Set up and How to Play Basics for ARKHAM HORROR the CARD GAME

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welcome got the Arkham the card game corset here and in this video I'm gonna go over setup for a campaign and the basics of how to play so typical for Fantasy Flight Games they give you a good learn to play guide to get you started this also comes with a campaign guide which has three scenarios in it so we're gonna have the right of the zealot both part one being the gathering which I'll do the setup for and of course it has two more the midnight masks and the devourer below to complete the campaign also has a campaign log on the back to track your progress and during gameplay you run into problems we have rules reference with everything you'll need to know alphabetized here to go over any specifics so right off the bat first thing we're gonna need to do is choose our investigator and assemble the deck for that and while the base game let's come with enough stuff for one to two players I'm gonna take this true solo and just pick one investigator so the base game comes with five different characters so we're gonna have name their basic occupation stats going across the board some game text and then their health and sanity so since I'm playing solo I do want to pick the best stats cuz I'm not gonna have any backup so we've got Agnes Baker here who's a waitress of course I tell you how to build the deck on the back side of it we have Daisy Walker rollin banks skids O'Toole and Wendy Adams and someone that hasn't played through this the two stats I feel are gonna be the most helpful or the two in the center so I'm just gonna help us investigating to find clues and the other is attacking and I think rollin banks as the best average numbers there I mean we definitely see Daisy is good at investigating but not so good in a fight so we're gonna try rolling here and recover his abilities later first we're going to create his deck here so we can see his decks eyes are gonna be comprised of 30 cards for options we can go through Guardian cards and basically it goes from level zero to five for those but since we're doing the campaign all our cards are going to be level zero so you can use Guardian card seeker cards and then neutral cards and we also have to bring in Roland's 38 special the cover-up and one random weakness and these three cards do not count against the deck sauce or we're gonna have a deck with 33 cards in it so go ahead and construct that so in the learn to play guide it does come in with a pre-constructed starter decks for rolling banks I'm gonna pretty much stick with this although I have swapped some cards out that I think would be better for playing true solo so starting out we're gonna go with their required cards we have the 38 special which is an asset for us which will go well for us if we get this out I mean up here we show it's an asset with the cost of three some school checks that can help with and as an action what its gonna do for us and it will take up one hand slot we have our cover up which is a weakness card this is something we don't want to see we all have some problems so apparently we tried to cover up something in her passionate can could come back to haunt us and as far as a random basic weakness we're gonna have paranoia which will make us discard all of our resources then as far as our guardian cards I've pretty much taken all the Guardians that are level 0 and added those in our deck force so we've got skills event cards and more assets that we can use then as far as seeker cards I've got five I put another five back that were available to get some neutral cards to put in there for us but I think will work a little bit better so we've got a large stack of those and basically the cards that I added in here give us additional assistance in skill checks so I think that's gonna be helpful since we don't have a backup in this so if the basic deck constructed you can build your own or just use what's provided in the starter guide and give that a shuffle and we'll set those to the side along with our investigator card with their stat side up there are basic skills we have a three and we'll power three and intellect foreign combat and two in agility we have a basic reaction that after we defeat an enemy we can just cover a clue at your location once per round and a Kaos effect that will get plus one for each clue on our location and some nice flavor text everything by the book every I dotted every T crossed it had worked until now then we have our mini cards who represent where we are as the game progresses so with that done we need to choose our difficulty level options are easy standard hard inexpert basically we have some tokens and we'll throw into a bag or some other container you have and depending on what difficulty you want to go with we're gonna put different tokens in there so an easy game we're gonna have more good modifiers for some less bad and you want to go crazy you see he goes from zero to negative eight versus couple plus ones to negative two we're going with the standard using this allotment so what we've got is some cardboard tokens and what I've done is I've taken some coin protectors and put them in there so we are going to gather all them to correspond to these numbers and symbols and grab a cup or a bag and put all these in there whenever we do a skill check well shake the bag reach your hand in there and pick one out of random and see what that does for us of course there's a large selection of others if we choose different difficulties we also have Auto tokens to set to the side so we have resource tokens and when we start the game we will have five to our character and we'll just leave a stack elsewhere we have some clue and doom tokens we'll set those to the side some horror tokens comes in denominations of ones and threes and the same thing for damage tokens once and threes on those so then depending on the scenario it's gonna have different setup so the first thing we need to do is gather all the cards from the encounter sets you're gonna give us our symbols and we'll go find all those cards so the first symbol looks like a little torch so we'll find all the cards it has that on it so you can see we've got it there on some other cards in a different position but they are labeled at the bottom saying this is card one of sixteen so if we know we need to find 16 of those cards and set them out then we're looking for some rats so one of three I've got some goals here 7 of those 7 striking fear cards 3 ancient evils and four chillin colds so from the gathering stack if we're playing easy and standard we'll use this side on the back card and expert and that's gonna tell us what happens with certain chaos cards so we'll sit that out here then we're gonna have three agenda cards which is how bad things are gonna progress three act cards which is gonna be how we progress our story so hopefully we can get a positive outcome we have some location cards so here's if the room is opened and on the back we see we've got a key hall for this scenario it tells us to put the study into play