NOTIFICATIONS in Your Power BI Report

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oh no notification oh that's pretty cool do you think we can add something like this to our report well let's have a look [Applause] welcome to how to power bi my name is Boston and this is the very first time for you visiting this channel then make sure to hit that subscribe button to stay up to date on all of my videos in which I share everything I know about power bi you know how you have these little notification Bells always at the top of your screen when you log into an application well I wanted to replicate something similar but then for power bi because this is a super convenient way of communicating the key messages that you want to share with your report readers metadata is a key Insight that you found or maybe you have seen something in the report that other people need to dig into a little bit deeper well you can put that into that notification Bell alert that you're gonna put on your report and I wanted to look like this over here so something that doesn't take a lot of space but if somebody's interested they can go there see that there are two new messages hover over it and then it shows the last messages and highlights the newer ones at the top all right now let's replicate this step by step so I'm going to add it to this video board over here and as the first step well we need that little icon there at the top all right now let's start there now where do you find Icons like this well one place where you can find them is in PowerPoint right so we can open PowerPoint then go here to insert and here we have icons and then let's say you want to have a bell so look for a bell and there you go we have all different kinds of options for different types of bells maybe that one over there then click on it insert and now we can simply save the picture and using power bi however watch out if you have a light background this is fine however I have a dark background so I want the lines to be in white so select damage graphics and then over here we can go to Graphics fill white all right no it doesn't show here because well we have a white background however now I can save it and here it wants to save it as SVG which means we can make it as big as we like it to be which is probably a good idea however you can then only use it as the background of a guard Visual and then use that instead of the traditional image object and I want to keep it simple so I just go for PNG it's going to be a small picture anyways and then I'm going to call this one notification Bell now if you want to have maybe a different icon well you can also go to websites like flat like flat and then over here look for Bell and you see you also have tons of different examples to choose from now then you can go back to Power bi insert and then image and then simply select the notification Bell image and place it where you want it to be now the next thing that I want to create is that tooltip that you see over here where we have all of these notifications these messages now where do we read the messages from well this could be from my axel a workbook that you put on OneDrive but it doesn't really matter and we just need an input table somewhere now to keep it easy I created already an Excel file you see I just have a simple table with the notification number the message and the date that it was added that's it now that axle table we can just load directly into a data model so let's do that quickly so home Excel workbook notifications and I'm just going to connect to that table that has all of these messages and load it to the data model now there it is notifications one let's get rid of the one all right and I leave it as a disconnected table in my data model all right so if I switch over here to the modeling view you see it's disconnected all right now the next thing is that we need to build that tooltip that custom tooltip so that means we need to insert a new page this is going to be my notification dual tip all right and then we just have to give it a size so let's go here to format your report page page information allow users tooltip and then canvas settings then we can change the size to custom and here we can put in the height and the weft now let's go here for 250 as a height and here for the width we can go for 450. all right now the size of course depends a little bit on how many messages you want to show at one point in time now this gives us enough space for at least five messages and the next thing that I want to do is give it a background so let's go again to formatting options canvas background and here I want to have an image and I have that shape over there that I want to use all right and then put the transparency to zero and then fit to fit maybe like this if you don't like the rounded Corners then you can also just go for normal all right now that gives us a nice gradient background and then on top of that we want to build a table all right a table so I go here to the visualizations panel choose here demo and let's make it a little bit bigger let's put it over here and then from the notifications demo I would like to have first of all the message all right then I want to have the notification number that we can put here maybe in front of it all right and then maybe I'll set a date let's put that one in between I don't need the whole hierarchy let's keep it simple just the date all right now over here we have now the notification date and message now it doesn't really fit nicely and so let's go here to formatting options and on the style presets I go for none and then I would like to decrease the size of my values a little bit so let's go for the small as possible maybe eight or nine just like this and let's change the font type to let's go for something different like thin light all right now that looks interesting now here we have to create a little bit more padding get rid of the total row so let's do that so let's first get rid of the total rows so totals enough you don't need that then here we want to have a little bit more space so let's go to grid now here we have options there you see we have Road padding that's what I need so let's put it to three okay so now we have a bit more space and then here I wanted that it wraps the text so that it goes on to the next line so if we make this column just a little bit smaller you see it breaks breaks the line and continues on the next line all right so that starts to look a little bit better now here the headers I actually don't want to show so it's kind of nice that it not just sorted in and the most recent at the top so in descending order however I don't want to show the address themselves all right now what we can do is make first of all a header font size a little bit smaller all right so here column headers and let's make this as small as possible okay however then it still shows the address themselves so let's get rid of that just go over here and put in space all right so the headers themselves you cannot turn off however you can make it invisible and if we now go here to formatting General then here on the effects we can turn the background off all right so I don't really see the header anymore now instead of that I'm going to have a manual background shape so here shape and then around the back rectangle of course you could also make this part of the background if you don't want to work with too many shapes because every shape needs to load and then for the shape I'm going to have a different style different color and maybe here also at the angle let's make a little bit less and then we have to just push it to the background all right so here in the format or I'm using the selection Pane and we can send it backwards now let's take a few more seconds to clean everything up for example that borderline that we have there at the top of the table underneath the headers well that is a great options and no border and then from here we want to have column header and then bottom turn it off a little bit hidden right not so easy to find that one and then the next thing that I want to do is make it maybe a little bit less High we don't need that much space so over here in the formatting I go to Canvas settings and then put the height to maybe 250 is enough all right looks a little bit better and then we position everything so that's nicely aligned in the middle okay so I repositioned everything just a bit maybe nice to also show that Bell icon here on the left hand side just as a Finishing Touch so insert and then we have your image let's put the Bell icon there on the left as well okay and that is kind of the starting point for this notification tooltip alright now let's go back then to the report page and add it here as a tooltip to that image now you cannot just go to the image and then we add a tooltip