Revamping The 850j Dozer: Major Blade Repairs And Enhancements

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Man Behind the Scenes welcome welcome back welcome back welcome welome back to Indiana I know welcome to the winter wonderland yeah yeah I feel like before we even start this video we need to give some like background of what's going on behind me and in real time not YouTube time and then then we'll get to what we're doing today [Music] yeah all right let's get our fine folks up to speed this morning first off can we talk about how we live in Southern Indiana and it's like 42 degre on the inside that door yeah but good news is it's nice and comfy in here I'm in my shop shoes so all right in real world time it is January 15th MH I have not picked up this camera since December 23rd no December 22nd yeah somewhere in there so you guys want to know my my videos are like two months behind cuz sometimes I go a whole month without filming anyway yeah but good news I picked you guys up off the shelf this morning yeah here's you know what else is fun and interesting is the videos that are airing right now on YouTube as we're filming this is the ones where everybody thinks I fired you yeah yeah that's what uh that's what you said I still ain't got to watch that video apparently my title worked because I did replace you but I didn't put temporarily in the title cuz nobody watched the video and figured out it was temporarily yeah not permanently obviously you're still here still here and well crash is not yeah crash's nicknames worked out pretty good though yeah yeah it all right anyways hopefully I know you guys are probably seeing this in Easter or something but hopefully you guys had a good holiday and you're surviving this cold blast we are thankfully in this nice warm heated cozy shop this morning yeah which is a whole I wouldn't be here you getting hon in your own age I am hey somebody sent you a heater for bubba dump yeah yeah I heard all about that yes I got to figure out where it's at but somebody did send you a heater from bub that reminds me somebody else sent you a package inside oh really I get that so I'm getting so I've been we went on a family vacation and then I went on a business trip wasn't vacation me and Bill yeah and then what else happened there's been all kinds of stuff happened oh we had the whole kind of a Down week with I I lied we did film one video between then it's the burned down house remember oh yeah yeah we did do that sorry yeah yeah I was back for like 3 or 4 days we tore the house down then we had dot training and then I left again training and you got called in for now is work all right blah blah blah blah blah you guys got caught up on our social yeah all right we're in the shop so here's the next question what are we doing in the shop oh well uh a new rigging apparatus that we're going to do to 850 this is true so yeah we kind of mentioned this in some past videos whenever we were out here yanking and pulling and I mean did you show them what you done to it when you were pulling on I didn't do this can we blame that on Jerry that blame that on you that 120 man it's just got way too much way too much gidy so all right here's the reality of it is this is a necessity project like we really need to get this done cuz we got a lot of field tow to put in again and we're destroying our blade and I don't want to do that so we're going to come with a plan but the the teaser is if we get this done we got a really cool novelty project and it's not the it's not the the morphin fourwheeler we can't that's going to be a cool one yeah if we get her done so all right too much rampling on here's what we're thinking so as you guys see us out on the fields uh we take the Dozer or take the excavator grab a h of these GPS mounts and sometimes assist the dozer in turning or moving or blah blah blah blah blah obviously these GPS mounts are never intended for that purpose whatsoever um so what we want to do is build something on here that we can use for that purpose and we'd like to get away from actually grabbing the blade so we're going to take and cut all this off cut this ear off it's bent I got some 6x6 by 3/8 wall tubing over there we're actually going to build a nice little post that goes right here and we're going to have some uh ears on it so we can uh mount a cevis this way or mount a cevis this way and hopefully put like a big cable circle out here uh which will allow us to grab that cable Loop uh with an excavator and hopefully not destroy the blade and destroy the cable instead absolutely worst case scenario if we we do end up grabbing our post it's going to be a hell of a lot better than grabbing this but we're trying to get away from that so I think before we go forwards we have we have to go backwards so um I think first things first we're going to cut this GPS mount uh completely off obviously we don't use GPS on this end of the Dozer the GPS gets used on the other end of the do yeah and then uh we're going to go ahead and cut this ear off right here I probably need to give him a straight line on there and then we're going to probably incorporate a gusset and a pulling eye all in one on that so um you ready to I'm ready to tear into it what is that on your I mean you