Set Up Automatic KPI Trackers | Dynamic Alerts in Power BI Desktop

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how can you be sure that when somebody looks at your report they don't mess any of the important developments well you can't really unless you will have less like this one where you have Auto magically all of the important Focus points well in this video I'm going to show you how to set it up [Applause] welcome to how to power bi my name is boss and if this is the very first time for you visiting this channel then make sure to hit that subscribe button to stay up to date on all of my videos in which I share everything I know about power bi when you have multiple people that look at the same report or let's say the same chart like this one here they don't always draw the same conclusions or might spot different things and it might also Overlook certain things so my goal in this video is to create a way in which we automatically generate the most important developments for your main kpis now in this chart we are comparing the total sales for different product classes here we have regular Deluxe and economy and the library bars are for the current week sales and the dark blue ones are for the last week's sales the previous week sales now which week over week development for what product class is big enough so that we should focus on it well with a measure we can calculate the growth rates and then turn that into notification for this we will need a new measure and I already created the beginning here and I called the measure alert now let's have a look now the alert measure is going to consist of four different parts the very first part is where we have the notification values so the values of the kpis that you're tracking and on which you want to base that large then the second part is where we want to check if the development so here the week over week sales growth rate is big enough so that we should focus on it so whether or not we want to have a notification message for that product class or not then the third part there we can add a little bit of text around the number so that we know what we're looking at and turn it into nice notification messages now then in the very end then we just want to combine all of the notifications for all of the items that we are checking the kpis for in this case that would be then the week over week sales growth rate percentages for regular Deluxe and economy the three different classes all right now let's get started now we want to go over these four steps for each product class now how can we do that now here at the top we are going to first of all create a table that contains one column and inside of that column we have the three unique values in our product class column regular Deluxe economy now we can do this with all arm all selected not unselected keeps filters from outside of the visual for example from the filter span or slices so I'm going to go for I'll select it and then I want to have the class name color all right now let's select it now for each one of our classes I want to perform these four steps and this we can do with the iterator function and the iterative function that we're going to use is going to be all the way at the top and as the concatenate X function so let's select it concatenate X which takes the table a table that is returned by my all selected function and for each of the product classes I'm gonna have these four steps okay so this is the beginning now for each one of our steps I'm going to create a variable to store the intermediate result which makes everything a little bit easier okay so here the very first variable for the notification values not here the first kpi that we're going to have a look at is going to be the week over week sales growth rate so let's call this one value sales growth week over week and this is equal to and here I just refer to the measure that I already created before which calculates that sales week of week growth rate so over here we have total sales week over week growth percentage now here for you this is of course going to be a completely different measure that Returns the kpi value that's the point all right so total sales week over week percentage is just an example okay now I could leave it like this however I want to have a little bit more control so I'm going to put this inside of a format function all right where we can say how that value should be formatted so I want to format it as follows for this we can use formatting strings so I want to have it like this 0.0 percentage all right and that's maybe also put a plus sign in front of it for the positive values and then for negative values that follows after that semicolon we're going to have a minus sign and then 0.0 percent all right now if if you find these formatting strings a little bit confusing and just check out this video over here okay so we have the formatting string there then we can close that format function and go to the next step now do we actually want to show a notification for well the value that we calculated there for a certain product class now this depends on a certain threshold that you have to determine so again let's create a variable so over here we are going to have show done sales growth week over week now here we can just refer to a kpi measure now in this case that is the week of a week growth percentage so this one here and we want to check if that is of a certain threshold so let's say five percent so 0.05 this growth percentage can be positive or negative and of course when it's a minus 10 is also something that I want to know so just to make sure that that one will also be included we can make use of the absolute function all right so that when we would have minus ten percent well would we turn 10 there then it would be bigger than that five percent so the notification later on will also show so this second variable will either be true or false whether we want to show a message or not for a certain product class okay now let's go to step three here we can create a nice notification messages all right now let's create another variable and let's call this one message the sales growth week over week and here of course we want to return first of all the value for the sales growth week of the week however now we can put a little bit of tax around it now one of the things that we probably need is what class what product class are we actually looking at so so we can just refer it to the class name in the den product table now there's row context because we are using concatenate X we go row by row over that table as we turned by all selected which just contains basically one column with three values we have regular Deluxe and economy okay so we take the class name and we want to combine that with maybe some empty space and then we can write here sales week over week and combine that with the value in the end then for the very last part we want to combine all of the notification messages for all of the product classes all right now here we can also have a variable let's call this one notification all right and we can make use of IF function and we can say F now first of all the logical test which is the well the variable net says whether we want to show the message or not okay so show sales growth we go for week true or false all right now if it's true then what do we want to return we want to return the notification message so over here message sales growth week over week all the way at the end because we are using variables we also have to use the return statement so we have to say Okay return and then the notification all right let me indent this and then close the brackets for the concatenate X function now this gives us our starting point now let's see if it works I'm going to take my alert measure and I'm going to drag it onto a table Visual and you see it kind of works we have different notification items some tags some numbers however looks a bit messy so therefore we have to go back to the measure and here after the message sales growth week of the week there I would like to add a unicorn character that goes to the next line so a line break so which is unicorn done and that already looks much better and so for each class you see we have a separate line okay now another thing that could improve the readability a little bit is when we would add for example here something like a hyphen in front of it no yeah have to use the Ampersand to combine it with the value that would look like this still not great we can do better so let's go back once more we can put some spaces