Setting up Wii Pointer Controls on Dolphin for the Steam Deck's Trackpad and Gyro [SMG2, NSMBW, RE4]

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all right so it seems that my previous video uh demonstrating the trackpad controls in uh mario galaxy 2 got quite a few views so i figured i i might as well show what i did to get my controls working the way they did but first of all i'd like to say use mudek to pre-configure dolphin because it'll create some really sane defaults for the controls and also i highly recommend you follow up with steam raw manager afterwards so you can have the games as individual titles in your steam library and that's extra important because you'll then be able to to configure your controls however you want through steam input because there's a lot of games that have some unique controls on the wii that you can't just have one universal controller profile so anyway first of all we do need still need to configure the the controls um on dolphin here because uh the defaults that enemy deck setup aren't exactly ideal for trackpad and gyro manipulation in terms of the on-screen cursor so first thing you want to do is go to controllers here go down to where here where it says emulated wii remote click on configure and the first thing i want to set up is motion simulation so the default that emi deck setup is the right stick to control the pointer and that's okay but it's not very accurate especially if i go into steam input and then put the joystick on the trackpad it's just it's not a smooth experience so we want to do is right click on each of these individual directions up down left and right and change them to basically the mouse rather than the right stick so right click hit clear and you'll see at the top here it defaults to the xbox 360 pad you're going to click on that and we're going to switch it to x input 2 0 virtual core pointer and this since we're doing the first i'm starting with the up command scroll all the way down all the way down to these right here cursors x y um x and y uh up is going to be cursor y negative y minus make sure to click select then hit ok now we're going to the next one go to down hit clear switch to virtual core pointer scroll down this time we're doing cursor y plus or positive okay left and right are going to be the x axis and clear scroll all the way down cursor x minus for uh left i believe yes should be left select okay right clear switch to virtual core pointer x positive cursor x positive okay and now you can see here as i move the cursor around that is what's being going to simulate the wii cursor so this is a much better way to set this up than the right stick because once you go into steam input you can still put map the mouse to the right stick and it'll feel just as good anyways and i believe everything else here can stay these default values dead zone 0 vertical offset 10 centimeters yaw 25 degrees in pitch 20 degrees um yeah and so that's that's the cursor now i also wasn't a fan of how they mapped the extension which is the nunchuck they they mapped c which is actually basically l on the nunchuck they mapped it to the the right trigger i believe or the left trigger the left trigger uh oh no the left trigger z and c is the oh i already remapped it myself i'm sorry but yeah i i would map c to l1 and z to l2 and then go to general and options no motion back to motion simulation z i want on the right trigger so click on z and hit the right trigger and that that's basically going to simulate the uh shaking the wii remote and that's all i'm going to do here there might be some other things that i need to do for some edge cases in other games but this should get you most of the way through so you can give this profile a name hit save and close after that we're going to go back into gaming mode and set up the controls for different games i'm going to show i'm going to show super mario galaxy 2 and new super mario brothers wii and maybe resident evil 4 i think those are some good choices so let's go to gaming mode something i'd like to point out is i do actually own all these games that i'm going to show you right now um i have wii copies specifically i own resident evil 4 on the wii and on steam mario galaxy 2 i still have the original disc it's somewhere in my shed with my original wii anyway let's load up mario galaxy 2 hit play and the first thing you're going to want to do is hit steam the steam button go to the right twice right here to controller settings it's probably hard to read on the camera controller settings hit a and up here i already created my own template so it's called uh dolphin but let's i'm just going to reset it for i'm going to reset it for the sake of demonstration here to the gamepad with mouse trackpad template that's where you want to start gamepad with mouse trackpad template now we can uh go in here and so basically we have all the xbox buttons mapped where they are so a b x y x y are actually one and two by the way in dolphin and uh this is uh i don't quite remember but we'll just we'll just roll with it so let's hit a and b go in here and now you'll see my mouse cursor is working perfectly but there's a few things i need to configure but let's go let's go in game to