setting up Synology for beginners (DSM 7.2)

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so if you remember from the last video we got our sonology Hardware all set up and ready to go uh and in this one what we're going to do is we're actually going to be setting up the anology um getting all the software going so we're just waiting for it to finish booting up getting it all powered online and then we'll get to proceed with those software steps sick it looks like it's all working now that everything is officially powered on ready to go we'll go ahead and get started with the setup process and that'll be really fun real easy we'll go through by the end of this video we'll have everything where we can start offloading files to our sonology so really exciting let's get started first thing we want to do is open a web browser and then we want to go to find. what this is going to do is it's going to scan our local network and given that we have our sonology already powered on and the network enabled it's going to scan our local network and it's going to find that sonology automatically so really cool and look at that it worked right here DS 923 plus we're just going to hit connect we're going to approve of the user license agreement and next and next click on install and next keep in mind what this is telling you it's a big warning all the data on your drives in your Synology at this point will now be erased for us it's not a big concern because these were brand new drives but if you have existing drives with existing data know that all the data on those drives will be erased we're going to select understand and continue this will take anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes so we're going to let this run through we're going to let it run through and then I'll be right back with you once it's done now it's ready to start setting up oh sweet okay so we're going to click on start now we're going to give the device name I'm just going to name mine syy you can name it yours whatever you want and now we're going to go ahead and set up an administrator account I'm going to call mine and then whatever password you want to come up with we want to use password best practices uh capital letter lowercase letter number symbol all that really good stuff that creates good complex passwords this is going to be to administrate your sonology so this password you want to make sure it's really really secure so we're going to say next this is how it's going to update I'm going to automatically install all packages I find that the updates tend to be pretty trustworthy uh you can create a sonology account I'm going to skip this for now and then this is asking you if it wants to collect device analytics I always say no I never agree I'm a little Rebel okay so now we have Sony drive server Sony office Sony photos it's prompting us to install it we're not going to cover it in this video so for now we're going to say no thanks and then extended warranty you can register we're going to skip for now enabling two fact authentication always a great idea along with good password management is always enabling two Factor authentication so we're going to go ahead and enable now what we want to do is from single Factor authentication which is only a password we don't want to do that we want to do two Factor authentications so we're going to select that and there's a couple of different steps uh they seem to all be pretty solid you can use the syy app you can use a verification code or you can use a Hardware Key like an UB key a pass key that's a more modern way of doing it for now we're just going to do uh the device code and it's going to ask for my current password so standby say okay and we're going to go next now you're going to scan this on your phone or in uh wherever you save your multiactor authentication and now we're just going to enter that verification code and say next so this is asking if we want to do a backup email I would recommend um if you're worried about possibly losing your device and you don't have more than one location to have this on backup email might be good for you this is going to be a personal decision for users and my own experience where users tend to lose their mobile authentication codes the most is when they go to upgrade their phones even though you have your phone data backed up that backup doesn't include those doesn't always include those multifactor authentication codes so that's where I find that users ping me the most and and say hey I forgot my multiactor authentication I go hey don't worry about it we've I I can reset that for you not a problem in this case I can't reset it for you so uh backup email in that case for example if you just have it on your phone that might be a good idea for you okay we're going to go ahead and say that's okay we're going to go ahead and click done and now we have two- Factor authentication enabled we're going to hit apply and we're going to get out of that okay now uh DSM is prompting us to create a storage pool in a volume and that's going to be the first thing we need to do before we can do anything else with this so just real quick what is the difference between a storage pool a volume and then later we'll see something called shared drives easiest way to remember is a storage pool is your array of discs okay so for storage pool we're going to decide what discs we want to be in the storage pool so storage pool is a collection of physical hard drives or physical ssds it's the physical discs the volume are the partitions of your storage pool in most cases you're going to have one storage pool one volume or one partition on that storage pool that works for most people and then of course shared folder we'll see that later on but those are the folders on your volume so we're going to start here