Setting Up my Classroom: Day 4 | 2017-2018

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good morning guys day 4 Friday of my first week back and today is going to be focused on my classroom library I decided there was no point in doing my hair today because I just put it up anyway so yeah also I believe this is a blush I'm wearing it may just be a highlighter but I've been wearing it as a blush I got it in my Ipsy box I know this is like totally not teacher related but for all you makeup lovers out there I did use to make makeup YouTube videos so I think the trend for so long has been to wear matte blush like not shimmery for those of you that don't know the term and then highlighter became so popular well if you just wear a shimmery blush you don't even have to worry about highlight and it looks so beautiful I know some people don't like the texture on their cheeks that low but I like it I like it a lot so last night I printed a few things different like letter templates for my word wall I don't know what I'm going to go with but I have a couple ideas that I'm going to try out today and see what they look like I haven't decided yet if I'm living at coffee because it's already 9 o'clock I don't think I'm going to I brought tea to school so I think I'm going to make that that is the plan let's go oh my goodness I was in the office for like 30 minutes because I had to handle some reimbursement stuff and there's just so much going on in the air so I'm in my classroom finally it's 9:40 and today I'm dedicating my time to my classroom library all of my books are in here so I guess I'm just going to start taking them out and bring them to the library now I labeled most of them at the end of the year I made new labels for the ones that weren't labeled I have more books so this is going to be a long process hopefully it won't be too hard so I cleaned out the whole bottom shelf I'll show you what that consisted of but I also need this box has all of my library labels and then I brought some from home as well they need to grab so that shelf had all my book bins and then these books some of them are labeled actually all of them might be labeled so I'm going to sort them based on where they belong alright so those of you that are either new to my channel or just haven't seen me talk about them these labels are from pocketville primary I made these because these are the ones she didn't have but I needed but this is what hers look like so each label has a image and then those image images I turned into stickers she has them laid out as little circles that you can cut and then tape on so I just printed it on label paper so it became a sticker so this one is science so I need to go through my box and find my science label and then find all the science books and put them together which mostly they are arms such a great Packer it turns out that my labels are in the order that I put my books in the closet so here's the science label I didn't cut these my assistant did last year or someone and I'm a little disappointed but it will be okay so looking at this stack I need to kind of decide what kind of basket I need to use obviously I need one bigger than the chapter books so I would either be using a yellow one or a big blue one and typically for my larger books I like to use this big sturdy one since its woven this one is from Hobby Lobby so I'm going to place my books in there [Music] and then I have these books which are all about weather but I do still have room and then so I could put two labels on this basket but weather is science and luckily I haven't labeled those yet because I had to make the labels so I may just label these with science we'll see I haven't decided how I'm going to put these labels on yet I think I might just do it the way pocket full primary does with the Rings and she punches holes in these so they hang because they don't always stay with tapes now I have cam Jansen mixed which I see some over there so I'm going to find all my campaigns in books so I just went ahead and sorted all the books based on their symbols and then put the matching label with them and I have these books that I didn't have labels for I have Geronimo's Dylan and then these I'm putting in a reference category because they're all just different types of books and then I have a few in here that are reference as well I think most of these are actually like atlases and encyclopedias and things so I'm going to keep all those together so I know I have a ton more Boxcar Children books so I'm going to hold off on that this will need a box on its own as for the rest of my books like Judy Moody I only have two so I labeled them separately because I may eventually get more but I'll probably put Judy Moody and maybe Judy Blume together with two labels on the bin that way in case I need to separate them in the future they're already labeled separately I received a lot of encyclopedia type books from one of my relatives at my graduation party and they are so cool but the big book of knowledge that there's one page in the beginning my kids found it last year so I taped it closed right here it just talks about boys and girls I think so and shows parts and things obviously it's just drawings but so I don't know if I should keep this book out or not like the rest of it is just about animals I don't know let me know if you guys have ever heard of this book and if you think it's appropriate for fourth grade same goes for this one I'm like looking through it it's basically just cool faxed I guess it's okay to put in there let me know if you guys know this book along with others is