do that first okay so i can jump i can shoot star bits with b i can hit the right trigger to spin uh i don't think r1 does anything and crouch and jump and long jump and this should be the camera recenter button but it doesn't work here and the d-pad should yeah control the camera as well okay so something to keep in mind with steam input is that it's it creates a virtual xbox controller and a virtual keyboard and mouse and you're not limited to having the xbox buttons be where they are like labeled as they are labeled on the steam deck so you can remap anything however you want same with the keyboard and mouse so uh and that's actually really handy for the back grip buttons as well but uh one one thing first thing i'd like to do is show how to adjust the trackpad sensitivity this is pretty good but let's go to let's open steam controller settings i'm going to go to edit layout go down to track pads left uh right trackpad as mouse i'm gonna go to the gear icon right here and select and this is where you can adjust the sensitivity so if you will need it faster for whatever reason you can set it higher and now you got a much more sensitive trackpad uh the gyro i'd um i actually i tested this a bit more and i actually prefer the gyro now for crystal control so let's go back to uh edit layout go down to gyro gyro behavior as mouse and that that'll default to only activating when touching the trackpad or the stick here so if we go in game you'll see i can move it around no let go doesn't do anything but i actually kind of like it always on for this particular game so let's go back here go to as mouse right here go down to gyro gyro enable button and go all the way up to always on and i'm going to adjust the sensitivity to about 190 i think that should be good now i can be in game and i can jump shoot star bits and do everything else everything everything should be good or um just like that and i can still use the track pad oh and now let me show you how to get the right stick working for that as well just in case so let's go back here to steam input i'm going to go to joysticks right joystick behavior let's set it instead of joystick let's set it as uh joystick mouse and um i'm going to put the click back to right stick click and you can you can adjust all these since these different options however you want but the defaults are actually pretty good there you go so now you can control the cursor with the stick with the gyro and with the track pad and i'll show you how to adjust how to map stuff to the back grip buttons as well so we'll open steam input again go to buttons go to down to bumpers and you can make i like r4 to be jump in most of my game so i'll make r4 a so go um yeah so we'll select r4 add command we'll scroll to the left to gamepad select a and now i can jump with the grip button if you wanted to you could map a to any any of the other face buttons and just whatever you can map it to the trackpad click even let me show you how to do that let's open this go to trackpad right checkpoint behavior if defaults to right stick click let's change that to a and if you want to adjust the pressure sensitivity for that go to the gear icon here it defaults to soft press which is good you want to go down to settings and go scroll down soft press threshold i typically like it at uh 20 000. so now you can move the trackpad around and jump while you click on it and i could put b on l4 so i can shoot star bits like that there you go so yeah you can just remap your controls however you want that's mario galaxy 2. i'm gonna move on to new super mario brothers wii u to show you you don't need to make another unique configuration a dolphin because steam input will just let you do do whatever you want so let's get out of here exit game let's go home library non-steam let's go down to new super mario bros wii hit play and you'll see right away that the configuration that um i was using for um for super mario galaxy 2 isn't great uh but yeah let me uh let me let me get load up that configuration the my dolphin template okay i actually have not yet played this game on here so this is all going to be done in real time press 2 to start well a is working fine but 2's i believe y yes by default it is y all right now that we're in game here you'll notice right away that oh hmm weird why are my controls just working fine oh did this game work with the nunchuck i don't remember now it did didn't it well what do you know there's no need to uh reconfigure the controls for new super mario bros wii look at that alright grab the shell okay well then i will probably want to reconfigure these controls anyway um because i don't like this i like a and b to both be jump x and y to both be sprint and grab so good way to do that would be to go to face buttons here we'll make b also be a and we'll be make x and y both be b there we go now you can play both ways we've got the stick movement and the d-pad and right trigger to yeah do that and do the spin jump it's been a little it's been many years since i've played this game well this took me by surprise um all right well let's uh let's move on to resident evil 4. i well i was gonna let me just go through what i was about to show you though and anyways