better believe it are you related to that guy I mean look at this you got him up there and then what the hell you got on me oh yeah I know it's and somehow you're not the better looking of the three I'm just as hairy as one of them from here now yeah yeah from yeah yeah go go go by right here all right it's uh honestly it's good to be back in the shop again yeah we're about 15 days late on our shop project about two months behind well we're two months behind but usually we're in the shop the 1 of January and it's like you were way behind on your end of it you know November 1st we should have been in the shop and we we were still out in the field two weeks ago them dang pesky customers you know they just keep popping up hey in my defense up until the first of Christmas we actually had really good weather for our area this time year but uh it looks sunny out there I promise you it is not look at the old 120 out there the poor thing got snow all over it ickles hanging off of it yeah all right we need to do something next question uh where's Lieutenant Dan are you just are you just trying to get kicked and you know what this morning well I mean shop time I figured you know that's that's going to be the question so by the time this video comes out if they go to the podcast Channel a few points from perfect there's some big news on Lieutenant Dan over there oh really yeah this is news I don't even know yeah this is news there's some there's some big news on Lieutenant D okay okay so you have to go have to go to the podcast Channel few points from perfect I don't know what you more parts off of it or no no I'll have to tell you off camera cuz I can't let it out I can't let the cat out the back okay okay all right let's play with fire Man Behind the Scenes I'm kind of disappointed you're cutting that off see how I got you a nice straight line yeah cuz look what somebody sent us I know it a brand new sledgehammer and the same guy sent people one too and I ain't got it here to show for show tell he says destroy more yeah we don't have to know you we don't have to use our splitting ball anymore yeah so all right our sled the head F off yeah that's great all the way around well I got you a line on there you ready to cut yeah that heat off that torch feels good this morning yeah it does all you've already caught my doer fire oh yeah see I don't show that on camera I have a good fir watch I didn't let you down yet I got this Dozer slid over here in the middle B Aaron was changing oil and doing a few maintenance items while it was gone not the most uh convenient right here but we'll make it [Applause] work wasn't for me you never would have got that offer that's right that's going to work out pretty good ain't it yeah all right are you trying to heat your drink up or what's your plan up there oh that's empty empty uh do not b that oh my God I can smell it yeah I know this is why you wear your safety Crocs you don't have to worry about that [Applause] yeah watch that inside make sure I don't cut my BL yeah you're plenty high above it now thanks go here up a little bit yeah you're not you're not boiling all the way through there you go yeah you're [Music] good yep you're good you're about 8 in above it yep [Applause] nice you want to cut this side first you would have to nail ball your slag oh I know good have just trying to keep all my fire that way yeah all right good I if you guys can see on camera just making sure Aaron don't gouge down in that blade up distance shade you go down a little bit there you go yeah looking good looking good yeah looking good up just a little bit there you go y we're free don't Smack to still to Crocs they are still toe Crocs but don't try them out they're no fun we're going to try to reuse this top piece which means we need to cut the two sides off looks better already yeah it's amazing how much of a difference it makes just on the look of the blade just having those two mounts off there it's crazy all right there's got all that stuff cut off we's going to get that cleaned up real good so kind of back to a blank slate this is the material we're going to use to build that post I want to get something substantial this is actually 6x6 tubing 3/8 wall some pretty heavy stuff so let's get it set up here on our old our old trusty stall horses and we're going to have that's going to be a compound angle we got to cut a compound angle on that to make it fit on there right so we're going to figure that all out and uh get it on let's go look at that fancy metal work first thing this morning man behind the scenes oh yeah we're ready to go now now the question is can we do some fancy cutting to match your fancy torching so we got yeah yeah we got a compound slope here it looks like that is 16° that way and about 16° that way so what we going to do with that information uh I'm going to treat this as a Monday even though yesterday was a Monday and you decid to go on another vacation U treat Monday my my thinking thinking hat ain't on today my welding hats on today hats on well here's the thing if we do this right well we'll do both sides at the same time so we just flip it over and the other one will work over there yes if we screw this up it's going to be a whole lot of extra c yeah so I know we were