absolutely stunning is that blue background stunning huh no I know it's a lot of writing but like the pictures are just neat to look through but it doesn't fit either way okay so I separated all those out in two bins what I'm planning on doing is these bins the ones with the handle I just think it brings something to the library it's like different I'm going to put them on this corner bookshelf and that's going to be more like series that fourth graders should be reading I guess you could say and things I have a lot of I have Boxcar Children which there's more in the closet Kate DiCamillo and then Beverly Cleary are some I have so far the bins that are like kind of empty I don't know if I'm going to put more books in them or what it depends on what I have so I'm going to go get the rest of the books off the shelf okay I haven't cleared the whole shelf yet but I just have a ton out here that I could sort this is when I get stuck because I'm literally surrounded by books I guess what I'll have to do is start putting these on shelves to clear some space put these in buckets to clear some space this is what I have so far I'm so thankful like all these black stickers I did this the last day I was here last school year on every single book a half I'm so happy I did that I would not want to do it right now I wouldn't the ones that are not yet labeled I still have on the floor these are the ones I had to make new label for and then they're not organized at all the way I just put them on this bookshelf since it was the closest and obviously this is not how I'm going to do it these yellow ones I have to end up turning sideways to fit the books and properly but those are all sorted and labeled my these books here I have like two that are fairytale to litter poetry but they're all picture books so I think I'm just going to change the labels and put them together and then save these for more novel type books or if I ever become an e Li teacher and have a lot more poetry books or just get more poetry books anyway then maybe I can make a section like that but I think I'm going to make a picture book one and then these are not labeled all right time to clean out that closet eyes this shelves are empty I'm so excited one of them is going to be filled with the science textbooks the custodian took the social studies ones away since I don't teach it anymore and I'm not a textbook user at all but just in case I kept the science ones also on days when I have like I need a substitute unexpectedly the textbook is just easy sub plans so because they just read and answer the questions you know so I'm keeping them just in case so now I'm going to sort the rest of these and then I'll get back to you when I'm ready to start labeling I was so nervous that not labeling books at the end of the year because I didn't have labels to go with them I thought I would be so confused now but everything's sorted guys it's 1052 I've been in my classroom for a little over an hour and my library is sorted so I have a more of a stack of picture books which I'm happy about so that's definitely going to be changed into picture but I do have to label quite a few but that's okay I need to put the ones that are already labeled into bins now into the top corner all right so my camera has charged a little bit I think it's been about an hour but everything is cleaned up almost i'm just labeling these few books here everything's just on a shelf out of my way and I can't find my one inch hole puncher anywhere I looked this morning at home I don't know what I did with it now I'm currently using scissors to cut out the circles which is fine because there's not that many books and I just want to get this done with so yeah that's what I'm working on now and the only labels I don't have our comedy and picture books so I'll have to print those out and then I guess I'll kind of organize a little bit how I want the shelves see three of those sideways takes up that whole shelf which is nice because I do have a ton of bookshelves now a ton well last year I think I had three so now I have that additional one and this huge one as well so I have to decide how I'm going to attach my labels I'm definitely probably going to do the Ring thing I just need to find a one hole punch I need to still label my reference books and I have a few geography in there so I'm going to do both for that and I just need to label my picture books everything else is labeled I also need to find om comedy I also need to find a place for my goose bump obviously I have enough baskets I can move things around and I'm going to continue this in a little bit at least it's all out here right now a little while ago I took the time to get some file folders and I wrote numbers 1 through 30 right here and then my name right here these are going to be folder in the process of being laminated and then once I have my permanent classlist I can put the kids names up here what we do is we put a paper on the inside to get signed and we send home their graded work every two weeks just in a simple laminated file folder so I can put those away and then I'm going to go ahead and move all the text books into the bottom shelf here as I was organizing my books I came up with this idea that I actually got from oh I'll put the title here but when I think it was from that book it's from something I read that I think on either for homeless on the first night or sometime during the first or second day of school I'm going to give the students this little survey about books there's going to be questions on there like to rate I guess maybe with emoji something simple and