for raid type so we have a few different options I would recommend shr raid five or Raid six raid five provides us with one fault tolerance so one disc can go bad in your sonology uh and you can swap that out real quick raid six provides a two disk fault tolerance so two diss can go bad in your sonology and you can swap those out shr is similar to raid five where you get fault tolerance for one disc where shr and raid five differ is shr provides additional expandability options that I find is really really useful when you're using sonology devices so with shr for example I've got 18 terab drives within my sonology right now let's say I want to increase the amount of volume on my sonology Nas with shr it's as simple as pulling one of the 8 tbte drives out and plugging in a larger drive so like a 10 a 12 a 16 shr will automatically detect that that's a larger drive and will expand the size of your pool if you don't use shr so if you're just using raid five you would have to replace every single one of those drives in your raid before you can use the additional data those drives provide so shr I find it to be really really good because it provides me additional flexibility with my storage needs I don't have to buy the drives all at once I can buy them one at a time and that's the way I want to go so shr we're going to select all the drives in our raid cuz all those drives we want to to assign to our pool we're going to hit next this is asking how much of the volume do we want to have for size we're just going to Max it out because again we only have one volume for a one pool so we're going to give that volume the max amount of size file system so this is how the file structure is going to be on your sonology NZ highly recommend btrfs it's a modern file system btrfs gives us uh snapshots which is the biggest reason you should be using BT RFS it's a copy onrite type uh storage format which means instead of overwriting data when we change it it just creates a new copy of that data and so by creating new copies of that data you can enable what's called snapshotting which is basically where it saves those old copies so that if anything ever happened to our latest copy we could go into that snapshot and retrieve old copies of that file so it's saving the versions of that file we enable snapshotting that's a unique feature to btrfs and the largest reason we want to use that it also has additional data inection uh it also has additional data Integrity protection uh that we can enable so in 99% of cases just go with btrfs and you're good to go so encrypt this volume so what does encrypt this volume do well basically it's asking us do we want to encrypt the data that's on our Synology kind of like how bit Locker on PC works and that ensures that if anybody ever stole the drives within our Synology those drives would be unreadable because the data on those drives are encrypted so we always want to again in 99% of cases we want to enable this encrypt this volume with that there is a caveat if for some reason something happens to our sonology Nas because what will happen is the Sony NZ will save a copy of its key so that when you boot up the Synology it can unencrypt that those files but if something happens toy NZ that automatic de encryption of the volume won't work so our data will remain encrypted it's going to now ask us what we want to use as a password so if something happens to our Soni NZ we can manually unencrypt that data with a password or a encryption key if you lose that password I'm going to underline this if you lose that password or that encryption key your data is encrypted and it's gone like the data is there but it's encrypted you you will not be able to get that data back it's encrypted you want to save this password and this key in a very very secure location and we don't want to save either the encryption key or the password on our sonology NZ because that would be like leaving our keys inside the car locking it and then being like oop and I guarantee that if you lock the keys inside your car you're not going to be able to call the lockpick guy and get those keys back out because there's no lockpick guy that's going to be able to help you unencrypt your sonology NZ all right I've made mine incredibly long again I'm only going to need this password in a worst case scenario and if that ever happens I don't mind entering it in manually but I wanted it to be super long so that it's very very secure click okay and then it's going to ask us do we want to save this file the answer is yes and we want to save it in a really good secure place okay so we're going to confirm we received the key we downloaded it we will keep it safe and we're going to say okay now it's building our storage pool okay so we're good to go I'm going to go ahead and exit out of these for now we'll do that later but we've got our storage pool it's now going to optimize it in the background that's fine it takes a takes a bit to do that it's working in the background and and we'll just let that run now we want to create our first shared folder so that we can actually start using this so we're going to open file station and then if you want to go to shared folder page to create a shared folder click okay so we're going to click okay I'm going to name this videos I'm just going to be using this for storing my uh YouTube video when I'm no longer editing them so this is going to be kind of a cold storage for my u YouTube videos so I'm going to enable this videos the location is already on volume one so that's perfect and then we have a few options here hide the shared folder in my network places basically if you open up your Windows PC and you go to my network places this can hide that shared folder from that location hide subfolders and files from users without permissions I always