talking like you know 10 12 in in height yeah why not just leave it just a little bit long you got no faith this morning man behind the scenes well you're the one laying it out so yeah all right so we're going to we're talking about making this we don't want to get this too Godly tall so we're thinking 12 in high I gives us plenty of rooms for all of our hook points and if we ever do get stupid one day and grab it with the bucket it should keep it out of the blade all right so basically what we should do is if we go 20° here and 20° there there we should just be able to connect the dots on the other two sides duh what's this 16 16 now we're 20 and 20 well the other side I already checked the other side it was 20 I'm thinking it's because this one's sitting on the mat it's got to throw it off oh it's got to throw it off huh how big a gap can you weld again yeah yeah last layout job you did we had that how much wires in that machine well we got a new roll all right well I see we uh make our best guess at this and then do the old hope and a prayer whack job yeah all right so first thing I need to do is come up 13 in through there here my keep my confidence that this is right so this is our longest Point here we want 12 in I went 13 to have a little bit extra but I chased eight I basically split the difference and chased 17 1 12° all the way around my little bit of Hope is whenever I connected the last two lines they connected on 17 1/ 12° so a the only left to do at this point my math worked out my lines lined up I hope it's right what are you going to give me if it is I'll let you stay in the shop the rest of the day you're so kind man I don't I'm assuming we're going to cut that with a wafer yeah I'm wafering that oh I got it marked all the way around I started here and went all the way around whenever I connected that line and that line it should have been 17 1 12° and it was dead on it was dead on dead on okay now if if it's wrong it's because our angle gauge isn't calcul isn't calibrated oh yeah when's the last time you had that calibrated well I've dropped it three times to the left I need to drop it one more time to the right and then it'll be on huh I mean it's a Johnston it should be good yeah it'll be fine so all right I think it's worth a try [Applause] yeah all right oh man behind the scenes you ready to see how good or more likely lucky or unlucky I am sitting right there it's uh not looking very promising no it ain't cuz that is leaning way more than what it looks like that blade is leaning kind rethink my calculations at this point no it's got to be right it's got to be close this will determine whether you're working outside the rest of the day or you're to stay in the shop with me it actually determines whether I'm working in the shop or taking off the rest of the day all right so the ultimate goal is to have what make it look like smoke stacks keep turning close oh man behind the scenes yes so we need this to be level right yeah oh my goodness that's the perfect welding Gap see that I'll get full pin in there oh I love it I I really do love it pull that off there and see what it looks like the other way oh my goodness yeah do I get to stay in the shop that cut that cut I did on Them Crooked lines you had that's where it came all right I got to get a weld Hood I ain't got to do the imaginary Hood again but uh yeah I think we're ready to attack that off how do we get that right I know and I'm considering this a Monday a Monday for video evidence I'm pretty sure I have I recorded me laying that out and you weren't nowhere in here so how'd I get that right yeah now if it was wrong blame cut hold in the cut we we we'll go over teamwork yeah so yeah let me get the hood you get it where you like it I'll get it tacked off and then do you just want to get it tacked off good and then go ahead and well I think we can get it tacked off and then that can go ahead and be welded out here's the question we got to weld that cap on there do you want to weld that overhead or do you want to weld the cap on before we put the piece on there that overhead hey you can't say that word it's a Family Channel beep it out put the money side in front of my you done so good for years man I know well see what happens when you decide to take a month off I know you got bad habits back already bad habits came back I'm turn into Jerry yeah po Jerry every word come out of his mouth back in the day I had to beat out I can't wait to hear his bad words come out wherever he tries figured out what we got going well he already said enough bad words never you see what somebody did in the back side of his BL he was not happy he was not I got a lecture over that yeah so rightfully so so yes I must be right-handed cuz the left side of the blade looks good all right all right let me get my hood that up Y and I guess the next thing I need to do is get this gusset so does this gusset it does it don't need to go all the way back it can stop like right here somewhere can it yeah it could stop I mean wherever you want to stop it at I go at least halfway on that and then yeah it' be good I mean that's mainly going to give it a little bit of extra support yeah and if we slide I think we need to slide this up Aon to where it's tied into this