Setting up a Tor Router and Browser on a Raspberry Pi 4

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hello I'm the everyday hacker in this video I will be showing you how to create a Tor router on a Raspberry Pi however please note that this is an educational video only and I do not condone anyone using this information for any harmful purposes while Tor routers can be useful for protecting privacy and anonymity they can also be used for illegal activities such as accessing dark websites or hiding one's location while committing cyber crimes so please be sure to use this knowledge responsibly and ethically alright so this is the Raspberry Pi 4. this is a single board computer that has all the ports on a regular computer and it runs something called raspbian raspbian is a form of Linux or a Linux distro it's got the two HDMI ports right there it's got a USBC Port it's got two USB regular ports and and two USB 3.0 ports and a network Jack right there and this can also connect to Wi-Fi so in this video we're going to turn this Raspberry Pi 4 into a Tor Browser that can access the dark web so there's only a few things that can access the dark web and a Tor Browser is one of them all right guys so this is the Raspberry Pi desktop now I skipped a few things before we got to here I skipped a part where I created a username and password and I skipped a part where I connected to the Wi-Fi so make sure you guys are connected to your Wi-Fi and make sure you're in a network so I'm connected to my Wi-Fi so we can move on to the next step so the first thing we're going to need to do is on the top left corner here we're going to click on this Raspberry Pi icon scroll all the way down to preferences scroll all the way down to Raspberry Pi configuration in the middle here it says interfaces make sure your SSH is enabled to if it's uh to the left make sure you move it to the right here and then click on ok now the reason we want SSH enabled is because we're going to remotely access our Raspberry Pi using putty on the top left we're going to click on the terminal now we're going to type in ifconfig to find our IP address so if config then hit enter that's going to give us our that's going to give us our Pi's IP address if you're connected to uh the VLAN or the wireless network your your IP address is going to be this part here where it says wlan0 mine my IP address for my Pi is yours is probably going to be something different so just memorize yours now we can install putty on our Windows PC alright guys so this is putty right here pretty simple to install all you do is go to Google type in putty download then once once you're done you should see something like this where it says host name or IP address we're going to type in our Raspberry Pi's IP address minus you guys it's gonna be different then yes then click on yes so now we have to type in our username and password my username is pi and my password is the the default one raspberry yours is going to be different so now we remotely accessed our Raspberry Pi so now we're in the terminal now we're going to do most of this stuff on our Windows side because our Windows side is a lot easier to work with then we're going to do a few other things in our graphical user interface for our Raspberry Pi later on now one thing that I created I'm going to leave a link to it in the description and let me adjust this you can see this a lot better I'm going to put the terminal there I'm going to put this URL here so I created a text document with all the instructions needed to finish this to get this to work but uh you guys don't have to like type everything in so you could just copy and paste like I'm about to do so under step one we're going to copy this code here sudo app get install tour we're not going to copy the quotations by the way everything but the quotations we're going to hit enter so this is going to install the Tor Browser we're going to type in y for yes and hit enter let it do its thing all right one once that's done we're gonna move on to step two step two we're gonna copy this code we're gonna edit a file using Nano so sudo Nano Etc store slash t-o-r-t-o-r so we're gonna copy this line of code here on the second option this is going to allow us to edit a Tor file and we're going to make a few changes hit enter this should pop out what I'm going to do is for this terminal I'm going to drag it down so it's a lot easier so under step three we're gonna un uncomment this line here where it says hidden service directory and then the one that says headed Service Port 80 we're going to uncomment those so we're gonna look for those I'm gonna scroll down here and we're gonna find those and then uncomment those all right so I found them they're right here so these two that says hidden service director and hit import see where you have the comment here or the uh or the hashtag delete that and hit space then we can do the same thing with the other one I hate when I hit space again so now we uncommented this line of code here now all we have to do is hold Ctrl click on x when it's prompt type in y then enter to save that file now we can move on to the next step so the next step is actually step five here we're gonna copy this line of code to stop our to our services then we're going to start them again and copy that line of code then I'm gonna uh then the next line of code is to start it's also I'm going to copy that same line of code but just change the stop to start then hit enter so now we're starting to our services so now we're going to check the status of our services and that's number six here so we're going to copy this line of code here to check their status of our services I'm going to paste it we're going to hit enter now if everything's working well and they're active here we have an active with green writing right next to it if we see the green branding and it says active that means it's working so now all we have to do is hold Ctrl type Z right and we're going to restart our services again so I'm going to make sure we go back to where it says uh services start again start the services so our services started again now we're going to move on to the next step the next step is to get our Tor IP address so this is this line of code here is going to allow us to do that paste it here that's number seven hit enter if you got this string with a DOT on yet at the end that means it's working so copy yours I'm going to copy mine make sure you paste it in a secure area because we're going to need to use it at the end make sure you paste it somewhere