domain name to do that you need to go to your domain registrar on my cases Google domains then modify the DNS settings this is where we're going to put the name server now go to your Google cloud platform and copy these name servers as you can see they're all pretty much the same except it's d1 to d4 so I'm just gonna copy one now go back to your domain registrar and we're gonna use custom name servers paste it here and then add all four we're simply going to modify this number so don't worry about the period the period will disappear once we click Save okay so now we just have to wait 48 hours for it to propagate most of the time this will take effect after a 10-15 minutes but if it still doesn't work you might have to wait 48 hours so wait about half hour we can test it now it should work our IP should be pointed to our domain now to check that open a browser and type in our domain right here and turn this and there is so the next thing we want to do is add an SSL now domain because it says not secure here so let's go back to our Google cloud platform go to your menu go to compute engine and click VM instances and from here we need to SSH to our VM instance click SSH once your SSH is loaded you need to enter this command I put this command in the description if you want to copy and paste it then hit enter to execute the command if you get this message it will ask you to update the certification tool I would say yes once it has updated you need to re-enter the command simply press the up arrow key and then hit enter so now we'll ask you to enter your domain name enter your domain name separated by space in my case I'm going to put can International Travel calm and put a space and then add the wwm international travel calm and then hit enter enter why for this we want all traffic to be HTTPS press Y and a hit enter for this will click no these are all the changes that's gonna happen as you can see one of them is renewing the certificate whenever it expires every month a sounds your VM instance is active your SSL certificate will always renew once you are satisfied with all the settings press Y or press n if you want to modify some changes now enter a valid email address this is where you'll get an email if there's a problem with your SSL certificate now in order for everything to work you need to agree on the e subscribers agreement if you want to read more about the agreement visit this link if you're all good press Y and then hit enter this may take a few minutes so I'll fast forward it looks like everything went well based on what it says here which says succeeded if you've successfully installed an SSL please help me out and click the like button if you haven't done so now simply press ENTER I'm gonna do a quick test to see if my SSL has been applied so open under the tab then refresh my web page here and you can see that there's a padlock there now now the last thing I want to do is remove the bit Nami logo to do that let's go back to our SSH enter this command to remove the bin I'm a logo you can also find a command on the video description now hit enter wah-wah if you run into command not found error message it is most likely that a BN config command is disabled I'll save you the time by not showing you the step-by-step commands that I tried and did not work but you can see that I've tried a few commands before realizing that the BN config is actually disabled now to view FB 18 config is disabled change the directory so we can go to D BN config folder location now that you change directory type the list command by typing LS and then hit enter now we can see that the BN config is actually disabled now to enable this we need to enter the move command this is a little bit long but the command is in the description once you've typed the whole command press Enter now we can try the first command that we entered so I'm going to copy the first one here and then paste a on this field and then hit enter great that's seem to have work without an error message now let's go to our website and check it we can refresh it and it looks like it has disappeared just to make sure I'm gonna open it in incognito mode put my website there and there it is we have an SSL the bitNami logo is gone if you want to know how to create a static website on Google cloud platform here's the link to that video thank you very much for watching I hope this video helped you
Channel: StuffedBox
Views: 10,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google cloud platform, google cloud, google cloud wordpress, create website in google cloud hosting, google cloud platform tutorial, ssl wordpress, google cloud dns set up, hosting wordpress on google cloud platform, free hosting on gcp, google cloud ssl, google cloud tutorial, one page zen, wordpress https, free web hosting ssl, best free web hosting, gcp free tier
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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