and set these cards aside then we have the gold priests and lead a Chandler and we're told to set these aside which leaves two more Nasdaq and we'll take all these and shuffle these together to create an encounter deck and we will set that off to the side and we are just about ready to get started first we'll see what our flavour tax tells us it's going on so you can see what's going on just late at night you're holed up in your study researching the bloody disappearances that have been taking place in there in the region few hours into your research you hear a sound of strange chanting coming from your parlor down the hall at the same time you hear dirt turning is it something we're digging beneath the floor trapped as you leave to investigate the door to your study vanishes before your eyes leaving behind only solid wall you're trapped inside your study until you can find another way out so to finish our character setup we can draw five cards we can take a look at those and see which ones you want to keep or allowed one Mulligan typically you're going to want to keep an asset and maybe some skill cards so we've got a machete we're happy with that physical training seems like a good thing and we've got some cards to help us with so all in all not a bad hand but just to show you how this works if I didn't like some of my cards I didn't want the first aid I could draw one more card I keep that and then this gets shuffled into our deck and we are then ready to proceed we're stuck with what we have so basically start out we're not really sure what we're trying to do we've got some clues in this text we know we want to progress through our act cards and we will do that by gathering clues to progress finish this one and go on to the next one but as time goes on threat will be placed on these and bad things are going to be happening to us so as far as round sequence first thing we have is the mythos phase but we'll skip that during the first round so I'll go ahead and handle that later we'll go to the investigation phase each investigator takes a turn performing three actions so our actions are on the back of this card so as it says up here we may take up to three actions during our turn we can do three different actions three the same thing split them up however we want so the first thing we can do is draw a card or gain a resource that's basically just taking a card from here and drawing it and putting it into our hand we can take a resource to add it to our pool we can play an event or an asset card from our hand and note here that fast cards do not cost an action to play so if there's a keyword like this one here this does not count against our action limit so we've got costs up on the top so one of the first things I would do if we're starting here is put a machete into play so this is going to give us an action to fight with it's gonna give us +1 strength for the attack and if the attacked enemy is the only enemy were engaged with we'll get +1 damage for that so usually you'll just do one damage so this will allow us to do two so if we want to put that in play we'll spend 3 resources and that comes into play so assets will go down here skills we'll use during a skill check events basically use this and it goes to our discard pile and those are the bulk of the cards so activate an ability on the card so if we had a monster out we could go ahead and fight so we'll just see how that would work here we have an icy ghoul on the bottom so what this is telling us we need to have a skill check of three or more to do a damage to it it has four health and if we tried to run from it we would do a skill check and we need to afford to get away from it so doing a skill check we could do this as an action this says we're getting +1 attack we have a base 4 so that would be 5 our goal is 3 so we're winning by two this is where the randomizer comes in play so we can pick out of here and see if we meet or beat we do have options we can discard a card that has the fight symbol on it and that will add to our numbers so that just gets discarded we don't use the text on there unless it's an actual skill card but since we're five on three we'll risk it so we just look in the bag pull out of negative one so we end up with four so that means we'll deal with damage because we seceded plus another damage because we attacked and typically if you don't kill something and you have more actions you'll try again so you take your token in there shake it up and try again and see this this refers to our card here now lets us know we are negative X where X is a number of goal enemies at your location so key word says this is goal so we're minus one so we were five to start with takes us down to a four so four still beats a three we would have done two more damage to this and gotten it out of the way and token goes back in the bag so that is activating an ability move to a connecting location so in this scenario we only have one location out but eventually there would be a scenario where a lot more rooms coming to play and now you know rooms are connected they have a symbol up at the top and down at the bottom tells you what they're connected to so the hallway is connected to the blue with the triangle the dark brown or red with a plus sign and the green with a diamond in it so from the hallway we can move to any of these locations and then at these locations it only references back to one spot so from the hallway we can go to any of these three but from any one of these we can only get back to the hallway and moving from one card to the next is one action next item we can do is investigate your location so in the game starts for this scenario we happen to come into the study so once we go to a location we'll flip it over it's going to give us some information it's going to tell us how many clues are gonna come out and beyond here so this is two per player so put that there then it tells us a shroud value so that would be the value we need to meet or beat if we're doing an investigation of it so if we're at this location and we spend an action to investigate we need to do a skill check using our intellect which is a three we need a two to succeed and just for reference when we're doing our checks we know we have one plus one two zeros three negative ones to negative two zero minus three and negative four the other symbols reference this card so there's two in there that's going to be minus X where that X is a number of ghouls we have one symbol that's gonna be minus one if you fail take a horror another symbol that will be minus two period if there is a goal enemy at your location take a damage in this symbol near the end is just an auto fail and then the symbol here will reference your player card and that's user gonna be a positive effect so for this one we'd be plus one for each clue on your location so in this instance would be plus two if we drew that so a lot of odds for negative things on here so trying to investigate he's got a base three if we were only want to pass this we have a perception skill card we could play that's gonna boost our attempt by to say we'd have a base