this is a piece of tubing underneath so basically it's going to be tied straight through so it'll be tied into that yeah I like it slide up a little bit yeah you need to go up you want to go I want to line this up that yeah maybe go uh hold that let me see pretty close right there all right I like it right there right there like it yep [Music] eyeballs okay we go this way now yeah oh T that where I can't get it over yep we'll just have to break you not t it did you not tack it in the corner mm- no no I thought we were doing that first hey I thought we were doing this way first so I tacked it there so you could pull that back I up far enough yeah now yeah go that way right like that that'll let me tack it you like it there I like it [Music] all always good right there like it there [Music] [Music] yep that's pretty damn close yeah so that way is I mean it's go goes needs to go that way just a little bit right there so if you push it y go give me a little bit cuz it's going to draw back down okay you forgot to say eyeballs oh yeah eyeball sorry guys I mean it's within the lines both ways also when we put that cap on we can tweak it just a shade and I mean that's a honestly that gap's almost the same except right there in that back corner ain't it yeah I like it do too all right well Aaron's welding on that we're going to oh excuse me sorry trying to F something yeah I'm uh I don't think we need to come all the way out to this point either I think we can come in right in here somewhere can we like 8 in yeah cuz all you got really is that's where you're going to have your shackle out here right so yeah wherever you feel comfortable being able to put that hole in and so basically I need to go eight8 by 12 by like three cut a triangle to go in there does that make sense U then I I'll hold that up and we'll have to clip that bottom all right well he's buing on that I think what we're going to try to do guys is repurpose uh a piece of this old plow from where we uh destroyed her earlier I think we got we should have our 12 here let me let me do a little drawing here see if we make this work I think we got enough meat right in here we can make it work got this laid out guys so this Edge right here is a 20° angle to here which should lay on top of that blade this side is going to go up the center of our post and then this side here will be our forward angle somewhere right in here after this is up there we'll blow a hole in this or drill a hole in it for a shackle and this will be up along the top I believe that's going to be just what the doctor ordered to give us an attachment point and strengthen that up a little bit and tight end the blade there real good we're going to reuse this top piece right here to cap off the top of our post which will give us a little bit of a lip to grab on to like we've done in the past we've already kind of destroyed that when doing it and that post only comes right here so that'll give us a chance to drill a hole right there and hook a shackle on that as well so I'm going to buzz these off on both sides here cut this out hopefully we can get through our dirt perfect sticker all right we'll get those cleaned up and then hopefully Aon will be ready for us [Applause] what's what's the famous saying I ain't going nowhere yeah hey but I don't know if they could tell while you were over there and I was welding this thing got a full pin weld all the way around it well whenever we take the 210 to rip it off we'll judge yeah yeah all right I got really lucky with the first piece fit you think my second piece is going to fit hope there ain't a square corner on it yeah true oh man behind the scenes would you look at that yes take that right up like that that's what it's supposed to do flush from the top right down the center seam that should give us plenty of meat right here to get a hole in I think we we'll go ahead and weld this off we'll put our hole in uh with Magill after the fact but yeah all right I think that's ready to tack on you're going to have to go fast cuz that's it's hot yeah it is hot I don't have the proper gloves on for this it's getting hot all right you got it oh your bottom could be yeah no I like it like it yep Oh you forgot to say eyeballs eyeballs they're killing us like it yet y eyeballs you know what it is the only thing only thing I see and I don't know if it matters is we don't have this perfectly Square so see how it's yeah so we want to uh break your ta and leave a little Gap in the back so it's flush over here yeah I think so you know what I mean why'd you say to tack it off then well because I it was so hot my brain wasn't thinking right I don't have the proper PP on ow it is hot so now you get that where where you want it flush okay now we need to go out this way gosh dang that's hot why is that so hot okay there I'm off the TS uh I can't your hands in the way is a problem tack the back and if I need to bend the front out a little bit I will ready yep you're a little late there bud I know all right before I attack anywhere else there that looks way better look good yes it's right there now I like that better don't that that's almost looks flush down the side now right that little gap on the back ain't going to hurt you no maybe I should one eyeball my