around it and maybe instead of a hyphen let's go for like a dot in the middle so with the windows keys so with Windows and then the dot the period key you can get all of the symbols and then from here I go to the second last one punctuation and over here then we have the dot all right choose it and that's what I want to have a bullet point okay now let's see how that looks like and I think that already looks quite a bit cleaner good that works now let's see what happens when we play around with the thresholds so let's go back and instead of this 0.05 let's say we're only interested if it's above 10 right so 0.10 or 0.1 then you see we only have a notification for the product classes economy and regular Deluxe doesn't show up anymore because it was nine point something okay so we only see notifications alerts for the relevant product classes okay so now we have it working for our first kpi and so the performance of the current week sales versus last week's sales but what if we want to add another measure to this so another kpi then we want to check the development for for example we could also have a look at the current week sales versus the same week last year's sales now let me take the measure for total sales currently glass here and I'm just gonna put it in between last week and the current week sales in my charts and then let's go for a different color so over here columns and this one we can make light blue okay so now that we integrated the current week last year measure into our chart let's go back to our load measure and also integrate it over there now how can we update this alert measure well we basically need to do the same thing for the next measure so for the next measure we have to calculate again the notification values whether we want to show the notifications the notification messages and then combine it now so let me do that quickly for you so let me clap my hands and there you go now that looks complex but it follows the same logic you see over here we have the value sales growth current week CW versus CW our current week last year cwry well here again I use the format function to format it using that formatting sling then we have over here the logic when do we want to show it all right and here we can decide on the Cardiff points so for example here we have 0.10 and then over here I can go for 0.5 fifty all right then the notification messages so here we can put some text around that now of course the only thing that I updated here is just well the name that I want to have in front of it so over here sales current week versus current week last year all right and then here in the end there we just combine all of the notifications if there is one for that product class okay so the rest the whole logic is exactly the same and if we have kpi free well we just have to go over the four steps again and the list of notifications of course keeps on increasing also depending on the thresholds that you choose for example if I would increase this threshold to say 0.15 then we have probably a notification less now let's have a look and indeed we only have now three notification items economy sales week of a week growth rate plus 17 then we have the current week versus current week last year plus 99 and current week versus current week last year for the deluxe class plus 85 okay so that seems to be working however usually on a report Beijing do not just have one charge you have multiple charts so what then well let's add another chart so for example here sales by manufacturer exactly the same what I'm showing here the same measures however we have it now broken down by manufacturer okay now how could we update our alert measure so that it would also check all of these things for that other chart okay now let's go back and now we can just copy the whole measure except the measure name Ctrl C and now I'm just going to combine that with well kind of the same thing but here we are not going to take the class name we want to have the manufacturer okay and what else do we need to update well here we have class name there we have class name we just need to update that with the new field manufacturer because we want to do these four steps now for the manufacturer instead of the class name okay so that's basically it now just formatting right so here just to make sure that we continue on a new line I have to put in here a unicorn done and then also there at the end we need an ampersand sign all right and just to make sure that we are separate the two parts maybe here all the way at the top I would do something like this maybe also put a unicorn down looks a little bit cleaner okay and then we're going to say here we have the class alerts all right so class alerts okay then we continue on the next line so unicart 10 again all right and then we can just copy this all the way down over here and there we can then change class to manufacturer and after we have updated our measure you see it nicely gets reflected in our alert message and we have now also alerts for the field manufacturer and what if there's another field that gets added for which you want to set up the alert well then you just have to update the measure again in the same way we did it for manufacturer so with this notification alerts showing on the side of a report we can be sure that nobody is going to miss any important developments in the kpis now as a last Finishing Touch for our notification alerts let's take the table and let's show something different in the header so we can just double click there on the field alerts and then at the beginning I'm going to say this week's alert all right and maybe here all the way at the beginning we can also put in a symbol or an eye icon so let's do the Windows key period and then here I'm going to search for the Glock icon which is this Bell basically and then let's see how that looks I see it looks a bit more interesting and that's it now this way we can be sure that nobody's gonna miss any important developments for your kpis that are showing in your charts however sometimes might be hidden or missed by people okay now the downside however is that at the moment well these notification alerts showing a table that takes quite a bit of space all right now is there a smarter way of integrating this in your report well we can make use of tooltips now maybe you watch my previous video over here in which I show you how to set up notification Bell and when there's a notification with something that you want to share with team members you can just hover over that Bell and it shows you all of the most recent notifications now we can set up something similar for our example right so I we can create a tutor page so something like this one over here and on that do the bench we just copy over the table that we just created that's it all right and once you have that toolted page well then you can go to your report when you want to integrate it now let's take this one as an example where we also have the sales by class and sales by manufacturer and you see I integrated that that notification Bell and when I hover over it well it shows that tooltip that has the table that we created before with all of the alerts and the nice thing is also that these measures these iterated functions well if you have a lot of Manufacturers well it could take quite a bit to calculate but it will only run when well the custom tooltip has to show okay so maybe a smarter way of integrating it into your report all right this is it this is how you can set up notification alerts for your report so that nobody ever again will miss any important kpi develop now maybe you have some more ideas well just let me know in the comment section below also if you have any questions just let me know if you're interested of integrating more report elements like this one just check out these videos over here I want to thank you for watching I hope to see you in the next video
Channel: How to Power BI
Views: 47,559
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Keywords: design in power bi, report in power bi, power bi desktop, datatraining, howtopowerbi, bas dohmen,, power bi notifications, notification bell powerbi, message popup powerbi, custom tooltips powerbi, power bi report design, notifications in power bi, alerts in power bi, add notifications in power bi, notification power bi, set up notification power bi, notifiy users in power bi, set up notifications, report design in power bi, alerts power bi
Id: RyEQ9n9ails
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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