five we can do the skill test and then since this is a skill card it's max one committed per skill test so we can put in all the cards we want to but our main skill cards we can only put one in on but if we had assets and event cards in their hand we could put multiple cards in on this so this takes us up to five better be discarded once again go into the bag pull out this reference is minus one for our goals so that's nothing so we had five we succeeded so we get a clue token and put that on our character and in this scenario once we get this number of clues it's just gonna automatically go trigger this card we'll flip it over read the back text proceed as needed and then read the front text of the next card we've got fight or engage in enemy kind of going overly activate ability so some of the other cards are gonna have different activate abilities a lot of them do deal with knife but this one is discard the knife to do a fight so we're going to get more base attack and deal +1 damage so with our gun so a lot of fighting with those actions let's see if we have one that's not fighting here you've got one we can do an action to spin a supply off of this card do an investigate in our location is minus two trout for the investigation here we've got one for an action spin to supply he will in damage or from an investigator at your location so there are some different actions there so fighting we've kind of gone over that if there's a monster in our location or engaged with someone in our location attack the monster and typically when I ready monster into a location it's gonna engage with you which reduces your options which will get in here we can attempt to evade an enemy engage with you so like you said here's our fight strengths with that symbol and evading so that's a check that will exhaust the monster and put it back on the location so you're free to do other abilities because down here on the card if you're engaged with an enemy and spend an action to do anything other than fight evade or activate a parlay or resign ability each an enemy engage with you makes an attack of opportunity which means whatever damage you're doing here they're gonna do to you so if we were engaged with this enemy and decided we want to investigate it's gonna hit us and in this scenario they were throw to damage illness and one and you don't want to do that much we've got nine health and five sanity to live through so some other things going on here we have some free trigger abilities so that doesn't count as an action that just automatically happens so here's an example that if we had this ass head and play when you spend one resource and we get plus one ability for whatever skill test were doing so we've got options here for willpower or fighting and we can do that multiple times as long as we have resources to pay for it and then the reaction ability so our character has won on that so after we defeat an enemy we discover one clue after your location so if we were fighting the icy goal while we were in this location and we defeated him we would automatically discover a clue at that location so those are actions so back to this let's say we went through an investigation phase and now we're on to the enemy phase so enemies what the hunter keyword moved toward the nearest investigator so that will be a keyword up here that would have them move towards us and then each engaged enemy attacks if able so if we were already engaged with this you would hit us for the same damage so you can see if we tried doing an action while we were engaged he's going to hit us up with an attack of opportunity and later and around he would hit us again then after we go through all the items in the enemy phase you'll go to upkeep we reset actions which is flipper many cards if you're playing in a multiplayer game once you do your actions you flip from the color side to the black and white side just to designate you've taken your turn so no upkeep phase I'll just flip that over so you'll be ready for the next round then we were ready all exhausted cards some cards we have in here to activate them you have to exhaust them so we would put them back up each investigator draws one card and gains a resource so you'll draw a card and put that in your hands but you will have to pay attention if you draw your weakness cards if you draw your basic weakness or regular weakness you have to follow through and do the revelation on them so like for this one we discard all of our resources so we lose any of those we had and then for our cover up see the revelation is put cover up into play in your threat area which is where we store all our cards three clues on it and as a reaction ability when you would discover one or more Clues at your location discard that many clues from cover up instead so this really slows down our progress especially in a solo player then for stability on the game hands if there are any clues on cover up you suffer one mental trauma and trauma is when you start the next game on metal trauma means you start with a damage on you and of course if you had physical trauma you'd start with physical damage on you okay so finishing up upkeep we're do a card we've got a resource each investigator Chuck's your hand size so basically you can have up to eight cards in your hands so you check that to make sure you're eight or less if you have more you'll discard down and you proceed to the mythos phase let's just skip during the first round so you'll place one do them on the agenda so you take one of these you can put it on their advance agenda of doom threshold is satisfied so for this particular card as soon as we put three do them on there we would flip that read through it and then proceed to the next one and then each investigator draw one card from the top of the encounter deck so we would pick up a card and resolve the ability so we have treachery cards in there that's gonna make us take a test so here we're testing our willpower we need a three and for each point you fail by you take one horror and other types of cards we're going to run into or enemy cards so most of them we're just going to come out to be engaged with you some of them do have specific places that they were spawn at and some of them will get us victory points for at the end of the game between use to level up her character so treachery and enemies are gonna be the main items we get in here let her do different things to us and like I said our goal is to progress our acts to get to a good resolution without dying in the process so that's the basics for setup and how to play arkham horror of the card game stay tuned in my next video i'll start into scenario 1 or part 1 the gathering until then thanks for watching
Channel: Dale the Casual Gamer
Views: 13,133
Rating: 4.9367089 out of 5
Keywords: arkham horror the card game how to play, how to play arkham horror the card game, how to set up arkham horror the card game, game set up, how to play, core box, arkham horror, arkham horror the card game
Id: ZsLXv-RSu-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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