eyeballs a good an eyeball and Stu it's because you forget to say eyeballs ow eyeballs and thumb that dirt perfect sticker is still hanging in there it is that is crazy eyeballs there you go all right so the next thing we need to do is the top and what I've done on this is I cut both sides off but this is uh 10 in wide and we only need 8 in of it I would to give us an inch overhang on both sides of that so I'm going to cut this down through here right through there and we may just kind of set it up around top get an idea how we want this to look we got plenty of material here we just need to figure out how we want it shaped play all right I believe I got the last piece to our puzzle here hopefully so this is going to be our top we'll slide that on there yep like slow like slow like so that should give us a nice little even lip all the way around there and then if we clip this corner and clip this corner I should clean that up we'll drill us a hole right there yeah and we're uh we got an attachment point here we have an attachment point here and an absolutely Last Resort we got a pull post yeah yeah which is a little bit higher farther away yeah so and more durable and more durable so we shouldn't never get down into that back side of that blade like you did yeah we might to fix that while we're at it yeah all right well I'm going to I'm going to clip these two corners okay get that ground and cleaned up and then like this side just a matter of getting welded out welded out yep sweet all right man behind the scenes your last piece for this side buddy yeah we need to that need to make sure it's Square we want to do eyeball square or do we want to do remember our post our Square it's Square enough right now for me I was going to say we may have to do it this way cuz our post is off just a shade yeah I know our post is well kick that back a little bit maybe yeah maybe a little bit just make sure we're good as far as our we drill our hole might drill our hole for shackle where's our random shackle at we were [Music] using oh yeah think that's good yeah that's the biggest shackle we' use yeah that right there but I can slide it Forward just a little bit I like that yeah all right you're pretty flush over there yeah that's still good all right I say tack her off I mean that that covers like that covers this in every way imaginable yeah and it's simple yeah I like it the only problem is that's not attached yeah I think and that's hot if you put your hand right there yeah it is all right all right I'm going to put a tack back here on the back first I'm going to say eyeballs right now before I even T eyeballs what about hands and thumbs and put your finger over here no I know what's going to happen I've been there done that eyeballs I like how you remember to say eyeballs and if you're hiding behind the post yeah God defeats the purpose every Bud eyeballs I like it some of you guys may be questioning whether we should build a root rake Mount into that I'm not saying I'll never have a root rake but if I do it'll probably not be on this Dozer it'll be on a different Dozer so we're going to focus on setting this one up for tile plowing and not uh not root recking so I like it it's like it's got a cute little hat on top and a few taxs will hold right yeah good we didn't check it for level no we did not do that and that is was one of the things that I tried to remind me you do we dare what we do with our to torpo level oh boy oh it's cuz it's on the mat on this side that's right that's right it's pretty Dam close holy cow weld it up all right I'm going to go with you forgot to calibrate the level the one way yeah that's right all right like I said guys this one is complete mind us the welding and drilling a few holes so my a is working on that we're going to go ahead and get a head start on this side first things first need to get that torched off there cleaned up and we'll start making all our pieces apart so let's do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you know what man behind the scenes if I could just get you to work as fast as you do in time lapse in real life yeah hey I'm going to tell you this in time lapse you're still pretty quick we are finishing up for the day and it's still daylight our days have not gotten that much it's still cold as hell out there yeah it is cold you're still pretty quick in your old age though you still got a little bit of giddy air old yeah looks ain't quite there but the the stoutness is stoutness is so all right guys unfortunately we're going to have to kind of wind down this day we got other commitments tonight but man that uh that's still hot by the way I need to wear the right gloves that' be yeah that turned out that turned out phenomenal extremely well I mean I think John Deere think they need to take lessons from us this how they if they need more people like us we're going to be operating their equipment which there's more like us than they are the others yeah they may uh they may do that well I think we got all of our bases covered we got the pull here we got the pull here we got the lip around the top just in case we hook we got this doubles is the gusset that kind of G doubles is a stiffener and a plate up there on top if them little bit of old GPS brackets