recommend enabling this generally the idea is that if a user doesn't have permission to view that shared folder so let's say you have a shared folder just for human resources you don't want to see any of those files or those folders within the human resource folder okay not that you don't want them to open it but you don't even want them to know that a file exists you might have a file on a an employee you might have multiple files on an employee uh and you don't want that employee to see all the file names okay so I usually uh enable this option here to hide subfolders and files from users without permission and then you can or cannot enable recycle bin and restrict that access to administrators only basically if you delete a file it would act as a recycle bin and would hold that in the recycle bin for a limited amount of time before it deletes it could be useful for you okay now because we're already encrypting the volume we don't need to encrypt the shared folder you would only really use encryption so protect the shared folder by encrypting it you would probably only use that setting if you had if you aren't enabling volume encryption and then protect this shared folder with right once right once would be it's it's a way of saving the data so that you can once it's written you can't touch or modify or delete that data in any way think about a ransomware attack so what a ransomware attack is doing is it's going after your data and it's encrypting the data it's modifying that dat data okay if you have right once technology once you've written that data ransomware can't go in and then modify that data because it's protected from modifications we're not going to enable it there are specific circumstances where right one once makes sense for example if it's a backup of existing data you might want to enable right once so that uh ransomware can't affect your backups um or if you have regulatory requirements so again a business usage you might want to enable right ones but for us uh we're not worried about it so we're going to skip these additional security measures configure advanced settings enable data check sum for Advanced Data Integrity remember I told you btrfs has some additional features that we can enable this is one of them I always recommend turning this on there's stuff that doing on the back end to keep your files good and accessible and all the data intact um and so we want to enable that for sure okay and then enable file compression normally I don't recommend enabling file compression there are performance hits to enabling file compression but if you're doing this like it's a cold storage then enabling file compression might make sense like it does for me because I want these uh videos once I put them on the sonology NZ I want to take uh up as little room as possible so I can put as many videos as possible so this is all we do and then I don't care about shared quote data uh shared folder quota that's if you just want that folder to take up uh x amount of size on the drive so that folder isn't infinitely expandable but for us we're not worried about it now it's creating that shared folder now we want to give it permission so by default admins always have rewrite access so that's perfect and we're going to hit apply and there we go okay so our shared folder is all created our sonology Nas is now up and running and you might be wondering okay all all right good now how do I get to it all right so very last thing I need to show you in this video is how do we get to areny NZ so we want to be in control panel you know what let's just go to control panel as if we're doing it fresh let's go to control panel let's go to file services and then let's go to SMB tab which is the tab it opens up by default enable SMB service basically this is the protocol it uses to talk to for your PC to talk to the net as and share files back and forth all right so that's how it works it uses SMB now if we go down a little bit we see back slashback slash and then the sonology name we set up in the earlier step this is going to be how we access our Synology from file explorer so let me show you that so once we have file explorer open what we're going to want to do is from the address bar so this bar up here we're going to select it and then we're just going to type in as you can already see back slashback slash sonology so we're just typing this name right here backback slsy right into our address field and then we're going to hit enter now give it a moment because it usually takes a little bit of time to load and then when it's done we see our Synology right here and this is it so this is the shared folder that we just created what I want to do is probably create a pinned uh access to it so that I can get back to it really quickly so I'm going to click the three dots and then pin to quick access now what that will do is it will pin our new sonology right here to our quick access bar so we can just get back to that as quickly as possible this PC sonology Okay so we've got our our sonology all set up we're ready to put some data on this anology like we are good to go we're happy we're happy so after this we're going to be releasing another video with five essential settings you want to change on your sonology NZ these are like really really important settings so you won't want to miss that one be sure you tune in until then I'll see you next time take care
Channel: Nick Talks Tech
Views: 1,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Synology dsm 7.2 setup, Synology guide, dsm software, nas setup tutorial, synology beginners guide, synology nas, synology nas beginners guide, synology nas for beginners, synology nas setup, synology setup guide
Id: SNnKpA-loXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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