straightforward I like adventure I like hearing stories about dragon I like series I like stories I can connect with I like made-up stories I like stories about famous people I like stories about things time history just different things questions without stating the actual genres and I'm going to ask them their all-time favorite book which is why I think I might want to send it home so they can like think about it and not just think of the first book that comes to their head the next day after that I want to pick out a few books for each kid and put it on their desk that they can choose from to start reading so kind of like a little recommendation and as they're looking through their book and taking the time to read I'm going to have each table group go to the library to return the book that they decided they don't want they're only going to keep one or two and that way they'll get a feel for the library you'll search for where the book is returned to they'll be able to see what's there but also I gave them some recommendations based off of what they're interested in and then I can kind of make it like I'm going to be watching who is looking hard to be the best reader as their seed and then when they get the chance to return their books whose being the most gentle and particular about where it goes because that's the person that's going to get me the job of the librarian or something like that I really want to focus my first two days of school because we're not starting content until Thursday I really want to focus my get-to-know-you activities and just first day of school activities on things that are actually going to be happening in my classroom practicing procedures without the kids realizing it one thing I'm going to be doing in math I've been talking about all summer is centers I want to do something starting day one where the kids have to rotate because I want to instill that in them so I have all these ideas in my head once I make the book interest survey I will definitely put it on teachers good teachers so you guys can snag that as well [Music] [Music] here's the small milk crates I was talking about I'm going to put these the front of my room stacked and one is going to have Expo markers one is going to have the facial sponge erasers I wanted to show you guys what I got in the mail look how perfect they are oh my gosh I am so in love they're like the perfect size there's just a little touch so cute so Jade thank you so so so so so much you are so sweet to send me these and I can't wait to put them on right now it's awesome because they also have a white background so that means that I can do the stripes first and then I can go ahead and put this on last so I'm going to go do that now alright so as you can see they're peeling up and gross they're all stuck together at the moment I really can't get them apart so I'm going to start on this bottom one [Music] so I'm just going to end up getting some new yellow fabric because this is so dirty I've washed it and it still didn't come out and it's just gross so I'm going to get some new yellow fabric but this is my memory foam that I cut up that is from them sitting on it last year and this cushion was on the bottom so I flipped it I also sprayed them down and washed them the way you're supposed to wash a mattress so there's bad but all of the stools are complete thank goodness because not my favorite thing to do but it was actually quite easy I don't know what I was thinking last year but I bought so many little rolls of tape and this year I only used one okay so I have a couple of options for my letters for my word wall and I wanted to know what you guys think first of all I'm going to make them as big as these two right here but let me get closer so I could show you so since it says new words are popping up all year I thought it would be so cute to do little popcorn buckets so that's what those look like and like I said I would make it as big as those down there and it looks good with the yellow or I have this design here and then the next letter would be except I don't like the colorful letters so I'd make the letter black and maybe I don't really like this one then I have pennant flag or just regular alphabet letters from teach create movie so if I have popcorn bucket the size of those I think that would look best let me know what you guys think down below please let me know some people are just asking me what the bar is for on my board it's to hang my anchor charts from that way I can easily change it out based on what we're talking about make sure you guys are watching all of my videos because I may talk about something in the previous vlog that I reference in the next one so it's all in a playlist for setting up my classroom right now I will put it in a card up here or wherever so you guys can see it tickets are going to be awesome name tags are the perfect size they're not too big and not too small so I'll have one in each corner this will be my homeland and my partner teachers cool and they come in a ton of colors blue green pink yellow purple red okay so I haven't really gone through my cabinet much yet and most of them I mean I'm so happy I cleaned like I took everything out before the end of the year last year and I organized it back in so this one besides a couple of extra like extra baskets and stuff these two shelves are all my science materials and then this as you can see is tissues baby wipes now this shelf I just put my library labels and file folders over for now and then the bottom is the science books and the old whiteboard I also got all my cabinet fixed so the doors