held as well as what they did there's no way this thing can't hold and we got it tied tied in right back there hit uh what they didn't see in time lapse is this blade here was actually shoved down slightly and we reused the angle when we flopped it over which gave you a little bit of a bigger bigger just an inch it wasn't no inch it was an inch it was every bit of an inch no 3/4 of an inch if you're if that's an inch I'm 8T tall oh you're going to say something else well I was going to but I was trying to keep it family friendly 3/4 of an inch that's exactly where I was going this bad man behind the scenes bad all right so here's uh we're almost done with this like I said we got to wrap this one up today tomorrow I need to try to find a bit to drill holes for these if not we may have to blow some holes in there need to get our holes in there once we get our holes in there I think I'm going to go ahead and do a little bit of body work clean up the back of this blade just to make it look good again it'll really make Jerry happy and uh if that's all got to do to make Jerry happy well I know he's going to want it blackx too well he's pushing his luck on that he got a cloth seat last year remember yeah that's right he got his CL seat so it just he's going to have to take it easy on us a little bit so all right so we need to get our holes in get our blade blade cleaned up get this painted and then I rounded up some cable we're going to have to see if we can be Cable cable why can I not talk see if we can be cable Weavers yeah and make some nice Loops cuz that's going to be the trick to uh if we can make some nice cable Loops yeah I mean you could have picked a thicker cable to do these with you know I got options down there I was just kidding I was exaggerating but it is going to be fun watching you do that with that one in cable no it's going to be fun for them watching us cuz you're getting in on this one way or another I had an Oldtimer taught me how to weave them I I weave that's the one you got weave that's the one I got that's the one I learned how to weave on right there so yeah we'll see we'll see how this goes yeah I think I got it I don't know it's got it uh well man I'll just weld it together I don't know if it's going to work or not you guys you guys are comment down below we're crazy you just have to stay tuned till tomorrow and see this disaster in action oh yeah it's got to work somehow I it it'll work I'm just I know it will cuz you got the eye me you weave the eye back in and we've actually use that cable yeah remember we had to do them no that was another cable but I did weave I bet I I weave the same we back in because said the uh Crosby clamps wouldn't hold yeah so uh you're saying there's a chance there is a chance there is a chance I just can't understand you must not have been using the right cross clamps I never seen Crosby clamps slip that easy there there's video evidence that them things been flying like shotgun shells yeah yeah that's not good either that was uh that was the second or third video of using the tow plow down on M L that's when it happened yeah it was total chaos so all right guys the weather does not look good for the next several days so uh probably going to have a little run of Shop videos here once we get this project done and out of here what should be tomorrow we got the mystery project coming up and it's going to be bad if this mystery project works it's going to be the craziest thing we've built yet yeah it will be it'll be the craziest yeah and the scariest and the scariest and the most dangerous and the stupidest oh and uh I mean I even going to be safe setting in the truck no like I'll set on the next job while you're on that job well this is a how do I get is this a farmer Chris deal this how we got talked into this yeah again yeah yeah farmer Chris to plow we should know better this was an idea farmer Chris has brought up so man look at across state those things I think we can still use those as GPS mounts if we want to I think so that turned out awesome all right we got to quit rambling I got a mean I need to get to he needs to find his way home one way or another but uh productive and the shop hopefully you guys enjoyed big old thumbs up if you did you want to see what the mystery project is i' consider subscribing if you haven't already and uh hopefully we got a full day tomorrow getting some low ends wrapped up and then we'll be on it yeah get this out of here yeah all right tell them bye all right see you guys
Channel: Dirt Perfect
Views: 91,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew camarata, bulldozer, construction, diesel creek, dig drive dyi, digger, dozer, excavation, excavator, grading, heavydsparks, larson farms, letsdig18, letsdig18 volvo, matt's off road recovery, millennial farmer, mini, mulcher, mustie1, out door with the morgens, skid, stanly, steer, trackhoe, welker farms, shop work, shop project, diy, how to, paint, cable loops, john deere dozer, 850 dozer, welding, welder, mig welding, fabrication, gps mounts, compound angle, dozer blade
Id: 8B7okss0moA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 35sec (2855 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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