um let's go to controller settings edit layout d-pad right here you can make you can make the d-pad up button be uh you gotta imagine rotating the wii remote 90 uh 40 90 degrees sorry to the left and just basically reorient all the d-pad controls here assuming you're going to play a game that requires the wii remote to be sideways but apparently this game doesn't so sorry about that let's exit the game all right now that we're in resident evil 4 let's load up that that uh gamepad with mouse trackpad template and let's see what it's like here huh b to aim now why is it b to aim that's because b is the trigger on the wii remote a to shoot and trackpad controls the cursor now this isn't the worst thing but let's let's change the controls a bit around or yeah okay right trigger slash rl1 to get the knife ready okay so let's say the first thing i want to start with is the aim button and the shoot button aim with b fire yep so i'm going to put b on left trigger and a on the right trigger so let's go to edit layout go to triggers right trigger behavior i'll make the soft pull on the right trigger b and on the left trigger the soft pull is going to be a so now we go in game uh did i do it wrong oh i didn't i didn't the reverse order my bad let's go back to triggers right trigger should be a and left trigger should be b there we go next thing is set up the stick and the trackpad to both be a mouse so let's go to edit layout joysticks right joystick behavior uh joystick mouse and i and the trackpad should already have defaulted to mouse let me just up the sensitivity a bit that might be a little high but no it's good and lastly gyro in this one i'd actually prefer to use the gyro on trackpad and stick touch so gyro as mouse i'm gonna up this sensitivity a bit and it should already be default to to my preference so as soon as i aim i can do that i can use my gyro like that now the the thing that's missing now is my sorts my my knife slash so our l1 was fine and to slash was on r2 so i'm going to put r2 on r1 back to edit layout and this time go to buttons go to r1 make that right trigger and there we go now what else does this game have this i believe this game had a sprint all right so i looked it up and apparently it's left trigger to sprint uh because it's mapped to the z button on the nunchuck so i actually put that on left stick click the problem with that is you have to hold it in and using it as a toggle if you set it as a toggle it'll just toggle on and off and i don't quite remember how to make it so behaves like in most shooters but i'd also put it on a so i'm going to go to a right here the a button i'm going to add an extra command and this command i'm going to go to that gear icon here and i'm going to change that from a regular press to a no actually i'm just going to leave it a regular press make set go to settings uh no sorry add command and make that the left trigger there we go so now as long as you're holding a you can sprint just uh [Laughter] don't aim while holding it because then he'll shoot though you could go back into steam input settings here and go to face buttons and remove the original a button command and so now it's just a left trigger on a aim to shoot knife and let's see how that works out i just wasted several my bullets but it's all right oh nice now because i have a unmapped now it's actually on the trigger to uh no on the area there goes on the trigger a to check so any time the game asks you to press a you have to be pressing the right trigger but yeah that's that's basic that's the basics of uh steam input there's a lot more advanced things you can do with it but basically what i'm trying to say is feel free to leave the default uh controls in dolphin and just remap things till till they work for you depending on the game it's really great to have the games as separate uh titles in st in steam with steamroll manager because you then get the freedom to do separate controls for each game and unless dolphin has a way to configure different controls for each game i have not figured that out but this is the way i'm going to go about doing it so yeah sorry if i'm a bit rambly this time around i didn't really research this stuff ahead of time but yeah that's that's gonna be it for me and uh thank you for watching again later uh i just realized something i had a double input on the triggers so i have both a and right trigger mapped to the right trigger and b and left trigger on the left trigger and the reason for that is if you go to controller settings go to edit layout go down to triggers you see how right trigger behavior here says trigger and go to the gear icon here and go to analog output make turn that off set that from change that from right trigger to analog off on both triggers the trigger behavior analog output analog off and now yep now it should only work as a and b so now you can aim and shoot and you're all good all right that's it thank you
Channel: Moskeeto
Views: 54,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steam deck, wii emulation, emulation, trackpad controls, gyro controls, gyro gaming, steam input
Id: 9EV63gw0o6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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