closed asked me how excited I am I moved this paper back er over here I don't know how I like it because it has to fit sideways I could put it on the top but I don't want too much on the top and this cabinet I strategically put this next to my desk because all this is going to be moved but this is where I can hang my jacket put my bag I have a mirror and this is all of my stuff all these popcorn buckets I'm totally not going to have out this year I just had with all of the bookshelves behind my desk last year it was just a space to just store things that were unnecessary to keep out a lot of it's like extras like extra full file folder things and extra basket so I'll have to go through it and my pencil sharpener Oh like those two clear ones I had on a bookshelf last year like why that's all extra materials I don't need that out this shelf is a bunch of resources I don't need all that out either because I don't grab for that every day and then the bottom one that's my light box and a random cord so that one isn't bad the top is all pocket charts I don't really need that I have except now since I have all that wall space I could totally put a pocket art up back there which I may do I have a nice Venn diagram one that I would love to use and then my front cabinet here this is someone that's pretty stuffed so these are all I don't know if all of them are but a lot of these are second grade materials I'm giving them to my friend who just got a second grade position and these are my math read Aloud's flashcards are back there but those are like addition and subtraction that's why they're so far away different manipulatives these are the place value mats which I'm really excited about eva racers we use four whiteboard timelines so just different things different resources like this is really old but we still use this for like homework and stuff and here is most of the stuff that I plan on using like my place value I mean base ten blocks pattern box protractors decks of cards dice back there dominoes go sticks and scissors obviously that's going to be moved but and then this shelf I was making like the kid-friendly shelf so like these are the Legos they play with at recess indoor recess some games and puzzles these are all the coloring things I had last year is not so sad and then there's playdough which I don't let them play with that recess but it's on there and then a huge thing of pencils back there this box I've yet to go through it's a bunch of math manipulatives and then this shelf is just filled with my boarders and posters and this shelf is filled with lined paper and other things those are all just plastic bags so yeah my cabinets are pretty organized I want to label them and get all of these kinds of containers but little by little we're getting there if you just saw this part is it look better I guess I'll just go through dis stuff next week because I'm pretty much ready to go like I said I didn't really organize my library today I started moving some things just the red bins over here oh yeah I found those two bins I don't know if I even said that that's the point of starting this clip I found these in my cabinet now I can put these books in here and I have more things to fill up my shelves look at how great people [Music] yay a week of work this place has really transformed not even a week just four days that's it my first week back I am headed home for the weekend and I have a lot of good ideas I'm so excited and happy that I've I'm so ahead of the game and I've gotten so much done I don't know if you guys realize this but I've pretty much been the only teacher at school all week I've seen two other teachers so one of them was here because she's going on vacation next week and she just moves classrooms this year so she had a lot of setting up to do anyway and I was there every day I got my bulletin boards done I got my popcorn stools redone still have to do the cushion part but that's okay I got my library is perfectly labeled every single book is labeled and that makes me so happy I got the layout the way I wanted it I got all of my issues fixed when I was just before I left my one of the custodians came in and fixed my intercom because for some reason that didn't work all year last year so now I don't have to answer my phone every time a kid needs to run up to the office for something awesome and I've gotten chairs swapped out everything is just great like I don't have to worry about anything because yay and my partner teacher is coming on Monday so that will be exciting I won't be alone anymore I'm done with being alone and I'm ready to see everyone so I hope you guys have been enjoying my videos and I will well this will be posted on Monday so I'll see you the rest of this week I hope your classrooms are coming along great - definitely maybe we should start a hashtag about classroom first look or something I don't know okay well subscribe if you haven't go watch my other videos in the playlist if you haven't to catch up and don't forget to give this video a thumbs up I will see you in the next one bite
Channel: PuttingFourthEffort
Views: 139,619
Rating: 4.8401122 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, education, educator, fourth grade, first year, tips, tricks, classroom, the classroom diva, the lettered classroom, tina bietler, elementary, a cozy classroom, pocketfulofprimary, set up, second year, classroom library, organize, labels, separate, books, bins, storage, popcorn, seats, stools, decorating
Id: oaYQiddcSoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2017
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