doesn't work yeah you have that tooltip over there however there we cannot have a custom report page so as a workaround what we can do is just take a card visual put that card visual on top of our Bell icon make it a little bit bigger all right and then here we need something on it so for example we can just take the notification number put it on there okay and then we're going to make everything invisible right so yeah format your visual turn category label off then here under General we want to have no background so background of now for the value itself that shows on the cards to hide that one what you could do is make it invisible so and now at the moment doesn't show because the font size is too big either you leave it like that it's also fine but if it bothers you that there is still that value showing then go to new measure and then just create a transparency measure call this one transparents so all right and then we can do RGB a and then back it open zero zero zero and then zero for opacity so that's fully transparent okay then we can just apply conditional formatting to the color there for the Gold Line value all right so let's go for format style field value and then here I have it in the folder other transparent and click OK perfect just make sure that it nicely overlaps that icon okay now that is step one then you need to take the card visual again and then to the current visual we're going to have the tool tab which is the report page with the notification so that when we hover over it you see it shows the tool temp okay but now you might say but what if I have 20 30 messages that's not going to fit yeah that's that's true it's not gonna fit and if there would be a scroll bar we couldn't use it because we cannot really hover over the tool Dev itself and then interact with the tooltip so that's a little bit annoying but what we can do is limited number of messages because only the most recent ones will be relevant right so here we can decide on a number let's say five so if we then go to the notification tool tab now here we can just use the top and filter on the table visual that takes the top end of the field notification number right so now we take top five for example so let's take this one with the education number add it to the filters on this visual all right and here we can use the top and filter so I want to have the last five and then here by value that's going to be the notification number and apply all right so you see now we just have the top five unless you have a message that is really really long okay then it would still go over otherwise it will always fit okay so just take kind of a size and top-end number that almost always will work now that starts to look like a nice notification tooltip however what is still missing is on the Bell itself I want to have their little circle that shows me how many new messages are there all right now the first thing that I actually wanted to build is that it shows me the number of new messages for a specific person well that's kind of going to be very tricky right because you have to know for each person what messages have they seen and also if you have one report that multiple people are looking at well that's going to be very tricky so instead of that I found okay we can also just say okay when a message was added in the last three days that's a new message right and then I want it to be highlighted here in the counter as a new message and also in the tooltip itself that we highlight the rows now let's first add over here a counter all right now we can do this with a shape so insert shape and then let's go for an oval so Circle and I'm going to put it there at the top of this Bell so now we need to write a measure that counts the number of new messages so number of messages that were added somewhere in the last three days so let's add that measure let's first create it so over here new measure and let's call this measure number of new notifications and then here we can use the calculate so calculate and then we want to have the count so count off and then the notifications number all right so here our notifications all right however we don't want to count all of them we want to have the following filter condition where we say okay the date inside of that notification table so this one needs to be bigger than well today minus three and so whatever got a point you want to take let's add it as text to that shape okay so Style then we go to a text and over here we have the conditional formatting button field value and then we can go here to the notifications table where I added it and oh it's grayed out I can't choose it okay let's go back well what is the problem here well it everything is working fine however we need to have this as text output all right so what we can do is we can just wrap this inside of the format function so something like this so we say format and then put this like this okay this is one option or maybe if you find it easier you can also have it like this that we just say Ampersand sign and then combine it with an empty text frame which makes the whole thing show a Stacks you see here format text okay so then we can go back over here to conditional formatting now we should be able to choose it so there you go number of new notifications and now you see there too all right so we have two new messages let's first check if that is actually true so here in the data table and you see we have to date a sixth and so this these two now so the fourth of September 22 and these are counted okay so these will show until we reach the eight right so and then it doesn't count those anymore okay now I also want to highlight them not to do that we have to go back to the notification tooltip okay and now we just need to have another measure and that measure will have the same condition and then return certain color when the message is in the last three days okay so let's write this measure let's add another one let's call this one notification highlight all right and light okay now here we want to check if and then we have that same condition as before so the date and the notification table cannot refer to it like this I need to use selected value so if there's only one value and then we want to check the notification date okay then it Returns the notification date and it needs to be bigger than today so today minus three if this is the case then we want to return the color and here let's go for some light gray color so 240 243 247 and then close your brackets and over here this is just RGB I don't need the transparency there all right and then close that function now this we can use for conditional formatting because now here for the demo I can select that now let's go now to the formatting options and apply conditional formatting to the cell elements and we want to have a background color conditional formatting choose over here field value and then notifications notification highlights the message that we just wrote you see only the first two are there in Gray I also want to have it for the other columns so let's just repeat this process for the other columns as well now over here there's grayed out okay now we have all right now we have over here background color as well let's turn it on and repeat the process two more times okay so now let's test it again let's hover over the Bell notification icon I see that there are two new messages meaning a message that has been added in the last three days I look at it see what the key takeaways are and in two days I think these new ones disappear again and maybe new ones get added highlighted and like this the circle continues now that's it this is how you can build a notification Bell at the top of your report page if you want to share more information without it having to take a lot of space on your report page now I hope that you like this idea let me know what you think in the comment section below if you want to check out more videos about different design elements that you can add to your report then check out these videos over here I want to thank you for watching and I hope to see you in next 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Channel: How to Power BI
Views: 47,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: design in power bi, report in power bi, power bi desktop, datatraining, howtopowerbi, bas dohmen,, power bi notifications, notification bell powerbi, message popup powerbi, custom tooltips powerbi, power bi report design, notifications in power bi, alerts in power bi, add notifications in power bi, notification power bi, set up notification power bi, notifiy users in power bi, set up notifications, how to add notifications in power bi, report design in power bi
Id: 90S-pnZiJCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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