safe and we're going to use it later on so our next step is to install something called nginx NG INX is a web server this is the thing that's going to allow us a way to host something onto the dark web so it's pretty cool it's pretty fast and I'll show you how it works so we're going to copy the code under step 8 here and we're going to install that web server type y to hit enter so I'm going to skip mine where we check the status it should be working and now we're going to go to step number 10. I'm going to copy this line of code we're going to edit another file I'm gonna hit enter now in that file we're going to uncomment uh two lines of code here so we can uncomment where it says server token off and we're going to uncomment something where it says server name in redirect scroll down and look for those two items so I found it right here where it says server token off we want to make sure we all right here delete this hashtag and make sure it's lined up with this other code here if it's not lined up with this other code it's not going to work with python it gets really weird when it comes to lining up with other code make sure again we just deleted that server token off the the hashtag in front of it and we made sure we lined it up in front of this right here now we're going to do the same thing with server name in redirect so survey name and redirect redirect is this line here so we're going to scroll down we're going to do the same thing we're going to make sure we delete that hashtag thing but we're going to also make sure it's lined up with the other ones and under server token off we're going to type in something else here so I'm gonna hit enter and we're gonna go under it right now and on the step 12 it wants us to copy this line of code here and paste it see under the server token off that we just uncommented right here it wants us to copy this line of code and paste it under there so Port underscore in underscore redirect space off semicolon so I'm going to copy this under the server token off make sure make sure it's lined up as well and once once that's done we're going to hit control we're going to press X I'm gonna press y then we're going to press enter Then we're receive that file successfully now we exited the Nano now we're going to restart our web server to nginx to do that we're going to copy this line of code here under step 14 and we're going to paste it right here hit enter all right so I have a typo I forgot to type the s for sudo so I'm going to redo that again I'm gonna hit enter so we restarted our web services now we're pretty much done with installing all the necessary stuff for that sort part now we gotta install something called the tour browser which is going to allow us to view stuff on the dark web so to do that I left a link to that part here so we're going to click on that right here right I'm going to click that link and scroll down see where it says this line of code wget if you want to copy that code here just press this button on top where it says copy I'm going to copy this line of code and we're going to paste it onto the terminal and we're going to hit enter what this is going to do it's going to install something called Pi hyphen apps this thing is going to have everything we need to install uh to our but it has other stuff that you could you could install as well but it also has a tour to our browser that we're looking for give it about a minute so to install all right so now that that's done we're going to jump back into our Raspberry Pi desktop all right so we're back in our Raspberry Pi desktop now if it worked you're gonna see something that says Pi apps here a new desktop icon double click this desktop icon click on execute now on top we want all apps here then we're going to scroll all the way down to the t's for Tor so this is the tour browser right here this Purple Onion looking thing we're going to click on it this should pop up for tour installed click on install and let it let it do its thing now if you see this here where it says installed Source successfully now we could close that remember guys this uh PI app stick has a million different things you could install I would recommend you use this to install any app for Raspberry Pi I'm going to close this I'm going to click on the Raspberry Pi icon in the top left now in Internet we should see the Tor Browser so click on the tour browser now we finally finally installed our Tor Browser this is what's going to allow us to connect to the dark web or to the tour router see right here once you see this screen all you have to do is click on connect here and it's going to establish a connection to the tour networks all right so now it fully established a connection now we're fully connected to the dark web we have a privately accessed browser here so now we're going to copy our tour address that we that we copied earlier we're going to paste it onto this address here then hit enter all right so if it worked you should see the welcome to nginx so that means it's hosting our webpage here and in a future video I'm going to show you how to edit all this right here and it's pretty simple in this video I just wanted to show you how to create a recipe pi to our router then install the Tor Browser then be able to connect privately connect to a tour to our Network and access the dark web so if you guys like this video please give me a like and if you want more videos like this please subscribe to my channel I'm Kristin from and thank you guys for watching hey everyone I just want to remind you that this video was for educational purposes only I hope you've learned something new and interesting but please don't use any of the information in this video for malicious purposes it's important to always use your Knowledge and Skills ethically and responsibly take care of yourself and stay safe this is the everyday hacker signing out
Channel: Rasmurtech
Views: 7,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raspberry pi, raspberry pi 4, raspberry pi 3, raspberry pi projects, pi, raspberry pi 4 projects, dark web, access the dark web, dark web website, how to make a dark web website, dark web raspberry pi, tor network, the onion router, top raspberry pi projects, how to access dark web, what is the dark web, dark net, how to access the dark web, access dark web, best raspberry pi projects, how to get on the dark web, dark web tutorial, what is dark web, raspberry pi tutorial
Id: 4DcxLx3k9v8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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